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Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen

The twenty-first year of the Republic, the third day of March.The third day of March is the outing festival, and it is also a festival for worshiping ancestors.After a winter, people finally changed their heavy winter clothes and started to go out of the house.Although the defection of the commander-in-chief and the defeat of the expeditionary force in Xijing Province occurred more than a year ago, the Republic is still on the road of increasing development for more than a year. For these ordinary people, those two events The big thing is nothing more than adding some private conversation after dinner, and I don't take it to heart.

Zheng Sichu dipped the brush into the bucket of warm water, and brushed it on Fei Yu's body.Fei Yu snorted comfortably and remained motionless, while the two ponies beside him, who had been imprisoned for a whole winter, kept jumping around.Taking advantage of the warm weather today, he took several horses to the yard to brush them. Looking at these beloved horses, Zheng Sichu smiled faintly.For the first time since his father fell into a coma, he was so cheerful. After Zheng Zhao fell into a coma, the Grand Command ordered that the affairs of the Secretary of State's Office be temporarily represented by Gu Qingsui, Director of the Department of Officials.Although there is no official appointment yet, everyone knows that if Zheng Zhao remains in a coma, Gu Qingsui will take over the post of Secretary of State sooner or later.Zheng Sichu didn't care about this kind of personnel change in the officialdom, but in the past few months, in order to take care of his father, he put aside his original plan of finding a job.

After washing the horses, he went back to the outside of his father's bedroom.Qi Haichen's medicine hadn't been cooked yet, so he went in to see his father, saw that Zheng Zhao was sleeping soundly, closed the door, took out a music score and an iron flute from the small cabinet outside, went back to the yard, and sat in the yard. On a stone under the Zhongda tree, I tried to blow it according to the music score. This score was given to him by Cheng Diwen.Cheng Diwen came here a few times, and after visiting Zheng Zhao, he chatted with Zheng Sichu and talked about his work in the Ministry of Rites. Cheng Diwen said with joy, saying that the "Eight Yin Collection" was progressing very fast, and the adapted Daqu was also seen for the first time. Eyebrow, it should be able to be played by musicians during the National Day Ceremony.Speaking of Xingtou, Cheng Diwen also took out the iron flute and played a few tunes. Although Zheng Sichu was not very interested in the rhythm, he also felt that the tune was graceful and elegant, and it was very atmospheric. When hundreds of musicians played with various instruments Most of the time, the momentum is grand.Cheng Diwen left him a sheet of music and gave him an iron flute, saying that music can stabilize the patient's mind and is of great benefit to recuperation.But Zheng Sichu also knew that Cheng Diwen's playing the flute was considered beautiful, and if he played it himself, he might be disturbed, but Cheng Diwen had good intentions, so he didn't want to disobey his kindness, so he tried to play now in his free time.

The music on the score is an introductory textbook for learning the flute written by Cheng Diwen. The score changes from simple to complex, and most of them were collected by him after he went to the Ministry of Rites.Zheng Sichu had also learned some before, and he was not a layman, but he had never been very interested in this flute, and he knew that he would never be able to master Cheng Diwen's flute skills, so he never tried it.However, this iron flute is extremely exquisite, even if it is used as a decoration, it is not bad.He played the etude at the beginning, and felt that it looked good, thinking that his flute skills were not as bad as expected, so he turned to the actual music score later.The first one is "Falling Plum Wind", which is an ancient song, which has been widely circulated, and even many beggars can play it.He played for a while, and gradually became proficient in his technique, and the sound of the flute gradually became more melodious.

It seems that I already have the basic craft of begging.Zheng Sichu thought to himself mockingly.Although the tune of "Luomeifeng" is simple, it is very pleasant, but there is always a sense of sadness in the beauty.He turned to the next page, but saw the words "Autumn Wind Ballad" written on it, and there was a footnote below it, which said Wuyun Cheng Diwen adapted from a folk song.This song is also very simple, but the name is new, even Zheng Sichu has never heard it before.He became a little interested and began to play according to the music score. This song is generally very clear and beautiful, but compared with "Luomeifeng", it has a different approach. The tone is very high, and there is a high-pitched and high-spirited air in the clear and beautiful. Zheng Sichu even felt that it was a bit tragic.The autumn wind is rustling, originally there is a feeling of depression and sadness, but the sadness of this "Autumn Wind Ballad" seems to have a hint of grandeur and intensity.

What song is this?Zheng Sichu was very curious.It was a bit jerky when blowing it the first time, but it became much smoother when blowing it again.It's just that this time, it was blown louder unconsciously, and the beauty was greatly reduced, but the solemn and solemn feeling was greatly increased. I'm afraid I'm on a wild path.Zheng Sichu wiped the iron flute, and couldn't help but smile wryly.Most of the tunes that Cheng Diwen likes to play are beautiful and melodious, but when he blows them out, he has the murderous aura of fighting with weapons. If Cheng Diwen hears it, he will be so angry that he will say that he is reckless.He played it again according to the score, just wanting to return to that beautiful tune, but after playing this time, it was even more chilling, protruding like a sharp sword, and full of spears.

What an interesting tune.Zheng Sichu laughed, but felt a bit bitter in his heart.Maybe I can't forget my military career in my heart, so I don't even consciously have this meaning when I play the flute.But for some reason, he faintly felt that this piece of music was somewhat familiar, as if he had heard it a long time ago.Of course, this is not surprising. Cheng Diwen was originally adapted from a folk song. I don't know when I heard it, so it is naturally possible.He brought the flute to his lips and played it again slowly. This time it was played a little slower, but it was even more incompatible with the word "clear and beautiful", and it turned out to be a desolate and tragic sound.He blew louder and louder, although the spring breeze was blowing and the vegetation was majestic, but there seemed to be a battlefield full of corpses in front of him.

It's really bewitched.Zheng Sichu thought angrily.He put down his flute, but saw Si Yan Lao Wu standing aside at some point, as if he was about to say something.He said, "Old Wu, what's the matter?" Old Wu let out an "ah" and said, "Master, just now the messenger came to report that Madam is coming to visit Master in a few days." The titles of "Master" and "Young Master" have long been abolished in the Republic, and Zheng Sichu himself corrected him many times, but Lao Wu couldn't change it because he was getting old.At this time, when he heard that his mother was coming, Zheng Sichu was also taken aback, and said, "Are you coming soon?"

"That's right. The messenger said that they set off together, but madam, please wait a little longer. There are still three or four days left." The couriers are fast horses, changing horses at post stations along the way. If the mother wants to come, naturally they will not be as fast as they are.But if it was only three or four days late, then the mother was in a hurry.Zheng Sichu didn't expect that his mother, who had been separated from his father for a long time, would rush to Wuyun City when he heard the news that his father was seriously ill. He stood up and said, "Really? I'll let them prepare some ingredients from the south. Meet on the road."

Zheng Sichu's mother's name is Duan Baiwei, she is from the south, and her diet has always kept the southern habits.In fact, Zheng Zhao is also a southerner, but Zheng Zhao has stayed in Wuyun for a long time, and it doesn't matter what he eats. Zheng Sichu has no habit of partial eclipse, but he knows that his mother has never been used to northern dishes, so the meals must be prepared in advance. Down.And now they have moved out of the Secretary of State's Mansion and are living in a small, quiet courtyard. Mother might not know their new address, so she will definitely send someone to welcome them.

Old Wu finished reporting the letter and was about to leave when he suddenly said, "Young Master, what tune did you play just now?" Zheng Sichu said: "This song is called "Autumn Wind Ballad", have you heard it?" "I don't know the name, but I really seem to have heard this song. It seems...it seems..." He said two "likes", but smiled bitterly, "I'm really old, I can't remember it, I just remember the past I've heard this tune several times. I haven't heard it for many years. I didn't expect you, young master, to play it. It's really good." The word "really good" is obviously old Wu's flattery, Zheng Sichu knew that his flute skills were really not good, and it would be an exaggeration to call it "ordinary".Hearing that his mother was coming, he was already very anxious and didn't have the heart to think about it, so he said: "Old Wu, you go, I will take care of them." Old Wu suddenly said bitterly: "That Mr. Lu never came, right? Fortunately, he is still the master's clerk. This kind of person really knows how to heat up." Zheng Sichu knew that the "Mr. Lu" mentioned by Old Wu was Zheng Zhao's book Lu Liyuan.Lu Liyuan has followed Zheng Zhao for many years. Although Gu Qingsui must have been very busy after he took over the affairs of the Secretary of State's Office, but Zheng Zhao got sick, so he should come and see him no matter what.It's just that many officials have come to Zheng Zhao's residence, and this person who was closest to Zheng Zhao never came, even Old Wu couldn't stand it anymore.Zheng Sichu smiled lightly and said: "Mr. Lu is in charge of the books of the Secretary of State's office, and he is not a doctor. It is common for him not to come here when he is free." Old Wu snorted, "As soon as people leave, the tea will be cold, the world is hot and cold, it has always been like this." "As soon as people leave, the tea becomes cold, and the state of the world is inherently hot and cold" is a line in a play. Old Wu loves to watch plays, so I remember these few lines, otherwise he would not be able to say these words.Zheng Sichu couldn't help feeling sad. Although the Grand Command ordered Zheng Zhao to be taken good care of, Zheng Zhao moved out of the Secretary of State's residence after losing consciousness. After arriving in this small courtyard, the number of people who saw him became less and less every day.Two months later, Cheng Diwen and his father have come here a few times now, but no one else has come.On the contrary, it is the general rule, and it has come twice in the past two months. The world is hot and cold, probably true. He was thinking, but he heard someone outside the door: "Is there anyone? Excuse me, is this Mr. Zheng Sichu's home?" The yard is not big, and the sound outside the door can also be heard here.Old Wu heard it was a young woman's voice, and was about to welcome him out, but Zheng Sichu suddenly walked out the door quickly and walked in front of him. This woman turned out to be Xiao Shunhua! As soon as he walked out, he saw Xiao Shunhua standing at the door carrying a basket.Zheng Sichu felt his heart warm, and he stepped forward and said, "Miss Xiao, why are you here?" Seeing Zheng Sichu coming out, Xiao Shunhua smiled sweetly and said: "Mr. Zheng, I'm so sorry. I only heard about Cheng Diwen's story before I knew that your father was ill, so I rushed over to visit. By the way, thank you for your help that day." She took the basket He handed it over and said, "This is a small meaning, not a respect, Mr. Zheng please don't laugh." Zheng Sichu took it over and said: "It's a small effort, it's nothing to worry about, and Miss Xiao has to pay. Please come in, it's just that my father hasn't woken up yet." Xiao Shunhua walked in.Old Wu saw that the visitor this time was a young and beautiful woman, and she was alone, and her clothes didn't look like the daughter of a high-ranking official, so she couldn't help being very surprised. I didn't expect that someone had already been there, so I couldn't see him. Zheng Sichu led Xiao Shunhua inward.Arriving at the door of the bedroom, just after opening the door, Xiao Shunhua saw someone lying inside, so he whispered: "Mr. Zheng, is that your lord?" Zheng Sichu also whispered: "Yes, I have been in a coma for two months." A dark cloud flashed across Xiao Shunhua's face, and he said in a low voice: "Don't bother your lord, I hope he wakes up soon." Seeing that she must be leaving soon, Zheng Sichu felt extremely uncomfortable for some reason.He only hoped that Xiao Shunhua could stay longer, but he couldn't think of any reason.Startled, he suddenly said, "Miss Xiao, what do you teach at school?" "Chinese." A ray of breeze blew Xiao Shunhua's temple hair a little messy.She stroked it and said with a smile, "Mr. Zheng, I should go back too." Hearing that she finally uttered these words, Zheng Sichu felt disturbed again.Usually he is not a clumsy person, but for some reason he is always so speechless in front of Xiao Shunhua.He also just smiled lightly and said, "I'll see you off." Xiao Shunhua hesitated for a moment and said: "This is not very good, Mr. Zheng, you have to take care of your father..." In fact, don't take care of anything.But this sentence cannot be said after all, Zheng Sichu just smiled politely, "It doesn't matter." They walked towards the door in silence.Once outside the door, Xiao Shunhua raised his head and said with a sweet smile: "Mr. Zheng, please go back, there is no need to send it off." In fact, in Zheng Sichu's heart, sending her off was a wish rather than an obligation, but Xiao Shunhua had already said so, and he had no reason to force her.But Xiao Shunhua was about to leave, and he felt an indescribable confusion again, as if his heart was empty.He paused, and said: "Miss Xiao, thank you for coming to visit my father." As soon as the words came out, he regretted a bit, because such words were too polite, so they seemed born.But Xiao Shunhua obviously didn't care, she stroked her temples again, and whispered: "Mr. Zheng, some words may be a bit presumptuous, please don't take offense. I think your lord..." Her hair was as black as a raven's wings, fluttering slightly in the evening wind.When her snow-white fingers stroked her hair, it was as if a stream of spring water flowed between her fingers, which was indescribably soft and beautiful.Zheng Sichu was a little bewildered, and didn't hear what Xiao Shunhua was saying.Xiao Shunhua saw that he was looking at him with fascination, so he couldn't help but feel a little shy, pink rose on his cheeks, and said angrily: "Mr. Zheng." Her voice called Zheng Sichu back from his daze.Knowing his gaffe, Zheng Sichu couldn't help being a little embarrassed, and said with a dry smile, "I'm really sorry. What advice does Miss Xiao have?" Xiao Shunhua saw his sincere and terrified expression, couldn't help but pursed his lips into a smile, and said seriously: "Mr. Zheng, my father is quite good at medicine. I have followed my father since I was a child, and I have also learned a little bit." Zheng Sichu said "ah", "It turns out that Miss Xiao also knows medicine." "I don't really understand. There are four characters in the way of medicine. Although I haven't learned any medical skills, I have some experience in the word 'Wang'." Xiao Shunhua was silent for a while before saying, "Mr. No sickness." If it wasn't about his father, Zheng Sichu would probably laugh out loud.Father is in a coma on the bed, completely insane, isn't this called a disease?Obviously Xiao Shunhua's medical skills are too lame to be worth mentioning.But since Xiao Shunhua said it, he couldn't make fun of it, so he said casually, "What's the matter with my father?" Xiao Shunhua hesitated a little.She said softly: "When I was young, I heard my father say that there is a kind of magic in the world that can make others completely obey my command." Zheng Sichu was startled, and said, "Is there such a strange technique?" This strange art sounds creepy.Being able to make others completely obey one's command, isn't this the most powerful skill in the world?He couldn't believe that there were people in the world with such abilities.Xiao Shunhua was also a little hesitant, she bit her lip and said: "I don't know, even my father has never seen it, but he said that he had seen the records in ancient books, so I'm not sure." Mostly impossible.Zheng Sichu thought.But Xiao Shunhua also had good intentions, he couldn't ridicule her.He said: "If you really got this kind of magic, is there any way to save it?" Xiao Shunhua shook his head and said: "I don't know either. However, I heard from my father that although this kind of magic is powerful, it doesn't last long. It usually takes a day or two to lose its effect. But..." She didn't finish.Because Zheng Zhao has been in a coma for two months, it obviously doesn't match the failure of a day or two.Zheng Sichu was also a little disappointed and said: "Yes." Xiao Shunhua has already ordered a carriage.She got into the car, and said with a faint smile: "Mr. Zheng, I really want to thank you again that day. Auspicious people have their own fortune. I hope your father will recover soon." She is leaving.Zheng Sichu suddenly felt so bewildered, he raised his hand subconsciously, and said, "Miss Xiao, goodbye." Seeing Xiao Shunhua's carriage gradually disappear, Zheng Sichu couldn't tell what it was like.Xiao Shunhua and him could be regarded as friends now, but they were just friends.He didn't know if Xiao Shunhua would come, and even now he didn't know which school Xiao Shunhua taught in.Even if he knew, he really couldn't think of any excuse to see her.He has been in the army for many years, and he has been on the battlefield of life and death several times, but the heroic spirit he used to fight with a gun is gone now. Just as he was thinking, Cheng Diwen's voice sounded next to his ears: "Si Chu, you are so ashamed to welcome me." Following the voice, Cheng Diwen got out of a carriage with a fruit basket. Zheng Sichu smiled and said, "Are you okay today? Why do you take such a big car." But he couldn't help feeling a little guilty.Cheng Diwen said: "I'm going to pick up a Mrs. Jiang, and I'll take a look at the old man. How is the old man now?" Zheng Sichu sighed and said, "It's still the same." Cheng Diwen didn't say anything more.Zheng Zhao's strange illness came really suddenly, and Zheng Sichu encountered this kind of thing not long after he was discharged from the army. In his opinion, it was really a house leak and it rained all night. Misfortunes never come singly.Originally, he was somewhat annoyed that Zheng Sichu came up with the idea of ​​attacking the capital of Chu, which caused him to be dismissed from the army, but seeing Zheng Sichu's current situation, he didn't have any grievances anymore. He only felt that he was a blessing in disguise, but this friend never The son of the Secretary of State has plummeted, and he still stays at home to take care of the sick.Cheng Diwen knows Zheng Sichu's military talents better than anyone else, and he has always believed that this friend will become a famous general in the world, but now Zheng Sichu has been cut off from this path, which is really sympathetic.He looked at Zheng Zhao who was still lying on the bed, put the basket of fruit away and said, "By the way, Si Chu, if you're okay, come with me to pick up Mrs. Jiang." "Who is Madam Jiang?" Cheng Diwen laughed and said, "Mrs. Jiang was a singer when she was young, and her stage name was Hua Yuechun." Whether it is Mrs. Jiang or Hua Yuechun, it is the same thing to Zheng Sichu.He said: "What's the matter?" Seeing his understatement, Cheng Diwen said sadly: "Oh, you haven't even heard of Hua Yuechun. Thirty years earlier, her name shocked the world. You heard Have you passed Minweiqiu?" Min Weiqiu is a great contemporary poet, but now he is traveling around the world, and his whereabouts are unknown. If he is alive, he is probably already eighty years old.Min Weiqiu's poems were widely circulated for a while, and Zheng Sichu had certainly heard of them.He said, "What's wrong?" "Min Weiqiu wrote two lines of poems to Hua Yuechun in the past, called 'Fortunately, I am blessed by the heavens, and I still have to read Qing songs when I go out of the capital'. Listen, Min Weiqiu felt that when he was demoted from the capital, he could hear Hua Yuechun. Yuechun's song is blessed by heaven, which shows how much she is admired. I only occasionally found out about her whereabouts and asked her to guide me. I heard that she hasn't sung for decades. It's rare to hear it. " At the end of Cheng Diwen's words, he shook his head in a state of intoxication, as if Zheng Sichu didn't listen to Hua Yuechun's singing, and his life was useless. Min Weiqiu's poems are often heard in restaurants and singing halls. Hearing that he actually admires Hua Yuechun so much, Zheng Sichu couldn't help being interested.He thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go with you to see it. As an official, you really do everything yourself, and you have to go to pick up people yourself." Cheng Diwen was teased by him, and said with a dry smile: "Mrs. Jiang is not an ordinary person. If she is not sincere, she will not come here." Zheng Sichu confessed to Qi Haichen who was decocting the medicine, and followed Cheng Diwen into the car.Wuyun City is an ancient capital that has been in operation for hundreds of years. It occupies a large area and has a population of hundreds of thousands. Their car turned around in the city and turned into a quiet small courtyard.Cheng Diwen said: "Si Chu, we're here, come down." This small courtyard is hidden in a deep alley, with high walls and pine trees growing on the top of the walls.Zheng Sichu jumped out of the car, Cheng Diwen whispered: "Be careful, Mrs. Jiang is so quiet, don't lose your manners." When Cheng Diwen was in the army, he never flattered his immediate superior like this. It seems that he respected Mrs. Jiang, whose original name was Hua Yuechun.Zheng Sichu became more interested, and whispered, "Understood." Cheng Diwen walked to the courtyard gate, rang the doorbell, and a thin man came to open the door after a while.Seeing Cheng Diwen, the man bowed and said, "Master Cheng, you are here." This man was very courteous, but Cheng Diwen returned the salute and said, "Is Mrs. Jiang ready? If it is convenient, please invite Mrs. Jiang to leave." The man looked at Zheng Sichu behind him, and said, "This is..." Cheng Diwen hurriedly said, "This is my friend Zheng Sichu. He is also a good flute player, and he admires the name of Madam Jiang, so he came with me Congratulations to Mrs. Jiang." There was a smile on the man's face, he must have felt that these two young people respected Mrs. Jiang so much, and the children could be taught, so he bowed to Zheng Sichu and said: "Mr. .Brother Shi Xianqin, thank Mr. Zheng Yiyu, please come in and wait a while, Madam is changing clothes, you can leave immediately." Shi Qinxian turned around and walked in.Zheng Sichu saw that the house was very small, and the main hall was even cramped. Three or four people could hardly even turn around, so he whispered, "Diwen, let's wait in the courtyard." Cheng Diwen obviously also found that he had to sit in the main hall. It was too crowded, so he said softly, "Yes, wait here." Although the yard is small, it is really elegantly arranged, the floor is paved with blue bricks, and it is cleaned spotlessly.A few flowers and trees were planted along the wall, and they bloomed very well.Zheng Sichu thought in his heart: Although Mrs. Jiang was born as a singer, her family is not bad.Everyone in the Republic is equal, but people cannot be completely equal after all. Even if Zheng Sichu thinks so, others will treat him as a son of the Secretary of State.In his eyes, a singer is nothing more than singing a song in a restaurant in exchange for money. It is hard to get rid of the three points of gaudy. He did not expect that Mrs. Jiang was once a famous singer in the world. The family is not well-off, but the decoration is like a scholar. . He was looking at the books of red flowers hidden among the green bamboos, but he heard a woman say: "The two young masters came here in person, the little lady is really grateful." The voice was soft and crisp like a warbler's cry, Zheng Sichu was stunned, and turned his head, only to see Shi Qinxian walking down the stairs with an old woman in a blue cloth coat and with her hair combed up. The old woman was actually blind.Zheng Sichu didn't come back to his senses for a while, he could only keep spinning in his mind, thinking: Is the girl who spoke just now behind her?Why not show up?On the other hand, Cheng Diwen bowed deeply and said, "Mrs. Jiang, I'm sorry for your trouble. Diwen is really ashamed." Mrs. Jiang smiled lightly and said: "Don't say that, it is my blessing that the little lady can see Mr. Cheng's skills in her old age." Cheng Diwen's skill must be playing the flute, and Zheng Sichu couldn't think of anything else that Cheng Diwen excelled at.After being praised by Mrs. Jiang, Cheng Diwen's face was also radiant, and he was probably inexplicably excited.Zheng Sichu looked amused, and he listened carefully at this moment, the voice was Madam Jiang's.Mrs. Jiang didn't look too old, but she was at least over forty, nearly fifty, but she never thought her voice was still so beautiful.He was thinking about it, but Madam Jiang said: "I heard that there is another Mr. Zheng who is also a famous flute player. I don't know which class Mr. Zheng is from?" Zheng Sichu was hard-picked by Cheng Diwen as a "good flute player". Hearing Mrs. Jiang's mention at this time, he couldn't help but blush a little.Cheng Diwen's flute playing skills are indeed superb, so it's no wonder that Mrs. Jiang is so fond of him.But the sound of her flute sounded like a dog barking to her, not to mention which class she was from.Playing the flute by myself is actually practicing blindly according to the book compiled by Cheng Diwen. Could it be said that "Cheng Diwen's disciple" can't do it?He glared at Cheng Diwen, bowed and said: "Mrs. Jiang is laughing, I am a warrior, but I am just a beginner, and it is difficult to be elegant." Hearing Zheng Sichu mention "warrior", a strange expression seemed to flash in Mrs. Jiang's dull eyes.She smiled and said: "Is Mr. Zheng a warrior? Many of the famous flute players that the little lady saw back then were warriors." Zheng Sichu said: "Mrs. Jiang, I'm really not humbled. I'm just a beginner in this way, and I don't have much experience." Mrs. Jiang still had a faint smile on her face, and said slowly: "Mr. Zheng, there are other talents in the way of rhythm. For a strong person, learning the flute can often get twice the result with half the effort." She didn't say anything more, and said, "Mr. Cheng, please come and visit me, please set off." Mrs. Jiang was asked to get in the car and sit down first, before Cheng Di and Zheng Sichu got into the car.Shi Qinxian helped Madam Jiang into the carriage, and then she came out and sat next to the coachman.Although the Republic claims that everyone is equal, titles such as young master and young lady have long been abolished, but Mrs. Jiang is still the same as before, and Shi Qinxian probably considers herself a servant, so she dare not sit with Mrs. Jiang.Sitting in the car, Zheng Sichu was thinking, when Madam Jiang suddenly heard: "Young Master Cheng, I don't know how well you have compiled the Daqu?" Cheng Diwen said: "It's okay, but in the third chorus, there is a piece of concerto that I can't always add. Every time I play it, it feels abrupt, as if... as if half a catty of lard was stuffed into the flute hole. " He has put a lot of effort into this set of Daqu, which is also the highlight of this year's National Day Ceremony.Others are fine, but there is a flute concerto in the third part, which he puts more emphasis on because he played it himself, but it doesn't always match well with the singing team, so I want to ask Mrs. Jiang to listen to it. Mrs. Jiang laughed out loud when she heard him make such an analogy.Her voice was so crisp and tender, just listening to the voice, one would think it was from a young girl.She said: "Mr. Cheng, you might as well play it to me first." Cheng Diwen wanted to play for a long time. Hearing Mrs. Jiang's words, he immediately took out a flute from his arms and said, "Mrs. Jiang, let me play a section first. Please help me to hear what's wrong." He brought the flute to his mouth, and with a slight movement of his fingers, a string of notes floated out immediately.Zheng Sichu knew that Cheng Diwen played the flute very well, and seeing that his technique became more proficient, he must have had more time to practice after arriving in the Ministry of Rites, and his flute skills have improved more and more.After only playing a few tunes, Cheng Diwen put down the flute and said, "Mrs. Jiang, this is here. It doesn't sound unpleasant to listen to alone, but it always feels awkward when you put it in Daqu." Mrs. Jiang was fascinated when she heard it, and when Cheng Diwen took the flute, she said: "Mr. Cheng, your flute playing skills are already incomparable in the world. As far as the little lady has heard, there is probably only one person who can beat Mr. Cheng." Cheng Diwen said: "Really? Madam Jiang, who is that person?" He always prided himself on playing the flute, and when Madam Jiang heard that there was only one person who could surpass him, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted, and a little bit unconvinced, thinking The best thing to do is to find that person to compete with. If that person is really better than yourself, you can try to learn more, hoping to surpass him one day. Mrs. Jiang sighed and said: "This person has passed away for almost twenty years." Her voice was delicate and sweet, but at this moment it suddenly seemed extremely vicissitudes.Cheng Diwen thought: So he is dead, and I am probably still number one in the world.But I don't know why I didn't feel happy. Instead, I felt that I couldn't see the person who surpassed me. Mrs. Jiang said again: "Mr. Cheng, your technique is extremely proficient and beyond reproach, and you can't hear anything wrong with it now. I don't know why you think it's going to be tricky in Daqu?" Cheng Diwen took out the silk scarf to wipe the flute, put the flute away, and then said: "This is what I can't figure out. This section uses palace tunes, which should be extremely harmonious, but I really don't understand why Something happened." Mrs. Jiang lowered her head and thought for a while, before she said: "Now the little lady can't figure it out, I'm afraid she will only understand after hearing Mr. Cheng play it in the Daqu." Zheng Sichu listened to Mrs. Jiang and Cheng Di talking about rhythm, and was not interested.Mrs. Jiang and Cheng Diwen talked more and more deeply. Gong Shangjiao and Zheng Yu continued to talk about each other. Zheng Sichu had a rough grasp of rhythm and could only understand one or two sentences, most of which were unclear.He looked at Mrs. Jiang's face. Although her face was not very beautiful, her voice was really beautiful. When she was young, this voice alone might have added infinite charm to her.It's just that now she is old after all, looking at her old woman's appearance and that delicate voice is simply weird. At this moment the car stopped.Cheng Diwen raised the curtain of the car to look at it, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Jiang, you have arrived. Please listen to it and give me some guidance." Cheng Diwen and Zheng Sichu got out of the car first, and Shi Qinxian had already jumped out of the front seat to help Madam Jiang out of the car, Cheng Diwen whispered: "Si Chu, you have a good ear today, Madam Jiang will cooperate with me, ha, you I've never had a chance to hear it in my life." Cheng Diwen's flute was rarely heard by others, but Zheng Sichu had heard it many times, but he couldn't help being a little excited to hear Madam Jiang's singing.Min Weiqiu's poems are spread all over the world, but his eyes are higher than the top. It is said that he never looks at people directly. Even he admires Madam Jiang very much. It seems that Madam Jiang's singing is really wonderful in the world. He followed Cheng Diwen to a big house.As soon as I got close, I heard a noisy sound coming from inside, about seven or eight kinds of musical instruments were playing in unison, which was not pleasant to listen to.As soon as they entered the door, they saw a thin old man who was playing the piano and looked up at them, his face suddenly changed and he stood up.Zheng Sichu was wondering why the old man was so respectful to him, but he heard him say in a trembling voice, "Hua...Miss Hua Yuechun, you are here too!" Only then did Zheng Sichu realize that he knew Mrs. Jiang.This old man was about the same age as Mrs. Jiang, so he must have known Hua Yuechun's name back then. Although Mrs. Jiang couldn't see it, her ears were more sensitive, and she could hear the old man's voice. She smiled and said: "The little lady is no longer the Huayuechun of the past. Please don't be too polite, sir." The old man took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand to help Mrs. Jiang, but withdrew his hand again, and said anxiously: "Hua... Mrs. Jiang, I really didn't expect it to be you. I'm next to Wang Xi. I heard your singing at the beginning, and I've heard it until now." It's still in my ears, before I know it, it's been thirty years." This old man is also in his fifties, but he was a teenager thirty years ago, so he must have heard Hua Yuechun's singing, dreamed of it, and thought of it. Now.Although he is not young, he still looks like a teenager at this moment.Cheng Diwen saw the old man rambling on and didn't know when he was going to talk, so he quickly interjected: "Mr. Wang, please sit down. Mrs. Jiang is here to guide our Daqu." After Wang Xi returned to his original seat, Cheng Diwen bowed to Madam Jiang and said, "Madam Jiang, please listen to our ensemble first." Mrs. Jiang smiled lightly and said, "Okay, please, Mr. Cheng." Although Cheng Diwen is an official of the Ministry of Rites, and the people sitting here are all musicians, he has no pretensions and went to a seat to sit down.That Wang Xi must have conducted the music with the sound of the piano, he stood up first, regardless of Madam Jiang not seeing, first bowed to Madam Jiang, and then sat down and plucked the strings.There were two clangs, and suddenly there were eight tones, and all the instruments rang at the same time.Those musical instruments sound unpleasant when they sound chaotically, but when they are in order, they are elegant and graceful, which is very pleasant to hear.Zheng Sichu only listened to a short passage, and couldn't help being secretly surprised, thinking: I didn't expect Di Wen to have such a great talent, I really can't see it.When Cheng Diwen was a marching staff officer in the army, what he was best at was post-war reporting, and he was not good at others.However, he is really good at arranging this set of Daqu, I am afraid that there are few others in the world, maybe he is only showing his strengths now.He couldn't help feeling a little jealous when he heard it, and looked at Mrs. Jiang, but heard that Mrs. Jiang also had a smile on her lips, which seemed to be a sign of approval. This set of Daqu is very complicated, and it will take a long time to finish playing the whole piece. At this time, it has been transferred to the second part.The first part is dominated by the piano sound of the old man Wang Xi, and in the second part, Cheng Diwen's flute sound is getting brighter and louder, and it has replaced the previous piano sound.Zheng Sichu originally thought that his flute skills were already at the beginning, and he had a vague feeling that it would not be much worse than Cheng Diwen, but now he realized after listening to it that Cheng Diwen's flute skills seemed unfathomable. Beginners' three-legged cat kung fu is comparable, fingering, luck, both are the best choice.In the past, he was only superficial about playing the flute, and he felt that everyone was playing the flute. Now that he had put in some effort and had a glimpse of the door, he realized that Cheng Diwen's flute skills were far superior to his. Bigger average.The more he listened, the more frightened he became. Right at this sound, he heard a few clangs in the flute, and the sound of the piano revived, and following the sound of the piano, a group of young girls sang loudly: This is a hymn to praise the great achievements of the great rule, but the words are too quaint, and most people can't understand them, only understand "happy and harmonious", "the world is in harmony" and so on.After the establishment of the Republic, the world can be regarded as peaceful, and compared with the years of wars and chaos in the past, it can indeed be called a prosperous age.Zheng Sichu heard those girls singing in unison, the singing was a little bit more crisp and sweet in the grace, and it was more melodious, he couldn't help laughing to himself: Di must have brought private goods, let those girls sing so loudly It's hard for them too. After singing this section, the Daqu didn't continue. Cheng Diwen stood up and said, "Mrs. Jiang, this is here. When the singing stopped, my flute sounded suddenly abrupt, and it didn't work until the end. I thought it was because the pitch was too high , but if it is lowered, the sound of the flute will be covered by the singing, as if it stops abruptly, making it even more abrupt." When Cheng Diwen heard it, Zheng Sichu didn't know any tricks. When Cheng Diwen said it, he recalled the scene when he just listened to it. Just as Cheng Diwen said, when the group of girls sang the word "day", Cheng Diwen's flute The sound seemed so uncoordinated.However, he really didn't have much research on the rhythm, and couldn't think of the reason, so he thought: Yes, what's going on? Mrs. Jiang closed her eyes, pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "Mr. Cheng, please join me in the ensemble." She smiled, then turned to Wang Xi and said, "Mr. Wang, please join the ensemble." The old man王锡不弹琴时,两眼直勾勾地紧盯着蒋夫人看,听得蒋夫人竟要他合奏,登时喜不自禁,张开了嘴道:“是,是,一定,一定。”看样子似乎恨不得重复个十七八遍。 程迪文将笛子凑到嘴边,吹了几个调子,王锡又轻拨琴弦。随着笛声与琴声汇合之际,蒋夫人的歌声也起来了。歌声虽然与先前一般无二,但听来却如水乳交融,竟是说不出的和谐,程迪文的笛子还在嘴边,脸上便已露出了笑意。郑司楚不由暗自称奇,忖道:这到底是怎么回事?当真术业有专攻,旁人都看不出门道来。 蒋夫人唱到“公”字,声音刚落,旁边那队人尽都鼓起掌来,王锡更是涨红了脸站起来叫道:“蒋夫人,王锡今日得闻清歌,余生无憾矣。”看样子,似乎眼泪都要落下来了。程迪文待他们都静了些,才道:“蒋夫人,这到底是怎么回事?” 蒋夫人微微一笑,道:“程公子,笛曲以清丽为宗,转入商声或角声,稍不注意便显得剑拔弩张,声调凄厉了。此曲雍容典雅,却不能算清丽,而此歌开头一字为入声,声音短促有力,相形之下,笛声便觉突兀了。” 程迪文听得大有兴味,追问道:“是啊,那蒋夫人您唱来为何全无此感?” 蒋夫人又笑了笑,道:“度曲为歌,有时候便要随机应变。程公子方才听小妇人唱来不觉突兀,只因我将'日'字用平声唱出,下句的'沧'字却用了去声。因为这两字皆是首字,声调虽变,却听不出异样。” 程迪文“啊”了一声,叫道:“原来如此,以平声入,以去声承,这等便避去了突兀之病。蒋夫人,听您一席话,当真茅塞顿开。”这个谜团迎刃而解,程迪文不由欣喜若狂。 蒋夫人又道:“程公子,还有几处音应该改一改,这一段你是用了《感皇恩》的调子吧?” 郑司楚站在一边听他们说得热闹,自己越来越听不懂了,不觉有点索然无味。乐曲奏起来时甚是动听,但练习时各练各的,着实不中听。在屋了呆了一阵,已觉得头大,而程迪文说到了兴头上,双眼放光,更是不肯停歇。人声和乐器声夹在一处,他感到头都有点疼,便走出屋子到了院中。一到院里,声浪轻了许多,也觉得舒服了些。他站在一株树下,看着树皮上一队蚂蚁正上上下下游走不停,一边想着方才听到的那支歌。 那本是一支民间小调,原本甚是粗俗,有什么“白吃白喝,白睡姑娘”之类,后来填上词后成了赞歌,恐怕谁都不知原来竟是这等淫靡小调。想到这儿他不由失笑,因为他又想起了毕炜的事。毕炜在远征失败以前,曾经有百战百胜之名,结果远征楚国失败,旁人便又说他老了不中用了。不论什么话,重复多了便有人信,天长日久便成了真理,世上事多半如此。 正想着,忽听得身后响起了那石琴仙的声音:“郑公子。”他转过身,却见石琴仙扶着蒋夫人便立在他身后,他忙向蒋夫人行了一礼道:“蒋夫人,您也出来了。” 蒋夫人微微一笑道:“程公子正在修改大曲,现在是最吵的时候,郑公子大概有点烦吧?” 郑司楚是因为听程迪文说能听到蒋夫人的歌声才跟了来的,但练习时的声音确实太让人心烦了。被蒋夫人一语道破,郑司楚不觉有点不好意思,微笑道:“蒋夫人见笑了,我于音律实是一知半解。” 蒋夫人笑道:“其实小妇人也觉得练习之时实在太烦。少年时为衣食奔忙,不得不然,现在老了,就好个清静,所以能不听便不听吧。” 郑司楚听她直承自己也觉得练习乐曲时心烦,不由奇道:“蒋夫人现在不爱听曲吗?” 蒋夫人道:“乐者好音律,却不好不成曲调之声。其实武人也是一般,百胜之将,神武不杀,如此方可称武者。” 这想必是当初她还是花月春时武人跟她说过的话吧,郑司楚没想到蒋夫人居然会提到这等事。与乐曲相比,他对那个曾向蒋夫人说这席话之人更感兴趣。他道:“蒋夫人,不嫌冒昧的话,请问一下夫人昔年认识哪些有名的武人?” 蒋夫人道:“小妇人在前朝曾是歌姬,认识的也是前朝武人。现在共和国了,似乎不太好说这些吧。” 共和国有禁令,一律不能谈论前朝之事,所以对于覆灭并不是很久的帝国,郑司楚这一辈人几乎已全然不晓。他心头一动,笑道:“此时也并非谈论,不过私下略有涉及罢了。我听得旧帝国有位大帅名为楚休红,不知蒋夫人可曾见过?” 蒋夫人摇了摇头道:“此人出名之时,小妇人便再不曾见过他。据说他微时也曾与我见过面,不过那时小妇人根本未曾注意。”她笑了笑,这才道,“因为楚帅平生也不好音律,又极少饮宴,因此他根本没来召过我陪宴。” 蒋夫人在当初做歌姬时,原来还要陪宴,这等一定有许多难以言说的隐事。郑司楚不由暗自叹息,如此说来也不好刨根问底地追问什么了。其实他对那位大帅楚休红的生平颇有兴趣,也一直想知道此人结局如何。这个人曾经名满天下,又毫无声息地隐没在时间的长河中,蒋夫人虽然与他不熟,至少还听到过这名字,再过些年,大概连这名字都不会有人知道了。郑司楚道:“那蒋夫人较为熟悉的是哪些武人?” 蒋夫人抬起头道:“帝国先前有龙虎二将,以及武侯最为出名,其中武侯便是天下少有的笛技名手。不过我见的人里,武侯的奏笛只可称为第三,还有……还有前朝的帝君,做太子时就是天下少有的奏笛高手。” 武侯、帝君、太子,这些名词现在已经根本听不到了,一边石琴仙咳嗽了两声,想必觉得蒋夫人说得有点越出边际。蒋夫人也一下回过神来,微笑道:“郑公子,奏笛亦是因人而异,多加练习便有进益。郑公子若有兴,不妨为小妇人吹奏一曲,可好?” 若是平时,郑司楚定然不肯。但此时他对这个老妇有点莫名的好感,他从怀里摸出铁笛笑道:“蒋夫人,那我就献丑了,请不要见笑,我刚学会几段呢。” 他现在吹得最熟的便是那支《秋风谣》,便凑到唇边吹了起来。他吹起来手法远没程迪文纯熟,好在《秋风谣》曲调很简单,他又吹过几遍,总算没有什么纰漏。一曲吹罢,他放下笛子,正想听听蒋夫人有什么话,一眼却见边上的石琴仙眼中有点讥嘲之意,脸上不由微微一红,心知自己真是在献丑了。石琴仙跟随蒋夫人多年,又以“琴仙”为名,多半也是个音律高手,自己这点三脚猫的奏笛之技当真不入他的法眼,便道:“蒋夫人,见笑了。” 蒋夫人笑了笑道:“真不错。不过,郑公子,您大概疏于练习吧?” 蒋夫人说得客气,但郑司楚更觉不好意思,干笑一下道:“以前虽然会一点,可是一直没有多练,也就是最近才练了练。” 蒋夫人叹了口气道:“那也难怪。我只是奇怪,郑公子您的手法甚是生疏,但这曲《国之殇》中却大有英气,小妇人已很多年未曾听得了。” 郑司楚怔了怔,道:“《国之殇》?这曲子是叫《秋风谣》啊。” 蒋夫人也怔了怔,反问道:“是叫《秋风谣》了?”她想了想,笑道,“是了,定然被改了。这曲子犯忌,我都忘了。” 乐曲都会犯忌,郑司楚不由大感诧异,问道:“这曲子有什么不妥吗?” “其实也没什么不妥,不过此曲本是帝国军军歌,流传极广,共和后自然不能唱了,所以被改成这个名字。” 原来是军歌啊。郑司楚恍然大悟,这才明白自己为什么吹出来会有如此的杀伐之气。他本以为是自己手法拙劣,没想到其实是这曲子应有之相。也许是因为自己一直在军中,与这支乐曲有点天然契合,所以自然而然地吹奏出本应有的曲风来。这时蒋夫人又道:“郑公子,您对奏笛其实甚有天份,若是有兴趣,常来舍下坐坐,小妇人虽然不擅吹笛,但也有些心得。” 郑司楚听得蒋夫人说自己对吹笛甚有天份,不由大为兴奋,道:“是吗?蒋夫人,您说我能超过迪文吗?” 蒋夫人怔了怔,又微笑道:“各有因缘。程公子对奏笛一道,实是不世出的天才,不过郑公子也甚是不俗。假如勤加练习,我想应该不下于程公子。” 虽然蒋夫人说得委婉,但郑司楚还是听得出来,自己在吹笛上实是不可能超过程迪文了。以前他一直有点不服,但蒋夫人都这么说,他总算死了在吹笛上也要超过程迪文的心。他笑道:“多谢蒋夫人青眼有加。若是有空,在下定然前来请教。”术业有专攻,自己虽然在兵法弓马上远远超过程迪文,但程迪文终究有一样本事自己是望尘莫及的,也算公平。 这时石琴仙突然眉头一皱,小声道:“夫人,程公子好像又遇到点麻烦。”他耳力极聪,已听得屋中的合奏又有点不协。蒋夫人也听出来了,淡淡一笑道:“郑公子,对不住,小妇人又要去听听。” “蒋夫人请。” 看着石琴仙扶着蒋夫人走回屋中,郑司楚心中只是不住转念着,原来是军歌,原来那是帝国军的军歌啊。 这曲子改成《秋风谣》后就只剩下凄楚,却总有种说不出的悲壮。就仿佛宝刀沉埋已久,成了一团锈铁,但一旦磨砺过后,便又锋芒毕露。萧舜华说过,未来只在自己的手中,而郑司楚也似乎隐约看到了自己的未来。 他仰头望着天空,默默地想着。
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