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Chapter 9 Chapter 8 The Escape Line

bell of white night 田中芳树 11833Words 2018-03-11
"Holy Master! Wake up! Holy Master..." The faint voice reached the ears of Seiji Kogo, and Kogo escaped from the sweet caress of the Sandman, desperately trying to get himself out of the water of consciousness.Failed twice, finally succeeded on the third time.After stretching like no one else, Gu Xiang sat up on the simple bed, and then he saw the dignified and beautiful face of Clarice Rein, who should be imprisoned in the next room, with slightly frowning, wearing a Soviet officer uniform . "Clarice..." "It was the man who let me out of the room." Clarice spoke first, while pointing at the figure quietly standing behind the door.

"He helped us escape." "Who is he?" "Looks like it was ordered by someone from the anti-establishment faction." "Oh……" "Put on your clothes quickly, time is running out!" Clarice turned her back to Guxiang.Guxiang glanced sharply at the figure standing behind the door, then pushed away the blanket, and reached out to pick up the field uniform of the motorized sniper division that was still on the chair next to it. (Forget about Clarisse...) Guxiang muttered to himself as he put on his boots. (Anyone who dares to underestimate me would be mistaken! Anyway, I'm not that easy to deceive.)

"Clarice..." After quickly changing his clothes, Kogo spoke to the blonde girl. "You believe me, right?" "Of course!" Clarisse, who answered in this way, gasped in the next moment. "Saint!" Guxiang's tall body moved towards the figure silently, taking advantage of the moment when the opponent was at a loss, he gave the opponent a perfect straight punch in the abdomen. When the man opened his eyes, he found a black circle-shaped object in front of him. It took him two seconds to realize that it was facing the muzzle of his military pistol.

"Finally awake!" A vigorous voice came from the other end of the gun.Since the light from the bedside lamp does not reach there, the man's sight cannot see the owner of the voice hidden behind the dim veil. "who are you?" the man growled.A laughing voice answered the question. "It's the duo you are going to help escape from this base!" The voice suddenly changed again. "Don't move! Don't try to ring the alarm!" Guxiang looked at the half of the man's face dimly illuminated by the light with great interest.He was about fifty years old, with a broad and firm jaw line, and a rough appearance under half-white hair.

"At first glance, it really looks like a big shot!" Guxiang said in an arrogant tone. "I don't feel like the kind of person who would secretly let go of captives." The man turned his gaze to the dark depths exploratoryly. "...My friend, your name is Gu Xiang, right?" "I don't remember being friends with you." "Why is this so? I'm here to help you escape, you won't repay your kindness, will you?" "Arrange a guide to let us out of the room, right? I am very grateful to you for that, but laying an ambush on the way to escape is really... well, to be a good person, you have to do it to the end!"

The man turned anxiously. "I have already asked from the guide you sent. I am not so naive as to trust the kindness of strangers casually. I think there must be something behind it, so I borrowed a pistol by the way. You did this to keep a secret , but sending only one guide is too risky." "..." "Your strategy is old-fashioned, but why? That's because it is often used. Why is it often used? Because the probability of success is quite high, and betrayers always rely on it to hide their actions. Alright , Now you can tell your origin!" Kogo looked ironically at the man who kept silent.

"It's okay if you don't want to say it. Clarisse, this man's suit is hanging on that chair. Go check your pockets." "OK!" Even in the dimness, the man could still feel the dexterous movements of another figure. "Wallets, and pistols . . . nothing resembling an ID card at all." Clarice reported disappointed.A malicious smile appeared on one side of the man's cheek. Kogo replied nonchalantly. "Take the purse up to the light and see what's in it?" The white hand reached out from the darkness to the lighting range of the light, and opened the thick black wallet.

"It's US dollars, and Swiss francs, stuffed with Western currencies." "I think so too." Guxiang let out an unfriendly low laugh. "This is the so-called notorious privileged class. Forcing the people to live a simple life, but greedily enjoying the fruits of consumer civilization, it is simply a living specimen of the decadence of Soviet society! Just know this is enough." Gu Xiang put away his smile and changed his tone. "Okay, get up from the bed now, slowly. My night vision is very good, I advise you not to act rashly." "what do you want?"

"Take you as a hostage and escape! Don't put on such an unhappy expression, it will depend on you to fulfill it kindly. With you as a hostage, the possibility of escaping will increase." "Did you think things would go according to your plan?" "For someone like you whose plan failed, it's only natural to think so!" Kogo responded to the man's words with sarcasm, and pointed the gun at the man one step closer. "Get dressed! Or do you want to stand out in your pajamas?" "Please forgive me!" "I feel the same way. It doesn't matter if it's a young beauty, but no one wants to see a middle-aged man in pajamas. It's a rare time when we agree!"

This night, there were not a few people whose sleep was interrupted.Vladimir Malinov sat up on the bed, his pupils of the same color as his hair shone like steel. "Those two escaped?" Staring at the face of the officer who came to report in a hurry, Malinov asked. "How did they do it? I don't think he knows any magic tricks." "And they took hostages." "Who was caught?" "Master Jacob Brave, Deputy Speaker." Malinov narrowed his eyes. "Is it His Excellency Jacob Brave, Deputy Speaker of the National Security Council?"

"That's right, and your lord's entourage was also found lying down in the storage room for cleaning tools." Malinov cast his gaze to the ceiling for an instant. (It's fine if you pull the female soldier into bed...) Malinov noticed that the water level of anger was rising rapidly in his body, but he also understood that some things should not be said in front of others. "Go and wake Burris Fomin." So he just gave this order. As he changed his clothes, Malinov's fingertips trembled with rage.What a shame!Something bad happened, the majestic KGB deputy speaker turned out to be a fugitive's hostage! The point is, why did the deputy speaker suddenly come all the way from the KGB headquarters to Petropavlovsk in the Far East?If it is an inspection, then the term must have been misused.No matter in any country in the East or the West, inspections by high-ranking officials in the name of inspections simply do not exist.The most surprising thing is that the deputy speaker, as the top person in charge of the fake Dr. Xiaoluo project, did not respond when he received the news of his death.He came here this trip, he came here just to be a hostage in Guxiang! By the time he put on the KGB combat uniform, Malinov had already controlled his emotions and began to formulate a strategy against Guxiang in his mind. When the seaplane taxied from the hangar and flew into the night sky, Kogo finally let out a sigh of relief in front of the pilot. "Where are you going?" The driver, who was younger than Kogo, still had a childish look on his face, asked displeasedly.The regret of being unable to resist because the high-ranking official was held hostage was fully revealed in his expression and tone. "Anyway, fly to the northeast, Comrade Koryugin." His name, Guxiang, was confirmed when he boarded the plane. "I don't remember being gay with you." Since what the driver said was exactly the same as what Gu Xiang said just now, Gu Xiang couldn't help but smile bitterly. So far everything went well, and the most worrying Malinov did not catch up, and the seaplane was finally able to take off. Due to the energy crisis, the fuel tanks of each seaplane were empty. Although it took a lot of time to refuel, it was finally passed safely.In any case, during the period of holding this giant man as a hostage, the KGB would never dare to act rashly.Seeing Vasily Jacobref lying on the ground like a dead man, stunned by ether, Furusato thought so. "Although I have learned from the driver that this person is Jacob Brave of the KGB, why would he do such a thing?" Clarice, who was sitting next to Gu Xiang, murmured. "Well, I can probably guess that." Gu Xiang smiled. "He didn't think of a good thing! But thanks to him, we were able to recover our freedom, let's forget it! Finally, we barely escaped." "There is another catastrophe, old friend from the ancient village!" Guxiang looked back in surprise, and Malinov with a calm and resolute expression appeared in front of his sight, and looking down, he saw an automatic rifle aimed at his chest in confusion. When and how did he sneak into the plane, Guxiang didn't even want to ask. "I'm sorry, I have to ask you to return to Petropavlovsk. If the Soviet government's impression of you is worsened because of the escape of the high-ranking officials, there is no way. I hope you are mentally prepared." Guxiang was quite discouraged by Malinov's flat tone, but he couldn't yell "Hey! That's enough! Shut up!" and throw up his hands in surrender.Even if not for himself, he could not entrust the fate of Clarice to the bureaucrats under the Kremlin regime. "Malinov, listen to me." Gu Xiang, who knew very well that he was struggling needlessly, hit a wall immediately as soon as he opened his mouth. "I know you can speak eloquently, but I'm not confident that I can beat your sharp tongue, so please shut up!" "Listen to me, Malinov." "Shut up!" The stern order seemed to have slapped Guxiang, and Guxiang had to keep his mouth shut. At this moment, Clarice came over, her blue eyes bursting with intense light. "Vladimir Malinov, you should listen to him, for your own good too." "I can't trust him." "In that case, are you willing to listen to what I have to say?" "..." Malinov put on an overwhelmed expression, showing a slight compromise. "tell me the story." "It was Deputy Speaker Jacob Brave who convinced us to flee." "Oh?" Although Malinov's eyes reveal doubts, Clarice has long been aware of this. "Then he set up an ambush on the way we escaped to try to kill us, pretending that he found out about our escape. This is the truth of the matter. The so-called death without testimony, what he is afraid of is our testimony." "It's unbelievable." Malinov made a direct comment. "Why did the deputy speaker play such a nasty trick? You will be sent to Moscow to receive a fair trial according to the laws of the Soviet Union. The deputy speaker should know about this. There is no room for selfishness or conspiracy to intervene in this... ..." Malinov shut his mouth suddenly, for he heard a harsh laugh, whose owner spoke. "If Jacob Brave hadn't done anything wrong, then what you said is certainly true. Unfortunately, things happened not as you thought." Malinov turned to Guxiang again. "Brother Guxiang, you are a smart person. You know everything clearly. The only thing you don't know is what is temperance. I should warn you. Please shut up." "You think I really want to talk!" Gu Xiang pushed back with an unruly tone and expression. "It seems that I don't give you any color, you don't know where you are wrong, for your sake..." Malinov's strong arm flashed, and his backhand exploded on the Japanese's cheek.Guxiang's eyes shook violently, he staggered against the wall, pressed his cheek with one hand, and shook his head. "It's quite powerful..." After muttering to himself as if in admiration, Kogo glared at the KGB agent with challenging eyes. "I will remember this account well. I am very honest, and I will not owe any interest." Malinov, still silent, raised his automatic rifle this time.The damage of being beaten by a gun is by no means comparable to that of an unarmed attack.With his training and actual combat experience, Malinov was about to leave irreparable damage on Guxiang's face. However, the swift strike stopped in the middle, because Clarisse stood up and blocked the automatic rifle and Guxiang. Malinov stared at the blonde girl motionlessly, put down the gun after a while, and sighed deeply. "Got it, I heard what you said." Gu Xiang quietly pulled Clarice aside to speak. "Thank you, Clarice. I hope Mr. Malinoff can wake up from his obsession." "Say something quickly!" Malinov roared in a suppressed tone. "Then I'll tell you. No matter how good Osop is at cross-dressing and smuggling, don't you think it's incredible that he can break through the border defenses and sneak into the Soviet Union so easily? And he's not empty-handed, he even brought his weapons with him." He went in. He was not questioned in the country, completely avoiding the sensitive tentacles of your KGB." "To put it simply, do you think there is a traitor in the KGB who has an affair with Osopp, and that person is Deputy Speaker Jacob Brave?" Guxiang looked back at Malinov with a look of deep admiration. "Your mind is really not bad." Malinov showed no reaction to the compliment. "It's unbelievable that Deputy Speaker Jacob Brave is an important figure in the KGB!" "That's because you are deluded by the fictional plot. The KGB is rock-solid from top to bottom, and no one has two hearts at all. It's this kind of fictional plot." Malinov looked caught off guard, for he remembered what he had said to Boris Fermin in Paris. "Yeko Brave is not a fighter for freedom and human rights, but a degenerate privileged class. Osop patted him on the cheek with a large amount of Western cash, and he probably decided to betray his motherland." While listening to Gu Xiang's words, Malinov's doubts surfaced again.Why did Deputy Speaker Yekobrev come to Petropavlovsk?Why did they turn a blind eye to the death of the fake Dr. Xiao Luo? Kogo turned to Clarice. "Clarice, when you knelt down to Ossop, Dr. Xiao Luo said something when he helped you up. He said that the situation may not be what Ossop thought." "Well, I still remember." "At that time, he was convinced that Jacob Brave had committed the crime of betrayal, so he decided to use this information to exchange your safety." Clarice was speechless in astonishment. "On the other hand, Jacob Brave has probably realized that he can no longer control Dr. Xiao Luo! He should also have received information from Ossop. From this point of view, Dr. Xiao Luo has been in control from beginning to end. They were all deceived by Osop in the end. And the reason why Jacob Brave came to the Far East specially, I think it must be to kill Dr. Xiao Luo, and Ossop must have known this, so they did it at that time. Make that arrangement. Luckily for Jacob Brave, the Doctor died before he did, but the remaining two are the ones who got in the way." "Those two people are you and me." "That's what I thought too. I think one of Osop's purposes is to get Jacob Brave to do it himself, to get his hands dirty, so that things will go in his favour. To Jacob Brave His position will become a dilemma." Kogo turned his gaze to Malinov who was standing silently. "Please try to think about the reason why you first heard about the Bering Strait sabotage plan in Paris, and why the fake Dr. Shalo had to ask that villain Osopp for help in defending the dam." "..." "In other words, the fake Dr. Xiao Luo's information was never passed to the KGB. No, it should have been passed on to Jacob Brave, but it was all covered up by him. So the fake... well, every time It is really troublesome to add false characters every time, so Dr. Xiao Luo became uneasy, because no matter how much information he provided, there was no response from the higher-ups, and it is natural for him to feel uneasy, so he took the initiative to find the mercenary organization Its leader, the famous Ossop. It is careless to say it is careless, but this spider web has been stretched long ago. All the strategies and information about the Bering Strait Dam are all concentrated in Ossop's hands In fact, he is really amazing to be able to create such a meticulous combat system." "really can not believe it." Malinov insisted stubbornly.Gu Xiang had a frowning look on his face, and then suddenly opened his brows, as if he had thought of some brilliant idea. "Why don't you do an experiment." "experiment?" "Yes, let's see what the Deputy Speaker will do after regaining consciousness. Clarice, is there ammonia in the first aid kit?" Clarice opened the first aid kit, took out the small bottle of ammonia and prepared to hand it to Guxiang. "Ah, by the way, the one next to me..." "This is not brandy or gin, this is alcohol for disinfection!" "Better than nothing." As soon as Gu Xiang opened the bottle cap, he immediately moved the bottle directly under the bridge of Deputy Speaker Jacob Brave's nose.Jacob Brave, whose sense of smell was strongly stimulated, opened his eyes while moaning. After the pupils were in focus, he lifted the upper body of the giant body with slow movements. "What's going on... What's wrong with me?" "I'm glad you're safe and sound, Deputy Speaker." "Oh, you are Malinov!" Jacob Brave confirmed with a vague tone, and patted the back of his head with his palm. "So you saved me? Is this a seaplane?" "That's right, the plane will fly back to the Petropavlovsk base later." Malinov asked cautiously. "I wonder if you have any other urgent orders, Mr. Deputy Speaker?" "Order... no, no." As if trying to shake off the fog in his mind, Jacob Brave shook his head, and then his whole body froze suddenly. The turbidity in his eyes quickly disappeared, announcing that sobriety had occupied his entire consciousness. "I remembered, there is indeed an order, it is these two people!" Jacob Brave pointed at Kogo and Clarice with his thick and long fingers. "Throw these two lawless fugitives out of the plane!" It was Malinov with a stiff expression, not the two people who were pointed at. You see!Guxiang's pointed eyes hurt Malinov. "Why are you still hesitating? Why didn't you obey the order immediately?" "Your Excellency, these two people are not just smugglers. They also know a lot about Western terrorists' plan to destroy the Bering Strait dam. Shouldn't they be sent back to Moscow for trial?" "That's not necessary!" "why?" "Because I said it was unnecessary. Don't get me wrong, Comrade Malinov, I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm asking you to obey orders." Jacob Brave's words and deeds blatantly demonstrate the brazen arrogance of those in power.This intimidating, unreasonable attitude cemented Malinov's doubts like concrete. "Okay, Comrade Malinov, quickly take those two to the hatch." "I'm sorry." Malinov briskly refused. The deputy chairman of the KGB stared intently at the rebel subordinates.How dare a mere detective disobey the orders of the superior officer?For a few seconds, he just stood there blankly. "What did you say?" "I said sorry." Jacob Brave, who was completely accustomed to giving orders and being obeyed by his subordinates, seemed to be making himself aware of the situation. "Are you going to rebel against orders?" "Don't you think that is an unreasonable order?" At this point, Jacob Brave began to understand what was going on. "This is disobedience! It's a counter-revolutionary crime! You should know how lawless what you are doing now?" "Aren't you the one who chose to abandon the country's legal principles? Even if those two people deserve to be sentenced to death, such treatment must be under a proper trial. My Soviet Federation is supposed to be a country that rules the people in accordance with the law and justice?" Marinov's tongue almost spewed out sparks. "You are an important person in the country, but you distort the legal principles of the country arbitrarily. If our motherland is such a country, wouldn't we have no position to criticize the corruption and degeneration of Western society? At least I am not here to defend such a country. Serving the KGB!" Jacob Brave remained silent after being overwhelmed.Gu Xiang was also overwhelmed by this momentum, and the effect was far greater than he had imagined. What kind of idealism is this!It is not so much admiration as surprise.Is this kind of person really a member of the KGB? Guxiang stroked his chin with his palm, and suddenly realized that Vladimir Malinov was fighting for his young son.Malinov knew very well that the Soviet Union was neither an ideal country nor a utopia, but the complete opposite.Even if I'm not completely sure of that reality, I can only accept it! He became an idealistic fighter for his son--dad would never do something that would shame you, and dad would fight for justice, even if he had to fight his boss. What a vanity!What a vanity it is for a top KGB agent to be an ideal great man for his son.However, if a man does not have vanity and ambition, there is nothing left.Malinov's determination to carry out his duties as a father and to show his son the obligation of a human way of life, even if the starting point comes from vanity, is still commendable, isn't it? "We have no other way to go, don't you understand, Malinov." After Guxiang finished speaking, the KGB agent nodded in agreement with a gloomy expression. "Well, I understand, and my own position is the same." "The plane will continue to fly east?" "There is no other way." "Come here! Is there no one else?" Jacob Brave roared in panic. "Aren't only those who are loyal to the Soviet Union allowed to board this plane?" This guy is really a small person who can only rely on his status, Guxiang played with this disappointing idea in his heart. It's like a piano that can't play the perfect tune even after being tuned by a pianist like Osop.Let this kind of thing serve as the top cadre, and the future of the KGB will definitely not be bright. At this moment, the curtain behind the cabin was pulled open, and a man poked his head out.This person was unknown to Guxiang. He was Boris Fomin who acted with Malinov. "Boris?" Malinov muttered to himself in puzzlement, feeling disturbed by his companion's strangely gloomy expression. Fomin showed his whole body from behind the curtain. "Vladimir, throw away the gun!" Fomin held a small pistol in his hand. "What does that mean, Burris?" "I was just about to ask you, your behavior has completely deviated from the KGB's code of conduct, as the deputy speaker said, this has already constituted a crime of disobedience!" "You should have heard the conversation just now. The deputy speaker's order is not legal. You will judge which side's claim is correct?" Fomin seemed to sigh. "We don't need to judge. We just need to obey the orders of our superiors. That's how it should be, isn't it?" Boris Fomin said so, but his expression was not full of confidence. Malinov's expression changed sharply, because he understood completely. "Boris, Minister Nestrank told you something and sent you here, right?" "...That's right." Fomin reluctantly admitted. "The minister was concerned that you might go too far, and ordered me to monitor your movements. Although I have no desire to monitor you..." "Don't worry about it, there will always be things that don't go your way in life!" Guxiang interjected contemptuously. "Stop joking, Japanese!" "I was only paraphrasing my dear Mr. Ossop." Furusato's murmurs silenced Jacob Brave's loud voice. "Very well, that loyal comrade, you arrest and detain Malinov first, and then throw the two fugitives out of the plane through the elevator, so that everything can come to a successful conclusion." "I'm afraid this loyal comrade is not up to the task?" Gu Xiang sneered. "There was only one driver, and he couldn't get up from his seat. With this uncle alone, I don't think he can handle Malinov and me. Even if you shoot one of them, the other will fight back. opportunity. Your Excellency the Deputy Speaker is redundant in this kind of situation, and I think it is more than enough for Clarice to deal with it." Fomin had nothing to say, and turned his attention to the strategy to break the deadlock.Grasping this loophole, Kogo stretched out his left hand as if casting magic, and inserted his little finger into the muzzle of the gun shallowly. "……you!" Fomin was taken aback. "Once the trigger is pulled, it will explode, but you are the one who will die, and I will lose only one little finger at most. Isn't it a good deal for you!" "Boris..." Malinov called out to his friend calmly, and only his eyeballs were rolling on Fomin's pale face. "Let's make a gentleman's agreement, shall we? There is nothing we can do if you and I stand in different positions. We have nothing to do here. Even if we want to draw a clear line, we have to wait until we reach the Bering Strait Dam. Don't do anything now. gone." "..." "You don't want the Bering Strait Dam to be destroyed by terrorists, do you? Even if it's just for this reason, can't you just leave it alone?" "..." "Boris!" "I see." Boris replied weakly, and then put down the muzzle of the gun that Guxiang pulled out his little finger. "Just do what you want! Maybe you're right." Whether it was out of a sense of responsibility to his wife or a personal grudge against Kled, Fomin knew that Vladimir Malinov's behavior had exceeded the norms that KGB agents should have.Fomin should have stopped Malinov's actions at all costs, even if he had to be killed, but he also knew that he would be unable to do so in the end.Is this the sympathy that a human being has for Malinov, who is not only a member of the spy agency, but also imposes on himself the actions that must be taken as a husband or father?Or the disgust and doubts caused by the unknown words and deeds of Deputy Speaker Jacob Brave?Or are you finally moved by Clarice Rain's bravery?Fomin couldn't judge.Instead of trying to analyze the reasons, it might be better to let go of your hands and leave everything alone. So Fomin shook his head and put the pistol in his pocket. "Thank you, Burris." Just as Malinov thanked him, and Fomin responded with a stiff smile, the air in the plane fluctuated with a roar. "You incompetent! You have committed the same crime! You will be judged later!" "It's noisy, you!" Furusato said as if feeling unhappy from the bottom of his heart, playing with the leather rope he got somewhere. "I'm going to tie your hands. Although I think you can only open your mouth and can't do anything, it seems that you will struggle, so you'd better be careful. Ah, yes..." Gu Xiang turned to Malinov. "How did you two get into the plane? I thought I was one step ahead this time!" "This type of seaplane has a secret hatch under the floor." Looking at his boss with his hands tied behind his back as if he couldn't get excited about anything, Malinov replied. "This is designed to conceal people's eyes and let the diving team come in and out. Telling this may be tantamount to leaking military secrets, but it shouldn't matter now." Guxiang nodded with admiration. "Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered something. The fuel tanks of every seaplane are empty. Is that what you did?" "It was necessary to buy time. I gave some instructions on the phone. It's just a little thing, nothing special." "I don't think there are many people who can accomplish nothing great without taking it seriously!" Guxiang smiled happily. The black iron bird pierced through the night and continued to fly northeast, at three o'clock in the morning of Kamchatka time. "According to the driver, it will take about two hours to reach the sky above the dam." Malinov declared so. "However, the premise is that there is no encounter with the U.S. Air Force on the way." "Now we have to hope that the Yankees and Red Sox are tied for the championship, the base has a playboy girl coming to work, and the pilot happens to be on drugs..." As soon as Guxiang opened his mouth, Jacob Brave immediately stretched his nose contemptuously. "This is proof of the decadent culture of the West!" "It's so noisy! The privileged class! Who gave you the permission to speak? My mood changes drastically like the Northern Lights. If you don't want your photos of your death to be printed in large quantities, please pay attention to your words and deeds!" Guxiang yelled back in displeasure, and the deputy chairman of the KGB shut his mouth timidly. It was the driver, Lieutenant Koryukin, who spoke instead.The turn of events since takeoff had left him speechless in astonishment, and he seemed to have decided to stop thinking and concentrate on driving.You can only recognize such a guy!Gu Xiang guessed that this was probably his sincere words. After such a cry, he called Guxiang and Malinov from the driver's seat. "Please come here, there is a radar response in the sea." "Navy?" "It's a submarine!" Gu Xiang and Malinov glanced at each other, and then moved their eyes to the infrared monitor.The small black and white screen reflects the state of the sea.A mass of bubbles can be seen in the very center of the screen.Immediately afterwards, Guxiang and the others saw an object shaped like a convex lens viewed from the side, breaking through the sea surface and suddenly floating up. It was the conning tower of a nuclear-powered submarine. Under the breathless gaze of Furugo and others, the nuclear submarine exposed its ominous black upper body on the sea surface.A sound resembling a sharp breathing came out, and a bluish-white object without light or smoke flew into the sky from the control tower.Moments later, the vision of everyone in the seaplane was filled with fluorescent light. "...flares!" The flares pierced the night sky one after another, covering the sea with dazzling light umbrellas.Under the man-made aurora, the drop-shaped hull of the nuclear submarine can also be seen completely. The ferocious bow continues to split the waves, chasing the seaplane with all its strength, like a black steel shark exuding hostility. Guxiang whistled loudly. "I have had the experience of escaping from being chased by guerrillas or military dogs several times, but this is the first time being chased by a nuclear submarine!" "It can be regarded as a topic passed down to future generations." Malinov replied indifferently, while watching the light of flares tearing the sky like monochromatic fireworks. "If it's just for chasing us, there should be no need to set off fireworks in such a big way. These lights will become targets, attracting nearby Soviet planes or submarines to gather here together, and the efficiency is higher than using radio." "It's really annoying! But, even if the nuclear submarine catches up at full speed, it shouldn't be able to catch up, right?" "That's right, so it will give up at a certain point, and then it will change from chasing to attacking." "Oh! That's even more troublesome!" Gu Xiang unconsciously wiped the sweat off his forehead, then opened the curtain and shouted. "Clarice, for safety's sake, put on the lifebelt first!" "okay, I get it." While answering, Clarice never left her eyes from the desolate scenery shining with blue and white light outside the window. "Clarisse!" At that moment, a huge sound like lightning rang in their ears as if they were very close.The white smoke surrounding the nuclear submarine was instantly blown away by the wind, and what came into view was a slender cigar-shaped object flying directly towards the seaplane.A missile loaded with depth charges was fired at them, spewing orange flames that looked like hellfire. "Get out of the way!" Gu Xiang and Malinov shouted at the same time. The pilot, Lieutenant Koryukin, should not be disobedient.If it is shot down by the enemy in the war, it is justified, but if it is bombed by one's own people, it will be a death. The lieutenant sweated and forced the seaplane to climb upwards at full speed, and fled to the left while ascending the atmospheric turbulence.All the people in the machine grabbed the nearby wall or machinery to avoid being thrown by gravity.Some people even clearly heard the screams from the machine. The depth charge missiles launched by nuclear submarines are anti-ship missiles, and just one has enough destructive power to sink a cruiser.Once hit by a missile, the seaplane will definitely shatter like a paper airplane, and the people inside will turn into flesh and blood and rain red on the sea. Lieutenant Koryukin, who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, achieved his goal perfectly, manipulating the heavy body, and successfully dodged the oncoming missiles.The missile that allowed the seaplane, a big fish, to slip away within reach, separated from the warhead in the air, and flew straight to the distant sky. The warhead let out a high-pitched cry of dissatisfaction and disappointment all the way, plummeted into the sea, and disappeared into the water foam among. The explosion occurred, and with a loud bang, the sea water formed a reverse waterfall, and the wind pressure was like an invisible hand, lifting the seaplane 20 meters in one go.Someone in the plane fell because of this, and even Malinov and Guxiang couldn't stand still, Lieutenant Koryukin was almost thrown out of the driver's seat. 巨响再次压迫着众人的耳膜,第二枚导弹紧接着袭击而来。宛如用刀子切开古老黑白画面似的导弹影像让他们不寒而栗,那看起来就像核子潜艇。 "here we go again!" 弗明喘息着说道。 柯留金中尉像一头受伤的豹呻吟了一声,随即拉起操纵杆。导弹紧追着上升的水上飞机,水上飞机忽左忽右地,一面描绘出闪电图形一面努力摆脱导弹。 和巨大的破坏力比较起来,反船舰用的深水炸弹导弹在绕小弯方面显然弱了许多,结果证明那对他们是有利的。柯留金中尉的操纵再度获得胜利,分离后的深水炸弹像是在发泄被打落海中的愤慨般炸开之后,引发了一场令人眼花缭乱的光与声与水的大爆炸。水上飞机虽然被爆风的摇篮耍弄了一阵,但总算免于坠落。 “Khorosho!(好!)” 古乡拍手叫好。 “苏联海军航空队的技术真了不起,即便在西方也可以靠空中马戏过着很好的生活呢!” “这是当然的,我祖父可是在大祖国战争(注:苏联对于1941到1945年之德苏战争的称呼。)中击落了纳粹恶魔六十架飞机的大英雄!在库尔斯克与第聂伯河畔——” 中尉突然闭上嘴巴,露出一脸不痛快的表情,他大概是想起眼前不容高谈阔论的情境吧! “虽然躲过了两次,但未必躲得过第三次。怎么办?” 马利诺夫唤起古乡的注意。 “说得也是……喂,等一下!” 日本人鼓掌叫道。 “这家伙是反潜巡哨机对吧?仔细想想,我们根本没必要像一头被狮子追赶的斑马一样四处逃窜啊!我们是他们的天敌,只要把半打的深水炸弹从头上仍丢下去……” “那种事我做得出来吗!” 中尉愤怒地吼道。 “核潜里头都是我们的同胞,既然连你们这种人都救了,我是无论如何也不会杀害自己的同胞的。别错看了我尤利·伊瓦诺维奇·柯留金!” “你的同胞爱我非常清楚,所以请你看着前面驾驶。” 一脸苦笑的古乡回头看着马利诺夫。KGB探员突然把中尉头上的头盔抢了下来,戴在自己头上。中尉甩了甩杂乱的栗色头发之后骂出脏话,马利诺夫对此毫不在意,只顾着确认无线电的频率。 “核潜听着!” 具有张力的男中音播送着。 “这架水上飞机所搭载的乘客是伟大的同志,国家保安委员会之副议长瓦西利·耶可布雷夫,希望你们能够留意阁下的人身安全。再次重覆!机上搭载着KGB副议长耶可布雷夫,请留意阁下的人身安全。” 马利诺夫话一说完,紧接着—— “竟敢把我当成工具!” 耶可布雷夫的怒骂声震动了机内的空气。 “你们这些不法之徒!逃犯!背叛者!我一定会把你们全都送进北极圈的集中营!” “别摆出那种受害者的脸孔,对你来说,趁这个时候流亡到西方才是为你自己好。或者你想回到祖国为叛国罪、贪污通敌罪和其他种种罪状服刑?我看就算在西伯利亚做五、六个世纪的苦工也抵消不了你所犯下的罪吧!” 古乡的指责似乎说中了怒气冲冲的耶可布雷夫的心事,他像灌下一整瓶伏特加似的满脸通红地闭上了嘴。 “核潜停住了。” 马利诺夫一面将头盔放回柯留金中尉的头上一面说道。核潜像一只头遭到主人痛骂的狗一样,悄然地停止动作,数秒前仍凶猛精悍的气势全部烟消云散,看起来甚至有些软弱。随着照明弹所形成的人为极光的余晖渐渐消逝,它的踪影也在黑暗的拥抱中消失不见。 古乡和马利诺夫不约而同松了口气,因为他们知道自己好不容易从虎口中逃脱了。马利诺夫的威吓应该会从核子潜艇传到邻近的苏联军队,制止他们再度追踪攻击的企图。即使向莫斯科的中央政府请求命令,在这段期间,极东的苏联军理所当然必须袖手旁观。 看样子应该有办法抵达白令海峡水坝才对。古乡放心地抚着胸口。姑且不论未来如何,至少眼前的忧虑已经解决,能够暂且维持现状就应该心满意足了。
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