Home Categories Internet fantasy Chuanglong Legend 5 Mirage City (Side Story 1)
Chuanglong Legend 5 Mirage City (Side Story 1)

Chuanglong Legend 5 Mirage City (Side Story 1)


  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 110481

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Four Brothers

When the curve turned, a large sea appeared in front of it. The late summer sun pours orange streams of light onto the sea.It was the first time the passengers in the 4WD saw the Sea of ​​Japan.The road stretched along the coastline, and the spray of the menacing waves turned into tens of thousands of small lenses, reflecting in the sunlight. "Would you like to take a break, brother?" Hearing what his younger brother continued to say, Ryudo Hajime who was sitting in the driver's seat nodded silently.The car stopped on the shoulder of the road, and as soon as the door was opened, Ryudo finally jumped out of the passenger seat.Brother Yu was a second and a half late, and jumped out after him.They ran across the road where no other cars passed, and sighed as they looked at the sea through the white concrete embankment.

"Thirty kilometers away from Haidong". The sign with these words gleamed in the sun. With a population of 600,000, Kaito is the largest city in Japan facing the Sea of ​​Japan.Haidong is not an outlying city, but a base for maritime traffic on the Sea of ​​Japan and trade in the Asian continent. It is extremely prosperous. After the Second World War, although it was only a local city, it continued to develop as a base for global enterprises.And there is more than one kind of enterprise that develops.Haidong Automobile Industry, Haidong Electronic Industry, and Haidong Ceramics are all under the control of the Mingyun family. Together, these three companies claim to have a turnover of four trillion yuan a year.Kaito is not just an industrial capital, there is a large stretch of beautiful sandy beach in the west of the capital where you can enjoy the Sea of ​​Japan. In recent years, the number of sea bathing tourists from Tokyo has also increased a lot.

This day is September 1st.The four brothers of the Ryudo family--23-year-old Hajime, 19-year-old Xu, 15-year-old Chu, and 13-year-old Yu left Tokyo early in the morning and drove to Haidong City by car.There was still some way to go to their destination, and they planned to enjoy their dinner slowly.Finally, he said happily. "A few sea baths in this late-summer season; shall we go for a swim, brother?" "We didn't come to swim. Mr. Hidaka asked us to come, don't forget that." "I know. I've heard it hundreds of times, and I'm getting earwax!"

"Who told you to ask me to tell you hundreds of times? For today's dinner, you only need to cook your earwax." "That, that's outrageous!" Ryudo ignored his younger brother's protest and returned to the driver's seat of the four-wheel drive vehicle.The three younger brothers also returned to their seats, and the car started immediately.From the coastal road to Haidong, it is scheduled to take another forty minutes. "Mr. Hidaka told us to go, it seems that there is some trouble." Xu frowned slightly, maybe it was because the west slanting sun shot into the car?

"You'll know when you arrive at your destination. Anyway, this is my grandfather's last words. He said that if Mr. Hidaka asks us to help, we must not refuse." Hajime replied, pouring his strength into the hands holding the steering wheel.Coastal roads have many curved areas.
Baiyang College is located in the east of Haidong, at the end of a high platform two floors higher than the city street.The school was established after the Second World War and includes co-educational secondary and advanced subjects, as well as a specialization for training nurses.The dean of the college concurrently serves as the chairman and general director.The person who has held this position since the establishment of the school is called Junzo Hidaka.He is seventy-six years old this year. Although he has white hair and a thin body, he looks younger than his actual age.

In a few years, the end of the twentieth century will be ushered in on September 1st of this year. The second semester of this college has not yet started, and there are almost no people on campus.The dean of the college, the old man Rigao, works alone in the dean's office.After adjudicating several documents, he started writing letters.The old air conditioners in the old buildings can't drive away the late summer heat, they just make an uneven sound.The windows were opened, and the cool September breeze that streamed in was slightly cooler. The rough mechanical sound came from outside the window at four o'clock in the afternoon.The dean didn't leave his office, but if he stood by the window, he should be able to see the Mercedes-Benz that broke into the deserted campus and drove directly into the main building of the college from the school gate.This is of course an act of ignoring the "No Cars on School" sign.

When Mercedes parked the car in front of the entrance, the two morning glory pots that were open side by side were smashed.The two middle-aged men who opened the door of the Mercedes and got out of the car directly stepped into the entrance without looking at the poor morning glories.The height is not very high, but the width and thickness are quite amiable, and the person with a strong chin is Kaito Council member Uesaka Kiyasu.The man with a pair of silver-rimmed glasses on his slender face that has not been exposed to the sun is the chairman of Kaito Commercial and Industrial Bank, that is, Masahiro Sonoura, the secretary who is the head of the Mingyun clan.They stomped on the floor, walked in the corridor, and opened the dean's door without knocking. At this moment, Dean Hidaka stood up from the table.He greeted the extremely rude guest with a calm voice.

"I know who you are, but I don't remember making an appointment with you today." Uesaka put his hands on his hips and looked back at his companions. "Hey! Did you hear that, Mr. Sonoura? It seems that our great dean, Mr., doesn't even see the city council members without prior appointment." "As expected, he has been engaged in education for more than half a century, so he pays too much attention to those red tapes, right? It seems to be different from the style of us ordinary people." Facing the ridicule of these uninvited guests, the dean tried his best to suppress his anger, and still spoke in a calm tone.

"I'm sorry, but I will have guests coming soon. Can you please leave here? Let me talk about the matter you want to solve in detail later." However, his thoughtful etiquette did not get the response it deserved.Senator Uesaka laughed loudly on purpose, sat down on the guest sofa, and lifted his shoes on the table.He looked at the dean with the eyes that flashed like some kind of deep-sea fish, took a cigarette in his mouth, took a puff, and then made a growling sound. "I, Uesaka Jikang, have 20,000 supporters, and my actions represent the voice of 20,000 people. To despise me is to despise 20,000 powerful people and their families. Dean, you should be very clear ?”

Even though he is still not that old, he speaks in such a mature tone, which fully shows his mentality of deliberately playing the boss.The old man Rigao was still suppressing his anger.He had to call this proud man thirty years his junior "Sir." "I am well aware that Mr. Uesaka is very active in Parliament." "Humph!" Uesaka snorted coldly with his nose.It seemed to him one of his pleasures to humiliate the old man before him. "I was persuaded to run for general election five years ago. There was no doubt that I would be elected, so I would be a member of Congress. But I declined the offer. Do you know why, Dean? "

Dean Hidaka didn't answer (to be precise, he didn't want to answer), so Uesaka began to explain himself. "Because I, Uesaka Jikang, love my hometown Haidong. It is this kind of local love that made me step into this city. Instead of stepping on the red carpet of the Congress in Tokyo, it is better to sit on the seat of Haidong Council and serve the local people. It's a lifelong dream of mine to grow to pieces." "Well said, sir." Sonoura, who was traveling with him, echoed, but there was a slightly disgusted expression across the depths of his glasses that were shining close to white light.Sonoura cleared his throat and faced Dean Hidaka. "Rep. Uesaka's Zhijie is superb. Presumably the president should also know it very well. Mr. Rep. has always been busy with his work. Accepting petitions from citizens, inspecting everywhere, or participating in various ceremonies, his daily work always makes him have no skills. Facing today, He came here on purpose. Based on politeness, shouldn't you listen carefully to Mr. Congressman!" In clear contrast to Uesaka's brutality, this is a threat full of malice.Dean Rigao's face was pale, but he stretched his back reluctantly, intending to push away the opponent's oppression. "If it's about land transfers, I've turned it down several times. Our school has been here since it was founded. I have no intention of moving anywhere." "Yo! How stubborn!" Sonoura tilted his extremely thin lips and said mockingly. "Haven't we already prepared a substitute land for you? It's 50% larger than the current school land! What else do you have to complain about? Don't be too greedy." "It's not just big. The land is in the mountains, which is too inconvenient for the students to go to school. Besides, there are no buses passing there." The dean's words were overwhelmed by Uesaka's angry scolding. "What deep mountain? That's also the hinterland of Haidong! Are you insulting the citizens who live there?" Boom!With a bang, it turned out that it was Uesaka who lifted his feet into the air and then put them down heavily, hitting the heels on the table.The ashtray on the table jumped violently and fell to the ground.The dean himself does not smoke, and the Bohemian glass ashtray is for guests.Uesaka evacuated the cigarette butts and ashes from the finished cigarette to the carpet, white dust was flying all over the sky. Uesaka threatened the dean with a threat similar to that of a gang, and smiled slightly.Threatening the opponent and making the opponent submit, this is his usual practice.The other party was shocked by Uesaka's loud threat, and then faced his evil smile. I am afraid that there is no one who does not feel fear and fall into confusion.From now on, Uesaka just needs to mentally grab the opponent by the throat and make him submit. Suddenly, the door opened, and the flowing air formed a gust of wind that hit Kamisaka's cheeky face.A young man's voice flew into Uesaka's ears. "Mr. Hidaka, I'm sorry for being late." "Oh, Hajime, you came just in time." There was a sense of stability in the dean's voice. The three younger brothers also followed Shizu into the dean's room, and greeted the old man Rigao respectfully.It is the family tradition of the Longtang family to observe etiquette for the elders, even the youngest who has always been free and unrestrained is no exception. Uesaka and Sonoura are also considered elders for the Ryukous cousins.However, the dragon cousins ​​completely ignored their existence.Obviously, these two middle-aged men did not show proper etiquette to the elder Rigao.There is no need for the dragon cousins ​​to be polite to the kind of scoundrel who puts his shoed feet on the table in other people's rooms. "Long time no see, how are you, Hidaka-san?" The beginning of the words contain the highest respect.The old man Hidaka was a friend of Shi’s grandfather Si. During the initial period of the Republic College founded by Si, he served as a director, and once stood on the podium of the Republic College University to write the history of Japan for Shi.Before his death, Si was also named as the director of Baiyang College. These two colleges can be said to be "Jiao Bu Li Meng, Meng Bu Li Jiao". "Ah, I'm fine. You guys came at a good time. Things seem a bit chaotic..." "Hey! You guys!" Uesaka yelled loudly when he couldn't bear it anymore.The fact that Uesaka is not a kind citizen can be confirmed from the way he calls the person he met for the first time.The Long cousins ​​were fully prepared in their hearts, but on the surface, they continued to ignore these two rude guests.Elder Rigao also completely stabilized and resumed his usual pace. "Let's come to my house tonight and talk slowly. Although there is nothing to entertain you, my mother-in-law has prepared her own cooking with all her heart." "Thank you for your hospitality." In the end, he thanked him energetically first, and Yu also followed suit.At the end of the youthful swearing, the sound of rioting sounded.Uesaka slammed the sole of his shoe on the table again, and finally, this action made the Ryukous cousins ​​focus on him. "I came here as the agent of Mr. Mingyun!" He was so excited that he didn't notice what Hajime and Tsukuda looked at. "Listen! In this city, you are not even allowed to speak without Mr. Mingyun's permission. Remember this, you youngsters!" "It seems that with his permission, even dogs and pigs can speak human language." Hajime finally answered Uesaka's words.Uesaka's sensibility in terms of language was not so good that he immediately recognized the painful irony in Hajime's words.After thinking about it for two and a half seconds, he finally realized that he was compared to a dog.When he found out, he immediately became furious and jumped up from the sofa. "You, you stinky boy, did you completely ignore me? You have no manners; I will make you regret it immediately." Bad guys can also be divided into first-rate and second-rate villains, and the sorrow of second-rate bad guys is that their reactions and lines have been seen through by the other party.What Uesaka said was within the expected range of the dragon cousins, so not even a gram of shock and fear appeared.The anger of the violent congressman had no way to vent, and finally broke out.He angrily kicked down the table. "No, Senator Uesaka, please don't get angry." Although Yuan Pu opened his mouth to dissuade him, he didn't really mean to stop it.If he did, I'm afraid he would taste Uesaka's fist first.It is Uesaka's usual style to beat the opponent with two or three punches, make the opponent submit, and then argue later that "the opponent fell by himself".Of course, Sonoura will confirm Uesaka's "legitimacy" as a witness.Forcibly entering the campus is a bit too much, but Uesaka and Sonoura have always believed in the effects of coercion and violence. Uesaka is ten centimeters shorter than Hajime, but he weighs about ten kilograms more.He bought all his heavyweight weight into his fist and swung it towards Hajime's chin.Uesaka is a member of the gang, and has a wealth of experience in beating and stabbing.He has repeatedly knocked subjects taller than himself to the ground with a blow to the jaw.But today, the glory of the past is no longer available.His fist didn't touch Hajime's chin. Hajime's body didn't move.The one who moves at twice the speed of Uesaka is the youngest son.He nonchalantly drew an arc with his feet wrapped in jeans, skillfully sweeping away the thick feet of his superior. Suddenly there was a very unmusical sound, and Uesaka's knees hit the ground hard.He reflexively put his hands on the ground and wanted to support his body, but the severe pain made him almost unable to make a sound.In an instant, Uesaka lost his fighting ability and fighting spirit, and his whole body became powerless. Surprised, Sonoura was about to stand up from the sofa while calling Uesaka's name.However, he does not need to use his own strength to do this.Tsukuru, who walked around the back of the sofa with graceful steps, stretched out his arm, grabbed Sonoura's collar, and lifted it lightly.The naturalness of the movement is like picking up a kitten. Sonoura was thrown out of the open window.Since the office was on the ground floor and right on the lawn, he didn't even have a scrape.When Uesaka was thrown out next, Sonoura avoided his body so as not to be bumped into by Uesaka, this was because he thought that the difference in physique between the two was too great. After the two of them fled in embarrassment, Cousin Ryu cleaned up the dean's office, and then listened to the dean explain the whole thing from beginning to end.When the dean called home, Xu shrugged his shoulders and said to Hajime. "The headquarters of the Sacred Truth is in Haidong, I didn't know it before!" According to the announcement, there are 300,000 believers in the Holy Truth Church, a new religious group.In Japan, there are several religious groups with more than one million believers, so this sect is rather a very small religion.However, its wealth of funds and its influence on the political and financial circles ranks first in the country.It is said that many powerful people in the political and financial circles secretly join the church, and the membership fees and donations they pay are very high.On the other hand, it is also well-known that they let members engage in fraudulent or forced sales, and sell "sputum pots that remove curses" or "toilets that call happiness" at high prices. This bad business law has also caused considerable problems in the society, and the mass media has also criticized it. However, the church always uses its influence on the political circles, and finally always escapes legal sanctions. In the past, the headquarter of the church was located in the western suburbs of Tokyo, however, it moved to Kaito last year.The church bought a hilly land almost the size of three golf courses, spent hundreds of millions of dollars, and built various magnificent facilities.It is the freedom of the sect to develop to this point. However, after divination of the so-called "earth veins", the patriarch found that the campus of Baiyang College is related to the prosperity of the sect for a million years, so he insisted on disposing of this school land. Can't get it.Therefore, the religious group and Baiyang College's bank, Haidong Commercial and Industrial Bank, joined forces, using Uesaka as an agent, to coerce the dean into submission. "A bank and a religious group are trying to seize the school land. How can there be such a thing?" Finally made a sound of indignation.Hajime touched his chin. "There are good and bad banks, after all. Some banks will join forces with violent groups or bad real estate developers to speculate on land! The Holy Truth Church is a big customer of the bank, and if they get the land of Baiyang College, how much will it be?" Somehow it's good for themselves." This is a roughly common sense statement.Banks in Japan sometimes put morality aside for the sake of profit. There are many examples of this kind of evidence, especially the banks that collude with real estate owners to seek huge profits are even more heinous, and even criticize within the financial circles.The order wants land, and the bank helps the order to obtain certain benefits.Even so, the method is too strong and difficult for others.There is a famous cloud family behind the bank. What is their purpose? "In any case, if Mingyun's family and the Holy Truth Religion join forces, at least in this city, they will be able to control the wind and rain." "Is that what the parties think?" "Yeah! Then, they'll do it." Do they just want land?began to doubt this.Staring at the side face of his brooding brother, he continued to turn his gaze to the clouds that were gradually becoming more rosy in color. "It seems that we can't leave Mingyun's family and the Holy Truth Church alone." "This is the work that justice envoys should do." Hajime shrugged his broad shoulders. "We are not messengers of justice. We fight only for our own convenience. Because we don't like to do things without merit." "Ok, I know." Continuation seemed to nod seriously.He knew his brother's temper well.After all, they have been together for nineteen years. "However, the other party doesn't care if we are inconvenient, they will always make a move anyway." "Well, anyway, we can't go back to Tokyo right away." What they thought of was the revenge action imposed by the other party on Baiyang Academy.There is a black line behind Senator Uesaka that exudes a rancid smell. If you follow this line, you can find the Mingyun family. They cannot return to Tokyo until they see that Baiyang Academy is safe and stable. The third child finally stared at the backs of his brothers, and whispered to my younger brother. "The elders in our family have a lot of truth." "But anyway, what they have to do is the same as you, Brother Zhong." This is Yu's answer.
Undoubtedly, the man who held the power of Kaito's dominator status was Nagumo Yasunobu - characters who fit this description still exist in Japan.Mingyun Taixin is just sixty years old this year, but just looking at his half-white hair, he has an energetic demeanor that is also applicable to people in the second half of forties.His bushy eyebrows and majestic eyes are too close together, but still quite attractive to some women.His height is nearly 180 centimeters, and the body supported by the rough skeleton has a moderate width and thickness.Wearing a British-made suit further accentuated his well-fitting figure, which is rarely seen in Japan. Mingyun’s mansion is located in the center of the district, on a high platform about ten minutes’ drive to the southwest from District 1 where JR stations, county hall buildings and hall buildings gather.On one side, you can see the main part of Liushimanto, and on the other side, you can overlook the Sea of ​​Japan, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.Even in the height of summer it can easily withstand the cool breeze from the ocean.In the construction site of 30,000 ping, there are two large and small Western-style buildings and a pure Japanese-style detached building, as well as garages and dormitories for servants.There are many old pine and cypress trees, and it looks like a mountain city that regards the urban area of ​​Haidong as an outer ring city. There are two figures walking on the road in the mansion filled with the shadows of cypress trees. The two people who look like master and servant are Uno Yasunobu and the newly appointed head of the prefectural police headquarters.Ming Yun didn't even look at the head of the department who was three steps behind, and followed behind him step by step, and said proudly. "So, what are your hopes for the future! If you want a seat on the board of the pachinko industry group, you can come and tell me anytime." The relationship between the police bureaucracy and the pachinko industry has always been famous.In the Diet in the fall of 1989, it was revealed that the police bureaucrat OB served as a director of pachinko industry groups all over Japan, which surprised the Japanese people. Motobu, who wore square glasses on a square face, answered unexpectedly. "No, I hope to leave the constraints of officialdom in the future and stand on a broader perspective to contribute to the country and society." It is not uncommon for him to want to leave his job as a police officer to become a politician.The minister's real wish is to get Mingyun's support when there is a by-election.Mingyun knew this, but he deliberately avoided it. "Oh, it's good that you want to be a politician, but do you want to run for office from a left-wing party?" "No, there's no such thing. Mr. Mingyun is too good at making jokes. How can someone who eats from the police do such an act of running for election from a left-wing political party without knowing what to report." The head of the department eagerly defended, sweat dripped from Fang Fang's face. "Ah, I'm sorry, I was joking. However, now the Japanese seem to have become forgetful of the soul of the nation and do not know how to repay their kindness; people also forget that Japan is prosperous thanks to the Conservative Party. Letting the Left win the previous election on the grounds of taxes and malfeasance." "It's really a group of fools who are not as good as knowing how to repay!" "Before you switch to politics, you can still do your part for the country as a civil servant." "yes." The minister took out a linen handkerchief and touched the sweat on his forehead. The pure Japanese-style detached hall is built in the central part of the Japanese garden with a width of more than 2,000 ping.It is a bit outrageous to call it the Liguan because of its large scale. Although it is a one-story building, it has fourteen rooms in total, from a large room as large as a hundred stacks wide to a tea room as small as four and a half stacks wide.On the first day of every month, Mingyun would call the celebrities under his influence to this place for a meeting.It is the first time that this minister has received the honor of "come to the meeting". At the exit entrance of what appears to be a first-class restaurant, there is a screen painted by a Japanese painter who has received the Order of Culture.The title of the painting is "Su Wu", but for the minister, the most important thing is the number of shoes in front of the stage. The people gathered in the reception room that day were enough to prove the power of the Mingyun family.County governors, deputy governors, mayors, assistants, members of Congress, three members of the Senate, 14 members of the county assembly, eighteen members of the assembly, and the president of the company, no matter the size, more than 60.Most of the congressmen are elected from Haidong City and its surrounding areas, with one exception.That is the general secretary of the Conservative Party. At the beginning of the party, after Jie Dong said hello, the president of general affairs straightened his posture and bowed his head deeply to Ming Yun. "I came to the meeting as the agent of the prime minister. Originally, the prime minister should have come to say hello to Mr. Mingyun in person, but he is currently visiting European countries due to state affairs, so he had no choice but to be rude today. , please forgive Mr. Mingyun..." "Ah! Absolutely unforgivable!" A drunk man's voice sounded immediately.The owner of the voice is a member of parliament named Murata, known in the Diet for his poor behavior and violent speech.Once arrested for taking bribes and then found guilty.He also once pushed newspaper reporters off the stairs who wanted to cover news.He used Haidong District as the electoral district and called himself "Mr. Mingyun's errand".He has a profile like a malnourished bulldog. "Europe is just a declining and boring place. The prime minister should put Mr. Mingyun's hospitality first, and put that kind of place aside. Is that right? Chairman of General Affairs." "Ah, that's true, but please stop torturing people like this." Mingyun didn't listen to these boring words, he called the governor of the county to the front with his hands.The governor left his seat with his head down, and came to Mingyun. "What's the matter, sir." "In the construction department of the county hall, there is a section chief assistant named Han Chuan, right?" "This...ah, yes, there is indeed such a person. Although he is young, he is quite capable." "You really think so?" There are poisonous needles emitting a strong light in Mingyun's eyes.The expression on the governor's face was as if a basin of cold water had been poured all over his body, and his whole body was trembling. "You have no eyes for people. He is a useless man, a man who can't help you." "He, did he do something to make Mr. Mingyun unhappy?" The governor's voice trembled.Ming Yun smiled slightly, then fell silent, and the secretary Tian who was serving at the side spoke instead of the master. "Governor, regarding the comprehensive revision project of the Qiqu River, it is a major undertaking to reorganize the social capital of the county and bring the county into the 21st century." "Yes, it is." "So, it's only natural that one of Mr. Mingyun's companies contracted the project. As Mr.'s agent, I asked Hanchuan to let me see a copy of the valuation cover and the basic plan, and the result..." "Hey, what happened to the result?" "As a result, you know how Han Chuan answered. He said that it is illegal to leak these materials, so he can't agree. It's just too rude!" "He, he said such rude things...!" The governor groaned and left the cushion.He was sitting upright on the tatami mat with his hands resting on it, his forehead pressed against the tatami mat. "I'm really sorry. Tomorrow, I will remove Han Chuan from his position as assistant to the head of the department, and demote him to the mountains. He will not be allowed to return to the department until he retires. Please calm down, Mr. Mingyun." Mingyun turned his face to the side, pretending not to know.Tashiro waved his hand intentionally. "Governor, this kind of punishment is too light. Not only is that guy Hanchuan arrogant and rude, but he also doesn't pay attention to the kindness of Mr. Mingyun who is committed to making this county prosperous. Mr. Mingyun hates that kind of knowledgeable person the most." People who don’t repay favors. You should know, right?” "Yes, of course. However, I can't dismiss him suddenly. I will find an opportunity as soon as possible. I will demote him first. Please forgive me for this..." Mingyun didn't answer.at this time. "Perhaps I can be of help in this matter." Stealing the limelight is the new head of the County Police Headquarters.After asking Nayun for instructions, he explained to Tashiro. "This matter is very simple! If the man named Hanchuan is suddenly dismissed, he will be very upset. Why don't I ask my subordinates to interrogate him as a suspect on his way home from the county hall? Arrest him on the spot. With the current crime of obstructing the execution of official duties..." "Oh, that would work." "Use this as a punishment for resigning, and of course he doesn't need to pay him a dime in his pension. He can't get a new job, and he can't escape the county. I think that's the best thing for an ungrateful man. ending." Mingyun broke the silence. "Minister, you seem to be a very capable person!" The chief pressed his forehead against the tatami.The action is the same as that of the county governor, but one is praised and the other is reprimanded, the difference between them is vast. "Minister, are you living in the official residence now?" "yes." "There is a good piece of land near Baimei Terrace in the city. Just buy it, and I will arrange everything with Tashiro." "Ah! Thank you, Mr. Mingyun." The headmaster blushed with joy.Mingyun asked him to buy land and build a house.In the future, he will use this piece of land as an electoral district to participate in the by-election of members of Congress. At the same time, Mingyun will support him—this is what Mingyun said.The birth of a member of Congress is finalized under such circumstances. Compared with the happy mood of the head of the county police, the mood of the county governor is very bad.If Ming Yun regards him as a useless person, he may be eliminated in the next by-election. "Ah, thanks to my minister's decision, I also benefited a lot. It really taught me a lesson." After doing this superficial effort, the county governor still sneered. "However, obstructing the execution of official duties is really a very convenient charge! It is a weapon that people can use at will." "Yes, you can use it as you like. Of course, I only use it when it helps Mr. Mingyun. This is the so-called restraint, right?" These words are all ingenious ways of flattering the minister.When the governor wanted to say something more, there was a slight commotion at the end of the hundred-wide room.It turned out that someone was late.Looking at the figure at the entrance of the living room from a distance, Mingyun couldn't help but twitched his mouth mockingly.The belated guest is Senator Uesaka. "Oh, isn't this Mr. Uesaka! Are you a bit late!" "Is that so, Mr. Uesaka wasn't there just now, no wonder it was so quiet." "No matter what reason you have, go and apologize to Mr. Hurry up!" Under the urging of the councilors and presidents who were present, Uesaka crawled forward on two knees like an ancient court man, and came in front of Mingyun.He solemnly supported the ground with both hands, knelt and crawled on the ground. "Mr. Mingyun, I'm sorry. Unscrupulous Uesaka is really ashamed to come to see Mr., but in order for Mr. Mingyun to reprimand unscrupulous Uesaka for his mistakes, he still has the audacity to ask to see you today." "Hmph, it's really admirable!" Mingyun dropped this sentence harshly, and cast a contemptuous gaze on the top of Uesaka's head. "I heard that you were tricked by that old idiot from Baiyang College. Is it true?" "Yes, that's the thing. In fact, that old fool also hired bodyguards, and they..." Uesaka was at a loss for words. "It's useless!" Mingyun, who dropped these words, picked up the wine bottle from the vermilion table trimmed with gold and silver, and poured it on Uesakatou, who was prostrate on the ground.Warm wine flowed from Uesaka's head to neck, then from forehead to face, dripping onto the tatami.All the people present fell silent and watched the play without any alcoholism.Mingyun dropped the empty wine bottle. "Okay, tell me! I'll give you a chance to win back your face."
Kaito is also a production area of ​​excellent quality Japanese sake.Good rice and good water are needed to make good wine, and Kaito is an important domestic trade center for the distribution of rice products by sea along the Sea of ​​Japan.In addition, fresh fish and shellfish from the Sea of ​​Japan are also concentrated here.If the rice and fish are of good quality, of course, there will be delicious sashimi.Therefore, on the night of September 1st, sashimi for ten people was placed on the dining table at Hidaka’s house. The clear soup, sashimi, and Japanese salad prepared by his wife stimulated the appetite of the guests. "Wow! It's rice! I haven't had it for a long time." Finally, a voice full of emotion came out, and the Hidaka couple almost misunderstood it. It was only later that they figured out that it was just that the Longtang family had been eating bread for the past few days. "It's hot, and we old people can't eat much. You don't have to be polite, eat our share too!" Hidaka's words sounded like the sound of nature to Zhong's ears. There were also four members of the Hidaka family who received four guests.Hidaka and his wife, the eldest son Hongyi and his wife.The eldest son and his wife have two sons, both of whom are college students, studying in Kyoto and Kobe respectively, without their parents.Hongyi serves as a permanent director of Baiyang College.Hidaka also has a daughter who is married to a physicist and lives with her husband in Boston, USA.All in all, this is also a scholarly family. To put it simply, "As expected of my grandfather's close friend. He has knowledge, but no money". Ultimately, it was his highest tribute. All in all, the table at the Hidaka family, which has always been quiet, was very lively tonight.Stuffing the delicious food of the Sea of ​​Japan into his stomach to his heart's content is like the end of sashimi balls covered with human skin. He also showed a high degree of interest in liquids made of rice and water, but.Under the gaze of his elder brother, he had no choice but to give up.长兄对听日高的谈话比对饮食有兴得多,可是,这是在和老二比较之下来说的,他是不会作出把人家特意拿出来的菜看留下来不吃的无礼举动的。 晚上,四兄弟就在十叠宽的房间里铺上棉被睡觉,可是,他们都没有立刻就睡着,四个人低声地交谈着,谈着整个事态。 据日高的说法,在海东市,银行、报社、电视公司、巴士公司、不动产公司、旅馆、高尔夫球场、百货公司、土木建设公司……所有的产业都在名云家的支配下。连空气和水都是。只要名云家有意,黑浊的烟就可以从工厂的烟囱里喷出来,把农药散布在高尔夫球场,让居民吸入有害的空气、污染土壤。上下水道虽然是城里的事业,可是,实际从事工程的是在名云支配下的公司。 县内的传播媒体保有形式上的股票数目,但是,实质上都接受名云的支配,所以,等于没有任何人敢批评名云的支配体制。相对的,不管做什么,只要能得到名云的谅解,就等于是成功了。因此只要简单地让自己接受名云一族的优越性,海东绝对不是一个难以居住的地方。至少,名云不是那么小气的人,在日本的财界人当中,他算是对文化事业最热心的人了。海东的图书馆、美术馆、市民大厅、市立大学,每一项建筑、设备都有着不逊于东京的水准。 可是,市内到处都立有名云的铜像,把有名云宅邸的地区取名为“名云町”固然可笑,可是,事实上,只要写上“海东、名云先生”,信件都可以正确地送到收信人手中。 话说回来,白杨学院和共和学院既然是姐妹校,当然,校风也是祟尚自由的,因此也遭到反动的文部省人员嫌恶。可是,日高在全国的教育界中是一个广为人知的名士,所以,日高本人也不想刻意和名云产生对立的状况,他总是淡淡地保持适度的距离,谨守住礼仪和社会常识,做最低限度的交际。而名云家也默认白杨学院的存在,到目前为止,双方持续保持和平共存的状况。 而事情之所以有了急速的转变是在神圣真理教团在海东设立了本部,决定把这里当成“圣都”之后的事。和支配传播媒体一样,名云支配宗教团体是不会公然出面的。可是,和神圣真理教团有很深关系的某个银行所有人就是名云,他的手下们为教团进行了许多活动。教团之所以要白杨学院的土地是因为名云基于某种理由需要。 “是不是生产黄金和石油?” “或是埋有德川家或丰臣家的财宝。” “名云这家伙以前杀了人,将尸体埋在那边。” “有通往地底王国阿加鲁达的秘密洞窟,潜藏着有冀人。” 终和余相继发表了他们不负任何责任的意见,可是,依长兄和二哥的意见,他们的看法没有一个是对的。假使有着宗教上的意义的话,做理论上的思考都是白费的,只有和教团接触加以确认一途了。 “神圣真理教团应该有女性会员吧。” 续问道,在得到一个“应该有吧”的答案之后,他若无其事地说道。 “那么,教团那边就由我去收集情报吧。” 真是无聊啊:始心中这么想着,可是并没有说出口。因为说给任何人听都没有人会相信,所以他也就不说话了,然面,事实上,始是真的想过平静无事的生活的。倒也不一定是他的本质就是这样,可是,如果身为长男的他没有这种想法的话,那就对过世的父母太说不过去了。这个青年是真的这样想的。 “不要做太危险的事。” 始是很正经地这样提醒续,可是,这么一来反而更显得可笑。续忍住笑,只回了一句:“是的,大哥。”倒是充满精力的老三兴致勃勃地问道。 “危险?对谁危险啊!” 他是想要确认一下状况,可是,这个时候,老么已经发出了规则的寝息声,而长兄和二哥也打着哈欠,开始要进入睡眠状态了。“啐!”老三喃喃自语着,闭上了眼睛,几乎呈垂直状态地就睡着了。
隔了一天,就是九月三日星期一。对一般的学生们而言,这是一年之中最令人头痛的第二学期第一天。私立白杨学院高等科一年B组的四十名男女学生见到了中等身高,仿佛被阳光晒卷了头发,两眼中充满了光彩的转学生。 “请各位多多指教。我是谜样的转学生竜堂终。情书、现金袋和挑战书随时都欢迎,请各位就不要客气了。” 这是当事人刻意使用的转学招呼方式。
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