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Chapter 18 Deng Pufang

Nie Weiping·Go Life 聂卫平 974Words 2018-03-16
Deng Pufang and I are very good friends. He has helped and encouraged me a lot in my career, and we are also an excellent pair of partners at the poker table.He is modest and prudent, and does not treat others with his special status. On the contrary, he is very self-disciplined.For example, sometimes after we finish playing cards, people invite us to dinner, but he usually doesn't go. I remember ten years ago, a friend came to tell me that Wangfujing posted a big-character poster, saying how Deng Pufang was corrupt, and I was involved in it.He asked me to check it out, so that I can "settle accounts after autumn".I said what is the account?These people are ignorant and uneducated, and they don't understand Deng Pufang at all.Then I told a few things about Deng Pufang.

In the Sino-Japanese Go Tournament in 1986, Kataoka Satoshi went all the way to my account, forming a one-on-five match, and the situation was extremely severe.At this time, Deng Pufang told me that as long as you win the first set, I will treat you to dinner.After I won Kataoka Satoshi, Deng Pufang really did what he said, and invited me to the Great Hall of the People to eat boiled mutton.Accompanying me were Wang Hanbin, Deng Nan, my doctor and the driver.During the toast, he encouraged me to make persistent efforts to play the next few games. After dinner, he went to pay the bill, and when he was given the bill, he was dumbfounded: 800 yuan.He didn't expect it to be so expensive, and he didn't bring so much money.I went to intercede with the director of the bureau, and I said your price was too high, and Deng Pufang was treating himself, but he couldn't afford so much, can you give me a discount?

We are best friends now. For a person in his position, it was very difficult for him to pay 800 yuan. In fact, Deng Pufang was never rich. It was already in the 1990s. His wife and I went shopping together, and his wife couldn't afford the more expensive ones.Usually he dresses very plainly, but in winter he is often seen wearing a ragged padded jacket.The car he was riding in was very high-end, it was donated to the "Disabled Persons' Federation" by some foreign fund organizations, and the car he was riding in was not the best.Once I heard that foreign countries gave the "Disability Federation" a "Rolls-Royce". I asked him why he didn't take it, and he said: How can I sit in such a high-end car!Give it to Mother Kang (Kang Keqing).

In the summer of 1987, Wang Hanbin and I went to Deng’s house to play cards. We arrived a little early and waited in the room of Deng’s secretary Zhang Baozhong.I felt that the room was very hot, so I asked Zhang Baozhong why he didn't turn up the air conditioner. Wang Hanbin also yelled at the side.Zhang Baozhong said that there is no air conditioner in the house, but I still don't quite believe it. Zhang Baozhong told me that the old man said that except for his bedroom, living room and Deng Pufang's room, no air conditioner is allowed.Deng Pufang received special care because of his disability, and he was prone to bed sores when he was hot and sweated.

Deng Pufang is also very humble in dealing with others. Once in the auditorium of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, others saw that it was inconvenient for him to go downstairs, so they offered to help him carry the wheelchair. This was a natural thing, but he seemed very guilty and kept thanking them.I was very moved when I saw it.He also told me that he took all the prizes we got in the competition and distributed them to the guards, and they were very happy. Some people say that he has this and that, and even how many deposits he has abroad, which is simply nonsense.In my contact with Deng Pufang, my feelings towards him can be summed up in four words: stand upright.

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