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Chapter 7 Chapter VII The Impermanence of All Things in Japan

Autumn of that year towards the end of the twentieth century.In Japan, the golden kingdom that seems to be enjoying endless prosperity, it seems that the season of falling leaves is approaching. The U.S. declaration of debt default dealt a considerable blow to Japan.From 1983 to 1988, the total stock value of Japan expanded from 120 trillion to 460 trillion.The total land price jumped from 660 trillion yuan to 1300 trillion yuan.In five years, the non-substantial bubble assets have increased by 980 trillion yuan, pouring down like a torrential rain, and Japan has continuously acquired foreign land, hotels, famous paintings, and buildings.

The festival is over.Like old Daniel said, and like Townsend said, there is an end to things.Real estate developers who should have more than 1 trillion yuan in assets have gone bankrupt one after another, and the felled forest has been abandoned without being built into a recreational resort.During this period, incidents of dereliction of duty stirred up the whole society like a monthly event, and politics became the seed of ridicule for the people.Everyone knows that going on like this is not okay, but... "Is there no one to replace?" Because of this, the Prime Minister's regime has always maintained an peaceful state.

In fact, within a certain range, the political ability of the prime minister is quite high.He not only gave political funds to the ruling party, but also to the opposition party through ingenious channels. He also tried his best to flatter the reporters of the major newspapers, and occasionally sprinkled some gossip clues to them.He handles disputes between the vibration bosses, and sometimes lends a helping hand.In addition, he also appointed the main cadres of the major newspapers as members of the government's review committee, or gave them medals, which was very generous. In fact, the Prime Minister is an excellent "Mayor of Nagata Town". Although people outside criticize him for being incompetent and corrupt, his position has never wavered.Moreover, although he was not instigating it, the Soviet Union, Japan's imaginary enemy, perished, and the economic situation in the United States continued to deteriorate.Therefore, if Japan's finances and economy get stuck again, it will be the United States itself that will lose the way to make money.For this reason, the President of the United States withdrew his declaration of non-fulfillment of debts, and he himself was hospitalized due to overwork.As for the incompetent but vainly prestigious vice president, he was shelved and the secretary of state acted as president.The Prime Minister of Japan can really be said to be a man of strong fortune.

On this day, the Prime Minister participated in the cabinet meeting held in the morning as usual. "It looks like something is wrong." The Prime Minister thought sarcastically.Below the prime minister, there are twenty-one cabinet members who make up the cabinet.Among them, excluding the Chief Cabinet Secretary and the Minister of Education, 19 people were involved in malfeasance incidents, which were widely criticized in the mass media.The prime minister did not deliberately choose dereliction of duty members to serve as ministers, but the result looks like this.If it is said that "place honest people as ministers around you", the cabinet may not be able to be established.At least these cabinet members should have the common sense and sense of shame of ordinary citizens, but this seems to be difficult for them, right?Accept bribes as if nothing had happened, lie as if nothing had happened, and if there is a crisis, transfer the blame to the secretary or the driver, forcing them to commit suicide, and then they can sleep soundly without fear of ghosts and maintain a healthy body.If he wasn't such a person, how could he be a winner in this power city full of rot?

"Prime Minister, you look in good spirits!" The Transport Secretary put on a smile.According to reports, he intervened in the illegal admissions of private universities and received 10 million yuan as a thank-you gift each time.In addition, he also asked the backup company to pay the salaries of seven secretaries for him.The real estate company run by his younger brother sold the fields bought at a low price for fifty times the price and used them as land for the Shinkansen.In other words, he is suspected of planning in advance. Sitting next to him, pipe in mouth, the Postmaster General had received half a billion dollars in donations from a company charged with fraudulently promoting golf course memberships.His office is also on free loan from the company.

In modern Japan, when entrepreneur A wants to bribe congressman B, A must first pile up cash in his car.If the amount is less than 50 million yuan, put it in a handbag, and if it is as high as 100 million yuan, you need a corrugated box. After A and B met in the restaurant and had a secret talk, B drove A's car home and got the cash.Cars are used as props to accept bribes.Recently, paper bags sold at station shops have also been widely adopted.In Japanese politics, as long as no evidence is left behind, anything can be done. The first topic to come up after the cabinet meeting was the night that turned Tokyo upside down in late summer.Repairs to damaged roads and communication facilities are largely over, and the prime minister's faction has collected billions in kickbacks and activity fees from the construction industry.The successive incidents of persecution of foreigners in Japan and riots are not the prime minister's main concern.

Then he talked about the trial a few days ago.A MP charged with malfeasance was acquitted on the grounds that he had no certificates and receipts for bribes. "Acquittal without physical evidence is of course stipulated by the law, but people like judges really don't understand the ways of the world!" "Did he think a stupid guy who took a bribe and left a receipt could be a member of Parliament?" "Oh, forget it. Thanks to this, we don't have to worry about some trivial matters, and can concentrate on state affairs." The Prime Minister smiled hawkishly.He has watched a lot of news shows on TV lately.As long as Ojisan who answered "I don't care about politics" or a female college student who shrunk and said "I don't understand politics" appeared in street interviews, the prime minister would fold his hands in front of the TV screen and worship.It has been more than a hundred years since the parliamentary system was introduced into Japan, but there are still people who have such a reaction, but it is these people who let the prime minister consolidate his power.The prime minister took it for granted to put his hands together and worship his benefactors.

"Tell me about Mount Fuji!" The Prime Minister showed a thoughtful expression. On this day, the prime minister had breakfast with the minister of construction, the faction's minion.Accompanying him was a reporter who served as the editorial committee member of the National Daily. He is a figure who is so close to the government that he is even called "the branch chief of the Conservative Party's organ newspaper", and he has had friendship with the Prime Minister for 20 years.The famous reporter heard the news that Mt. Fuji would erupt in the near future.Faced with the question of whether to take this matter as a record, the Prime Minister replied.

"As a Japanese, you can't talk about the eruption of Mt. Fuji. Just thinking about the eruption of the most beautiful mountain in the world makes people feel sad." "But didn't it explode several times before the Edo period? Nothing to be sad about?" "Ah, ah! Anyway, anyway..." The prime minister said something unclear, and took the hand of a reporter. "The president of your club and the former prime minister are very close friends. Your club is the only one in the world that tells new recruits that your club's mission is to help the government. This is really admirable."

The reporter murmured something, but he didn't shake off the Prime Minister's hand.The prime minister held on to his hand and winked at the private secretary.The secretary understood, disappeared into another room, and three minutes later appeared with a rather thick envelope.The Prime Minister took the envelope and stuffed it into the hands of a reporter. "A few days ago, didn't you give a speech for our faction's training meeting? This is a thank you gift. I will handle the tax, so please accept it with a smile!" "This, this is really embarrassing."

The reporter took the envelope, stuffed it into the inside pocket of his suit, and stood up.The Prime Minister also stood up. "I have always believed that you are the most trustworthy and excellent political mass communicator, and now I know that I am not mistaken. I hope you will not be confused by such vile rumors about the eruption of Mount Fuji, and your original intention is to work for our party." "Prime Minister, you are too out of touch. I have always been a comrade of your faction! If there is any place where I can serve, please let me know at any time." "Well, gay love is really rare! When the next election comes, please do a fair and conscientious report. Let other newspapers do the low-level journalism like criticizing the government!" "Leave everything to me. Our newspaper office has always been a comrade of the government!" The Minister of Construction asked with great interest after the reporters went back with their heavy lined pockets. "Excuse me, may I ask how much money is in that envelope?" "Two million yuan." "Ah! Nobel Prize winners don't get such high lecture fees." "What? If you want to buy a newspaper entirely, it's cheap. Two million yuan is enough to make them sell their integrity in the media. It's really useless." "By the way, Prime Minister, I have something to ask..." The reporter who debuted later than the famous reporter just now is responsible for the construction of the province's line, and is getting married recently.The target is the daughter of a member of the Metropolitan Assembly, hoping to ask the prime minister to be their matchmaker. "Hmph, it doesn't matter if you can cooperate with the planned plan, but is it appropriate for journalists to use politicians as matchmakers? From the perspective of fairness in political reporting, isn't this a bit outrageous?" "The Prime Minister loves to joke." "It seems to be deliberately arranged!" The Prime Minister and the Minister of Construction laughed out loud.Letting members of the opposition party or journalists bow their heads to them is as sweet as honey to those in power.Their thinking is "some superficial words are spoken on the lips, but it is the same thing in the bones, and everyone wants to suck the sweet juice".They feel uncomfortable with people whose values ​​differ from their own.If both parties are people who treat politics as a business, they can interact intimately. But if the human race perishes or the country perishes, there will be no business or profit.Therefore, the prime minister's fear of the eruption of Mount Fuji is not pretending.If the damage is not serious, he can also involve Zhang's interests in the construction industry and make a fortune from the repair business.If he didn't make money, he wouldn't be interested. For example, a certain volcanic eruption in Kyushu caused the death, and he didn't think about coming up with any countermeasures. ...Since this incident happened early in the morning, the Prime Minister couldn't help complaining to the head of the National Land Agency who was in charge of disaster countermeasures. "The Mt. Fuji thing is nerve-wracking! We'll have to figure it out." "Think of a way... This kind of thing is beyond the control of political power." The head of the National Land Agency also frowned.The Prime Minister asked him to "think of a way" about the eruption, which made him very troubled.However, the Prime Minister's meaning is somewhat different from the speculation of the head of the Land Agency.The Prime Minister is thinking about how to evade political responsibility if there is no way to prevent the eruption of Mount Fuji.If too much inside information leaks out, I'm afraid there will be big trouble in the future.The reporter just now was bought temporarily, but in the future, he may turn his face and deny anyone in order to defend his position. "It didn't happen without warning, did it?" "should be." Deciding on one thing without saying a word is a model for politicians to protect themselves, right?The Prime Minister showed a dissatisfied expression, but he didn't say it.At this time, the head of the Economic Planning Agency and the Minister of Finance stood behind his chair and whispered. "It is not a good thing to announce things casually. First, it cannot shake the people's beliefs. Second, it is not a trivial matter to affect the economy and finance." "It took a long time for the United States to withdraw its declaration of non-payment. The banks were able to breathe. If there is another bankruptcy or any commotion..." The Minister of Finance deliberately lowered his voice. "You risk forever being stigmatized as 'the first prime minister to fail banks after the Second World War'." The guy said all these harsh words - the Prime Minister was smacking inside.He hid his expression and fell silent while the Minister of Transport presented a report from the head of the Meteorological Agency. "It doesn't seem to be good news. The water temperature of Lake Yamanaka and Lake Kawaguchi has increased by 5.6 degrees compared with last month. This is not an unusual thing." The Prime Minister noticed that the chief of the Meteorological Agency was sitting at the bottom, and he waved to him.The chief of the Meteorological Agency walked up to the prime minister and saluted.asked the Prime Minister. "Is it possible for this matter to turn disaster into a blessing?" "what?" "I mean, earthquakes and eruptions are the same in the energy activity of the earth's crust, right? If so, then if Mt. Calculate like this?" The Meteorological Agency chief did not immediately respond. "...I cannot say that there is no such possibility, but it is also possible that there will be earthquakes and explosive energy movements, causing a series of destruction." "Hey, don't say such unlucky words." "I'm sorry. But as far as the mechanism of earthquakes and eruptions is concerned, the unknown part is too great, and no one can tell the exact situation." The Prime Minister shrugged nonchalantly. "I think I've heard it before! There's such a thing as science that doesn't work when things happen." "I think no matter what, the hard work on weekdays is the most important thing." "Well, I see. Then please continue to pay attention to observation." After the chief of the Meteorological Agency stepped down unintentionally, the Prime Minister yawned a little and said to the Chief Cabinet Secretary. "But..." "what?" "If things have come to this, haven't you built a villa at the foot of Futu Mountain before? It must be very valuable in the bubble economy at that time. Well, as long as there is time to resell it, it will be fine." "..." Just when the Chief Cabinet Secretary was silent for 2.7 seconds, "it" came. Several ministers thought they heard the sound of distant thunder.Anyway, the country is still in a peaceful state at present, and it is impossible for there to be demonstrations.When the rumbling stopped, the floor jumped.The walls shook, the window panes roared, and the chandeliers danced on the ceiling.The vase fell from the shelf to the floor.A total of 21 ministers who were involved in 500 cases of dereliction of duty, unjust imprisonment, fraud, fraud, commercial law, election violations, and violations of the Political Fund Regulations screamed and crawled under the table, clutching the chair tightly. , lying on the ground holding his head. The sound of breaking glass, the sound of falling paintings and books, the cries of secretaries and guards.I don't know who shouted "I have recruited everything, please forgive me" in panic.But the loud noise lasted only about a minute and then stopped.When the shaking stopped and everything returned to silence, the ministers looked at each other with terrified expressions.Barely squeezed out a sound. "Okay... what a powerful earthquake!" "Oh, what a surprise! It's so good to end like this." The ministers touched the swelling on their foreheads, licked the scrapes on their hands, and picked up the broken glasses that fell on the floor.Then he regained his breath, combed his messy white hair, and refastened his tie.Fear is slowly returning to reassurance. Originally, Japan established the world's largest metropolitan area in the world's most earthquake-risk area.There are 35 million men and women living around Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, and Chiba.People are used to earthquakes, more or less shaking will not bring people too much shock.Although sometimes the fear of "I don't know when a big earthquake will come" flashes through my mind, but if I pay too much attention to this matter, I will not be able to live in the metropolitan area. This earthquake is quite large.But judging from the shaking situation, at most it caused a few injuries.The earthquake area is also limited to Tokyo. However, that was just the beginning. The chief of the interior affairs review office at the prime minister's official residence is a police bureaucrat, and first-hand news of public security problems or disasters reaches him.While arranging his disorganized clothes, the man approached the Prime Minister with a pale face.This time it was the prime minister's turn to turn pale.Because the earthquake intensity of the Tokyo Index is five, which is just the surface of the Tokai earthquake. The earthquake took Yuanzhou Beach as the epicenter, and its magnitude was as high as eight.Four.The entire Pacific coast from Shizuoka Prefecture in the east to Shikoku in the west is called the Tokai and Nankai regions. This region has a cycle of 100 to 150 years, and a large earthquake with the same source repeatedly occurs several times.Including the Hoei Earthquake in 1707 (Okayoshi, the fifth shogun of the Edo period), and the Ansei Tokai Earthquake in 1854 (the thirteenth shogun, Iasada).Every time it was a major earthquake with a magnitude of 8.4.Coupled with this major earthquake, the 150-year cycle is approaching.And in this period, history will repeat itself. The damage on the ground covers Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Kanagawa, Gifu, Yamanashi, and Nagano counties, especially from Hamamatsu City to five times the number.This area is the center of the Japanese auto industry. As we all know, there are a lot of Japanese-Brazilian laborers.It was an unexpected calamity for those who had crossed the sea from a country with few earthquakes. Buildings collapsed, houses collapsed, dikes burst, roads subsided, cars crashed, trains overturned, and bridges over Lake Hamana collapsed. The damage and sacrifices caused by traffic were particularly serious. The fact that the number of fire incidents can be controlled to less than one hundred is due to the luck of time.At that time, it was just after nine o'clock in the morning, and the tidying up after breakfast had also come to an end, but the preparation of Chinese food had not yet started.Most homes are not using fire.In Hamamatsu City, several gas stations caught fire by unfortunate accident, but the fires during the day were not as terrible as the ones at night.And every school has allowed students to take evacuation measures, which is an important factor to make things go in a good direction. It is not fire but water that does great damage.Like the Binyong earthquake and the Anzheng Tokai earthquake, this earthquake also triggered a tsunami.In Omaezaki, it even caused a 20-meter tsunami.A total of 600 kilometers was extended from east to west, and the south coast of Honshu was completely damaged.From the yacht port in Hayama to the Kushimoto fishing port on the Kii Peninsula, more than a thousand ships capsized or washed ashore. Due to the tsunami, the U.S. Seventh Fleet and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, which were conducting joint exercises on the Enshu Beach, suffered great damage.Especially for the Seventh Fleet, this year is really a bad year.In the summer, the huge aircraft carrier "Overlord" they were quite proud of was destroyed by alien monsters, but in autumn, they encountered a tsunami again.The horizon rose high, and when the waves roared and attacked, the rockets and shells were useless. The self-defense force's sea-sweeping boat "Yokoshima" and frigate "Tsukiha" crossed the Hamanako Bridge on huge waves, ran through Hamanako and crashed into the hotel on the north shore, and finally stopped after being embedded in the wedding venue on the third floor. down.A total of 150 people were injured and unconscious, but miraculously no one was killed. "It was originally said that Mt. Fuji would erupt, but it seems that the sea erupted! You experts can't figure it out, it's too unreasonable!?" The Prime Minister flew into a rage.The Prime Minister seldom speaks loudly, but this time he really had to say such a long series of lines that ignore the existence of grammar, "This kind of thing can't be laughed off, if you can understand that I might want to think about it before saying it, it's really lucky , I would be lying if I said I didn't think so."He must find someone who can shirk responsibility as soon as possible.Of course, he can't escape the responsibilities he should bear as a prime minister, but if this is a luggage that has to be carried no matter what, the light luggage must be much lighter than the heavy luggage, right? As time goes by, the damage increases.The number of casualties from being hit by the falling window panes of the building has increased dramatically.The economic loss that the government fears is even greater. Since it has not been hit by such a huge wave for a long time, Japan's main land transportation artery has completely stopped functioning.Railroads and roads at the innermost part of Suruga Bay and Lake Hamana were blocked.Only this damage is worse than when Mount Fuji erupted.The Tokaido, which has been the main artery of the Japanese archipelago since ancient times, is completely unusable.The impact on the future society and economy is no small matter. "Compared with the Futushan eruption, the restoration work should be much faster. This is a blessing in misfortune." The Minister of Justice said this out of intention to win the favor of the Prime Minister, and when the Prime Minister glared at him displeasedly, the TV screen switched to it.A new religious group held a rally in Yoyogi Park, and about 10,000 people participated.On the altar stood a self-proclaimed savior in tawdry gold-leafed clothes, yelling hysterically. "The world is about to be destroyed! The day of judgment is approaching! The ignorant old human beings who don't believe in God will perish. Only the glorious warriors chosen by the true God and the great existence can survive and establish a heaven on earth. I am the savior! Believe Me! Under my teachings, Japan will become the kingdom of gods, leading other nations, and dominating the world!" The remote control switched, and the figure of the savior disappeared. "What world is about to be destroyed? Before the world is destroyed, these guys had better disappear!" The prime minister was outraged.He doesn't believe in God.Because he has never been helped by God.What helps him is power and money. However, perhaps even the power of power and money is approaching the limit. Toba Mari and his group returned to the Yanan Hotel from the airport, what they saw was the tragedy of the hotel lobby as if it had been hit by a typhoon.Columns and walls were battered, glass shattered, couches were overturned, vases shattered and framed paintings fell to the floor.There were bloodstains in several places.The manager with a bandage on his head explained to Master Huang in a panic.A strange man in Western armor ran around, threatening to find four Japanese. It turned out that the strange woman named Nazuko Kobayakawa caught Moli and his party on the road for this reason.A group of people were surprised and admired at the same time.After desperately trying to find out the whereabouts of the four from the hotel staff, the strange woman chased after them. "The hotel has really suffered a disaster!" "But is it okay to leave it alone? What are the Hong Kong police doing?" "Don't say that! The police officer is also someone's child. If it were you, you wouldn't want to confront that kind of person and die in the line of duty, would you?" "From this point of view, we can only rely on the staff of the Four Sisters. I hope they will work hard." A group of people spoke in the order of Moli, Mirage, Hongchuan, and Sink, and then walked to the lobby of the hotel.There are no remnants of human storms here.Just when the group finally breathed a sigh of relief, the puppy Yoshihiko Matsunaga raised his left and right ears and tail, and issued a false warning sound of "Woo-Wow".Almost at the same time. "Oh—hehehehehehe!" The window panes vibrated.It's amazing that it didn't break.Although I really didn't want to see it, everyone still saw it.The glass shattered.Glowing shards danced in mid-air.A car smashed through the glass partition and entered the hotel from the driveway.People near the scene tried their best to dodge, while those a little further away watched this amazing scene in silence.The porter, who was slow to escape, was hit by a crash bomb on the hood.This way of reappearing is really not something that can be described with common sense. "Oh heh heh heh heh heh heh! You evil dragon subordinates who work with the public enemy of mankind! I will take care of you on behalf of the heavens! Stretch your heads over here!" The car driven by Natsuko Kobayakawa roared violently in the center of the hall.The tires creaked back.The doorman clutching the hood let out a thin scream and rolled to the ground.Kobayakawa Nazuko didn't even look at it, she stepped on the accelerator hard, and rushed towards Mr. Huang and Mr. Huang. A sharp sound sounded, and the car with the right front wheel smashed into the wall with a friction sound that could break the eardrums.The sound of the engine was muffled, and it gradually stopped moving.It was the gun in Sink's hand that shot through the tire. "Ah, American cars suck! It looks like Detroit is going to be a ghost town. Open the door, you useless thing!" Kobayakawa Natsuko ignored her rampage and kicked hard, the driving door was kicked away and hit the ground hard.A giant in armor stepped out of the car, stomping heavily on the floor.Together, Hongchuan, Mirage, and Shuichi should have the guts of ten people, but they couldn't move for a while. "Ah, coming here just makes me want to see my parents!" Mirage sighed, and a shrill laugh that was too bold echoed him. "Oh heh heh heh heh! My mother calls me 'Angel Xiao Nai'!" "Angel Xiaonai..." Hongchuan, Mirage, and Sink could not help but slump their shoulders.They really want to drink some sober water and get under the covers, but it is obvious that as long as this strange woman is not driven out of Hong Kong, they will not be able to sleep peacefully. Kobayakawa Nazuko looked around, she was looking for Moli. "Xiao Nai"'s eyes glowed deep in the armor.Moli had already carried Matsunaga up the stairs and evacuated to the second floor.Matsunaga also knew that the other party was not the kind of person who could contend with courage, so he didn't dare to challenge Kobayakawa Natsuko. "Damn it, cowardly little girl who ran away! Come down and decide the outcome!" "don't want!" "Turning your back on the enemy is not what a Yamato woman should do. Even if the Minister of Education and Culture spares you the attitude of the post-war generation, I will not forgive you!" Kobayakawa Natsuko stomped on the steps and wanted to run upstairs. "Post-war education to overthrow the subjugated country! Resurrected, mournful educational edict! Ah...!" A very overwhelming bang sounded, and Kobayakawa Natsuko's giant body tumbled down the stairs.The reason why there is no hole in the ground may be because the construction company responsible for the project is too conscientious?Because a bird that flew over suddenly spread its wings in front of Kobayakawa Natsuko, and the strange woman who was invincible by her wrist strength and courage lost her balance for a moment.When she crouched down the stairs, people couldn't help but be full of anticipation, but that was only three seconds.Kobayakawa Natsuko's neck was not damaged at all, and she stood up bravely again.Sink asked a concierge who was trembling all the time, seeking the protection of his ancestors. "Is there any quick-drying cement?" After knowing that there is cement for repair in the underground warehouse, Sink wanted to go to the warehouse.Hong Chuan raised a natural question. "What do you want cement for?" "Just wait and see, I'm going to bury that monster alive." "But it will kill her." "Is that monster going to die? If she dies, I'll gladly take the blame." Natsuko Kobayakawa laughed loudly in response to Mizuike's words. "Oh heh heh heh heh! Don't do unnecessary struggles! You non-citizens who should be condemned by God! The beautiful heroine has succeeded in revenge, and the pests will die! Ah, my great activity will become a beautiful legend, and it will remain forever In the hearts of girls!" Everyone opposed such a prediction, but no one dared to speak casually to avoid disaster.Suddenly Sink changed his expression and looked at Hongchuan. "Did you hear any strange noises?" "Come on, I don't want to hear that kind of laughter again." "No...that's..." The pool yelled. "It's the sound of helicopter propellers!" As soon as Sink's gaze moved, Hong Chuan followed suit.Many old and new helicopters juxtaposed chaotically outside the unbroken glass windows.With the deafening rumble, the black shadow entered people's sight.It is a strange metal bird that appears in Edgar Allan Poe's poems and represents ominousness like a big crow.It's a gunship.The Balkan cannon installed under the body is slowly changing the direction of the muzzle. Even the self-absorbed and self-absorbed Natsuko Kobayakawa noticed something was wrong.She turned her gaze out the window. "Lie down!" At this moment, the pool roared at everyone. Balkan guns spit out booms and rockets. Bullet columns appeared on the wall of the Yanan Hotel building.The window pane screamed and shattered, and the cement fragments turned into smoke and flew.Curtains were torn and turned into rags, chandeliers and potted foliage plants were smashed.The expensive furniture was blown over and turned into a huge garbage in an instant. In a state of panic, those who jumped up and wanted to flee the scene immediately became the bait of the bullet rain, screamed, sprayed blood and fell down.Molly hid her body in the shadow of the sofa as best she could, but the back of the sofa was also destroyed by the rain of bullets. "The fake knight of the Four Sisters seems to have taken off his mask." Sink couldn't help but speak with a tongue.The rain of bullets from the Balkan artillery stopped, and amidst the smoke, three or four men in bulletproof vests walked in.The sabotage team of the four sisters in Hong Kong was almost wiped out at Kai Tak Airport.These people are just remnants.Walter S. Townsend was among them. Townsend had a special-order semi-automatic rifle in his hand.That is a special product that shoots dum bullets.Dum ammunition is a bullet invented by the British Empire to suppress the independence movement in the Asian and African colonies. The tip part has been specially processed.As soon as the chest is hit, an exit with a diameter of more than ten centimeters will be opened on the back, and there is absolutely no chance of survival.It was banned under international law in 1907 because it was so cruel.And Tang Sheng is now trying to use this weapon. Tang Sheng has always been a commander, never a soldier.He didn't kill anyone directly, he just ordered others to kill.He changed the dirty gloves stained with blood a few times, and he always showed his white hands to others.However, in England and Hong Kong, his mental balance was constantly being hit.He finally exploded when he was cornered.He tried to kill the Huang brothers with the aggressive strategy that he had dismissed before.The eyes on his tense expression found Mr. Huang.At that moment, Li Bo jumped in front of Mr. Huang.The line of fire flew straight out, hitting him straight. Bloody smoke gushed out from under his chin, and Li Boxian violently turned over.Master Huang wanted to protect his subordinates, and his whole body was exposed to the rain of blood.Wang Boren desperately pulled Master Huang's body into the back of the chair.Gunshots rang out.Tang Sheng shook, and blood came out of his right calf. It was Hongchuan who shot.He splayed his feet and held his pistol tightly in both hands, showing an FBI-style shooting stance.Tang Sheng let out a cry of pain and rolled to the ground.But the automatic rifle was still in his hand.Amidst the rage and painful sweat, he was still energized by the adrenaline rush.Tang Sheng propped up his body and set up a semi-automatic rifle. "Oh heh heh heh heh!" Terrible laughter at ○.Tang Sheng's frenzy was cooled within five seconds.Tang Sheng felt goosebumps all over his body in astonishment, and changed the direction of the rifle.In an instant, Kobayakawa Natsuko easily snatched his rifle and stepped on the right hand of Tang Sheng who had fallen down. The back of Tang Sheng's right hand made an unpleasant sound and was crushed.The bones in front of his wrist shattered in an instant, and the severe pain and the shock wave of his body swallowed him.Tang Sheng didn't hear his screams, and immediately lost consciousness. "Oh heh heh heh heh heh!" With a triumphant laugh, Natsuko Kobayakawa pulled the trigger of her rifle.As the gunshots rang out, Tang Sheng's men spewed blood and fell to the ground.These professional killers are like amateurs, powerlessly slaughtered without any reaction. The old adjective "nightmare scene" is enough to describe the situation at this time. Then came the break.There seems to be no way for human beings to be continuously stressed forever.Li Bo first sacrificed himself to block Tang Sheng's bullets and saved Master Huang's life.At that time, everyone thought that Mr. Huang had escaped the clutches of death.However, the fact is otherwise.He was seen by Natsuko Kobayakawa. The semi-automatic rifle roared. Mr. Huang was hit by two ammo bullets.It looked like bright red sparks had exploded.Hot blood rained down on his flesh, insides and surroundings.In an instant, the quiet but powerful light of intelligence and will disappeared from Master Huang's eyes.Overseas Chinese giants turned into blood-stained inorganic objects and fell to the ground. Seeing all these scenes, Mo Li had no way to understand what was going on.She was shrouded in Master Huang's blood spray, and stood there blankly. "Oh heh heh heh heh! Look! The hammer of justice has been struck! There is nothing to be sad about. Because you are going to follow this old man. Oh heh heh heh!" Natsuko Kobayakawa laughed loudly, and the rifle, which had been shot out of bullets, was thrown to the ground.The armored giant kicked away several figures, and disappeared at the end of the shattered glass. In the circle surrounded by the Japanese standing silently, Mr. Huang picked up his younger brother's body and sat down.His face seemed to have aged ten years in just three minutes.
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