Home Categories Chinese history The Long March of the Red Army

Chapter 70 Drumming Life (Mo Wenhua)

The Long March of the Red Army 丁玲 1802Words 2018-03-16
When the fishermen in southern China were fishing naked on the beach, and when the bourgeois in Guangzhou were wearing silk clothes and climbing boats in Lizhi Bay to enjoy the cool air, leather jackets were required near the drum.Because this is a plateau in the west of China, the air is thin, the cold wind is piercing to the skin, and there are gloomy clouds floating in the sky every day. ice cubes.Really can be described as: Hundreds of meters away, it is impossible to see through. People seem to be in the Guanghan Palace, or wandering on a desolate island in a dream. The red cadre group set off from Cangde and climbed up to the high mountain about four or five thousand meters above sea level.Because of the difficulty in feeding recently, my feet are soft, my hands are small, my face is pointed, and my eyes are hidden behind the eyelids.Climbing the mountain is too strenuous, and the ability to climb the mountain has dropped by half.Of course, they can muster the strength of the soldiers, because they are playing drums after crossing the mountain. I heard that the wheat has turned yellow there, and there is a lot of food, so they can eat enough, so they climbed hard.

The more you climb, the higher the mountain, the thinner the air, and the colder you feel.A few comrades, whose physical resistance was weak, became dizzy, dazed, their skin turned pale, and their lips darkened. They fell to the ground unconsciously.Some people went to help, but like a drunken man, he fell back and forth after being helped. It took a lot of energy to get to the top of the mountain, only to see that the mountain is covered with snow, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and there is nothing else! When going down the mountain, twists and turns, the warmer you go, the body becomes more comfortable, and the muscles become more flexible.The snow-covered mountains have been conquered by our indomitable revolutionary force.

When I arrived near Dagu, I saw the green wheat all over the mountain, blowing with the wind, like the waves in the river, I felt very beautiful.But we are not poets traveling in mountains and rivers, but a hungry people's army hoping for wheat yellow and getting food.When it came time to beat the drums, I asked the friendly troops who were stationed there. They said that food was very difficult!There is no wheat in the houses, and the ones on the mountain cannot be harvested, so they still count the wheat and cook. The soldiers were full of joy because they heard that there was a lot of food when they set off, but now it backfired, so they talked a lot.Some said that maybe the troops in front had eaten up all of them; some said that maybe they could only be found on the mountain;Political work is too difficult at this time.I had to patiently explain to them: "In such an extremely difficult environment, the so-called food is limited, not to mention that the troops have stationed a lot, and they take away a lot of food. There may be more yesterday, but there may not be today. We are for Under the direct leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the backbone of the national vanguard who fought for China's independence and liberation has overcome many difficulties. The task is serious and requires the highest spirit of hard work to overcome. Otherwise, the country will perish and tens of millions of compatriots They have all become slaves under the clogs of the Japanese invaders. After overcoming difficulties, victory is not far away.

"In the past, during the period of military communism, the Soviet Union suffered from internal and external aggression and food shortages. It also suffered great difficulties. Relying on the leadership of Lenin's party and the perseverance of the people and the Red Army, they were able to overcome it and become today! We also have a correct party now. Under the direct leadership of the central government, everyone can unite and endure hardships and stand hard work. Are we afraid that the final victory will not be ours? At the same time, it is time for us to create iron cadres in such a difficult environment, and we hope to fully understand this. The center of our problem now is how to Solving difficulties and overcoming difficulties is not the time to talk about what is long and what is short!"

Fortunately, all the staff are cadres, and the level of political consciousness is relatively high. Once they are explained, they are completely frozen.Everyone turned to talk about how to find food and how to win the minority residents back home.Because the residents have been deceived by the Kuomintang and forced to flee. Originally, we didn't bring a single grain of wheat, and we expected to have a full meal when we beat the drums, but who knew it would be so.But how to solve the problem?This is really the sharpest thing to mention, you look at me, I look at you, A says this, B says that, in fact, they are helpless.

"What's for dinner tonight? There's no more wheat!" After arriving at the camp, all the battalions and companies came to ask for instructions, because it was already fifteen o'clock. "Let's have a meal of pea sprouts and wild celery!" Chen Geng, Song Renqiong, Bi Shiti and I discussed it, and then we advocated it.So the order was issued, and each battalion and company sent people to the nearby vegetable gardens and mountains to pick them. Fatigued and hungry, having done the necessary work, I went to bed and slept.I thought to myself, pea sprouts are delicious, right?Isn't Liangguang called asparagus?The tavern sells it for 60 cents a piece (that is, a large plate). Although... thinking about it, I seem to be in a good mood, and I fell asleep.

"Get up and eat!" This pleasant voice urged me to wake up.I got up in a daze, yawned, and asked the special agent, "Where is the meal?" He pointed, "This is it." I turned my head to look.what!It turned out to be a bowl of old bean sprouts and old wild celery!It is clearly such a thing, but it is euphemistically called "rice"! Seeing everyone frowning while eating, I knew it was not good, so I picked up the bowl and slowly put it into my mouth with a chopstick.well!How to eat it!There is neither oil nor salt, and the clear soup lacks water, with a paralyzing fishy smell.I couldn't eat, so I fell on the bed and fell asleep.

At this time, all the comrades hated the KMT, the son of a bitch, traitor. He not only forbade us to go north to fight against Japan, but also oppressed us to such unfavorable areas, and even deceived and oppressed the local people to leave. The morning food. The next day, the supply problem was still unresolved, and they still ate old bean sprouts and old wild celery.At that time, although my mouth was not willing to eat, my stomach needed it very much; moreover, after a night of thinking, I thought that some troops had eaten grass, leather shoes, belts, and even a few stragglers would put other people's dung in the unfinished food. The digested wheat grains are washed and fried to eat.Now, what does it matter if I eat some old bean sprouts and old wild celery.So he improved his spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work, and reluctantly ate.After eating the "meal", I embarked on the journey happily.

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