Home Categories Chinese history The bestiality of ghost soldiers
The bestiality of ghost soldiers

The bestiality of ghost soldiers


  • Chinese history

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 135818

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Chapter 1 Chapter One

Pregnant woman Wang Jinting was stripped of her clothes by devil soldiers and pressed into a red-mouthed wooden coffin. More than 20 women were chased by bayonets and stripped naked, watching around the coffin.The devil first cut open the chest layer by layer. Amidst Wang Jinting's screams, he cut open the stomach, picked out the formed fetus, and then took out the trembling heart, and put it in a white porcelain basin. The women around ate one by one, "If you don't eat it, you will die like her!" They also asked if they ate it, "Is it delicious?"He also threatened to say, "Anyone of you who wants to go home will be killed like this, and you will be fried and eaten!"

Before describing the brutal brutality of the Japanese devil soldiers who took people's courage, tortured people's hearts, and cannibalized people, let's take a look at the memories of a devil soldier who participated in the war of aggression against China when he confessed his crimes: In February 1936, that was 10 o'clock one morning.Along the mountain path, you can clearly see a small village with seven or eight families on the mountainside surrounded by a small pine forest.The platoon leader suddenly ordered "Search together!" At that time, every house had Spring Festival couplets written on red paper, and people were happily waiting for a happy Spring Festival.

Suddenly, the small village was intruded by Japanese devils like wolves and tigers.The doors of ordinary people were kicked into pieces; the windows were smashed; the furniture was destroyed; the Spring Festival couplets on the door frames were torn to pieces... In the village, we caught a middle-aged man.On this bitterly cold day in February, we stripped him naked, kicked and beat him and interrogated him: "Are you a secret agent?" "Say it!" I haven't done it either." In this way, we tortured him for a long time without getting any results. At this time, the captain of the Jiusong branch said impatiently: "Okay, then you can pick something for us! Follow us! If you want to escape, we will shoot you!" So we took the things we snatched from the village, Let him pick it up on a pole and march with us.

The road up the mountain became more and more winding.When we came to the middle of the mountain, the order of "big rest" came from the front.Everyone found a place to sit and rest on the side of the road, still holding guns in their hands, taking out cigarettes to smoke, and some fell asleep leaning against the tree trunk. The squad Chang Song seemed to have something to report to the platoon leader, so he stood up and walked forward, but after walking a dozen steps, he suddenly changed his mind, turned around, and threw the cigarette butt in his mouth on the ground.It was as if he had made up his mind.I saw him look back, and then greeted the Chinese farmer who was picking things: "Hey! Come here!"

Unprepared, the farmer strode towards the team leader. I thought: "The squad leader is going to torture again. This Chinese may want to escape. Or, if he escapes, he will be shot immediately!" So I took up the gun and ran over, and called a few soldiers to go there together. The captain sat around in a circle. The team leader nodded with his chin, signaling the farmer to stand in the middle of the encirclement.The farmer was very frightened and said: "I am a farmer. I picked things for you and came so far away. It's time to let me go home..." "What? Want to go home? If you want to go home, tell the truth quickly! Are you a spy? Tell me, say you are a spy!" The team leader twisted his fat body and barked like a bear.Seeing that the farmer didn't respond, he narrowed his eyes and grinned grimly.He took a step forward, grabbed the farmer's left arm and twisted it behind him. While twisting vigorously, he yelled, "Bastard! Why don't you say it?" His wrist was so hard that the farmer couldn't stand it anymore. He stopped, and let out a painful moan of "Woo...".His body was almost lying on the ground, and he kept shouting: "I am a common man, I have never done anything, why do you torture me so much? Let me go home! Let me go home!"

"This bastard! I really don't know what to do, I told you not to say anything!" The team leader raised his foot and kicked the farmer's shoulder trembling due to pain.The farmer was sweating profusely from the pain, and stared at the squad leader with eyes full of tears of extreme anger and hatred. "Bastard! You still refuse to say it! I will let you taste my power!" After finishing speaking, the team leader let go of his hand, suddenly pulled out the Japanese saber from the gun, waved it in front of the peasants and said, "How about it? Dishonest? See this? Why don’t you say it soon?”

Howling, he pressed the knife to the peasant's neck. It was a murderous scene indeed.In an instant, the farmer was angry!He gritted his teeth and cursed: "You devil! I'm an ordinary person! What's my crime? I will remember this deep hatred!" After speaking, he clenched his fists tightly, and stared fiercely at Jiusong's face with wide eyes.His gaze was as sharp as a sharp sword, stabbing at the murderous demon king Jiusong. Jiu Song was stunned by his aura, and moaned unknowingly, as if he had lost all his strength.After a long while, the blood returned to his face. He stood up straight again, raised his saber, and cut off the peasant's neck.The head fell off, blood spurted out thirty to forty centimeters away, and Jiu Song sat down on the ground wearily.

I saw the head rolling on the ground, and it seemed that the sound of the farmer gnashing his teeth was still ringing in my ears, and I felt chills down my spine. Captain Jiu Song's face was livid, and he wiped off the cold sweat with his sleeve.Then, put the bloody saber into the scabbard. At this time, the personnel separated.The platoon leader Fujisawa Police Department came over.His fat face was framed by a pair of spectacles behind which concealed a pair of slender, sinister eyes.He smiled at the team leader Hisamatsu, approached the corpse, and suddenly kicked the corpse lying on the ground over.He hurriedly unbuttoned the dead man's clothes, exposing his chest, and then drew out his saber.A large incision was made longitudinally from the chest to the abdomen, and several ribs in the chest were cut horizontally, and then the meat was removed from the ribs with hands and a knife. At this time, pale yellow fat, muscle and bright red blood were mixed together. The snow-white ribs were exposed underneath.

While everyone was holding their breath to watch, the platoon leader inserted his left hand through the seam of the ribs again.After a while, he pulled out his bloody hand, and he stretched out his palm. When everyone saw it, it was a purple-black ball.what is this?It's human guts! yes!His purpose is to take out the guts of people!A black cloud of suspicion in my mind lifted now.I understood that the arrest, enslavement, torture, etc. of this Chinese were firstly for the purpose of reporting to the superiors to ask for credit;This is exactly the cruel and inhuman act done to satisfy his ugly desire!

Platoon Commander Fujisawa looked at the guts full of hatred and blood, smiled with satisfaction, wrapped it with his white handkerchief, tore off a piece of the dead man's skirt to wrap it on the outer layer, and carefully put it in his pocket Then he wiped the blood-stained Japanese sword clean and put it in the scabbard. Only then did he see that everyone was watching his actions.He yelled: "Don't stand there stupidly! Come and help me!" I hurried over and together with him pushed the peasant's body into the depression. After finishing the work, the platoon leader looked around at the movement and hurriedly shouted: "Get ready to go! Assemble!" After speaking, he left.Later, I asked many people about the matter of murder and taking courage, but many people said that they had never heard of it, or even thought about it.But I saw with my own eyes the fact that a person's head was cut off and his bile was harvested.

This kind of inhumane and bestiality is not the case for the Japanese soldiers. On September 22, 1937, Japanese devil soldiers set off from Xushui County, Hebei Province, and attacked Yufang, Xushui County.The devils bombarded the village for more than half an hour. Seeing that there was no movement in the village, they rushed into the village.They smashed doors and broke houses, killed anyone they saw, robbed things they saw, and burned houses when they saw them. After the 73-year-old Zhang Laoxing and his son were captured by the devils, the devils stripped their father and son's clothes, washed their bodies with water, and then killed them.The devils cut off the meat from Zhang Laoxing's buttocks and thighs and cooked them to eat: when the old man was dying, the devils dug up and ate most of the flesh on his body. The 9-day massacre by the Japanese invading army inside and outside Zhao County, Hebei Province killed more than 780 people, wiped out more than 20 families, and left only orphans and widows in more than 30 families.The people who were killed included old people, babies who had just entered the world, and most of them were vigorous young men and women.In Dongyantou Village, the devils removed the limbs of Aunt Chen's son Chen Guangni, cut them into pieces of meat, put them in a suitcase, and forced Aunt Chen to eat the flesh.The world is so big, and the world is so vast, how can there be such cruelty and inhumanity as the Japanese fascist bandits! In the autumn of 1943, the Japanese invaders "mopped up" the area around Pingyang, Hebei Province. On September 24, Japanese devil soldiers grabbed Han Xiaogeng who was herding sheep at Shanzuitou, and forced him to ask where the Eighth Route Army was and what the name of the village cadre was, but he refused to answer.A devil stabbed at him with a bayonet, Han Xiaogeng dodged sideways wittily, picked up a stone and smashed the devil off the cliff.The other devils hurriedly beat Han Xiaogeng to death with random guns, dug out his heart and liver and brought them back to the base to eat. On November 21, Liu Yaomei, director of Luoyu Village Women's Federation and member of the Communist Party, was killed, which was even more shocking.Arai, the officer of Guizibing, personally interrogated Liu Yaomei, who was righteous and unyielding, and angrily denounced Guizibing's beastly deeds.Enraged, Arai ordered the traitor agent to strip off Liu Yaomei's clothes, personally cut off the meat from her thigh, let people roast it, stuck a piece with a knife, and said while eating, "It's delicious, it's delicious." Later, Arai ordered the ghost soldiers to cut off Liu's legs, arms, and chest piece by piece. Liu endured the severe pain and passed out several times.In the end, the vicious Arai held up his saber to dig out her heart. According to the investigation materials of the Party History Office of Fuping County Party Committee, Hebei Province, after Liu Yaomei died.Arai cut off her head and threw it into the well. He dug up the meat from her body and took it back to chop it into dumpling stuffing to eat.The ferocity and inhumanity of the devil soldiers reached an incomparable level. Wang Jinting, a 20-year-old pregnant woman in Shangpingyang Village, was stripped of her clothes by the Japanese army and pressed into a red catalpa coffin. More than 20 women were forced to strip off by bayonets and watched around the coffin.The Japanese army first cut open the chest layer by layer. Amidst Wang's screams, they cut open the stomach, picked out the formed fetus, and took out the trembling heart. The women around ate it one by one, "If you don't eat it, you will die like her!" They also asked if it tasted good.He threatened again: "Anyone of you who wants to go home will be killed in this way, and you will be fried and eaten!" In May 1943, devil soldiers marched into Xiaojiawan on the north shore of Dongting Lake in Hunan Province. One devil soldier competed to dig out the gallbladders of two refugees with a knife, then squeezed out the bile by hand, and put it into a bottle that he carried with him for "preservation". It is not too much to describe the Japanese fascist gangsters as "two-legged beasts".The tyranny of the Japanese invaders is indeed rare in the world.Three women in Tumen Village, Fuping County saw with their own eyes that the enemy stole the heart of villager Li Xiaogeng and fried it for food.Chen Chunrong, a young woman in Luoyu Village, saw the enemy hacking Liu Yaomei to death with her own eyes, and cut off the meat from her leg with a bayonet, and put it on a wire skewer and brought it to Shangpingyang for frying; It has become a dish for devils. The Japanese devils are a group of savage beasts. They even make fun of slain human flesh, hearts and livers by telling those who are still alive and captured to eat.Comrade Li Chengrui, who was sent by the border region government to do the aftermath work, recorded in "Witnesses of the Pingyang Massacre": Pass through a stretch of burned houses and turn to Shangpingyang. Behind a broken earth wall is a red lacquered catalpa coffin, in which lies a female corpse (that is, the aforementioned Wang Jinting), with her jacket ripped off and her body ripped off. In the middle of the trousers, the purple and messy viscera were exposed, covered with a thin layer of yellow sand, the arms were bent, and the five fingers looked like they were trying to catch someone. For some reason, the roots of the nails were bright red. Villagers told us how the pregnant woman was killed: The enemy captured more than 30 women and randomly pulled her out from the middle. A few devils pressed her down in the coffin, peeled her chest layer by layer, and then cut her belly open to pick out the fetus inside. She just died.In the end, the devil dug out the heart and put it in a white porcelain washbasin and fried it with oil. "Do devils really eat people's hearts?" Someone asked unconsciously. "No. Devils won't eat it!" An old lady tremblingly said, telling the captured women in my village to eat it, and whoever doesn't eat it will "die like her!" After eating it, she will ask you "is it delicious or not?" "... This is the tragic scene of Wang Jinting, a 20-year-old pregnant woman in Shangpingyang Village, who was disemboweled, her heart and liver were taken out, and her fetus was picked out. Shinichi Tsunoda, a Japanese devil soldier, once wrote a confession: In October 1936, as a member of the Kobayashi Division of the Sato Squadron of the Andong Police Brigade, I participated in the Anfeng Line Purge Campaign.In Fengcheng County, three inspectors and I were ordered by the squadron leader to take four Chinese who were arrested on the charge of the plainclothes anti-Japanese coalition army to the deep mountain forest in Dongtang and shoot them dead.Then we split up the victim's abdomen with a knife, took out their livers and brought them back for dispensing.After I got the liver back, a letter from my family in Japan said that my sister had peritonitis, so I ground the liver into powder, mailed it back to Japan, and gave it to my sister to eat. Hidetoshi Maebuchi, a Japanese devil soldier, once confessed: In October 1936, Tojo Hideki commanded the East Side Road Suzheng Crusade.I was a small team member, and I lived in the Dabao sub-station for one night.At that time, I heard that the liver and gallbladder of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces were being boiled in Vaseline jars in the backyard, so I went there to see the liver and gallbladder.This is what the captain of the national martial arts team asked to do. The 42nd series of "Hebei Literature and History Materials" records: Nakagawa, a Japanese soldier at the Shuangmiao stronghold in Xinglong County, ate more than 50 living hearts.Hei Dianyue Er, the chief of the recruit unit, also killed people many times and cooked with heart. The 19th series of "Heilongjiang Literature and History Materials" records: From Fengtian to Zhaoyuan County, a self-proclaimed "Chiba Medical Doctor" Yamada Liben, he tied 11 innocent people arrested outside the west gate, cut out their hearts, put them in buckets in the courtyard of the government office, and guarded them all. Accidentally eaten by a wolf dog raised by the Japanese, Yamada Liben was furious.The next day, when Counselor Lin Tian Shuma passed by the east gate in a car, he saw a mentally ill old lady, and immediately asked the old lady to get in the car and send her to the hospital for treatment: his son was very grateful.A few days later, the old lady died, which was really a trick. In the same year, Sato's wife, a ghost soldier from the police department, fell ill, and a famous Japanese doctor was invited from Harbin. After the diagnosis, the prescription said "three living hearts." They got them to the willow bushes on the rainy bank of the Songhua River, gouged out the hearts of the three Chinese who were caught for cutting off the horse's tail, and threw their bodies into the river. The fourth volume of "Dandong Literature and History Materials" records: Zhang Xingwu, a traitor in Xiuyan County, confessed that he had twice murdered and grilled his heart to serve as an appetizer for the Japanese garrison captain.One time was in July 1936, in Bakeshu, south of Xiuyan City, after killing Zhou Jingqiao, who had been the battalion commander of the Anti-Japanese Army, he had his heart broken.Another time was at Shaozihe Street in the same year, the captain of the garrison wanted to eat people's hearts, so he stabbed Wu Qingzhi to death, and took out the hearts to make wine and dishes. Qin Shaoru, a farmer who escaped from death, recalled: In the autumn of 1936, after the Japanese soldiers killed two people on the execution ground, the police entered the yard of the Japanese chief commander Nishimuraichi with their heads wrapped around their foreheads.Xi Cun Yichang forced the old Wutou, who was the gatekeeper, to roast his head.Old Wutou said that every time a human head is roasted, the hair, eyebrows, and beard must be shaved off, the teeth should be brushed, and the head should be pasted with yellow mud. Cover the seam of the pot and turn on the fire.My home is about 40 meters away from this stove. Every time I roast a human head, even if I close the doors and windows, I still can’t block the unpleasant smell. Director Shao once went to Xicun's family. As soon as Xicun took out noodles made of human heads, he made him drink with wine, but he didn't dare to drink.Nishimura often sent the human head noodles back to Japan for his mother to eat.It was said that when there was no head to eat in Xicun, he went to the prison to pick and choose, and killed the prisoner who had a big head and a good complexion. At a reception, Xi Cunyi saw the head of Guan village of Liudian village, with big ears and red face, patted his neck and said, "Your head is good! It's big!" Guan thought he was going to kill him. He lost his head, was so frightened that his soul went out of his body, and he ran away in fright before the banquet ended. The survivor Zhang Zhiqing once witnessed the Japanese army taking courage from people, and later he recalled: One day in the early autumn of 1936, I was teaching students in the classroom of the old camp factory school, when I heard Japanese shouting and Chinese screaming on the playground.When I saw it, it was the Japanese commander Takeshima and several Japanese police officers who were beating a Chinese in his 30s.Later I heard that he was a farmer from Shiyangtun, but the Japanese insisted that he was a spy of the Anti-Japanese Army. After being beaten and questioned, Wu Dao said, "Your heart is broken." He was dragged to the Beihao of the tobacco curing room behind the school, and then two gunshots were fired.After a while, the group came back, and Wu Dao was holding a bag of things in his hand, which was wrapped in newspaper and covered with pumpkin leaves, which were bloody.Wu Dao said as he walked: "Use this to cook in the house, eating people's hearts can strengthen your courage!" The prisoner confessed from Jing Wanfu: At the beginning of September 1936, when I was an inspector of the Tieling Police Station directly under the Central Government, in order to test my kendo skills, I personally hacked and killed 2 anti-Japanese personnel with Japanese knives on the grassland on the south side of Longwei Mountain in Tieling County, and 4 others Anti-Japanese underground workers were beheaded and killed by Katayama Caochang and Hirose Juncao.Hirose dissected the abdomen of one of them with a razor, explained the location of the viscera to the soldiers, and finally took out the gallbladder, which was taken away by Katayama. In August of the following year, I removed the skull of another victim, washed and boiled it, and gave it to Hatae, a teacher at the Jujian Dojo of Dalian Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd., as an ornament. Confession by Aixinjueluo Xianjun: The director of Tongliao Hospital, Noboru Yamamoto, and military doctors Takeshi Imamura, Yoneda and others cut off more than 200 human heads in order to study Chinese skeletons, and wrote papers such as "The Shape of Chinese Skulls" and "Chinese Mandibles" and sent them to Noboru Yamamoto and Ken Imamura received their Ph.D. degrees from medical universities in Japan. In 1936, when Yu Zhishan inspected the Tongliao Hospital, in Noboru Yamamoto's house, he saw a piece of human skin hanging on the wall and four or five human skulls on the table.In order to study the fingerprints and skin patterns of Chinese people, Yamamoto took inmates from Tongliao Prison from the summer of 1934 to the summer of 1937, and peeled fifteen or six skins.In addition to their own use, the human skin is also given to experts and professors in Japan as gifts.Noboru Yamamoto told me that schools in Japan welcome whole human skins, and I have sent more than a dozen of them to China. Japanese soldier Yoshida Lai (former resident of Shanxi Sangyo Co., Ltd. Shanxi Mining Plant Factory Guard Captain) once dictated: Shanxi Industry Association.Ningwu Wood Factory was established in Ningwu County.In order to plunder the forest resources in the Dashidong area, the Japanese militarists ordered the special contractor Dongtian Group to build a bunker in Chunjing Village.At that time, I was serving as the captain of the security of the wood factory, responsible for the security task of building this bunker. June 18, 1944.My team member, Tong Duzhong, the policeman, led the Chinese team to Xiaodonggou Village to plunder.After returning, he reported to me: "The militiamen of the Eighth Route Army are active in the woods, monitoring our actions." He arrested the villager Li and took him back to the team headquarters. A few days ago we were attacked by the Eighth Route Army, and the fighting lasted for three hours.I want to take an act of revenge.This was a good opportunity, and I gave an order to the team member Kita Nikko: "We were attacked a few days ago, and now we are going to conduct an actual assassination exercise, using Li as a living target to boost everyone's morale." So we headed to In the woods on the north side of the position. Since entering the wood factory, this quiet forest has long been turned into a murderous slaughterhouse.There is an open space among the cedar trees. As soon as he came here, Bei Tian said, "Do it here!" Without saying a word, he stared angrily. I gave the order to the squad leader. Two people will hold Li's arms, and they will be assassinated in groups by turns, with two people in each group.Groups of people took turns to assassinate, just like rice single people making archery targets. "Okay, lead the team back." I gave the order. "Hey! Beitian, go back!" He was beheading with an axe.I knew in my heart that I was taking brains again, but I deliberately asked, "What are you doing?" "To make medicine." His hands kept chopping off.Gradually, the white skull was revealed.At the opening, I saw the brain, pink and light. "Hey! Be careful, don't get lost." "Okay! Let's take out the liver too!" The corpse lying on its back had its chest cut open, and a hand was inserted through the incision to take out the yellow liver.Bei Tian is holding the brain and liver in both hands (it is really a murderous devil! A devil in human skin! ——Editor's note). On the night of June 20th, the contractor and Bei Tian came to the front line from Ningwu County with sorghum liquor. "Let's have a drink tonight! The Eighth Route Army will not come." Five people including me, Bei Tian, ​​and Kudo Chotaro got together and started drinking. At this time, Bei Tian took out a newspaper bag, opened it, and it looked like a clump of suet. "This is the spore meat I got a few days ago." "Haven't you eaten it?" "Taste it!" You speak, I speak. "Is this the taste of spore meat?" "A few days ago, I caught an Eighth Route Army soldier. This was made from the brains taken from him and dried. Come, everyone!" Bei Tian said. Kudo Chotaro was so anxious to vomit that another person had already run out the door. late at night.The demons are still grinning. Zhao Qiuhang's written statement (on May 4, 1945, Zhao was the commander of the third cavalry brigade of the puppet first military area during the crusade): In the winter of 1936, Lv Heng, the leader of the teaching team of the Puppet Manchukuo First Military Area, and Qiu Shan Shaozuo, the military instructor, were attacking Hongshilazi on Dongbian Road. The female corpse was from the Korean ethnic group. Qiushan cut off the female's breasts and genitals with a knife, and brought them back to the army.This is what Lu Heng told me. In the early winter of 1937, when I was ordered to move to Fusong County, I saw my old colleague Chen Yuzhai open a bookstore and whispered to me that Fusong was amazing. The rest were killed.Every night, a few detainees are killed, the heart is cut into slices, dipped in soy sauce, eaten and drunk, and the heart is marinated in Japanese miso, put in a box, and sent back to Japan. On August 31, 1941 (the ninth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar), at about 7:00 in the morning, the Japanese invaders entrenched in the Datuo stronghold (Bali away from East Xinghua) suddenly moved out and rushed to East Xinghua Village. , arrested Communist Party members Yang Bin, Liu Laoshuang, Han Fu, Yang Guohai, Zhang Wen, Yang Xin, Huo Chengnian, Yang Defu, Feng Jinsheng and others. In the early morning of September 1, Yang Bin, Liu Laoshuang and others, who were beaten to death by the devils and were still tied to wooden posts, analyzed the situation and believed that there were two ways in front of them, one was to escape.One is to wait to die.Just as they broke the rope to escape, they were discovered by the devil sentinel.The bloodthirsty Japanese invaders immediately assembled and stabbed all the 23 cadres to death on wooden stakes.Yang Guohai's chest was torn open, and his heart, liver, lungs, and intestines flowed all over the place.Others were also disemboweled, exposing their internal organs. In the afternoon of the same day, the inhuman invading army smashed the heads of the killed village chief Han Fu and village committee director Zhang Wen, took out the brains, boiled them in white corn porridge, and named them "human brain". Porridge". After the "human brain porridge" was cooked, it was poured into two wooden barrels, and immediately escorted by more than 30 devil soldiers, and the civilian husbands were asked to pick the porridge to Dongxinghua Village.After entering the village, the ghost soldiers gathered more than 200 people, men, women, old and young, into the square in the village. Pointing at the porridge bucket, the captain of the devil group yelled at the crowd: "Let's show you how powerful the imperial army is! This is human brain porridge, and you all have to drink it!" Their flesh and blood are intertwined with terrified, sad and angry hearts. Facing the porridge bucket filled with the brains of their relatives, some dare not look directly at each other, covering their faces and weeping; Some gritted their teeth and stared angrily; no one paid any attention to the howling of the Japanese devils, who could bear to devour the flesh and blood of their loved ones! Seeing that no one drank the porridge, the Japanese devils beat the crowd severely and forced them to drink. Although many people were beaten to the point of bleeding, no one took a step closer to the porridge bucket.No matter how intimidating the devils were, no one in the crowd drank porridge.After persisting until dusk, the Japanese devils beat up the masses again before rolling back to the stronghold.
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