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Chapter 120 Old rival CC Pie

The competition and hostility between the Blue Shirts Club and the CC faction that started three or four years ago has survived with the reorganization.Despite the need for unity in wartime, the agencies maintained this division when they were formally separated and independent of each other.According to Chen Lifu: Although the two intelligence bureaus wrote each other's reports, the Central Command did not dare to infiltrate the Military Command.Moreover, although some military generals were more afraid of Dai Li than Xu Enzeng and Chen Lifu, the Zhongtong did not work directly in the army.

Does the Central Statistics Bureau work in military units?No.Its policy is "don't touch the military".Otherwise things get complicated and conflicted.However, if the Central Statistics Bureau gets information that someone in the military unit is colluding with the Communist Party, and the case is important due to time constraints, a more detailed investigation will be conducted.If the investigation proves such collusion, it will report Dai Li so that he can take action. It is conceivable that the military command does not try to infiltrate the central command-at least at the headquarters level.At the local level, Dai Li often used the investigative agencies set up by the Zhongtong, and his people sometimes worked closely with Zhongtong's agents in a specific unit.All in all, the relationship between the two has always been very rigid, as has the position of the juntong in the army and the system of regular political commissars.On this point, Chen Lifu's regret is particularly illustrative.

Did Dai Li's agents cooperate with the political training department or the special party headquarters in the military unit he was in charge of?not necessarily.There are several different political lines in the military - they don't necessarily converge at one point.This is different from the commissar system of Soviet army units.In our case, everything depends on the people involved in it.For example, for example, I am an agent sent by Dai Li.You were sent by the political training department, and in that particular unit there was another guy who was the secretary of the army party.If we are friends, we know that each of us has been sent by the central authority - and sometimes it is possible to know this - so we can work closely together.Everything depends on the personal relationship.

The area of ​​particularly intense competition between Dai Li and Chen Lifu was communications, with specialized control over the telegraph and postal inspection.Of course, Chen Lifu was very proud of his contribution to the Kuomintang's Northern Expedition in radio and cipher.The technicality of this intelligence work was in line with his then and later imagination of Zhongtong—China’s FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). However, Dai Li also coveted this field very much. The struggle between the two eventually led to the establishment of a "joint agency", and the independent existence of the third division of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the former Military Commission was obviously the result of a compromise between the two agencies.

Because, in addition to being responsible for collecting foreign intelligence, Ding Mo's three offices are also responsible for postal and telecommunications investigations.Sometime in 1937, the name of the Three Branches was changed to "Special Inspection Service".Moreover, the following year, when these units were moved inland, Chiang Kai-shek put the special inspection under the leadership of the Chief of the General Staff of the Military Commission.Later, as the Zhongtong gradually lost control of communications during the Anti-Japanese War, the Special Prosecution Office began to report to the Juntong.As a result, Dai Li gained control over the inspection and collection of post and telecommunications, which was of great significance to his secret police system during the Chongqing period.

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