Home Categories Internet fantasy New Legend of Fengyun·Shenwuji 2·Journey to the West

Chapter 5 Chapter Two Reverse Reincarnation

The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death. But I stand in front of you, but you don't know that I love you. The farthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you but you don't know I love you, but when you know you love each other but you can't be together. The furthest distance in the world is not knowing that we love each other but not being able to be together, but being clearly unable to resist this longing, but deliberately pretending not to take it to heart. The farthest distance in the world is not that you can't resist this longing, but you have to pretend not to take you in your heart at all, but use your indifferent heart to the person who loves you,

Dig a ditch that cannot be crossed... ——Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore His heart has always been like the ruins of an infatuation. But today, the ruins are gone. All because, he has already made that decision! The scorching sun was shining brightly, it was about eleven o'clock in the morning, and it was almost noon, and even yesterday's snow was gradually melting. And the snow and ice in Wukong's heart has completely melted! At this moment, he is walking on a busy street in a busy city. Even though the crowds around him are constantly coming and going, and even many passers-by who pass by him still cast discriminating eyes on his strange appearance, Wukong does not. Care no more.

Because from now on, all he cares about is Xuerou! yes!Ever since he started to have the hallucination of falling to his death last night, he has gradually understood that during the short years with Xuerou, her gentle smile, her delicate face, her grievances, and her sadness , her hope has completely occupied his heart, and he can never lose her! And she worked so hard to insist on the food prepared for him every day even though she was sleepy, he finally tasted it clearly today, even though he still had no sense of taste, he still finished the red bean paste soup in the refrigerator in one go!

Because from now on, he will never let any of Xue Rou's hard work go to waste! Starting today, he will let her get the happiness she has been looking forward to for a long time! It is for this reason that Wukong, who has always been active and working at night and seldom goes out during the day to let people see his strange face, now he does not care about the disgusting eyes of passers-by and walks in this busy shopping street. on the road. Because he made a decision today that he thought was the most correct decision in his life! He decided to propose to Xue Rou! So from the moment he left the house, he had already gone to the bank to withdraw all his deposits!That deposit was originally earned by him from participating in underground boxing competitions in the past few years. It was originally used for Xuerou's brain surgery, but now Wukong finally understands...

He always thought he was doing this for her good, but it was actually worse for her. What Xue Rou needs is not to find the past in her mind. All she needs is that he will still firmly hold her hand when the wind and rain are on the way! All she needs is a him who will never leave her! And now, in his hand, he is already holding a small heart-shaped box. What is contained in it is a wedding diamond ring that he just bought on this shopping avenue after spending all his savings. Good thing, those diamonds set in the platinum ring were pitifully small, but that was all he could buy. When he returns home today, he will give her the biggest surprise in his life, he will propose to her!

Especially last night, when he knew that in order to lighten his burden, Xue Rou had been disregarding herself for the past year and a half, hiding from him and working part-time all night, doing street sweeping and snow shoveling jobs that modern people are unwilling to do, he has decided, never He couldn't let her live in such a humble and wronged way, he wanted her to taste the warmth of the world she had been looking forward to for a long time! good!In the illusion he encountered last night, the voice claiming to be some kind of "Tathagata" warned him several times that Xuerou was not worthy of his love, but now Wukong would just laugh it off, hey!Fuck him!

Whoever he is, the Tathagata Buddha!No matter what fate arranged for him! The relationship between him and Xuerou is already... Love is like ironclad evidence, God is irresistible, Formidable opponents! Even if Xuerou might really die in his arms like the nightmares he had been having in the past few years, at least he would give her a taste of the happiness she had dreamed of for so long before she died! If I had known it would be difficult to last forever, why not cherish the time... Even if the Tathagata wants to stand in the way, even if the whole world is not optimistic, even if the road ahead is a dead end, he will no longer want any obstacles, let him and her formally and vigorously love once!

Thinking about this, Wukong felt a sweet feeling in his heart, and a sweet smile unexpectedly appeared on the corner of his mouth, but this sweet smile appeared on his face, but it was not the same as his usual arrogant face. Tam's strange face was completely out of place, and immediately made a three-year-old boy who was walking across the road in front of him cry "Wow!" The boy's mother, who had been holding his hand, immediately turned her head and glared at Wukong, cursing. Said: "Monster! With such a strange face, why don't you hide at home and come out to make a fool of yourself? Go back to your kennel!"

If it was normal, Wukong would definitely give this unreasonable woman a stern look, but today he is in a good mood and doesn't care about her anymore, he just forced an apologetic smile that he seldom shows usually, but The more he smiled, the weirder he looked, the less he looked like the usual Wukong, the weirder and uglier he was, the boy was so frightened that he burst into tears! The boy's mother became even more angry, and almost wanted to hit him, shouting loudly: "Monster! With such a strange appearance, why don't you hide at home and come out to make a fool of yourself? Go back to your kennel!" "

If it was normal, Wukong would definitely give this unreasonable woman a stern look, but today he is in a good mood and doesn't care about her anymore, he just forced an apologetic smile that he seldom shows usually, but The more he smiled, the weirder he looked, the less he looked like the usual Wukong, the weirder and uglier he was, the boy was so frightened that he burst into tears! The boy's mother became even more angry, and almost wanted to hit him, shouting loudly: "You monster, why don't you disappear for me? This is a shopping area for pedestrians, and you look like a beast. Is it worthy of my monster? Get the hell out of here..."

The boy's mother was too focused on making noise. In fact, he and Wukong should have crossed the road first. Because at the same time she was entangled with Wukong, Huo Di, a huge black shadow rushed towards them! Look at the truth, this huge black shadow... What's more, it is a huge container truck full of heavy cargo! Changed elbow and armpit!All the passers-by who were crossing the road did not expect that in this busy city, a huge container truck would suddenly lose control and go on a rampage, and immediately rushed to avoid it, like birds and beasts scattered! However, Wukong, the boy and his mother were standing in the middle of the road, which is also the direction where the container truck is colliding. If the three wanted to avoid it, it might be too late... No!In fact, with Wukong's usual skills, there should still be enough time to avoid this fatal collision, but the mother and son are absolutely impossible! Especially the woman had to drag the boy to dodge together, it was impossible! Seeing that he could have escaped, but the mother and son were about to turn into dead souls, and seeing the innocent face of the three-year-old boy, Wukong's heart skipped a beat! At this moment, he suddenly made another decision! A decision that he believed Xuerou would make in the same situation! He suddenly exhausted his brute force, and pushed the mother and child madly, pushing them tens of feet away. Only in this way, he could no longer avoid the direct collision of the container truck. ! Hearing the loud noise of "Long", the container truck had knocked Wukong down heavily, and immediately caught him under the wheels. He could even hear the terrifying sound of his head being crushed into meat by the huge container truck wheel. Then, he Consciousness begins to blur... Xuerou..., I'm sorry... Although I want to propose to you today, I want to spend my whole life with you from now on, but unfortunately... I can never give you the ring in my hand... But I know that you will be extremely sad after I die, but if you were in this situation today, I firmly believe that... You will too! farewell…… my favourite…… Wukong's consciousness finally completely returned to dead silence! There were countless screams and screams all around, for a man who sacrificed his life to save others was finally crushed to the ground! Even the boy's mother, who was scolding Wukong, hugged her son as if she was completely out of control at the moment, and fell to her knees on Wukong's bloody place, crying sorry and crying bitterly at the same time! And the driver of the container truck that got into an accident has also got out of the car, and panicked to call the police for help, even though Wukong has completely returned to his senses now! Unexpectedly, the result turned out to be like this! It turned out to be like this! But, it turns out... It turned out not to be like this! Just when everyone was shocked and inexplicable, everyone's ears suddenly heard a "cracking" sound, and the source of the sound was impressively said to be Wukong who was now crushed under the giant wheel! Then, the entire container truck suddenly tilted, and the reason for the tilt turned out to be Wukong who was crushed under the wheels... He even struggled to get up! What's even more shocking is that Wukong's head, which had been crushed into meat sauce long ago, was continuously growing some flesh and blood, as if it was growing another head again! And the rebirth of Wukong's forehead only took 3 seconds. The moment his head and face returned to the original state before the crash, a dazzling brilliance suddenly burst out from all over his body, and then... He who had completely lost consciousness opened his eyes suddenly, and a blinding golden light burst out again. The golden light was as strong as Monkey King's golden eyes. eye! And after the golden light of the golden eyes, Wukong's pupils seemed to have regained consciousness and soul suddenly. He looked at the passers-by around him, and the stunned faces of the mother and child, and asked in a daze: "You guys, are you in a daze?" What are you looking at?" "I seem to have been run over by a giant wheel of a container truck just now, am I not dead?" The mother and child were already trembling from the sight, and the boy's mother replied in a trembling voice: "No...wrong. As...you said yourself, you...should be dead, but...why did you come back to life again? Are...are you...human?" Seeing everyone's terrified expressions, Wukong's doubts became deeper and deeper, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered an even more strange thing! He looked around and saw that the bodies of all passers-by were emitting different lights, some were blue, some were white, some were gray, some were bright, what exactly were these lights? And when some of the passers-by were moving, he could even see the light on their bodies, concentrating on their footsteps, and he finally gradually understood that the light he saw was actually different energies in people's bodies, that's why some people's light was stronger than others. strong, someone weaker... Wukong never expected that his own eyes could suddenly see through the strength and distribution of energy in people's bodies. Isn't that the same as the legendary Monkey King, who can see the real body of monsters with a pair of golden eyes and fiery eyes? Why did he suddenly have this ability to see through? But this time he was run over to death by the huge container truck in full view, and he was able to come back to life. It is definitely not an illusion, because all passers-by can testify! And since his death this time is real, then it is very likely that he fell to his death from a hundred-story building last night. Why can he die and die, live and live? Could it be that he is really the Monkey King that the Tathagata said would go back to the Westward Journey of the Tang Dynasty with Ah Tie and Nie Feng? Wukong's palms were sweating coldly, because he suddenly remembered that Tathagata once said that Xuerou was never worthy of his love, and even predicted that in the near future, he and she might never see each other again... No!He must not be separated from Xue Rou!No matter what, he will always be with her! Even if he dies, he has decided to die with her! However, this is probably Wukong's wishful thinking, because the sad fate of the two has finally officially unfolded... It's officially launched at this moment! Suddenly, while Wukong was thinking, a burst of familiar laughter suddenly came from the top! It was a wicked smile! Wukong looked up and saw a figure on one of the large electronic billboards in this shopping avenue. This figure was the mysterious man who led Wukong to fall from the building last night! It turned out that he really wasn't Wukong's momentary hallucination, he really existed! But after seeing the mysterious man laugh evilly for a while, he finally said loudly: "Sun Wukong, I know where you are now, and I know that you can see us. This time, I did not hesitate to show our real bodies on all the electronic billboards, just to tell you one thing..." "The love of your life, Xuerou, is in danger now!" "The time is only two minutes, come and save her!" "Come and save the person you love the most!" "Ha ha ha ha……" Amidst the evil laughter, the image of the mysterious man suddenly disappeared from the electronic billboard, and then another scene of horrifying images flashed on the billboard! I saw Xuerou being chained to the front of a train of bullet trains, rushing forward at a high speed of more than 300 kilometers, and the train was full of passengers screaming in panic, obviously the train driver had already been arrested Get rid of it, the train is completely out of control! What's even more frightening is that when the camera turns, another bullet subway train, for some reason, also loses control at the same time and crashes into Xue Rou's train at the same speed. This change is really not trivial!Wukong never dreamed that Xuerou, who was at home, would be locked on the front of the train by that mysterious man, and as seen in the camera, the place where the two trains were about to collide would be a few kilometers away from the shopping avenue where Wukong is now. On the overhead rail ten streets away! sky!Even with the fastest super sports car in the world today, it is absolutely impossible to reach dozens of overhead rails in two minutes, not to mention the shopping avenue where Wukong is now, the traffic has been paralyzed by a container truck accident just now. No vehicle can move an inch, not even the fastest supercar! Could it be that Xuerou is going to die just like that? no no no! Wukong screamed in his heart!He must not let Xuerou be hit by two cars like this!He hasn't given her the wedding ring that has exhausted his years of savings, he hasn't had the chance to propose to her, he hasn't had the time to give her the humble happiness she dreams of, she must not just die like this! He must save her, must tell her his sincerity to her without reservation! Thinking of this, Wukong's whole body tensed up suddenly! Because no matter whether he can rescue Xuerou in time or not, he will try his best to catch up! He desperately exerted all his strength and ran towards the overhead rails dozens of streets away! "Snow——soft!" "I'm here to save you now!" "You must wait for me!" "You——must—must—wait—for me!" Amidst the wild shouts, Wukong's figure has rushed forward, and his legs are kicking forward! The passers-by who had been watching blankly saw him suddenly rushing forward like a maniac, and they all stepped aside one after another to make way for him to move forward! Guess what, everyone doesn't have to make way for Wukong at all! Because just when Wukong kicked his legs forward vigorously, he suddenly heard the sound of "Peng" breaking the wind, and a cloud of mist suddenly appeared under his feet. And the strength of his kick made him even more like a human-shaped cannonball flying against the wind and clouds at super high speed when he leaped, crashing straight into a 20-story old building that was about to be demolished a thousand feet away! This sudden change not only stunned all the passers-by, but also surprised Wukong himself. He never thought that his leg strength would suddenly become so amazing that he could bounce him hundreds of feet high and thousands of feet away. Is this the jumping ability that a person should have? Or is the cloud that suddenly formed under his feet just the somersaulting cloud of the legendary Monkey King? However, although Wukong was secretly surprised by the jumping power of this kick, what happened next was even more unimaginable! Hearing the deafening bang of "Boom", it was like a thunderbolt in a dry sky, and it was like an angry earth. Wukong's people were unprepared to push a thousand feet, and finally couldn't restrain themselves from crashing into the old building in time. He thought that he would either die or be injured, but who knew... He himself was not damaged at all, but the entire 20-storey old building was hit by him, and on the spot... The whole building collapsed! Not only that, the strong anti-shock force generated by the collapse of the entire old building even shattered the glass curtain walls of several nearby buildings, and it rained down. The regiment is like the end of the world! sky……!Is this the hidden power of Goku? This, is that group of mysterious men in black, who want to further push Wukong's potential? But in fact, the force of this collision that completely smashed the 20-storey building may be just the beginning... A prologue! The power hidden in the real peerless monkey king is by no means as simple as this low-level realm! And Wukong, although he was infinitely shocked by his amazing mutation after he died and came back to life today, and the power of his kick and bump just now, but Xuerou's life is hanging by a hair, and the situation in front of him is even more urgent, and he has no time to pay attention to it. Thinking about it, kicking his legs again, the whole person is like just now, he leaps a thousand feet away, and after a few ups and downs, he has completely disappeared in front of the eyes of the onlookers! And all the passers-by were still wondering after Wukong's figure disappeared, not knowing that the weird-looking boy they saw just now can come back from the dead, that he can jump thousands of feet away, that he can bump into it at will. Does it really exist that can destroy a building? Or is it just a collective hallucination? However, the huge container truck that ran across the middle of the road because of a loss of control just now, and the ruins of the building that was knocked down, are like iron evidence, telling everyone an undeniable fact. Sun Wukong may not be fabricated, but really exists! And this peerless monkey king who dared to fight against powerful powers to stick to his own right and wrong, rebelled the world, and turned the seven seas, his astonishment, his strength, and his invincibility, have followed his every death... Gradually reborn! In the sand flying all over the sky, there seems to be a faint sigh at this moment... It was a sigh that ordinary people could not hear, only people like Wukong could hear it... Tathagata's sigh! "Wukong, Wukong..." "After today's second death and rebirth, your true hidden power has finally been gradually forced out. You will become stronger and stronger, and you will even be the strongest on earth..." "But do you know that Ah Tie is about to reverse the cycle of reincarnation, and the time will soon come for you to travel west with him and Nie Feng? You shouldn't waste your time saving Xuerou..." "From the very beginning, she has been unworthy of your love, she is not worthy of anyone's love at all, she is not worthy of living in this world, even though her background is more worthy of sympathy than yours, but..." "She will only miss you, and she will also miss the whole world!" "Wukong, Wukong..." "Don't be willful, don't go against the sky..." "Go back to 1937 and retrieve the Dinghaishenzhen for the world, and embark on the journey of Journey to the West!" "Ugh……" Just when Wukong was rushing to rescue Xuerou, Xuerou, who was locked at the front of the train and moving at high speed, was also very anxious! She is not worried about herself like a dream, but for Wukong! Because there is definitely an extremely dangerous trap in front of her, she doesn't want Wukong to take risks for her, she just wants him to be safe! And while Xuerou's heart was burning with anxiety, there was a loud "boom" sound from dozens of streets away from the train, like a demon god who had been sleeping for a long time, had completely returned, blasting out to this uneven world. The first blow after his resurrection! And this loud bang not only made Xuerou feel uneasy, but also attracted the attention of the mysterious man standing on the top of the car. This mysterious man was the mysterious man who once lured Wukong to fall from the building! But listening to the mysterious man with an evil smile, he said to Xue Judo who was locked at his feet: "Hehe..., did you hear that?" "It seems that in order to save you, he has finally gradually stimulated his hidden strength. You and him are really a very touching love story!" "Unfortunately, moving love stories often end in tragedy, otherwise they would no longer be touching, and his greatest tragedy..." "It is about to die at the hands of the person I love the most!" What?What is this mysterious man talking about?He actually said Wukong would die at the hands of the person he loves the most?Does that mean that he will die under Xuerou's hands? Could it be that this is the reason why Tathagata told Wukong that Xuerou is absolutely not worthy of his love? The words of the mysterious man also surprised Xue Rou secretly, she tremblingly said: "You...why do you say that Wukong will die at the hands of the person he loves most? Don't you think you can kill him yourself? Why do you want to do everything possible to lure Wukong to save me?" The mysterious man smiled evilly again and said: "Hey, when did I say that our strength is enough to kill him?" "In fact, although our strength is strong, we are not qualified to kill him!" "And there is only one person in the world who has the ability to completely kill him and destroy him, and that person is..." "you!" "Just because you—Xuerou, are the deadliest of his 'Invincible No. 10'—" "gram!" "star!" Long! It's unbelievable! Xuerou never expected that the mysterious man would say that Wukong is the invincible number ten, and she is his natural nemesis? He is obviously talking nonsense!Maybe, he just wanted to play tricks and hurt the relationship between her and Wukong!She shook her head in disbelief and said, "No...possible! What you said...can never be true! If I were Wu Kong's nemesis, why would I cling to his hand so tightly when I died on the beach three years ago? I would rather die than be separated from him? I will never harm him at all, so how can I be his nemesis? You... are lying, you must be... lying!" Although Xue Rou tried her best to deny it, the mysterious man's gaze seemed to tell her that what he said was definitely an iron-clad fact!He suddenly leaned over and pointed at Xuerou's forehead, and said meaningfully: "Three years..., Xuerou, you forgot who you are, it has been three full years..." "Three years of ordinary life have completely overwhelmed your terrible past..." "Today, before Sun Wukong arrives, let me help you restore your memory, so that you can relive what happened between you and 'Invincible No. 10' Wukong three years ago, you will never remember The facts, and your true identity..." "Who is it in the end?" As the mysterious man said, he kept pressing his finger on Xuerou's forehead, suddenly a blue light flashed, and Xuerou felt as if he had been struck by lightning, in extreme pain! And while she was struggling in pain, some streaks gradually appeared on her forehead... Look at the truth, these stripes are actually a product barcode! A familiar product barcode hi-0000-10! No……!Impossible impossible impossible! On Xuerou's forehead, like those mysterious men's hands, there is a barcode that is exactly the same as Wukong's? What does this product barcode represent?Why do Wukong, Xuerou and those mysterious men all bear this mysterious barcode? But what is even more frightening is that it is not Xuerou who has a deep love for Wukong that can also have this barcode on her forehead at this moment, but Xuerou's expression at this moment! Just because under the stimulation of the mysterious man's blue light, her expression seemed to be able to gradually remember what happened in the past, and a trace of fear flashed more suddenly in her beautiful eyes, fearing for the possibility of her true self In her mouth, she muttered some inexplicable words, but she seemed to be crying in a low voice with infinite despair: "Number ten... one... It turns out that... I can be with... the invincible number ten ...the rival... Eleven?" "God...! Wukong, you...don't come here! You don't...don't...come to save me..." "The two of us... can never... be together! I... absolutely don't deserve... to be with you! This is our... predestined... sad fate..." "Wu...kong! You... don't come, you never come..." Howling with infinite despair and pain, it can be seen how contradictory and painful Xuerou's soul is! After all, what did she see in her past?Why so desperate?Why did she say that she is not worthy of being with Wukong like Tathagata?What amazing thing happened between her and Wukong three years ago? It's a pity that no matter how much Xuerou doesn't want Wukong to come, the current Wukong, with his growing strength, rushes to save her in a hurry! Just because he firmly believes that as long as the relationship between him and her is as solid as evidence, then... God is irresistible! Heaven, Earth, Difficulty, Enemy! However, maybe Wukong never dreamed that when he caught up with the train that locked Xuerou, his biggest and most dangerous enemy would not be heaven and earth. But the one he loves the most in his life! Number ten and number eleven are destined to be natural enemies! And Wukong is already destined to embark on a journey to the West that transcends time and space with Ah Tie and Nie Feng! As for Journey to the West, you must never make the same mistakes again and again! This is already Wukong and this world that is about to face an apocalyptic catastrophe... The last one chance chance!
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