Home Categories Biographical memories Zhou Enlai who stepped down from the altar

Chapter 10 2

Seeing the prime minister's exhausted appearance, we secretaries are heartbroken.But sometimes I feel embarrassed when I weigh the documents in my hand, and I am waiting for an answer over there!Even if it can be postponed for a day, there are still things to do tomorrow, and it may be even busier than today... The most serious manifestation of the prime minister's fatigue is a sudden bleeding from his nose.The light red blood sometimes dripped on the document, and it couldn't be wiped off with a cotton ball, and it couldn't be blocked.At this time, we would involuntarily snatch the pen from his hand, cooperate with the guards to pull him to sit on the sofa, lean on the sofa, and cover his forehead and bridge of nose with a towel soaked in cold water.I have seen the Prime Minister suffer from overwork and nosebleed many times.For China to seek 156 aid construction projects from the Soviet Union, for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, for the completion of the first five-year plan, for getting rid of the three-year difficulties and restoring the development of the national economy, for the successful explosion of the first atomic bomb, especially in the "cultural During the "Great Revolution", in order to reduce losses, protect cadres, maintain the continuous operation of all aspects of the party and the country's work, and endure the crisis, a lot of blood was shed.How many hearts were broken by that scene, and tears were choked up!

Every time the prime minister got a nosebleed from exhaustion, we could only silently help him apply a cold towel to his forehead and find cotton balls to stop the bleeding, but we couldn't force him to rest.There are lessons.I will never forget the nosebleed that happened during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. That was the most brutal stage of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. American planes bombarded us indiscriminately, which caused great difficulties for our transportation. In addition, poisonous gas was released and bacteria were removed.The Prime Minister worked continuously, did not sleep a wink for three days and three nights, and had two consecutive nosebleeds that night.The second time I had a nosebleed; I leaned on the sofa, applied a cold towel, and blocked the cotton ball, but the blood still couldn't stop, and the cotton ball continued to flow down.We were in pain and anxious, and tried to persuade him to rest, but we couldn't persuade him.He insisted on waiting for an urgent telegram from the front.

I saw that the prime minister's face was pale, and when he breathed, not only blood flowed out quietly; but also countless tiny blood particles splashed in various parts under the nostrils in a star shape along with the exhalation.I couldn't bear the pain in my heart, so I went to persuade again: "Prime Minister, you must rest!" "No, this telegram is very important, I must wait." "I have to be responsible for you." I greeted the guards, "Come, help the Prime Minister go back to rest." I held the Prime Minister's shoulders and tried to force him to sleep for a while, but the Prime Minister suddenly became angry: "Nonsense Taiwan! Why didn't you think of being responsible for our volunteer soldiers?"

I took a step back in fright, and saw the Prime Minister's net full of red threads, his eyes fixed on me angrily, and his nosebleeds became more severe because of his anger. "Prime Minister!" I yelled, and I cried, "You, don't be angry..." The Prime Minister subconsciously wiped the nosebleed from his lips, frowned, and slowed down his voice; "I may be a little harsher. But have you thought about it? We have 40,000 volunteer soldiers who died on the front line of North Korea. I have this nosebleed." What's the point? I'm going to rest now, and I missed the telegram, can I be worthy of the volunteer soldiers?"

"Prime Minister, I was wrong, I didn't think carefully." I said with tears, and stepped forward to change a cotton ball for the Prime Minister to stop the bleeding. "Don't be angry, or the blood will flow even worse. Don't talk..." The Prime Minister insisted on staying in the office until he received a call from the front, dictated the content of the reply call, signed the reply call, and then took medicine to rest.After that, whenever the Prime Minister got tired and had a nosebleed again, we never dared to force him to rest, so we could only hold back our distress and persuade the camera.According to the situation, the Prime Minister sometimes refused to listen to advice, and got up to continue working after the nosebleed stopped; sometimes the situation was not so urgent and there was no important thing to do, so he listened to everyone's advice, took a few documents and walked into his bedroom .

No matter how exhausted the Prime Minister is, he has to work for a while after going to bed, otherwise he cannot fall asleep.Just like some people have difficulty falling asleep without reading a book for a while after going to bed, it has become a habit.Therefore, this bedroom can be regarded as the first office of the prime minister. There are also three "treasures" on the bedside of the Prime Minister: red and blue pencils, reading glasses and cooling oil.If the prime minister takes the initiative to stop working and sleeping, he will have something on his mind, and it will be difficult to fall asleep, and he will not be able to sleep soundly.He often looked and looked, his eyes were too sleepy to open, so he applied cool oil and continued to look until he "lost consciousness", that is, he fell asleep naturally inadvertently.

The guards on duty always pay attention to the movement in the bedroom. Once the prime minister falls asleep, he will go in quietly, turn off the lights, come out quietly, close the door, and whisper to the secretaries on duty: "Go back, the prime minister is asleep. .” Of course, sometimes the Prime Minister turns off the lights and goes to bed by himself. This is a voluntary and intentional sleep. Generally, there is nothing to let go of, or the headache is too great to read.We have all seen the pain of the prime minister using his brain too much. He frowned slightly and did not dare to open his eyes. At this time, he had to take sleeping pills, and the nurses helped to massage his head to promote blood circulation.

The Prime Minister took the initiative to turn off the lights and go to bed, and it often happened that he could not sleep well.As soon as he turns off the lights, the duty secretary can go. But after a while, the light in the Prime Minister's "Fourth Office" came on again, and he remembered something again, and asked the guards to find the secretary again, or to ask, or to explain something, or to give instructions on a certain job . This happens quite often.Seeing the secretary running around, the prime minister felt uneasy, so he said, "Oh, I'm really bothering you.

I'd better call the security department in your dormitory. " As a result, a red machine was placed beside the bed of the secretary on duty.The prime minister also installed a red phone next to his bed. This red phone didn't dial or ring. When he picked up the phone, he could ask the switchboard to find someone. He could make calls, but he couldn't get in because there was no ring.Afraid of ringing the bell to disturb the elder sister Deng who lives next door. With the telephone, we can save a lot of legwork.Some things can be said on the phone, answering the prime minister's inquiry or accepting a certain instruction, without having to go from the dormitory to the prime minister's "fourth office".

We sometimes joke that the West Flower Hall is the world of electric bells.The prime minister's four offices are equipped with bells, from the toilet to the dining room to the office to the bedroom, ring the bell at any time to summon the secretary. Office conditions are gradually improved.For example, the Prime Minister's "Fourth Office" had poor conditions at the beginning. The Prime Minister went to bed with the documents in his arms, and as soon as he put them by his side, he leaned his back against the head of the bed.When he reviewed the documents, he bowed his legs, put the documents on his lap, and gave instructions while reading.This is very tiring, and the document is placed on the lap, so it is not easy to write well, and it is also strenuous.

Seeing this situation, the guard found a cardboard for the prime minister to put on his lap. It is more convenient to write like this, but it is still very tiring.When Sister Deng saw it, she couldn't bear it, so she used her brain, invited the carpenter, and explained the plan in person.The carpenter made a small table according to the elder sister's idea, with an inclined surface, which can just be stuck on the bed. In this way, the prime minister's office can reduce some fatigue. This small table usually only holds three things: red and blue pencils, reading glasses and cool oil. In the 1960s, the Prime Minister suffered from a heart attack due to overwork, and a bottle of nitroglycerin, a medicine for preventing sudden heart attacks, was added to the small table for emergency treatment.Now, this small tilted table is on display in the Museum of the Chinese Revolution. The prime minister's work in the "fourth office" is often in a state of strong support and hard support.There are a few scenes that left a deep impression on me. One time it was during a difficult period. Since the central leaders insisted on not eating meat, eggs, and grains that did not exceed the quota, how could the Prime Minister bear such a heavy workload?His physical fitness has declined significantly, he is so thin that his eye sockets are sunken, and he is sick. That day, the Prime Minister transferred from the "third office" to the "fourth office" after working continuously for 17 hours, leaning against the head of the bed, without any intention of resting.Everyone persuaded him several times but it didn't work. Seeing the health nurse Zheng Shuyun delivering medicine to the Prime Minister, I asked Xiao Zheng to help persuade him. Zheng Shuyun joined the army at the age of 15 and entered Zhongnanhai at the age of 18. She has served the Prime Minister for a long time and is very emotional.In his later years, the Prime Minister said affectionately to Zheng Shuyun: "I saw you from your yellow-haired girl to your white-haired girl... time is not forgiving!" There is a way for Zheng Shuyun to persuade the Prime Minister. During the Warsaw talks between China and the United States in the 1950s, the Prime Minister once worked 22 hours in a row, still sitting in the "third office" and refused to transfer to the "fourth office", let alone taking a break.Sister Deng has already rang the bell four times, just to ask the Prime Minister if he has a rest?Have you been active?If we can't persuade the Prime Minister, Xiao Zheng will persuade him. Zheng Shuyun advised the Prime Minister to use another trick, which is called "playing around" in the common people's joking words.After a few words of persuasion to the prime minister, the prime minister responded, and Zheng Shuyun simply stood at the desk and did not leave.The prime minister didn't move, and she didn't move either. She believed that the prime minister couldn't watch her like this and "stand for punishment" forever. Sure enough, after a long time, the Prime Minister raised his head from the pile of documents: "Ah, you haven't left yet? Zheng Shuyun stood still and said, "If you don't sleep, you have to move. If you don't move, I won't be able to complete the task. If the Prime Minister doesn't sleep if the task is not completed, I won't be able to leave if I can't complete the task." "Ah, good, good, I move, I move." The Prime Minister stood up three times before standing up, his hands were shaking, and Zheng Shuyun's eyes were full of tears, it was all exhausting!Under her "supervision", the Prime Minister walked around the desk a few times, drank some strong tea, and then sat down again... This time, Zheng Shuyun "persuaded" the Prime Minister to rest earlier.When she entered the "No. 4 Office", she saw the Prime Minister laying a pillow on the head of the bed, leaning on it, wearing his pair of reading glasses, and was doing accounts; the bed was full of manuscript paper full of calculations and numbers.Xiao Zheng, like us, was moved by the Prime Minister's "do everything by himself", and had some opinions. This view was once expressed by Sister Deng, who told the Prime Minister in person: "If there are things that others can do, ask others to help you. Don't worry about doing everything yourself." Therefore, Zheng Shuyun blurted out in the tone of the elder sister: "Prime Minister, for these specific: technical work, why don't you let other comrades do it for you?" I have said similar things to other secretaries. As mentioned in the previous article, the Prime Minister lost his temper.This time, Xiao Zheng was no exception.The Prime Minister glanced at Zheng Shuyun from the top of the frame of the reading glasses, ignored him, and continued to settle his own score. This is how the Prime Minister sometimes expresses his dissatisfaction. Zheng Shuyun understands that with this kind of behavior like a child's anger, she must not take medicine.She still uses the old method, standing in front of the bed and waiting!The time for "standing as punishment" this time was really not short. The Prime Minister didn't put down the pen until he had finished calculating a set of numbers, took off his reading glasses, rubbed his tired eyes, and slowly turned his head to look at Zheng Shuyun, with a serious face: "What do you mean?" This is a specific technical job, do you think so? It is related to the feeding of hundreds of millions of people, and it is just a specific technical job? Food is the most important thing for the people. How can I know the truth if I don't do the math myself?When a country encounters difficulties, it’s not because there is too much food to eat. If I’m more accurate, it can reduce the number of people from starvation. Isn’t this the minimum that a country’s prime minister should do? " The Prime Minister paused, grabbed the piles of calculation papers and related documents and materials, weighed them in his hands, and said heavily: "Look, look at these, from cities to villages, men, women, and children. It also includes semi-labor labor, and there are differences in different regions. How can I know the bottom line if I don’t calculate it myself? How can I find the problem and correct the mistakes here? Human lives are at stake, and as the prime minister, the people of the whole country must go through this extraordinary period. Difficulty, is this a trivial matter? Is it just technical work?" When the Prime Minister spoke up to this point, his eyes were blurred with tears, as if he had seen a blind stream of hunger flowing across the country, looking for everything to eat, so as to maintain the life that firmly believes that there is a better tomorrow. "We didn't do a good job in the previous period, and the people suffered. Now we can't make any mistakes. Everything our Communist Party does is for the people. Sometimes it is inevitable to do wrong things with good intentions, but the heart of serving the people must never It’s missing the slightest bit. If you understand this, you can understand my work.” "Prime Minister..." Zheng Shuyun called out, unable to say another sentence, tears rolled down her eyes.This is the prime minister of the people!She cried and nodded vigorously. "Okay, you go." The Prime Minister drank the medicine, put on his glasses and picked up a pen: "I can't rest yet." That night, the Prime Minister did not sleep again.After dawn, with the sound of clearing his throat and the ringing of the electric bell, the Prime Minister entered the "First Office" from the "Fourth Office", issued instructions to the gathered secretaries, and reviewed the urgent telegrams submitted by the secretaries... New day, new day And so the work started again. There is another incident in the prime minister's "fourth office" that left a deep impression on me.That was in 1966, when Mr. Li Zongren came back from abroad. That day, the Prime Minister had worked continuously for more than 60 hours, his eyes were bloodshot so badly that he could no longer see anything because of the pain, and had to be transferred from the "Third Office" to the "Fourth Office".But he still couldn't sleep.There were too many things to do, so he insisted on "doing everything by himself", lying on the head of the bed, closing his eyes, still unable to relax, and asked our secretary to talk about work. When the doctor came to treat him, he couldn't let go of his work; even when the nurse gave him an injection, he refused to let go, and told Comrade Zhang Zuowen: "Secretary Zhang, read Mr. Li Zongren's speech for me carefully. , don’t make any typos.” "Prime Minister, finish the injection first..." "Read it, it doesn't affect the injection." The Prime Minister ordered in a tired and deep voice.In order not to worry the prime minister, secretary Zhang Zuowen had no choice but to read it immediately. This is a speech written by Mr. Li at the banquet held to welcome him. Zhang Zuowen read it carefully and slowly, trying to catch every word.I listened to Secretary Zhang spitting out word by word, and watched the injection in the nurse's hands into the prime minister's weak body bit by bit. I couldn't help the tears dripping down my cheeks and dripping down on the front of my shirt... the prime minister's words Life is gradually exhausted in such labor. Compared with the four offices of the prime minister, his "fifth office" is vast and magnificent.The sky and the earth, mountains and seas; rural areas, factories, mines, institutions, schools, streets, shopping malls, everywhere is his office. Having said that, it is not difficult for ordinary people to understand the meaning.The prime minister does not allow a minute or a second to be wasted in his life, and requires our secretary to be brave and good at "seeing stitches".No matter when and where, if you seize the prime minister's free time, even if it is only a matter of seconds, a "needle" must be inserted. This "needle" is the report slip. The so-called report slip is a piece of paper on which we write down the things or issues we want to report, and we can hand it over to the Prime Minister for reading whenever we have time.The prime minister reads it and makes instructions. If the problem reflected is important, it will be forwarded to the chairman for review.The weight of this report is indeed heavy enough. Therefore, the report note requires us to use dark ink instead of light color; the words should be larger, not sloppy, and not too small, lest the chairman look at it with difficulty.The content should be concise and to the point, with bones and flesh.The so-called bones are the facts; the so-called flesh are the opinions and opinions formed in our investigation and understanding. The report slip is not easy to write; there should be no less than one sentence of useful words, and no more than one sentence of useless words, and try to put yourself in the perspective of the prime minister to consider which content is useful and which is useless.Although Yang Chun is a lesbian, she has long served as the secretary of the prefectural committee and has a strong ability to work.Such a comrade was transferred to the Prime Minister's side as a secretary, responsible for agriculture. She wrote the report for the first time, and wrote it 12 times. Later, she completed it with the help of the old secretary, Comrade Xu Ming. The secretary of the prefectural party committee is equipped with a secretary, how can he not be as good as the secretary?Don't forget, this is the secretary of the prime minister, and everything must be considered from the perspective of the prime minister. This is one of the reasons why being a good secretary of the prefectural party committee may not be a good secretary. "Do everything by yourself" is just the wish and pursuit of the Prime Minister, which is actually impossible to achieve.So we secretaries often have to replace the prime minister to attend the meetings of various ministries and commissions of the State Council.At the meeting, you can only wear your ears and eyes, you can only take notes with your hands, you can't open your mouth to speak, and random comments are absolutely not allowed.After listening to it, reading it, and writing it down, when I come back, I will write a report note, and report it to the Prime Minister. After the Prime Minister gives instructions, he can open his mouth to speak to the heads of various ministries and commissions, and issue instructions. On the plane, in the ship; on the train and the car; in the roaring factories and mines, in the colleges and universities with the sound of books, in the fields, and at the boiling reservoir construction site, the Prime Minister has reviewed the report slips.This report slip has also been continuously "improved". At first it was just a piece of paper, and later it was standardized and turned into a specially printed paper; the four words "Daily Report" were printed on the header, and the lower part was divided into two, half of which was written the content of the report. , half of which is blank, leaving it for the Prime Minister to write instructions. Every time we go out to participate in a meeting, we must write a report slip when we come back, straight to the point, and no stereotypes are allowed.For example: Today, a ministerial meeting of a certain ministry discussed several issues, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, which are less than one page, and must be written in full. The content of the report is extensive and complicated, ranging from astronomy and geography to trivial matters.For example, Secretary Zhao Maofeng still retains a "small" report that the Prime Minister circled: "Prime Minister: First of all, thank you, Prime Minister, for your concern for my family.Tonight I received a letter from my family saying: In this earthquake, all my houses collapsed. Since the rescue was quick, no major accidents occurred to anyone. I hereby report this.And once again thank the Prime Minister for his care. Zhao Maofeng" Just such a report note, when the Prime Minister went to inspect the earthquake-stricken area of ​​Xingtai to express condolences, he specially met Secretary Zhao's parents and uncles. Handing in report slips, sometimes a simple oral report is required to answer the Prime Minister's questions, especially for major events and top-secret events.I remember one time when I was in a car, I handed in a report slip.When the Prime Minister saw it, he stretched out his hand and pressed the start button, and the glass partition rose up to separate the front and rear seats. Then the Prime Minister asked questions and listened to the report.Sometimes, when he explained to us the top-secret events entrusted by Chairman Mao, he had to lift up the glass partition before speaking. Of course, the report slips can not only be submitted to the prime minister in the "Fifth Office"; in his "Four Offices" in Xihua Hall, we can also submit them according to the normal working procedures, and there are also a large number of report slips submitted in this way.However, since the report slips can be reported and approved in the vast world of the "Fifth Office", the efficiency of work has indeed been improved, and the Prime Minister has done a lot of things for the Chinese people in his limited life. I remember that during the "Cultural Revolution", Emperor Xuantong Puyi died of illness.After Secretary Zhao learned of the news, he immediately wrote a report and submitted it to the Prime Minister. How busy the Prime Minister was during the "Cultural Revolution", I don't need to say any more. A large number of articles published in the world have made people understand, so that the staff wrote the famous big-character poster asking the Prime Minister to take a rest.I will just give two small examples here, so that people can have a deeper understanding of how busy the Prime Minister was during the "Cultural Revolution". I have followed the Prime Minister for decades, and I am used to one of his catchphrases: "Don't be afraid that I am busy. I am not afraid of being busy. What are you afraid of? I can be busy." I once witnessed Zhou Enlai working continuously for a week and only resting for 13 hours.This was calculated by Comrade Cheng Yuangong, the head of the prime minister's guard at the time, from the time the prime minister went to bed to the time when he woke up, regardless of whether he was asleep or not, the accumulated hours of lying down and resting.With such labor, the Prime Minister still smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I can come over." When he visited fourteen countries in Asia and Africa, we counted every minute, and he only slept for an average of 2 hours a day, but he was still full of energy. Say: "I can, I'm not afraid of being busy." With such superhuman energy and selfless spirit, he admitted that he collapsed during the "Cultural Revolution". I clearly remember that the Prime Minister once said a few words in front of several of us, and I still can't stop crying when I think about it. During the "Cultural Revolution", the prime minister was so busy that he often ate something while walking.When he hurried back and forth through the yard of the West Flower Hall, he always saw the flower worker Lao Zhou pruning fruit trees, shoveling weeds, and repairing flower beds, busy all the time.Once, the Prime Minister stopped abruptly, stopped biting the half-slice of bread for lunch in his hand, and watched the flower worker Lao Zhou silently.Old Zhou straightened up, wiped off his sweat, and asked: "Is the Prime Minister okay?" The Prime Minister shook his head and sighed sadly: "Oh, it's the two of us surnamed Zhou who have worked the hardest in the West Flower Hall." Soon, Comrade Qiao Jinwang, who had worked beside the Prime Minister, was transferred back to the Prime Minister.When we met, the sickly and haggard Prime Minister said in a trembling voice: "Old Qiao, the 'Cultural Revolution' has exhausted me!" We have never seen the Prime Minister say such sad and sad words. I couldn't bear it. Everyone cried at that time. I often see the term "busy schedule" in newspaper articles, which is overused.How many are really busy?Who can be as busy, busy, and busy as the Prime Minister? In the midst of our busy schedule, we still have to use report slips to fill every minute of the prime minister's "free" time; we can't bear to do this, but we have to. I remember that when Secretary Zhao submitted the report on Puyi's death to the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister was busy rubbing his temples with balm again and again.When he saw this report slip, he was slightly taken aback, and immediately frowned sadly.He has always been concerned about the last emperor Puyi, and has met and interacted with Puyi and Puyi's younger brother Pujie many times, and established a relationship.He once invited Aixinjueluo's family to make dumplings in Zhongnanhai to celebrate New Year's Eve in 2010, as if the scene was still in front of him. The Prime Minister put down the work at hand and gave instructions specifically for Puyi's death, asking the United Front Work Department to formulate a specific funeral method and report the results to him. The fate of the last Chinese emperor Puyi and his family was completely different from the fate of the Russian tsar’s family during the October Revolution. The Chinese Communist Party and its leaders also showed “Chinese characteristics” in handling this matter; The characteristics of thought and the characteristics of Chinese culture.This feature is as tenacious, great, and persistent as the national character of our Chinese nation. Even in the chaotic situation of the "Cultural Revolution", this feature is still clearly maintained and displayed. Puyi's funeral was handled under the direct care of the Prime Minister.Within the scope of the conditions at that time, this matter with political and historical influence was handled as soon as possible as soon as possible. The "Sixth Office" of the Prime Minister is just for the convenience of introduction, so I call it this way according to the narrative sequence. No one has called it that before. This is the "Prime Minister's Office" which has a completely different meaning from the five "offices" introduced above. Yang Office", we staff members are all in the establishment of the "Prime Minister's Office". "Prime Minister's Office" also generally refers to the working team around the Prime Minister. Because the office is located in Xihua Hall, it is often referred to simply as "Xihua Hall".For example, "The Prime Minister's Office is calling" is often referred to as "Xihuating is calling" by various ministries and commissions. The Prime Minister's Office has a director and a deputy director; there were also general, foreign affairs, military, financial, administrative and other groups below, with group leaders and deputy group leaders.However, no matter whether the director or the team leader, their job responsibilities are mainly administrative scheduling and coordination. In terms of business, the director, team leader, and each secretary are in charge of one mouth or one aspect, and they all have a direct relationship with the prime minister.The Prime Minister does not allow that kind of system of reporting to the lower levels.He once said to all of us: "If your work goes through the office director, deputy director, team leader, and deputy team leader first, won't the director and team leader become the second prime minister or the third prime minister?" The "rise and fall history" of the "Prime Minister's Office" is roughly like this: After the founding of the People's Republic of China, some cadres with culture, practical experience and professional knowledge were transferred from all over the country to work next to the Prime Minister. (later renamed the State Council) directly under the organization.However, those of us are called the secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, but we were not called the Secretary of the Prime Minister at that time, because we were also responsible for the tasks assigned by the three vice-premiers Chen Yun, Chen Yi and Xi Zhongxun.Of course, the three vice-premiers also have their own secretaries, and generally they don't come to us.But the Prime Minister said: "You have to serve the four of us, not just me." Soon, "Xihuating" became the synonym for "Prime Minister's Office".We also call Xihua Hall "home".For example, "A call from home" or "I'm telling you to go home immediately", everyone will only think of Xihua Hall and not other "homes".When the prime minister goes out, we also say: whoever goes out with the prime minister, whoever stays as a housekeeper. "Housekeeping" means staying on duty in the West Flower Hall. The members of this family really come from all over the world.For example, Gu Ming, who is in charge of the planning committee and the economic committee, is from Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. (recommended by Wang Heshou); Wang Fulin, who is in charge of transportation, is from the fourth senior infantry school of the army (the headmaster is Lin Biao); Li Yan from the State Planning Commission; Lei Yingfu, who was in charge of the military, was recommended by Chairman Mao as a "Luoyang talent". The head of the regiment and brigade commander Wang Weizhou recommended to the Prime Minister, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was changed from an adjutant to a confidential secretary; Wu Qungan, the secretary in charge of finance and economics, came from the Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Bureau (recommended by the director Xu Dixin); Chen Hao and Marxist Lenin, who were in charge of foreign affairs, were from 1945 One of the young party members and students who entered the foreign affairs group of the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China after Wang Bingnan passed the "examination" was one who followed Ouyang Qin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Luda District, to Moscow to participate in the Sino-Soviet negotiations as Premier Zhou's entourage, and was then transferred to the Prime Minister's Office...about Before and after the completion of a five-year plan, we are basically only responsible to the Prime Minister.From the beginning of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, although there were many secretaries in the diplomatic and military groups, after all, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the focus was on economic construction, so the finance and economics group had the most secretaries, as many as six or seven. "Xihuating" has a party branch, and the finance and economics group has the largest number of people, so a separate party group was formed. The young Wu Qun dared to be the leader of the party group, and the prime minister lived an organizational life in this party group. In 1999, the country's economic construction made unprecedented great achievements, and the Prime Minister's Office also reached its peak, with more than 20 secretaries.After Mao Zedong criticized "anti-rash advancement", the Prime Minister's Office began to reduce the number of people starting from 1958, and the West Flower Hall gradually became deserted.However, this first streamlining was not due to the "anti-rightist movement", but because the Prime Minister believed that the cultural and educational front should be supported.Chen Hao went to the Children’s Hospital as Party Secretary; Liu Ang went to the Department of Machinery as Director; Li Qi went to Shanxi as the Propaganda Director of the Provincial Party Committee; In 1958, when the staff began to be streamlined, Tong Xiaopeng, Secretary-General of the United Front Work Department, was transferred back to the Prime Minister to serve as the Director of the Prime Minister's Office, and Xu Ming was appointed as the Deputy Director.The number of secretaries has been reduced from more than 20 to more than 10, and the reduction will continue. The second streamlining of the Prime Minister's Office occurred from the end of 1964 to the beginning of 1965. At that time, two secretaries of a leading comrade made mistakes in foreign affairs work, which delayed major events.When the matter was reported to the chairman, the chairman got angry and said only one sentence: "Too many secretaries will cause trouble." Mao Zedong's speeches have always been concise, and the more subtle the speech, the heavier the weight, and the prime minister became nervous.He came back and said: "Of course I have the most secretaries." Immediately decided to simplify. During the decision to downsize, during a meeting, Mao Zedong said to Premier Zhou: "Why do you have so many secretaries? Let the secretary lead the way. " When the prime minister came back, he made a decision: to abolish the prime minister's office. In January 2010, Director Tong Xiaopeng was transferred to the General Office of the Central Committee; Deputy Director Xu Ming was transferred to the State Council as Deputy Secretary-General; Gu Ming was transferred to the State Planning Commission as Deputy Director.The Prime Minister's Office was abolished and renamed the Prime Minister's Duty Room.Some secretaries were also transferred. For example, Foreign Affairs Secretary Marxism-Leninism was transferred to the Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council, Li Yan was transferred to the General Office of the Sixth Ministry of Machinery, Qi Jiannan was transferred to the Finance and Trade Office, and there were only 6 secretaries left in the Prime Minister's duty room. It was much quieter in front of the Xihua hall, but the prime minister still had so much work; Mao Zedong was only a macro leader, and the specific matters were all handed over to the prime minister.In this way, the prime minister has to ask, make phone calls, and make contact with everything by himself.There are fewer secretaries, and one person is in charge of several conversations, so of course he is busier. After a period of time, when they were too busy, each ministry set up a group or office to contact the Prime Minister and be responsible to the Prime Minister.These people add up to several times more than the original secretary of the Prime Minister's Office; it really streamlines an organization and bloats the entire State Council, which is really not worth the candle. When it came to the "Cultural Revolution", Lin Biao and the "Gang of Four" attacked the Prime Minister many times, the Prime Minister's duty office was also abolished, secretaries were sent down one after another, and even the old guard Cheng Yuangong was also sent down because of Jiang Qing's attack.At the most difficult time, there was only one secretary left beside the Prime Minister.Gao Zhenpu and I were the only guards left, and I would be the chief guard.After the Prime Minister became seriously ill, Qiao Jinwang was called in again, which is like adding a guard to take care of the hospitalized Prime Minister... The Prime Minister has a very close relationship with the secretary, and he knows every secretary's experience, character, ability, thinking and family situation like the back of his hand; He can instruct us to act with winks, and that kind of tacit understanding is like establishing a hotline with biological electromagnetic waves. In fact, there is also a "hotline". I installed an electric bell between each secretary and the prime minister, and the prime minister personally agreed on a "communication code".For example, in the office of the foreign affairs group, the Prime Minister agreed: "I press once to call Marxism-Leninism, press twice to find Chen Hao, and press three times to call Deng Guanglai." Then he turned to Yang Chun: "In your office, press once to call you, press The two are looking for Xu Ming..." When the prime minister's office was dissolved, the prime minister said to the secretaries: "Since it has been dissolved, let's have a meal together and take a picture." The Prime Minister toasted everyone with Moutai, and the unspeakable complex emotions hidden deep in his heart gradually overflowed with the power of the wine.His wet eyes looked at our faces one by one, and then slowly slid across.At the end, he took a deep breath, turned his head suddenly to Comrade Zhou Rongxin, Secretary-General of the State Council, and said commandingly in an emotional voice: "Comrades who leave from me, you must make good arrangements. If you don't make good arrangements, don't leave." , are still my people!" However, how can deep affection and "letting the secretary lead by the nose" be the same thing?funny. Whether it was then or now, there are indeed cadres who "let the secretary lead the way", especially some lazy cadres, cadres who are pampered, and cadres who lack cultural knowledge and work ability.The Prime Minister is a very hard-working person who "does everything by himself", and all our secretaries combined cannot match his intelligence and intelligence. How can it be possible to lead him by the nose? Everyone who is a secretary is not a fool. He knows that some chiefs are good at "coaxing" and others are good at "fooling";But for Premier Zhou, he couldn't "coax" or "fool" Premier Zhou anytime, anywhere, or anything. Once the Prime Minister discussed Hong Kong and Macao issues with Liao Chengzhi and others. During the conversation, Zhou Enlai asked casually: "What is the total area of ​​Hong Kong and Kowloon?" Liao Chengzhi has been with the Prime Minister for so long, so he knows him well.If you don't know, just say you don't know, and you won't be angry; if you don't know, pretend to know, and the prime minister will be angry. Facing Zhou Enlai's gaze, Liao Chengzhi honestly shook his head: "I don't know." The prime minister turned his attention to the secretary in charge of Hong Kong and Macau affairs.Maybe it's because the people present didn't know about it, and the Prime Minister's inquiry was just a random question, not to be written in the document?What's more, he seemed to have some impression in his mind, so he replied: "Hundreds of thousands of square kilometers." "Funny!" The Prime Minister suddenly changed his color, "How big is Zhejiang Province? Ah!" The secretary immediately blushed, and seemed to bow her head. She only knew that the prime minister could not tolerate words like "possible", "probably", and "estimated", so such words were erased from the report and answer.I didn't expect it to be worse this time... "If you know it, you know it, if you don't know it, you don't know it. This kind of coaxing is never allowed!" Zhou Enlai's voice was stern. Once such a time, who will dare to be coaxed next time? Some secretaries said that it is best to be a translator to fool the head, as long as the translation is fluent, the head will not understand if the translation is not accurate enough. But not for Premier Zhou.The Prime Minister understands English, German, Japanese, Russian, and French.Foreign Affairs Secretary Marxist-Leninist once said: "If you omit or mistranslate somewhere, the Prime Minister will find out immediately. This is the difficulty of being his translator—you don't want to get away with it." Once, Marxism-Leninism translated "American imperialism" into "American", and the Prime Minister immediately reminded: "Wrong, it is American imperialism, don't translate it into American, correct it." Another time, when the Prime Minister mentioned "atheists", Marx and Lenin couldn't remember the word all of a sudden, and got stuck.I had to tell Zhou Enlai honestly: "Prime Minister, I can't remember the word 'atheist' at once. Please remind me in English." It is precisely because the Prime Minister knows foreign languages.Therefore, I understand the difficulties and hardships of translation, so it is easy to be a translator for him. For example, when Mao Zedong talked with foreign guests, he still maintained a consistent language style. He picked up idioms and allusions at his fingertips, and the Chinese people heard them vividly, touchingly and profoundly, but the translation was difficult, and often he could not express them in foreign languages.总理同外宾讲话,尽量不用或少用难译的成语典故,句子造得平易、朴素、准确,甚至一些计量单位也换算成公顷、公斤、米来讲,而不用亩、市斤、尺:等国内市制,以免翻译作难。 总理有一次批评秘书韦明,讲过一句很严厉的话:“你知道尔是干什么的?你是我的秘书!”这句话是1954年讲的。那以后,这话像长鸣的警钟一样,伴着我们度过了跟随总理的全部时光。每个秘书都不忘自己的职责,也清楚地知道自己是什么身分,应该站在什么位置,或说只能站在什么位置。 陈浩曾经对总理和秘书的关系有个总结,我认为是比较切合实际的。 总理对秘书的态度是10个字:信任、尊重、民主、培养、关怀。 总理对秘书的要求是:认真负责、准确、及时、扼要、有日报、有建议、严格保密。 秘书的工作内容是: .传达总理的指示、批示;2.筛选电报。特别重要特别紧急的,随收随送;十分重要十分紧急的,送“第一办公室”(厕所);重要的、紧急的,放“第三办公室”的办公桌上;一般的,晚上总理批阅文件时再交给他看。 3.加工经办的案子。按总理要求,通顺文字,齐全附件,理清来龙去脉,检查是否合乎政策。 4.划《参考消息》,将外电重要内容用红笔划出来,送“第一办公室”(厕所)。 5.做文件摘要,为总理节省阅件时间。 6.起草总理的口授电报;帮助查阅地图、经典著作、历史事件的时间地点等资料。 7.将各地各部门打来的电话写成汇报条或当面向总理汇报请示。 8.轮流值夜班。 .通知有关人员来开会;准备材料、作记录,必要时整理成文件,经总理改定印发。 .随总理出访。事前作准备工作,出国后理材料,拟电报、值夜班等等。 由此也不难看出,秘书是为总理服务,向总理负责,决不可能总理“让秘书牵着鼻子走”。
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