Home Categories Biographical memories Li Wanruo: From a Chinese student to an American mayor
Li Wanruo: From a Chinese student to an American mayor

Li Wanruo: From a Chinese student to an American mayor


  • Biographical memories

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 182795

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Chapter 1 A Man of Mystery

A man named Thomas Jefferson, at a celebration 226 years ago, with his majestic voice, issued a declaration with the following words as the core content—— In the course of development concerning human affairs, when one nation must dissolve its political ties with another, and accept an independent and equal position among the nations of the world according to the laws of nature and the will of God, The respect of human discourse must declare the reasons why they have to be independent.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.... At war we are the enemy; and We are reconciled, we are friends...

This day is July 4, 1776 AD.On this seemingly ordinary day in human history, a great country was born, and it is the United States of America. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States and the main founder of the United States, who was called the father of independence by later generations, issued the "Declaration of Independence" on this day, in China in the eastern hemisphere of the earth. In the thousands of years of civilization history, there are hundreds of emperors with only names.When someone reported to the court that a group of British exiles across the ocean pulled up flags and established a grandchildren's country, the Qing emperor dismissed his long braids and said: If they send people to worship, I will Wang Ding bestowed him with the same five-rank official title as Haizhou Prefecture.The Chinese emperor at that time was not all arrogant when he said this. The sandalwood chair that Washington, the President of the United States, who may be strangled in the cradle at any time, is not as good as that of the master of Haizhou in the Qing Dynasty. That nanmu Taishi chair is strong.The backs of the two chairs of different textures that President Washington and the state capital of Qinghai sit on are engraved with a round sun.Some people say that the sun on the back of the chair of the master of Haizhou Prefecture in Qing Dynasty is the sunrise in the east, while the sun on the back of the chair of the first president of the United States on the other side of the ocean is openly ridiculed as the sunset on the western mountain.

Comparing the history of the United States with China is like comparing a green branch growing from a crack in a rock with a towering tree.But who would have thought that with a flick of a finger, the green branches in the crevices of the rocks would be shocked, which is amazing. On the contrary, the towering trees would fall with dead leaves, and finally they would helplessly look up at the fresh greens grown by others until It has only been revived in recent decades... America is such a country.In just two hundred years of history, it has completely rewritten itself and the whole world.To this day, we still feel it is a puzzling mystery about its formation and development.It is for this reason that it is particularly fascinating and terrifying, wanting to love and trembling.

The reason why a mystery becomes a mystery and attracts people is that all those who are fascinated by it always stand outside the mystery.But who of us can really stand in the mystery and feel the fascination of the mystery itself? When I have the opportunity to talk about this with Chinese Americans who have lived overseas for decades or even generations, their reactions are almost unanimous. To solve the mystery of America, you must plunge into this mystery, and This kind of devotion is not simply living and working there for several years or decades, but must be a person who has personally joined the mainstream society of the United States and fought countless rounds in it in order to appreciate and interpret the true mystery of the United States...

For several years, I have been looking for someone who can really solve this mystery.The appearance of Li Wanruo turned my pessimism into joy.I know this isn't just for me as a book author.Many Chinese leaders, after meeting my protagonist, have repeatedly expected her to write down her true feelings of living in the United States for decades and being a powerful figure in American politics. Your experience is a living textbook of American society. Your struggle is the history of America today. Chinese state leaders once commented on Li Wanruo in this way, and they also expected her to turn her experience and struggle history into a history book about the portrayal of the United States today.

Due to the coordination of relevant departments of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the encounter between me and the protagonist Li Wanruo in this book became such a necessity: we both want to introduce a relatively real image of the United States and the real image of Chinese Americans in the United States to all compatriots, and with This gives Chinese readers who are interested in understanding the American mystery some satisfaction.I think that Li Wanruo, as a female student studying abroad, has grown into an outstanding female politician and a famous social activist in the American political arena. Her own struggle and legendary experience are a complete American dream and an America that we can interpret. She is a rare and valuable asset to today's Chinese youth, political officials, and scholars and strategists engaged in the study of American issues.

In fact, Li Wanruo himself is a mysterious person. She was born in Tianjin by the Haihe River. She was ravaged by the Japanese invaders since she was a child, but she grew up in Taiwan and became a youth idol that attracted the attention of the whole island; but her rebellious psychology made her cross the ocean alone and become a generation of Voice of America Famous reporter: When she was shining brightly and pursuing her doctoral students and dignitaries to be transported in trucks, she agreed to marry me because of a bookworm's words, and went through a very tragic period life and death love.In an era when Chinese and women were not respected, she abandoned her family and career, stood up in the political arena, and dealt with the upper mainstream society in the United States. She became the first female director of Asian and minority affairs in the United States, and she was in charge of the county government. The executive director of the budget.After that, she participated in the election for Congress and became the first Chinese female mayor in American history.The traditional Chinese cultural background and oriental sophistication enabled her to drastically transform Southern California into a well-known Little Taipei in the United States during her tenure, and became famous all over the world.Later, when she served as an adviser to several US presidents and the White House, she also opened the door to friendly relations between China and the United States. She showed her talents and wisdom as an oriental charming woman, and won wide acclaim and reputation.

We have reasons to believe that for Chinese readers of all walks of life, the experience of the protagonist Li Wanruo in this book is a very special and precious spiritual wealth.One thing can prove that in the more than 20 years I have been engaged in journalism and literary creation, I have never talked with an interviewee as deeply as I have with Ms. Li Wanruo.The acquaintance with this female politician was a coincidence, but once we got to know each other, we felt that we could not finish talking to each other, so Li Wanruo and her husband, who were summoned by the Chinese state leaders to participate in the Global Chinese Leaders Conference, repeatedly pushed back to the United States It was not until 2002 when the new U.S. presidential election was in full swing in the U.S. mainland that the other side of the ocean informed her to go home quickly, and we ended dozens of days of interviews and talks day and night.

I once asked her, what should you do when you have to choose between the United States and China?She said that this is a feeling of dual love. She is deeply in love with the mother country that raised her - China, and at the same time has a deep affection for the current motherland - the United States. She said that the reason why she was willing to truthfully tell her compatriots about her more than 40 years of living in the United States and participating in politics is because she loves two motherlands at the same time, but her two motherlands have nothing to do with each other. Know too little, too one-sided.In today's world, it is these two motherlands she loves that determine the progress and backwardness of mankind, happiness and disaster, light and darkness.It is too important and important for our human beings to allow the people and politicians of her two motherlands to understand each other.Therefore, I confidently believe that this book is not only the first book written for the people of two great countries in the world, but its content also reflects the life of a daughter who grew up under the care of two mothers. This film is an undisguised and sincere heartfelt voice—that is, the voice of the heart calling for peace and equality, recognition and understanding, friendship and development between the two countries.

Now, let us listen to the thrilling and witty stories of this former Chinese female student who entered the American political arena and went to the White House power fortress.
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