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Chapter 46 Chapter 46: The Good Show Begins

Sand Sea 3 南派三叔 1960Words 2018-03-03
Speaking of Bailian, he took out hand cream from the car's hand button and applied it on himself. Li Cu was a little strange. He didn't know whether Bailian was just talking casually or taking things seriously. Yes, why let this girl go down, isn't this murder! "Do you guys know?" Li Cuo asked him. The white face bit his lower lip: "Even if you know it, you don't know it. This girl has a lot of background. Logically speaking, she won't be so useless, but I think this girl is well protected. Even if she has some skills , I underestimated the situation inside, going down would be a dead end.”

Li Cu frowned, not knowing what it meant. The white face said that the superior felt that even if this girl had no experience, she was better than those guys from yesterday.There are too few people who can use it during this time, so I can't care about so many.But he could tell by looking at the girl's hand that this time it would not go well. "It should be to protect my companions. I reluctantly agreed. Judging by the girl's expression, she should be quite strong, but the strength on the ground is worthless under the ground. People who have never been down can't understand."

"Are your superiors so careless?" Li Cuo asked, "This is too disrespectful to human life, and too disregarding your affairs." Bailian scraped the nails of his other fingers with his thumbnail, carefully looked at the shape of his fingers, and sighed: "The higher-ups never make mistakes. If they do this, it must be because of the current situation. Inside, the best solution, you seem to think that this matter is very sloppy, what I see is that the top is probably being messed up by one person now." "Who?" Li Cu gave Li Cu a pale look: "Can you control it?"

At this time, Li Cu discovered that the nails on several fingers of this white face were very long and strangely trimmed.Seeing Li Cu looking at him, he immediately hid his hands, raised his eyebrows and glared at him. You are the one who uses the orchid finger to masturbate the plane!Li Cu thought to himself, it is still the kind that rings both front and back. After a moment of silence, Bailian continued to speak a few words.They clashed with those tomb robbers yesterday, which made things unnatural, and the superiors will not let them continue to mess around.In this industry, the news spread very quickly. If you find the local Jiuliu tomb robbers again and again, this group of people should become famous and make a name for themselves.

Once there is a reputation, it is tantamount to leaving traces in history. Bailian made a beheading action and told Li Cu that this was also tantamount to death for them. Li Cu didn't know what Wu Xie did besides him, but looking at the information provided by Bailian, Wu Xie did a lot of things, not only cutting himself in, but also doing practical things to make this Something unexpected for the family. The two stopped talking and looked at the weeds in the distant mountain depression. After a while, the farmer and the coolie came over and lifted the urn coffin from the back seat of the car.Li Cu thought that this is about to start eating?But I saw them moving the urn coffin towards the col.

"A good show is coming." Bailian said to Li Cu, "Would you like to take a closer look?" Li Cuo nodded, Bailian walked straight into the mountain depression, ignored Li Cuo, and said to him: "I don't want to show you, I'm so mad at you." Then he walked into the grass and disappeared. Li Cu looked left and right, he was still in the car, he couldn't get off without help, there was no one around him, he wondered what was going on! More outrageous things are waiting for him. He waited in the car for 4 hours, but no one came back, no one paid attention to him, and no sound came from the mountain.

The sun is getting bigger and bigger, the car is getting hotter and hotter, and Li Cuo is getting more and more irritable.He yelled a few times, felt pain in his stomach, and said that he was going to pull it out, but no one paid any attention. The demon in Li Cu's heart began to emerge, even though he had extreme introspection on his previous reckless behavior, at this moment he became gloomy and cold again.Thinking about what Bailian said to him last, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became: "Damn it, I'm going to get sunburned to death, and that's not how I joke."

Li Cu grabbed the seat and climbed up to the driver's seat bit by bit. This is a van with a fairly high chassis, but it is a manual transmission. I don't want to save fuel and speed up. He pulled the seat to the back, leaned down, and used his Clutch stuck with leg in cast, started the car, sat down.It was stuck in first gear, and when he stepped on the accelerator, the van rushed out of the concrete road and down the grass in the depression, all the way the chassis was sparking and rushed towards the place where they disappeared before. This road was driving, as if the plane encountered turbulence, and it could overturn after a few times of deflection. The van swept away the weeds like a lawn mower, and the stones hit the chassis like a machine gun shot. I drew several crop circles in the pile before I found the place where they piled up their equipment.

No one was near the equipment, he only saw a newly dug robbery hole on the ground.Li Cu yelled at the robbery cave a few times, but nothing happened. Li Cu really wanted to make it easier. He didn't go to the toilet in the morning, and he suffered from heatstroke after being exposed to the sun, and his stomach hurt very badly. But he couldn't do it without help. At least he had to build a simple toilet with stones. The cramps in his stomach made him go crazy. He was thrown aside without any explanation before. After waiting for 4 hours, he disappeared without any explanation. Is it really in this cave?why do you ignore me?

Li Cu didn't really understand the danger of tomb robbery. He was controlled by anger at this moment. He felt that these people didn't take himself seriously. It was the same before. Many times he wanted to participate in their chats, but he No one answered the speech. This is a kind of contempt! Li Cu was about to pull it on his pants. For a person of his age, isn't it a bit too much to treat a patient like this? Is my personality so humble?Didn't you say that you all rely on me?Is that how you rely on me? At the moment of despair, Li Cu did something that he didn't expect. He stepped on the gas pedal and pressed the front wheel of the car onto the burglary, which was tightly blocked.

"Kowtow to grandpa, that's why grandpa let you come up. You son of a bitch!" Li Cu poohed, he opened the car door, and climbed down headfirst.He began to crawl to find the stone, and it took only 5 minutes at most. He knew very well that if he couldn't get it done in 5 minutes, he would have to pull it on his pants.
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