Home Categories Biographical memories Zhou Enlai who stepped down from the altar

Chapter 4 Distress fulfillment

Zhou Enlai is dignified, elegant and meticulous. His personable demeanor and courteousness, his warm eyes and charming smile are so impressive that many people forget his deeper and more basic character traits: love of challenges and courage to take risks. As early as when he led the Shanghai workers' third armed uprising, he liked being at the forefront.The shell exploded close at hand, and he fell down just in time to survive.The pickets persuaded: "Commander, this place is too dangerous." He said lightly: "I like danger." All his life he downplayed danger.During the May 4th Movement, the representative of the petition was arrested. He said calmly: "It's nothing to be arrested. There is no need to be nervous. Just proceed according to the plan." At the mouth of the prison, he was arrested and spent half a year behind bars. At the end, he only said: "From this time on, I gradually embarked on the road of a professional revolutionist."

A few years ago, several of us old people who used to work around Zhou Enlai discussed together, and we discussed that Zhou Enlai had risked life and death for as many as 22 times, most of which were after he assumed important leadership positions.Among the leaders of our party and country, he is the only one who has been in danger in many ways and frequently. In the "Shaji tragedy", when the British and French military police suddenly fired the first volley of guns, the comrades walking arm in arm around Zhou Enlai fell down and died.God insisted on leaving Zhou Enlai, the director of the Political Department of the Whampoa Military Academy, to the Chinese people.

While searching for the murderer who assassinated Liao Zhongkai, Chiang Kai-shek suddenly changed his password and imposed martial law in advance, causing Zhou Enlai, who was driving to the headquarters, to encounter head-on shooting.The moment the driver saw the gun being raised on the other side, he turned the steering wheel instinctively to dodge, and the bullets fired at Zhou Enlai went into the driver's head one after another. God left Zhou Enlai for the Chinese people again.The fourth campaign against "encirclement and suppression" Finally, six Kuomintang planes suddenly came to the head of Zhou Enlai, the chief political commissar of the Red Army, and dropped bombs. Zhou Enlai yelled "Lie down!" Not only did he keep Zhou Enlai for the Chinese people again, but he also had to keep the 18-year-old Xiao Hua, so that he could eventually become the director of the General Political Department of the People's Army... In history, outstanding figures have many experiences of surviving catastrophe, but they were Later generations relished talking about it.In fact, this is not all luck, let alone God's will.Surviving a catastrophe has its own reason for not dying, and there is a certainty hidden in the chance.At such moments, all the courage, wisdom and strength of outstanding people must be instinctively displayed to the maximum within a limited time. I am convinced.

For example, "Laoshan Distress" was a catastrophe in the face of sudden bullets... A military open truck drove on the loess road built by the mountain outside the south gate of Yan'an. This road leads to Xi'an and also to negotiation. In the cab of the truck sits Zhou Enlai, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.He talked with Mao Zedong all day yesterday, and now he is going to Xi'an to talk with the Kuomintang representatives Gu Zhutong and Zhang Chong, and then he will go to Lushan to talk with Chiang Kai-shek; talk about the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and talk about the joint resistance against Japan.

The yellow dust billowed all the way, and there was a burst of laughter in the car.In the carriage were famous generals such as Zhang Yunyi and Kong Shiquan; Zhou Enlai’s adjutant Chen Youcai, who was wearing a top hat and a suit; There are 25 people in one car.Most of them have climbed snow-capped mountains, walked across grasslands, and entered the ancient city of Xi'an on "wheels" like this, which is the first time in their lives. However, they did not expect that Feng Changdou, the bandit lurking in Yan'an city, had already sent the information the day before. When Mao Zedong talked about security work during his lifetime, he specifically cited this example, criticizing the publicity of the security system and lack of vigilance.

This was April 25th, 1937. At that time, there were still many bandits in Yan'an area. There were thousands of them. , not easy to clean up.Among them, the one with the largest number of people and the greatest danger is Li Qingwu, a group of thugs. Li Qingwu is from Henan. He fled famine with his parents and came to Chuanlaogou Village, Madong, Huanglong Mountain, Yan'an Prefecture.He played with guns and clubs since he was a child, and was a restless person. When he grew up, he became a small leader of bandits. In 1935, the Northern Shaanxi Red Army occupied Ganquan and incorporated its team into Ganquan County Independent Battalion, and he was appointed as an instructor.This instructor did not understand communism or the Three People's Principles, and was only proficient in eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and smoking. He took advantage of the Northeast Army's siege of the Red Army in northern Shaanxi to kill the chairman of the Soviet Government in Ganquan County and colluded with Ji Yanshou, the head of the Linzhen militia group of the Kuomintang. He resumed the old business of banditry, burning, killing and looting everywhere.He also robbed the cars of the Northeast Army and the Red Army, just to grab money and property.After receiving the information from the detective Feng Changdou, he led more than 100 bandits to cross Longpan Mountain overnight and lay in ambush in the hinterland of Mount Lao.

From west to east, Mount Lao separates Yan'an and Ganquan counties, and is a branch of Huanglong Mountain.In the undulating landform of the Loess Plateau, although this mountain is not considered high, but because of thousands of gullies and ravines, the mountain is full of top forests and weeds, and the terrain appears strange and dangerous.Roaring and panting, the truck climbed from a valley to a ridge along the slope at the northern foot of Mount Lao.After crossing the beam is the border of Ganquan County, and the truck plunged into the dustpan-shaped depression. "Bang!" A crisp sound caused trembling echoes in the valley.

"What's the sound?" Chen Youcai instinctively reached for the pistol. "It's like whipping a whip." Liu Jiuzhou looked around and said. After the "Xi'an Incident" was resolved peacefully, Chiang Kai-shek restrained his anti-Communist arrogance and also spoke about uniting against Japan.From Yan'an to Xi'an, the Northeast Army and Northwest Army, which had become allies, were stationed along the way. As for the bandits, they couldn't hide under our suppression. No wonder the guards didn't immediately think of gunshots. However, the truck suddenly roared and increased its power, and rushed towards the more than ten feet high dam beam directly in front of it.It turned out that the sound of "bang" was also transmitted to the driver's building. Zhou Enlai felt that this was a dangerous place when the truck rushed into the col. When the abnormal sound sounded, he immediately thought of the enemy's situation. Order: "Rush, step up the gas pedal, and rush to that dam beam!"

At the end of the sentence, there were two more "bang bang" shots. The driver also realized that the situation was critical.Crossing the dam beam can naturally get rid of the enemy. He stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the truck roared and spewed black smoke, heading straight for the dam beam. However, suddenly there was a sound like roasted beans on the dam beam. The bandits ambushing on the dam beam fired at the same time with machine guns and rifles. The wheels of the truck were also flattened, and the front of the truck tilted and stopped abruptly. Before the car stopped, Zhou Enlai jumped out of the car almost at the same time as the gunshot from the opposite side.The front window of the car was punched with a series of holes, but it failed to hurt him a little.He leaned close to the front of the car and hurriedly ordered to the people in the car: "Get out of the car! Spread out! Fight back!"

General Zhang Yunyi drew his gun to fight back, and ordered Chen Youcai: "Adjutant Chen, you and the guards immediately cover the transfer of Vice Chairman Zhou. Platoon Leader Chen, you are responsible for organizing the soldiers to resist!" Cadres and soldiers jumped out of their vehicles one after another to seize favorable terrain and fight against the enemy.Before Chen Youcai had time to jump out of the car, he was shot in the leg.The guard turned around to help him, but he waved his arm vigorously: "Leave me alone, cover Vice Chairman Zhou's withdrawal!" He was originally wearing the suit and top hat that he wore when he resolved the "Xi'an Incident". With a wave of his hand, he immediately attracted the firepower of many enemies, because the enemies thought he was the biggest official.Chen Youcai was also aware of the enemy's misunderstanding. In order to attract more enemies, he simply stayed and used the front side of the car and the luggage on the car as cover to deal with the enemy.

When you are hit by quenching hair and are in crisis, the most urgent thing is to quickly see the situation clearly and decide the direction of action.When Zhou Enlai heard the first gunshot, he had already seen the terrain clearly: there was a "Qiu" in the middle of the valley, that is, a pool.On the left side of the pool is a reed pond, and behind the reed pond is the sandy Yanqiu Mountain; on the right side of the pool is a dense forest of big shoots, and behind the forest of shoots is a deep gully washed out by rain.When gunshots rang out continuously, Zhou Enlai had already judged the situation: the gunshots on the dam beam were dense and blocked, and the sandy hillock on the left and the peak wall on the mountain were the positions where the first shots were fired, and there was obviously an ambush.Only the shoot forest on the right was silent.Judging from the political climate at the time and the gunfire at the scene, the attackers were unlikely to be the Kuomintang army, but most likely bandits who robbed money.Naturally, the bandits focused their attention on the "cargo" trucks. The trucks could only rush up the dam beam if they encountered an ambush, and they could not plant themselves in the ditch. Therefore, it is likely that there will be no ambushes in the forest and the ditch behind the forest. "Break through the siege and get rid of the enemy as soon as possible!" Zhou Enlai made up his mind in seconds, and waved his hand: "Retreat to the forest!" Zhang Yunyi, Kong Shiquan, Wu Tao and others, led by Zhou Enlai, quickly left the road and got into the shoot forest on the right. As Zhou Enlai expected, Li Qingwu directed the ambush in the mountain temple on the dam beam. His guard Li Zhuocai once pointed at Zhou Enlai and his party who were drilling through the woods and shouted, "Look, those people are going to run!" "Well," Li Qingwu breathed heavily through his nose, "I've seen it a long time ago." "Quickly call a few people to force it!" "What's the point of chasing him!" Li Qing and Wu Bai glanced at the guards, "If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, and all the bugs are in the car!" After Zhou Enlai entered the shoot forest, although there were bullets that knocked down the branches one after another, this kind of random shooting has brought a lot of blindness and is much less threatening.A group of people turned around a hill, panting, only to find that Zhang Yunyi's hand was scratched by a bullet, and Kong Shiquan's collar was pierced with two holes.It's so mysterious. Turning around a few hills along the ditch, unfortunately, I found that I entered the ditch palm: in front of it is a two-foot-high earth cliff, and both sides are full of cliffs.Since they were not completely out of danger, the guards were sweating profusely. "Don't be nervous." Zhou Enlai waved his hand lightly.According to the soldier's recollection, the tone was as relaxed as a daily chat.He then looked up at the cliff, and his eyes fell on the low-hanging treetops: "Well, did you come up with a solution?" The relaxed tone dispelled the impatience and fear floating in people's hearts. The soldier Cao Hong followed Zhou Enlai's gaze and looked at the low-hanging treetops. His heart suddenly moved. He jumped a few steps, grabbed the branches, and swung with the trend. Go, kick twice on the cliff with your feet, grab the bushes at the top of the cliff and flip up.He quickly untied his leggings, put them down, and dragged the comrades under the cliff to the cliff one by one. Gunshots can still be heard along the mountains here.Zhou Enlai stood on the top of the cliff, looking in the direction of the gunfire, and did not make a sound for a long time. What he was thinking, what he was thinking about, everyone knew in his heart. As Zhou Enlai's security adjutant, in order to attract enemy firepower and cover Zhou Enlai and other leaders to retreat, Chen Youcai dragged his injured leg and shot at the enemy desperately until he died at the end. In this battle, we sacrificed a total of 11 comrades.According to the memories of Gao Caiwa, who was a bandit under Li Qingwu at that time, when the bandits swarmed into the truck, they were all dumbfounded.There were neither silver dollars, nor smoke, nor anything of value in the car. They searched the dead soldiers without giving up, and only found a business card from Chen Youcai.This business card was carried by Chen Youcai for contact work in Xi'an.The literate bandit took his business card and read three words: Zhou Enlai... Li Qingwu jumped up as if he had been burned by a soldering iron as soon as he heard these three words, his face turned completely white, and exclaimed: " Oh, it's broken! It's a big mess! Quick, run!" In an instant, the group of bandits scattered like birds and beasts. Li Qingwu still understood that he really caused a big mess!Almost became the great sinner of history and nation.Shortly thereafter, he and his bandit troops were wiped out by the Red Army.He received the severe punishment he deserved. When Zhou Enlai and his party walked to Sansanlipu, the news that the truck was attacked by bandits quickly spread to Yan'an.Groups of cavalry, infantry, and militia were dispatched urgently to the site of the accident.However, the bandits had long since fled without a trace.Looking at the roadside, the corpses and blood of the comrades beside the field ridge, Zhang Yunyi, who came back with the reinforcements, cried. Zhou Enlai did not rest, and set off for Yan'an the next day.Before leaving, he made a quick trip to the Military Commission Medical Center to visit and comfort the wounded guards, including Liu Jiuzhou, a bodyguard who had injured his hip and central nervous system. "Vice Chairman Zhou, I can't protect you to go to Xi'an..." Liu Jiuzhou cried before finishing his sentence. "Don't cry, kid, you'll be fine soon. I'll come and see you." In 1999, Zhou Enlai also visited Comrade Liu Jiuzhou, who was the director of the hotel's Revolutionary Committee, at the Qianmen Hotel in Beijing.He said to the comrades present: "30 years are a blink of an eye. He was with me 30 years ago. I was in danger in Laoshan. He was seriously injured in order to cover me. He is a good comrade!" In June 2010, Premier Zhou Enlai accompanied foreign guests to visit Yan'an. When talking about Laoshan's distress, he said with infinite emotion: "I have encountered many dangers in my life, but this time is the most dangerous." He wanted to sweep the graves of Chen Youcai and other comrades. Due to various reasons, the graves of these comrades were never preserved.Zhou Enlai said sadly: "Comrade Chen Youcai sacrificed very heroically. We want to invite the martyrs into the cemetery and erect a monument for them!" In June 1999, the People's Government of Ganquan County, Shaanxi Province erected a stone monument for the martyrs at the place where the battle took place along the Yashan Mountain. In Zhou Enlai's life, what he had most was work, and what he lacked most was time.His respect for time is evident everywhere. For example, he can't walk slowly, his feet don't move, and he moves at a high frequency.For example, he disapproved of Mao Zedong's flying, because the safety factor of airplanes at that time was too small; but he himself loved flying, and he said: "It can save a lot of time, and it is worth taking a little risk." We old people discussed together that most of Zhou Enlai's adventures were on the plane.For example, when flying from Xi’an to Yan’an, he got lost on the way, but unfortunately ended up crashing into a mountain like a "4.8" martyr; for example, he was forced to make an emergency landing blindly in the dark night when he visited Arab countries; Kashmir Princess” exploded in the air; for example, in order to mourn the death of Ho Chi Minh, the plane ventured into the thunderstorm area, the wind was violent, the clouds were blowing, and there was even lightning and thunder, and the whole sky was black and red. Party member Zhang Ruiai only met once in his life.When I panicked and wanted to remind the driver that it was too dangerous, Zhou Enlai was able to sit firmly by the porthole, admiring the vicissitudes of the wind and clouds outside and the sky full of flames as if he was in a play!In the end, the plane was lucky enough not to be hit by lightning, and got out of the danger zone through the gaps in the clouds.Everyone on the plane was sweating profusely, and their nerves were almost broken, but Zhou Enlai was always relaxed: "I know Rui Ai has a way." In the discussion, I talked about these two unique flight adventures and adventures... On January 30, 2010, I followed Zhou Enlai to Xi'an Airport in the severe cold. The days in winter are short, it is almost 9 o'clock, and the sun is only a pole high.However, it was a rare sunny day; there was not a cloud in sight as far as the eye could see.On the tarmac, a US C-47 transport plane was dyed a faint rose color by Zhaohui.There was a burst of joy in my heart, and a burst of relief. The joy is because the 8-year Anti-Japanese War has finally won, and the "Political Consultative Conference" is coming to an end. Besides, Zhou Zijian and Wu Yunfu from the office yesterday treated us to a hot bath in a high-quality bath in Xi'an, and cleaned up the lice on our bodies. I have never had such a comfortable bath.I said it was easy because the weather was good, so I didn't have to worry about last night. Before the end of the "CPPCC meeting", Zhou Enlai rushed back to Yan'an to discuss with Chairman Mao's Party Central Committee how to make some concessions to the Kuomintang in order to reach an agreement.The meeting will end tomorrow, and Zhou Enlai will insist on flying back to Xi'an no matter what.I am only worried that he will insist on taking off in case of bad weather, and his future will be uncertain... Fortunately, it is a sunny day! The captain had already appeared by the gangway of the cabin door. When Zhou Enlai approached, he immediately stood at attention and saluted, and reported loudly. World War II had just ended, and the morale of the American military was high, not to mention that this was a special plane specially assigned by General Marshall for Zhou Enlai, and Zhou Enlai was designated as a general at this "CPPCC meeting" in order to carry out the mediation work of the military trio .Therefore, American pilots call Zhou Enlai General Zhou. In addition to our accompanying staff and security personnel, Lu Dingyi and Comrades Deng Fa, Mao Zedong's wife Jiang Qing, and General Ye Ting's beloved daughter Xiao Yangmei also boarded the plane in turn.A total of 10 adults and one little girl sat in the cabin, and this girl became the center of the topic. "Yang Mei, do you know why Dad can come out?" Deng Fa asked. "I know." Xiao Yangmei was born with a handsome face, which was very attractive. "Uncle Zhou said that Chiang Kai-shek lost the battle and lost his reasoning, so he had to agree to restore his father's freedom and let him out of prison with honor." "Chiang Kai-shek has always said that he doesn't count, and he doesn't say anything." Lu Dingyi commented humorously, "If he doesn't play tricks with you, he won't be Chiang Kai-shek." "Then what if he lets Dad out?" Yang Mei was anxious. "This time he has to let go if he doesn't want to," Deng made a gesture, "This time we will exchange 5 big villains with him for 2 people, your father and Uncle Liao Chengzhi." "Uncle, you lied!" Yang Mei stared innocently and childishly. She couldn't believe how a good person like her father would trade a bad guy for it.At that time, Yang Mei's clear eyes that couldn't tolerate any dirt left a deep impression on me, and I still can't help crying when I think about it.Who would have imagined that such an innocent and pure child would die in an air crash two months later... At that time, Zhou Enlai explained to Yang Mei that Chiang Kai-shek had an unexpected problem and proposed that our party should release them to attack our anti-Japanese base areas and be arrested. We captured Ma Fawu, the deputy commander of the 11th theater of the Kuomintang, and others before they released General Ye Ting and Liao Chengzhi.In order to welcome General Ye Ting out of prison as soon as possible, we had no choice but to agree. While speaking, the plane has started.The flight route from Xi'an to Chongqing is very special. It does not lift forward at an elevation angle, but climbs up in a spiral at a large angle.This is due to the fact that the Qinling Mountains stretch across the route, and the aircraft must first climb to a height of more than 5,000 meters before flying over it. The throttle of the plane continued to increase, the vibration of the motor made the airframe seem to be shattered, and the plane took off at a high angle of elevation. Everyone not only had to fasten their seat belts, but also had to hold the iron stool with their hands to maintain balance.At that time, the aircraft was simple, with exposed metal skeletons in the cabin, and no insulation equipment. Soon we began to experience the kind of severe cold test that we had never experienced in our life. However, this is not enough.Shortness of breath began, ears swelled, internal organs began to churn, and most people finally vomited uncontrollably.I just couldn't figure out the pungent hot and sour taste in my mouth and nasal cavity, the fuselage trembled again, and it went up and down like a kite with a broken string, swaying from side to side without foundation, the steel skeleton above my head and behind me shook thrillingly There was a loud bang, as if it might fall apart at any moment. "Open your mouth and open your eardrums to make them less bulging." This is Zhou Enlai's relaxed and friendly voice.I violently spat out the pickled things from my stomach and into my mouth, and raised my eyelids to see that Zhou Enlai was still smiling, as if nothing happened.I couldn't laugh, I opened my mouth wide and gasped.I heard loud bangs and bangs on the fuselage, followed by Jiang Qing's uneasy voice: "Hail, hail is coming." Jiang Qing went to Chongqing to treat her teeth.In Yan'an, she was holding her cheeks and suffering from dental problems. Zhou Enlai said, "Go to Chongqing and have a look. I know a dental expert who sees Chiang Kai-shek's teeth." In this way, Jiang Qing boarded the plane with us.The son of the doctor who treated Chiang Kai-shek and Jiang Qing is now the vice president of Beijing Hospital. It took only an hour to fly from Xi'an to Chongqing, and that hour seemed too long after suffering such a crime.I feel like I've been flying for a long time, and I look at my watch for less than 10 minutes.Why did you stop at this time? A big American soldier in the flight team came from the cockpit to the cabin with an ugly face, as if he had a heavier burden than us, and walked up to Zhou Enlai and Lu Dingyi and babbled in English.Zhou Enlai also babbled in English, but we couldn't understand him. We only felt that the gestures and expressions were a bit off-putting.Zhou Enlai stood up and followed the big American soldier to the cab, where he was still babbling in English.Zhou Enlai knew English, French, German, Japanese, and Russian. Except for Russian, which was not as good, the other 4 languages ​​were very good at that time. This is what I am always proud of for the Communist Party. Chiang Kai-shek did not have these two tricks! "Adjutant He!" Zhou Enlai greeted me, "Come here. And Secretary Li!" Li Quande and I stumbled over.Zhou Enlai ordered in a stern voice that was rarely used: "The captain said that the load must be lightened now. You throw away all the cargo and luggage that can be thrown away. Pay attention to the file boxes and briefcases. Protect them well, and don't throw them by mistake!" Clearly we are in grave danger.Safety first, human life is important, there is nothing to hesitate.The big U.S. military opened the hatch, and the cold wind rushed into the cabin, ramming, sweeping, and slaughtering.My ears were buzzing, I couldn't hear anyone yelling, anyway, I had to move quickly, grabbing the ladder, iron bucket, and iron box on the plane and throwing them out.Throw away the American stuff and then throw our own stuff.A few boxes of Yan'an pears were thrown out, a few bundles of sheepskin tubes were thrown out, a few bolts of woolen material spun in Yan'an were thrown out, pistol cases, personal luggage, and even Jiang Qing's suitcase were thrown out. A box of 200,000 yuan in banknotes was also thrown away!Damn it, that big U.S. military man rolled his eyes and wanted to find something to throw, and if he threw it again, he should throw someone! To be honest, throwing away American things first is as easy as throwing a burden, and it is our turn to throw away one of our own things, and throwing away one is like cutting off a piece of meat, and it does not bring heart-piercing pain.How difficult is our economy, one cigarette and several smokers take turns to take a deep puff, and now so much money and belongings are thrown away lavishly... But, it is no wonder that American soldiers still have to find things to throw away. There is a problem, you give up a step and he forces a step, no matter how many steps you give up, he will not relax how many steps.The temperature is getting lower and lower, and the wings and fuselage are covered with ice, which is getting thicker and thicker. The ice on the wings causes the airflow to change, and the lift force drops suddenly. It is even difficult to control the plane's lift and rudder. The big American soldier couldn't find anything to throw away, so he walked up to Zhou Enlai again, leaned down and muttered helplessly, and pointed us passengers to make gestures from time to time, which made me gasp, clearly It's time to "throw people", throw a few to keep the rest! Zhou Silai had a serious face, "Shanchuan" frowned between his brows, and finally nodded.So, Lu Dingyi stood up, with the look of announcing a major decision.Of course I don't believe in throwing people, but the gestures of the American soldiers are absolutely clear that they are throwing people out of the hatch.Who does he want to throw? Twenty years from now, people may say that Jiang Qing should be thrown away first, but at that time, it would be impossible to throw away her and Yang Mei, two lesbians.The only ones who are not the chief are the writer Ge Mao, the secretary Li Quande, the military staff officer Tong Lusheng, and my adjutant... "The weather outside is bad!" the American soldier said, and Lu Dingyi translated it loudly, "For the safety of the gentlemen, please be prepared. Use a parachute and jump out of the plane if necessary!" That's what happened!The American soldiers began to give us umbrellas, and demonstrated while speaking: how to carry an umbrella, how to jump, how to pull an umbrella, what is the wrong movement, and what kind of harm it will cause... I just relaxed my nerves, and as he talked about This requirement was tightened one step further, and in the end, it was as tense as "throwing someone".Who jumps out of the parachute, can't the parachute open after jumping out?Looking out of the porthole, the mountain ranges of the Qinling Mountains are like octopus claws trying to grab our plane and everyone. Said to me: "Little ghost, if you parachute, you must follow Vice Chairman Zhou closely, and you must protect his safety!" "Don't worry, chief!" I nodded vigorously.People are so weird, once they think of responsibility, other distracting thoughts immediately disappear, and that kind of solemn, holy and impassioned emotion surges up. The big American soldier stood at the door, waiting for the captain's order, ready to open the door and call us to jump.Because this aircraft does not have an automatic parachute opening device for parachuting.He did not carry an umbrella, and the crew did not carry an umbrella. This is the regulation of the US military regulations on the crew of passenger aircraft in World War II, and it is to be responsible for every passenger.Looking at his serious expression on standby, my heart suddenly warmed up, and I developed a good impression and respect. This is really a group of good soldiers who have undergone strict training and have a strong sense of responsibility and honor! Amidst the deafening sound of the motor, I suddenly heard a faint whimper, as weak as a mosquito.Looking for the sound, it turned out to be Xiao Yangmei.She sat beside Jiang Qing, leaning over and weeping softly.I was about to go there, but Zhou Enlai had already passed by, sat on the other side of Yang Mei, and gently comforted her: "Yang Mei, don't cry, don't be afraid..." "Uncle Zhou." Xiao Yangmei sobbed, "I, I don't have an umbrella..." I really made a mistake in my busy schedule and forgot about this little guy.Zhou Enlai immediately stood up, took off the umbrella bag on his body, carried it to Yang Mei, and comforted him: "Be brave, Yang Mei, learn from your father, don't be afraid of anything!" This plot was later spread and became a well-known story of Zhou Enlai giving up his umbrella, and it was compiled into students' Chinese textbooks. Zhou Silai's selfless and fearless spirit in times of crisis really shocked and moved everyone on board. I immediately took off the umbrella bag on my body, walked over and handed it to Zhou Enlai.When we insisted on giving each other back, the big American soldier took out another parachute bag and gave it to me, and gave us a thumbs up. The plane was still turbulent, and finally, the captain's order was handed down. The situation was serious and he could not cross the Qinling Mountains, so he could only return to Xi'an. Zhou Enlai respected their scientific attitude and agreed to return to Xi'an. After the plane landed and stopped at Xi'an Airport, my hanging heart fell from my throat to my chest.When I got off the plane, I saw, good guy, the fuselage was crystal clear with a thick layer of ice, cracking and cracking in the sun, and large and small pieces fell down. "At noon, treat guests at the Hongbin Building," Zhou Silai said loudly, "We should give thanks to these US military personnel. Their attitude and spirit are worthy of admiration." The US military personnel were very happy that Zhou Enlai treated them so favorably.During the dinner, the American soldiers said: "It is God who blesses you, General Zhou, to survive the catastrophe today." Zhou Enlai said with a smile: "It is not by God, but by the superb skills and hard work of your American soldiers." They all applauded and were very excited.When the authorities thought that they must rush to Chongqing and take a risky flight in the afternoon, the captain immediately agreed and said confidently that he had experience and would rise to above 5,000 meters in the afternoon to avoid the icy air temperature layer. , and then fly over the Qinling Mountains. The food was delicious, and all the American soldiers ate happily.Those of us who vomit in the sky dare to look at it but dare not eat it, and we are afraid of vomiting. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we boarded the American transport plane again with hope, confidence, and tension and risk. The plane soared, and the cold enveloped us again.It was extremely cold, extremely cold, even colder than in the morning. I have never felt so cold when I crossed the snow-capped mountains. I have never encountered such coldness in my life!Zhou Enlai's face was pale, his chest heaved and heaved, and we all felt a strong sense of chest tightness and shortness of breath, and we desperately took deep breaths.Before boarding the plane, the captain reminded me that this time I was flying so high that I would suffer from lack of oxygen. Now we have tasted the taste of lack of oxygen. From time to time, fish out of the water flashed in my mind, desperately agitating my two gills, and my mouth was twitching...Zhou Enlai Suddenly got up, walked to the cockpit top-heavy, and asked the big U.S. military to bring the pilot's own oxygen. Zhou Enlai would not have done this if he had not endured to the limit... But, I was wrong.Zhou Enlai did not inhale oxygen, he panted and said, "Adjutant He, you inhale oxygen for Jiang Qing." Zhou Enlai's concern for Jiang Qing was exceptional.At lunch, Secretary Li and I checked with him that we shouldn't have thrown away ten thousand yuan in a hurry. Zhou Enlai didn't blame us, but ordered the director of the office, Zhou Zijian, to buy some necessities for Jiang Qing to avoid going to Chongqing. Temporary embarrassment makes life inconvenient. Now, he himself is enduring the torment of lack of oxygen, but he first cares about Jiang Qing’s lack of oxygen, showing that she is exhausted, and I and the big U.S. military will help her put on an oxygen mask and inhale oxygen. Jiang Qing sucked it in big mouthfuls, blood gradually turned on his pale face.She felt better, so she took it off and sucked it on her beloved little Yangmei. To tell the truth, Jiang Qing really likes the naturally beautiful and extremely smart little Yangmei. She always thinks about her, cares about her, chats with her, hugs her tightly when she is cold, and warms her with body temperature. That kind of love can always be seen from a glance. Feel it in a glance or a soft call.However, she can take care of Xiao Yangmei in everything, except that she can't give up her umbrella to Xiao Yangmei at the most critical moment, and she will only shout anxiously: "Oh, Xiao Yangmei doesn't have an umbrella yet, hurry up." Hurry up, little Yang Mei doesn't have an umbrella yet!" Zhou Enlai usually did not show as much concern for Yang Mei as Jiang Qing, but he finally gave up his umbrella.Xiao Yangmei must understand the difference in weight here, right?She refused to inhale the oxygen and insisted that Zhou Enlai inhale it. She held up the oxygen mask to Zhou Enlai and said to his nose: "Uncle Zhou, suck it, suck it..." Xiao Yangmei cried, "If you don't smoke it, I will never take a breath..." Zhou Enlai's eye circles were wet, and those of us present were all wet. Since the plane made a detour to Chengdu for refueling, it arrived over Chongqing in the evening.Chongqing and Qinghai are foggy in four seasons, especially in winter and spring, so they are called "Foggy City". The plane began to descend, and a big American soldier came to the cabin and gestured for us to fasten our seat belts.The clouds and mist outside the window were like clouds, and the cabin was dark, with the feeling of night.The plane descended very quickly, and our hearts also fell, falling, because the clouds and mist have never been drilled out, and the sound of the plane lowering the landing gear has already been heard.Although we don't know how to fly, we also know that the plane cannot land on the runway without getting through the clouds...Suddenly, the sinking heart jumped up, and the plane roared and went straight into the sky. Obviously, the first time The landing failed. From time to time, there were conversations between the land and the air on the radio, and Zhou Enlai walked to the cockpit in a hands-on style, and I followed instinctively. The captain explained that the clouds and fog were too heavy and low, and the airport could not be found.The airport control tower did not agree to land, saying that the weather was bad and asked the plane to return to Chengdu. "You guys have to stay calm," said Zhou Enlai, who did not speak English, and Lu Dingyi translated his words, "you must make a safe landing." What impresses me most about American drivers is their self-confidence, almost conceited, as if any doubt is an injury to their honor. The captain said: "As long as I can identify one or two targets on the ground, I can descend safely! I have flown many times in Chongqing. This airport is surrounded by mountains on three sides and hills on one side. The conditions are poor, but I have experience and technology." The plane descended again, flying low through the clouds.Drilling through the clouds is really a kind of eerie hell feeling. The plane descends and descends endlessly. Hearing the roar of the engine again, the plane rose sharply into the sky again, and kept going up. The control tower ordered the plane to return to Chengdu to land by radio, and the captain said loudly: "Then there will be a problem of insufficient fuel!" Zhou Silai turned around and looked inside the cabin, his eyes swept over everyone's faces in turn.Neither of us could hide our regret. If I had known that I would not be able to fall, I really shouldn't have taken this risky flight. "Calm down." Zhou Enlai said softly, and suddenly smiled. It was a slight smile that made people forget the danger outside: "For the benefit of the people of the whole country, we took the time to return to Yan'an in order to finally sign a political agreement, and then rushed to Chongqing. It is worthwhile and necessary to take some risks." It was getting dark quickly, and two dim light bulbs were lit up in the cabin.Fighting for the last ray of hope, the U.S. pilots descended for the third time, trying to land before dark. Zhou Enlai got into the cockpit again, staring unblinkingly at the front of the plane, which is actually the bottom.After a difficult descent, a faint target suddenly appeared in front of the left. "There!" Zhou Enlai pointed to the target and called out. The U.S. pilot glanced at him, and he had already pulled up the nose, lifted the plane into the sky again, and raised his thumb to Zhou Enlai as a powerful expression of appreciation.These American soldiers are really skilled, and there is a vague target in front of them. Outsiders don't know what it is, is it a mountain, a building, or a tower?They have confidently pushed the steering column and quickly entered the fourth emergency landing. Fall, fall... collapse!Everyone was shocked, but before they fully understood, the plane had already moved horizontally.Experience told me right away that this is gliding on the ground!Because everything was thrown away, the plane stopped before taxiing far.We almost jumped up cheering.When I got off the plane, I saw that he was good, and he rushed out of the runway within 5 meters.原来飞机是在跑道中段才触地,要不是负荷轻,真不知又要出什么危险呢。 周恩来带着我们全体乘客去向美军机组人员表示感谢,同他们一一握手。大难不死,这些美国大兵的神情永久地留在了我记忆中。那位机长立正敬礼,然后握手,然后将一只手朝天上伸去:“周将军是伟大的人物,上帝总是保佑您的。”那个接触最多的大个子美军还挺严肃认真地点点头:“能为周将军服务我感到荣幸。” 最近我常想,这些美国大兵还有在世的吗?如果他们知道周恩来以后为世界和平所作出的巨大贡献以及所受到的广泛尊重和爱戴,他们一定会为这次“服务”更感荣幸的吧……我讲的第二件事发生在柬埔寨,真是说险不险,说不险比哪次都惊吓人,所台风险比哪次都大。 那是1960年,我跟随周恩来出国访问。当时我的职务已经从总理副官改为机要秘书。 在越南访问时,就传来柬埔寨国王去世的消息。柬埔寨是我们出访的国家之一,周总理一得到消息,马上叫我发电致哀。到了印度,周总理又叫我们每人买了一套白色西服,去柬埔寨时穿。 我不理解:“总理,为什么穿白色西服去柬埔寨?” 周恩来说:“穿白色西装,到柬埔寨也算我们的悼念。” 我说:“国王死了,我们是外宾,还给他穿孝服呀?” 周恩来指点我说:“何秘书,这个道理也需要我讲吗?人家国王逝世,是国丧期;从礼节上,从理解上,我们都应该这么做。去吊丧是我们出访柬埔寨的重要内容之一,你告诉大家,这个思想一定要明确。” 到达柬埔寨时,我们清一色白色西装,友好而肃穆地走下飞机。西哈努克亲王见了,大受感动。这是周恩来总理第一次访问柬埔寨,与西哈努克亲王立刻建立起了很深的私人友谊。 周恩来要和代表团一起住旅馆,西哈努克亲王不答应,坚持要周恩来住王宫。总理早就给我们出访定下了规矩,重要的一条就是“客随主便”。 客随主便,周思来被西哈努克接入王宫。当时王后还在,周恩来同西哈努克都住在了王宫里。 王宫不大,还不如我们北京的官园大;房子不大也不多,我和总理当时的卫士长成元功没地方休息,只能轮流进地下室去休息。不过,王宫的花园不小,非常漂亮,体现了真正大自然的美。 客随主便,西哈努克安排周总理参观柬埔寨的医院,电台,这都是我们援建的。西哈努克亲自担任讲解。从见面的那一刻起,我们就强烈地感受到这位新国王很聪明,受过很好的教育,举止言谈文雅礼貌,风度翩翩。柬埔寨的华侨非常爱国,周总理每次外出,华侨们都全体出动,在马路两边和公共场所自动形成纠察线进行保护。因为当时柬埔寨不太平,南越人经常搞偷袭,每次外出公开活动都包含有一定危险性。西哈努克对于华侨们的表现满意又自豪,两眼朝周恩来一闪一闪地望着,说:“这是柬埔寨的华侨,他们爱第一祖国,中国;也爱第二祖国,柬埔寨。” 这天晚上看过演出,陈毅外长对周恩来说:“总理呀,咱们明天可得分开活动了。 我去吴哥窟,纯是游玩,你和西哈努克参观白马,可是重头。 " 第二天,周恩来与陈毅便分开活动了。这一切都是客随主便,听西哈努克亲王安排。 陈毅先走了。陈毅走后,西哈努克才请总理出发。我们当时谁也没料到这是西哈努克早已心中想好的一步棋。 简易机场上停有两架小飞机,螺旋桨式的小飞机。西哈努克陪周恩来上了第一架飞机。这是西哈努克的飞机,里面装饰过,很漂亮,但是很小,坐不多人。西哈努克带了个警卫,周恩来只带了法文翻译齐宗华,我们都没上去,主人安排我们上第二架。 上飞机前,只遵循客随主便的原则,也没多问,都以为去白马参观。西哈努克一上飞机,形势全变了。他突然赶开飞机驾驶员,说:“今天我亲自给周总理开飞机。” 我的天哪,西哈努克要开飞机?而且是载着我们的国家的总理周思来!西哈努克当时还很年轻,完全是个血气方刚的“小伙子”,我们的总理可是62岁的老人了。西哈努克如果60岁,他决不会这么冲,这么冒失,他的这个举动充满了青年人所特有的血性、锐气和热情,但给我们这些工作人员带来的可是承受不起的压迫力。我承认西哈努克聪明,聊起天来,天文地理,鸡毛蒜皮,什么都懂一些;他还会作诗,会作曲,会唱,会表演,他会开汽车,但说啥也没想到他还会开飞机。这毕竟是1960年啊,一国元首开飞机我实在是第一次听说,并且马上要见识……陈毅元帅要是在就好了,他一定会巧妙地谢绝阻止。可他已被聪明的西哈努克先打发走了,剩我们这些人,事前不知道,事发也没法劝,这种场合可是没有我们说话的份,只能看周总理自己的态度了。而总理的态度,不看也知道,肯定是客随主便。 果然,总理只是微笑点头,毫无担忧和拒绝的表示。然而事情还没完,西哈努克坐上了驾驶位,又发话了。 “总理,咱们今天不去白马了。”他回头望住周恩来,“咱们今天去××岛,到那里视察一下。” 这个岛名我现在记不准确了,当时所受惊吓太大。因为那个岛就在南越的边边上。 这个岛本来是属于柬埔寨的,南越反动当局在美国支持下搞霸权,争这个岛,说应该归南越,所以经常派武装部队去骚扰。那岛子是兵家所争之地,已经充满危险性,偏又听说还有土匪,更是险上加险。西哈努克现在就要开飞机去闯那个岛。 今天讲起来,我不能不佩服西哈努克那种勇敢无畏的闯劲,他虽然出身高贵,从小生活优越,但在为民族和国家的奋斗中,确实不乏献身精神。在当时,我却实在认为他是年轻人的冒失,并且也明白他的用意:你南越不是有美国人支持吗?我有中国朋友! 现在中国的总理陪我一道来视察岛子了,这就是承认并支持柬埔寨对这个岛屿所拥有的主权。 客随主便,飞机起飞了。虽然距离很近,飞行时间不长,我却汗透两层衣。想想刚访问过的尼泊尔,比亨德拉国王叫周恩来坐他的飞机,起飞后就发生故障,飞机差点坠毁。那次周恩来、陈毅都在飞机上,警卫人员基本没上去,也是这种小飞机,我在场,急得我心差点从嗓子眼跳出来。那场惊吓的后遗症还没消失,现在又乘上了这种小飞机,我一个劲地从窗子朝外扫视,就怕前面的飞机出事。我相信,老国王要是不去世,决不会发生这种事。 始终没有望见总理的飞机。舱里不知谁喃喃,美国和南越的飞机常窜过来……我的心咯噔一下,忙又朝窗外望,这次可就怕发现飞机了,要是南越飞来几架战斗机,那可成大事呢。我还记得1956年11月那次,周恩来与贺龙从河内飞金边,航线恰好要从美国控制的南越和泰国的空军基地间穿过,那里仗打得正凶,周恩来却说:“不管危险多大,一定要飞过去,人家在等着我们呢,不能第一次打交道就失信,我们代表的是整个国家!”那次周恩来亲自参加飞越的研究会,设想各种应付方案。飞越险区时,无线电里一直响着美军基地的陆空对话声,周恩来和贺龙却一路谈笑风生,使我多次想起草船借箭里的诸葛亮,想起当年跟随周恩来参观武侯祠……那次低空飞行,平安过了战火激烈的险区。我还跟总理穿越过美国和蒋介石封锁的台湾海峡,虽然都过来了,却每次都压力大得减寿。以一国总理之尊,屡次冒这样大的风险,值得吗? 谢天谢地,飞机终于着陆了。我不等出舱便看到了西哈努克驾驶的那架飞机,长长舒口气:这个年轻国王还真有那么两下子。 下飞机时,突然听到叭叭一串清脆声响,实在是跟随总理多年,年年都遇有险情,稍有情况便联系起一堆经验之想。我马上想到了劳山遇险那一次,曾错把枪声当成鞭子声……土匪!这是生出的第一个念头。刹那间的紧张是无法用语言形容的,我紧冲两步,发现周恩来一脸平静轻松的微笑,完全是游览名胜的悠闲自在的神情。有人在喊: “中国的总理来了!” “热烈欢迎周恩来总理前来参观视察!” 我稍松一口气,到底没弄清那声响是枪声还是鞭炮还是甩鞭子声?总之岛上的人一听说是中国的总理周恩来到了,都表现出热烈、激动和友好。我能鲜明地感到中国的国威,感到周恩来的赫赫英名就是在这荒僻小岛也尽人皆知,并且民皆仰之。特别是华侨,那激昂热烈的情绪使我坚信,真有什么风吹草动的事发生,他们会毫不犹豫地用生命和鲜血来保卫代表祖国出访的周恩来总理。 那一趟视察,无论风景多美,异国情调多么迷人,我始终不曾有丝毫的轻松可言。 直到回了金边,那汗还没有出完。一到王宫,我就抱怨:“总理,这可太危险,太不象话了。” 周恩来淡淡一笑:“你们的心情我理解,但不该这样说。人家是国王,是元首,你们不能把总理考虑到国王、元首之上。”他眨了一下眼,目光变得深沉。“你们替我担心着急,一方面是负有责任,另方面是不是有大国思想?不要把大国的总理考虑在小国的元首之上。无论大国小国、穷国富国,在国际关系上都是一律平等的,不但要这样说,更要这样想,这样做。” 陈毅元帅来了。他显然听说了这件事,那坦荡的性情再配上个大嗓门,一见总理便嚷起来:“不行,我得去找西哈努克亲王说说,这还得了,这么大的事……” 他被周恩来一个严厉的手势止住了,怔怔地望着周恩来。 “国王、元首给你总理开飞机,你说什么?你再高有人家元首高?” “可也得打个招呼哟。” “人家国王也去了嘛,我们要支持,那岛子本来就是人家的么。” 陈毅同西哈努克的友谊是很深的,私人交往也密切,很有感情,所以说话没那么多顾忌:“唉,他是够勇敢够敢闯的,又开飞机,又拉了中国总理去岛子上向南越示威……” 周恩来笑了:“人家元首开飞机,我能拒绝吗?越是小国家,我们越是要尊重,决不能损伤小国的自尊心。我们坚持的就是这么一个原则:大国小国一个样,穷国富国一个样。生活中人与人交往也不能嫌贫爱富啊,何况是国家之间。” 陈毅连连点头,不再提这件事,转而介绍他参观的吴哥窟。周思来也并没把这次冒险当回事,在他的经历中,这也确实算不得什么“险”。他只是遗憾没看到吴哥窟: “唉,未能一睹为快啊,可惜!”” 不同于枪弹下的幸免于难,也不同于空中的遇险,周恩来还曾多次在大的政治较量和激烈的阶级斗争中凭着大智大勇,沉着冷静、有条不紊地转危为安。那种“不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步”的气度,堪称千古一绝。 年4月下旬,对中国共产党来说实在是段灰暗的日子。参与领导中央特科工作的顾顺章送中央代表张国焘去鄂豫皖根据地。谁能想到这2人变成两股祸水?张国焘到了那里后,利用“肃反”将开辟鄂豫皖根据地的优秀红军将领几乎杀光,其黑暗和残酷程度在60年后的今天都不宜全部披露,最后发展到分裂党,另立中央的地步。对于张国焘的罪恶人们已经知道不少,无须多讲。这个护送张国焘的顾顺章还可以再谈谈。他虽然危害时间极短暂,却对中共中央的安全造成从未有过的极大威胁,堪称创造了一项中共党史之最。 顾顺章原是个上海工人,参加共产党后,到这时已经担任中共中央政治局候补委员。 他领导中央特科工作,长期负责党的保卫工作,熟知中共中央机关和多数中央领导人的住址,掌握党的大量重要机密,熟悉党的各种秘密工作方法。他护送张国焘走后,在武汉被捕,很快叛变,并且向国民党当局献计献策,想以突然袭击的办法将中共中央机关和主要领导人一网打尽。 在这一危急时刻,首先立大功的是打入国民党中央组织部调查科当机要秘书的中共地下党员钱壮飞。他获悉情报,立刻派人连夜从南京赶到上海,报告中央特科负责人李克农并转报中央。 要在极短时间里,要在敌人统治下,迅速完成大规模的疏散隐蔽任务,其艰巨性,危险性在白区工作中都是罕见的。中央将这一重大事件的处理委托给以周恩来为首的几位同志全权处理。周恩来一分一秒不放松,与陈云商定对策,在聂荣臻、陈赓、李克农、李强等同志协助下,销毁大量机密文件,疏散所有党的负责人和一切可能成为顾顺章侦捕的干部;切断叛徒在上海可能利用的所有关系;废止顾顺章所知道的一切秘密工作方法,赶在敌人行动之前完成了中央交给的任务,避免了一次后果极端严重的大破坏。 周恩来在重大关头所表现的这种惊人的静气,他在危难时刻所显示的钢铁意志,周密准确地估量形势,果断正确地采取行动,在以后重大政治斗争中多次再现。比如长征途中张国焘准备加害中央之际;比如加纳发生谋刺总统事件后,他如期访问加纳给予支持;比如尽人皆知的“9.13”事件中。 邓颖超曾对我们讲述她与周恩来在大连遇险脱险的经过,这个故事也可以说明周恩来每临大事有静气,沉着、机智、果敢的品格。 年,中共在苏联莫斯科召开第六次全国代表大会。周恩来当选为代表,邓颖超列席会议,两人在五月初一道乘日本轮船离开上海。 船过青岛时,周恩来与邓颖超上岸吃饭,并买了青岛市的各种报纸带回船上。当时山东济南刚发生日本屠杀中国外交官员,打死打伤中国军民数千人的惨案,因惨案发生于5月3日,所以又称“五三惨案”。报纸上几乎全是报道这方面的内容。 周恩来买许多报纸,引起日方侦察员注意,轮船停靠大连码头后,周恩来与邓颖超正准备下船,面前出现了3名穿警服的日本人,也不讲话,目光灼灼盯紧周恩来,就那么沉默着挡住去路。 人心中但凡有隐秘,最惊的莫过于这种莫测高深的目光和沉默,许多极富经验的斗士也难免栽在沉默中。周恩来却表现出超人的静气,显出一种惊讶、不解和不满的神情,皱起眉头问:“这是什么意思?有事吗?” 日本水上警察厅的警官没有诈出破绽,便冷冷而又突然地问出一声:“你的,什么的干活?” “做古玩生意。”周恩来毫不迟疑地应上一句。虽然他携带的箱子里一件古玩也没有,但自小受家庭熏陶,关于古玩的知识却不少,完全可以周旋下去。 “你买那么多报纸干什么?”又一个警察用流利的中国话抢问。 “在船上没事,可以看看消遣。” "Where are you going?" “吉林。” “到东北干什么?” “去看望舅舅。” 个敌人交换一下目光,指住周恩来:“你的,跟我们走一趟。” “去哪儿?”周恩来不耐烦地又皱起眉头。 “水上警察厅。” “我跟你们一起去。”邓颖超不放心。 “你不要去,你去干什么?”周恩来发火地瞪一眼邓颖超,那神情态度完全符合当时中国的夫妻在家庭中各自所占的位置。周恩来转望住3名警官:“我可以跟你们去。 不过,你们先帮我找个旅馆,把我夫人送旅馆住下,回来我也好找她。 " 名警官怔了怔。不要小看这几句话,这里所显示的自信确实具有震撼力,3名警官顿时有些泄气,心劲明显减弱,帮邓颖超找好旅馆,安排邓颖超住下,然后才带周恩来走。 在水上警察厅,他们拿出记录的纸笔,例行公事地问一遍姓名、出生年月日、学历、职业等情况,然后吸燃香烟,这是正式交锋的前奏。 周恩来始终是那么坦然,那么自信,那么既来之则安之,就是没有一点惶恐不安,连目光都不颤一下。 “你舅舅姓什么?”敌人冷不防问。 “姓周。” "what is it call?" “曼青。” "What are you doing?" “在省政府财政厅任科员。” 这几句问答行云流水,一气完毕,又快捷又干脆。 可是,主审官嘴角流出了得意的略含讥嘲的冷笑:“你大概忘了你姓什么?” “姓王。开始我说过。” 敌人口气陡转,又凶又急:“你舅舅姓周,你怎么姓王?” 这次轮到周恩来笑了。他的笑中含着苦涩也含着讥嘲,那是“秀才遇见兵”的神情: “先生,在中国舅舅和叔叔是有区别的,叔叔和我姓氏一致,舅舅可不一致,不像外国人,舅舅、叔叔都叫uncle。所以我舅舅姓周我姓王。” 敌人有些尴尬,嘴唇张了张,不甘心地站起身,逼视着周恩来:“我看你不是姓王而姓周,你不是做古董生意的而是当兵的。” 周恩来表情的变化是那么自然而适度,始而惊讶,继而苦笑,伸出两只手:“你看我像当兵的吗?” 几个警察都去看那双手,那是一双写字的手。 主审官拉开抽屉,拿出一张卡片仔细看着,猛一掀眼帘,目光直逼周思来,叫: “周恩来!” 周恩来茫然地皱起眉头,既没应声也无脸红,被喊愣了一般。 “你就是周恩来。”敌人肯定地再说一句。 周恩来脑子马上闪出上海登船后,餐厅里遇到的两张似曾相识的面孔,天津口音,是商人。很可能是当年在天津五四运动时认识他的……然而,近10年过去了。周恩来抚下满腮的胡子,笑着摇起头:“不明白你的意思。 我姓王,淮安人,你们有什么根据说我是周,周恩来? " 主审官张了张嘴,没有答出来。他重新坐下,拿过记录,将问过的话再重新问一遍。 周恩来对答如流,与记录上一字不错。他那非凡的记忆力确实超出一般人所能想象的。 于是,敌人终于缓下态度:“对不起,误会了。先生,你可以走了。” 周恩来却不忙于走。他是在日本人的势力下活动,走出警察厅容易,再被请回来也很容易。 “唉呀,耽误快两小时了。”周恩来看看表,认真请求道:“先生,我还得麻烦你们一下,帮我买两张下午去长春的火车票。” 敌人再次面面相觑,终于点点头:“可以。” “辛苦你们了。”周恩来将钱递上,“我在旅馆等票。” 至此,周恩来才不慌不忙走出警察厅。回到旅馆,他仍是那么从容不迫,喝水休息,只是喝水时低低交待一句:“把接头证件销毁。” 邓颖超若无其事地上厕所去了。很快,厕所传出了冲马桶的声音。 就这样,周恩来和邓颖超拿了警察厅代买的火车票,从容不迫地离开
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