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Chapter 74 73. Luo Binghui——Slave General Outstanding General

Luo Binghui (1897-1946), formerly known as Luo Luofu, with the word Pleiades, was born in Yiliang County, Yunnan Province, and a member of the Communist Party of China.The famous general of the Red Army is known as "Shenxing Taibao". Luo Binghui was born in a Han family.He entered private education at the age of seven, and dropped out of school to work in agriculture at the age of ten due to family difficulties.In his youth, Luo Binghui was famous in his hometown for his strong character and courage.At the age of twelve, he went to the county government to file a lawsuit with the toubob who was rampant in his hometown, which shocked the government. Due to his grudge against the toubob, the dangerous environment and his desire for revenge, Luo Binghui ran away from home in 1915 and went to Kunming to join the Yunnan Army Artillery.The next year, he participated in the battle against Yuan Huguo.

In the Dian army, he trained hard and often practiced all night long. With his superb martial arts, he was promoted again and again in the previous rigorous assessments, and he never lost it once.And with impartiality, bravery in battle, won the support of soldiers. In 1920, he was selected as the accompanying sergeant of Tang Jiyao and Tang Jiyu, the governors of Yunnan, and he was highly relied on. In February 1921, Gu Pinzhen fell to Tang Dynasty, and Ertang fled to Hong Kong with a few cronies. Luo Binghui served as an adjutant and was in charge of finances, living a luxurious life.However, Luo Binghui witnessed the tyranny of French imperialism in Annan (now Vietnam) and the corruption of warlords in Hong Kong. He resolutely abandoned Lilu and returned to China alone.

During the Northern Expedition in 1926, Luo Binghui appointed Zhu Peide as the commander of the Second Battalion of the 25th Regiment of the 9th Division of the Third Army, which was reorganized by Zhu Peide. Returning to the control of Cheng Qian's Sixth Army, he went eastward along the Yangtze River, conquered Anqing, occupied Wuhu, took quarries, and conquered Nanjing. He made great achievements in battle.After the failure of the Great Revolution, Luo Binghui was accused of committing the "ten crimes of the Communist Party" and was eventually dismissed because of his sympathy for the workers and peasants, his criticism of the KMT's corruption and its high-level envy. In July 1929, the Party Central Committee sent Comrade Zhao Xingwu to look for him and talked with him for three days. Luo Binghui resolutely broke with the old world and secretly joined the Communist Party of China. long.At the end of the year, he joined forces with Peng Dehuai and Huang Gonglue in Suichuan. In January of the following year, he served as the brigade commander of the second brigade of the Sixth Red Army, and then changed to the commander of the second column of the Third Red Army. In February, he joined Mao Zedong and Zhu De in Donggu Mountain.

In June 1930, Zhu Mao's Red Army was "reorganized in Tingzhou" into three armies. Luo Binghui served as the deputy commander of the 12th Red Army and was promoted to commander the following month. In February 1932, he also served as the commander-in-chief of the Fujian Military Region, and in July he served as the commander of the 22nd Red Army. In December 1933, he served as the head of the Ninth Red Army Corps.At the two National Soviet Congresses in 1931 and 1934, he was elected as a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic.He participated in the command of five anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns in the Central Soviet Area, won the Red Star Medal, and was one of the ten famous Red Army generals.

During the Long March, Luo Binghui led the Ninth Red Army Corps as the rear guard of the whole army, marched 4,000 li alone in Guizhou, Yunnan, and Sichuan provinces, crossed the Jinsha River skillfully, fought fiercely in Lugu, crossed Luding, and made great contributions to the victory of the Long March. .Chiang Kai-shek issued the "Reward" on February 9, 1935. He bought Luo Binghui's life with a reward of "80,000 yuan for the capture category and 50,000 yuan for the first level", second only to Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Xu Xiangqian.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he married Red Army cadre Zhang Mingxiu in Yan'an in October 1937.At the end of the year, he served as the deputy chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army. He went to Wuhan to assist Zhou Enlai and Ye Jianying in the military united front work.His rough-clothed, upright image of a communist is in sharp contrast to the extravagance and lust of KMT officialdom.

After the Southern Anhui Incident in January 1941, Luo Binghui served as the deputy commander of the Second Division of the New Fourth Army, and later served as the commander of the Second Division, the commander of the Second Division and the commander of the Huainan Military Region.During the four and a half years from the establishment of the Second Division to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Luo Binghui led the troops and fought nearly 3,000 times against the Japanese, puppet, and rebels, killing, injuring, and capturing more than 30,000 enemies. The Huainan Anti-Japanese Democratic Base, with two lakes, the Huaihe River in the north, the Yangtze River in the south, and the "capital" of Wang Puppet, Nanjing, became the most stable base in Central China.

Luo Binghui paid special attention to the military training of the troops and the construction of military theory.He formulated a set of training methods, such as the five major skills (shooting, bombing, assassination, hacking, earthwork), and the big obstacle tree (single-plank bridge, low wall, barbed wire, ditch, long jump).His arm strength is amazing, and he can aim for twenty minutes with a heavy machine gun.The marksmanship is miraculous, shooting birds without missing a shot.He also wrote "Commander's Manual", "Bunker Operations", "Militia Tactics" and other works.Many touching legends about his love for soldiers and people are still circulating in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, in October 1945, Luo Binghui led his troops to go north to Shandong and served as the commander of the second column of the New Fourth Army. He participated in commanding the Battle of Jiehe and the Battle of Lin (City) and Han (Zhuang). In April 1946, he served as the second deputy commander of the New Fourth Army and deputy commander of the Shandong Military Region. In early June, he fell ill and directed the Battle of Zaozhuang.After the victory, he fell ill and died on the way back to Linyi for medical treatment on the 21st in Lanling Town, Linyi County (now in Lanling Wine Factory).At the age of 49, he left behind two sons and two daughters. On the 28th, the Jiangsu-Anhui border region government issued an order to change Tianchang County in Anhui Province to Binghui County (the county regained its old name in 1960 and is now Tianchang City). In 1947, the Kuomintang army fell into Linyi and inhumanely destroyed the body of General Luo Binghui. In 1950, the people's government built a magnificent mausoleum for Luo Binghui. Zhou Enlai personally wrote: "Comrade Luo Binghui, the hero of the people, is immortal!" Zhu De personally wrote: "Comrade Binghui commemorates the revolution. "Liu Shaoqi's personal title: "Comrade Binghui has been aiming at revolution through the ages, and his contribution is to the people." Ren Bishi's personal title: "Eternal immortality!"

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