Home Categories Chinese history Don't laugh, this is the official history of the Qing Dynasty 2. Fighting the world
So Yue Zhongqi only used a kayak to cross the river and drove in. On the way, when he met a chieftain, he comforted him and publicized the ethnic policy, which won the love of local monks and laymen.Many Tibetan youths came running to ask to join the army. Yue Zhongqi was overjoyed and selected 3,000 Tibetan youths from among them to intercept Dace Lingdun Duobu's salary road.And he himself led the troops of the headquarters and entered Lhasa smoothly. Before arriving at the holy city, I saw the people in the city singing and dancing to greet the coming out: Pearl Mami, hey, hey, hey, the red sun came out from the snow-capped mountains, and the liberated serfs were liberated... At this time, there are still some major strategies in the city. The soldiers of Dundob had already fled when they saw this situation.

After entering the city, first hold a Buddhist meeting.On the spot, five lamas and monks who colluded with the big plan to destroy national unity were killed, and more than 90 monks who were not firm in their stand were sent to study classes to study and reflect. Dace Lingdunduobu was hit by the enemy, in a dilemma, and simply climbed over the mountains and ridges, instead of taking the usual road, he detoured home.After going back, it happened that Russia was going south for "investigation", Dace Lingdun Duobu was furious, beat the Russian guy on the spot and ran away with his head in his arms, finally showing his cowardice.

When Kangxi received the battle report, he was overjoyed and asked: Who is it? Who did the job so beautifully? The internal servant reported that it was Yue Zhongqi, the deputy general of Sichuan Dutong Garbi. Kangxi said: Nonsense!Why is Yue Zhongqi the lieutenant general? Seeing how well the battle is fought, and after training and training, he will almost catch up with me.He is obviously the admiral of Sichuan. So Yue Zhongqi was promoted to Admiral of Sichuan. So Kangxi chewed his words, spent time writing a hymn to himself, and ordered people to lay stones in the Jokhang Temple for the Pingzang Monument.

While he was elated, he heard another sad news. The sons broke out again. This time it was the fourteenth elder brother Yinti who started the trouble. Moreover, it was Kangxi himself who gave him the opportunity.
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