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Chapter 23 Chapter 11 Implement, advance, don't stop

human weakness 卡耐基 3427Words 2018-03-18
That was years ago, when the Philadelphia Evening News was attacked by malicious rumors.Some people pointed out that the evening paper had more advertisements than news, poor content and lack of reports, which made readers feel dissatisfied because of the loss of attraction, and affected the distribution and sales of the newspaper. The evening paper immediately took measures to try to stop the exaggeration of this malicious rumor. How to take action? Here's the method they use: This evening newspaper cut out all the reading materials in a day, and then classified them into a book called "One Day".The book had three hundred and seven pages, about the same number of pages as a two-dollar book, and the newspaper sold it for two cents.

After the publication of this book, the fact that the Philadelphia Evening News has rich news materials is concretely shown... : This is more interesting, clearer, and impressive than diagrams, numbers, and empty talk. Curt, and Kaufman's book "Performance in Business" gives many examples of how to increase a company's turnover.In this book, an electric company is quoted as selling refrigerators. In order to prove that the refrigerator makes no sound when it is powered on, the buyer is asked to light a match next to the refrigerator, and by hearing the sound of the match being struck, they can prove that their refrigerator has no sound... The sales item of the Roebuck hat company states that the hats signed by the movie star Ann Suzanne cost one dollar and ninety-five cents each... After Feuerba closed the display window, how could he lose 8% of it? Ten audiences...how a toy company, using the Mickey Mouse trademark, turned him from bankruptcy to prosperity...how Chrysler Motors put a few elephants on a car to prove that their cars are strong , strong.

Patton of New York University, and Busey, analyzed 15,000 sales interviews, and they wrote a book called "How to Win a Debate."They summarized the principles into a speech called "Six Principles of Sales".These principles are then filmed into a movie.Show this movie in front of sales staff of hundreds of large companies.They also hold demonstrations in various public places, pointing out the right and wrong ways to sell goods. Now is the era of performances, and it is only to describe the principles, but not to have specific effects.This principle needs to be lively and lively, and it needs to be made more interesting and dramatic, so effective "performance art" must be used.Movies, and radio...you should have the ability to act like them...the movie stars do it, the radio broadcasts it, and if you want to get attention, you should do it too.

Those who specialize in arranging windows know the amazing power of "drama".For example: A rat poison manufacturer arranged a shop window for a retailer, and put two live mice on it to prove the efficacy of his rat poison.Sure enough, the amount of rat poison sold during this week increased by five times compared to the usual sales volume. Bonnton of "U.S. Weekly" has a long market report to do.His company had completed a detailed study for one of the most famous brands of moisturizers.Another manufacturer of moisturizers lowered their prices to compete with them... He had to explain this fact to the owner of the factory.

Mr Bonnton admits the first approach was a failure. He said: "The first time I went in, I felt I was going the wrong way, going down the path of useless discussion of the method of investigation. On...he argued, and I also argued. The other party accused me of being wrong, but I tried my best to prove for myself that I was not wrong. In the end, although my reasons prevailed and I felt very satisfied, when my time came and the meeting was over, I still had no effect. The second time, I ignored the numbers and various materials, and I acted out the facts in a dramatic way. He was busy on the phone when I entered his office.After he put down the phone, I opened a suitcase, took out thirty-two bottles of moisturizer, and put them on his desk;

On each bottle, I put a note on which the results of the investigation were written, and on those notes, I also briefly wrote the past situation of the product. What was the result? This time there was no debate, but something novel happened... He picked up bottle after bottle of moisturizer to read the signed instructions.Then a friendly conversation ensued, and we had a great conversation, and he asked a number of other questions, and was also deeply interested.He only gave me ten minutes to talk, but ten minutes passed, then twenty minutes, forty minutes, and almost an hour, and we were still talking.

This time I spoke the same as last time, but this time I dramatized the facts and used showmanship; but what a difference the result was! " So, you want people to agree with you, the eleventh rule is: Dramatize your thoughts. Chapter 12 When you're at your wit's end, try this In a factory under the management of Schwab, the responsible factory manager could not make the workers under his management reach a standardized production volume. Si Huabo asked the factory manager: What is going on...?A capable person like you can't make those workers reach the expected production volume of the factory? "

The factory manager replied, "I don't know what's going on... I encourage them with gentle words, sometimes I have to reprimand them, and even threaten them with demotion or dismissal, but those workers just refuse to work hard. " When they talked, it was the end of the day shift and the beginning of the night shift. Schwab said to the factory manager, "Give me a piece of chalk." He took the chalk, walked to the nearby workers, and asked one of the workers, "How many units have you completed today in your shift?" The worker replied: six. " When Si Huabo heard this, he wrote a big "six" character on the ground without saying a word, and left.

The workers on the night shift came to take over the shift. When they saw the word "6", they asked what it meant. The worker on the day shift said: "The big boss came here just now, he asked how many units we made today, I answered six, and he wrote this on the floor. 6. Words. The next morning, Swaber went to the factory again and found that the night shift workers had erased the "6" and rewritten it with a big "7". On this day, the workers on the day shift saw that a "7" space had been replaced on the ground.They felt that night shift workers were more productive than day shift workers.Oh really?Yes, that's all right... They want to have better work performance than night shift workers, so they are eager and diligent to step up their work.That day, when the day shift was about to leave work, they left behind a "surprisingly large" 1o--the situation gradually improved.

Before long, this factory, which had been lagging behind in production, was producing more than any other factory in the company. What is the reason? Let Schwab explain it in his own words: "If we want to accomplish something, we must encourage competition. That does not mean competing to make money, but having a desire to be better than others." The desire to win and the psychology of challenge are the most effective motivation for a man of flesh and blood. Without this kind of "challenge", Roosevelt would not have entered the White House and sat down as president.This brave knight, just returned from Cuba, was elected as a candidate for governor of New York State.However, his opposition party pointed out that Roosevelt was no longer a legal resident of New York State. After he knew this situation, he panicked and was about to withdraw.

The leader of the party, Beaud, used the aggressive method. He turned to Roosevelt and said loudly: "Could it be that the hero of San Juan Mountain is such a weak person?" With such a sentence, Roosevelt stood up to confront the opposition party--the subsequent evolution , have detailed records in history. This "challenge" not only changed Roosevelt's own life, but also had a great impact on the history of the United States. Schwab knew the power of "challenge"...Bollard knew it, and Smith knew it. At the western end of Ghost Island, there is a notorious "Star Prison".There is no warden in this prison, and the vicious prisoners inside are full of vicious words, and danger may occur at any time.Smith needs a resolute and brave person to manage the "Star Prison".But who is up to the task?He summoned "Rouse" of New High Burton. When Rouse stood in front of him, he said cheerfully, "How about taking care of the 'star'...?Someone with experience is needed there! " Rouse felt very embarrassed...he knew the situation of the "Star Prison", how dangerous it was...it would be affected by political changes at any time.The warden who went there was changed over and over again, and none of them could last three weeks...he had to think about his life's work...is it worth the risk? Seeing his hesitation, Smith smiled and said, "Young man, I don't blame you for being afraid... Yes, it's really not a peaceful place over there, it needs a person with, big, talented, It takes courage to do it.” Did Smith set up a challenge?There was an immediate desire in Rouse's mind to try a job that required a "big shot." So he went, and he stayed there for a long time.As a result, he became the warden of one of the most famous "star prisons".Rouse once completed a work "Twenty Thousand Years of the Stars", Luoyang Zhigui, which sold well all over the country and was also broadcast on the radio. The story of his life in prison was adopted and made into many movies.His vision of the "humanization" of criminals later led to many miracles of prison reform. Fiston, the founder of Fiston Rubber Company, once said: "Don't think that with a high salary, you can gather talents to work for me. Only competition can bring out their work effectiveness." That is the sport that any successful person loves. !Because it was an opportunity to express himself, to prove that his ability and value were better than others.That's why there are those bizarre competitive games, like: walking races, calling pigs, eating steamed buns and so on.And this can satisfy their desire for strength, their desire for self-respect. So, if you want to get people to agree with you - the spirited, the fleshly, you have to remember the twelfth rule, which is: Make a challenge. ● Outline twelve ways to get people to agree with you Rule number one: In debate, the only way to gain the most benefit is to avoid it. Rule number two: respect the opinions of others and never accuse them of being wrong. Rule number three: If you're wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. Rule number four: Start with kindness. Rule 5: Get the other person to answer "Yes! Yes!" quickly. The sixth rule: try to give the other party as many opportunities as possible to speak. Seventh rule: make the other party think that this is his idea. Rule Eight: Be genuine in seeing things from the other person's point of view. Ninth Rule: Empathize with the other person's thoughts and desires. Tenth Rule: Arouse Higher Motives. Rule Eleven: Dramatize your ideas. Rule 12: Present a challenge.
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