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human weakness

human weakness


  • social psychology

  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 foreword

human weakness 卡耐基 6885Words 2018-03-18
The success of the author Dale Carnegie Lowe.Selected by Thomas It was a cold winter night last year, and 2,500 men and women packed into the ballroom of the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York.Before 7:30, this spacious ballroom was full of seats, and all the seats were full. When it was 8 o'clock, the enthusiastic crowd of men and women still rushed in. At this time, the building was also full of people, and it was not easy for those who came in late to find a place to stand.After a tiring day at work, they still have to stand here for an hour and a half...why? Watching a fashion show? Watching big stars perform live on stage?

No, neither; these people were attracted by an advertisement in a newspaper.It was the day before yesterday, and they saw a full-page, eye-catching advertisement from the New York Sun newspaper. The ad reads: "Increase your income, learn how to speak effectively, Prepare to be a leader. " Believe it or not, in the most prosperous city in the world, 20% of the population While living on the dole, 2,500 people left their homes to go to the Pennsylvania Hotel because of that advertisement. The ad was not published in an ordinary small newspaper, but in the most qualified "Sun" in New York City. Most of the readers of "The Sun" are people from the upper economic class of society - general senior staff, proprietors, and entrepreneurs. Their annual income ranges from 2,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan.

These men and women are here to listen to one of the most practical and innovative lectures on "Effective Speech and How to Influence Others in Your Career" -- by "Dale Carnegie" -- Effective Speech and Humanity Hosted by Relationship Workshop. Why did those 2,500 business men and women come to this speech seminar? Is that the thirst for knowledge arising from the social downturn? Apparently not... This seminary program has been addressing quarterly halls in New York City to full halls for twenty-four years. During that time, more than fifteen thousand businessmen and professionals were trained by Dale Carnegie.Even those large, old-fashioned, untrustworthy organizations like Westinghouse Electric Company, Mark Earl Publishing Company, Burrock Consolidated Gas Company, Burrock Chamber of Commerce, American Electric The Institute of Engineers, and the New York Telephone Company, among others, hold such training seminars in their own institutions for the convenience of their rank and file officers.

It is a stark discovery of the astonishing inadequacy of our educational system that these men come to this training after leaving elementary school, high school, and college for ten or twenty years. What do they want to study and learn?This is an important question. In order to find out the answer, the University of Chicago, the American Adult Education Association, and the United YMCA spent two years and paid twenty-five thousand dollars to conduct a survey. The survey showed that adults pay the most attention to health, followed by wanting to know more about the skills of relationship development between people, and they want to learn the skills of interacting with and influencing others.They don't want to be an orator, and don't listen to outrageous psychology.... : They want to hear advice that they can immediately apply in business, socially, and at home.

So, that's what adults study and learn, isn't it? "Yes," said the investigator, "that's right, if that's what they need, we'll give it to them." But looking everywhere for textbooks of this kind of learning, they find that no one has ever written such a book, which is a book to help a man solve the everyday problems of human relations. This should be a mystery. From the long history and culture to the present, there are many in-depth works on Greece, Latin, and advanced mathematics, and this kind of theory is not popular with ordinary adults.But there are no books about the kind of books that are valued by ordinary people who are thirsty for knowledge.

This tells us why 2,500 people rushed into the grand ballroom of the Pennsylvania Hotel on a cold night for that advertisement.Obviously, here, they finally have what they have been looking for for a long time. When they were in school, they read a lot of books and believed that they could solve all their problems with the knowledge gained from books. question. But after years of struggling in their careers, suffering difficulties and setbacks, they were deeply disappointed!They discovered that some successful people who built great careers possessed knowledge that wasn't learned in past textbooks.Those who are successful are good at talking and speaking, and can transfer or influence the thoughts of others.

They soon discovered that if they hoped to wear the captain's hat and steer a ship with a career, personality and the ability to speak were more important than learning Latin verbs and receiving a "Harvard" diploma. The New York "Sun" advertisement stated that attending the "Pennsylvania Hotel" rally would be extremely meaningful, and in fact it was. Eighteen people who had taken this course were invited to the megaphone... Fifteen of them were given seventy-five seconds to tell what happened to them as they passed by!With only seventy-five seconds to speak, there was a bang of the gavel, and the chairman yelled, "Time is up, replace me!"

The thing went on as quickly as a herd of buffaloes ran across a plain, and the spectators stood for an hour and a half to watch the show. The speakers at the megaphone included a cross-section of the American business community...with chain store executives, bakers, guild presidents, bankers, truck salesmen, chemical salesmen, insurers, brick guild secretaries , accountant, dentist, architect, whiskey salesman, Christian Science practitioner, pharmacist -- he had come to New York from Paulis, Indiana, to take the course.Lawyer -- he came from Harvard to speak for his important three minutes.

The first lecturer was "Ohaiya", who grew up in Ireland, studied for only four years, and drifted to the United States to work in machinery, and later changed his career. When he was forty years old, the number of people in his family gradually increased and he needed more money to support his life, so he changed his career and tried to sell trucks.Ohaia has a morbid inferiority complex. According to what he said, before he was going to an office, he had to wander outside for a long time, and then mustered up great courage before he dared to open the door and go in.He was getting bored and discouraged in his work as a lock pusher, and was about to return to his old job in the machine shop when one day he received a letter asking him to attend a seminar on Carnegie's Effective Speech Course. .

O'Haiah did not want to participate in this seminar, he was afraid that if he had to associate with those college-level people, it would make him fidgety. But Yu Haiya's wife insisted that he go!She said, "Maybe it will do you some good...God knows you need this." After hearing what his wife said, Ohaia came to the meeting place. He didn't have enough courage and confidence to go inside. , just stood on the sidewalk for five minutes. The first few times, when he tried to speak, he was drowsy with fear, but after a few weeks, he had eliminated his fear of the audience, and he liked to speak like this... The more the audience, the happier he was !After starting like this, Ohaia eliminated his inferiority complex and his fear of customers, and his monthly income increased suddenly. He is now a "star salesman" in New York City.

That night, O'Haiah came to the "Pennsylvania Hotel" and told his success story very quickly in front of 2,500 people.All the audience, affected by his joy, burst into laughter... Ohaia in front of him, even if there is a distinguished orator, he can't compare with him. The next speaker was "Maia," a gray-haired banker and father of eleven. The first time he gave a speech at a Carnegie Institution workshop, he found that he could not use his brain and could not utter a word.His experience vividly proves how a person who is eloquent and able to speak has the tendency to become a leader. Mayer worked on Wall Street. He had lived in Clifton, New Jersey, for twenty-five years. During that time, he had participated in few activities and knew only about five hundred people. After he attended Carnegie's course seminar, once he received a tax bill, he thought the number on the bill was unreasonable, which made him very angry.If Maya's past was used, he would sit at home sullenly, or complain about the tax bill to the neighbors nearby.But this time Maya was different from the past. He put on his hat and came to the meeting place of the town's activities, pointing out the unreasonable tax bills and venting his anger and injustice. As a result of Maya's angry words, the people in Clifton urged him to run for the town council.He took the advice of the townspeople, and for several weeks he went to various public meeting places, pointing out the extravagance and waste of the government in his speeches. There were ninety-six candidates for the Senate. When the votes were counted, Maya was actually the number one voter. On this day, Maya became a celebrity in this town with a population of 40,000.As a result of his speeches, he has gained eighty times as many friends in the past few weeks as he has gained in the past twenty-five years.Compared with Maya's past investment, Maya's income as a councilor is almost 1,000%. The third speaker, a very large, president of the National Food Manufacturers Association, told 2,500 people why he stood up and spoke in the boardroom in the first place. As a result of his coming to the Carnegie Speech Institute workshop, two amazing things happened, and he was shortly elected president of the guild.His position necessitated speeches at rallies across the country, summaries of which were published by the Associated Press and appeared in newspapers and business publications across the country. In the two years after he learned to speak, the free publicity for his company and products was more effective than the 250,000 yuan spent on advertising in the past.By his own admission, the speaker used to get palpitations and unease when he called lower Manhattan to invite business dignitaries to lunch.However, since he himself went to give speeches everywhere, now these people call him and invite him to dinner, they will feel that they take up his time and apologize to him. A person's ability to speak eloquently is a shortcut to his fame and success, which can attract people's attention and stand out from the crowd.A person whose speech is popular can achieve unexpected achievements and effects, which are beyond his true talents and learning. Now the adult education movement is spreading all over the country. In this movement, the author of this book "Dale Carnegie" has the most considerable power.He has heard, or criticized, more speeches than anyone else.According to a recent cartoon by "Believe it or Not" cartoonist "Li Boli", Carnegie has criticized 150,000 speeches.If this number has not left an impression on people, let me give another explanation for this number, that is, from the time Columbus discovered America to today, there has been a speech almost every day.To make another analogy, if all the people who spoke in front of Carnegie had only three minutes to appear one by one in front of Carnegie, it would take a whole year to listen to them day and night. After listening to the words. Carnegie's own career, full of poignant and relative situations, is an amazing example of what a person can accomplish when he is imbued with a creative mind and a burning passion! Carnegie grew up in Missouri, a country ten miles from the railroad; he never saw an electric car until he was twelve years old. Che, now forty-six years old, is very familiar with the situation everywhere, from Hong Kong to Hammerfest; and once, he almost reached the North Pole. This Missouri kid used to collect red bayberries and mow weeds for five cents an hour, but now he organizes seminars, workshops, and trains senior employees of large companies to express their opinions at a price of one dollar per minute. The shepherd boy who used to drive cattle in the west of South Dakota, and later he came to England, under the patronage of the Prince of Wales, held his speech performance. He has had six total failures when trying to make a speech in front of a crowd.Later, I became my personal manager, and my success in many aspects is due to Carnegie's training. When Carnegie was young, he struggled for education.Back then on the old ranch in northwest Missouri, it was always bad luck, and it was always rough... Boats were washed away, hulls were smashed, and year after year the river swelled, flooded the corn, washed away up rice.The fattened pigs were killed by the plague, the market for cattle and mules was extremely low, and the bank threatened to foreclose on their mortgages. . Carnegie fell ill because of all the disappointment. The family had no choice but to sell the family's land and purchased a farm in Missouri near the "Warrens" State Normal School.At that time, at the price of one dollar, he could get board and lodging in the town, but the young Carnegie did not have this power.So he lived in the country and rode to and from school every day, a three-mile journey.At home he milked cows, felled logs, fed pigs, and studied Latin verbs by the light of a kerosene lamp until his eyes blurred and he lowered his head to doze off. Sometimes Carnegie didn't go to sleep until after midnight, but he set the alarm clock to ring at three o'clock the next morning.His father raised a good breed of pigs. On cold winter nights, if the piglets couldn't stand the cold, they would be in danger of freezing to death.So these piglets are placed in baskets, covered with sacks, and placed behind the kitchen stove to keep out the severe cold.The habit of these little pigs is to eat hot food around three o'clock in the morning.At that time, Carnegie heard the alarm clock, and immediately got up from the bed, took the piglets in the basket to their mother, and after they had eaten, they took them to a warm place by the kitchen stove. State normal school, with about six hundred students, he has no money to live in the town, so he has to ride back and forth to the country every day... His clothes are too tight, his trousers are too short, these are things that make him ashamed.Living in such an environment, Carnegie gave him a feeling of inferiority, and it also made him think of how to seek a shortcut to fame.He found that in the school, some people enjoy power and prestige... :.Those were football and baseball players, and winners of debate and speech contests. Knowing that he had no athletic talent, Carnegie was determined to be a winner in a speech contest.He had spent months preparing for the acting competition, practicing as he galloped to and from school in the saddle... while he was milking the cows.He climbed on a pile of straw in the barn and gave a loud speech on "The Necessity to Stop Japanese Immigration."He scared a flock of pigeons away when he practiced his speech loudly in the barn. Although Carnegie tried his best to prepare for himself, the result was repeated failures, which made him almost lose his courage and commit suicide!But then he changed...he started winning, not just once, but every speech contest in the school. Other students asked him to guide and train, and they also won the championship! After graduating from the Carnegie School, he began selling his correspondence courses to farmers and herdsmen in the sand hills west of Nibereska and east of Huamin. Carnegie gave infinite energy and enthusiasm, but there was no progress, which made him extremely disappointed.Come back at noon" Lying on a bed in a hotel in Nibereska, weeping bitterly from disappointment.He desperately wanted to go back to school and get out of the grind of life, but he couldn't.He decided to go to "Omaha" to find other jobs, but he didn't have the money to buy a ticket, so he had to take a truck, and he paid for the fare by feeding two trucks of wild horses on the road. Carnegie went south to "Omaha" and found a job selling bacon, soap, and grease for an "Amazon Company."The area he was in charge of was in the southwestern part of "Dakoto", which was a livestock land between Indian villages.Carnegie worked in the area, commuting by freight train, coach, or on horseback.Stay at night in a small hotel, where each suite is only separated by a piece of cloth. He began to study books to sell, sometimes rode wild ponies, played poker with local natives, and learned how to collect bills.When a shopkeeper from the interior couldn't pay for bacon or ham, Carnegie took a dozen shoes out of his cupboard, sold them to railroad employees, and paid the money to the "Amazon Company." He used to travel a hundred miles in a freight train, and when the train stopped to unload, he would go to the town and see three or four merchants and get their orders.When the train whistle sounded, he hurried back from the town again.By the time he jumped on the train, the body was already moving. Carnegie had a very satisfactory work performance in the past two years. "Yama Company" wanted to promote him, but he resigned.After resigning, Carnegie went to New York, studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Art, and then traveled around the country, and also performed in stage plays.But Carnegie was self-aware. He knew that he could not find development in the theater, so he returned to his sales job, selling trucks for a "Tankert Motor Company." Carnegie knew nothing about mechanics, but he was unwilling to study it. During this period of time, he was very unhappy and forced himself to work every day.He wanted to have his own time, to write the kind of books he had imagined he would write when he was in college.Carnegie resigned again, and he was going to devote his time to writing work, and he was going to teach at night school to make ends meet. He made up his own mind, but what was he to teach?Carnegie recalled his grades in college, and at the same time estimated, he found that his training in oratory gave him confidence, courage, calmness, and the ability to deal with people in affairs, which was better than all other courses he had in college. , and more was provided for him.So he persuaded the New York YMCA school to give him a chance to give a workshop on oratory for people from all walks of life. What?Make a businessman an orator?That's ridiculous, ridiculous!They know and have tried these kinds of courses.But it always fails. When they refused to pay Carnegie two dollars per night, Carnegie was willing to teach them courses on a commission basis.According to his calculations, if there is a net profit, they will pay him thirty yuan per night according to the commission system for three years, not two yuan. Carnegie's seminar workshops are gradually developing!The YMCA elsewhere, and other cities, knew about it, and Carnegie became an honorable marching lecturer.He went back and forth to New York, Philadelphia, Baidima and other places, and later went to London and Paris.He then wrote a book called "Oratory and How to Influence People in Business."The book Carnegie completed is now the official text of all YMCAs, the American Bankers Association, and the National Credit Union. More people now go to Carnegie every quarter for oratory training than there are twenty-two colleges and universities in New York City that offer oratory courses. Carnegie has his opinion on this aspect. He believes that any person can speak when he is emotional.He said that if you knock down the weakest and ignorant person in the street, he will immediately stand up and speak eloquently, fervently, and emphatically. Orator Willem compared.Carnegie explained it like this: Anyone who has sufficient self-confidence and an eager idea in his heart can make a beautiful speech in front of the crowd. He said that the way to cultivate self-confidence is to do what you are afraid of doing, to get a record of successful experience.So Carnegie forced every student to speak every day in class.The audience in the audience are all sympathetic, because they are all suffering from the same disease and have the same situation.As a result of continual training, they develop their courage, self-confidence, and enthusiasm, which naturally transfers to their private conversations. Carnegie can tell you that he didn't earn a living teaching oratory all these years, that was just accidental.According to him, his main job is to help people how to overcome their fear and develop their courage. Carnegie initially set up a lecture course, but the students who went to him were all people from the social and business circles, and many of them hadn't seen a classroom for thirty years.Most of the people who go to his place pay their tuition fees in installments. They hope to get the effect quickly, and they can use this effect in business contacts or group talks the next day, so they have to Be quick and practical. So Carnegie developed a special kind of training... an amazing combination of oratory, salesmanship, relationships, and practical psychology. His workshops, the kind of courses that are not bound by hard and fast rules, are very real and very interesting.At the end of the classes taught by Carnegie, the students in the class organized themselves into a club that met every other week.A group of nineteen people in Philadelphia has met twice a month in winter for seventeen years.Some drove fifty to a hundred miles there, and one of the students commuted from Chicago to New York every week. Professor Willem of Harvard University.James said that ordinary people only use one-tenth of their potential, but Carnegie helped men and women from all walks of life to inspire their abilities and created a very important movement in adult education.
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