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Chapter 81 Served as a member of the Political Bureau of the 12th CPC Central Committee

In 1980, during the busy time of drafting the "Resolution", Hu Qiaomu actually wrote a poem "Song of Lawyers" for China's newly restored lawyer system: This "Song of Lawyers" was composed by the famous Shanghai composer Tu Bahai in 2005 and became a professional song for lawyers. After completing the drafting of the "Resolution on Some Historical Issues Concerning the Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China", Hu Qiaomu turned to another major project - drafting the document of the "Twelfth National Congress" of the Communist Party of China, especially the "Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of China". Big" political report.He still plays the role of the "big hand of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" in the Mao Zedong era, although he is no longer someone's political secretary.

The Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in September 1982.When Deng Xiaoping talked with foreign guests, he used these words to comment on the "Twelfth National Congress": "The role of the 'Twelfth National Congress' is the same as that of our party's 'Seventh National Congress'. The 'Seventh National Congress' will lead revolution to victory, and the 'Twelfth National Congress' will lead construction to victory." The "Twelfth National Congress" of the Communist Party of China ratified the procedures for adding Hu Qiaomu as a member of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In the "Twelfth National Congress" of the Communist Party of China, Hu Qiaomu was elected as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the First Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Hu Qiaomu was pushed to the political peak of his life: he was elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.At this time, he was seventy years old. On June 1 of this year, the day of his 70th birthday, he wrote "Thinking" and looked back on his life.The poem reveals a lot of pride, showing that he felt good about himself at the time:

What are you looking for in the seventies? Autumn is deeply unresolved. Don't let the white hair sing yellow, and be greedy for youth and green travel. The old ruts are often ashamed to lose and break the threshold, dare to thank and promote the boat in the cross current? Jiangshan is a dream of ecstasy, and the string is eager to destroy the will and the reward. A young man throws a pen and relies on a long sword, and the book and the sword can achieve nothing. In the tent, there is a letter from outside the cloud, and the light in the heart is reflected in the front light of the case.

The red wall is fortunate to have Xin Fengyu, and the history is too late to decide whether to love or hate! The past is like smoke and more like fire, and a river of stars and movies is born. Several times of frost and snow, several times of rain, every inch of spring and every inch of heart. I am proud of the clear sky and envy the flying swallows, and I love the secluded trees for songbirds. The long wind sweeps straight for ten years, and the avenue leads to colorful clouds. Roasted cauliflower is fragrant for thousands of miles, what is the world to love gold! The banners of the martyrs light up the universe, and the years of recruiting people are running fast.

From generation to generation, silkworms and mountains are full of charm and silk. To pave the way, Xu Shu's head will be used as a stone, and he will climb the sky and offer his bones as a ladder. Don't ask Penglai far away in the storm, the Foolish Old Man on the Sea will arrive in time.
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