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Chapter 13 3. Li Lianying's homecoming

Li Lianying 斯仁 9262Words 2018-03-16
Eunuchs are not allowed to leave the palace privately, otherwise they will be punished with death, this is the rule set by the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty.But Li Lianying not only wanted to return home in fine clothes, but also asked his subordinates to raise a big banner as soon as he left the capital, and wrote eight big characters-"Deputy Chief of the Qing Dynasty's Inner Court Li"! After returning to the room, Li Lianying lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep for a long time.He is excited that he can get such favor from the Empress Dowager Cixi; he is excited that he will be able to ascend the throne of the inner court chief in the near future.When he first entered the palace, he never thought that he would have the glory of today, and couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement in his heart.I saw him get out of bed again, put on the fourth-rank official hat, put on the long robe and gown bestowed on him by the Empress Dowager Cixi herself, and admire himself in the mirror.Looking at herself in the mirror, Li Lianying couldn't believe it was real, and squeezed her arm hard, it hurt.All this is real, not a dream!Turning around, looking at the spacious bedroom and the utensils made of nanmu and red sandalwood all over the room, he couldn't help being excited and bewildered for a while. He couldn't help but think of his childhood and the days when he sold nitrate, and he was full of passion for a while. I am overwhelmed with emotion.How impoverished I was at that time, like a beggar, who would think highly of me, Li Lianying?But now?Hmph, even princes and ministers are three points lower when they see me.The world is so unpredictable!Suddenly he thought of his mother, so the affairs of the whole family depended on her alone.Now I can say that I have achieved fame, why not take my mother to the capital to enjoy a few days of happiness?By the way, let those guys see that I, Li Lianying, am no longer the Wuxia Amon of that day, but the deputy chief of the inner court of the mighty Qing Dynasty.Thinking of this, he hastily fetched the Four Treasures of the Study, spread out the red thread letter paper, and wrote a letter to his long-lost mother, telling her, and soon took her old man to the capital to enjoy the blessings.The letter was finished, but he hesitated again, he had not been back to the palace for a long time, and now he wants to go out again, will the Queen Mother agree?This……

In March of Yangchun, it is the season of warm spring and flowers blooming. Early in the morning, the sun unsparingly sprinkles light and heat on the world, making people warm and warm. Everyone thinks that today must be a good weather.But when it was near noon, there was a sudden fog, and it began to rain rustlingly. The weather was also suddenly cold, and the wind was rustling.The Empress Dowager Cixi, who was lying on the bed and savoring Biluochun leisurely, got out of bed quickly after hearing this, and opened the window to see that it was raining, which was really great.Others love the sunshine, but the Empress Dowager Cixi does not. In her opinion, such weather will only make people lazy and depressed; she loves rain, because rain can quench the manic desires in people's hearts, and rain can comfort people. , tenderness, and because rain can keep a clear mind at all times, so whenever it rains, she has to go out to play.Of course today is no exception, I saw her shouting loudly:

"Little plum, little plum." When Li Lianying heard this, she didn't know what happened, so she ran in hastily. "Hurry up and get ready, let's go to the Imperial Garden to play today." "Queen, it's raining outside!" "I went out because of the rain. Didn't I tell you that the first drops of light rain are green like washing, and the scenery is beautiful. This is the first. Have you forgotten?" Li Lianying suddenly realized that the Empress Dowager loved swimming in the rain, why did she forget about it today, what the hell, she hurriedly responded and ran out again.

The imperial garden in the mist and mist is quite a sight.Under the washing of the rain, the freshly bloomed flowers are even more colorful and colorful, so gorgeous and beautiful. The Empress Dowager Cixi felt very comfortable when she saw it. The rain poured on her body and head.When the eunuch saw her, he quickly opened the umbrella for her, but he didn't expect to be reprimanded! "How many times, you people, you don't know what I'm good for." "Queen Mother, don't slaves know? Walking in the rain is like a spring breeze. They are afraid that you will catch a cold. If you get gonorrhea, who will be able to take care of it." Li Lianying said quickly.

"Spring rain is as expensive as oil, and it rains first, and then there is no heavy rain. Even children know these truths, you are so confused." What's the matter today, I can't figure it out, Li Lianying couldn't help shouting to the eunuchs: "Hurry up and get out of the way, don't get in the way and add trouble." Looking at the flowers that competed in the rain, the Empress Dowager Cixi seemed to have returned to her youthful days. She walked over excitedly, picked a flower and smelled it carefully, it was so fragrant!I couldn't bear to pick it again, one, two..., without much effort, both hands were full of flowers, so I turned to look for Li Lianying, but I saw Li Lianying standing in the rain, rain and tears mixed together With cheeks dripping down, he hurried over and asked:

"Xiao Lizi, why did I start to cry when I said a few words to you?" "How dare the servant be angry with you, Queen Mother? The servant just saw the rain and couldn't help but think of home..." "Is there a problem?" "Yesterday, the slave's family asked someone to send a message saying that there was a flood in his hometown, so the slave..." "Is it important?" "I don't know much about it. The letter said it was serious. Many people died. I have been in the palace since I was a child. It has been more than ten years and I have never returned home. If you allow me, the queen mother, I want... I want to go back." Take a look, and bring your mother along."

The Empress Dowager Cixi did not speak for a long time.Seeing this situation, Li Lianying hurriedly said: "If the Empress Dowager needs a servant, the servant will not go back and stay to serve your old man." "No, you go back. After serving me for so many years, it's hard for you, so go back and have a look." "But the Empress Dowager Ci'an..." Li Lianying still had lingering fears about An Dehai's death, so she said again. "You just go there swaggeringly, swaggering back! I'd like to see, which one of them dares to touch a hair on you like they did to Xiao Anzi!"

Li Lianying had just returned to the palace not long ago, so she spoke from her heart.Empress Dowager Cixi really didn't want to let him go.Because once Li Lianying left, no one could serve me like him. But when she thinks of Empress Dowager Ci'an and Prince Gong, she becomes angry.That time An Dehai went out of the palace privately, and as a result, Ding Baozhen, governor of Shandong, was executed at the order of Empress Dowager Ci'an and Prince Gong.Although the Empress Dowager Cixi finally compromised, she hated the two of them to death.This time, as soon as Li Lianying mentioned leaving the palace and returning home, she immediately thought of it, she wanted revenge, she wanted to show them some color, so she readily agreed to Li Lianying.

With the permission of the Empress Dowager Cixi, Li Lianying took out the written letter immediately after returning to the house to check that there was nothing missing, then folded it up and put it in a big red envelope, handed it to Li Sanshun and said, "Ride on a fast horse and set off immediately." , give this letter to my mother, and remember to go and return quickly." After sending Li Sanshun away, Li Lianying ordered several apprentices to arrange for her to go home.In a few days, hundreds of rolls of precious big leaf python, dorama, high-quality cotton yarn, river silk, etc., as well as mink and otter skins were prepared.Except for those rewarded by the Empress Dowager Cixi, most of these things were obtained by him through corruption and bribery by relying on his power.In order to show his totalitarianism and wealth, he also specially prepared Jingbai rice, monkey head, bird's nest and other things that only the queen mother and emperor could eat, and loaded them into four big carriages.

On this day, Li Lianying was dressed up and was about to set off, when suddenly the Empress Dowager Cixi sent someone again.What's the matter, I'm ready to go, don't let me go again.After hearing this, he was relieved. It turned out that the Empress Dowager Cixi specially gave him two royal horses, and one was hung with one hundred and eight jasper beads.This jasper court pearl can only be worn by ministers of the second rank or above. Li Lianying saw it, and hurriedly kowtowed to thank her. Immediately, she rode on the tall red horse bestowed by the emperor, led a large group of eunuchs and maidservants, and drove four carts. He left the capital in a mighty manner.

As soon as she left the capital, Li Lianying asked someone to raise a big banner, on which were written eight large characters in official script: "Li, Deputy Chief of the Inner Court of the Great Qing Dynasty"!Under the blowing of the spring breeze, the flag whirred, very majestic.There is a green scene in the field, and the trees beside the road have grown green leaves. A few birds are chirping on the trees, as if telling people "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!" Riding on the Yucihong Immediately, Li Lianying was even more energetic, staying in the palace all day, did not expect the scenery outside to be so beautiful, the air so fresh, couldn't help taking a few deep breaths, it was so refreshing! "Master!" At this moment, Li Sanshun who delivered the letter said, "Master, I think we should pay more attention when we come out this time, don't act like..." What a disappointment, Li Lianying yelled loudly after hearing this: "Stop talking! It's your little life that matters? If you're afraid, go back to the palace!" After hearing this, Li Sanshun stepped back resentfully.He didn't even think about it, who is Li Lianying?Could he not be considerate of such a major matter related to his wealth and life? Eunuchs are not allowed to leave the palace privately, otherwise they will be punished with death, this is the rule set by the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty.Although the Empress Dowager Cixi gave her permission, but there are still Empress Dowager Ci'an and Prince Gong. If they come to the secret decree, then even a small seventh-rank county magistrate can put Li Lianying to death.Li Lianying had thought of this a long time ago, so before he left Beijing, he sent someone to pass the post to the officials along the way and gave money.Now Li Sanshun brought up the matter of An Dehai when he was excited, spoiling his interest, how can he not be angry? A few days later, a group of people came to Caohe in a mighty way, preparing to return home by boat. Looking from afar, I saw crowds of people moving around the ferry, Li Lianying couldn't help wondering, and was about to send someone to see what happened, when a person hurried over.Looking closer, it turned out to be Wu Yi, the local county magistrate.As soon as Wu Yi received Li Lianying's post, he got busy.Li Lianying is a popular person in front of the Empress Dowager Cixi. He can appoint and dismiss officials at will with a word from him. Can Wu Yi not be courteous?This is a good opportunity for promotion. "Wu Yi, a humble worker, pays respects to Manager Li. I wonder how Manager Li is doing along the way?" "It's okay. Magistrate Wu, why are there so many people at the ferry?" "If you go back to the manager, some of these people want to see your old man, and some are waiting to cross the river." "It's crossing the river, why didn't you leave early? Didn't I tell you in the letter not to be too ostentatious?" Li Lianying was a little unhappy when she heard this.Even with the backing of the Empress Dowager Cixi, he still didn't dare to show off too much. After more than ten years of tempering in the palace, how could he not understand the truth that the tree is big and attracts the wind? Seeing Li Lianying's displeasure, the county magistrate of Wu hurriedly knelt down and replied, "I have followed your orders. It's just that there is a gathering, there are many people and the boat is small, so there is nothing I can do about it." Li Lianying heard that this was a good opportunity to gain fame, so she ordered Wu Yi to call the boatman.When the boatman heard Li Lianying calling him, he thought to himself, my little punter, what does he want me for?Hurry over. "Boatman, there are so many people crossing the river, your boat is small, why don't you build a bigger one?" Li Lianying asked. "It's not that villains don't want to, it's just that the price is too expensive, and small families can't afford to repair it." "Okay then, I'll give you one thousand taels of silver, and you go back and repair a big boat." Hearing this, the boatman thought that Li Lianying was joking with him, so he didn't say a word, but saw that someone had already brought a thousand taels of silver, and he hurriedly thanked him. "You're welcome, just give me a reputation in the future." After sending away the boatman, Li Lianying took a group of people and boarded the peaceboat that had already been prepared.I saw that the Pacific boat was very spacious, the sides of the boat were decorated with colorful silks, and a large flag was erected on the bow, waving in the wind.Walking into the cabin, you can have everything you need to eat, drink, play and have fun.This Wu Yi really knows how to do things.So he called Wu Yi and said: "Magistrate Wu, I didn't expect you to be so meticulous. After returning, I will definitely give you a few words of kindness in front of the Queen Mother. It's getting late, so let's order the boat to sail." To receive such a compliment from Director Li, the County Magistrate Wu was overjoyed. After a few words of politeness, he hurriedly knelt down, and led a group of yamen servants to pull up Li Lianying himself.Seeing the slavish and humble appearance of the county magistrate, people couldn't help laughing: I didn't expect the county magistrate who usually rides on our heads to make a fortune is such a spineless thing.Some people even yelled: "Master County, work harder." Wu Yi couldn't care less at the moment, and if he couldn't bear it, he would make a big plan. He just pouted his buttocks and stretched hard, all he wanted was to please Li Lianying , in order to get promoted and get rich.Li Lianying didn't forget about him. After returning to the palace, she spoke to the Empress Dowager Cixi and gave him a magistrate. As the boat sailed, Li Lianying was sitting on the grand master's chair at the bow, beaming with joy. It was the first time she had traveled so far since entering the palace, and it was the first time she enjoyed the glory and joy of being a master. Could he not be happy?Along the way, I had a lot of fun, and actually followed the emperor's way of traveling, and summoned a group of female musicians to taste bamboo and tune strings, sing and dance on the boat, which was very pleasant.Along the way, we saw the flags on the dragon boats fluttering, singing and dancing, attracting people from both sides of the strait to watch, and the shore was crowded with curious people.Seeing the admiring and curious eyes of the common people, Li Lianying couldn't help but feel a sense of elation in his heart. He was intoxicated by his own limelight. On this day, the Taiping ship sailed ten miles south of Dacheng County, and Li Lianying ordered it to drop anchor.It is only two or three miles away from Li Jia Village.Standing at the bow of the boat, Li Lianying looked excitedly at the green fields in the distance, sucked in the strong smell of soil, and searched for Li Jia Village when she was a child... When Li Sanshun went home to report the letter, the news of "Li Yingtai's return home in fine clothes" spread throughout Dacheng County like an anecdote from heaven and earth.This day, hearing that Li Lianying's official boat had arrived at the ferry, people couldn't help but ran to the river, wanting to see what this little gangster from back then looks like today. The banks of the Ziya River are crowded with curious people.Among them, some cheered and jumped for joy, smiling; some whispered and whispered; some eyes showed envy; "Look, look quickly, that tall, skinny guy wearing a boa robe, wearing a blue top, is Pi Ni Li." "Yes, it's him. I didn't expect that I haven't seen him for more than ten years, but he really made a name for himself." "Of course, I heard that he is now a celebrity in front of Empress Dowager Cixi, and even the princes and ministers have to give up three points when they see him." "It's been thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi!" "What's the big deal, isn't it just a eunuch? A donkey. You follow the Queen Mother's ass all day long, and you're worthless!" Li Lianying, who was intoxicated with joy, could not help but gloomy upon hearing this.When Li Sanshun saw him, he wanted to take someone to arrest him, but suddenly he heard Li Lianying say: "This is not in the palace. This is in my hometown. I don't see people in the village. If you bow your head but don't look up, forget it. He wouldn't dare to let others give him the courage!" After hearing this, Li Sanshun had no choice but to give up. Mrs. Li came to the shore early when she heard that her son was coming back today.Proud of the spring breeze, Li Lianying, who came ashore with a smile on her face, saw her mother in the crowd at a glance.He couldn't believe his eyes. He hadn't seen her for more than ten years. How could his mother be like this, with gray hair and a hunchback.I remember that my mother was not like this back then, and I couldn't help but feel sore in my heart, I hurriedly took off the official hat, handed it to Sanshun, knelt down on the ground, choked up and said: "Mother! My son is back, the unfilial son Yingtai is back to visit your old man." Seeing her son who had been away for more than ten years, Mrs. Li couldn't help but burst into tears, and mother and son cried for a while.After a while, it was Mrs. Li who spoke first: "Okay, Tai'er, you are a senior official now, how can you still act like a child, get up quickly, let's go home." The house of the Li family is no longer what it used to be. The dilapidated small hut has been replaced by a high-walled tile-roofed house. The entire mansion covers an area of ​​more than forty acres. There is a stone lion roaring towards the sky on each side. A pair of bronzing couplets shone under the sunshine. The first couplet reads: Spring breeze, spring moon, and spring light;On the top of the horizontal batch, there is a plaque of "Li Mansion" carved in gold, which was inscribed by Empress Dowager Cixi herself.Li Lianying, standing in front of the door, looked at the black lacquered door and the shiny rivets. She was filled with emotions and couldn't help but chanted: In the old days, Tianqiao asked Ziping, half his life was poor and half his life was rich. Today, the python robe is worn with a jade belt, and Wanli Pengcheng is happy to return home. "Okay, I'm not tired after walking for so many days, let's go into the house and rest." Looking at her excited son, Mrs. Li said cheerfully. After entering the room, after washing up, Li Lianying hurried away, ordering to bring up the things she had brought.As soon as the box was opened, Mrs. Li was stunned: "My God, I have never seen such a good thing in my life, so I couldn't help but look at Li Lianying again.Li Lianying took out a mink robe, walked up to her mother, and said, "Mother, this is for you. It's very warm when it's cold." The old lady nodded happily. Then Li Lianying took out one piece after another, "This one is for elder brother, this one is for fourth brother, this one is...," he was so busy that he was sweating profusely.Suddenly he remembered something, and shouted: "San Shun, hurry up and fetch the hanging jasper beads." After taking the beads, Li Lianying carefully hung them around her mother's neck. "This...", the old lady looked at the glittering chaozhu hanging around her neck, and was so happy that she couldn't even speak. "This is given to you by the Empress Dowager, and only ministers of the second rank and above can carry this." As soon as she heard that Empress Dowager Cixi sent her off, the old lady quickly took it off, held it in her hands, knelt on the ground and shouted: "Thank you for the gift, Empress Dowager!" Seeing her mother like this, Li Lianying hurried forward to help her up. "Tai'er, the Empress Dowager is really kind to us. After you return to the palace, you must serve her well." "Mother, don't worry. My son will bring you back to the capital this time, so that you, an old man, can enjoy peace and happiness." When Mrs. Li heard that her son was going to take her to the capital, she was so happy that she couldn't even close her mouth.All of a sudden, Li's mansion was full of joyous songs and laughter. Because of Li Lianying's return, in the past few days, the upper and lower parts of Li's mansion were brightly lit, singing and dancing continued, and there was an endless stream of people who came to Li's mansion to greet and give gifts every day. For a time, the small Li Jia Village became the busiest downtown in Dacheng County.Li Lianying was not stingy either, giving each of her relatives and friends a twenty-one tael of silver, and took out tens of thousands of taels of silver to repair bridges, pave roads, dig wells, and build schools for the village.He wants people to see that he, Li Lianying, is no longer the Wuxia Amon of that day, and he is no longer the bully who bullies everyone. This day, after seeing off the guests, Li Lianying was playing mahjong with Li Sanshun and others in the back garden, when suddenly a doorman came in to announce that the county magistrate of Dacheng was asking for an audience outside, and he couldn't help but get angry: What's wrong, we won't let people be quiet for a while.Just as he was about to miss it, he suddenly heard from the doorman that he seemed to have lifted a plaque.Hearing this, Li Lianying thought that there were many people who gave me gold and silver. This was the first time for this thing. She was curious, so she ordered her to come in.After the county magistrate came in to greet him, he saw that Li Lianying was playing cards, so he stood in one room like a puppet without saying a word. After Li Lianying entered the palace, although she tried her best to flatter and flatter her, she was very disgusted when she saw the magistrate's slavish appearance who couldn't even lick his ass.He touched the cards in his hand and said calmly: "What's the matter with you?" "I came to pay my respects to the general manager, and I came to talk about my heart and respect a little gift. Since you came back from old age, people have benefited a lot from repairing bridges, paving roads, digging wells and building schools. In order to thank you for your kindness, thank you The official sent a plaque." After speaking, someone carried it in and uncovered the red silk and satin covering it, and saw the four characters "Zebei Wanmin" written on it. Li Lianying saw it, and felt joy in her heart, and hurriedly ordered to be given a seat.Suddenly Li Sanshun came over and whispered in Li Lianying's ear.Li Lianying nodded frequently as she listened.The county magistrate looked at it and thought, what's the matter?Li Lianying has already spoken: "This plaque is really good, but it's inappropriate to give it to me. I'm from our Dacheng County. Shouldn't I do something good for the people of our county? Besides, I don't have a place to put this thing. I think so. You take this plaque back, if you really have the heart, you can set up a monument for me in an inconspicuous place on the bank of the Ziya River." monument?How could this monument be erected casually?Since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, I have never heard of a monument being erected for any eunuch, and the county magistrate was in trouble when he heard about it.So he said: "This... I'm afraid..." Before he could finish speaking, Li Lianying waved his hands and said with a gloomy face, "If that's the case, forget it. I'm busy, so please go ahead." This made Nazhi county very anxious. He wanted to give a plaque to curry favor with Li Lianying, who would have thought that he would end up in such an embarrassing situation.I thought to myself, take the plaque out and let people see it, where should I put my face?Thinking about it again, this Li Lianying is now a celebrity in front of the Empress Dowager Cixi, and now I can't wear my black gauze hat firmly.Alas, the Wusha hat is more important, and said quickly: "Please calm down, my lord. Your prime minister can hold a boat in your stomach, so please forgive me for your recklessness just now. I will go back and do it now, I will go back to do it now." When Li Lianying heard this, she smiled and personally sent him out of the gate.The next day, a monument was erected at the ferry of Ziya River, in which Li Lianying was called Li Dashan.Li Lianying was delighted to hear the letter.Naturally, the benefits of Li Sanshun and Nazhi County are also indispensable. Since Li Lianying gained power, the life of the Li family has become much more leisurely, so a large-scale falcon hunting activity is held every year. Usually, there are more than a dozen falconers and dog hunters hired in the home, specially for They train hawk dogs.Every year after the autumn harvest, the ground is cleared until February of the following year, which is the day when a large-scale falconry hunting activity is held.Of course, their falcon hunting activities are not for hunting game or increasing income, but for fun, to show off their wealth, and to show off their prestige. Li Lianying had already missed the date when he came back this time, but since he left home when he was a child, he has never played this game again, and on a whim, he took a group of people out to go hunting this day.A group of people are wearing cloaks, riding boots, and hoods, and are riding tall horses. The falconer is driving an eagle in front, and the dog-leading masters are following on both sides. The scene is very spectacular.Look at the horse again, fat and strong, the saddle and bridle harness are gorgeous in color, the yellow saddle and the big red mattress cover are dazzling. It was a coincidence that as soon as I entered the field, I saw two rabbits lying on the ground basking in the sun.A group of people quickly surrounded them quietly.All right, "quick, let the eagle go, let the dog go!" Following Li Lianying's shout, the eagle and the dog rushed over.I saw two flower hawks flying up and down, beating the rabbit vigorously with their wings, and a little hawk was in front of it to stop the rabbit from going forward; He was caught right away.Li Lianying was fascinated by the sight, clapping her hands and shouting: "It's so wonderful, the strong eat the weak, it's wonderful." Unknowingly, the sun has reached the top of the head, and it's time for lunch. The group of people packed up their things, and they were very happy came home. When I first entered the village, I saw a man standing by the roadside with a load of things beside him.When Li Lianying saw him, he immediately rushed forward. He thought that this person was in some trouble, and wanted to go up and help, so that he could make a name for himself.Unexpectedly, when he took a closer look, he was pissed off, thinking that you still have the face to come to me!Who, it turned out to be the rich man Deng.As soon as Li Lianying's boat arrived at Ziya River, he got the news. He wanted to go to the door to apologize, but he didn't dare, because he wasn't sure whether Li Lianying still remembered what happened more than ten years ago.I thought that if Li Lianying still remembered that incident and went there by herself, it would be too embarrassing to be scolded in front of so many people.But it can't be seen and it can't be done, he is now under one person and above ten thousand people, if he tricks himself, he might even lose his life.what should I do?It just so happened that Li Lianying was out hunting today, so he waited by the roadside early in the morning. Besides, when Li Lianying saw his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, the scene of her home being occupied back then immediately appeared in front of Li Lianying's eyes, and she couldn't help showing a wicked smile on her face.This rich man Deng stood for a long time, thirsty, hungry, and tired. Seeing the smile on Li Lianying's face, he couldn't help but feel his feet go limp, lying on the ground, and kept saying, "Damn the villain! Damn the villain, please Li Lianying." Lord, please spare the little one." Li Lianying was riding on the horse, without even looking at him, she said, "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the famous rich man Deng! Did you get rich again recently? Getting rich is a good thing, why are you lying on the ground?" Rich Mr. Deng lay on the ground and stammered: "Damn the villain, the villain is short-sighted, the villain sees people as inferior, and only knows how to climb up, and looks down on the poor. You adults don't remember the villain's mistakes, so you will spare the little one." Bar……" Before he could finish speaking, Li Lianying said, "I still remember that year when it rained heavily, the Ziya River swelled, Dacheng County was covered with ocean, and people were hungry and displaced. What did you do to our family?" Rich Mr. Deng prostrated himself on the ground and said again and again: "Remember, remember, villains deserve to die." "Then what do you think I should do with you?" Hearing this, rich man Deng almost burst into tears. He looked at Li Lianying beggingly and said: "Thousands of mistakes are the fault of the villain, and they are all the foolishness of the villain. I beg you, Master Li, to spare the villain's life." Right. I will repay you twice, these things..." Li Lianying glanced at it and said, "It's just your shit, feed it to the pigs, and the pigs won't eat it!" Seeing Li Lianying's indomitable look, rich man Deng was really in a hurry, maybe even his own life would be lost.After thinking about it, I couldn't help but come up with a plan: Didn’t you, Li Lianying, become today by being an eunuch? I will give my daughter to you, as long as she can enter the palace, maybe... I saw him crying and smiling, "Master Li, I really can’t come up with more!" Good things honor you, I don't know if you are always willing to ask for someone, if you want someone..." Upon hearing this, Li Lianying said, "I know exactly what kind of ass you're sticking out and what kind of shit you're shitting on, so let's just say it straight." "Master Li, the younger one has a daughter who is twenty-eight years old. Although she is not as beautiful as a fairy, she is quite pretty. If you don't mind, I will send you to be a maid." Li Lianying pondered for a while and said, "Is this possible? I can still think about it, but I haven't seen your daughter yet! Bring her here tonight and let me have a look." When the rich man heard that there was something going on, he quickly thanked her and left. As night fell, rich Mr. Deng led her daughter into Li's mansion.This time, he has completely changed his face, his face is full of joy, and what he thinks about is only the scene of his daughter after entering the palace.Entering the hall, Li Lianying was sitting leisurely on the grand master's chair, drinking tea.Seeing Rich Lord Deng's father and daughter coming in, he asked, "Is this your daughter?" "Yes, yes, it is the little girl Cher." When the woman raised her head, Li Lianying looked dumbfounded. I never thought that this sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked guy would have such a juicy daughter.Couldn't help standing up, and circled around the woman twice.I saw her slim figure and coquettish figure, especially her eyes, which were as black as two big wild grapes full of juice, and her tenderness was affectionate, looking forward to drifting away.Li Lianying thought, well, since it was given to me, how could I not want it, maybe it will be useful in the future, so she said: "Okay, counting your luck and destiny, I don't care about the past. I will take this lady to the capital for you." When rich man Deng heard this, he hurriedly got down on the ground, kowtowed and thanked: "Thank you, Master Li, thank you, Master Li. It is still Master Li, you have a lot of adults, and I am really grateful for the younger ones." "Okay, it's getting late, you can go back." Seeing his appearance, Li Lianying felt disgusted. Rich Mr. Deng happily walked out of Li's mansion, humming a little song as he walked, and started his dream of yellow beams.How could he have imagined that after Li Lianying returned to Beijing, he didn't bring his daughter into the palace at all, but gave it to his brother Gang Yi, who was later sold to the famous "Eight Great Alleys" in the capital and became a prostitute. Unknowingly, it has been nearly a month since she returned home. Li Lianying thought about how she had played with her prestige and wealth, and it was time to return to Beijing.If the queen mother can't wait and sends someone to remind her, wouldn't it be bad to see the prosperity of Dacheng county.So Li Sanshun was ordered to prepare quickly.Then I came to my mother's room and told my mother that I was going back to the capital in the next two days.As soon as Mrs. Li heard that she had returned to Beijing, she said happily: "Okay, okay, the day after tomorrow will be a good day, let's go the day after tomorrow. By the way, Tai'er, the queen mother is so kind to us, you see, let's go and bring some for her old lady." what?" One sentence reminded Li Lianying, yes, I should bring something to the Queen Mother. What can I bring?The queen mother can do whatever she wants, she doesn't care about my things.Well, doesn't the Queen Mother love to eat small buns made of millet noodles? I remember that time when the Queen Mother wanted to eat it in the palace, and the Queen Mother lost her temper, why didn't I bring her some millet noodles.Think about it and say to your mother: "Mom, do we still have millet noodles?" When the old lady heard her son say to bring broomcorn noodles, she was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Tai'er, you are out of your mind. There are no delicacies in the palace. How can the Queen Mother eat this?" Li Lianying said triumphantly: "Mother, this is the uniqueness of the child. You don't know, add some sugar osmanthus with broomcorn noodles, steam it and eat it, it's sweet and delicious, the queen mother likes it the most.You don't want to, she eats delicacies all day long, can you not feel bored? " When the old lady heard the same reasoning, she said: "Okay, I will listen to you, mother will prepare for the Queen Mother herself." Two days later, when everything was ready, Li Lianying and her mother took the millet noodles, led the large group of eunuchs and maids, boarded the peaceboat, and embarked on the journey back to Beijing... After returning to the residence of the Bureau of Wine and Vinegar in Beijing, Li Lianying hurried to the Forbidden City after she settled down with her mother.After seeing the Empress Dowager Cixi, he offered the broomcorn noodles he brought.The Empress Dowager Cixi was very happy to see her. She took Li Lianying's hand and said, "Little Lizi, it's rare that you have such filial piety. You still miss me when you go home. Take good care of me in the future. I won't treat you badly." Li Lianying listened His heart was full of joy, he was very excited that he was once again favored by the Empress Dowager Cixi...
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