Home Categories Internet fantasy Legend of Chuanglong 13·Fire-breathing Islands

Chapter 10 Chapter 9 Mount Fuji is like a monster

Things in the world are often difficult to go as people want.Even if the president of the United States of America intends to destroy a country in three days, it may actually take a hundred times as long.Not to mention the plan of a fifteen-year-old boy who hasn't been to school for a long time, it just so happens that there is no luck at all. "I can't hit it anyway, it's really bad!" Standing on the roof of the armored vehicle retreating at full speed, he finally cursed.Although the artillery fire from the armored vehicles that were chasing after him pierced the darkness red and green and struck fiercely, they couldn't even wipe his final body.

"If you can't hit, teach me how to change!" Hajime, the eldest brother, seems to be able to transform into something inhuman through intense mental concentration.In the end, San Nan has not yet learned this art, so he can only face the danger of life, hoping to stimulate change. He deliberately stood on the roof of the car with a big thorn, expecting to be hit by a 25cm shell, but unexpectedly he was never hit.Probably because the chasing car and the car being chased were both bouncing at high speed on the dusty and rocky road, so it was not easy to aim at the target. "There should be a night vision device, what are you doing, what a shame!"

finally shouted loudly. As if hearing the sound of shouting, the line of fire stretched to the end.Since the armored vehicle also continuously narrowed the distance at the same time, approaching from the left side of the vehicle body, the deadly machine shells just flew by about 20 centimeters away from the terminal's body. "Could it be that the doctor's driving skills are too good?" Although thinking of this possibility, it is too strange to put forward the requirement of "driving with the principle of being hit as much as possible". The only feasible way is to change the posture that is easy to be hit.When thinking of this, the armored vehicle just bounced, as if it had just run over a huge falling rock.In the end, the whole person was almost thrown out of the roof of the car. Just when Ji couldn't wait any longer, he stuck out the rest of his upper body from the cabin door and grabbed his brother's feet in time.

"Brother Zhong, look there!" It is a place that is difficult for ordinary people to see, but I can see it clearly.In the night sky covered with low and dense black clouds, a large winged snake appeared leisurely flying through the gaps in the clouds.Those who ride on the snake's back are not heroes in fantasy worlds, but die-hard history buffs, museum buffs, and cultural obsessive type poisoners. "Brother Shi! Brother——!" Yu waved his hands. "Dangerous! Shrink back!" After severely reprimanding his younger brother, he finally looked at the night sky.In his field of vision, he confirmed what the youngest saw.For the younger brother, it may be joy and peace of mind, but the final feeling is a bit complicated.

"Oops, maybe I'll be taught a lesson again for putting Moli and Yu in such danger..." This is actually because of the boring games of the immortals that got Cousin Long involved, basically there should be no responsibility in the end.The reason why the idea of ​​"bad" appears reflexively is probably due to the experience of daily life. "Ah!" Yu shouted. Because Hajime jumped off Teng Snake's back. Speeding like lightning, it fell from the sky through flurry of ash and fog.Hajime jumped from the height of ten floors in a bold style that was not like himself but like Hajime.

After breaking off five or six small branches, the slender body landed perfectly.No, the place where they landed was not the ground, but the roof of the armored vehicle chasing the last group of people, right in front of Lizard Soldiers. The lizard soldier stabbed out the Rambo knife. There was a flash of lightning, and the knife that was trying to penetrate Hajime's left chest was dodged. Grasping the Lizard Soldier's right wrist with his left hand, Hajime flicked his right hand, and hit the Lizard Soldier's left head violently with the sole of his palm.Just as he was about to hit, the Lizard Soldier threw his head back, dodging the powerful blow.

On the roof of the speeding armored vehicle, Hajime and the lizard soldier avoided each other's attacks twice and three times.Fallen trees were swept under the wheels and crushed to pieces.The moment the armored vehicle lost its balance, Hajime kicked off the roof and jumped into the air. The armored vehicle overturned, mud splashed and stones flew away.The left side of the car body was crushed underneath, the left wheel churned the mud painfully, and the right wheel hung in the air, churning the air uselessly. At that time, the Lizard Soldier had already stepped on the roof of the car, bowed its whole body in a circle, and fell down like a rubber ball.While breaking several branches, he turned around, jumped up from the ground, and then hid in the dark bushes in the same low posture.

"Brother." The armored vehicle, which continued to retreat, moved forward this time, and stopped very close to Hajime when it hit the ground.Before the car was completely parked, Yu rushed out from the cabin door and ran towards the elder brother who jumped off the roof.The three men also jumped off the roof of the armored vehicle with a gloomy look, walking as if they could run away at full speed at any time. "beginning!" Seeing Moli waving his hands, Hajime smiled, put his hands on Yu's shoulders, and strode over, but stopped at a distance of about fifty centimeters.

"I'm sorry for making you hard..." "I'm fine. It's Zhong and Yu who really worked hard. Don't blame them, you should praise them well." The youngest and youngest exchanged glances and shrugged their shoulders.Moli is the goddess who guards the cultural life of the Longtang family, and her relationship with Hajime is recognized by all the younger brothers, but the emotional expression of both parties is as slow and outdated as in the nineteenth century. "Hajime, how is the situation in Kyoto? Is there nothing wrong?" "Actually, too many things happened to us..."

Hajime could only smile wryly.In one minute, he recklessly attacked the dormitory of the Republic College by the "stone operator", and was later settled by Kobayakawa Nazuko who "just happened to come to the scene", and Kobayakawa Nazuko established the shogunate in Kyoto under the instigation of the continuation, etc. After the summary of the matter was explained, he immediately asked questions to the stunned three people. "Who is the guy who is chasing after you fiercely?" "He's a lizard soldier." "Very apt adjective. I'm asking about his official name, though."

"How would we know that!" The teacher's nature of the eldest brother is really disturbing, the three men thought to themselves, crossing their arms, and Yu, who was standing beside him, continued to explain. "He seems to be a soldier of the U.S. Army. However, other soldiers don't seem to know about him." "Are there any other soldiers?" "Yeah, the other soldiers seem to be human." In short, everything started when he was forced to become the opponent of the game between the two immortals when he was ready to go home after the reconnaissance.As if imitating his elder brother, he gave a rough description of what happened in the past half day.This time it was Hajime's turn to be dumbfounded. "... You said, that lizard soldier has been hiding under the four-wheel drive vehicle?" "Yes." "He must be collecting information, and when he was tracking you, he sent the information one by one along the way." "Send it out? Where will it go?" "Anyway, it must be a US military base stationed in Japan. It seems to be near Yokota." "Yokota base? Didn't brother Zhong destroy the base last time?" This was a dialogue that outsiders could not understand. The doctor who got off the armored vehicle and approached made a "destroy" mouth shape, but did not make a sound. "Ah, yes. Could it be Atsugi? Or Okinawa? Or..." Hajime stopped thinking for a moment, turned to the doctor and nodded solemnly. "I heard what they said, thanks to you for taking care of my two younger brothers." "Oh, you are the older brother of those two children...but how did you get here?" "I'll talk about that later." Hajime turned to the third child again. "That's right, finally..." "I know, I know, I will obediently listen to your lesson, but before that, can you get out of the dangerous situation first, and wait for everyone to return to Kyoto safely, have a meal, and take a bath before proceeding? Otherwise, just It's so inhuman." "Have you done anything worthwhile?" "No, I mean..." Hajime put his hand on Modi's head, which was letting the ashes and rain fall, and shook it gently. "Just like what Moli said, I know you've all worked hard." "Brother finally worked the hardest." "Yes, the hardest person is me." Seeing that the situation was not as bad as imagined, the three men became proud.He slapped him on the head, and the eldest brother continued to ask questions. "Also, who is that patient in the armored car?" "……prime minister." "what?" "Correctly speaking, it should be the former prime minister." Hajime looked surprised. "Have you even lost your ability to joke?" "It's true." "it is true." Yu and Mo Li agreed at the same time.After examining the faces of the three people evenly, Hajime put his arms together. "Should I explain it, finally?" "Just one word says it all." "Oh, let's hear it." "A poor bird in my arms." For the three men, this line is beyond the limit.The eldest man couldn't help but blinked. "It's okay as a conclusion, but it's too much to omit the middle process, right?" "Actually, the doctor rescued the former Prime Minister from the hospital, and then happened to meet us." "Really, the trouble I caused is not enough, and I was involved in such a weird incident, you guys!" "Hey, why don't you talk about the people involved in the shogunate established by Kobayakawa Natsuko?" "Stop talking nonsense, how did things become like this?" Beginning to feel a sense of loss, Yu's black pupils were shining brightly. "The shogunate? That's really amazing." "If you want to say something great, maybe it's really great." Hajime couldn't help but smile wryly.This wry smile suddenly stopped, and he began to fall into deep thought. "What's wrong? Shi?" "It's nothing. Anyway, it's been ridiculous from the beginning, maybe it should be more straightforward, and if you don't do it, you won't stop." What kind of situation should be used to welcome the former prime minister into the shogunate?If only the former prime minister was given his rightful place to deny the legitimacy of the Tokyo government, things might get quite interesting.Assuming that the actual situation is exactly as planned by the second son, unless the existing order is thrown into chaos, Brother Long may not be able to settle in this country for a long time. "Brother Shi, look." Yu's voice was full of tense particles, Shi Shi followed Modi's gaze, and saw a red gaze in the grass about five meters away. "Is it Lizard Soldier... What is his real name?" "..." "It's useless to ask, it's no wonder." Perhaps it was discovered by Yu just before launching the surprise attack. The alien figure seemed to be throwing hateful eyes while retreating backwards. "That guy didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. That's the most disgusting thing." "I don't know if it's the end, the end." A smile that could only be described as fearless appeared on Shiji's face, and he took a step towards the lizard soldier.Light emerged from his side, the sound of heavy marching sounded, and some kind of object was approaching him. That's an armored convoy.The lizard soldiers retreated to the deepest part of the darkness in one breath, making the grass rustle. Seeing the armored convoy getting closer and closer, in the eyes of good citizens, although he looked trustworthy, judging by the whispers exchanged by the self-defense members, this commander seemed to be unpopular. "The squadron leader seems to be going hysterical." "It's inevitable. Two expensive armored vehicles were hijacked." "As long as the news about the lack of a gun is published in the newspapers, they will be reprimanded, warned, and their salary will be cut. This time, they will definitely be punished and suspended." "It's not necessarily a bad thing to suffer a little bit, at least it can make those elites more human." "Hey, it's us who are actually suffering. Do you think good people will hijack armored vehicles?" "Hmmm, who the hell did such a thing?" "It must be an intelligence officer from 'North'." "Even a three-year-old knows that." "No way." There was a sound approaching a roar. "Stop the team!" The armored convoy came to a halt, infrared night-vision gear almost completely useless due to the volcano and the humidity, relying only on lights.Emerging in the lights of the car was an armored vehicle overturned on the edge of the bad road.The power has not been cut off, and the wheels are still idling, making an anguished groan. "Squadron leader, that seems to be one of the hijacked armored vehicles." "It's the one whose origin is unknown." Skillfully correcting his subordinate's report, the quite young squadron leader picked up the binoculars puzzledly.Needless to say, it must have night vision. "You can't see it from here. Really, what a high-tech thing. When it meets dust and moisture, it becomes such a virtue." The squadron leader poked his head out from the hatch of the armored vehicle at the front, put his helmet back nervously, and thought for a few seconds. "Okay, whoever goes over to do some reconnaissance, I'll give him permission to move with an automatic rifle." The subordinates didn't respond immediately, and being called "someone" really bothered them.Speaking of which, their mission this time was miraculously shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery, and only the squadron leader seemed to know the correct content, so the morale of his subordinates was not high.Of course, they did not intend to disobey orders, but no one had the will to take positive actions before being named. Such a waste of precious time.It's only seconds, but it's long enough for outlaws who aren't afraid of uniforms or weapons to take action. Suddenly, I don't know what happened, and there were continuous noises, and the self-defense team's vision gradually dimmed.Stones were hurled out of the darkness with a howl, shattering the headlights of the armored vehicles.One, two, three... "Enemy, the enemy is attacking?" The squadron leader's voice betrayed itself.It is said that the enemy is coming, but what kind of enemy is it?What kind of enemy exists in the center of Japan's geographical location?The players were in disarray. The squadron leader decided to temporarily close the hatch and return to the car.The hand that was about to close the hatch was grabbed by someone who easily pulled him out of the car with unbelievable strength. Just like that, in less than a minute, the squadron leader was grabbed by the end and dragged in front of Shiji.The subordinates had no room to intervene, and could only observe the changes in the situation blankly. "At this time, in this kind of place, what is the Self-Defense Force doing with a whole row of armored vehicles?" Under Hajime's questioning, the squadron leader replied busyly rolling his left and right eyeballs. "That's an order from above." "that's it?" "What if it's not like this? It's a big problem to act without an order, but we not only have an order but also act according to the order. Isn't it unreasonable to insist on talking about things?" "I really want to say that you are right, but since there are even combat operations, there must be a purpose! What is the purpose for you to take such risks?" The squadron leader pouted. "It's because of the danger that we have to dispatch. Is it possible?" The squadron leader made an expression, not an expression but a speech-like expression.As if a decision has been made, everything ends here. "Under the influence of Mt. Fuji's eruption, land routes have been cut off, and air routes are also in danger. However, since the lava and smoke from Mt. Fuji basically flow towards the east, the west is a safe place in comparison, right? .” Hajime remained silent, observing the squadron leader's expression. "Therefore, it is necessary to secure a land route from Nagano Prefecture through Yamanashi Prefecture to Shizuoka Prefecture. In this way, not only can relief supplies be transported to Shizuoka Prefecture, which is in isolation, but also conversely evacuate from Shizuoka Prefecture. For the refugees who escaped from the prefecture, this route must be secured no matter what. Under the situation of not knowing when a large-scale eruption will occur, it should be impossible to entrust such a dangerous task to the people of the people." The squadron leader stared at Hajime. "Understood? Everything is for the general public, that is, you people, don't get in our way anymore." Hajime didn't believe the squadron leader's eloquence.If it is such a high-sounding reason, why hide it?This is the final idea. In fact, Hajime had no interest in knowing what the real purpose of the Self-Defense Forces was.As long as the younger brothers can be brought back to Kyoto safely, they are free to do whatever the Self-Defense Force likes to do afterwards.The point is here. It's just that the middle management is just too stubborn. "We can't hand over the armored vehicles to ordinary people. You must return the hijacked armored vehicles. As for the legal issues, you can't let it go." Finally raised his hand gently to stop. "Wait, there are patients in this armored vehicle." "patient?" The squadron leader had an expression of disbelief.He finally looked up at his elder brother, hinting at some kind of proposal with his eyes.Hajime immediately understood his brother's unspoken plan. "Yes. After seeing the patient, decide what to do. This way, please." As soon as the beginning finished speaking, the end immediately asked the squadron leader to stand up. Opening the sliding door, the squadron leader hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and entered the car to spy. "The Self-Defense Forces are here." After the final introduction, the doctor, the old couple, and the person lying on the stretcher looked at the squadron leader together. The squadron leader widened his eyes. "Hey, you guys, have you kidnapped the Prime Minister?" "No no." Finally waved his hand in denial.However, he also noticed immediately that there was no need to panic at all. "No, it's just the opposite. He was kidnapped by bad guys, imprisoned, escaped with his own strength, and was rescued by us. That's how it happened." "Well, that's true. These children saved me, ahem, ahem, under such circumstances, can you protect all of us?" For the former prime minister, this was a matter of life and wealth, so he asked the other party with a desperate expression. The squadron leader looked around in embarrassment, and began to ask and answer himself with a guilty conscience. "Actually, as far as the legal system is concerned, the Prime Minister is indeed the supreme commander of the Self-Defense Forces. However, it is really... right, I remember this Time has indeed completed the handover of the prime minister, so this person should be nothing more than the former prime minister..." "Stop being bureaucratic." "We are soldiers! We are civil servants!" The squadron leader retorted in a sharp voice. "Since you are a public servant, you are also a public servant. Wouldn't it be too bad if you couldn't protect taxpayers?" After being told by the old woman, the squadron leader frowned. "Troublesome, we still have important tasks to do..." "Is there any mission more important than protecting your own country's non-combatants? I don't think so." The former prime minister's words left the squadron leader speechless, and finally he couldn't help feeling admiration.Wow, it turns out that the former Prime Minister also talked about dialogue. "How? Time is running out." This sentence at the beginning became an ominous prophecy, and it was realized immediately.Intense object sounds and people's yells suddenly came out, and from a stationary armored vehicle, there were continuous wailing and gunshots.The bodies of self-defense fighters covered in blood were thrown on the mud.The armored vehicle started, and the figure of the lizard soldier manipulating the cannon appeared in the headlights of the car, and shouted in surprise. "Squadron leader, that guy is wearing an American combat uniform!" "Damn, what is that guy?" The squadron leader shouted selflessly. "It's rare that we worked so hard to come to help, and this is what we got in return!" "So that's the case, isn't this the truth of the matter?" The beginning's voice made the squadron leader aware of his slip of the tongue.Hajime instructed his younger brothers and Moli to hide, while using sharp eyes to lock and tie up the squadron leader. "The U.S. military acted in Japanese territory without authorization, but it resulted in casualties, right?" "what!" After starting a conversation, he finally stopped talking.It was Zhong and Yu who injured the American soldiers. Although it was due to the situation at the time, the reason for the situation to continue to happen one after another until the Self-Defense Forces were dispatched was not the reason for the Long Cousins? Hajime recalled what just happened in Kyoto.When faced with the question "Have you become props of the US military?", the "Stone Master" answered "It's completely the opposite."Perhaps the four sisters used the U.S. military as a prop, giving orders to the U.S. military, or providing funds for them to research and develop new weapons.Before those weapons are put into actual combat, it is only natural that secret experiments will be carried out.Although it is natural, it is always a troublesome thing if it is known to the outside world. "The original purpose should be to test what kind of military operations can be launched when the volcano is active? It is a well-known fact that high-tech weapons are not resistant to sand. But can they be used in ash that is finer than sand? Use, this must be what the US military leaders are most concerned about. It’s just that they don’t know what happened and caused injuries, so they asked the Self-Defense Force for help. Is that how it happened?” The squadron leader was speechless, and the teenagers who caused the situation also hid their expressions and remained silent. "That's right, so even though it's an armored vehicle, it's not an armored combat vehicle but an armored personnel carrier." The doctor showed a moved expression. "No wonder there are also stretchers and medical supplies for wounded soldiers. I've been wondering how it just so happens that everything that should be there is available." "Now is not the time to be moved." Hajime stabbed the squadron leader with a sarcastic sight arrow. "The same is true for the Japanese government. This kind of thing must not be known to the people. If it can be dealt with secretly, it can sell the U.S. military a favor. This is indeed the value of sending out several valuable armored vehicles." During these conversations, the lizard soldiers continued to fire, and their surroundings were shot after shot. "Squadron leader, do you want to fight?" "Wait, wait, don't fire!" The squadron leader made a sound like howling. The Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. Army are at war in Japan.He couldn't imagine such a situation at all.The self-defense members were restricted from firing. Once they were shot left and right, and mud and smoke were stirred up, they could only hide behind the armored vehicles in a panic, or lay down on the ground.One of the team members protested loudly. "However, the opponent has been attacking us! Can't we fight back?" "No, the situation cannot be further deteriorated. It must be resolved peacefully. The French President once said that war is the worst solution." "Is this considered self-defense?" The subordinate shouted.A thick stream of sweat flowed from the squadron leader's forehead to his cheeks. "Is that really the US military?" The doctor asked loudly to the squadron leader, and the squadron leader turned to look at the doctor. "It's so strange that the U.S. military would fire at the Self-Defense Forces. Maybe it's North Korea or somewhere else's special forces, and it may be disguised as the U.S. military. Don't you think so, squadron leader?" The squadron leader looked at the doctor in astonishment. "As expected of a military fan, I can imagine any possibility." Yu was slightly surprised, but the doctor kept a serious expression from the beginning to the end. The squadron leader was completely caught in a dilemma.A counterattack may result in a state of war between the United States and Japan.If you don't fight back, you may be killed by the "North" special forces.People who lack decisiveness always have a more developed imagination for bad than necessary. Regardless of the outcome, the squadron leader must take responsibility for the tragic ending.While he was hesitating, the unknown enemy fired wildly with machine guns mercilessly, causing the armored vehicle's body, trees, and the ground to wail under the random fire.In such a situation, the doctor hiding behind the car stubbornly began to discuss. "First of all, if that guy is really the U.S. military, the governments of the two countries should not admit that the U.S. military is fighting with the Self-Defense Forces. Even if they know how much they know, they will definitely try their best to discredit it. Even if you have no resistance If you were killed by an attack, the Japanese government will not protest openly, but will only bury everything in darkness on the grounds that you were killed by the volcanic eruption.” The squadron leader was silent. "However, what if he is an intelligence officer of 'North'? If he is attacked and killed unilaterally, wouldn't it be the end of the game? As a precious victim, the government and the ruling party should issue rewards. In terms of politics and diplomacy It is also useful. However, everything is after death..." The doctor's non-stop tongue suddenly stopped, and the expression of fear on his face spread his wings soundlessly.Discovering this, Hajime turned back. "Everyone get down!" A pair of shining red eyes emerged from the darkness.The flash happened again, accompanied by the sound of rhythmic firing, the line of fire pierced the darkness, passed over the heads of the people lying on the ground, hit the ground and trees, caused abnormal noise and emitted smoke.There is not only one line of fire, there are five or six in total, criss-crossing the dark sky. "It turns out that there is more than one lizard soldier." "Be careful, brother!" Just as Yu Chuan said, the soldiers who looked different from humans cast red eyes and fire lines from all over the darkness. "Has the fellow called his companion, brother?" "A very good guess." "But when exactly?" "Can't one person drive an armored vehicle and operate a cannon at the same time?" "Ah, that's right, isn't that just from the beginning..." Finally feel ashamed of his own carelessness. There was a cry, and a self-defense soldier stepped back.The smell of blood burst out, and he collapsed on the muddy floor while pressing his left chest. "hateful!" The sound of cursing and gunfire overlapped and intertwined, and the endurance reached the limit, and the self-defense team couldn't help but shoot back. "Wait, don't fire." Even he himself couldn't hear the voice of the squadron leader who stopped him.Because there are more than ten automatic rifles spitting out the line of fire violently. The body of the hijacked armored vehicle was shot one after another, and the windows of the special glass cracked.The lizard soldiers fired 25cm cannons without interruption. Thick fire wire, thin fire wire.High-pitched gunfire, low-pitched gunfire. Bullets, large and small, flew back and forth in the darkness. "Ah, too bad." The squadron leader hugged his head with the helmet attached, and a battle started without his order. The performance appraisal comment of "lack of crisis handling ability and decisiveness" flashed in his mind.It must be hopeless for promotion now. Ignoring the distress of the squadron leader, the members of the Self-Defense Forces continued to shoot from behind the armored vehicle.Suddenly, one of the team members turned his face away as if he had been bounced away.I don't know when, and how it came quietly, an American soldier with a lizard face stood very close to him. "Wow ah ah ah...!" While panic engulfed their bodies, the Self-Defense Forces members raised their automatic rifles and fired indiscriminately.The lizard soldier's combat uniform was shot continuously, and white smoke came out. Despite being hit by more than ten bullets, the lizard soldier did not fall to the ground.The yellow eyes seemed to become extraordinarily bright, and the right arm roared. The unfortunate SDF member's head was bent at an impossible angle, and his body was lifted into the air and plunged into the mud.The automatic rifle flew out of his hand, twirling and falling to the ground. "This monster!" The other members of the Self-Defense Forces started shooting from behind the Lizard Soldier, and the Lizard Soldier who turned around was hit in the face by bullets, and the left eyeball burst red and black.The lizard soldier staggered violently, but still did not fall to the ground.On the other side, eyes full of boiling hostility, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the barrel of the automatic rifle.The team members' faces convulsed with fear. With a bang, there was a strange sound different from the sound of footsteps. "Again, it's breathing fire again...!" The earth groaned, the trees swayed, the wind became stronger, and the entire darkness shook.Moaning, writhing in pain, and roaring after a few seconds.A red fireball bounced from a corner of the field of vision, stretching from top to bottom like octopus feet.The erupting lava is flowing downwards. At the same time, the ground and trees slapped fiercely.It's not rain, it's the sound of stones falling. The small ones were about the size of a baseball, and the big ones were like the head of a Tyrannosaurus rex. Stones of all sizes rumbled and fell from the dark night sky.Shouts of panic sounded from the ground, and the gunfire stopped. Now is not the time to fight. "The road is blocked! Impossible to pass!" The reported sound was close to howling. "Everyone, don't get out of the car!" Yu yelled, and quickly came to the side hatch, because there might be a danger of sealing the inside of the car. In the armored vehicle, the former prime minister, the doctor, and the old couple leaned together with pale faces.The stone hit the roof of the car with strong and weak force. "Sister Moli, don't let your heart out!" Yu's voice, which is usually stable and gentle, is now extremely severe as if it came from someone else's mouth.Even Moli nodded with a shocked expression on her face, hugged the first-aid kit, and waited for her chance to play. "Dodge! Dodge!" A command voice like a cry.Self-Defense Forces members desperately jumped into armored vehicles, or got under them.The lizard soldiers didn't know what method they used, they exchanged ideas and ran towards a safe place.A large amount of hot smoke mixed with ash gushed out from the depths of the darkness, choking the members of the Self-Defense Forces very uncomfortable.The red lava flow continued to shovel the trees down, and the heated trees burst into flames while screaming.At this time, half of the darkness has turned red, ashes, smoke, and hot wind are blowing.It is also mixed with rain, and it is not easy to just open your eyes.Still, Yu yells at his brothers. "Come here, you two too! Come on!" Start and end running past.Somewhere in the darkness there was a flash of red eyes and the sound of cannons beating their eardrums indiscriminately.The thick rocket of the 25cm cannon shot through Hajime's neck and back. The upper body was torn apart by the entire column of shells, and turned into bloody pieces of flesh that scattered everywhere.It seemed so in an instant, but the phantom was engulfed in an instant, engulfed by a burst of white light ball. White light flashed outside the window, sweeping across the interior of the armored vehicle.Imagining that there would be a big explosion, the people in the car were too scared to make a sound, they all closed their eyes and covered their ears, and only Moli made a sound. "Who? Who has changed?" "It seems to be Brother Shi." Yu reported that the youngest confirmed that the figure jumping up from the ground was the third elder brother Ao Guang. The shock wave struck, causing the armored vehicle to shake violently.Self-Defense Forces members and Lizard Soldiers fell one after another, and the trees bent. The exploding ball of light shrank within two or three seconds, and it was no longer a ball of light, but stood like a long and large light tower in the night sky.Just after leaving the ground, it swayed softly and gracefully, and the image of a huge creature immediately appeared in the night sky.As if millions of emeralds were shining at the same time, the cyan alien beast was right in front of them. "Is it...a dragon..." The squadron leader groaned.I completely forgot to move and give instructions, etc., and just stood still.Beside him, the female junior non-commissioned officer gasped. "Then, that rumor is true..." A fantastic rumor has been circulating within the Ground Self-Defense Force since this summer.The content is to entertain VIPs, and when a large-scale exercise is being carried out at the Higashi Fuji Practice Ground, a dragon appears.The huge, shining black divine beast called out torrential rain, thunder and lightning, and evened out the military strength of an entire division. The team members who participated in the exercise were given strict password bans, and the military attributed the damage to accidental natural disasters beyond the reach of manpower in public announcements.However, there are as many as a thousand witnesses, and it is impossible for all of them to keep their mouths shut. Whispers of "let's just say it here" began to spread around the team, and even the Internet was full of unconfirmed information. After that, the destruction of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the great battle of monsters in San Francisco Bay, and the dragon battle against Mitaunor in London, etc.—information that anyone with common sense would laugh at came out one after another.Matter-of-fact scientists are perplexed, often only able to delay conclusions.In other words, without a convincing explanation for the public, the world just broke into an era of war, terror and supernatural. Both Cousin Long and his cousin Moli knew the truth.In fact, the true identities of the four brothers of the Longtang family are the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas in the heavens. They have been sealed in human bodies for 117 generations and 3,000 years, which is roughly the same thing. The eldest son was Ao Guang, the Qinglong King of the East Sea, the second son was Ao Shao, the Red Dragon King of the South China Sea, the third son was finally Ao Run, the White Dragon King of the West Sea, and the fourth son was Ao Yan, the Black Dragon King of the North Sea. Finally arrived at the armored vehicle, covered in mud and rain, and looked up at the sky with my brother. Inside the car, the former Prime Minister lifted his upper body from the stretcher, looked at the dark cloud-rolled Ye family through the window with his hand hanging eyes, and sighed. "Oh, Fuji really looks like a monster." This is probably a myth that most Japanese people will agree with in their hearts. The green dragon that appeared in the air swung its huge body comfortably and enormously. The life sealed in the human body is liberated and returned to its original size. The joyful feeling is indescribable in any words.The continuously falling volcanic bombs couldn't scratch the green and shining scales at all.数亿的水滴像淋浴似地冲洗龙身,狂风有如微风般地抚过脸庞,青龙已经完全与自然融成一体。 喷烟,灰,云,雨,雾,风。 搅乱所有的一切,翻腾跃动,尽情飞舞,享受着仿若无限般的能量嚮宴。那些贪婪的人类绝无法驾驭这些能量于商业用途之上。青龙的视线缓缓抚过地面。 灼热大地的一部份向上喷出,勾勒无彩色的乱流,深红色的喷流正不断地涌出,扩大,飞散开来。 青龙偶然朝侧面一瞥,一个小型物体在旁边飞翔。比起青龙虽然娇小,但却远比人类庞大,那是载着人身的青龙王从京都来到富士山麓的腾蛇。 辛苦了,青龙无言地轻轻上下摆动头部以表示谢意。腾蛇仿佛明白自己身为神兽的地位差异似地,仅仅态度恭敬地随侍在侧,以为回应。 青龙王持续舒畅地飞舞摆动,同时思考着如何应付不断喷火的富士山。 纵使是能够在大气层外以超音速飞行的核子飞弹,青龙也有办法将他打落。但是要完全封住富士山的大喷火,却难以做到。如果只是让狂奔于地底下的能量暂时,而且表面化地停止活动的话,应该是没问题吧。只要令红龙控制热度,将熔岩流冻结的话,或许能够拯救一,两个城镇吧。 然而看似被封住的能量,最后还是会找到较弱的部分迸发出来。纵使救得了A镇,也未必能够阻止B村的毁灭。 说起来,干涉或关心外界事物,原本就不是龙的兴趣所在。反而是企图对龙进行控制,奴役,将其力量用于作恶的一部分的人类,不断的以各种形式发动攻击。他们只想对那些人加以反击,过着平稳的生活而已。完全没有与这个星球上的人类争夺霸权的意图。他们的期望只有一个而已。 “别烦我们了。” 这算是狂妄而不合理的希望吗?青龙无法理解。 青龙进一步地飞向高处,来到了约富士火山口的正上方处。夜,云,烟的三重黑幕,就像是薄纱一样地虚无缥缈。狂暴炽红的喷火口令人望而生畏。 这个可没那么容易平息下来呀。 青龙以巨大碧玉般的双眸观察着。 灼热的熔岩,深红及金黄的凶猛乱舞,在各处溅起黑暗水滴的地壳的一部分。 熔岩流化为一条闪烁着不祥之光的带子,往西北方向流动而去。虽然在此之前全都朝着东方流动,狰狞的红色流动引发森林大火,燃起原野,焚烧房舍,仿佛在探索着界限一样。 虽然是一幅充满着异样美感的景色,但却不容再沉迷地欣赏下去。青龙立刻在一个大摆动之下,朝着呜动狂乱的大地降落而去。
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