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Chapter 70 069. Political Commissar of the Railway Guerrilla Army——Record of Zhang Hongyi, Political Commissar of the Railway Brigade of the Lunan Military Region

The people of Lunan remember: During the years of the War of Resistance Against Japan, there used to be a heroic army that eluded the ghosts and frightened the enemy-the railway guerrillas. People in southern Shandong remember: In the railway guerrillas, there was a political commissar Zhang Hongyi who was versatile, excellent in military and political affairs, and deeply loved by commanders and fighters. Zhang Hongyi was born in 1912 in a Muslim family in Matou Town, Tancheng County, Shandong Province.In 1935, he was admitted to the vocational middle school run by Zaozhuang Zhongxing Company, and actively participated in the patriotic student movement. In August 1936, introduced by Li Weidong, head of the Zaozhuang underground party organization, he joined the Communist Party of China. In July 1937, the Anti-Japanese War broke out. Zhang Hongyi, under the leadership of the Lunan Central County Committee of the Communist Party of China, together with Liang Dushi, Li Zuosen, and Fang Yisheng, founded the "Anti-Enemy Newspaper" to publicize the party's principles and policies of the Anti-Japanese National United Front and organize fundraising. The money and materials raised will be used to support the anti-Japanese front line.In November of this year, he joined the Lunan People's Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Force in Teng County as the propaganda captain.

In March 1938, Zaozhuang fell. In late May, under the leadership of the Special Committee of the Suluyu-Anhui Border Area of ​​the Communist Party of China, the anti-Japanese armed forces in Pei, Teng, and Yi counties jointly established the Sulu People's Anti-Japanese Volunteer Corps, and Zhang Hongyi served as the instructor of the third squadron of the third brigade.In July of the same year, Zhang Hongyi served as the deputy instructor of the third brigade, and in October as the instructor.Later, the third brigade was reorganized into the third battalion, and he served as the battalion instructor.

In March 1942, Zhang Hongyi was promoted to the director of the Political Department of the First Military Division of the Lunan Military Region. In the autumn of 1943, he was transferred to the political commissar of the independent detachment of southern Shandong and the secretary of the county party committee of Peiteng Center. At that time, in the enemy-occupied area, the Japanese and puppet strongholds were scattered all over the place, and the blockade fortifications were criss-crossed, which made it extremely inconvenient for the anti-Japanese guerrillas to carry out activities.Zhang Hongyi resolutely implemented the instructions of the party organization, actively launched a propaganda campaign against the Japanese and puppet troops, and did a good job in disintegrating the enemy army.He often personally led the personnel of the "Japanese Anti-War Alliance". At night, he connected the stand-alone telephone to the enemy's military telephone line, called Japanese military officers by name, and carried out anti-war propaganda, which made the Japanese army panic.Resolutely suppress the diehards among the traitors.In Xiyuan Village by Weishan Lake, there was a traitor named Zhang Gufen, who was rampantly anti-communist and did many bad things.Zhang Hongyi advised him many times, but this stubborn guy refused to listen, so he arranged for armed men to execute him and pull out the nail.Zhang Hongyi also persuaded some puppet military and political personnel to establish a relationship with us through in-depth and meticulous work and education, so that they could serve me.In this way, our guerrilla troops can come and go freely under the nose of the enemy, opening up a new situation in the local anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare.

In October 1944, Zhang Hongyi was sent to the railway guerrillas as a political commissar. The official name of the Railway Guerrilla is the Lunan Railway Brigade. It was officially established in Zaozhuang, a coal city, in February 1940. It was developed from a small intelligence station.At the beginning, it was under the leadership of the Lunan People's Anti-Japanese Volunteer Corps (later reorganized into the Sulu Detachment), and soon it was incorporated into the Lunan Military Region.As soon as this force was established, it carried out guerrilla activities on the Yan (zhou) Xu (zhou) section of the Jinpu Railway, the Yi (county) Zao (zhuang), Lin (city) Zao (zhuang) branches, and near Weishan Lake, intercepting trains and breaking railways. , engage in intelligence, catch traitors, like a sharp knife, piercing the enemy's heart, making the Japanese invaders panic, and the local people affectionately call it the railway guerrillas. In the spring of 1943, the Lunan Military Region decided to form the Third Independent Detachment of Southern Shandong, and the Railway Brigade was reorganized into the Second Independent Detachment. In October 1944, the independent detachment was abolished, and the second brigade resumed the designation of the railway brigade.At this time, most of the personnel of the railway brigade had been upgraded to regular troops, leaving only about 20 people.The number of people is small and the equipment is relatively poor.Under such circumstances, the higher authorities transferred Zhang Hongyi to the railway brigade as a political commissar in order to strengthen leadership, develop strength, and revive the majesty of the railway guerrillas.

After Zhang Hongyi came to the railway guerrillas, he first tried every means to expand the team and strengthen its strength.He worked with other leaders in the team to study ways and means to expand the team.At that time, they were operating in enemy-occupied areas, and it was impossible to mobilize young people to join the army as they did in the base areas.According to the characteristics of guerrilla activities in enemy-occupied areas, Zhang Hongyi proposed: to develop strength in the development of guerrilla struggles, "take a village and lead a soldier".In this way, in less than half a year, the railway guerrillas re-expanded to more than 300 people.

After the team expanded, Zhang Hongyi started to rectify the discipline of the army in time. The railway guerrillas originally had strong guerrilla habits, especially after the sudden increase of new elements brought about some new problems, such as relatively strong awareness of small farmers, paying attention to eating well, having fun, not willing to do mass work, and not paying attention to the influence of the masses , Discipline is relatively loose.Zhang Hongyi saw that if these problems were not overcome in time, it would inevitably weaken the combat effectiveness of the troops.So he educated the army on the fine traditions of our army, and first started from the cadres to correct some unhealthy ethos among the cadres.

Zhang Hongyi paid great attention to the mass discipline of the troops.He often said: "Army is like fish, and the masses are water. Fish cannot survive without the water, and troops cannot survive without the support of the masses." He asked the troops to station in every village that the streets, courtyards, and water tanks should be full. Don't take the masses one by one.Every time before leaving the village, an inspection team is organized to conduct inspections. Sometimes, when the railway guerrillas marched to a new area, the masses didn't know much about them at first. Seeing their foreign clothes, they thought they were guerrillas of the Kuomintang, and they said they were a bunch of bums.Zhang Hongyi said to the troops: "We must use practical actions to dispel the misunderstanding of the masses." In the middle of the night, the weather was gloomy, with thunder and lightning, and a heavy rain was coming.It was the wheat harvest season at that time, and the wheat harvested by each household was spread out on the field.Zhang Hongyi and Liu Jinshan, the captain of the team, immediately assembled their teams to pile up and cover the wheat from each family separately before it rained.This incident moved the people in the village very much, and they all said: "This guy's guerrilla has the style of the old eighth road."

Zhang Hongyi paid great attention to political and cultural education for the troops, and enlivened the cultural life of the troops. Most of the railway guerrillas, from cadres to soldiers, were illiterate. After Zhang Hongyi came, she helped everyone learn culture.Without textbooks, he made up his own, and lacked paper and pens, so he asked everyone to use their free time to learn to write on the ground, walls, door panels, and palms.He asked everyone to learn 5 words every day.Wang Zhisheng, the deputy team leader, was afraid of learning culture. He shouted all day that he couldn't remember and couldn't learn.Zhang Hongyi said to him: "Old Wang, you must study hard. Now we are digging into the valley, and we will take over the political power in the future if we win! Can we do without culture?" Inspired by him, everyone's enthusiasm for learning culture is getting stronger and stronger. Gao Gao, some comrades gathered around him to ask questions, and he always patiently answered them one by one.So affectionate and harmonious with each other.Cadres and soldiers joked: "After Political Commissar Zhang came here, our railway guerrillas became a school."

Zhang Hongyi also told everyone some revolutionary principles in combination with cultural lessons.Once he wrote the words "revolution is the liberation of productive forces" on the door panel, and comrades did not understand its meaning.Based on the social situation at that time, Zhang Hongyi gave an explanation in a popular way, so that everyone could understand that fighting for revolution was not only to get rid of oppression for oneself, nor to drive away the Japanese devils, but more importantly, to eliminate all reactionary forces that hindered social development. , liberate the suffering working people all over the world, and build a prosperous and civilized country without oppression and exploitation.This lecture broadened everyone's horizons, strengthened their belief in the revolution, and further clarified the lofty goal of striving for communism.

Zhang Hongyi can write and draw, is proficient in several musical instruments, can play several roles in acting, and can make up his own programs.He made use of these specialties to make the cultural life of the army very active.Sometimes life in the army is very difficult, and some comrades are depressed, so he will play music for everyone to boost morale. Since Zhang Hongyi came to the railway guerrilla team, although it was not long, due to his in-depth, solid and meticulous ideological and political work, the army has taken on a new look and its combat effectiveness has improved rapidly. , Da Tanghu, Da Daiwang Temple, successive victories.During that time, the anti-Japanese guerrilla war in the southern Shandong area and on the banks of Weishan Lake developed vigorously and magnificently.

In May 1945, the railway brigade camped in the area of ​​Beilou and Daguanzhuang in Teng County, and was suddenly surrounded by Japanese and puppet troops.Zhang Hongyi and Liu Jinshan, the captain of the battalion, ordered the first company to go to Hexi to stop the enemy, and at the same time organized the troops to cover the retreat of government personnel in the area.When we withdrew to the top of Longshan, we found that there were enemies moving from east to west, north to south.According to the report of the scouts: thousands of Japanese invaders dispatched from strongholds such as Lincheng, Guanqiao, and Zaozhuang at the same time. At this critical moment, Zhang Hongyi resolutely proposed that he lead a small number of people to stay for cover, and Captain Liu led the troops to break through.Captain Liu firmly disagreed.While arguing, it was discovered that the enemy had launched a fierce attack from the south.At this time, if I break out of the siege immediately, I will be attacked by the enemy, and the casualties will be increased.They judged the situation and decided to repel the southern attacking enemy first, and then look for an opportunity to break through.So, he and the captain organized troops, concentrated their firepower, and fought back violently, suppressing the enemy attacking south.At this time, only the gunshots in the northeast direction were sparse, and the gunshots from other sides were relatively dense.They analyzed that there is the enemy's Yangzhuang stronghold in the northeast. The enemy may think that the railway guerrillas are weak and dare not break out in this direction.So it was decided to break out of the encirclement in the northeast direction by catching the enemy by surprise and attacking him unprepared.After a fierce battle, he finally broke out of the enemy's encirclement.In order to quickly get rid of the enemy's pursuit, the troops advanced rapidly. Suddenly, there was another intensive gunshot from the village behind.Zhang Hongyi was worried that there were still district government personnel and guerrilla fighters behind, so he asked Captain Liu to lead the troops to go first. He took the guard Zheng Junlun and soldiers Xu Guanghai, Liang Chuande, Meng Zhuangyin, Liu Kaixi, etc. back to find out what was going on behind them. Condition. They climbed up the hill again.Standing on a high place, Zhang Hongyi was looking towards the village where the gunfire was fierce. Suddenly, a bullet from the enemy pierced his right chest.Zhang Hongyi rolled over and fell to the ground, unconscious.Guard Zheng Junlun immediately rushed forward to carry Zhang Hongyi on his back, and they retreated while beating. As soon as they ran into an orchard, the enemy chased after them, shouting and shooting.Several soldiers quickly concealed Zhang Hongyi and hid them behind dense trees.I only heard the enemy shouting "catch the alive" and chased after him.In this way they escaped the enemy. Zhang Hongyi was sent to Jinshan Temple Lunan Military Region Hospital in Feixian County on a stretcher by soldiers.The leaders of the military region specifically sent a telegram to the political commissar Meng of the hospital, instructing that all efforts must be made to rescue him.In the absence of medicines at that time, Commander Zhang Guangzhong of the Military Region sent three glucose injections.But Zhang Hongyi refused to let it be used. He said, "I'm dying. Don't waste it. Let's save it for other seriously injured people." The hospital's political commissar Meng said, "You are now a wounded person, and you have to obey the hospital's treatment." Glucose was given to him three times. Zhang Hongyi felt that she couldn't do it anymore.One day, he called the guard Zheng Junlun to his side and said: "I entrust you with something. I have an elderly mother at home. When you see her in the future, tell her that I am loyal and cannot be filial. I am sorry." She's an old man." After a pause, he said again: "I have a pair of sneakers that I have never been willing to wear. Let me give it to you as a souvenir. I also have a piece of Guangyang that I will give to you as well." This piece of Guangyang is still treasured by Zheng Junlun. In memory of the old political commissar. Finally, he said: "I want to say a few words to the leaders and comrades of the military region and railway guerrillas, please write them down." Zheng Junlun wrote down Zhang Hongyi's will word by word: "Respectfully tell Commander Zhang and the Party Committee of the Lunan Military Region to appoint someone to the railway guerrillas to take over my job as soon as possible. Tell Commander Liu and other leading comrades that the situation is very good and the Japanese invaders are doomed to fail. Don't be sad for me and continue to lead the troops well. , Fight hard. I wish the revolution an early victory."
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