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Chapter 28 Chapter 28 Principles of Negotiation

Negotiation is a scientific art that coordinates the economic interests of all parties in the negotiation and promotes the successful cooperation of all parties.In order to ensure the success of negotiations, managers must further understand the principles and norms of negotiations on the basis of mastering the characteristics of negotiations. Negotiations should seek a mutually beneficial outcome.If the result of the negotiation is that one party wins and the other party sacrifices, is this still a negotiation? Of course, the interests of both parties are not always balanced for various reasons.But in any case, if one party in the negotiation becomes a complete loser, it is sometimes not a good thing for the winning party.Because this situation means that once the opportunity arises, the party that has completely failed will overturn the agreement, and there will be no second cooperation between the two parties.You will lose a cooperative partner.

Negotiation is not a tug of war, a game in which one side wins and the other loses. Negotiation is a cooperative enterprise. Negotiations must make both parties feel that they have gained something. Even if one of them has to make a major sacrifice, the overall situation should be that both parties gain something. Of course, cooperation needs to give up competition, but competition must lead to the result of cooperation, and it cannot form continuous confrontation and eventually break up on bad terms.Cooperation makes the negotiation achieve more fruitful results and makes the agreement reached stand the test of time; cooperation makes the negotiation lead to success.In a successful negotiation, each party is a winner.When it is difficult for opposing parties to find common ground for a while, sometimes the two do not have to rush to make a choice that is beneficial to one party, nor do they need to force one party to move closer to the other party's position.A more effective method is: try to make the opposing parties move closer to a certain "point" on the "straight line" connecting the two parties at the same time.This point is not necessarily the "midpoint" on the "straight line".As long as both parties can make some kind of compromise and concession, this fact alone can prompt the opposing parties to find a good way to solve the problem.

Before entering into negotiations and persuasion, you must first confirm what you want from the other party, and what projects you hope the other party will at least do well. In order to detect the effect, we should proceed from the following two points: First, divide the content of the requirements into two types that must be fulfilled and those that may be compromised depending on the situation.Francis Greenback called the former "primary goals" and the latter "non-basic goals". Second, formulate the "upper limit" and "lower limit".That is, to what extent the maximum limit can be demanded, and to what extent the minimum limit can be compromised.Managers refer to the former as an "open position" and the latter as a "falling position".Before entering into negotiations and persuasion, you should first set your own position, that is, inform the other party in advance of the maximum requirements-open position.Of course, at the beginning of the negotiation, don't mention the drop position, you must wait until the compromise is impossible to say.Before that, even if the other party intends to express that they want to know, they should keep silent and strictly withhold it.

Applying the principle of knowing yourself and the enemy from the perspective of information science, you can regard the negotiator himself and the negotiating opponent as a whole of intelligence analysis.Here, the focus is on how to understand "the other" intelligence. The basis on which negotiators rely to carry out negotiations is negotiation strength.The stronger the negotiating power, the greater the possibility of successful negotiation.However, in actual negotiations, negotiation power has the characteristics of dynamic, time and concealment.As a negotiator, the first thing to do before negotiating is to understand the negotiating strength of the opponent.

Different negotiating subjects have different negotiating strengths; different types of negotiations have different norms for negotiating strengths.In a broad sense, an enterprise's negotiation strength is composed of the following main factors: negotiators; enterprise economic and political strength; enterprise reputation; negotiation strategy. The success or failure of a negotiation often depends on whether the negotiator understands the strength of the other party.In addition, it should be noted that the same company has different negotiation strengths depending on the project it is negotiating.

At present, joint venture negotiations and trade negotiations between domestic enterprises and companies and foreign companies are very frequent.In this regard, it is extremely important for economic negotiators to understand the negotiation strength of foreign businessmen and to know the enemy.Specifically, you need to know: (1) The legal personality of the company or enterprise represented by the foreign businessman, the amount of capital owned by the company or enterprise, and the business reputation in international exchanges. (2) The personal qualifications of the foreign businessman, whether the foreign businessman is qualified to sign economic contracts on behalf of the company.

(3) The capital status of foreign businessmen.If foreign businessmen come to engage in production projects, they must know who owns the technical capabilities, technical experience, and technical ownership.If it is a patented technology, legal documents related to the patented technology must be provided to identify whether the patented technology is valid, expired, or about to expire. (4) The personal situation of the foreign businessman, including character, business ability, experience, marketing ability, etc. In economic negotiations, negotiation strength is affected by the following factors:

Qualities of the negotiator. time.Strength lies in the dynamic comparison of the interests of both sides.At one stage, the strength of buyers is strong, while at another stage, the strength of sellers rises.This is because commodity prices are regulated by time and the market. Product quality. price. socioeconomic background. market conditions. People's lifestyles and consumer psychology. Capital and financial status. economic law. Production capacity, service capacity, sales capacity. information capacity. Negotiations are conducted between negotiators on both sides, and the negotiating intentions and strengths of both parties are expressed through the negotiators.Therefore, a deep insight into the mentality and action language of the negotiating opponent can indirectly understand the negotiating strength and intention of the opponent.

A good negotiator can gain insight into the opponent's state of mind and negotiating needs from the conversation.How can we hear the ideological tendency from the opponent's words? Gui Guzi, the founder of ancient Chinese vertical and horizontal studies, believed: "The mouth is the portal of the heart; the heart is the master of the gods." , will, attitude, point of view, tendency, strategy can all be heard from language.Guiguzi also said: "He who speaks is moving; he who is silent is quiet. Because of his words, listen to his words." This is Guiguzi's point of view of using static braking.The ability to "listen" in modern negotiations directly reflects the quality of the negotiator.Good negotiators display infinite patience while listening to the other side present their problems.Chunyu Kun, a master negotiator during the Warring States Period in China, was known for his good "listening".

Once, Chunyu Kun was introduced to the state of Wei to meet King Hui.After entering the palace, he always sat silently.Soon Hui Wang invited him for the second time, but he still didn't say a word.King Hui was very angry and scolded the person who introduced Chunyu Kun. When Chunyu Kun found out about this, he argued, "When I met Wang for the first time, he seemed to be thinking about horses. When I met him for the second time, he seemed to be immersed in singing, so I didn't say a word. Stop talking." Chunyu Kun's words were reported to King Hui, who was palpitated and said, "That's true! The first time I seemed to be the horse's ear Dongfeng, and I only wanted about the horse. The second time I was immersed in During the singing, I completely ignored Mr.'s existence. I'm really sorry!"

So when they met for the third time, King Hui listened attentively to Chunyu Kun's advice.It is said that they talked for three days and three nights without feeling tired! In negotiation activities, understanding the opponent's negotiating needs and analyzing the motivation of the negotiating client are important aspects of mastering the opponent's information.In order to achieve the above goals, negotiators must negotiate with their opponents with a good attitude and negotiation behavior.This will help the opponent tell valuable information.In order to know the enemy, you should also study the other party's dissemination information, public relations activities, and various related information.Only by comprehensively analyzing the information that has been mastered can we understand the main content of the other party's negotiation plan and know the enemy. Creating a pleasant atmosphere conducive to negotiation is beneficial to both negotiators.In conflicting negotiations, improving the tense attitude and easing the other party's emotions is an essential and important content in the negotiation. The establishment of a cooperative atmosphere of psychological compatibility between the two parties aims to create conditions for negotiations and is the psychological basis of healthy negotiations.In view of the different norms of different types of negotiations and the differences in the quality of negotiators, taking into account the differences in cultural values ​​​​of negotiators from different countries, the principle of psychological compatibility in negotiations should be: Whether it is a conflict negotiation or a diplomatic negotiation, what the negotiators pursue is the negotiating goal, and they should not regard the negotiating opponent as an enemy, so as to promote the hostility of the other party and create negotiation obstacles for themselves. Negotiation motives of both parties, proposed negotiation plans and cooperation procedures. If allowed, the negotiating parties can exchange information as much as possible, analyze and overcome the difficulties in the negotiation, and make both parties become active collaborators. Emotion is a kind of psychological energy, which is the driving force that drives people to produce various behaviors.Any negotiator is a social person, and the mood of the negotiator is dominated by complex social factors.There are many reasons for negotiating opponents to have negative emotions or hostility.For this reason, the negotiator's attention is not on how to counteract the emotional impact of the other party; instead, he must use the method of grooming to transform his negative emotions into positive emotions and weaken the hostile emotions of the other party.The purpose is to calm down the other party's negative emotions, not affect the negotiation agenda determined by both parties, and use reason to overcome emotions. The purpose of negotiation is not to completely change the political positions of the two parties, but to adjust the relationship of interests... Both parties in the negotiation have common interests and conflicting interests.Only by seeking common ground and seeking the common interests of both parties can the negotiation atmosphere be improved and the negotiations proceed smoothly. There is a transitional process between the negotiating parties' understanding of a certain issue before they reach an agreement.Therefore, negotiators should actively carry out all activities that are conducive to psychological compatibility, adjust the cognition and attitude of opponents, and make them achieve ideological identity and consensus as soon as possible. Establishing a cooperative atmosphere of psychological compatibility between the two parties is not only the initial work of the negotiation, but also a systematic work that runs through the entire negotiation activity.The application of this negotiation principle is all-round and multi-level, so it needs to be applied flexibly to have miraculous effects.
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