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Chapter 19 Chapter 7 How to Get People to Cooperate with You

human weakness 卡耐基 3535Words 2018-03-18
Do you trust what you discover for yourself more than what someone else tells you for you?If so, is it a wrong notion that you forcefully stuff your opinion down someone else's throat?Wouldn't it be wiser to make an opinion and inspire others to reach their own conclusions? Here is an example: Mr. Selts in Philadelphia, a student in one of my workshops, suddenly felt compelled to instill some enthusiasm and confidence in a group of distracted and disappointed car salesmen.He held a salesman meeting, and he urged his employees to tell him what they hoped to get from him; during the meeting, he wrote all the opinions raised by the employees on the blackboard

Then he said: "I can give you what you want, but I hope you tell me, what can I gain from you?" He quickly got a satisfactory answer, which is loyalty, honesty, optimism, progress, and cooperation. Hours of dedicated work.Some of them are even willing to work fourteen hours a day.The results of this meeting filled the employees with new courage and new incentives. Mr. Selts told me that the current sales surge and the company's business is booming. "I made a spiritual bargain with them," said Mr. Selts. "I did my best for them, so they did their best. Talk to them about their needs, and they were more than receptive. "

No one likes to force themselves to buy something, or to be sent to do something.We all like to buy things on our own terms, or do things on our own terms.At the same time, we want someone to talk to us about our wishes, needs, ideas. Here is an example: In the case of Mr. Wilson, before he came to my seminar on human relations, he lost countless commissions that he should have received.Threatening is a salesman for a clothing pattern design company. He has been looking for a famous designer in New York almost every week for three years.Wilson said: "He never refused to meet me, but he never bought my drawings. He looked at my drawings carefully every time, and then said: No, Mr. Wilson, I think we still can't buy it today. cooperate.""

After one hundred and fifty failures, Wilson felt that he must be insane, so he decided to use one night a week to study how to influence people's behavior, and how to develop new ideas and generate new ideas. Sincerely. Before long, he decided to reopen a method.He took some unfinished drawings of those designers and walked into the buyer's office.Threats said to the buyer: "I would like to ask you to help me... Here are a few unfinished designs. Please tell me how to complete them so that they can meet your needs?" The buyer looked at the pattern for a while, but didn't express anything. After a pause, he said, "Wilson, put the pattern here, and come back to me in a few days."

A day later, Wilson went to his place again. After listening to the suggestion, he took the design back and finished it according to the buyer's wishes.How did this deal work out?Needless to say this buyer took it all in. That was nine months ago. Since the deal was completed, the buyer ordered ten more designs, all of which were made exactly according to his wishes. In this way, Wei earned more than 1,600 yuan. commission. Wilson said: "Now I know why I failed in the past... I always forced him to buy the paintings I thought he needed. But what I do now is completely different from the past. I ask him to provide his own opinion. , making him feel that those patterns were designed by himself. Now I don’t need to ask him to buy them, he will come and buy them from me.”

When Roosevelt was Governor of New York, he accomplished a special feat...he got along well with the important people of the party and got them to agree to a case that they originally opposed.Let's see how he does it... When there were important posts to be filled, he asked the party dignitaries to recommend them.Roosevelt said: "At first they recommended someone who was not popular in the party. I told them that if you want to make political performance satisfactory, you recommend this person is not suitable, and at the same time, it will be opposed by the people. Later they elected another one. Although that person seemed to have nothing to criticize, he also had no admirable merits.I told them that appointing such a person would disappoint the public's expectations, so I asked them to elect another person who is more suitable for the position.

The person they recommended for the third time seems to be about the same, but not very ideal. So, I thanked them and asked them to try again.The fourth time they recommended someone who was exactly what I needed, and after expressing my gratitude for their assistance, I appointed this person.And, I also give them the title to appoint this person. ...Taking this opportunity, I told them that I had done what pleased them, and now it was their turn to obey my advice and do a few things. I believe that the party leaders are also willing to do so, because they have sponsored major reforms in the government, such as the voting rights tax law and the municipal public service bill.

Remember, Roosevelt always went to great lengths to seek the opinions of others, and to show respect for their suggestions... When Roosevelt delegated important functions, he made those party chiefs feel that this was their choice. people, this is their opinion. A car dealer in Long Island used the same method to sell an old car to a Scottish couple.In the past, the car dealer showed the Scots one car after another, and they always thought there was something wrong with it, either that this car didn't fit, or that car was damaged somewhere, or the price was too high.The car dealer, who was listening to a lecture in my workshop, asked for help in the class.

We suggested to him, don't force that kind of unstable person to buy your car, let him buy it himself, and don't tell him which brand of car he wants to buy.In short, let him feel that this is his own meaning. It turned out well... After a few days of this, a customer wanted to trade his old car for a new one, and the car dealer thought of the Scot, maybe he liked the old car.He called the Scot and said he had a question he wanted to ask. The Scotsman came as soon as he received the call, and the car dealer said: "I know you are very good at buying things...you see how much this old car is worth. After you tell me, I can exchange it for a new car. accurate information."

After the Scotsman heard these words, his face was full of smiles... Finally someone asked him for advice, and someone respected him.He got into the car, drove the car around, and said when he came back: If you can buy this car for 300 yuan, it is yours. Got it cheap. " The car dealer asked him, "If I buy this car for the amount you said, would you like to resell it to you?" Three hundred yuan?Of course, that was his idea, his valuation, and the deal was done right away. An X-ray instrument manufacturer used the same technique to sell a batch of mechanical instruments to a large hospital in Brooklyn, earning a high profit.The hospital was going to expand a new department, and it was necessary to set up a set of the best X-ray equipment. This matter was in charge of a doctor L, who was surrounded by those salesmen, who all said that his own stuff was the best.

But there is one manufacturer among them who is more shrewd and capable, and he knows how to deal with people and things.He wrote a letter to Dr. L in that hospital.The content of this letter is as follows: "Our factory has recently completed the first batch of X-ray equipment, which has been shipped to our office, but I dare not say it is perfect, so we really want to improve it. So if you can spare some time, Come to visit us once and tell us how to make it more suitable for your business application, we are very grateful. I know you are usually busy with work, please tell me the time you specify, I will be happy to send a car to pick you up .” Dr. L told me what happened in my training class: "After I received that letter, I was very surprised, not only out of my expectation, but also very happy. I never had an X-ray machine. The manufacturer, who would ask for my opinion, made me feel valued and honored this time. I was busy every night that week, but I canceled an appointment to see the new set. Look, the more I like it in my heart. No one forced me to buy it. I thought it was my intention to buy that set of equipment for the hospital. I thought the set of equipment was very good, so I decided to buy it. " When Wilson was in the White House, Colonel Howes had a great influence on domestic and foreign affairs.President Wilson loves Colonel House, and discusses all important matters with him. He is valued by President Wilson and is above the cabinet members. What method did Colonel House use to influence President Wilson to such an extent?As luck would have it, Colonel House accidentally revealed it to Smith, who quoted House in an article in the Saturday Evening Post. House once said: "After I got to know the president, I gradually discovered that the best way to make him believe in an idea is to inadvertently transplant this idea into his heart, make him interested, and Let him figure it out for himself. The first time this worked, it was because of a surprising incident. I visited him at the White House to persuade him to adopt a policy that he didn't seem to agree with very much.A few days later, at a meeting, I was surprised to find President Wilson uttering my suggestion and saying it was his own. " Did Colonel House immediately interrupt the President to indicate that it was his opinion, not the President's?No, no, Colonel House would never do that, he didn't care about taking credit, only about the result.So he made the president continue to feel that it was his opinion, and he publicly admired the president's wisdom. We have to remember that the people we are going to contact tomorrow may be like President Wilson, so we will use the method of Colonel House. A man in New Brunswick used this method some years ago, and got my patronage.At that time, I planned to go fishing and boating in New Brunswick.I wrote to the travel agency to inquire about that and, by the way, ask them to arrange it for me. Apparently, my name and address had been put on a public list, so I immediately got letters, pamphlets, etc. from camping and guides in the area.At that time I didn't know which one to choose.Then there was a camp director who did a very clever thing.He sent me the names and phone numbers of several people he had entertained who lived in New York.He asked me to call them and find out for myself what he was serving and provisioning while camping. I was surprised to find someone I knew on this list.I called him to find out what happened to him during that camping trip.Once I had the answer, I called the camp director again and told him my travel dates Although the camping directors of other families all sincerely hoped that I would patronize them, but only the camping director, I am willing to accept his service. So, if you want to influence others to agree with you, the seventh rule is: Make the other party think that this is his idea.
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