Home Categories Biographical memories One Person's History of Peking Opera·Critical Biography of Zhang Zhengfang

Chapter 26 3. Parting words

The teacher-student friendship between Xun Huisheng and Zhang Zhengfang is permeated in various fragments of life. "During the time at Mr. Xun's house, I sometimes cooked for the teacher, and the teacher never forgot about my dishes," Zhang Zhengfang recalled. Where else do you want to eat'." Cooking starts with an accidental question and answer.One day, Xun Huisheng joked with Zhang Zhengfang: "Zhengfang, you are from the south, can you cook southern dishes?" "I will!" "I'll try some of the dishes you cook someday!" "Okay! Don't think that my cooking is not delicious!"

"Let me try it, if it's not good, it's a failure!" Zhang Zhengfang ran to ask his wife: "What do you usually like to eat, teacher?" The wife said: "He likes to eat vegetarian food, not too greasy." So, on the day of cooking, Zhang Zhengfang deliberately picked out some good-quality green vegetables and made a plate of vegetarian stir-fried rapeseed.The Xun family has a master chef who takes care of three meals a day, but they often get tired of eating one flavor, and southerners and northerners have different ways of cooking the same dish.So what Zhang Zhengfang didn't expect was that Xun Huisheng appreciated such a homely dish after tasting it.He also issued an "order": "Zhengfang, you cook me a dish every day from now on! No matter what the dish is, you can ask the topic and let the chef at home buy the ingredients for you according to your needs."

In this way, Zhang Zhengfang continued to make dishes such as "kneading gluten stuffed meat" and lantern chili stuffed meat. These are the dishes that southerners are used to eating, so Xun Huisheng also thinks they are very fresh. After more than two months, the regiment urged Zhang Zhengfang to return to Dandong. Before leaving, the wife said to Zhang Zhengfang: "Zhengfang, you are so lucky. The teacher has a preference for you. He rarely tells a student so much! There is no one who values ​​you as much as you in Liaoning Province. Not only did you send You come, and the director of the Department of Culture and the Minister of Propaganda will accompany you. Your teacher is really happy, look at the photo of apprenticeship, he has invited his best friends and people who care about him the most."

"I know that my teacher loves me, and my wife loves me too." Zhang Zhengfang said gratefully. "He not only loves you, but also has high hopes for you. He hopes that when you go back, you will truly inherit and pass on the things of the teacher." "I will, don't worry!" When parting, Xun Huisheng gave Zhang Zhengfang a sentence: "Zhengfang, I hope that when you go back, you will use my method of creating characters to arrange plays that you think are suitable for you, and to develop your repertoire." Zhang Zhengfang said modestly: "Teacher, I dare not. I have learned and inherited your drama well, so I feel very lucky."

Xun Huisheng interrupted her: "No, art must be inherited and developed. You can't just inherit it. No matter how good you inherit it, no matter how good you are like me, it's just a copy; you must have your own repertoire. Think about it. The 'Four Famous Danes' have their own unique dramas. Mr. Mei has "The Drunken Concubine" and "Universe Front", etc. Mr. Cheng has "Suolin Bag". The times are developing, and you should also develop. If you keep performing these few operas, Beijing opera will go downhill, and if it does not develop, it will enter a dead end.

"You are right, but... I dare not do that." In this regard, Zhang Zhengfang still lacks self-confidence. So, Mr. Xun simply pulled her to sit down, and gave a few more specific examples, hoping to dispel her worries.

In 1982, during the performance of the first college class of the Chinese Opera School in Shanghai, Xunmen disciples took a group photo after the banquet. Xun Lingxiang was in the middle of the front row, and Lu Zhenghong, Zhang Zhengfang, Tong Zhiling, Wang Jiaxi, Li Yuru, Zeng Mujie, and Li Weihua were in the back row from left.
"I have sung "Matchmaker" for decades, and "Matchmaker" before liberation had some bad colors."

Xun Huisheng gave an example, for example, if the matchmaker wants to be a third party, the lines include: "Miss, Mr. Zhang is here. You are going to meet in a moment, and you will be married. In the future, you will be this, and I will be this." concubine.) "what?" "It's nothing, it's nothing, come in with me." There is also a line of libretto when the matchmaker went to deliver the letter: "My matchmaker will be a newcomer all in one body. Ma'am, I have always been a newcomer, just like today, I will be merciful at first sight." Mr. Xun explained: "This shows that the matchmaker's mentality is not correct. What kind of love do you have with Zhang Sheng? Now I will change it to 'I feel sympathy when I see you today'. Others have also been changed a lot, so that the matchmaker has changed. I don’t want to be a third party anymore. There are many words in the play, and I have also changed them. Although they are called the “Four Famous Danes” by everyone, I feel that I am not enough. I have to live Learn from old age."

In addition to changing the plays, Xun Huisheng edited some new plays after the founding of New China. For example, "Zhuo Wenjun" which he taught to Zhang Zhengfang was rehearsed in 1955 after liberation. Talking about the original intention of the creation, Xun Huisheng said: "I was thinking: I have nothing else in my life, just like Chinese women who are oppressed and bullied so many, so I chose the most typical examples to make up a play, which can also educate the people and replace Women let it out." He encouraged Zhang Zhengfang and said: "You must do it boldly. If you don't do it, you will live up to my expectations of you! I hope you will be 'green out of blue is better than blue'. In the past, how could Mei Qiaoling think that she would be able to produce Mei Lanfang in the future? ?I’m in my 60s, and you’re only in your 30s. There’s still a long way to go! You’re smart and love to study, I believe you will be able to make a good masterpiece of yours. This is what I expect from you.”

Zhang Zhengfang said: "I always remember what the teacher said." After returning to Dandong, Zhang Zhengfang organized an "Exhibition of Xunpai Plays", processed all the plays taught to her by Mr. Xun, and re-staged them according to Xun Huisheng's request. There were more than 20 performances in total.The audience is naturally feasting their eyes.She also published the article "Everything Starts from Characters" in newspapers, introducing her experience of learning Xun School.
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