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Chapter 10 3. Recognize your own strengths and weaknesses

Life is alive, who doesn't want to make a difference?But there are very few successful people, and many people fail because they don't understand themselves.As the saying goes, "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles." If you want to "never be imperiled", you must first "know yourself", and "knowing yourself" means knowing yourself.Everyone is an independent self, everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages, and there can be no perfect people in the world.Knowing yourself is often more difficult than knowing others.When you know others, you measure them from an objective point of view with objective standards; but knowing yourself is different. Self-knowledge is dominated by subjective consciousness, which increases the difficulty of knowing.

On the Delphi Temple in Greece, there is such a motto engraved: "Man, know yourself! Full of infinite wisdom, expressing the inherent inner requirements and supreme thinking propositions of human beings." This ancient motto For thousands of years, it has always reminded people to know themselves, grasp themselves, plan themselves, and realize themselves.Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. If it is not suitable to make progress in this area, you can calm down and think about it, and find a direction that suits your own development. Recognizing yourself is conducive to giving full play to your ingenuity.Many people live a mediocre life, not because they have no talent, but because they have not discovered their talent throughout their lives.The main reason why many achievers in the world are successful is that they can recognize their own talents.

In college, Lei Jun became a famous figure in the school by virtue of his excellent academic performance. Even the teachers praised the programs he wrote, and were selected as demonstrations in textbooks. Such academic success gave Lei Jun his own dream. , he hopes to become the best programmer in China.It is precisely because of this confidence to write good programs that Lei Jun and his friends joined the entrepreneurial army in college.However, Lei Jun underestimated the difficulty of starting a business at that time, and released several programs one after another without making any money.

However, after this entrepreneurship, he further recognized his ability at that time and realized his own shortcomings.Lei Jun said: "At that time, we didn't know how to do business. We thought that we could write programs, but we were too immature." This is why he often reminds the younger generation to be cautious about starting a business.Indeed, if you want to start a business without experience and foundation, talent alone is not enough.In addition, from his entrepreneurial experience, Lei Jun has a preliminary understanding of what it takes to run a company, which laid the foundation for his future transformation from a programmer to a senior manager of a company.

It is very important for everyone to know themselves.First, understand your own personal abilities.Ability can refer to general, innate ability, or special ability.Just like some people have strong learning ability and good expression ability; some people have very strong comprehension ability and often have unique insights; , Management ability.Lei Jun is a person who has a clear understanding of his own abilities.When he was invited to join "Jinshan", Lei Jun did not hesitate, he knew that he had the ability to be a good programmer.Sure enough, Lei Jun led the team to develop excellent software one after another by virtue of his talent in computers.But at that time, he did not expect that one day he would become the leader of the company. When he started to be the CEO of "Jinshan", Lei Jun had some ideological struggles. He always felt that he had the confidence to be an excellent programmer, but Management is still lacking.Of course, he also understands that if he wants to succeed in his career, he must learn how to manage the company. Although management is not his strong point, he can learn by himself and must dare to challenge himself.

In this way, as a leader and decision maker, Lei Jun led "Jinshan" to build "Pangu components".However, what people didn't expect was that "Pangu", which lost the support of the familiar brand WPS (text editing system), has not been recognized by the market.What's more unfortunate is that Microsoft advanced into China at this time, and WPS, which had previously occupied 90% of the market share of office software, was severely impacted, and its market share dropped sharply. Kingsoft was facing a serious crisis.Lei Jun realized that this fiasco was indeed caused by a mistake in decision-making.And he was very sober, knowing that the "Kingsoft" at that time did not have enough ability to compete with Microsoft, and failure must be faced in the short term.

As a leader, Lei Jun is aware of his mistakes in decision-making, and he has enough possibilities to correct them. He actively took measures to help "Jinshan" get out of the predicament. "Obtaining all resources is a good thing. If we do not do well, the government will not support us." "Kingsoft" holds high the banner of national software, strives for government funds and protection to compete with Microsoft, and gradually walks out of the shadow of disastrous defeat. The failure of "Pangu" was a very important turning point in Lei Jun's life. After the experience of failure, Lei Jun was no longer a programmer-type manager. He began to absorb all the necessary knowledge and experience to become a manager.

From that moment on, Lei Jun clearly realized where his strengths and weaknesses were, and found the right direction in life.Only in the right direction can you reduce distractions and focus your energy on the most important things.In fact, there are never enough things to do in the world. The most difficult thing is not knowing how to do it, but not knowing what to do.Today, Kingsoft Antivirus and WPSOFFICE have successfully entered the Japanese and Southeast Asian markets, and the online games of "Kingsoft" have also successfully gone abroad and entered overseas, and have become the key objects of "Kingsoft".As a successful manager, Lei Jun led "Jinshan" on the road of international development.

Lei Jun is not a natural manager, as he himself said, he is not a genius.However, Lei Jun knows how to think and examine himself, and can recognize his own direction.People live in the world, work and life, not only need a spirit of courage to pursue, but also need to recognize the direction of career and life.If you only focus on doing things with your head down, but don't know how to look up at the road, you will be exhausted, and you won't get any substantial results.Lazy thinking, rash actions, and rashness are the truest portrayals of this type of person. Greg Louganis, a famous American diver, had a very low self-esteem because he had speech and reading disabilities when he was a child.Louganis felt worthless and was always depressed.But he loved dancing, gymnastics, and diving, and he knew he was athletically gifted.After recognizing these, he began to regain his confidence and began to focus on dance, gymnastics and diving exercises.Sure enough, his athletic talent was brought into full play, and he began to make his mark in various sports competitions.

When he was in middle school, Louganis found that he was a little bit powerless, because whether it was dancing, diving, or gymnastics, he needed to work hard, and he couldn't have so much time and energy to take care of all these things.He knew that he could only choose one of them as his lifelong pursuit. At this time, he was lucky enough to meet his mentor, Jon, a former Olympic diving champion.After observing and analyzing Louganis, Jon believes that Louganis is more talented in diving.Louganis re-examined himself after listening to the teacher's advice, and thought that he really liked diving more. He also realized that his favorite dance, gymnastics and other items helped him practice the basic skills of diving, which can bring more fun to diving. tricks and tricks.

After targeted professional training and long-term unremitting efforts, Louganis finally achieved remarkable achievements in diving.He became a member of the U.S. Olympic delegation at the age of sixteen, and won six world championships, three Olympic medals, and three World Cup medals at the age of twenty-eight.Due to his outstanding contribution to sports, Louganis reached the pinnacle of his career in 1987 when he won the title of "World's Best Athlete" and the Owens Award. In fact, everyone has room to develop their potential, but he must first learn to understand himself, his strengths, and his shortcomings. To be successful, you must start by knowing yourself.The more accurate and thorough you can see yourself, the more correct the path you will choose, the more you can realize your own potential, and the greater the possibility of success.Once you understand your personal abilities and hobbies, you will be able to clarify your goals when choosing a job and during the work process, so that you can maximize your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and gradually move toward success.
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