Home Categories Internet fantasy Dragon Legend 8: The Dragon of Wonderland

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 In Longquan Township

The fleet turned into countless meteors, approaching the sky above the Crystal Palace. In the middle of the black velvet sky, the green planet dominates the universe like a huge jewel.Now, tens of millions of points of light are scattered in front of the planet known as "Earth" or "The Earth."Those are the lights of the skyship. The Red Dragon King of the South China Sea was surnamed Ao and named Shao, and his style name was Zhongqing.Its beauty is also second to none in the heavenly world.Standing on the tall building of the Crystal Palace, he didn't show a trace of fear when he heard a general report that the Heavenly Army was approaching.he asked calmly.

"Who is the commander?" "I don't know yet, but it seems to be called the Marshal of the Rebel Capital." The so-called "Marshal of the Rebel Capital" means "the commander-in-chief of the crusade against the traitors".A sneer flashed across the beautiful mouth of the Red Dragon King.Who is the traitor?Why are the dragon kings who agree with the authority of the Jade Emperor in the heaven and the human world, have always been loyal and courteous, and set up innumerable martial arts for the Jade Emperor? Why are they called traitors?Isn't it the Jade Emperor and his party that violate the laws of heaven?

"In the name of the Lord, do whatever you want, do whatever you want, do whatever you want, treat those who disobey as traitors and punish them. This kind of behavior is not inferior to the barbarians in the human world. If the bull race dominates human beings, it will definitely use the name of the Absolute. , to the utmost evil, right?" At this time, the voices of the subordinates who came to report overlapped with the voice of the Red Dragon King.It turned out that the enemy general had entered the communication.Hanging on the wall, a large oval mirror dangles with a dull luster.When the luster disappears as if wiped away, a heaven in shining armor will appear before your eyes.The part of the breastplate depicts a coat of arms—a strange bird with a white head, a red beak, and tiger-like claws on the tips of its wings.The Red Dragon King knew that the name of this general was Qin Pi.

"Hey, you are the so-called marshal of the capital of rebellion? I sincerely congratulate you on your success." Chin's eyes were shining red.Because he knew that the superficial etiquette of the Red Dragon King contained insults that were more painful than scolding.But maybe it's better not to know?He searched around the Red Dragon King suspiciously.The absence of the Evergreen Dragon King of the Dragon Clan made him feel unbelievable. However, what he said was not a question, but a threat. "Most of the heavenly army is here. No matter how strong the Ao family's army is, as long as I give an order, it will be completely destroyed overnight."

"If you think you can do it, give it a try!" The Red Dragon King sneered again.His sneer is still as gorgeous as an orchid. "The rhetoric of His Majesty the Jade Emperor's majesty is really detrimental to people's ears. I don't know how you cheated the Heavenly Army, but you should restrain your bluff." "Those who disobey will be executed. This is the will of the Jade Emperor. If the dragon kings disobey the emperor's prestige again, they will fall straight into the abyss of hell after the first battle. It is better to surrender as soon as possible!"

"What's the benefit of surrendering?" The Red Dragon King asked back, this is of course just a tease.Qin Ni's temples throbbed violently. "If you repent of your sins and return the title and the palace as an apology, you may still be able to save your life." "If this is the imperial will of the Jade Emperor himself, I should respectfully accept it. However, I have no reason to obey your rude request. If you have something to say, shouldn't you ask for a meeting after you have exhausted your courtesy? ?” "I came here at the order of the Jade Emperor. Do you think I'm going to be Marshal of the Rebel Capital according to my own will?"

"It's not something you did." Words turned into shards of ice, flying in and out of the Red Dragon King's mouth. "It's you, it's better to say it's your owner. You abused your authority, advocated unilateral justice, and helped the evildoers. The Jade Emperor must feel embarrassed by being used by you? You might as well just tell the truth and say that you are out of selfish desires. Sent troops out of personal grievances." "Qin Ni roared. The limit of his patience has reached the last moment." "I won't talk to you anymore! Tell the Azure Dragon King to come out!"

"The Azure Dragon King is the head of the dragon clan. There is nothing to talk about with a junior like you. As far as I am concerned, it is already very reluctant to talk to you here. It is a shameful thing for the ancestors that the lackeys speak." Qin Ni jumped up angrily in the mirror, and because he was so angry, foam sprayed out from the corner of his mouth.When he desperately suppressed his anger and wanted to say something more, his image disappeared in an instant.It turned out that the Red Dragon King turned over his sleeves gently and turned off the communication device.

"Second brother!" The Red Dragon King turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw that it was Ao Yan, the Black Dragon King of the North Sea.His little body was clad in a suit of armor.It was a black armor as black as a deep pool in the night.Panting quickly, he ran up to his second brother.The Red Dragon King greeted Brother Mo with a completely different gentleness from the expression on his face when he was facing Qin Ni.He hugged his brother's small shoulders with both hands. "Second brother, are you okay?" "Don't worry, Ji Qing. Judging from Qin Yu's attitude, it seems that elder brother and uncle Qing haven't been discovered by them yet."

The Red Dragon King patted Modi on the shoulder lightly, and said softly. "People like Qin Ni can't break the Crystal Palace. Let's hide it from them as much as possible to gain time! If the elder brother can meet the Jade Emperor, maybe we can open the way to discuss it." In order not to worry the docile younger brother, the Red Dragon King put on a gentle expression.However, he had already made up his mind in his heart.If the Jade Emperor and his subjects were going to resort to force, then the Dragon King clan would have to fight. When the Red Dragon King and Qin Pi started a war of words in the Crystal Palace, there was a commotion in the Heavenly Palace.A teenager compulsively broke through the cordon and disembarked from the landing skyship.

"It's the White Dragon King!" "The youngest of the Dragon King clan is here!" The White Dragon King ignored the roars and stopping sounds of the heavenly soldiers, and walked on the corridor.The silver-white armor wrapped the boy's body fiercely.The sword he carries on his back is the well-known favorite sword, the Seven Stars Sword.A few days ago, rumors that he cut Chi You, the fiercest among the gods, in two had spread to the Heavenly Palace.It is said that since then, Chi You has not appeared in the Heavenly Palace, healing his wounds in a distant place... The White Dragon King looked around at the heavenly soldiers and generals who suppressed their voices and breath, and said loudly. "My surname is Ao, my name is Run, and my courtesy name is Shuqing. I was named the White Dragon King of the West Sea. If you value the lives of your clan, don't stand in my way!" There was a commotion among the Celestial Soldiers at his defiant attitude.The White Dragon King's attitude has long been taken into account, but it is impossible for the heavenly soldiers to know this kind of thing.The White Dragon King didn't pay attention to these turbulent heavenly soldiers. "I want to play directly!" The White Dragon King shouted again.He wanted to meet the Jade Emperor directly.In his capacity, this is definitely not an excessive request.However, he never wanted to face the Jade Emperor before, but now the Dragon King clan has become traitors.Even so, he still made such an indecent request. "I'll take off the sword and armor. If this still disturbs you, then tie my uncle's body!" The White Dragon King put his hand on the hilt of the seven-star sword on his right shoulder. "Don't worry, I will obediently bind you. Are you still so afraid of the Dragon King Clan when you are tied up empty-handed?" "Needless to say!" One day will roar.He pulled out his sword and waved it. Seeing this signal, the heavenly soldiers set up their light guns and charged towards the White Dragon King. The White Dragon King kicked the ground and jumped up.When he turned around on the heads of the heavenly soldiers, he had already drawn the seven-star sword in his hand, and a silver light flashed in the air.More than ten light guns were broken in two at the same time, and the heavenly soldiers who were hit by the heavy impact all passed out and fell to the ground spinning their bodies.The White Dragon King, who landed on the ground in half an instant, didn't even make any sound, not even a little shaking.He put the seven-star sword in front of his face, looked at the heavenly generals and soldiers standing there blankly, and smiled happily.As soon as he turned around, he ran out at a brisk pace like a flying swallow. A celestial general who regained his self-awareness shouted "Chasing!" More than a hundred celestial soldiers waved their light guns and chased after the White Dragon King.They were very angry because they were swayed by the White Dragon King, so they didn't even have the time to consider the direction in which the White Dragon King ran. At the end of the celestial soldiers chasing the White Dragon King, there is a celestial general with a majestic beard.And it was much later that his subordinates realized that he was gone.He was strangled by the throat from behind, and his right wrist was clasped. He was pulled into the shadows and subdued to the ground.No matter how unexpected he was, the general who was subdued too easily finally turned his neck and saw the attacker's face. At this moment, he understood the reason for his defeat.The one who subdued him was the leader of the dragon clan, the Qinglong King of the East China Sea. "Don't be afraid, I have no intention of killing you. I just want to ask you something." The Azure Dragon King's voice was quiet but full of power. "Where is the Lord?" "That's what I want to know too. You lawless traitor! Where did you kidnap the Lord?" The Heavenly General's stiff voice was enough to make the Azure Dragon King frown.The sovereign of the heavens has disappeared, and the courtiers are looking for his whereabouts. This situation is really a big surprise to the Azure Dragon King. "You mean that our Dragon King clan has kidnapped His Majesty the Jade Emperor in a lawless manner?" "Yes! You should know!" "No!" After categorically denying it, the Azure Dragon King raised a sharp question. "Who said that the Dragon King family did such evil things? What evidence do you base your belief on?" "evidence……?" "Could it be that you all insisted that we are traitors without any evidence and sent the army to attack?" "..." "Then, who decided to send the troops? Only the Jade Emperor can exercise the power to command the heavenly army. And now you say that His Majesty is not here, so who is going to act arbitrarily as he pleases?" The general's expression was shaken.Perhaps under the questioning of the Azure Dragon King, he noticed some doubts about this incident?After a while of murmuring, Tian Jiang struggled to answer. "This is how we were told to obey the order. I did not participate in the meeting of the highest resolution in the Tiangong. As a subject, it is natural to worry about the safety of the Lord." Heaven will turn to strike back. "If the Dragon King clan didn't betray their hearts, shouldn't they put down their weapons and hand over their fate to the Heavenly Palace for public sanctions? However, you actually strengthened the defense of the Crystal Palace and mobilized 940,000 soldiers. Isn't that too much? ?” "Fair sanctions are nothing but a beautiful lie!" The Azure Dragon King said bitterly. "If the Tiangong side intends to impose fair sanctions, why did they mobilize the Tianjun first? They could have sent envoys to explain the whole thing first, but they decided to resort to force at once..." "Master Azure Dragon King!" A woman's voice came from behind, the Azure Dragon King was taken aback and let go.At this moment, Tian Jiang turned around on the ground and escaped from the hands of the Azure Dragon King.The Azure Dragon King had no intention of chasing him, he stood up and stared at the approaching girl. That is the youngest daughter of Queen Mother Xi, Mrs. Taizhen Wang... ... Yu opened his eyes.It took him two and a half seconds to confirm where he was. This is a place called Longquan Township, and the place where Yu woke up was a room in a hotel. "Oh, wake up? Lazy!" A hearty and energetic voice fell head-on, and brother Zhong, who was in line above Yu, was looking at Yu.I saw him wearing a head of hair that was messed up when he was sleeping and a suit of clothes he wore when he was practicing Kung Fu.In one hand he held a plate made of celadon, on which several kinds of fruits such as grapes, figs, pears, and apricots were placed.Each fruit is so bright and fresh, exuding an attractive aroma that stimulates people's appetite. Seeing his younger brother's doubtful eyes, he finally replied. "I think it's an orchard with several kinds of fruits. When the owner of the garden comes back, he will have to apologize to others, but for now, let's use it for emergency rescue! It seems that it is not poisonous." It seems that before letting his younger brother eat these fruits, he has already let himself do the experiment himself.Although whether his stomach is suitable for experimental materials is still a question... Memories floated in Yu's mind.Yes, yesterday evening, the four brothers of the Longtang family arrived in Longquan Township.That's right.Because, when they came to the flat land from the mountain, they saw a semicircular stone door with the words "Longquan Township" engraved on it from right to left. "It feels like someone has made a joke." He finally tilted his head and said.continued to answer. "Just write a big welcome." "All in all, no matter who you meet later, don't be rude!" The eldest brother is still so polite.Finally, he whispered to Yu who was looking around with full of curiosity. "Hey, Yu, let's make a bet! Will we meet a man or a woman first? The bet is 10% of next year's New Year's money, how about it?" "What if it's a dog or a cat?" "It doesn't count if you don't walk on two feet. Oh, and you don't count if you fly in the sky. Well, which one do you choose?" "This..." "Then I'll choose a woman. You can choose a man!" After making up his own mind, he finally began to move his gaze vigorously.However, their bet was not established after dawn.No one appeared in front of the dragon cousins.They walked among the houses, calling for people loudly, but the answer they got was only bottomless silence. The architectural style of the house is a mixed mode of China and Central Asia.During the heyday of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, many people and cultural relics flowed into the Chinese mainland from the west via the Silk Road.Red-haired and blue-eyed Westerners can be seen everywhere in Chang'an and Luoyang. The construction of fountains, bridges, and palaces also incorporates Western patterns. It is not inconceivable that barbarians in modern clothes walk out from the corner of the street.But let alone the barbarians, they didn't even meet a ghost. "It's like the Mary Celeste incident!" Continue shrugging. It was the famous incident in the Atlantic Ocean where all the people disappeared from the boat and there was only one empty boat drifting at sea.There was no trace of disaster or crime in the ship. The tableware was still neatly placed on the table, and the piles of food remained untouched. The lifeboat was also intact, except for the person who was on the ship.When people mention strange things around the world, they will definitely mention this event. "Perhaps gathering somewhere for a meeting. Don't dismiss it as a strange event so easily." Begin to warn everyone.He is a common sense man - he himself believes so deeply.There's no need to panic, they've arrived at their destination, and it's time to check things out slowly and correctly. However, the surroundings quickly darkened.It was already evening, and the air was filled with mist or clouds.And the lights of every household were not lit.When he found that Yu's hair and clothes were wet with cold water, Hajime no longer cared about the principle of respecting etiquette.When they were looking for a place to take shelter from the night dew, they saw a second-floor building with the word "Hotel" engraved in the dim sky.The door was unlocked, and the four of them went inside, and fell asleep after allocating beds appropriately. At first, fasting prevented them from sleeping, but after a while fatigue won the day and all four fell asleep one after the other.Hajime was the last to fall asleep because, as the eldest brother, he was responsible for guarding the surroundings. However, the sound of the bug in his stomach and the subsequent sleep talk were also one of the reasons why he could not sleep peacefully.Finally, in the dream, it seemed that he had a big fight with his brothers over a large amount of food. Ryutanghashi once thought that maybe their brothers are very suitable to be travel guides.They never lose sleep because of a different pillow.The youngest, Yu, could sleep without a pillow.They also don't bother with food or water on first-arrival lands.And with the local residents, they can also live in harmony with them unconsciously.Yes, as long as there are people, there is nothing to worry about. However, such a situation is the first experience for the dragon cousins.As soon as it was dawn, I went out to look for food immediately. After eating a fruit breakfast, people began to discuss what to do in the future.It was true to say so, but they had no choice but to walk around looking for local residents.The four of them started walking forward. The sky has not yet cleared, covered with a layer of gray clouds.The lower ends of the layers of clouds enveloped the heads of the surrounding mountains, forming a gas dome covering the entire valley.Perhaps the clouds had a great impact on the valley's climate and plants, and even formed a barrier to surveillance from high altitudes?This is not a natural thing!Began to think so. The valley seems to be long from east to west and short from north to south.The large mountain ranges in the west of inland China, whether they are the Tianshan Mountains, Kunlun, Altun, Qilian, etc., all run from east to west, so it is natural for the terrain to form such a main form, right?The surrounding mountains are all 5,000-6,000-meter-high.The bottom of the valley is about 1,500 to 2,000 meters. When the eldest brother was observing and thinking, the second and third children also moved their eyes from side to side.All around them, the only moving things were the swaying branches of trees blown by the wind.The trees seem to be dominated by pines, cypresses, and maples, however, they are not so clear botanically. "Finally, find something useful! Don't just stare blankly." "Don't forget that I was the one who found the fruit this morning! Really, how can you say such a thing?!" "Listen well, in the end, I'm different from you, beat me to death..." "I know, when I was born, I was the one who was responsible for educating other people, right?" "Something is wrong." "What's wrong?" "It's someone who nurtures others." "Ah, really? Anyway, it's Brother Xu's responsibility that I will become like this." "No, no, no! This is the result of my aptitude and hard work! There is a Chinese proverb - the length of five fingers is not the same because of other hands." Listening to his brother's boring conversation, Yu thought in his heart - when should I tell about the dream about the heaven last night?Yu always said what he had to say, but this time because of a scene in his dream that made him feel hesitant.How should I put it?Moreover, he believes that the current reality is more important than the dream. Xu stopped suddenly, and Yu Sui, who was thinking about something while walking, bumped into the back of the second brother.The reason why the continuation stops is because the beginning stops.Following the line of sight of his brothers, Yu also noticed a building with "Book Pavilion" written on it.Hajime stopped and walked towards the rather large building on the second floor.The younger brothers looked at each other. "It seems that the goddess of books has already winked at big brother." "So, this is the library?" "I guess so!" "Ah, this is terrible. It's like throwing gold coins to the cat (doesn't work)." "Is it throwing wooden fish (immediate results)?" "I think it's Diu Mu Tian Polygonum." In any case, they couldn't leave their elder brother alone, so the three of them chased after him. The ground was covered with bricks, a traditional Chinese tile that has been passed down since ancient times, but there was hardly any dust.Sure enough, some people are still using it recently.The deeper you go inside, the darker the corridor becomes, but it doesn't need lights to illuminate it.People seem to have subtly picked up light from the ceiling.After turning three corners, there is a double door in front of you.Pushing open the door made of bamboo and rattan, a unique smell of ancient books rushed towards me. "Great! These are some masterpieces that should have disappeared." Hajime let out a sigh as he entered the room. It is understandable to be so excited at the beginning.Books that should not exist in this world are piling up in front of him like a mountain. Thirty volumes of "Hua Yi Emperor Century", 20 volumes of "Wei Shi Chunqiu", 336 volumes of "Notes on the Daily Life of the Later Wei Dynasty", 10 volumes of "Jingshi Pagoda Records", and 2 volumes of "The Secret Art of Marching after the Wind of the Yellow Emperor Chi You" , Ten volumes of "Tian Gong Xing Zhan", one volume of "Demon Star Meteor Shape and Name Divination", eleven volumes of "Miscellaneous Leu Engraving Method", one volume of "Twenty-eight Mansions and Gods in the Perpetual Calendar", twelve volumes of "Cai Yong Collection of Zuo Zhonglang General of the Later Han Dynasty" , "Wen Zisheng Collection of Sanqi Changshi of the Later Wei Dynasty" thirty-nine volumes, "Calamity Collection" seventy-six volumes, "Yin Yang Dunjia" fourteen volumes...Everyone who is interested in Chinese history and culture cannot ignore it The literature is really piled up like a mountain.Even the British Library in London is probably far behind in terms of the quality of Oriental studies.This can be said to be a treasure trove of lost knowledge. "Big brother, big brother, please don't get too addicted." He continued to pat Hajime on the back lightly, and Hajime returned to reality.He had to show a wry smile.There are people who are addicted to wine, people who are addicted to blood, people who are addicted to love, and people who are addicted to books.It is true that people have all kinds of traits, but after being together day and night for nineteen years, Xu understands his brother's weaknesses very well. "Ah, sorry, the time is wrong." "It's true at any time, but there is always a sequence of things. Grandpa should have entered this building decades ago. Should we look for evidence?" This is a very constructive comment. The eldest son and second child of the Longtang family began to look through the bookshelves and drawers in a panic.Precious ancient books are not allowed to be thrown and trampled casually, so the work is going on quietly.However, the eldest brother suddenly found that the number of people had decreased. "What happened to those two urchins?" "Looks like she didn't want to help and slipped away." "Really? Forget it, anyway, there shouldn't be any dangerous things happening here, right? They'll come back when they're hungry." "Well, be thankful they don't bother anybody else. And there's no one around here." "If anyone is troubled because of them, I have to apologize to him!" Hajime stopped what he was doing with a smile.Originally, their homework should have taken quite a long time, but almost all of the tens of thousands of volumes of books were carefully preserved in chronological order.The way to find out from the new era is betting on the right bet.Hajime noticed an inkstone box with a phoenix depicted in gold and silver on a black background. On the side of the box, the Roman characters of T·R were engraved. In this place and in this building, these characters are particularly out of place.Shi Shi's hand moved again, he opened the lid of the box, and the cowhide account book of the ancient book appeared in front of his eyes. Although two thousand years have passed, ink painting has not disappeared, and there is no sign of discoloration in the past five or sixty years.In terms of preservation, ink is the best note material in the world.On the second page of the brochure there are very distinct ink marks. "Dragon Hall Secretary". "It's in grandfather's handwriting." Hajime looked at the manual again as if feeling something.Grandfather Si did not deliberately learn calligraphy, but his brushstrokes are leisurely and vigorous, and he was once praised by calligraphy masters from China.Although as much as 30% is a social rhetoric. When Hajime was about to turn the pages of the book, his face suddenly changed. "Something was shaking just now..." "Yeah! It seems to be shaking a little..." The two older groups looked up at the ceiling, and then looked at each other. At this time, the younger group was walking on the road.In the end, Yu, who followed obediently, continued to walk a hundred steps away from the Book Pavilion, and walked further and further. "Speaking of which, our old buddies are really noble! If we didn't seriously look for food, they would definitely starve to death surrounded by mountains of books." The third child strongly persuaded. "Well, no matter how stubborn, wicked, and preachy they are, it would be too pitiful to starve to death like this. First, if they starve to death, they will definitely turn into monsters and come out. This place is just like the streets of Xining..." "Brother, look!" Yu suddenly pointed to the sky.The interruption of the speech was certainly detrimental, but seeing his brother's expression was unusual, he followed his fingertips and turned his gaze.At first glance, even the brave third child didn't know how to react. "Hey Yu!" Finally speaking, he looked up at the sky and put his right palm in front of Yu. "Brother Zhong, what are you doing?" "I won the bet. Did I say the woman was the first one I met?" "Flying in the sky doesn't count?" Yeah?After nodding his head, he finally shook his head again. "No, she's not flying, she's floating. The bet still stands." "But……" It was the voices from the air that stopped the brothers' completely harmless argument. "Hello, White Dragon King of the West Sea and Black Dragon King of the North Sea!" The woman spoke from a large horned jug floating soundlessly in mid-air.This jug has three legs.The woman with her upper body sticking out was about twenty years old, her head was wrapped in a light green cloth, and her clothes were also green.In the end, I couldn't describe it well, but the other party was indeed a beauty with long black hair, black eyes, and snow-white skin. It was obvious that it was the first time they met, but there was a strange feeling of deja vu. "Please sit in the tripod. There is no time, hurry up!" The floor bounced around Hajime and Tsukuda's feet, the walls shook, bookshelves fell, and doors covered the ground like an avalanche.There is no need to call an "earthquake" on purpose, the situation is already indisputable. Hajime and Suzuki ran down the hallway.This is not an easy task.The corridor curved and waved like the back of a serpent.The strange sound is like the earth and air's mournful sound colliding with each other.Bricks peeled off from the ceiling fell with the dust, hitting the ground and flying. The two of them rolled out of the house in a slamming gesture.They jumped up after rolling on the ground, but the strong shaking made them almost bend their knees. "What about the end and Yu?" Hajime looked around, and continued to stop Hajime from running aimlessly. "It's too dangerous, brother. It's safer to stay in a wide area until the shaking stops. They will come back here eventually." A strong up and down motion came.The earth jumped violently and made a strange sound.The surface of the ground cracked into the shape of lightning, and the crack split hundreds of steps away in an instant, knocking down the houses and trees on the crack line.The screams of the fallen trees, the spray of soot, the screams of the collapsed houses, and the roar of the earth formed a mournful symphony.Hajime pressed his kung fu pocket, which contained his grandfather's handbook.The dirt was still bouncing around his feet, and the cracks flowed like a torrent.A large amount of earth smoke formed a thick brown fog, spreading in all directions. "Brother! Hey! Here! Here!" The voice came down from overhead, startling the two senior members of the Ryudo family.Their fright turns from auditory to visual.Floating in mid-air is a jug that appears in fairy tales.No, Shi knew it was an ancient Chinese vessel called a tripod.End and Yu, and a young woman stuck out her upper body from the edge and looked down at Shi and Xu. "Come on, you two sit up too!" The young woman instructed.Finally and Yu reached out to his brothers.Shi and continued to run close to Feihu.At present they have no room for the doubting and wary hearts to work.They kicked at the pulsatingly cracked surface, flew into the fantastic flying object, and put their hands on the rim of the jug.Finally pull the start quickly, while Yu pulls the continuation.At this moment, the surface of the earth sank violently, and there was a rumbling sound and earthy smoke all over the sky. Baoding raised the height.But it was only at a low altitude of ten meters above the surface.Flying silently, no, it should be said that gliding in the air is more appropriate.I began to stick my palms to the edge, thinking about the cutting-edge technology sealed in the wonderful shape.It's a wonderful thing.Is there no sound and no jet holes because gravity is controlled?However, you still have to thank the other party first.There are no seats in the wonderful flying object, and there is a space for five people to stand in it without being too narrow.Hajime bowed his head to the woman. "Thank you for your help." "You're welcome, the Azure Dragon King of the Eastern Sea and the Red Dragon King of the Southern Sea." The expression and tone of the young woman were so natural and ordinary that Hajime didn't recognize how he was called for a moment. "My name is Yao Ji. I have already signed up for these two." "So, what's your reason for helping our brother?" "Because you have always taken good care of my sister." "younger sister……?" "It's Toba Mari! That's what she's called in the human world." Dropping bombs with a nonchalant attitude seemed to be her special skill.There was no sound between Hajime and Suzuki.The women's clothes are based on green, with a silver chinoiserie top and trousers.With a sword on her back, people can't help but think of the heroine who appeared in Peking Opera, where she disguised herself as a man.By the way, Moli is her sister?How is this going? "Taizhen Mrs. Wang!" Such a person calls out Yu.The brothers focused their eyes on the youngest Yu.At this moment, Yu was finally able to tell what he dreamed last night.In the dream, the Azure Dragon King was startled when he saw the face of the girl speaking behind him, and Yu who dreamed of this scene couldn't hide his surprise.Because that woman's face was the face of their cousin Moli.Just because he woke up at the moment of shock, Yu could not continue his dream.Yu briefly explained the content of the dream, and added a note at the end. "Sister Moli is like a princess in a Beijing opera!" "I said Yu, if you think the dress is strange, don't you say it looks like a Beijing opera?" After being told this, Yu shut his mouth in confusion.At the beginning, she was completely lost in thought, and Yao Ji, who was indirectly criticized for being strange, asked Yu about the name of the general who attacked the Crystal Palace indifferently. "It should be Qin Ni..." "Ah, it's Qin Ni." "You know him?" "Is there a bird emblem on the armor? It has a white head, a red beak, and tiger claws on its wings..." "Yeah! Do you know him?" "To know is to know, but I would rather not know. How should I put it? I'm a servant!" "What is a servant?" "Of course it's a party of the bull breed. It must be like this?" He narrowed his eyes and stared at Yao Ji who answered concisely. "You seem to know a lot of things." The tone made one nervous—his brothers couldn't help but get nervous.Yao Ji smiled happily, but there was a mischievous gleam in her eyes.It seemed to show that she knew Xu's character very well, so she deliberately wanted to play tricks on him.Continuing to control the enemy first. "Let me say something first, I don't like being teased, please pay attention to this." "Continue, be careful of your questioning attitude. After all, she is our benefactor." After Hajime stopped the continuation, he turned his head and said to Yao Ji. "Not only my brother, but I also have many things I want to know. And you seem to understand them all." "What you want to know should be what you want me to tell you, right?" Yao Ji's question was not simple.Obviously, this woman has a very profound spiritual realm.Originally, she claimed to be Moli's older sister, so she should not be an ordinary person.Hajime said with a serious and straightforward tone. "I would appreciate it if you would tell us." "If I tell you, will you really believe it?" "Can't you believe it?" The continued eyesight is very sharp.It's not so much a challenge as a good fight, right?He doesn't like letting anyone other than his brother take the lead.The elder brother called out to stop the younger brother. "I just want to use it as a material for thinking. So far, we have experienced a lot of things and accumulated some knowledge. However, the material for thinking is still a bit insufficient." Yao Ji replied.Part of her knowledge can be glimpsed from her answer. "Based on this to fight against the four sisters?" Hajime didn't deliberately ask her if she knew the four sisters. "It's not meant to be against the Four Sisters. But if they really want to kill five billion people, I want to make things better." Yao Ji smiled softly.There was no malice in the laughter. "Why don't you say you want to stop them categorically? That's what heroes of justice say with their fists pumped." "I think this kind of thing should be left to those who are suitable for this kind of posture! Just because you are Moli's sister, I think you can be trusted. Besides, now that you have saved our lives, even if you are killed Lied, that is our own immaturity." Yao Ji stared at Shi Shi's face, and looked away after four and a half seconds.She looked down at Longquan Township, which was constantly collapsing, and said. "This earthquake was caused by the cattle species." "Cause an earthquake? How?" Finally opened his eyes wide. "They let the very low frequency bombs go off on the ground." Yao Ji, who is dressed as a Beijing opera actress, said words that did not match her appearance. "On the one hand, it is possible not to release radioactive energy, and on the other hand, the range of damage can be accurately limited by controlling the wavelength of the extremely low frequency. Moreover, it is impossible to find out the cause with the current investigation capabilities of human beings." Probably?Start nodding.Even the mechanistic mysteries of real earthquakes haven't been fully solved. "They have amazing technology!" "They counted your coming here and prepared it in ancient times." "...Three thousand years ago?" "More than three thousand years ago." Yaoji revised it subtly.Finally shrugged in surprise. "It's really hard work. If there is such a technology, there should be a more effective method!" “十六世纪的西班牙人以枪的威力征服了印加帝国,可是,他们在道德方面并没有优于他人。技术的优越培养了对他人的优越感和攻击性,这是一种可悲的历史实例。” “可是,牛种的看法跟你不同。” “是啊!而且在三千年前和你们的意见也不相同。” 瑶姬的话让始和续陷入了沉思。或者事情正渐渐地逼近核心了。 大地仍然鸣动着,房子跃动着崩坏了。飞扬的土烟覆盖住了这个光景,仿佛和上空的云化为一体。然而,不久之后,鸣动渐渐降低了,烟也沉静下来了。 龙泉乡从地上消失了。千辛万苦地到达了这里,竜堂兄弟却只在这块土地上停留了十六个小时,而且没能和这里的居民们见面,只拿到了祖父的手册,此后永远与此地诀别了。 “万卷的书册也都被掩埋了。” “很遗憾,不过,被掩埋掉的东西只要再挖出来就可以。大概没有造成人员的伤亡吧……” 突然间想起了一件事,始重新审视着瑶姬。自昨天夜里以来的疑问似乎也迎刃而解了。 “让龙泉乡的人去避难的也是你吗?” "It's us." 又是一次微妙的订正。 “也就是说,昆仑是实际存在的啰?为什么这件事没有让他人知道?” “这是必然的。让他人知道实情,会有什么利益可言?说得清楚一点,那只会造成更多的困扰。” 瑶姬的手指头敲着宝鼎的边缘。 “让欧洲人知道印加和阿兹特克的存在是一个悲剧的开始。昆仑虽然没有被征服,可是,却被不知节制的人们践踏得不成样子。就是基于这个原因啊!” 续无法完全理解。 “可是,我还是认为这其中有问题。打一开始始就带我们到昆仑就好了。为什么还要让我们经过龙泉乡?” “有几个理由在。” “第一,为了让牛种疏忽,赚取时间。他们按照计划把你们诱到龙泉乡,再利用人工地震将你们深深埋葬在地上。三千年来的大计划一旦获得成功,他们一定会举杯庆祝的。” 续提出了异论。 “他们是那么容易对付的人吗?我想他们会怀疑我们是不是化身成龙而逃出去了。” “他们是会这么怀疑的。可是,一来没有确切的证据,二来不晓得你们到底在哪里,所以,目前他们也没有对策可言。再说,在昆仑里也有反对派。” “反对派?” “是的。就是反对你们到昆仑来的神仙们。如果不让龙泉乡如此地遭破坏,是无法以说服他们的。” 宝鼎升高了高度,始的头发接触到了云层的下端。飞行速度非常缓慢,如果是在地上,大概就等于和汽车并驾齐驱吧? “这么说来,在昆仑的人们并没有完全相同的意见啰?” “昆仑不是以前的社会主义国家呀!有反对的意见,将之公然地表达出来都随个人自由。” 始郑重地点了点头。 “这是一件好事。那么,那些人为什么反对我们前来访问?” “持反对论的人当然认为是理所当然的。他们不想干涉地上的治乱兴亡。这本来就是昆仑的方针,也是天界的规定。一直都是这样的。” “不管地上变成什么样子都一样?即使出现了像希特勒和史达林那样的独裁者也一样?” “就算再怎么严重的状态都一样。” 瑶姬毫不犹豫地断言。始沉默不说话了。他无意指责昆仑的方针有误,但是,他的表情或许已经罩上了一道不愿苟同的色彩了。 “因人力而引起的灾厄是必须靠着人力去收拾的。如果做不到这一点,人类就不是一种值得存续下去的种族了。人类毁灭或许对其他的动植物有利些。” 瑶姬缓和了一下严厉的语气,对着竜堂兄弟笑了笑。 “啊,此事以后再谈吧!总之,就让我来带路!带领你们前往仙界中心昆仑的中心处吧!” “那是什么地方?” 始一边问着,一边预测着对方的答覆。 “到西王母的宫殿去,到我们母亲的家去。”
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