Home Categories Chinese history Yi Zhongtian History of China 06·A hundred schools of thought contend

Chapter 13 Chapter Three Monarchy, Civil Rights, and Human Rights

Five years after the Battle of Maling, Mencius came to Wei. At this time, the state of Wei had moved its capital to Daliang, so King Hui of Wei was also called King Hui of Liang.King Hui of Liang was the first among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period other than Chu to become king, which shows the strength of Wei State.However, five years ago, they were defeated by Sun Bin of Qi State; in the second year, they were defeated by Shang Yang of Qin State.King Liang Hui was very anxious. Therefore, when Mencius came to see him, King Liang Hui said, "Old man!Coming from a long distance, it must be good for the country of the widow, right?

Mencius pushed back: King!Why talk about profit, just talk about benevolence and righteousness. This is really not speculative. It is certain that the words are not speculative.Because King Hui of Liang’s deep pain is that "the soldiers are defeated three times, the prince is captured, the general is dead, and the country is empty." He really needs something useful. How can he have the time to listen to this old man slowly talk about benevolence and righteousness? Hehe, King Hui of Liang has actual needs, while Meng Ke's empty talk is detrimental to the country. However, Mencius insisted on speaking.

This is his mission. Mencius is a person with a strong sense of mission.He once said twice that the purpose of God's birth of all people is to "make the first aware and then aware, and make the first aware and later aware", and let us social elites enlighten and educate the people.If we don't do such a thing, who will do it, and who can do it? Yes.In today's world, no one but me! That's why Mencius wanted to run a "king training class" to change their minds and teach kingly ways and benevolent governance.The training class was first held in Qi State, the student was King Xuan of Qi, and the teaching method was to chat together.

Ha, heuristic. Once, Mencius chatted with King Xuan of Qi about music. Mencius said: I heard that the king likes music. Is there such a thing? King Xuan blushed immediately.Because what he likes is not classical music, but pop songs.This is embarrassing for the nobles. Mencius said: There is nothing wrong with liking popular songs, music is all the same!However, I would like to ask a question: Your Majesty thinks that enjoying music makes you happy alone, or with others? King Xuan said: "Of course it is with others!" Mencius asked again: Do you want to be happy with a few people or with the majority?

King Xuan said: Of course it is with the majority! Mencius said: Well, isn't it the happiest to be happy with the people of the whole country?You know, having fun with the people is kingly way! King Xuan of Qi asked: How to practice kingship and benevolent government? Mencius said: Reduce the burden on the people, relax various policies, and pay attention to the vulnerable groups, just like King Wen of Zhou did back then. King Xuan said: "Sir, what you said is really good!" Mencius said: "Since your majesty thinks it is good, why don't you do it?" King Xuan said: "The widow is sick and likes money."

Mencius said: What does it matter?The king likes money, and the common people also like it. Wouldn’t it be enough for the king to like money together with the people? King Xuan said again: "The widow has a disease, and the widow is lustful." Mencius said again: What does it matter?The king likes women, and the common people also like women. Wouldn’t it be enough for the king to like women with the common people? King Xuan of Qi had nothing to say, but he did not follow suit. Mencius had no choice but to train King Hui of Liang. It was even more difficult to discuss with King Hui of Liang.Think about it too, who does Qin use?Shang Yang.Who does Chu State use?Wu Qi.Who does Qi use?Sun Bin.what's the result?Wealth the country and strengthen the army, turn defeat into victory, and dominate the world.Did Mencius do such a thing?can not do this.Then why did King Hui of Liang listen to him?

The Overlord had no choice but to bow hard. Mencius asked: Is there any difference between killing with a stick and killing with a knife? King Hui of Liang said: No. Mencius asked again: Is there any difference between killing with a knife and killing with politics? King Liang Hui said: "No." Mencius said: Now, the king has fat meat in the kitchen and horses in the stables, but the people have vegetables and corpses in the fields.what is this?It is to lead the beasts to eat people!Humans still hate beasts killing each other; if they preside over the country's politics, but lead wild beasts to eat people, what qualifications do they have to be the parents of the people?

Hehe, this is not a class, it is obviously a training. Why did Mencius teach the king this way? Does he want a revolution? Maybe.
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