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Chapter 8 Chapter 8: The Banquet Bells Ring

Back in Tokyo, the new secretary-general of the Conservative Party continued his vigorous campaign day and night.In Mizuta Town, Gyoshirota District, there is a magnificent 20-story building above the ground. This is the building of the National Headquarters of the Conservative Party.The director-general's office on the ninth floor is his castle. He sits here and has seen countless visitors, accepting interviews, giving orders, and adjudicating affairs. "50 billion yen. To win this election, the party headquarters alone will need at least 50 billion yen. If you think of this money as the guarantee funds needed to maintain Japan's freedom and prosperity, you will feel Too cheap."

He spoke loudly into the microphone.The general election has long been scheduled to be held at the end of the year or early next year. As the commander-in-chief of the Conservative Party election, he is always very busy. "Listen! If our party loses the election and the day the opposition parties take control of the coalition, the liberal economy will collapse. Although we are in an unprecedentedly good boom in history, but not even a dime Those who don't want to support are real misers." His private telephone was equipped with quadruple anti-tapping devices, and the room itself had an anti-tapping system.Sitting in the fortress like an iron wall, he commanded more than ten secretaries, almost the same number of congressmen, and personal computers. It can be said that he single-handedly undertook the operation of the entire party.

"If the other party refuses, we have our own countermeasures. When exporting finished products overseas, the consumption tax added to the domestic price should be exempted. However, we can abolish this system and add the same export tax." "This, what is this...!" "What's wrong? As long as the export tax is added, the voice of the US government to blame Japan will be much smaller, right? In the last election, our political party lost because of your industry's lack of effort. Let me give you some Time to think about it, answer me before noon tomorrow. Do you understand?"

The chief secretary hung up and dialed another number with his strong fingers. "Ah, Showa Automobile Kokusai? Please ask the president to answer the phone." He didn't even have to say his own name.Only some key people know this phone number, and the chairman's secretary is very familiar with the director's voice. "President, the news show supported by your company is a very vulgar anti-government program! First, it is said that the consumption tax has structural flaws, and then it is said that in the era of US-Soviet coordination, our country is only constantly increasing military expenditures. These words It will cause confusion to people. This kind of non-national programs must be stopped."

He closed his sharp mouth and listened to the other party's defense in a short time. "Will the supporters give up in December this year? That's good, but the deadline for giving up is only in October. Please don't let me down!" Within five minutes of making the next call, the new chief had eaten his lunch.He ate three thick sandwiches with cake and drank two cups of coffee with a lot of sugar and milk. "Ah, Mr. Secretary-General of the Middle Way Party? There will be a golf tournament in Hakone recently, so please be sure to participate. It's okay to disclose the news to the media. Oh, it was hosted by the guy who hosted the female singer's support club, yes Nonpartisan. Shall we have a good talk about that Bill after we've worked up some good sweat?"

While on the phone, he looked at the memo handed over by his secretary, and while hanging up the phone, he gave instructions on the matter. "I'm going to lose 30 million yuan in the mahjong conference tonight. Those factions are very tight, and giving them this money is enough for them. If you give them money in units of 100 million, I'm afraid they will faint on the spot." Those present couldn't help laughing out loud, and while the laughter didn't stop, the director-general made the next call. "Hey, what happened to that? It's the leader of the anti-nuclear power generation movement! Now instead of performing safely on TV, he still publishes his book? Make him shut up immediately! No matter what method is used, let him He accepted the money, and immediately prepared to arrest him for the crime of intimidating the company. In this election, the electric power industry will spend 3 billion. But it cannot be taken in vain. If there is no money, use female sex to let his Tongue freezes. Got it?"

After taking a sip of tea, he called again. "What? You can only pay 100 million yuan? Bastard! Who did he think allowed him to do business like this? If the media found out about the law-building financing incident, he would lose 5 billion or 10 billion yuan." Ah! Ask the chairman if he wants to go to the detention center to taste it? 100 million yen is still a digit short, understand?" The secretary-general is as busy as the big boss of the mafia, energetic and hardworking, and knows everything about business.He manages all the dirty money and contacts, and his power in the party far exceeds that of a new prime minister from a weak faction.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door hastily. "D-Your Excellency, Director, something is wrong!" The one who jumped into the secretary-general's office before the knock was heard was the new member of parliament who was elected in the last general election.He is the "Senior Congressman" who holds more than 40% of the seats in the current Conservative Party's National Assembly.His retired father asked the director-general to train his son, who had never suffered at all, and hoped that the director-general would arrange him to train beside him.This man has a degree, and his character is not bad, but he is an incompetent person, and it is useless to keep him around.Even the director-general's secretaries don't pay attention to others.And now, the man ran into the chief secretary's office in a panic.

"I have something important to talk about now. What the hell happened? Still can't make up my mind!" After being yelled at by the chief executive, the Second Congressman prostrated himself on the ground in shame. "I'm sorry, but please read this first." He handed over a piece of paper with a trembling voice.Just five minutes ago, from Nagata-cho to Yotsuya, a certain newspaper began to distribute numbers everywhere.Just at the moment when I saw the content outside the number. "This guy Mingyun! It's too much!" The director's eyes were burning with rage.He wrinkled the extra number with his strong palm, but there was something written on it with extra large characters.The director-general received 600 million won in improper donations from a notorious company within five years, and there is a copy of the receipt as proof, in addition to the evidence that a bill beneficial to a certain company was passed in Congress Wait.

A secretary hurriedly flew to the TV, one channel after another.Every channel broadcasts a second-rate singer's divorce press conference, but shortly after, the subtitles read "Suspicious Takeover by the Director-General", and the content of the program slowly changed to this shocking big news . So, after twenty minutes, the director-general completely became the center of discussion.The official vehicles of the newspaper office and the TV station were lined up in front of the party headquarters, and reporters and cameras flocked to the entrance.The director and others who wanted to escape through the back door were found and surrounded immediately.A dozen or so microphones crowded in front of him.

"Director, I would like to ask you something." "No comment! No comment!" The chief executive said angrily. "Still out of the way! Bastard!" A bodyguard known as the secretary pushed the reporter away with a rude attitude that even members of the gang would be afraid of.One palm knocked down the photographer.After a while of pushing, pulling and squeezing, the bodyguards finally opened a passage and pushed the chief executive into the black Mercedes. "If you talk too much, you will kill people! A bunch of scoundrels!" After a while of cursing, the Mercedes drove away. "Don't show up in public for the time being. Such a thing happened at such an important time! This guy Mingyun, a crazy country vassal, actually moved my idea..." The chief secretary beat the seat cushion of the car with his fist, while the secretary shrank back and asked tremblingly. "What should we do now? The media will definitely chase after her without giving up." "That's real political donations. I have no conscience. It's the stupidity of the media to see all political donations as a sin. Just tell them so!" The director-general then ordered the secretary to take out of the briefcase the list of royal cultural figures who received money from the Conservative Party, and select four critics from among them. "These four people are fine. Treat them at the 'Chrysanthemum Festival' in Akasaka. Give them five million yen each, let them hug a geisha, and then ask them to refute the media, tell the public, and ask a question The boring scandals of capable and famous politicians are the loss of the country, and Japan should not be put on the road to perdition." "Is five million yuan enough for one person? These days, the market seems to be going up." "Tell them there's something else to thank if it turns out to be a success. What a bunch of jerks, wanting money anytime, anywhere." However, leaving aside personal disgust, at this time, only the royal cultural figures who can be driven by money launched a superficial counterattack.Then, they use this period of time to prepare the internal, which is the real counterattack. Another way to buy time is to escape the media frenzy and hide yourself.The Iga Upper Hospital in Aoyama is a well-known large hospital where politicians who neglect their duties escape. So far, eight prime ministers, ninety-two members of the National Assembly and thirty-eight members of the Senate have been admitted to the hospital.They were all in high spirits when they were admitted to the hospital, but it is said that many people died of "sudden changes of unknown reasons".As a result, the director also ran into this hospital and was invited to a special ward on the eighth floor.The dean with a whale-like beard greeted the secretary-general who went with five secretaries, and asked the secretary-general to rest here. "However, the director-general is still very young and in good health! What name should I use for the disease?" "It's the doctor's responsibility to assign a disease name to the patient, right? Don't be wordy!" After being yelled at by the director-general, the dean shrank his head like a turtle. "Then, go through the admission procedure in the name of psychogenic reaction!" "What is psychogenic reaction?" "It's just that it's easy to get over-excited by stimulation, so you need to rest quietly. That's basically it..." "How can I be so weak?" The director-general blew his nose in dissatisfaction, but at this moment, he couldn't care about anything anymore.Being young and strong is what the director-general is most proud of, and health is also one of the conditions for a politician. However, before the storm passes, everything has to be settled. The special ward is not so much a ward, but rather a honeymoon suite in a high-end luxury hotel. It is quite spacious and stylish.The windows open to the atrium, so the interior of the wards cannot be seen from outside the hospital. "Anyway, it's really embarrassing that I have to pretend to be sick and be admitted to the hospital when I am shouldering the responsibility of Japan's conservative political circles! All this is related to Mingyun. Damn Mingyun, I want him to know how powerful I am!" He glared at the secretaries as if they were political enemies personified.The secretaries felt cold sweat streaming down their backs, they knew it was best not to provoke this terrible figure. The chief secretary put on his smock like a real patient, but otherwise he looked nothing like a patient.He ordered the secretaries to convert the ward into an interim headquarters.Curtains were added in two layers, and telephones equipped with an anti-tapping system were delivered. His first phone call was not with the prime minister but with his uncle, who was vice president. "Uncle, you probably know the outline of the matter, right? Please help me." "I didn't expect you, who are always strong, to be weak. Well, let me find out a scandal of the opposition party first, and turn the blame of the media away first!" "Thank you. Anyway, it's all because of Mingyun." "If you want to start an all-out war with Mingyun, it will not be an easy task!" Hearing what his uncle said, the chief secretary couldn't help raising his voice. "Vice President, no, uncle, the other party provoked first. If we don't stand up and fight, we will only be beaten." "Well, so to speak—" "Uncle should let me become the president of the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister of Japan in five years, right? If my reputation is greatly damaged because of this incident, then uncle's dream will be shattered. Mingyun intends to smash uncle Your dream! Can he be forgiven for what he has done?" "Of course I can't forgive you, but is this really Ming Yunxia's hand?" The vice president, who has been swimming in the turbid currents of conservative politics for forty years, is cautious at best, and suspicious at worst.He himself used deception, threats, and betrayal of many people to occupy the throne of the power center. Therefore, he always considers whether others may deceive him. "That's a matter of course. Besides Mingyun, who else would set such a trap?" "Well, so you were betrayed by Mingyun's subordinate Murata?" "Of course I will punish that guy severely. However, Mingyun's problem is more important than Murata's. Now that he has attacked me, the next target is you." "This guy can't let him chase!" It sounded like an unhurried answer, but the secretary seemed to be able to feel the very unpleasant smile of the uncle on the other end of the phone.It was the face of a seventy-five-year-old man made by kneading the clay of desire for power with the living water of politics, and then burning it with the flames of interests.After planning, the person who ensured that Haidong Group's huge assets are his complete source of funds is the vice president. "Just stay there obediently for two or three days! It's good to take a rest once in a while." After finishing speaking, the old man hung up the phone.
"The earthquake seems to have occurred right under Nagata-cho." Continuing, he said to his brother while using the remote control to change the TV channel.Like the chief secretary, the Ryu cousins ​​also know who the mastermind of this political arson incident is.The meat-eating beasts are about to start a bloody fight.The weapons on both sides are not bullets, but banknotes and rumors, and what pervades is not the stench of corpses but the stench of spiritual decay.This introduction of people with a similar level of ugliness is about to start a power struggle. "A branch with too much fruit cannot bear its weight. A country that is too rich may perish because it cannot bear great wealth." Tokutomi Ashika, a writer in the Meiji era, once wrote such a passage.Had to have the same view.It seems that Japan can no longer bear the weight of the wealth it has acquired, and is gradually embarking on the road of self-destruction.Some countries perished because of being invaded by other countries, some countries perished because of excessive armaments, and some countries disappeared from this world because of poverty and hunger.It is not inconceivable that some countries are buried in garbage mountains and destroyed after vain prosperity and food.In any case, one thing is certain is that a melodious country cannot prosper forever. Just like Portugal, they once dominated half of the world, but at some point, they also retreated from the stage of world history and existed in this world as a quiet small country.Some countries, like Carthage, greedily gathered billions of dollars of wealth, but were also hated by other countries, and perished in the flames of war without leaving any cultural heritage.Which example Japan approaches is not yet possible to determine. Leaving aside the future of Japan, for the Ryu cousins, one of the things they are most concerned about right now is the discovery of caves on the campus of Baiyang College.When Hajime made a report on this matter, the third child answered him like this. "Isn't it too undramatic? In a legendary action novel, it should be more exciting and amazing to discover a secret cave. Finding barbed wire in a weed pile is too boring." The elder brother didn't care about the end's dissatisfaction at all. "Unfortunately, I am not the protagonist in a legendary action novel, but an ordinary world history teacher. I don't want to go through the plot in the drama." "Ordinary?" There was a strange smile on the corner of the beautiful mouth of the second child.He knows the end character is always hoping to stir up a mess.Finally, a big riot was triggered on the stage, and the villains were wiped out. Then the elder brother appeared, punched the rioting child, grabbed his collar and pulled him off the stage. This is a symbol of the relationship between the two of them.However, the eldest brother who pays attention to etiquette and order, form, and stability cannot bear such a situation, just like the job entrusted to him by the Ryudo family lineage, this is the second child's idea. On this day, Shi Shi was more concerned about the future movements of Baiyang Academy than the turmoil caused by the central political circles.Shi Shi can understand what the old man Ri Gao said.The current Baiyang College seems to have no sense of solidarity and lack of vitality. Is this probably the psychological reflection of the dean and manager Rigao? The old man Hidaka was a friend of Hajime's grandfather Ryudoji. As an educator, of course he tended to be idealistic.However, he lacks the drive and backbone of Ryudoji.This good-natured gentleman had come to terms with the reality of selfishness several times during his four years running the school.It is quite hard to think about it, and sometimes I have to go against my own will.He must have tasted frustration and powerlessness too, right? "Hidaka is a good man. If he wants to stick to his beliefs or ideals and put them into practice, he will make enemies. No one can please anyone." He had heard his grandfather say that before.Grandfather was worried that his friend's nerves were too thin, so he also hoped that Hidaka would come to Republic College to help him run the business.But.In the end, he still failed to tell Hidaka, who was running an independent school, the words "put away your school and come to me", and passed away with this regret. Since his grandfather said in his last words, "If Hidaka has any problems, you must try to help him", of course Hajime cannot ignore it.Because of this, he asked his aunt Toba to act as the acting chairman, and he temporarily left his job at the Republic College, left Tokyo, and came to the city on the coast of Japan.He originally wanted to help his grandfather's friends as much as possible, but when he came here, he felt that he couldn't do much. "Beat the head of that sect with one punch to death, and just ask him not to use the crooked brains of Baiyang Academy! It's too simple!" I said this before I set off, but in fact it was not so simple. The phone rang.Hajime stopped Xu and Moli, and picked up the phone himself.He originally thought it was a coercive call, but his premonition or doubt was a bit off. "Ah, Hajime, it's me, Hidaka." "Mr. Hidaka, what's the matter? Is there any trouble?" "No, I think you should be informed as soon as possible. Regarding the sale of my land to the Order of Holy Truth, I decided to refuse them." Hidaka spoke very succinctly, so for a moment, Hajime didn't even know how to react.After understanding what he meant, Hajime didn't know what to say. "It's fine if you make up your mind, but is it really good to do so?" "Of course the school managers have different ideas when encountering this kind of thing, but I still want to keep the steadfast approach in the past. It has also caused you a lot of trouble for a while, and now I don't hesitate anymore." Perhaps the old man Hidaka wanted to cut off his retreat by telling Hajime his decision?Beginning to have such a realization.Although Hajime is just a young man with no rights, he is now answering the phone call of the old man Rigao as the agent of his grandfather.And since grandfather's friends had already made up their minds, Hajime and the others should know what to do. When Hajime was about to speak his thoughts into the microphone, a fierce voice suddenly came from the microphone.The old man's voice suddenly became disorganized, and he began to notice a change. "Hey! Hello! Mr. Hidaka! Mr....!" The microphone of the other party was roughly disconnected, and the sharp weapon of civilization lost its function.Hajime dropped the receiver and looked at Xu and Moli.It's about to start, and hardly needs words to express it.
Rigao, his wife, his son and his daughter-in-law, a total of four people, were all tied up with luggage ropes.The opponent's technique is too clever, so they don't even have time to resist.They were pulled to the courtyard, surrounded by about twenty young men, and when they were pulled into the waiting car outside, the old man Hidaka managed to ask a word. "Who are you?" This question is a matter of course, but these men seem to have no intention of adhering to common sense and social ethics.Although their clothes were not neat, old man Rigao knew their identities from the strange badge pinned to their left chests.They are believers of the Order of Divine Truth. "Why are you doing this? The consultant lawyer of your religious order came to me a few days ago and talked with me in a gentlemanly manner." "But, aren't you arrogantly trying to reject the request of the leader?" Is it the leader of the group who makes the sound like rusting iron chains?It seems that he is not yet thirty years old.The angular face and slender figure are extremely incongruous. "My lord will personally judge your sins. In order to prevent the destruction of the world and the extinction of mankind, you will be sacrificed offerings." When the four members of Gao's family were about to be kidnapped that day, there was a sudden scream.The human wall built by the believers collapsed, and the four believers groaned in pain while lying on the ground.In contrast, two figures jumped over the heads of the intruders and stood beside the old Rigao family.They are the third and youngest of the Ryudo family.Finally, he smiled at the horrified believers. "Our oldest brother is very neurotic! He doubts that the Church of Truth will take practical actions against Mr. Hidaka. Could it be a means to deliberately make Mr. Hidaka careless by suddenly adopting a reasonable negotiation? Therefore, we acted as the aftermath The bodyguard with the chest is up. Do you understand now?" "Very few protagonists explain things so kindly." Yu couldn't help but feel admiration, and finally continued talking. "The thing about pay is just to have people exist." "Whispering! These unbelievers!" The angry believers rushed forward together, and finally fought without any sense of crisis. "I've been waiting impatiently for such a scene! This is not the Congress, don't think you can win with more!" Draw a semicircle horizontally for the final foot.The believers who rushed over with a big knife let out a scream and flew up. "Let's go together! Beat them down!" Some of the believers yelled.
At this time, the eldest son and second child of the Ryudo family were quickly making preparations in the apartment.They didn't know what was going to happen, so they put all their possessions in their backpacks and gave them to Moli for safekeeping.Looking down from the window, Xu found a group of noisy people on the dark ground. "Brother, there are a group of people on the ground who pretend to be powerful! They seem to be people with very solid beliefs." "Hmph! They want to destroy us while attacking Mr. Hidaka. Could it be us who are suspicious?" This is a cheap conspiracy, but they have succeeded many times before.The Order of Divine Truth doesn't seem to be very creative.After closing the window, he continued to ask his brother what his plans were. "What should I do? I don't intend to talk to those people, but should I try to talk to them?" "Mr. Hidaka doesn't know what to do now, we can't act rashly. After understanding the situation, there is no need to be polite to them." "I can't wait for my brother's permission. Anyway, I am not suitable for non-resistance pacifism." Continue to smile.A smile is as graceful and dangerous as a sharpened sword. "It's too much trouble to riot inside a building. Get outside!" "yes!" "I also need to go!" Molly issued a proclamation.Hajime and Xuyuan wanted to stop it, but they thought it would be safer to let Moli go with her, and Moli was not the kind of girl who would cause trouble.And it turned out that Mo Li was the first to make meritorious deeds.A worshiper lurking on the landing attacked Riley, who was walking behind the dragon cousin in a T-shirt and jeans.At the next moment, a violent sound sounded, and the believer rolled down the stairs.Mori smacked the worshiper in the face with the frying pan she was using as a weapon. When the three of them came outside, the figures gathered together.In an instant, the believers surrounded the three of them, and one of them rushed towards Shi. At this time, a blue-white light flashed in the corner of his line of sight.When everyone turned their eyes in surprise, the rumbling sound tore the night into countless pieces, and a huge orange fire sprayed into the night sky.The body of the believer who took Hajime's blow and flew into the air turned into a black silhouette, fluttering in front of the flames, and then fell down on the lawn.However, no one saw the sight. "Brother, that's the factory of Haidong Automobile." When other brothers went to school, Xu often took a walk on the street, so he was proficient in the geography of this area.The so-called 800,000-square-meter building turned into a lake of fire.Tens of thousands of muskets sprayed into the sky. Hajime turned his gaze back from the distant view to the close view, staring at the believers. "Is that your masterpiece? Is it the fire of judgment that purifies the corrupt world?" He was right in his guess.Wordlessly, the believers launched an offensive again.This action was their tacit expression. Haji dodged the initial attack and mercilessly kicked the opponent's knee.Hajime ignored the opponent's screams, turned around, hit the second person's chin with his right elbow, swung the knife in his left hand, and knocked the third person to the ground.In less than a minute, the twenty attackers had passed out and fallen to the ground.Xu also took care of seven or eight people, but this time Mo Li didn't play.
At the same moment, Zhong and Yu, who knocked down the twenty members of the Sacred Truth, also untied the old Rigao's family. They also saw the scene of the explosion in the automobile factory. "Wow! It's spectacular!" Seeing the power of the raging fire, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.He wasn't Nero, the emperor of ancient Rome, so it didn't occur to him to chant poems while looking at burning buildings.The air flow rose because of the fire, causing a strong wind, and the wind made a roaring sound.The sound of the siren rides the wind, as if to evacuate the wailing of the factory to the entire city. "Brother, we must quickly take Mr. Hidaka to a safe place." "Well, but, where do you think is the safest?" The strong wind blew over with hot air, messing up Zhong and Yu's hair.Hearing their conversation, Hidaka said. "The construction site of the factory is across the city street. I don't think the fire will spread here. Even if it does, it will take a while. You don't have to worry about us, hurry up and meet your brothers!" Finally, he observed the appearance of the old man Rigao keenly, and confirmed that the old man was indeed calm.The believers of the Sacred Truth have all been taken care of, so they should be safe now, right?It seems that it is better to listen to the opinions of the elders. "We know. Then, please be careful with yourselves." I don't know how many times it has been, the rumbling sound shook people's eardrums, and a new pillar of fire rushed into the night sky again.Finally, he bowed to Yu, turned around and ran away. Elder Rigao patted his son on the shoulder. "They are Ryudo's proud grandchildren, so there is no need to worry about them. Let's go to the school and make sure the students are safe."
The flames rushing into the night sky can be clearly seen from the headquarters of the Order of the Holy Truth.The leader, Ayano Kojiro, stood on the balcony made of marble. His expression showed no trace of uneasiness. He watched the orange flames spread to the opposite side of the city street. He was still wearing a kimono. In front of him, there were about a hundred young people. male and female devotees kneel on the balcony. The window of the building opened suddenly, and a figure ran to the balcony. It was Yukihiko Ayakoji, the father of the leader.The beard scar that was photographed under the nose is still reddish black. "good--" "Please call me the leader. We are father and son, and we must distinguish between public and private." The ancestor was taken aback by the indifferent answer of the leader. "What? What are you thinking? What are you thinking!" The leader sneered calmly, and said to his agitated father. "I don't have time to listen to the ramblings of thugs who sell toilets called happiness to poor people for a little money." "What? You actually treated your father...!" The patriarch was so excited that he couldn't speak, and looked at his son's expression with eyes that he had never seen before.Anger, fear, and uneasiness clouded the Godfather's vision. "The godfather is tired. Please go to the guest house to have a good rest. No one is allowed to disturb him until tomorrow morning!" The leader patted his strong chin on the believers standing on the left and right of his father.The believers moved in unison.Everything was premeditated, and the panic-stricken Godfather's body was rolled up with woolen cloth, and then wrapped several layers with the rope and tape used to tie the luggage.The godfather immediately changed into a funny gesture of wool roll. "Hey! What are you doing? I am the patriarch you worship! Aren't you afraid of being punished by God?" "No one will listen to you. The believers here are loyal only to me." "you you……" "You've done enough. A clown whose beard was ripped off in front of the believers because he coveted the beauty of a beautiful young man! What else is he called 'Xue Yan'? Does the name Xue Yan refer to this perverted middle-aged man?" "Could it be that you are qualified to be called 'Liang'?" "It's you who chose the name!" At this time, the leader realized that he was caught in a boring argument, so he ordered the believers to take the father who was misbehaving. Three strong believers carried the godfather's body wrapped in woolen cloth on their shoulders.The patriarch used all his strength to scold the unfilial son and the disloyal believers, but after being taken away from the balcony, his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely. After sending away the wordy father, the leader with the elegant name Ryo Ayanokouji became the complete ruler of the believers who remained on the spot.With a name reminiscent of a delicate and beautiful woman, but with a face like the leader of a right-wing gang, he stood on the balcony staring at the flames of the fire.His posture resembles that of a monk from Mount Hiei who was born in the Sengoku period. "Our time is coming. This conflagration is the harbinger of greatness. The mills of the cloud and clan that used our lofty teachings for the world have been burned in the wrath of the Holy Spirit. Ladies and gentlemen, we must keep the true faith, and for the establishment of the true The Millennium Kingdom of the world stands up and fights!" Fire powder is flying on the leader's head, while the believers are crouching at his feet together.
The scene of the burning factory can also be clearly seen from the Nagumo residence towering on the mountain.Even the name Yun Taixin who is headstrong can't help but turn pale with shock.The Haidong Automobile Factory is a symbol of the wealth and power he inherited from his ancestors three generations ago, and is in fact the leader of the world's automobile industry.And now, the factory exploded as if it had been hit by a rocket, and it was in flames. On this day, until the evening, Mingyun was very happy.He was convinced that he had hit the director's vitals hard.The Secretary-General has always been vicious and domineering, and because he is too young, he is not very popular with the sixty-year-old head politicians who are afraid of a generational change in the party.If the director-general is involved in a serious political scandal, I'm afraid these leaders will rush forward and take the opportunity to surround and beat him, right?But now, it seems that it is Mingyun's side who are forced to go nowhere. Mingyun yelled at the leader of the Sacred Truth who called to express his condolences at this time. "Who would do such a thing..." "It's the brothers who came to Baiyang Academy. It's the people named Longtang." "them?" Mingyun couldn't help but widen his eyes.He has always disregarded people without political power as human beings, so he always disregarded cousin Long.Because of this, he left the matter of dealing with them to the leader. "Why would they do such a thing...?" "I've already investigated this point. I think they came here from Tokyo just to be the bodyguards of Baiyang Academy." "Is that right?" "Yes. It's all about one link. They came here after the new chief. Do you think it's an accident?" It was by chance indeed.However, now that Mingyun saw his factory being bombed, coupled with his hatred for Chief Xin Yu, his usual ability of cold calculation and suspicion was gone.Now, he is only led away by the leader's flattery.The priest also knows this.The result is that people only believe what they want to believe. "Well, these guys must not be allowed to live!" Mingyun gritted his teeth angrily and roared. "Catch them in front of me before the police catch them! I will make them suffer a punishment worse than the death penalty!" Hearing Mingyun's voice showing his true nature and trembling with brutal anger, the leader couldn't help laughing inwardly.Everything seemed to be going according to his plan. "Please wait a little longer. I think some good news will come in." said the priest.Hearing it in Long Tang's ears, he would definitely sneer and think that the leader was too confident.
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