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Chapter 44 Section IX

floating language 裟椤双树 210Words 2018-03-03
It took no effort to find her. Because she was waiting for me by the Yingyue River, the red gauze, the white snow, so beautiful. When the perfect sword pierced her heart, it didn't take any effort.Because she can't dodge. She fell in the snow, dyed the whole world red, and the last words she said to me were: "I'm sorry." Whether her remorse was real or not, I couldn't tell.Her eyes closed safely, the flower that always bloomed in her body and eyes withered into a scattered mark on the thick snow. The familiar body gradually melted into smoke.I saw the snow wind like a knife wrapping the trembling three-petal red flower on the ground, sending it farther and farther.

My sword fell to the ground with a clatter.
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