Home Categories Chinese history The Devils Are Coming·A Chronicle of Japanese Army Atrocities

Chapter 2 1. blood feud

The precious blood of the Chinese nation has stained nearly half of China red!In the past 7 months of our life-and-death battle with the Japanese pirates, every time the enemy set foot on a piece of our territory, every time they occupied a city of ours, they raped, kidnapped, burned, and killed them.We no longer have to doubt that these crazy lackeys of the Japanese warlords still have the slightest bit of humanity!The enemy has no distinction between soldiers and civilians, and the enemy's massacres are carried out without any discrimination against the Chinese who are unable to escape from the war zone; In fact, they are constantly appearing. As long as you open the newspaper every day, what you see in front of your eyes is a pile of blood-stained records of our "women's humiliation in the war zone". Your meninges, so that you will never forget.

The Chinese nation has an excellent historical tradition of 5,000 years, and has experienced many catastrophes of foreign invasion, but has never suffered such a shame and humiliation as the violent sun gave us!Rape of a girl under the age of ten, or an old woman over 60 years old, is only recognized as the actions of a very small number of shameless officers and soldiers among the Japanese pirates, and trying to cover up the eyes and ears of civilized human beings all over the world is obliterating modern civilization All human labor is done. In the enemy-occupied area, there is no possibility of newsletters and writing, and there is almost no way to know about the atrocities of the Japanese pirates. Just the narration of foreign reporters is enough to make people feel angry!I want to keep remembering the bloodstains left during the Anti-Japanese War for our women amidst the constant invasion by the enemy!I hope that women comrades from all walks of life will record the bloody accounts they know one by one, so that people all over the world, especially our citizens who are determined to resist the war, can gain a deeper understanding of the ferocious Japanese pirates:

After the bombardment of Lugou Bridge and the occupation of Baoding, Hebei by the Japanese pirates, they searched for women to gang-rape around Baoding, because the richer and younger women in the area had already escaped beforehand, and the remaining resources were naturally not enough to satisfy the enemy's beastly deeds. , so the Japanese pirates had no choice but to use the old woman as a substitute to satisfy their animal desires. In a village ten miles away from Baoding, there was an old woman who was 50 years old. Five Japanese pirates ran to gang-rape her. The three sons and two grandsons begged on their knees, but it was not effective, and they were all killed one after another. The old woman saw her children and grandchildren died tragically, and she was insulted again. She was so painful that she touched her head to the wall and died.

In Anyang County, Henan Province, as soon as the enemy army entered the urban and rural areas, they raped and looted day and night. All the women in the city who were over 14 years old and under 40 years old were not spared. More than 300 people were collected and sent to relief homes and Grand Duke schools. The gates of these two places were guarded by the maintenance committee. At first, enemy soldiers came in and out, but later only enemy officers were allowed to come in and out at will for gang rape. All young and beautiful women were sent to Hebei for the enemy's brutality. After the enemy occupied the Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway, they searched and plundered women wantonly. 450 of them were numbered and sent to the army for the enemy to ravage. Among them, the young women were only thirteen or fourteen years old, and the elderly were in their forties.

Since the fall of Nanjing, the enemy's atrocities have become even more rampant and out of control!The secretary of the American embassy was beaten and humiliated in order to expose the enemy's rape of women in the refugee area, which shows that the enemy has no eyes.Among the enemy bandits, not only the soldiers acted recklessly, but even the superior officers also competed for adultery, and a large number of women were often kept captive in one room. From this, it can be seen that the entire discipline of the Japanese army has been completely swept away. Refugees who escaped from Nanjing passed through Liuhepu Town and saw young naked female corpses lying on the road. The total number reached more than a thousand. This is an astonishing number. The poor women who were trapped were all after being ravaged by the enemy. , and then slaughtered.

In the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek in Shanghai, the corpses of women pushed into the river after being insulted by the enemy can often be found. After our army withdrew from Shanghai, the hospital for wounded soldiers in Minhang town was turned into a refugee shelter, and more than 500 women from good families lived there. At first, they were protected by Japanese military police. In the town, a large number of Japanese soldiers suddenly came and raped more than 500 women in the shelter one by one. The Japanese military police saw this atrocity and did not stop it. A refugee passed through Changzhou from Suzhou and witnessed a Japanese soldier shooting and killing more than 80 ordinary people. After raping women, he stabbed a knife into their navels and killed them alive.

On January 13, after our guerrillas conquered Guangde, what we saw during the military march: the whole city was full of broken tiles, stench, and broken limbs. Among them, the most unbearable thing was the unburied victim girl. Compatriots, in the blood and blood, there is still a foot-long wooden stake inserted between the two thighs. On the door panel of the Sun Zhenghe, which became the enemy's headquarters, there is a naked woman who was nailed to death by the enemy. After being dug out, the neck and genitals were still stained with blood. The atrocities committed by the Japanese invaders in Xuancheng intensified. In addition to burning and killing all the people and houses in the city, they went to the four townships and captured more than 200 village women, who were detained in the Catholic Church and the court for the enemy to rape. Every day, several naked female corpses rush out of the city from Shuiguan.

Recently, the enemy bandits slaughtered and looted wantonly in Zhucheng. Even though she was an 11-year-old girl, she was not exempt from rape. Since the enemy occupied Bengbu and Huaiyuan, they burned, killed, raped and looted day after day. They were inhumane. They shot countless refugees to death with tanks and machine guns in Dahengshan. The enemy poisoned our country in every way. After the fall of Hengqin and Kinmen Islands, the enemy sent all the children on the islands to Japan for enslavement education, so as to prepare them for future war against China. They asked them to attack their parents. Brothers, sisters, to complete the policy of using China to control China, their intentions and methods are far more vicious than aircraft guns.

All these horrible facts, but as far as we know it is recorded, there are still countless tragedies unfolding under the enemy's iron hooves, which have not been exposed, it is really too numerous to describe. No matter which hostile countries in the world, the bloody history of massacres is only on the battlefield, and rarely affects the people and women of any country.Now that the violent sun is in China, it has caused an astonishing record of brutality. Any human being with a little justice and rationality in the world, who should act as sympathy and hatred, will definitely not allow this crazy beast to stay between the heavens and the earth!

Our once splendid rivers and mountains have now turned into bloody scorched earth. Hundreds of thousands of our compatriots have all died under the guns and knives of the enemy. We were born Chinese and were slaughtered by the Japanese imperialists in this way. Can we bear this hatred?Our flesh and blood are obtained from our parents, and the enemy's intentional aggression is to help their country, protect their flesh and blood, and prepare to enjoy happiness in the future!Don't we just watch our fathers, uncles, aunts and sisters let the Japanese imperialists rape and slaughter like this, and don't think about saving them?The Japanese people can help their warlords, use them to kill and set fire, and use the sharp tools that destroy humanity to plunder our land and destroy our culture. Can we still live in a dream and live in a dream, without eagerness for revenge?

Look!The enemy's beacon is getting closer and closer.Our Chinese nation has truly reached the final critical moment of life and death!Dear fellow countrymen!women!Can you still bear to stand by and watch?Can you still have the heart to escape to the far rear?Don't you see that the soldiers in front are still fighting desperately?Why is that?tell you!This is for the survival of the masses!We have 450 million compatriots in China. If everyone contributes their part to aid our country and help our soldiers in front, I dare say: the future victory of the War of Resistance must belong to us. !Especially we women, who account for a strong force of 200 million people in the whole population, how heavy the responsibilities we should bear during the war!How important it is to maintain the future of victory!Women are the foundation of a nation and the driving force behind all undertakings.For example, during the European War, women replaced male workers and directly contributed to the service of the war. The total number was more than tens of millions. Now that we have the strength of tens of millions of people, how should we use this huge number to seek the unity of the masses? Take up all the practical work during the War of Resistance!We must use the greatest determination and efforts to complete our work for the survival of the nation and for the continuation of our children and grandchildren! Dear sisters!Don't hesitate, don't hesitate, the enemy can give us women in the occupied area to experience great pain and humiliation, can you be sure that in the future, the enemy will not do the same to you?Thousands of sad and unbearable facts about the cruelty of our female compatriots by the enemy, we cannot "forget after hearing it", we must learn from the "sorrow", keep this hatred in our hearts, and shoulder the responsibility, We want to uphold justice, maintain the morality among human beings, and wipe out the demons in the world—Japanese pirates. Only by dedicating our "labor" and "wisdom" to our nation.We want to avenge and avenge the female compatriots under the iron heel of thousands of Japanese invaders, so we can only use our "blood", our "hot blood" to erase all the stains that the enemy invaders have placed on us!
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