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Chapter 78 Section VI

floating language 裟椤双树 3309Words 2018-03-03
The man was in front, the boar spirit was behind, and Lu Azang was in the middle. On the way back, the wild boar spirits were obviously much more excited than when they came, and they murmured.The man kept his head down.Without saying a word, he hugged the golden box tightly.Lu A Zang noticed that the side road they turned into was not the one they came from. It wasn't until a layer of cool moonlight fell on the slightly hot cheeks that Lu Azang realized that the other exit of the tunnel was not the five-star cell she had stayed in, but a rose garden, full of weeds, A few red roses bloomed here and there, others withered.Behind the garden is an ordinary white three-story building, the color is not clean anymore, covered with dust and corrosion marks, even the windows are incomplete.It seems to be an abandoned house that has been uninhabited for a long time.

The man's footsteps stepped on the rose garden, and the broken leaves and dead branches creaked.After walking out of the garden, he stopped suddenly, thought for a moment, and waved to the two wild boar spirits.The wild boar spirits trotted up, and the man handed the golden box forward, saying, "You two, take this back for me and give it to him. I have other things to do, so I'll meet you later." One of them The wild boar spirit, as if receiving the most sacred thing in the world, swallowed and held the golden box tightly in his arms. "Go, the shortest way is to bypass this house and pass through that mountain. With what he put in your body, you should be able to reach it easily, right? He is still waiting for good news from you!" The man said so.

The wild boar spirits looked at each other and nodded happily. "Yeah!" The wild boar spirits can still speak an authentic human language, patted their chests and said, "We are doing business, don't worry!" The man motioned for them to leave.The moment the wild boar spirits turned to leave, the man took out a seemingly ordinary signature pen from his pocket, pressed the tip of the pen twice, and a small but dazzling firework flashed from the tip of the pen. In almost one-thousandth of a second, the tip of his pen hit the wild boar spirit's back one after another.With two muffled plops, the two wild boar spirits fell to the ground.

The man kicked them with his feet, but nothing happened, put away the pen, and took off the mask.Under the mask is Mu Yeliang's face. Lu Azang looked at the young face that was bright in the night, instinctively pretended to be terrified, and stepped back, thinking in his heart, what kind of job is not good for such a good-looking person, so he just ran to do it Kidnappers, what a pity.The world is getting crazier. "Okay, stop acting, Lu Azang." Mu Yeliang shook her hand. Except for the person who signed the contract with her, it is impossible for anyone to know her name.After a little bit of surprise, she curled her lips and walked in front of him, she changed the weakness and fear of the rich man's daughter, and asked with a smile: "Mr. is the one who signed the contract with me..."

"Yes, I'm your employer." He readily admitted, leaned over and picked up the gold box from the boar spirit, opened it, and then took out a white box about the size of a cigarette box from his body, and a faint blue light came out from inside. , which is almost exactly the same thing as the rhombus that Lu Azang came from before, and it is swapped with the rhombus in Boy Jin. After finishing all this, he put the golden casket back beside the boar spirit, and carefully took the cigarette case containing the real diamond back to himself. "This look is not bad." He pointed to his face, "I changed it according to the appearance of a Chinese woman." Lu A Zang smiled, noncommittal.

"I know, praising my transformation technique in front of a Wuxiang is really tricky." He said with self-mockery, "You can laugh at me as much as you want." "Laughing at you is not within the scope of our contract." Lu A Zang shrugged, looking at the two big guys lying on the ground like dead pigs, "I have nothing to do with what kind of eggs you want to make. I just Act according to the contract. And, I have to remind you, our contract expires in three days. At that time, the Charlotte in front of you will no longer exist." "Three days... is enough." There was a candle-like hope in his eyes, but it was extinguished by a deeper sadness in an instant.

"In short, you are still Charlotte before the contract is completed, just remember this." He walked to the row of wooden stairs in the room, sat down, patted the seat beside him, "sit down Well, we have to wait for those two guys to wake up before I can tell people." Lu Azang sat beside him and looked at the sky. There were no traces of stars and moons, just like a dull blackboard. The cool night wind flew over the rose garden, making an unpleasant rustling sound. The two wild boar spirits in front, It seemed that he had fallen into some kind of deep sleep, and he was snoring, and the saliva around his mouth was about to flow into a river.

It's not beautiful, it's not romantic.Lu A Zang thought that he was not in Paris, but in some dirty and disorderly ordinary town. "This residential area is actually not too far from the urban area." He understood Lu A Zang's mind, looked at the cleared land outside the fence, and said, "All the residents here have been evicted. Charlotte My father plans to build a top-notch hospital here. In at most a week, the place where we are sitting now, including all the houses on both sides that have not been demolished, will be completely razed to the ground. There is an old man who is unwilling to move out I have lived in the house all my life, and then the old man disappeared."

Lu Azang didn't think so, and sneered: "Isn't this kind of thing common? Does the strong sacrifice the weak to achieve their own desires, does it conform to Darwin's theory of evolution?" "Haha, I still prefer the theory of relativity to the theory of evolution." His laughter gradually disappeared, and his eyes became far away. "Every existence is relative. There is no absolute strong or absolute weak. We only have ourselves. " "I don't understand, I'm not familiar with Einstein. What you said is a bit profound." Lu Azang said honestly, she has always been a simple-minded person who doesn't want to think too deeply.The world, and the meaning of human beings to her, is only one—playing.From all kinds of "playing", she gains benefits, gains respect, and perhaps everything she longed for but was always out of reach.She is satisfied with such a life, at least she thinks so now.

"The house we are in now is the home of the missing old man." She looked back at the dilapidated wooden door behind her, and said evilly, "Tell me, could the old man be murdered, and the body is hidden in this house somewhere in the "If you're bored, you can do something else, but don't scare me." Lu Azang gave him a blank look.As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind that was different from before suddenly rushed in, the doors and windows behind him creaked, and there seemed to be something falling to the ground in the room, making a bang. Lu Azang felt a chill down his spine, jumped up from the wooden ladder, and looked at the door nervously, as if something was about to rush out of that door.Sure enough, the door slowly, slowly, opened a crack.

At this moment, there was a creaking sound from the small road adjacent to the house, and a bicycle was parked outside the house. An eleven or twelve-year-old boy, wearing a baseball cap, carried the bulging paper bag and got out of the car. Jumped up and down, and ran towards them in a hurry. A little furry thing poked its head out from the crack in the entrance-like door of the haunted house. Just...a normal, furball-like, puppy. The boy walked past Lu A Zang and the others, as if they didn't exist at all, his bright black eyes were extremely focused, only looking at the chubby puppy.He gently picked it up, tapped its nose lightly, and babbled syllables that Lu A Zang couldn't understand.The boy is dumb. "What are you doing here? Are you a kid living nearby?" Lu Azang asked the little boy who came out, skillfully gesticulating in sign language. The little boy looked at her vigilantly, then shook his head, and asked in sign language, "Are you here to catch them?" She exchanged glances with the man, and said, "They? We're just passing by, and we just sat here to rest." The little boy breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and pushed open the door.There was a smell of dust, the little boy didn't take it seriously, walked in the door, skillfully took out a flashlight from the door, pressed it on, and called out "ahhh". Amidst the rustling sounds, a thin golden retriever trotted out from the darkness of the room, followed by two chasing and playing puppies, which looked exactly like the one that had just slipped out the door. The little boy took out the contents of the paper bag, a small packet of dog food, soft bread, red sausage, and a bottle of clean water.The golden retriever family ate very happily. The little boy also carefully broke the red sausage into small pieces for the convenience of the little ones to swallow.Lu A Zang and the others stood at the door without going in. "These dogs are..." Lu A Zang asked him when the little boy came out after the dogs finished their meal. "Grandpa Angli is gone. Bell has been waiting for him and refuses to go anywhere. If I don't come, she and her children will starve to death." The little boy gestured earnestly.This time, Lu A Zang saw several bruises on the child's face, as well as a wound that hadn't healed yet. She asked how he got hurt.Such a wound, one can tell at a glance that he did not make it by himself.The little boy touched his face subconsciously, and smiled indifferently: "It's okay, it's a prank by some naughty ghosts in school." "Because you can't speak, so they bullied you?" Lu Azang asked suddenly. The little boy was silent for a moment, then raised his head and stuck out his tongue at her: "It's nothing. I have to go. If my parents find out that I stole things from home to feed the Bell family, they will beat me up." After finishing speaking, He was about to leave when he suddenly saw two wild boar spirits lying on the ground, and asked strangely, "What happened to those two?" "Oh, they are too tired from walking, so they fell asleep and will wake up in a while. You go." The man patted the boy's head, "Yes, this is for you. You don't need to steal things from home to feed the dog in the future." Dog." He took out a wad of banknotes and handed them to the little boy. "Go home." Lu Azang knelt down and touched the boy's delicate face, "Learn to protect yourself and not be bullied! We are strong, but the enemy is weak." The boy nodded half-understanding, glanced at the strange man and woman, and ran away on his bicycle. "This child should have a better life." Lu Azang felt a little regretful. "You think he has a good heart, but he is deaf and dumb, and he is being bullied by others. God is so unfair. Isn't that right?" Lu Azang asked. "If he becomes stronger and stops being what he is now, he will have a better life." Lu Azang said seriously with the attitude of someone who has experienced it. The man shook his head and said nothing.The wild boar spirits were still soundly asleep, snoring one after another.It's been a pretty peaceful summer night so far.
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