Home Categories Chinese history 1978: The historical turning point that I personally experienced

Chapter 38 Wang Dongxing's written speech at the closing of the second session

At the closing meeting of the Central Working Conference on December 13, only Hua Guofeng, Ye Jianying, and Deng Xiaoping among the five Standing Committee members spoke.Wang Dongxing handed in a written speech, with the intention of admitting that he said wrong words and done wrong things during the "Cultural Revolution", and also said wrong words and done wrong things after smashing the "Gang of Four".I don't have the official material of Wang Dongxing's written speech, and I may have said that I would take it back, so I copied a part of it, and now I copy the excerpted text here.

Wang Dongxing wrote: "At this meeting, comrades put forward many good criticisms of my mistakes, which were of great help and love to me, and I sincerely accept them. I said wrong things during the 'Cultural Revolution', and I did Mistakes. After crushing the 'Gang of Four', they also said wrong words and did wrong things. "Comrades have raised a lot of criticisms on the work of the first, second, and third offices of the central project. I think these opinions are good. There are mistakes in the part of the work that I am in charge of. After smashing the 'Gang of Four', the The work of rehabilitating some unjust, false, and wrong cases has not been paid enough attention to, not done well, and those who should have been rehabilitated in a timely manner have not been rehabilitated in a timely manner. I am mainly responsible for this problem. Regarding the first, second, third, and According to the decision of the central government, all the materials for the "May 16" project will be handed over to the Central Organization Department.

"After smashing the 'Gang of Four', some problems occurred in my charge of propaganda work. On February 7, 1977, the two central newspapers and one magazine published an editorial titled "Learn the Documents and Grasp the Keynote". The editorial mentioned two things: ', I agreed with this formulation at the time. I read this article and reported it to the central government for approval. Later, I found that this formulation was inappropriate, and it was not conducive to the implementation of the party's policies based on facts. Regarding the 'practice Is the sole criterion for testing truth', the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee talked about this issue when they talked to the comrades in charge of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the Youth League Central Committee on November 25, and I completely agree with it. Regarding the article on the criterion of truth, I found that After different opinions and opinions, I did not organize and lead this discussion in time, so that through discussion, I can unify my thinking and understanding. On this issue, I have the leadership responsibility.

"With regard to the Zhongnanhai underground project and surface construction, there are many opinions from the masses. At this meeting, comrades also made criticisms. I think these criticisms are good. Although these projects are reported to the central government for approval, I am organizing and arranging the construction. In the middle, I didn’t think carefully, I did too much, I made it big, I spent a lot of money, and the political influence was not good. I have to take the main responsibility for this issue, and I have reported to the central government for approval. I will stop all the projects in Zhongnanhai as soon as possible, and adjust the construction force. out, and invested in civil housing construction projects in Beijing.

“In some of the departments I lead and other aspects of work that I am responsible for, there are also such and other shortcomings or mistakes. I am responsible for those that belong to me, and I also have leadership responsibilities for mistakes that belong to departments or individuals. "Criticism from comrades is my help and love. I firmly believe that the position I assume is not commensurate with my ability and is not worthy of the name. For this reason, I earnestly request the central government to remove my concurrent position. All duties shall be carefully handed over to relevant comrades after the Central Committee decides.

"In the future, I will seriously read some books, read the works of Marxism-Leninism and Chairman Mao, improve my ideological and political level, and learn from experience and lessons. In particular, I must pay attention to modesty and prudence, and maintain the unity of the party. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, in order to realize the four modernizations of socialism contribute my effort."
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