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Chapter 18 Chapter 6 Safe Ways to Deal with a Complainer

human weakness 卡耐基 2926Words 2018-03-18
Many people, when they need people to agree with him, just talk too much.Especially salesmen are more likely to make this mistake.You should let the other party express his opinion as much as possible. Of course, he knows more about his own affairs or his problems than anyone else.So you should ask him questions and let him tell you something. If you don't agree with him, you might jump in right away, but don't, that's dangerous.He won't notice it on you when he still has a lot to say.Therefore, you must listen quietly with patience and a comfortable mood, and encourage him with the most sincerity to let him finish what he wants to say.

Is this strategy effective in shopping malls?There was one man who had to make such an attempt. A few years ago, one of the largest automobile companies in the United States was approached to purchase the upholstery cloth needed for a year.At that time, three manufacturers sent samples for selection. After the senior staff of the automobile company inspected them, they agreed with the three manufacturers to send a representative from each of the three manufacturers to discuss with them on a certain day, and then decide which manufacturer to buy. Qibo was a representative of one of their manufacturers, and on that day, he suffered from severe laryngitis.In my workshop, Mr. Kipper described his situation: "When it was my turn to see the senior employees of the automobile company, I was so hoarse that I could barely utter a sound. I was taken into a I met with the textile engineer, the purchasing manager, the sales director, and the general manager of the car company. When I stood up to speak, I could only make a hoarse voice

They were sitting around a table. I couldn't make a sound out of my throat, so I could only write the words on paper with a pen: "Gentlemen, I'm hoarse and can't speak." The general manager said, "Okay, let me speak for you!" The general manager actually spoke for me.He unfolded my samples one by one and extolled their virtues.Thus began their discussion.Since the general manager spoke for me, he naturally helped me while they were discussing.At that time, I could only nod and smile, or use gestures to express my meaning. As a result of this peculiar meeting discussion, I won this order contract. This automobile company ordered 500,000 yards of seat cloth from me, with a total price of 1.6 million yuan.This is the largest order I have ever handled.

I knew that if I hadn't had a hoarse throat and could not speak, I would have lost the contract because I had a wrong idea of ​​the whole thing.This time I accidentally discovered that it turns out that sometimes it is very worthwhile to let others speak. " Fan Bo of the Philadelphia Electric Company also made the same discovery.Mr. Fan Bo is visiting Pennsylvania, a wealthy Dutch farmer's area. As he passed a tidy farm home, he asked the district representative, "Why don't these people like electricity?" The rep looked annoyed and said, "They're all misers, there's no way you'd sell them anything. And they're a nasty electric company. I've talked to them, no hope."

Fan Bo believed that what the district representative said was true, but he was willing to try again.He knocked lightly on the farmhouse door—the door opened a little, and the old Mrs. Tegenberg put her head out to look. Mr. Fan Bo told what happened at that time: the old lady saw that it was a representative of the electrical company, and quickly closed the door.I knocked on the door again, she opened it again, and this time she told us how she felt about our company I said to her, "Mrs. Tegenbau, I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm not here to sell you electrical appliances. I just want to buy some eggs."

She opened the door wider and poked her head out to look at us suspiciously. I said, "I see you have Dominic chickens, so I want to buy a dozen fresh eggs... She opened the door a little further and said, "How do you know I have Dominic chickens?" .She seemed curious. I say: "I raise chickens myself, but I've never seen a better Dominique chicken than here. 』 The Mrs. Tegenbau asked suspiciously, "Then why don't you use your own eggs?" I answered her, "Because I raise leghorn chickens and lay white eggs - you know how to cook, so you know that white eggs are not as good as brown ones when making cakes."My wife is always very proud of her cake-making skills. 』

At this time, Mrs. Tegenbau came out boldly, and her attitude was much gentler.At the same time I saw in the yard, a nice milk shed. I went on to say, "Mrs. Tegenbau, I'll bet you're making more money raising chickens than your husband's dairy barn.﹄ She was very happy to hear that, of course she made a lot of money!She told me this with pleasure; but she could not get her obstinate husband to admit it. She invited us to visit her chicken house. During the visit, I sincerely praised her chicken raising skills, and asked her many questions and asked her for advice.At the same time, we exchanged a lot of experience.

The old lady Tegenbo suddenly talked about another matter. She said that several neighbors here have installed electric lights in their chicken houses, and according to them, they have very good results.She asked for my opinion if it would be worth it if she used electricity Two weeks later, in Mrs. Tegenbo's chicken house, the Dominique chickens were jumping and screaming under the light of the electric light.I make the deal, she gets more eggs, both parties are happy, there are benefits. But that's the point of the story - I'd never be able to sell appliances to this Dutch peasant woman if I didn't let her do what she wanted.

This kind of person must never ask her to buy it, but must let her buy it herself. " A popular New York newspaper placed a large advertisement in its economics section seeking a man of exceptional ability and experience.Cobbelis sent a letter to the designated mailbox to apply.A few days later, he received a reply letter asking him to meet in person.Before he went to apply for an interview, he spent a lot of time on Wall Street trying his best to find out all about the life and deeds of the founder of this business organization. When we met, Cobbelis said: "I am very proud to be able to enter a business organization as successful as yours. I heard that when you started your business twenty-eight years ago, there was nothing but a house, a set of tables and chairs. , and a stenographer, nothing else, is it true?"

Almost every successful person in his career likes to recall the hard work in his early years.The person in charge in front of him is of course no exception.He talked a lot about how he used 450 yuan in cash and a will to start a business to start this business career history How to overcome difficulties, and how to fight against disappointment... How did he overcome difficulties in the end without rest on weekdays and holidays, working 12 to 16 hours a day.Until now, the most influential and prestigious financiers on Wall Street have come to him for advice.He is proud of his achievement.Finally, he briefly asked about Ke Bailisi's experience, and then invited a deputy general manager to say:

"I think this gentleman is the person we are looking for." Ke Bailisi took great pains to find out the past achievements of his future boss. He expressed concern for his future boss and encouraged him to talk more, so that the other party left a good impression on Ke Bailisi. It is true that even our friends prefer to talk about their own achievements; those who like to hear our bragging are very few. The French philosopher Loschevke once said: "If you want to have enemies, you outdo your friends; but if you want to have more friends, let your friends outdo you." How should this be explained?Because when a friend outdoes us, that satisfies his sense of self-importance.However, when we appear to be superior to a friend, it can give him a feeling of inferiority and cause suspicion and jealousy. There is a German saying, which is: "When something unfortunate happens to someone we suspect and envy, it will give us a malicious pleasure." Yes, some friends, it may be more satisfying to see you encounter difficulties than to see you succeed. Therefore, don't let us show too much achievement, we must be modest and humble everywhere, that will always make people like you, and everyone is willing to get close to you.The famous writer Cooper, he has such a skill--a lawyer said to Cooper on the witness stand: "Mr. Cooper, I heard that you are a famous American writer, aren't you?" Cooper replied: "I really don't dare to do it. It's just a fluke of mine." We should be humble, because you and I are nothing special, you and I will both pass, and after a hundred years, we will all be forgotten.Life is short, don't use our insignificant achievements as the material of the conversation, it is boring to listen to.We should encourage others to speak more.When you think about it, you really have nothing to brag about. What is the reason why you are not an "idiot"?It's simple if you say it - in your thyroid gland, there is only one coal coin of iodine hidden.If a doctor cut open the thyroid in your neck and took out that bit of iodine, you'd be an idiot.For a little money, you can buy a bottle of iodine at the pharmacy, which is what keeps you out of the mental hospital.A person's consciousness and intelligence are worth such a little money. What do you have to be proud of? So, you want to get the other person's consent to you, the sixth rule is: Give the other person as much opportunity to talk as possible.
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