Home Categories Internet fantasy Tianlu Fengyun 1: The Shadow of the Imperial Capital

Chapter 8 Chapter Eight The Weakest Strong

Competitions continue in a sub-division of the Tianlu Martial Arts Competition near the La Cordie Center.It seemed that one of the contestants was running late, and the first-arriving contestant, dressed as a knight, waited impatiently, beating the clock.This man was going to compete with Airi for the strongest nobleman in the blue team, Risen de Inommons.He was tall and thin, with slanted brows and raised eye corners, exuding a cold and narrow air, but generally speaking, his appearance was still noble and elegant in line with his noble status.Therefore, from time to time, a girl in the crowded auditorium screamed because of Rui Sen's eyes.

Today's game is quite eye-catching, not only because Ruisen is a nobleman who has won the favor of King Cayman and has good accomplishments, but also because his opponent, "Miracle Allie", can be said to be the same as Ruisen. The other extreme of the complete opposite, low status, unknown, sloppy appearance, low martial skills (?), but relying on extraordinary escape ability and unbelievable good luck all the way through.In this game, will Risen end Airy's miracle, or will Airy's luck come in handy again, allowing him to defeat the strong?Everyone was very curious about this game, and the black market price of tickets also skyrocketed.

There are many spectators today, but order is still in the auditorium.Because everyone knows that among the most distinguished VIP seats, Kaiman's Renming Wang Kang Saiyin also came to watch his favorite minister's game. With some uproar in the audience, his opponent Ally on the other side of the field finally arrived before the time limit.I saw that his clothes were messy, he was out of breath, and even the buckles on his boots were loose. He obviously came in a hurry. Compared with Rui Sen, who was neatly dressed and facing the wind, he was like a turkey standing next to a swan, which was quite dramatic. Effect.As soon as he came on stage, there was a burst of whistles from the audience.

Rui Sen had originally dismissed this kind of nameless swordsman with low status and low martial skills, but now seeing his disheveled appearance, he even sneered at him. "Come on, Allie!" Rosa's crisp voice was mixed with the whistle and laughter. However, Ai Li didn't seem to appreciate it, ignoring Ruisen's unfriendly expression, turned his head and stared at Luosha for a moment, making Luosha's bright smiling face stiffen into a fossil.And when his eyes fell on the person beside Rosa, Airi was a little surprised, but he didn't show it. "Hey..." Luosha laughed dryly.No wonder Allie reacted this way.Since Hain's abstention made Airi automatically advance, Airi's repeated good luck has made him a popular figure in the competition. Gamblers who collect player information and people who write gambling guidebooks have come to inquire about information.Of course Airi herself didn't want to see her, but Elena, in the name of "making up for Airi's board and lodging expenses and increasing her popularity", opened the door to those idlers at the price of a silver coin, and Luosha It is also a small accomplice, which has disturbed Airi for the past two days. It was because of those paparazzi that he was almost late.

With the arbitrator's signal, the audience gradually fell silent, watching the battle between Ari and Ruisen intently. Judging from Airy's performance in the previous few games, it is impossible for him to attack.This time he still put on the defensive. Seeing this, Rui Sen drew out his sword gracefully, but did not rush to attack, and said: "For the sake of fairness, let me make it clear first. This sword is called Yanfeng, and it has the magical ability of wind, which can extend the attack distance." With a smile, "Fortunately, you're also using a magic sword, right? You'd better be careful." I don't know if he was out of chivalry or looked down on Airi, and he was too confident to reveal the secret of his weapon to the public.

Luosha breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Rui Sen's words, and said to herself: "I heard that those who use magic swords will not be too strong masters. If Airi can still be as lucky as before, it shouldn't be too dangerous." Bar." The young man beside her replied: "I heard that Ruisen's Yanfeng Sword is a family heirloom, a symbol of status in the family, and has nothing to do with strength. I also heard that Ruisen's strength was only a few days ago Under Caymanian No. 1 swordsman Kan Bond who has disappeared, he is one of the most powerful among the younger generation of nobles! Airi is in trouble this time..." This explanation made Luosha turn pale and hold her breath Keeping a close eye on the movements on the field, he didn't notice that the young man's childish face showed confidence that didn't match the meaning of the words.If she had watched Airy's first official match, she would have recognized this robust young man with a three-point naive attitude as Druma who lost to Airy.

"Ai Li won't lose this battle!" Although he didn't know what Ai Li's real strength was, Druma believed so firmly in his heart. Originally, after losing the battle with Allie, he should return to his hometown, but every scene in that battle appeared before his eyes from time to time.Although Airi's victory was unimaginable, Druma vaguely comprehended the principles of martial arts that he had never considered before. The more he thought about it, the more Druma felt that Airi was not as mediocre in martial arts as he thought.Although he still can't figure out Airy's true strength, he just can't walk away indifferently, but instead pays close attention to Airy's game.He didn't even realize it, the way he looked at Ai Li was like looking at his teacher.

"Yanfeng seems to be the same famous sword as mine in the imperial capital back then! But I have never seen it with my own eyes. What is so special about it?" Ai Li is still thinking about it, and Ruisen has already proved the Yanfeng sword with his actions. ability. Ruisen didn't make any other moves, but stabbed falsely in the direction of Airi.He and Airy are separated from each other on both sides of the field, and there is a long distance in the middle. This stab does not seem to pose a threat to Airy at all.The audience thought that Ruisen was just posturing, and Ai Li didn't take it seriously.

Suddenly, Airi felt something was wrong, and there seemed to be an abnormal fluctuation in the magic in the air between him and his opponent!Before he could react, his cheeks felt hot, and a warm current flowed down his face. Rui Sen withdrew his sword and stood proudly. It seemed that this sword was aimed at demonstration. The audience was in an uproar.Is this the power of Ruisen's Yanfeng Sword?Can hurt people invisible from a distance? This blow surprised Airi far more than anyone else.When confronted with Risen, he didn't feel very threatened.Although Rui Sen's cultivation is good, but Ai Li has not put him in his eyes yet, he did not expect that he could injure himself in the blink of an eye.There must be another reason!

He began to think about the scene just now. Ruisen's sword didn't come out very quickly, it couldn't have been a vacuum cut; he didn't hear the sound of breaking the wind, and judging by his cultivation, it's unlikely that he could reach the point where he could gather true power and extend several feet away. The degree to which the volley injures the enemy.And the magic wave in the air just now... After pondering for a while, Airi finally understood what it meant to "extend the attack distance"!The wind ability of the Yanfeng Sword is to make the air in front of the sword transmit the strength of the sword according to the will of the sword holder!In this way, Ruisen can attack the opponent just by waving the Yanfeng Sword from a distance, which is equivalent to having a sword that can control the length as he likes!

The Yanfeng sword can attack from a long distance, and the sword wind is invisible, making the opponent elusive. It is indeed a sword with both offense and defense!But one body always has two sides. Now that he understands the mystery of the Yanfeng Sword, Airi has a countermeasure. Ai Li sometimes widened his eyes, and sometimes showed a confused look because of contemplation. In Rui Sen's cold eyes, he looked really stupid, so he said impatiently: "Got it? Let's start." After saying that, Then he swung his sword directly at Airi to attack. However, Ai Li was nimble and not in a hurry to attack, like catkins following the wind, far away from Rui Sen, jumping up and down along the sword.On the stage, the two gestured to each other like a dance. Ruisen has a noble appearance and a chic yet rigorous posture. It is obvious that he has practiced hard for many years, but Airi's moves are very pragmatic. He can do whatever he can to avoid Ruisen's sword edge, and various strange and rude moves emerge in endlessly.There are toads jumping, lazy donkeys rolling, and weird shapes such as twisting the waist and swinging the hips are not to mention.One of them looks like a nobleman, the other looks like a wild monkey. The contrast is sharp. The audience is overwhelmed with joy. They all feel that watching Ai Li's game is really worth it, and there will always be a lot of surprises. Although Ai Li's posture was ugly, no matter how exquisite and fast Rui Sen's sword skills were, they still couldn't hurt him.The warriors who were watching at the beginning were quite surprised and wondered if Ai Li was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but after a closer look, there was nothing unreasonable. Just because Ruisen and Airi are far apart, if Ruisen's sword swings a distance of one finger, it will expand to the distance of his hands when he reaches Airi's position, and the speed of the sword move has increased a lot, but the same Ground, the flexibility of sword posture conversion is greatly reduced, and the gap between moves is also enlarged.In addition, the strength of the sword transmitted by the air will be slower than the real sword for an instant after all.Ai Li was dexterous, and it was not difficult to dodge Ruisen's sword moves when he saw the sword's momentum, just as it was difficult to catch a jumping loach with a pair of chopsticks that were two feet long. As soon as everyone understood the reasoning, they didn't feel anything. They didn't know that this was actually the embodiment of the eyesight and concentration that Airi had honed through countless battles.If they were the ones fighting against Ruisen, they would have been so frightened by the invisible sword, they would have no way of parrying, how could they think of a way to deal with it! Ruisen fought against Ai Li for a long time, but he was always so close that he could not hit Ai Li.And Ai Li has been dodging, slippery like a fish, and the magic sword in his hand, which is said to have the ability of fire and wind, has not even sparked a single flame, and the expression of "I will not be attacked by others" on his face seems to be unaffected. The intention to put the sword in my hand to use.Although the competition stipulates the time limit for dodging, it only applies to the other party's pursuit. Airy's response does not violate the regulations. Seeing that the situation was going to be so stalemate, Rui Sen, who had been unable to formally confront Airi, gradually became angry, and shouted angrily: "Why don't you use a sword? You are a timid pariah who deserves to be called a swordsman?!" It seems that the anger made the nobleman Contempt for commoners bubbled to the surface, and could no longer be concealed by upbringing reservedness. "Untouchable? It seems that the arbitrariness of the aristocrats has increased unabated compared to ten years ago!" Ai Li didn't express anything, but there was a surge of disgust in his heart for this kind of aristocrats who thought they were superior because of their background. Ten years ago, Airi was immersed in martial arts all day long, and he was very familiar with the mentality of the nobility, but he didn't care.But in the past ten years of wandering, Airi has received enthusiastic care from ordinary people from time to time, which is very different from the polite but indifferent, superficially harmonious but secretly calculating among the nobles.Over the years, he abandoned false fame and devoted himself to enjoying a simple life. He gradually felt that there was nothing more than one person's life. The so-called status and wealth were just a glimpse of life.Now when he saw Ruisen's contempt for the common people, he only found it ridiculous and disgusting. "So, what kind of talent is worthy of being a swordsman?" Airi still had time to ask while dodging. "A real swordsman should be like Edric, the hero who saved the country. He is calm, aloof, fearless, and devotes himself to martial arts. How can you jump up and down while holding a sword like you, and don't want to fight back? It's an insult to the sword in your hand! " Hearing the unexpected answer, Ai Li was distracted and was almost swept by the sword. "Edrick may not be much smarter than me." Responding with a truth that sounded like bragging, Eric quickly restrained his mind. "I never imagined that I was a role model for nobles in the past! It seems that I really failed in life before." Even though he was focused on fighting, Ai Li still couldn't stop the smile leaking from his lips. "The cold and hard thought and life like ice, in retrospect, I really feel that I was not a living person at that time. If that is the so-called perfect swordsman, I would still be a mediocre but happy tramp Ai It’s just that if Ruisen knows that the perfect swordsman in his heart and the shame of this swordsman in front of him are the same person, his expression must be wonderful!” "You! You..." Ruisen doesn't need to know the truth, his expression is already very exciting.After Ai Li replied that nonsense, he stared at Rui Sen with his thief eyes, half a smile, not knowing what thoughts he was thinking, which made Rui Sen even more annoyed. The filthy man!All this dirty!It made Ruisen feel unbearable!Although the arena was well-built, after the battle lasted for a while, the dust between the bricks flew up, and it got dry and itchy when it got into his nose, making Ruisen's mood even worse.And all this was caused by that hateful civilian in front of him!I have been entangled with such a lowly person for so long! The elegant temperament on Rui Sen's face was distorted by the murderous aura, and the strength of his sword moves became stronger and stronger, wishing to poke ten or eight holes in Airi's body. At this time, he also found that the long distance made his sword moves not flexible enough, so he gave up the long-distance attack and threw himself at Airi, intending not to take advantage of the Yanfeng Sword, but to rely on his own sword skills to defeat Airi.Even in close combat, he didn't believe that the unastonishing strength that Airi had shown in the previous few games could pose any threat to him.At the same time, the strength of his sword moves became more fierce, and all the moves pointed at Ai Li's vital points. As long as Ai Li didn't avoid one move, he would die on the field! Ruisen no longer regards this as a contest, but really wants to kill this annoying opponent in front of him.With his status as an aristocrat who has won the king's favor, killing a few untouchables is nothing, let alone on the battlefield! This time, he will never allow the miracle to happen again! Seeing that Ruisen had changed his tactics, Ai Li could no longer be as relaxed as before, so he had to do thirty-six tricks, and the best strategy was to walk.After watching a few scenes, the audience was already used to this kind of scene, and didn't react too much. They were all guessing what would happen when Airi escaped. "Good guy! Such a hot shot!" Seeing Rui Sen's shot, Ai Li couldn't help feeling angry.It is the arrogance of nobles to want to kill the other party just because they don't like it. Then let him eat his own fruit! Having made up his mind, Ai Li sped up his body, and his figure gradually turned into a puff of smoke, but in Rui Sen's eyes, this speed was nothing, so he gritted his teeth and chased after him.The speed of the two of them gradually increased to an astonishing level, and ordinary people looked like two groups of gray shadows circling and chasing on the field. The arbitrator in the audience suddenly made a countdown gesture, and said in his mouth: "The final time limit: ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!..." It turns out that the time limit for Airi's dodge is coming soon! Airi on the stage still didn't intend to fight back. "Five! Four!" Risen's attack behind him was also more violent, as if he wanted to kill Ai Li before the time limit, and didn't want him to retreat unscathed. "three!" At this time, Rui Sen's figure suddenly trembled as if struck by lightning, and his speed slowed down. "two!" Rui Sen's body shook violently again, as if he had been hit hard by an invisible sharp blade.There was an unbelievable look in his eyes, and he staggered. "one!" Seeing that Ai Li was about to exceed the time limit and lose, Rui Sen shook a few times, fell to the ground slumped, and lost consciousness.Immediately, bright red blood slowly spread under his body. Ai Li looked at the fallen Ruisen coldly, without any pity in his heart.This is just to bear the harm that Ruisen tried to inflict on himself.If Rui Sen had acted kindly at that time, he would not have been injured so badly. In the final analysis, it was his own fault. Although he didn't know what happened, the arbiter dutifully stopped the countdown of the time limit and started the countdown of the time when Ruisen fell to the ground.After ten breaths, Rui Sen never stood up.The arbitrator turned around and announced: "Ai Li wins!" Then several magicians rushed to the stage to heal Ruisen's injuries, and it became a mess. The sudden change left the audience speechless. No one thought that Ruisen, who had the upper hand just now, would be seriously injured and collapsed at the moment when Airi was about to lose.From the beginning to the end, I never saw Airi fight back! In the VIP seats, the king, who had been watching the game with a smile, suddenly changed his expression and clenched his fists.The uncertainty of Aichen's life and death made his usually emotionless gray eyes reveal a murderous intent. After a moment of silence, someone in the audience finally understood and yelled, "It was Ruisen's own sword that hurt him!" There was an uproar in the audience, and people were asking what was going on.The explanations of the prophets quickly spread throughout the audience. "Because the Yanfeng Sword will be a little slower to transmit the sword strength for a moment. The speed of the two people just now was too fast, not lower than the speed of the sword's sword strength. So Rui Sen accidentally bumped into his own sword edge!" "Huh? What does that mean?" "Why don't you understand?" The explainer will take the opportunity to put on a look of "rotten wood can't be carved", and then explain while gesturing. "Just like this, Rui Sen slashed out with a sword, the real sword attacked Ai Li at A, and the invisible edge of the Yanfeng Sword extended to B, and at this time Ai Li fled to C," explained the explainer in B Point C is pointed out next to the point, "Because the speed of the two of them is already close to the speed of Yanfeng Sword's transmission of sword strength, so when Rui Sen passed Point B on the way to chase Airi, he just met the sword's edge that was passed just now! " "It seems that this happened twice, so Risen just..." The explainer looked at the soldiers without Cayman around, and made a gesture of being finished. "So, Airi's luck is ridiculously good again this time?" "Who knew? Anyway, this guy became the strongest in the blue team without moving a finger. It's really interesting!" Scattered applause began to sound from every corner of the auditorium, the sound became louder and louder, and finally became deafening.People are cheering for another incredible victory for Allie. Amidst the cheers, Ai Li walked off the arena as a winner, the king left the VIP seat with a livid face, and one of the top ten in the martial arts department of the Tianlu Martial Arts Competition was officially announced.Amidst the admiration for Allie's god-like good fortune, only a few knowledgeable people pondered, can so many coincidences really be called coincidences? When the sun was setting in the mountains that day, both the Martial Arts Department and the Moyi Department of the Tianlu Martial Arts Competition successfully selected ten strong players.Except for the fact that Airy's strength is questionable, the other candidates are worthy of the title of strongman, and they have shown amazing skills in various games.Among these powerhouses, the three are the most eye-catching, and there are numerous predictions and reports about them in the gambling manual. These three are Knight, Wu and Allie. Knight from the Martial Arts Department and Wu from the Magic Department are still the most promising players.And Eli of the Martial Arts Department can be regarded as an alternative, relying on amazing escape skills and good luck to win various games one after another, which doubles his fans. In each match, Knight used only a pair of fleshy palms to easily defeat a strong opponent within a few moves. Although he took a fierce approach, he always hit the point without causing any damage to the opponent. Obviously, his cultivation is far away. Much higher than the opponent. For this reason, the editors and editors who wrote the instruction manual overcame all difficulties. When they interviewed Knight (actually, Knight saw that he was being bullied by his subordinates pitifully, so he felt sympathetic and asked him to do the interview) and asked: "Why is there no Injure the opponent, is it to show your own strength?" Knight's expression was taken for granted: "Of course it's to save effort! As long as the opponent admits defeat, it's fine, why bother to do things that are thankless?" "Sure enough, he is indeed the ultimate master of Tianxingmen! The way of thinking is different from that of ordinary people." After making the above conclusion, the interviewer went straight to the next goal: the most mysterious and coolest white team of the magic department in this competition The strongest has none. Wu's attack is the opposite of Knight's. Regardless of the strength of the opponent and the strength of the will to fight, he always uses unknown and powerful bloody magic to destroy the opponent in an instant. The time is so short that it is too late for the opponent to admit defeat!This is completely inconsistent with the common sense that the higher the magic used by the general magician, the longer the concentration time will be.With his ruthless attacks, mysterious spells, plus the mysterious outfit that completely conceals his true face and the cold aura all over his body, it's hard to ignore him.In contrast, although the other powerhouses of the Magic Department have amazing performances, it seems that there is no one who can compete with Wu. The interviewer dared to ask Wu: "Please... May I ask why you killed all your opponents for... Is it to show that your strength is unmatched by no one?" Wu kept silent, Just slightly raising his pale hand, the brave interviewer was so frightened that he ran away with his head in his arms, without knowing whether he answered or not. It can be said that it is the easiest to interview Airi. As long as he pays a silver coin, the owner of the inn where he is staying will open the door of convenience.It's just that seeing that he has no image at all in the hotel as he does on the field, the interviewer really doesn't know what to ask. No matter what, the turbulent three-day competition finally came to an end, and twenty top magic and martial arts masters in Tianlu Continent were determined.And these people will gather together in tomorrow's semi-finals to compete at the highest level in Tianlu and determine the real strongest in Tianlu. At least so far, almost everyone thinks so.They were looking forward to seeing the exciting game tomorrow, and no one thought that tomorrow's game would become the starting point of the storm that was about to descend on Tianlu Continent.
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