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Chapter 41 break Li Cheng

This is Yue Fei 覃仕勇 2635Words 2018-03-16
In February of the third year of Jianyan (1129), Yue Fei received an edict and immediately assembled his army to join Zhang Jun in Poyang. According to Zhang Jun, Yue Fei is still in charge of playing the vanguard. On the third day of March, Yue's army arrived in Hongzhou (now Nanchang, Jiangxi). Ma Jin's camps spread all over the western mountains of Hongzhou, guarding the ferry.Knowing the enemy's situation, Zhang Jun was very apprehensive, so he discussed with Yue Fei, "I have fought with Li Cheng several times, but every time we lost, how to deal with him this time, you have to help me plan well." ("Jun and Li Cheng before and after." After several battles, all of them were defeated, so please take care of me.”)

Yue Fei raised his brows, and said: "The bandit army is often greedy for merit and doesn't care about the future. It is extremely easy to break him. As long as you send three thousand cavalry from the upper reaches of the river, if you don't expect them, you will succeed." Regardless of the future, if you use three thousand cavalry to cross from the upper class Juesheng Midu to catch his surprise, you will surely be defeated.") Since Yue Fei led his soldiers to fight, he often launched sudden attacks from the opponent's flanks, and rarely attacked the opponent from the front. The reason for the big win.

"But, who can lead these three thousand cavalry into battle?" "Yue Fei is not talented, and he is willing to take on this task." ("Although Fei is not talented, he is willing to be a pioneer.") Yue Fei took the initiative to invite Ying, and a big stone in Zhang Jun's heart suddenly fell, and he was very relaxed. On the ninth day of March, the spring grass is short, and the peach blossoms are new.Putting on heavy armor, Yue Fei took the lead in crossing the river from the upper reaches on a fierce horse. After making a big circle, he turned to the rear of the bandit army and suddenly attacked Ma Jin's camp. flee.Those who had no time to escape knelt down and begged for mercy.

After the war, it was counted that "50,000 soldiers were killed" in this attack. However, Yue Fei was not satisfied with such a result. He has always been good at surprise attacks, and he pays attention to quick battles. Before he rode his horse into Ma Jin's camp, his goal was very clear: to completely defeat and capture Ma Jin alive! Ma Jin is Li Cheng's most powerful general, as long as Ma Jin is captured alive, it is equivalent to breaking Li Cheng's arm, and the war to wipe out Li Cheng will be more than half successful. However, Ma Jin seemed to have specialized in escape techniques, so he slipped very fast, running desperately through the chaotic army, killing a bloody path, and his four horseshoes fled northward like a lamp throwing a lamp.

Where is Yue Fei willing to give up?The current Ma Jin is a lost dog, as long as he works harder, he can be arrested and brought to justice. Yue Fei asked the direction of Ma Jin's escape from the mouth of the prisoner, and before he had time to organize soldiers and horses, he led dozens of generals to mount their horses in a hurry, preparing to chase after him. Wang Gui, the former military commander, advised: "We have already won a complete victory in this battle. The so-called poor should not pursue. It is better to clean up the battlefield first, organize the army, and then pursue."

Yue Fei waved his hands and said: "Ma Jin is at the end of the road now, the people are falling apart, it is a good time to pursue; if you relax a little bit, when they regroup and lose their opportunity, how can they pursue again?! Let go!" Shaking the reins catch up. Yue Fei firmly believed that as long as he seized the time, Ma Jin would be caught soon.He has experienced this kind of pursuit battle many times in the past, and it works every time, and this time should be no exception. With the sound of hooves, he led these dozens of generals and chased them for twenty-five miles in one go.

Just when he could clearly see the backs of Ma Jin and others, something unexpected happened, almost sending Yue Fei on a road of no return. Yue Fei had just rode his horse across a dirt bridge, when the bridge suddenly collapsed, "No rider from behind can enter", and there were only a dozen or so riders following Yue Fei. Yue Fei's pursuit plan was disrupted.Now, instead of being able to destroy Ma Jin, Ma Jin will bite him back. Sure enough, Ma Jin turned his head and found out about this, he was overjoyed, he led his more than 2,000 men back with a grinning grin, and prepared to eat Yue Fei alive.

It was obvious that Yue Fei had fallen into an extremely dangerous situation this time. He went deep into the enemy's territory and his rear troops failed to continue, which was already the target of public criticism. Seeing the army of thieves approaching, Yue Fei's cavalry generals panicked. However, in such a critical situation, Yue Fei showed his demeanor as a famous general.After all, it is unrealistic to just wait for others to save you, you have to save yourself.The real kung fu that he had practiced for many years came in handy at this time. Yue Fei ordered his cavalry generals to line up, armed with long spears, and prepared to charge into battle. A general at the front shot off his horse, and then led the crowd to "attack him with his cavalry", fighting desperately, and rushed into the battle formation assembled by the horses.

In the battle formation, although Yue Fei was busy with his hands and feet, his thinking was very clear. He knew that now that he had few troops and Ma Jin had many, the only way to win was to attack Ma Jin's Chinese army with all his strength. Once the army is in chaos, the situation of the war will definitely change greatly. In order to achieve this goal, he took the lead and went straight to the horse! Following Yue Fei's spears and knives, Ma Jin's Chinese army dodged around very cooperatively, and the wind collapsed. Looking at Yue Fei's blood-stained and murderous appearance, Ma Jin felt a cold spear piercing his body, screamed, turned around and ran.

Before he could regroup his troops for the second round of charge, the follow-up troops led by Wang Gui had already piled up dirt on the broken bridge and rushed over. Ma Jin knew that the defeat was decided, so he quickly led his army to retreat into Junzhou City. Yue Fei followed closely and set up camp in the east of Junzhou City. On the 11th, Ma Jin led his troops out of the city, "Bulie spanned fifteen li". Yue Fei took the red Luo as his banner, with a big "Yue" embroidered on it, "selected two hundred horsemen", and rushed to Ma Jin's battle formation quickly.

Ma Jin's position was quickly disrupted, and he had to leave in a big defeat. Yue Fei brandished his knife to hide the killing, and shouted: "If you don't follow the bandits, sit on the ground and don't kill them." For a time, "there were 80,000 people who responded, and the dead were countless." Afterwards, Yue Fei led his army to sneak to Zhujiashan by night, and ambushed Ma Jin in the dense forest. He succeeded in the same blow, "killed 5,000 infantrymen, and beheaded his general Zhao Wan." More than ten riders escaped. Upon receiving the news of Ma Jin's defeat again and again, Li Cheng was furious and rushed out, bringing all of his army of more than 100,000 troops, to fight Yue Fei to the death at Louzizhuang. Yue Fei's army is only ten thousand, and facing the one hundred thousand army of the giant thief Li Cheng seems to be a real test, a test of life and death. Actually otherwise, more than 200,000 of Li Cheng's 300,000 men had been scattered by Yue Fei, and the morale of the army was in turmoil.However, the Yue family's army fought successively victoriously, their fronts were sharp, and their momentum was like a rainbow. This battle has not yet started, and the outcome has already been decided. The two armies only fought each other for seven or eight rounds, and Li Chengcheng was defeated.Yue Fei took advantage of the momentum to pursue, and first "defeated more than 20,000 soldiers and captured 2,000 horses". On the way to pursue horses in Jiangzhou (now Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province) via Wuning, Yue Fei’s soldiers passed Sumagang, drinking horses at the head of the post, watching the clouds in the sky, and the stream under his feet. He felt relieved and wrote "Sumagang" A poem, the poem goes:
In just fifty-six characters, it is full of pomp and arrogance, and calls the tycoon Li Cheng a vulnerable clown. It also hopes that the Northern Expedition will rejuvenate the Song Dynasty, and the sadness of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the loss of the Western Zhou Dynasty will be prevented. Misery reappears. After going down the hill, he drove Ma Jin's ass and fought again, "killing and surrendering 30,000 people". After all, Ma Jin didn't break through the ghost gate, fell off the horse after a somersault, and was cut to pieces by knives. Li Cheng saw that Yue Fei was chasing too closely, so he ran from Jiangzhou to Qizhou (now Qichun County, Hubei), "ten to five died of hunger and poverty". When he arrived in Qizhou, Yue Fei "resigned another 15,000 soldiers, won more than 2,000 horses, discarded armor, and countless gold and silk". When Zong Ze stayed in Tokyo back then, he united all the forces that could be united, gathered all kinds of armed forces in the country, and prepared to completely wipe out the invading alien race.Among these armed forces, in addition to Li Cheng, there are also "hornless bull" Yang Jin, "big sword" Wang Shan, "Zhang Mangdang" Zhang Yong, etc. With Zong Ze's departure, these forces immediately disintegrated, and some of them transformed into thieves who harmed one side.Li Cheng is the one with the greatest power, the widest influence, and the most destructive power.The defeat of Li Cheng not only completely pacified Jianghuai, but also made Yue Fei famous. The thieves from far and near either surrendered or fled upon hearing the news.Zhang Yong, a native of Xiangzhou, was "courageous" himself, and his wife was even more brave.At that time, there were more than 50,000 people under his command, who robbed families and houses in Jiangxi. Zhang Jun hoped that Yue Fei could destroy Zhang Yong in one go. He encouraged Yue Fei and said: "If you want to destroy Zhang Yong, there is no one but you." Alas!The matter of breaking the thief was all on Yue Fei alone.
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