Home Categories Biographical memories How Cao Cao was made

Chapter 131 Thirteen, God of War

How Cao Cao was made 余三 2349Words 2018-03-16
Cao Cao hastily turned around and stepped into the tent, folded his fists and bowed his head to obey: the commander still has orders? Huangfusong said to Cao Cao word by word, clearly, and loudly: There is no important link on the battlefield, because... every link is very important! When Cao Cao heard this sentence, he suddenly felt that he was so shallow and ignorant. Every sentence Huangfusong said about himself just now was so pertinent, and there was absolutely no falsehood. Cao Cao was so convinced that he fell to his knees and bowed to Huangfusong on the ground: Thank you, Commander, for teaching!

When Cao Cao knelt down, not only was Huang Fusong not moved by Cao Cao's sincerity, but he was disgusted in his heart: a son of a wealthy family will flatter his horse and have no real ability. In the eyes of literati and bureaucrats, eunuchs are lowly people with both physical and personality defects. In addition, they are surrounded by the emperor as a whole. Huangfusong said coldly: Get out!Don't think that with a Qingxuan sword on your waist, you can fight!Also, your well-designed and well-crafted battle uniform is not for kneeling, it should make your enemies kneel to you!I want you to remember that henceforth do not dishonor the honor it contains!

Cao Cao's grateful blood attracted Huangfu Songhao to drink all the time.Cao Cao felt ashamed and was in extreme shame and indignation.Like a frightened child, he got up in a daze, stood numbly, and couldn't move. Zhu Jun winked at Cao Cao, and Cao Cao withdrew in despair.It was as if he was being crushed by a three-thousand-jin boulder, and it was difficult to move, and the pain of grievance filled his eyes, and he couldn't come out no matter what. At the same time, Huangfusong was also stunned, he stared at Cao Cao's back with hatred.On the one hand, they hated his birth deeply, and tried to suppress and humiliate him for no reason.On the one hand, he also likes to be a good teacher, and he does not hesitate to support the younger generation, hoping that the aspiring young people will grow into good soldiers on the battlefield.Huangfusong was annoyed why he spoke so harshly to Cao Cao?Those hurtful words are like bamboo sticks nailed into the young man's chest, even if they are pulled out, there will be blood.

Middle and high-ranking officers with a rank of two thousand shi could have led all the cavalry, but they were reduced to a logistics "chief" whose salary was only two hundred shi. Although Cao Cao did not ask to stay in Luoyang like other officials' children, the commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army did not give Cao Cao a good face who was determined to go with the army.Cao Cao was so scolded by Huangfusong that he returned to the exclusive military tent without saying a word. He thought about it for a long time overnight, and even wanted to resign.But he failed in his two consecutive careers as an official, and he failed even if he couldn't join the army. Then others would no longer think that he was an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, but that he was incompetent in civil and military affairs.Duan Jiong once said, "The first duty of a soldier is to obey orders." Now that he is a soldier, didn't he also want to be a frontier official?You can't fail without taking a step.

Cao Cao decided to stay, but his position was conferred by the emperor and he could not change it at will, so he could not wear his battle uniform at will.The Second Route Army had a rare event that everyone passed on. Cao Cao, who was dressed in a high-level cavalry captain's uniform, was busy in logistics all day long.Tens of thousands of soldiers misunderstood and ridiculed him, making him a "celebrity" of the Second Route Army. When people mention him, they always say: the commander-in-chief of the riding captain. Cao Cao has served as the order of Dunqiu and the treasury, and he is very familiar with logistics.Every day I am busy recording armaments and supplies, how much is received from the treasury, how much is distributed every day, how much is still needed, how many days are left during the entire training, and how many days in advance the front and logistics troops need to send food.All accounts must be reported to Sima Fu Xie twice a day, morning and evening, so that Huang Fusong can grasp the situation of grain and grass in a timely manner.

As the "chief" of logistics, the most tiring thing is not only the chores of sending and receiving food and grass.The reopened arsenals in various places continue to deliver military supplies to the arsenal.During the night, there were so many newly completed arrows and "hot" arrows sent from the western suburbs arsenal.Cao Cao had to get up immediately and lead the soldiers to count the bows and arrows into the warehouse. Because Qiao Xuan and Cai Yong had strict requirements on the students of Cao Cao's class, they trained the habit of completing today's tasks while doing a good job in their studies.No matter how complicated and time-consuming the daily tasks are, Cao Cao can be methodical and finish them on time.

In the logistics compound of the Xiaopingning Military Region in the south of the city, there are piles of sacks of various grains, and there is only one alley for two people to carry a sack of sacks between each variety. The sound of soldiers shouting for killing and drills came from outside the courtyard. Although the soldiers of the three routes ordered immediately, and the materials were successively produced and transported to the military supply depot, the problem was still very serious.With a bow and arrow, the newly recruited recruits still don't know how to aim.If you learn to aim, the arrows you shoot will only take a few dozen steps, which is completely useless.

In this way, the originally scheduled time for dispatching troops as a whole has been delayed again and again. He Jinshun smoothly dispatched Lu Zhi's Third Route Army on the road, but he was unable to drive away Huangfusong's Second Route Army.If lighting the fire could force the Second Route Army onto the road, He Jin would not hesitate to ask someone to prepare something to light the fire. The Yellow Turban Army made a lot of noise in Runan area of ​​Yingchuan, which is He Jin's hometown.The local government was in a hurry, and emergency messages from all over the country flew in like snowflakes. He Jin was so anxious that he came to urge Huangfusong to send troops again and again.Huangfusong got impatient with being urged, so he simply hid in the tent and pretended to be sick.He Jin complained incessantly, seeing the Yellow Turban Army growing stronger and stronger, the government lost cities one after another, and more and more officials and powerful relatives were killed by the Yellow Turban Army.

The imperial court urged to send troops, and the local war was urgent. Huangfusong was determined not to send troops, and even the deputy commander Zhu Jun and other military officers became anxious. Cao Cao didn't know what Huangfusong was thinking.The Second Route Army did not make any achievements, but it attracted the title of "counseling army" who was greedy for life and afraid of death.After thinking about it for a long time, he put forward his opinion on sending troops to Huangfusong at a regular meeting.It is hoped that the army will move southward, eradicate the Yellow Turbans in the Yingchuan area as soon as possible, regain the lost city, and put down the rebellion.

Unexpectedly, Huangfusong was furious in public, pointing at Cao Cao and yelling: Who are you?Don't forget your identity!I asked you to come to the regular meeting because you are in the position of two thousand stones, not because you know how to fight! For Huangfusong's humiliating remarks, Cao Cao had been prepared for a long time. He was no longer cowardly, and he refuted loudly in his usual unafraid style: Yes, coach, I know that a logistics officer is not qualified to speak on the battle situation.However, the yellow scarves were rampant in Yingchuan area, and the people were in dire straits.Every day, officials and innocent people were killed, and urgent requests for help arrived in the capital.The imperial court has repeatedly urged the commander-in-chief to send troops, but you just hold back!The Third Route Army had already reached the Hebei and Jizhou areas, and started a confrontation with the Yellow Turban Army, but we froze here, ignoring the orders of His Majesty the Emperor and the General to send troops.Probably because it is too far away from Runan, the commander, you can't hear the cries for help from the officials and people in Yingchuan and Runan!If you don't send troops again, I, Cao Mengde, dare not serve such a "counseling army".I beg my lord to remove me from my post!I will join other armies, be an ordinary soldier, and stand on the front line against the rebellion!

Cao Cao spoke quickly and anxiously, and with a loud voice, he forgot to breathe, and only let out a long breath at the end of his speech. The dozen or so generals present were stunned by Cao Cao's sudden resistance. If they disobeyed the commander's order, they would be dismissed at least, or beheaded at worst. Huangfusong was not defeated by Cao Cao's words. Instead, he stepped down from the commander's seat, stood only three steps away from Cao Cao, and approached Cao Cao contemptuously: Captain Cao Qi, don't think that I will be afraid if you don't want an official position. you.I want to tell you and everyone here, if anyone dares to talk about dispatching troops in advance, please report to the Military Affairs Department. I, Huangfusong, will never keep subordinates who do not obey orders! Cao Cao's face was red, his blood was swelling, he had endured to the limit, like a string that was about to break.He clenched his fists angrily. At worst, he would fight and then resign and leave. He must not suffer from being useless!
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