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Chapter 10 Chapter Ten Knowing My Worry

The office of the Secretary of State is very heavy.The territory of the republic is vast, with nineteen provinces in the south and ten in the north, and a total of nineteen provinces. Among them, the province of Langyue only returned to the rule of the republic two years ago.Most of the residents in Langyue Province are of different races, and everything is complicated. The reports from the local officials are all piled up.Fortunately, paper is very popular now. Zheng Zhao still remembers that he had no paper when he was young, either bamboo slips or silk books.Langyue couldn't save silk, if they used wooden slips to issue documents, these reports would probably weigh thousands of catties, and they don't know when they were transported here.

While flipping through a report from the prefect of Langyue Province, Lu Liyuan whispered outside the door: "Secretary of State." Zheng Zhao didn't like to be disturbed at work, but Lu Liyuan must have other important things to come here.He put down the documents in his hand and said, "Liyuan, what's the matter?" The door opened, and Lu Liyuan stood at the door awkwardly: "Someone wants to see you, and he said that he has this thing to give to you." Lu Liyuan opened his hand, and in his palm was half a gold coin.Zheng Zhao was startled, and took out half a piece of gold coin from his bosom to align it, and the gap was just right.He said, "Ask him to come in."

It's that shadow ninja!Zheng Zhao thought silently.He didn't expect that shadow ninja to come so fast, has he already figured out the clue?At this time, someone had already walked in from behind Lu Liyuan.This man was wearing a hat, and as soon as he entered the door, he took off his hat and put it on his chest, bowed to Zheng Zhao, and said, "Secretary Zheng, hello." He took a step forward, bowed again, and said in a low voice, "Secretary of State, do you already know my identity?" Zheng Zhao returned half a gold coin to him and said, "Yes." In the legend, the shadow ninja can fly over the walls, has great supernatural powers, and there are even legends that these people are full of murderous murderers, but this person in front of him looks extremely ordinary, and his clothes are also extremely ordinary. He is a person who can be seen at a glance on the street passers-by.The man put away half of the gold coin, smiled slightly and said, "Secretary of State, my name is Nan Dou."

Nandou is the name of a group of stars in the sky, but of course this kind of name cannot be the real name, maybe Yingren are all named after the constellations in the sky.Zheng Zhaodao: "I already know. What do you want?" Nan Dou still had a slight smile on his face, and said: "My lord, please allow me to serve as an errand in serving tea and water in the mansion." He is going to use this identity to investigate.Zheng Zhao nodded: "Yes, I will let the person in charge of general affairs arrange it." Nan Dou's voice was lower, "There is one more thing, my lord."

"what?" "If someone dies suddenly, I will inform the adults in advance." Zheng Zhao couldn't recall these words for a while.He thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Are you going to kill people here?" A cold air suddenly flashed in Nan Dou's eyes, and he said in a low voice: "The Great Commander has his fate, this person must not be left behind." Zheng Zhao hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Okay." Shadow ninja is a secret agency directly under the big control, although the official position is small, it is better not to offend this kind of person.He whispered: "Mr. Nan Dou, who is this person?"

"There is no evidence at the moment, so the Secretary of State must arrange it." It is indeed not easy to find one person with two hearts among more than a thousand officials.Nan Dou probably wants to use this identity as a cover to rummage through everyone's belongings.Zheng Zhao couldn't help feeling cold, but there was still no abnormality on his face, he just said, "That's natural. But if Mr. Nan Dou suspects someone, please let me know first." An almost obsequious smile appeared on Nan Dou's face again, "Don't bother Mr. Secretary of State, this is of course."

However, it is only a "notification".If Nan Dou wanted to kill anyone, that person would definitely die.Zheng Zhao was upset for a while, but he didn't know what it was like.It has not been long since the shadow ninja organization surfaced, but it is certainly not newly established.Once upon a time, there might also be such a pair of eyes staring at me in the dark.The republic I imagined at the beginning was a country that puts people first and people first, and everyone is equal, but now it seems to be far away from my imagination. After asking General Affairs to come over to arrange Nandou's affairs, Zheng Zhao felt indescribably weak.The Office of the Secretary of State is a huge institution, and it is common practice to hire a servant. Although it is a bit strange for the Secretary of State to personally arrange it, the General Secretary may think that this person is related to the Secretary of State and wants to find an errand.Zheng Zhao is very strict with himself, never cites private persons, and of course the handyman is not considered private, so he will not be suspicious.However, he knew that from today onwards, there would be such a pair of eyes staring at the Secretary of State's residence.

What if Nandou wasn't the first? Such a thought suddenly flashed in Zheng Zhao's mind.Of course, Dazhizhi is not a god. He didn't even realize it, but he already believed that there was a traitor in the Secretary of State's house.Could it be that someone has been watching everything in the dark?Thinking of this, he felt even colder. No way.It is not possible that the big system still does not believe in itself.Zheng Zhao said to himself like this, but he couldn't convince himself. He felt faintly in his heart that what he was facing might also be an abyss. Although Nan Dou's arrival made Zheng Zhao uncomfortable, it was a trivial matter after all, and he immediately forgot about it due to his busy schedule.Nan Dou did not appear in front of him for the next two days.This man actually has the ability to be familiar with his own hands, and his hands and feet are nimble. He wipes the table and sweeps the floor very diligently. He has become very familiar with those officials in just two days. Nan Dou never pushes back on tasks like taking out the garbage, and wins their favor, thinking that this new handyman is very capable.Zheng Zhao knew that Nan Dou would definitely check all the discarded garbage in a hidden place, maybe the traitor didn't know it was because of this new handyman when he finally died.

When he was about to get off work on the third day, Zheng Zhao was about to pack up some things and go back when there was a knock on the door.Zheng Zhaogang said "come in", but saw Nan Dou walking in.Still with a flattering smile on his face, he closed the door and walked forward and said in a low voice, "My lord Secretary of State." Zheng Zhao's heart skipped a beat, and he said in a low voice, "Have you found out?" "Chen Dahua." Zheng Zhao was startled, "Who is this?" "This person is a copy of the fifth lesson. He is married and has no bad habits."

Chaoshou is a small official responsible for transcribing documents. To Zheng Zhao, these people are really insignificant.He said, "Is there any evidence?" "Yes. Please, the Secretary of State, please send this document to the fifth class." Nan Dou took out a small piece of paper from his bosom, Zheng Zhao took it over and looked at it, but it was a reply from a businessman who went to Xiyuan to do business.He was startled, and said, "What's the use of this?" "When this person sees this document, he will definitely find a way to hand it over to the person who is connected, and then he will be able to catch them all."

Wudeying is now in Xiyuan.Because there are very few ironware in Xiyuan, it can be said that most of the merchants who went to Xiyuan to trade in Xiyuan would have contact with them.This is an open secret, so the management of Xiyuan businessman's approval has been extremely strict.This list of merchants may have some hidden meanings, so that Chen Dahua will definitely pass it on to those who connect with him.Zheng Zhao nodded, and approved a reply of "Submit to Lesson 5 for signature" on it, and said, "Do you have to kill him?" "This person was just bought by the rebels, and he doesn't know the details. After the person who connected with him is captured, no one will contact him again. But since this person can do such a thing once, he will definitely do it again The second time, I can't keep him." Zheng Zhao's heart sank again.This Chen Dahua is just an insignificant little person. After the evidence is convincing, he will be dismissed or locked up for a while. Even if he is ignored, he may not dare to be greedy for such petty gains.But Nan Dou actually still wanted to silence this person, it can only be said that he was bloodthirsty.But Zheng Zhao didn't want to say anything more, and it wasn't worth it for such a small person to have a conflict with the big government.He nodded and said, "But don't make people panic." Nan Dou smiled, "Master Secretary of State, don't worry, he died of a sudden illness, no one will suspect him." When Nan Dou walked out, there still seemed to be a slight fishy smell in the air.Zheng Zhao sighed slightly, and didn't think about it any more. Although I am not a soldier now, the habit of exercising every day I developed in the army still does not change.Zheng Sichu got up early every morning, went to the yard to practice boxing, and sometimes went out for a run on Feiyu. A new year begins.Although the future belongs to me, when I was in the army, the future was real, and I didn't need to think about it, but now it makes people feel at a loss.Embark on an official career and become an official?As the son of the Secretary of State, this road should of course be quite smooth, but Zheng Sichu always felt that he was really not suitable to take this road.Although his father was the biggest official in the Republic, he probably inherited the most blood from his grandfather, Duan Hairuo.Although life in the army was much more monotonous, he felt more at ease. However, this path will probably never work out.He smiled wryly.Although he knew that this road was not going to work, he couldn't let go of the habit of reading military books and practicing spears and horses.It’s not bad as a hobby, or go to a military academy to be an instructor?It’s just that military school instructors are also soldiers, and if they are expelled from the army, they should be no good after they are never hired. They can only go to a literary school as a teaching chair.However, Zheng Sichu also couldn't imagine that he would spend his whole life teaching some children "one-person swordsman". Really high or low, what will my future be like?But being able to become a colleague with Xiao Shunhua, it's not unbearable to be a literary school teacher... Just thinking of Xiao Shunhua, he thought of Cheng Diwen again.Cheng Diwen must have a heart of admiration for Xiao Shunhua. When he met Xiao Shunhua in the memorial hall that day, he probably made an appointment with Xiao Shunhua.Cheng Diwen was very drunk that day, and he didn't know what happened later, so he would probably salivate and apologize. Don't think about it.Zheng Sichu was suddenly disturbed, he patted Feiyu's neck lightly, leaned into the horse's ear and whispered: "Feiyu, can you have a big roll now?" Big rolling means running fast.Fei Yu snorted, as if to answer.Zheng Sichu smiled. This beloved horse has a deep understanding of human nature, and has followed him in battle. During the surprise attack on the Chu capital, he ran at the forefront and pulled down the army horses behind him for a long time.That time, in order to take care of others, he didn't run with all his strength. Now that he is fine, he can let him run as fast as he can. He squeezed the horse's belly with his legs and shouted: "Run!" Fei Yu didn't make any gestures, and rushed straight out with one stride.Ordinary horses always trot first when galloping, but a horse like Fei Yu hardly pauses, and runs as soon as it says it.It is already outside the city at this time, very remote, there was a gust of wind last night, the accumulated soil on the road has been blown away, it looks white and flat, the flying feathers are running wildly, and the trees around are receding one by one , There is also a lot of wind in my ears.Although the wind and cold were like a knife, there was an unspeakable joy in his chest, as if he had returned to the Western Plains where the battle clouds were densely covered, and the elusive enemy was about to launch a general attack. The main roads in Wuyun City are paved with stone slabs and are extremely clean.However, these suburban roads do not have this kind of treatment, they are just dirt roads.Fortunately, it is a suburb of the capital after all, and the road is very wide and evenly packed.Horses galloped on the dirt road even more powerfully. Although Feiyu was galloping, the sound of hooves was still well-proportioned and very rhythmic, obviously there was still room for strength.Now it is the new year, the spring rain has not yet come, and it is also the time for farming.The Republic has been in peace for a long time in these years, and it has vigorously developed agriculture and animal husbandry. Farmers have extra money in their pockets, and they are getting drunk every day during the Chinese New Year. There is no one in the fields by the roadside.Running wildly on the road without people, Zheng Sichu felt that his heart was empty, and the unhappiness had dissipated. After running for a while, I saw a car in the distance.Fearing that there would be trouble, Zheng Sichu hastily pulled the pull rope to make Fei Yu slow down.Leaping horses galloping wildly on this kind of road, bumping into people is of course my own fault.Fei Yu had just started to have sex, so he was reluctant to slow down his pace, so he hummed from time to time. When he got closer, he saw that there was no horse in front of the car, but the right wheel got stuck in the ditch beside the road, probably because the driver was careless.Zheng Sichu led the horse, and said loudly: "Do you want to help?" The car door opened, and a woman poked her head out.Seeing this person, Zheng Sichu's heart skipped a beat, and he cried out: "Miss Xiao!" This person is actually Xiao Shunhua.Seeing Zheng Sichu, she smiled sweetly, jumped out of the car, and said, "It's Mr. Zheng, I'm afraid he's a bad guy." It seems that I am not a bad person.But what made him happy was that a year later, Xiao Shunhua still recognized him.Zheng Sichu smiled slightly, jumped off the horse and said, "What's the matter, where's the groom?" Xiao Shunhua said: "The car accidentally got stuck on the side of the road just now, and he couldn't lift it up alone, so he went to call for help. I'm scared here by myself. Fortunately, Mr. Zheng, you're here." Zheng Sichu said: "Is that so? This groom is really not up to the mark. There are no shops in the front of the village or in the back of this place. Let me take a look." Seeing that he was going to lift the cart, Xiao Shunhua hurriedly said, "Oh, how embarrassing this is." The car was not light, Zheng Sichu asked him to try it, but felt that the car was still not moving at all, so he said: "Let my Feiyu pull it. I just need something to cushion." He tied Fei Yu to the front of the car, and looked around again, only to see a stone by the side of the field, weighing two or three hundred catties, and said, "Wait for me." He went over and hugged the stone come over.Xiao Shunhua saw that he had enough strength to hold this two to three hundred catty stone, so he stuck out his tongue and said, "Mr. Zheng, you have great strength! Be careful." Zheng Sichu put the stone in the ditch, and said with a smile: "Don't forget that I have been a soldier for several years." He supported one wheel and yelled. was pulled up. After pulling the car up, Zheng Sichu got a lot of mud on his hands.Just as he was about to find some ditch water to wash, Xiao Shunhua took out a small pot from the car and said, "Mr. Zheng, wash your hands." This pot is wrapped with a layer of cotton wool, and it is a jug, and the water in it is still warm.Zheng Sichu washed his hands and was about to wipe his body when Xiao Shunhua handed over a silk scarf and said, "Mr. Zheng, use this to wipe." This silk scarf was exactly the one that Xiao Shunhua wiped his eyes in the memorial hall last year.Zheng Sichu took it and wiped it, then smiled and said, "Thank you." Xiao Shunhua pursed his lips and smiled, "Mr. Zheng, I should thank you. Fortunately, I met you." Zheng Sichu looked around and said, "Where is Miss Xiao going? It's very remote here." "It's the annual vacation, I'm going home." Xiao Shunhua folded the silk scarf and put it away.Her clothes were not gorgeous, and the materials were not high-end, but when she heard that she was going home, Zheng Sichu couldn't help being startled, and said, "Miss Xiao's home is not in Wuyun City?" Xiao Shunhua pursed his lips and smiled again, "My home is in Yuanshan Town, forty or fifty miles away from here." At the beginning of the founding of the Republic, in order to prevent changes, the Office of the Secretary of State vigorously implemented the Baojia system, restricting the movement of residents. If you want to go out, you must issue a document from the local protection, which is very troublesome.Although it has been peaceful for a long time now, the Baojia system has not changed. The advantage of this is that the people everywhere can settle down, and the disadvantage is that they cannot move as they like.However, in the eyes of the officials of the Secretary of State's office, this disadvantage is really a good thing, because the land is divided into fertile and barren land, and the land is distributed to exiles after the war. If they are allowed to move, the later will often have conflicts with the first. And so on.After the implementation of the Baojia system, those people can take care of the land they have allocated with peace of mind. The top-grade land is taxed more heavily, and the barren land is lightly taxed. They can also receive land reclamation subsidies and get a relative fairness. No one has anything to say.Yuanshanji is one of the many small towns outside Wuyun City, and it can be regarded as a relatively wealthy one. Xiao Shunhua must have stayed in Wuyun City as a teacher after being admitted to the literary school, while his parents stayed in Yuanshanji to work in agriculture.Zheng Sichu said: "Really, then why are you going now?" "There's always been no time at school. Anyway, I go back twice a year, and I don't care how many days later the Chinese New Year is." Xiao Shunhua smiled, a blush suddenly appeared on his cheeks.There was no one to be seen here, and she was probably a little scared by herself, so she kept hiding in the car.Now that Zheng Sichu was by her side, she suddenly felt shy for some reason. Zheng Sichu untied Fei Yu from the car.He untied it very slowly, but it was still untied.He couldn't think of anything to say for a while, but he really didn't want to leave like this, so he said: "Miss Xiao, your coachman hasn't come yet?" Of course the coachman didn't come, so there is nothing to say.Xiao Shunhua said: "Yes, it's really slow." But when she said it, she didn't mean to be in a hurry at all, as if she was expecting the driver to come later.Zheng Sichu paused, and said, "Okay then, I'll accompany you for a while." He has experienced the battlefield with swords and guns twice, but it took him a lot of courage to say this, almost more difficult than the time when he decided to raid the capital of Chu.Xiao Shunhua blushed again, and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Zheng." Although they stayed for a while, the two young men and women stood by the car, but they didn't know what to say.The wind blows from time to time, and it is still chilly, but Zheng Sichu still doesn't feel it, seeing Xiao Shunhua standing in the wind, feeling a little chilly, he suddenly said: "Miss Xiao, go back to the car, it's very cold outside." Xiao Shunhua's face turned red again.She was a teacher, and she usually kept talking to those children, but she couldn't seem to speak anything in front of Zheng Sichu.She said: "It doesn't matter. Mr. Zheng, by the way, last time you said that you are not a soldier, right?" Zheng Sichu nodded, "That's right. It's all my fault, and it's been a year since Di Wen was expelled from the army with me." "Because of what?" If someone else asked, Zheng Sichu didn't want to say it at all, but it was Xiao Shunhua who asked.He briefly talked about the expedition with Bi Wei, briefly at first, but then he talked more and more. At that time, the details became more and more detailed, and he even told the story of Chen Zhong seeing through his trekking and hiding in the end.Xiao Shunhua's eyes moved when he heard it, and when he heard Chen Zhong recognized his voice, he asked in surprise: "Does he know you?" "Four years ago, this rebel army was still in Langyue Province. I also fought against them with General Bi, and I met this Chen Zhong face to face." Xiao Shunhua frowned, "He still remembers the voice from two years ago, this Chen Zhong is a careful person." Chen Zhong was not a careful person, but Zheng Sichu didn't know why he remembered his voice so firmly.In fact, it was the last moment at that time. If others had been asked to answer the question at that time, this plan might have succeeded. But at that time, I was worried that others would answer incorrectly and be seen as flawed. Who would have thought that it was because of myself? The answer was seen through by Chen Zhong, and it was true that it was better than God.He said: "Perhaps, Chen Zhong thinks highly of me." Wudeying deserves to be called the strongest soldier in the world.He fought against them twice, and both times he narrowly escaped death under their hands, but Zheng Sichu wondered why he couldn't hate them.Lang Yuesheng killed many of them that time, but he didn't kill any of them in this battle. Maybe in the bottom of his heart, he hid a selfish desire not to kill Wudeying again, and he didn't even realize it.What he hopes most is that the entire Wude Battalion can surrender. This unit that has persisted until now is worthy of respect anyway. He hopes that the Wude Battalion can become a member of the Republican Army.Perhaps, Chen Zhong also had similar thoughts about himself. Xiao Shunhua pondered for a while, and said: "Maybe there is another unknown reason. Maybe, Chen Zhong knows your father." "I guess so." His father did know Chen Zhong, but Zheng Sichu couldn't see any trace of his father's personal relationship with Chen Zhong. According to his father, Wudeying was still a rebel army, and it should be eliminated.Of course, his father may also hide it from him, but he has no way of knowing these inside stories.He said, "Miss Xiao, when do you start school?" Xiao Shunhua smiled, "It will be the third of next month." "Will Divin come to pick you up then?" He didn't know why he said that, maybe he really had nothing to say, and he regretted it a little when he said it.If Cheng Diwen would really pick her up then, he would only feel uncomfortable.Xiao Shunhua smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng is just an ordinary friend in the past, he is busy, so he won't." Then I'll pick you up!Zheng Sichu was about to say this sentence, but he still didn't say it.On the battlefield, he may not be afraid of swords, but in front of Xiao Shunhua, he always lacks courage for some reason.When Xiao Shunhua said that she and Cheng Diwen were just ordinary friends, he was even more relieved, he said with a smile: "Then you have to be careful, hire a car and let him walk carefully." Then the coachman came up on his bareback horse.The coachman looked sad, he must have been unable to find anyone to help him, but when he got close to him, he saw that the cart had already pulled up, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and thanked Zheng Sichu a thousand times.After getting on the horse, Xiao Shunhua sat back in the car, but stretched out his hand to beckon Zheng Sichu, and said loudly: "Mr. Zheng, thank you." Zheng Sichu also raised his hands, watching the car go away without a trace, he couldn't help feeling a little empty in his heart.He came from a high family background and was handsome and handsome. Many high-ranking officials in the republic took pride in getting to know him, but this was the first time he felt this way when he parted with a woman. Did he fall in love with Xiao Shunhua?He was a little dazed.He only met Xiao Shunhua twice, but this delicate woman from a commoner family made him feel so kind.Cheng Diwen must have such feelings for her. If it really develops, how should I tell Cheng Diwen? He couldn't help laughing as he jumped onto the horse.He just met her twice by accident, so he thought it was a bit redundant, but he was really looking forward to seeing her for the third time. In the twenty-first year of the Republic of China, in the spring of March, all the armies were trained. Although the soldiers are still kept in the dark, most of the officers already know that this year the Republic will have the biggest military operation since Hu Jitang conquered the Japanese.This time the main general is still Hu Jitang, the hero who conquered the Japanese and the famous general with a severed wrist, and the deputy is the unprecedented arrangement of two generals, Bi Wei and Fang Ruoshui.Three generals were dispatched at a time, which had never happened since the founding of the Republic.Four years ago, two generals and 30,000 troops were dispatched in the expedition to Langyue Province, which was already amazing. I never thought that three generals would be dispatched four years later, and the troops would surely reach more than 50,000. For the republic, it is astonishing. Astonishingly amazing, things are still running as planned.Although Bi Wei's first team was newly defeated, the morale was the strongest this time.Those who didn't go last time wanted to avenge their comrades, and those who experienced the last big defeat vowed to avenge their shame. Bi Wei's army has been training hard since the beginning of the year, and the hardest training is the assault bow team. The assault bow team is Bi Wei's trump card army. The last time Bi Wei escaped from death, he was rescued by the assault bow team.Although the assault bow team suffered a great loss in that battle, after reorganization, it is now completely restored to the old look. There are five hundred people, each with a gun and a horse, with an assault bow on his back and thirty sharp arrows on his waist. are practicing. Bi Wei's first army has always focused on riding and shooting, and the assault bow team is based on riding and shooting. The five centurions have a separate training ground.On this day, Lu Mingyi watched his team of five jumping out on horseback, bowing their bows and shooting at the target more than ten steps away, and he felt secretly happy in his heart.He is very young, and he was recently promoted to be a centurion. He didn't have much confidence in leading this army, but after these months of training, the soldiers in the team have improved in riding, archery and marksmanship. Newly promoted, but not inferior to veterans. With a sound of "pa", it was Qi Liang who shot an arrow right away, hitting the target right in the middle.Lu Mingyi said loudly: "Okay! Ah Liang, when you shoot the arrow, lower your body a little bit." Shooting arrows immediately is completely different from shooting arrows step by step. You can't aim carefully, you can only shoot at the first time, and it depends on the feel.Qi Liang's spear skills are not bad, but his archery skills have always been lacking. Now that this arrow can hit the string, it is obvious that he has undergone a lot of training.Seeing that the arrow hit the target, Qi Liang couldn't help being a little proud, he brought his horse back and said: "Ming Yi, my archery skills have improved." Lu Mingyi said: "That's right, it's my turn next." A centurion ranks eleventh in the ranks of thirteen and trains exactly like a soldier.Qi Liang saw Lu Mingyi trying his bow strength right away, and couldn't help but sigh: "Mingyi, actually you..." In the last expedition, Bi Wei and Xue Tingxuan, the commander of the Wude Camp, were defeated in a gun fight. At the critical moment, it was Lu Mingyi who rescued Bi Wei and came back.Afterwards, Bi Wei intended to take Lu Mingyi into his own army, but Lu Mingyi politely declined, saying only that he was willing to stay in the assault bow team.Qi Liang has said this many times, because Bi Wei's soldiers are treated well and promoted quickly, and the danger is much smaller than that of the assault archers who need to charge ahead. When he thinks of it, he feels sorry for Lu Mingyi, I don't understand why my friend gave up such an excellent opportunity.If it was himself, he would have wished for it long ago.Before he could finish speaking, Lu Mingyi interrupted him and said, "That's all right. Ah Liang, I don't want to be a personal soldier. A good man should fight for his life with a knife and a gun." Qi Liang stopped talking.Lu Mingyi's guns, horses, bows and arrows are all outstanding, and his promotion in the assault bow team is also rare. Maybe Lu Mingyi is right.This time there will be another expedition. Although Bi Wei's first unit is no longer the main force this time, there are still opportunities for meritorious service.It is precisely because Bi Wei is not the main force this time, if it is Bi Wei's personal soldiers, it will be much more difficult to make meritorious service, maybe Lu Mingyi's choice is not wrong. The team is out.You An stood more than ten steps away, with a white line drawn on the ground, and the arrow had to be shot before the horse rushed to the white line.Those traveling targets are all standing on a long movable wooden bar, and someone pushes it on one side, which makes the target shake constantly and makes it more difficult, so it only needs to be hit to be qualified.The assault bow team paid the most attention to shooting skills, and Lu Mingyi's team of 100 people only had about a dozen misses.Those who missed the shot will shoot again until they hit it, and they are not allowed to go back to rest after training, and they have to be responsible for cleaning up the shooting range.Although it doesn't hurt to miss a target once in a while, but the results of this team are so good now, if Lu Mingyi, a centurion, misses the shot, wouldn't it be a shame?Qi Liang usually had to clean up the shooting range, and just now he hit the target with an arrow, he was happy in his heart, but seeing that Lu Mingyi was about to shoot, he was also a little worried.But when he saw Lu Mingyi leaping his horse to the white line, he bent his bow and shot, with a "snap", the arrow flew out, right in the middle of the target, he couldn't help shouting: "Good arrow!" As soon as he shouted, there was a burst of applause from the side: "Good arrow!" Qi Liang was stunned, not knowing what happened for a moment.Lu Mingyi's arrow is certainly not bad, but it is not as good as this, it is not far from his own arrow just now.He could hear the sound coming from the side, and when he looked intently, he saw a horse riding sideways in the second team on the side. Just now, the arrow hit the rightmost target, but the rider didn't He didn't go back, but just ran along the white line, and with a "snap" was another arrow, and the second arrow was still in the middle of the target. There are five sides in the target. The first arrow hits the rightmost side, and the second arrow hits the third side from the right.The man still didn't take the horse back, but ran towards the left, but hit another arrow on the bow.And this person is none other than the centurion of the second team, Wang Li. Wang Li is known as the three best bows, horses and guns, and his bow skills are still number one.Seeing that he was about to shoot three arrows in a row, Qi Liang chose this time, so he deliberately wanted to make Lu Mingyi lose face. He really didn't know why Wang Li would deal with Lu Mingyi like this.It's just that Wang Li's amazing bow skills are really amazing. When the third part was shot and he hit the target on the far left again, he couldn't help shouting: "Good arrow!" Art, half depends on luck, the step bow with every shot is mounted on the horse, maybe you can't even hit an arrow.Wang Li's arrows were shot without fail, and he fired arrows one after another, he can be counted as one of the few good players in cavalry and archery.No wonder there have been rumors in the army that Wang Li has unique skills. If it wasn't for his bad temper, he would have been promoted to a fourth-rank general.Judging by his skill on horseback, this statement is true. It must have been the last time they had a gun competition, Wang Libai was still not convinced by Lu Mingyi's gun, and he wanted to save face.But Lu Mingyi's spear skills can rival Wang Li's, but his archery skills are certainly far behind.At this time, Wang Li had already shot three arrows, he held his horse and said in a loud voice: "General Lu, is this move of 'Whirlwind Three Balls' still acceptable?" Wang Li's voice was purely showing off.Lu Mingyi nodded with a smile, and said: "General Wang's magical skills are beyond Mingyi's reach." Wang Li just smiled and said: "You are welcome, General Lu. If you are really on the battlefield, the enemy will not challenge you one-on-one. If you are a centurion, if you can't practice the arrow, it will be very difficult." Dangerous thing." These words are really provocative, Lianzhu arrows are not easy to practice, let alone a centurion, even Bi Wei, who is a general, does not have such skills.Qi Liang was afraid that Lu Mingyi would be impulsive, and he wanted to try Wang Li's shooting method.He knew that Lu Mingyi's spear skills were excellent, but his archery skills could only be considered good. Shooting continuous arrows was very different from single shooting. If Lu Mingyi couldn't stand the excitement, he probably wouldn't even be able to hit a single arrow. He might become a laughing stock. I am afraid that the prestige established in the team will be greatly affected again. The corner of Lu Mingyi's mouth also moved slightly, but he still smiled and said: "Yes, what General Wang said is exactly." He also stopped talking to Wang Li, and turned back with his horse. Qi Liang breathed a sigh of relief.It's nothing to know how to connect arrows, the entire assault bow team probably only has three or four people who can connect arrows, and Wang Li is probably the only one among the centurions.Rather than being unable to bear Wang Li's provocation and making a fool of himself by shooting arrows, it is better to endure the momentary anger.Seeing Lu Mingyi coming back, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Mingyi, don't think too much, knowing how to shoot arrows is nothing." Lu Mingyi turned his head to look at Wang Li again, and said in a low voice, "But General Wang's arrow skills are of course very good." Qi Liang said: "That's right. General Wang has three excellent bows, horses and spears, but he admits that he has lost to you in spear skills. It's all for one exchange. Anyway, your riding skills are no worse than him." Although Lu Mingyi was young, his riding skills were superb. When Bi Wei and Xue Tingxuan fell off their horses, he was able to pick up Bi Weitong and go away. Even if Wang Li did not lose in this kind of riding skills, he would definitely not be able to pass.From this point of view, Lu Mingyi was not at a disadvantage.In terms of age, Lu Mingyi is much younger and has a bright future. Wang Li is now in the prime of life, but more than ten years later Lu Mingyi will still be in his prime, while Wang Li will grow old.Not to mention anything else, Wang Li will be willing to bow down sooner or later if he just consumes it. Lu Mingyi obviously didn't take it that seriously.His face was a little gloomy, and he said: "But General Wang's archery skills are indeed far superior to mine, and this cannot be denied." Qi Liang said: "Of course. It's just that in a real fight, how can you let yourself run out on the battlefield and shoot arrows in a row? He is just a flashy show." Lu Mingyi said: "You can't say that. If you master the technique of bursting shots, it will be very useful." After training for the day, after taking a bath and eating, a group of soldiers rested in the barracks.There are not many people in the army to entertain, and the Republican Army also strictly prohibits gambling, so once it gets dark, when the barracks are closed and all the people who go out to play in the streets return, they turn off the lights and go to bed early.Qi Liang had already fallen asleep, and after taking a nap, he felt a little strange when he woke up. The snoring sound that had been going on and on was much quieter now, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that Lu Mingyi's bed was actually empty. Where did Lu Mingyi go?Qi Liang was startled, changed into black and put on his coat.He has a deep friendship with Lu Mingyi, this young centurion is like a younger brother in his heart, sometimes he gets up in the middle of the night to cover Lu Mingyi with a quilt.Now Lu Mingyi is not sleeping at this time, what happened? Walking out of the barracks, two soldiers on duty at the gate saw Qi Liang come out, one of them smiled and said, "Ah Liang, are you going to pee too?" Qi Liang said: "Have you seen General Lu?" The soldier said: "General Lu has been out for a while." Most people can't go out after the lights are off, but going to the toilet is a common thing.But it won't take half a day to go to the toilet, Qi Liang is even more worried, saying: "You have worked hard, I will come back after I finish using it." The barracks shouted like thunder during the day, but it was surprisingly quiet at night.Qi Liang went to the toilet, but he saw no one else, and was surprised when he heard a "pop" in his ear, which came from the shooting range.He tied up his trousers, looked out the toilet window, and saw a shadowy figure on the shooting range. Is it Lu Mingyi?Qi Liang couldn't help but startled.In the middle of the night, what was Lu Mingyi still doing at the shooting range?He walked in the dark, and when he arrived at the entrance of the shooting range, he saw Lu Mingyi under the moonlight.Holding a longbow and a few arrows in his hand, he opened the bow and released the arrows very quickly. He is practicing Lianzhu arrow! Although Lu Mingyi's movements were still a bit jerky, the connection between bow and arrow was quite quick, much faster than others.Although the movements of opening the bow and releasing the arrow were very monotonous, Lu Mingyi was like a stone statue, pulling the bow and releasing the arrow almost with a stubborn expression.Qi Liang was stunned. When he saw Lu Mingyi practiced for a while, wiping off his sweat to retrieve the arrow he shot, he blurted out: "Mingyi!" Hearing Qi Liang's voice, Lu Mingyi turned his head and said, "Ah Liang, why are you here?" Qi Liang said: "I saw that you were not on the bed, so I don't know what happened. Now you still want to practice archery?" Lu Mingyi smiled and said: "General Wang's three masters, that's what he practiced, I won't be able to do it if I don't believe it. Don't worry, I won't practice too late, take time to practice for a while every day, and sooner or later I will be able to do it." This hand." 齐亮叹了口气道:“明夷,我真不懂你为什么要那么拼命。连珠箭本来就不是必需的,不练也没什么,你的箭术已经算不错了。” 陆明夷把箭搭上弓,一边练着一边道:“如果我是常人,当然不练没什么,只是我不能丢了我父亲的一世英名。” 齐亮不由一怔道:“你父亲?他不是早去世了吗?” 陆明夷点了点头道:“是啊。他曾是天下传颂的名将,不过有朝一日我定能超过父亲。” 齐亮更是摸不着头脑。共和国名将里,他从来没听过有个姓陆的,何况如果陆明夷的父亲是名将,怎么至于混成现在这等地步,连个百夫长都是搏命救了毕炜才挣到的。他迟疑着道:“令尊大人……他到底是谁啊?” 陆明夷手一颤,两支箭已极快地射了出去,第三支箭慢了慢。他叹了口气,道:“家父讳经渔。” 陆经渔!齐亮更是呆住了。陆经渔这名字也不算太有名,不过在军中算是如雷灌耳,因为传说那是大帅丁亨利的师父。只是连丁亨利的名字现在都已经不能说了,这个陆经渔当然提的人不会太多,事实上当时提起陆经渔的人就并不算太多,因为据说陆经渔是旧帝国的将领,一些老人仍能记得他。可不管怎么说,那是丁亨利的师父,这个身份就足以令人惊异了,更让人惊讶的是陆明夷居然说陆经渔是他父亲!齐亮期期艾艾地道:“真……真有这个人?” 陆明夷放下弓,抬头仰望着天空道:“其实我没见过父亲,我是他的遗腹子。不过,我妈跟我说过,父亲是一个曾经让世人仰望的英雄。” 他见齐亮目瞪口呆的样子,有些不悦地道:“阿亮,你以为我在吹牛吗?” 齐亮道:“不……不是,只是我记得老人说陆经渔是很久以前的人了,丁大帅都已经那么大年纪。” 陆明夷笑了笑道:“父亲结婚很晚。其实丁大帅结婚了不早,他的孩子现在就算活着,也不过才几岁。” 齐亮点了点头。照这样算倒也可以理解,要是陆经渔结婚比丁亨利还晚,他的儿子的确也应该是陆经渔这点年纪吧。只是这个朝夕相处的同伴居然有这等身份,实在让他想象不到,怪不得陆明夷年纪轻轻就颇有大将之风,也许正是陆经渔的血脉关系。他道:“陆经渔……令尊大人……明夷,你和丁大帅是师兄弟的话,他难道一直不知道吗?” 陆明夷的脸沉了下来,低声道:“只怕没人知道的。父亲当初战死在坠星原,连这件事知道的人都不多了。” 因为陆经渔是旧帝国的忠臣吧。齐亮想着,他倒也在老人嘴里听到过这些名字。文侯、武侯、陆经渔、沈西平,还有就是那个曾经名震天下的楚帅。这些人的名字现在都已渐渐为人淡忘,以至于让人觉得那是很久以前的古人,全然忘了其实不过是十几二十年前的事罢了,连毕炜都曾是旧帝国的军官,也许就曾经做过陆经渔的属下吧。陆明夷的父亲是个帝国的不世名将,在共和国当然不是件值得骄傲的事,怪不得他从来不提。 齐亮看了看陆经渔的侧脸。陆经渔的面容并不如何惹人注目,但也许是因为知道他父亲是一个如此了不起人物的缘故,在月光下看来,他的脸都似在灼灼放光。齐亮小声道:“怪不得你的枪术如此高明,是令尊大人的遗法吧?” 陆明夷点了点头。他的手仍然在重复着开弓放箭这几个动作,但话音却十分平静,毫不间断。他道:“家父的枪法,师承当年的天下第一枪武昭。可惜我没能受他老人家亲身指点,只能凭自己练习,所以我要在冲锋弓队里。其实,王将军对我大不服气,定然是我的血脉让他感到了害怕!” 齐亮险些要笑出声来。这话陆明夷未免太一厢情愿了,王离又不会算命,定然猜不到陆明夷的父亲是谁。与其说是王离害怕陆明夷的血脉,毋宁说陆明夷本身的势头让王离惊心。也许在号称三绝的王离心中,陆明夷这个少年人是平生遇到过的最大的威胁,随时都会后来居上吧。不过这一点就算齐亮也看得出来,王离顶多是个战将,但陆明夷却将是个震惊天下的帅才。 上天对我当真不薄,让我成为他的朋友。 齐亮心头忽然一阵激动,道:“明夷,我来帮你拾箭吧,你接着练。” 陆明夷却有些迟疑地道:“你不去歇息吗?” 齐亮拍了拍他的肩头,笑道:“明夷,你我是什么关系?你早点练成连珠箭,让王离知道陆大将军的儿子,同样是个世上最了不起的将军。” 陆明夷的眼里也闪烁了一下,点了点头道:“阿亮,多谢你。” “谢什么。人生一世,草木一秋,总要干点什么名堂出来。”齐亮微微笑着,深夜的月光下,他那张平庸的脸此时也焕发出异样的光芒,“只要我活着一天,我就会跟着你,一直向前冲!” 陆明夷没再说什么,只是重重点了点头,手一抖,两枝箭又急快地射了出去。这两箭射得极是流畅,直如一道水波倾下,两箭一前一后,几乎同时射中了十几步外的箭靶。等他刚射出,齐亮已急急将几枝箭拿了回来,轻声道:“好箭法!才一晚上你就练到如此,要练成连珠箭想来也不远了。” 离王离那种连珠箭还有不小的距离。但陆明夷也知道,王离尽管有不少地方高过自己,但自己也有王离所没有的,就是未来。 月光下,他仰起头,看着天空。月光如水,月色如刀,静谧安详。但这个少年的心里却如同有滔天巨浪翻起,即使他现在只是个名不见经传的小军官。 乱世出英雄。现在这个世界太平静了,所以像海一样翻起波涛来吧。Lu Mingyi thought about it.当听到又要出兵的消息,他心中实是比谁都兴奋,尽管不少人也在咒骂。他甚至希望,敌人能越强越好,因为挫折对于他来说也是最好的老师。事实上,那个名叫薛庭轩的五德营大帅应该不会让自己失望。 如果上天有灵,他会去祈祷薛庭轩能够成为胜者。对手是一块磨刀石,只有这等不世出的敌手,才能磨砺出一口上决浮云、下彻九泉的宝刀来。当然这样的祈祷不可能让别人知道,就算齐亮也不能,可是他仍然会在心底这样想。 宝刀所斩,当是不世英豪之首,否则宝刀有灵的话都会哭泣。薛庭轩,你也尽快翻起滔天巨浪,成为不世英豪吧。 如果你是这样的人,那么这一次共和国的三上将在你面前仍将铩羽而归。 西原的薛庭轩,你听到了我的期待吗?我会让你羽翼丰满,直到有一天,你会匍伏在我的脚下,乞求我的饶恕。 那些已经逝去的、尚存于世的、即将到来的英豪,你们听到了吗?听到我这踏出的第一步吗? 世界,你听到了我心跳的声音吗?
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