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Chapter 29 Chapter 29 Female Classmate

Sand Sea 3 南派三叔 2141Words 2018-03-03
Today's class is over, because Li Cu can no longer concentrate, the middle-aged man assigned homework to let Li Cu analyze the details of King Zhou Mu's entire plan by himself, and find a way to reverse the skeleton of the plan. It is said that if he can reverse It will be of great help to the later courses on fate and layout. Tomorrow's class is about the history of these men in black themselves. The middle-aged man left a puzzle. He told Li Cu that they were not the ones who opened the box, but they witnessed everything after that. After he left, Li Cu climbed onto the wheelchair with great difficulty, turned the wheels and came outside the ward. Outside was the playground. No one was playing football on the playground. Only the girl he saw just now was playing badminton with another boy. .

They were on the opposite side of the playground, he couldn't see clearly, Li Cu couldn't help but touched his face, the scars on his face were still there, he must be terrified like a ghost now, it's not good-looking in the first place. He was under the eaves, looking at the two people in the distance, the grass, the sun, the breeze, and the fresh air.He was indulging in his strange emotions just now, feeling very depressed. He believed in the words of the middle-aged man, although everything was a bit too miraculous, but he believed, he believed that fate would arrange some people to enter some incredible fate.

When he came back to his senses, the girl had already come in front of him. She was obviously exercising intensely, and her forehead was covered with sweat. The boy who was fighting with him walked towards the other side, which looked like a teaching building, with his equipment on his back. . "Are you feeling better?" the girl asked him. "Did they let you out in the sun?" "They said that the sun is good for me." Li Cu said, but no one actually said that, but someone put a wheelchair beside his bed so that he could go to the bathroom by himself. Being served with a urinal is not a very pleasant experience.

"You lay for a long time," said the girl. "I thought you were dead at first." Li Cu looked around, he didn't know the date, which made him a little anxious, so he asked the girl: "They allow you to talk to me, or, did you see me or something like that?" "What do you mean?" the girl asked. "Are you reminding me that I'm breaking the rules? Then, if I get punished for it, it's none of your business." These words were a bit hostile, looking at the girl's expression, it was a bit provocative, Li Cu felt that the girl seemed to be very interested in him.

"Well, tell me what time it is and what date?" "Are you asking about the time in the Gregorian calendar, or the timekeeping method here?" the girl asked him. Li Cu was stunned for a moment, thinking what is the timing method here?This is not the Gregorian calendar, does it use the lunar calendar? "You haven't learned this lesson yet. There are not many outsiders here, and most people don't need to understand this. We have our own way of calculating time, but it's not magical, it's just that the calendar is different. Our calendar is inverted. " said the girl. "Actually, we don't often use it because it's not practical, but we need to understand this here, which can calculate how much time is left in the end."

"What time?" Li Cu became more and more confused, the girl walked behind him and began to push his wheelchair to the playground, "I'm not a teacher, I can't teach you these things, anyway, you'll probably learn them tomorrow .I'll take you for a walk, the scenery over there is better." The wheelchair got on the runway of the playground, and the sun shone on Li Cu in all directions. He felt warm. The girl said another date, which is today's day. A long time has passed. He remembers the days when he entered the desert, and the time he spent underground is a little vague. It has been nearly half a month now, and he doesn't know what happened to the others.

He was vaguely sorry for what Yang Hao said, and his reason told himself that he could do nothing, but he felt that he didn't handle it right. Anyway, at least I didn't cherish my good relationship with Yang.This is a kind of bad effect. After calming down and thinking about it, he felt very uncomfortable. He tried to shake these thoughts away. He wanted to ask the girl some questions about the lesson he just heard, but he didn't know if he should ask. But the middle-aged man didn't tell him that he should keep it a secret. He thought for a while, but before he could speak, the girl asked him, "Your name is Li Cu, right?"

Li Cu nodded, and the girl asked him, "Is there any special meaning?" "It's a musical instrument. My father learned a musical instrument of the Li nationality when he went to the countryside. Because the surname was Li, he thought it was a coincidence when he gave birth to me, so he used this word as his name. That thing is quite unpopular. You may have no idea." "I know, the other name of that thing is Bass Gulu, so your nickname is Gulu, right?" "It's called Yali." Li Cu said with a smile, suddenly thinking of his father. He was surprised, the first surprised that he only started to think of him now, and the second surprised that he finally started to think of him.

"Are you a student here?" Li Cuo asked, a boy of his age has no resistance to beautiful girls.But he is a little conflicted now. On the one hand, the class just now made him feel very confused. On the other hand, he likes the feeling of being suddenly pushed by a strange girl on the playground in a wheelchair. "Students? This is not a school." The girl said, "This is just a sports field. A place with a sports field is not necessarily a school. The real skills are not learned in school." "Then where is this place?" Li Cuo asked the question again.

"This is 'home'." The girl replied. "I live here, and then, every time I run, I run in front of your ward, and every time the curtains here are drawn, the curtains here are rarely drawn. If they are drawn, I think there must be someone inside gone." "Oh." Li Cu nodded, and they arrived at the other side of the playground. At an angle that Li Cu could not see before, there was a large lake behind a small forest. Li Cu saw the former leader of the man in black standing by the lake. The girl seemed not to be afraid of him, so she pushed Li Cu to a place not far from him, and continued to ask, "Yali, what are you doing here? I think They seem to take you seriously."

When Li Cu saw the man in black looking back at them, he became a little nervous. The man had already changed out of his black clothes, was wearing a casual T-shirt, and was fishing by the lake.But he didn't pay too much attention, it seemed that Li Cu and this girl didn't have so many taboos. Li Cu told the girl by the lake that he didn't know why he came here, but he talked about some things that he didn't think were important, and he talked about some things before he came here in a very vague way, the girl seemed a little unconvinced , she pushed Li Cuo to the edge of the lake, sat down on the berm next to him, and lowered her feet, "You are guarding me, I know you came here because of your nose. You really can Feel those things?" Just as Li Cu was about to speak, the girl suddenly touched Li Cu's broken leg, and then stuffed a roll of things into his sock.
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