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Chapter 72 Wushu's Revenge

This is Yue Fei 覃仕勇 3156Words 2018-03-16
The defeat of Yancheng caused Wushu to suffer another heavy blow. The Iron Armored Cavalry Division "Iron Futu" has always been a unit that the Jin people are proud of. The defeat in Yancheng made Wushu lose face again, and the resentment was hard to appease.Wu Shu wanted to fight Yancheng again, but was frightened by Yue Fei's supernatural power.After thinking about it, he decided to command 120,000 troops to station in Linying County (now Linying, Henan), which is located between Yancheng and Yingchang Mansion. Wang Guibu vented his anger. Yingchang is located 200 miles southwest of Kaifeng. It is the first base camp set up by the Yue family army after the Northern Expedition, and a large amount of food, grass and military supplies are stored in it.Moreover, all the military activities of the Yue Family Army revolved around it. If Wushu can really conquer Yingchang, it is not just a matter of venting anger, it can even directly crush Yue Fei's military northern expedition and turn defeat into victory.

However, in Yue Fei's eyes, this is simply pediatrics!How could Yue Fei fail to see through the fluffy intestines in his stomach? ! Before Wushu's troops arrived in Linying County, Yue Yun and Yang Zaixing had already led their troops to detour from Yancheng to Yingchang under Yue Fei's dispatch. move closer. On July 10th in the tenth year of Shaoxing (1140), Yue Yun, Yang Zaixing, and Zhang Xian joined forces with Wang Gui. As the execution ground of Wushu, he was executed on the spot. In fact, Zhang Xian's approach is very risky, even Yue Fei dare not act rashly, after all, there are hundreds of thousands of enemy soldiers.However, Zhang Xian believed that he had fought with the Jinren for many years without losing a single defeat, so he didn't pay attention to the Jinren at all.Yang Zaixing and Yue Yun, one is bold and the other is bold, and the courage is bigger than the other, and the fighting spirit is higher than the sky. After hearing Zhang Xian's suggestion, they raised their hands in favor and acted immediately.This time, it must be pierced.

On the 11th, Wushu heard that three armies of the Song Army had assembled in Yingchang, so he planned to give up the attack on Yingchang.But when he learned that Zhang Xian had actually come to challenge him, he immediately made up his mind and decided to lead most of them to avoid Zhang Xian, avoiding the truth and attacking Yingchang according to the original plan. The two armies are fighting, false and real. Poor Zhang Xian didn't know that Linying in front of him was just an empty city, while Yingchang City behind him would face a heavy blow from 120,000 golden soldiers. When they arrived about ten miles away from Linying, they set up camp, and Yang Zaixing led 300 cavalry to scout the enemy.Unfortunately, Yang Zaixing met Wushu's large troops heading to Yingchang at the Xiaoshang River in the south of Linying County on the night of the 13th.With three hundred against one hundred thousand, the result is self-evident!Yang Zaixing showed no signs of fear, he led 300 knights to a decisive battle, back and forth, killed more than 2000 enemies, finally broke out of the battle formation and waded away.It's a pity that the vicious Wushu saw that there was no hope of capturing Yang Zaixing alive, so he ordered to shoot arrows.None of the 300 Song army knights in Yang Zaixing's department survived.Yang Zaixing's body was densely filled with arrows, like a hedgehog!Early in the morning on the night of the 14th, Zhang Xian, who rushed to the Xiaoshang River, found that the corpses of Song soldiers were strewn all over the place, and the blood stained the Xiaoshang River.Incineration of Yang Zaixing's body actually "got two liters of arrowheads"!It's a pity that a generation of heroes has gone so far away!

On the other hand, Wushu led a large army to approach Yingchang. Yingchang is located in the upper reaches of the Ying River, one of the convenient waterways between the Central Plains and the Jianghuai River.This ancient capital of the Three Kingdoms has become a military hub for military strategists due to its convenience, transportation in the middle of the world, and geographical environment. It is a barrier to the southwest of Tokyo. On July 14th in the tenth year of Shaoxing (1140), Wushu arrived in the west of Yingchang City, where he met Youyi Army of Wang Gui's Department and Beiwei Army of Yue Yun Department.

Wushu's subordinates assembled the team of Zhenguo King Han Chang, Dragon and Tiger King Wanyan Tuhesu, Gaitian King Wanyan Saili, and four ten thousand captains. The formation began, stretching for more than ten miles, the drums of war shook the sky, and the battlements were shaken. Without fear, Yue Yun took the lead and led 800 elite riders into the formation. Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, the usual method of warfare with the nomads has been to form a solid formation with infantry holding shields and spears, advancing from the center, and then cavalry flanking from both wings.However, after many years of fighting, especially after fighting against Liu Yu of the Puppet Qi, the Yue Family Army captured a large number of war horses, and has built a large army with cavalry as the main force. For the so-called invincible Jurchen iron cavalry, the battle of Yancheng is a clear proof.

Now that there are not many defenders in Yingchang, it is impossible to form a regular formation to fight, and Yue Yun is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, so he directly led 800 cavalry to charge from the middle, and Wang Gui led the infantry to outflank from the two wings.Before the attack, Yue Yun strictly ordered all the troops to "don't lead the horse to hold the prisoner, but look forward to the bang" and advance to the decisive battle. Yue Yun danced a big iron awl in his hand, and plunged headlong into the enemy formation. The iron awl flew up and down, and the swords and guns of the golden soldiers and golden generals collided with it. Slower, he was stabbed in the body, screamed and fell to the ground, spraying out a stream of bright red rain and mist.

Wang Gui took the opportunity to lead the infantry to cover the cavalry with wings, and joined the battle group from the left and right sides, fighting with the left and right kidnappers of the Jin army. This battle was extremely fierce, Yue Yun "had no worries in the battle, entered and exited the captive formation, his armor was red, and his body was wounded by more than a hundred."The Yue family's army killed "people are blood men, and horses are blood horses". The Jinren have always been proud of their cavalry's rapid assembly and mobile attack capabilities. At this time, Wushu hid behind the formation, and the more he watched, the more angry he became. Three groups of people joined the battle formation, hoping to consume Yue Yun, Wang Gui and others with absolute superiority in force.

Seeing the golden soldiers swarming like ants, Wang Gui gradually became timid.Without the determination to win, the war is bound to be lost.At the critical moment, Yue Yun waved two iron awls, calling out to kill the thieves and motivating the army. In the end, "no one would look back", and withstood wave after wave of attacks from the Jinren. The two armies fought inextricably, and the outcome was unclear. In the afternoon, Dong Xian, the commander of the stepping army guarding the city, and Hu Qing, the deputy commander of the Xuanfeng army, led the last three thousand Song troops in the city to rush out of the city. If there is chaos, the situation of the battle will be tilted.

The soldiers of the Song Dynasty were as fast as a thunderbolt, and the captives galloped and feared the thorns. The tens of thousands of troops of the Jin army pushed and shoved each other, and finally broke into chaos and fled in all directions. Wushu fled in a hurry, and his son-in-law Commander General Xia Jinwu and Deputy Commander Nianhan Suobojin were beheaded on the spot.In addition, more than 5,000 golden corpses were left on the battlefield.Seventy-eight senior generals were captured, more than 2,000 golden soldiers knelt down, and golden seals, golden drums, flags, spears, and armor were discarded all over the place, piled up like a mountain.

Yue Fei was overjoyed to receive the good news from Yingchang, and led his army from Yancheng to Zhuxian Town, which was less than 50 miles away from Tokyo.The jade sword's energy crosses the water across the south, and the spirit flag rolls around Zhu Xianyue at night, and the situation is very good. Wushu's mood dropped to freezing point even after losing the battle, and his subordinates wailed: "It's easy to shake the mountains, but it's hard to shake the Yue family's army!" Ever since he raised his army, Wu Shu always believed that the land of Central Plains was a stage specially set up for him, and on this stage, no one could be his opponent.He can enjoy a whole one-man show, from opening to closing, from one glory to another: Once upon a time, looking around the world, who is my opponent?

Back then, I led a fine ride to the south, attacked Yangzhou, headed towards Jiangsu and Zhejiang, took Hezhou (now Chaohu City and County), went down to Guangde, bravely ventured into Dusongling, the natural danger, crossed the Yangtze River into Jiankang, passed through Huzhou, Kemingzhou, along the road Crossing rivers and rivers, overcoming natural dangers, breaking through passes, destroying cities, searching mountains and rivers, entering the sea, invincible and invincible.The shortness of time, the length of the front, and the breadth of the territory are unparalleled in the world. But now, now what? Now Wushu realized that he was wrong. On this stage, there is also an absolute protagonist, an absolute power faction. He was strict in running the army, "do not demolish houses to death from freezing, and do not plunder to death from starvation." He is well-trained, and all the soldiers under his command are brave and good at fighting, and one is as good as ten. He is proficient in the tactics of warfare, and he uses soldiers like a god. He is the famous Yue Fei! Back in Tokyo, Wushu called all his generals to hold a military meeting to discuss the next step.The atmosphere at the meeting was extremely depressing. These generals were all experienced in many battles. They wanted to capture Zhao Gou alive and wipe out Jiangnan with open mouths, but now they are completely sluggish.They knew very well that the Yue Family Army, which was attacking like a tiger, was now in Zhuxian Town, and it would not be long before they would take down the Tokyo city where they were now, and maybe they would lose their heads by then.There was dead silence in the venue! Faced with this unbearable silence, Wu Shu said very dejectedly: "Since I attacked the Song Dynasty, I have never been as frustrated as I am today!" Originally, Wu Shu wanted to give a passionate speech to mobilize the fighting spirit of the generals Get up and prepare for the next defense of Tokyo, but Wu Shu finds it very difficult.He has fought against Song for twelve years and defeated countless enemies. Today is the first time he feels so frustrated. Now the official and general, who monopolizes the power, is the martial art of the powerful faction in the Kingdom of Jin, so frustrated!Now that the hero's coach has been discouraged, the morale of the Jin army has almost collapsed. Wuling Simou, who used to act as an ambassador in Lin'an, was also in the army at this time, and he was known as "the shrewd chieftain of captives". Move lightly, wait for the Yue family army to come before surrendering." Not only him, but the one-eyed and ruthless Han Chang couldn't bear it anymore, "Secretly dispatched envoys, willing to surrender with 50,000 of them."The Jin army's commander Wang Zhen, commander Cui Qing, general Li Jin, Bing Yilang Li Qing, Cui Hu, Liu Yongshou, Meng Gao, Hua Wang and other Han generals behaved extremely simply, and led the army to join Yue Fei overnight.Generals Zha Cha, Qianhu Gao Yongzhi and others under the command of King Dragon and Tiger of the Imperial Guards of the Kingdom of Jin also raised their flags to surrender. Hong Hao, who was detained in the Kingdom of Jin, wrote back to China, saying: "The defeat of Shunchang and the arrival of Yue Shuai have shocked the people here." The morale of the Yue family army is high, and it is just around the corner to take Tokyo. Yue Fei was also overjoyed and ordered his subordinates to seal up strong wine, prepare a long car, and drive straight into it immediately, and wiped out the enemy's nest in one fell swoop. He said: "This trip will kill the captives until the Yellow Dragon Mansion, and I will drink with you!" Yue Fei, who had always been abstinent from alcohol, decided to get drunk on the day he was done. However, the final outcome turned out to be: Zhongxing became half of the wall, and the general was ordered to make a decision.Sigh all the gentlemen, there is no time to drink hard, and the intestines are empty and hot. what on earth is this kind of happenings?
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