Home Categories Internet fantasy Survivor 2 Evil Feather

Chapter 16 wheel of judgment

Survivor 2 Evil Feather 白饭如霜 5328Words 2018-03-11
Finally found it, Jinglan shook a small white thing in his hand with relief: "Here, the master's message." A paper tube the size of a thumb, with a simple cover and a tube, Brother Zhu took it and shook it silently, feeling very happy Excited: "Xiao Po knows how to write notes?" I quickly opened it and pulled it out twice, but the cover couldn't be pulled out.Brother Pig stared wide-eyed—for a while, he opened his mouth to bite with his teeth, and suddenly kicked his buttocks, flew more than two hundred meters away, was caught in the air by Pichen, and was pulled back by the wind, and landed on the ground I saw Di Nanmei competing with the paper tube with a particularly ferocious expression, burning it with the "fire movement formula", soaking it with the "water movement formula", and drilling it with the "earth breaking formula", but it was of no avail.The power of the paper tube defense system is unprecedented.

In the end, Pichen saw the clue, grabbed it with his hands, and twisted like a twist. Following more than a dozen threads, the lid of the cylinder was slowly unscrewed, and a puff of misty smoke flew out of it, outlining a circle in the air.Everyone felt as if they had entered the Thousand and One Nights, Brother Zhu sighed infinitely to the rhinoceros: "Pi Chen, our painstaking efforts were not in vain at the beginning, you see, Xiao Po sent a message and returned the cottage—Aladdin! That's called culture." The educated message came out a bit slowly. After the circle was formed, the smoke slowly filled the center, and the last light hit it, and Xiaopo's figure appeared, standing solidly and lifelike, with his hands in his trouser pockets ——This thing is holographic multimedia!

Don't mention how excited these three are, they immediately rushed to fight for the best position under the circle. The friendship was over. Brother Pig grabbed South America's hair, and the rhino whipped Brother Pig's ass with a linear wind, and South America hugged the rhino's leg tightly. The three twisted into a group.Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice saying: "Hey, hello, old people, don't fight." This sentence determined the country, and the three heads looked up from an incredible angle, and saw the small broken in the center of the circle. Waist looked at them with the usual helpless expression on his face.

With tears in his eyes, Brother Zhu stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Po, calling out very fatherly: "Xiao Po, hello, what kind of instant messaging system is this, who invented it?" Enthusiastically pointing at Nan Mei's head: "Ask Qin Li to give some VCs to promote this, and see if you can play QQ, Skype and Weibo all at once." But his Internet entrepreneurial dream only lasted for a second, because Xiao Po went on to say: "I know the three of you will fight if we see each other again, right?" Recording!It turned out to be a recording!It hurts so much.

Nan Mei kicked Brother Flying Pig, stood up to cut his hair, and found that Brother Pig had torn off a lot of roots, and yelled angrily: "Bastard, this wig is very expensive!" But she was immediately blocked by the plaster wind from the rhinoceros, rolled her eyes, and her vocal cords did nothing.Xiao Po's voice continued: "Father, Pichen, Auntie Nanmei, I'll meet someone for you." The circle of smoke circled twice, and a stream of purple mist filled the air, then receded, like changing the scenery on a stage.In the circle besides Xiao Po, there is also a delicate little girl with long hair like seaweed, scattered to the ground, leaning against Xiao Po, looking around with dark eyes.

Brother Zhu immediately jumped up: "Yeah, bring your girlfriend to meet your parents? What's your background? Do you have a car and a house? Remember to give more dowry. It's not easy for your father to make money... Wow, why are you stepping on my toes?" Don't look, it was attacked by South America again.Xiao Po paused in the circle for a moment, smiled slightly, as if he had witnessed this scene with his own eyes, and then pointed to the little girl beside him: "This is the part of Xie Yu Luo Yuanshen, I call her Yu Luo." This stick was so powerful that everyone was stunned: "Is this little girl Xie Yuluo? Still - part?" Where did you dig it back?

Xiao Po continued: "After I returned to the Three Realms of Darkness, I did not seal the enchantment of Xie Yuluo, but instead hatched Yuluo. She said that her vocation is to judge. The result of the trial determines whether the actions of other primordial spirits are to destroy or protect. "I told her that none of us had passed the judicial examination, and we didn't have the qualifications to work. We can't do it without a trial. She said no, she was born to do this, and if she didn't perform her duties, her body and spirit would quickly dissipate. The original state of chaos."

After finishing speaking in one breath, he casually put his arms around Yu Luo's shoulders, his long hair fluttered, revealing a line of soft shoulders, South American eyes were good, and immediately screamed: "Naked!" Brother Zhu hurried forward: "What, let me see." After watching for a long time, Yu Luo's long hair was like clouds, thick and soft.Blocking everything, the two perverts sighed in regret, leaving all the judgment and destruction behind. Fortunately, Xiao Po's words were powerful enough to pull them back from the imaginary utopia in time: "I will accompany Yu Luo back to start the trial procedure. When the wheel of judgment at the gate of the enchantment starts to turn, all clones They will all take shape, and at that time I will be watching by the side, covering them all with a quilt and locking them up." He nodded triumphantly, quite proud of his quilt Dafa.

Then he bent down to look at everyone: "Father, Bichen, Yu Luo can't be exposed, it's not convenient for me to find you for the time being, are you all okay?" Brother Zhu suddenly fell into deep thought, he hadn't used his brain for a long time, he thought a little hard: "Well, Chuan has already gone to the Three Realms of Darkness to activate the enchantment, and Xiao Po said to rush back and cover his clone with a quilt, this, this? "It seems that the threads are tied into a knot, entangled and cannot be untied. Brother Zhu always feels that there is one point that is very important, but he can't figure it out clearly.At this time, the rhinoceros became impatient. After reading Xiaopo's message, the circles of his eyes were always red. This cow has always been the most active, too lazy to talk nonsense, so he stepped forward and grabbed Jinglan: "Where is Xiaopo? Hurry up and take us to see you." Him." Jinglan poked around: "No, Lord Dadan didn't give this order." Brother Zhu came back to his senses, more excited than a rhinoceros, and said without hesitation: "Hey, he is the big boss, and I belong to the big boss Dad! If you don't listen to me, I'll deduct your salary, let's go."

When Jing Lan heard that the big boss's father had such an attractive title, a hint of hesitation appeared on her face, taking advantage of other people's illnesses and killing them.Nan Mei cheerfully stepped forward to push him, and was ready to go on the road while holding him. He was smiling happily, and the salty pig hand made a virtual grasp in the air. It seemed that he was imagining eating the tofu of other boys. Brother, why are you running in the opposite direction?Is there a space hole there? He is running to Ann. If someone really saw a ghost in broad daylight, it would show the expression on Brother Pig's face.

Leaving Cairo and going straight to Las Vegas, Ann felt like going through the whole process of rebirth. The advantage of sharing the same nervous system is that you don't have to experience it yourself to empathize. From this point of view, Chuan seems to be broadcasting a 4D program in his head, but the picture tube is broken, so he can only listen and feel. There are many clips: Chuan walks along the special passage erected by the soul cross, and every cell in An's body is suddenly placed in the furnace of alternating fire and ice.He forgot whether this flesh and blood body still exists, and only knows that his consciousness is constantly being torn apart in huge chaos, like a mortal being swept by a level 18 hurricane, he doesn't know where he is for a while, - sometimes depressed, - sometimes struggling, and sometimes falling apart. The pain was so unbearable, and he was as strong as An, and he fell into a coma and vomited from time to time during the journey. There was a gentle coolness in his heart, and he knew that it was Mr. Li who was taking care of him wholeheartedly. At the moment when he recovered, he was looking forward to the good time after A Luo's resurrection, and maybe he could ask the Divine Performance Medical Research Institute to recreate Mr. Li's body. According to the legend, the ordinary reunion life of a family of three is the bliss they have never seen. Maybe this time there will be hope. Although it was not easy, Chuan went smoothly-without physical ties, it could indeed save a lot of trouble. It took more than ten hours, and after An arrived in Las Vegas, Chuan also arrived at the entrance of Xie Yuluo's enchantment. There, Chuan encountered trouble, and An had no way of knowing what kind of trouble it was. He could only feel that Chuan's emotions were as active as a whirlpool, with conflicting complex emotions so intense that they were about to explode: fear, ecstasy, self-doubt, fatigue, despair , weakness, anticipation, ambition, kneading. At that moment, Ann was seized by a strong sense of dizziness, and the world was spinning. The limbs are extremely weak, but the soul is helpless, and the body and mind are exiled in the eternal night, at a loss. Truly one of the scariest experiences of his life. All of this happened in an instant, quietly, and there was no vision on the surface, so no one noticed. Then, everything stopped. It was terribly quiet. An closed his eyes and tried to track Chuan's whereabouts, but he only saw a huge darkness, as thick as an iron curtain. He knew that Chuan had gone in.He entered the enchantment. What will happen next, even God can't be sure. At this moment, the Bellagio Hotel began to shake. With all hope, he waited quietly. Every drop of blood is crying out: God, tell me this is A Luo, A Luo will appear from here. Just like what Chuan said, his resurrection is right where he died. But God didn't have time for him. I haven't received any signal from Chuan for a long time, and An has a strong ominous sign, breaking out in cold sweat. He tried to think, but his thoughts were as hard as stone. He opened his mouth but couldn't speak; he waved his hands but couldn't move, his tongue, tongue and body seemed to be dead. The respiratory function seems to be suppressed, slowly stagnating, and the internal organs sharply reduce the frequency of activity, waiting for the fatal final blow. He has been standing here well, no one deals with him, no one sneaks up on him. Chuan was controlled by something. It's not that Yewutian is resurrecting at all. There is no one to be resurrected at all. That was the result of Chuan disturbing Xie Yu Luo's enchantment. He tried his best to concentrate, hoping to make Brother Zhu feel strange about him, but the latter was busy sweating profusely in mid-air, suppressing the hotel that started the uprising, and maybe he was still thinking in his heart why An would not catch up with him, and help the night dance to the sky—— force. He supported hard, exhausted physically and mentally. This is what is called physical and mental itching. The outside world is blurred. All of a sudden, he fell into a state of ignorance, ignorant, ignorant, and insensitive to everything around him. Life is elsewhere. In Chuan.
It seems as long as ten thousand years. Sudden pain in the temple. Is there a sharp, red-hot soldering iron piercing through there? Never been so weak. Ann let out a painful whimper. His body suddenly lost strength, his face was down, and his whole body fell heavily on the hard granite ground. The granite floor was cracked inch by inch. Brother Pig finally discovered this scene from far away. Applause arrived. Turn him over. Ann's body turned into a broken neon light, changing impermanently. No viscera and blood vessels can be seen in the body, and it is so transparent that it is close to nothingness. The limbs and bones are floating into mist and swaying into dust. —and then coalesced to form an ordinary human body, with a stable structure, soft but warm. In the middle of the frantic switching between the two, occasionally a woman's face flashes, beautiful and flawless, but with sadness in her eyes. Nan Mei and Rhino followed, and Nan Mei knew the clues: "Yi Lingchuan? Why is he fighting for control of An's body? This brat has become the ultimate gay?" Of course she reacted quickly.This has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Whenever Chuan's form appeared, An's lips moved desperately, as if she wanted to say something. That face, which was so thin that it was almost invisible in the air, was full of hysterical panic. Everyone gathered around Ann holding their breath, watching without blinking their eyes. Nan Mei put his hand on Ann's forehead, and the telepathy didn't work at all. "His mind is like a pot of eight-treasure porridge, which is boiling, and he can't see anything." He had to adopt a more primitive method. Brother Zhu lowered his head, trying to distinguish Ann's mouth shape. "Just? Zizi? What dish? Zilun? Hey, can you speak a little more standard in Mandarin?" Time passed. Chuan appeared for less and less time. After a certain reincarnation, An returned to her own form, laying down with a dead face, and slowly opened her eyes after a long time, her throat gurgled twice, and finally recovered, gasping for breath. Seeing Brother Zhu for the first time, he hoarsely uttered two nonsensical words: Qin Li lied to me!
Stop the wheel of judgment! These six characters are like a command. The long-awaited ambush army launched a general offensive. A loud horn pierced through the air. From east to west, from south to north. Suppressed the noise of the whole world. Hail and fire, mixed with blood, fell on the ground. Buildings all over the city began to collapse. The crowd was wiped out in the cry. A third of the earth and a third of the trees were burned. And all the green grass was burned.
Then the second horn sounded. The earth shook. A tornado with a high and invisible roof rolled up in the desert, sweeping away all living creatures visible and invisible to the naked eye. The sands of the Nevada and the Sahara turned into squirming drops of blood.
The third horn came hand in hand. The stars are falling. Countless stars fell, and huge rumbles were heard successively between the sea and the mountains. Plants are charred black. - All water sources dry up. The smell of sulfur spreads everywhere seen and unseen
The fourth trumpet was sounded again. Overwhelming locusts sprouted from the ground surrounded by fireworks. Fly into the air and circle. The shape of the locust is like a horse preparing for battle. Wearing a golden crown, the face is human-like. Teeth like a lion, with armor on its chest. Greedy and evil eyes, staring closely at the people who escaped their lives by chance. The wings fluttered ominously, bringing out a blue and extremely poisonous mist.
Such a great horror. It indicates the end of all life, and everything is beyond redemption. The only thing that is consoling is that it is just an illusion for the time being. Brother Zhu Nanmei and Pichen stood there, looking up and watching the show. His complexion was uglier than a pile of shit in the extreme cold. What appears in their eyes is invisible to ordinary people. Although disaster is about to befall them. Those deposits are buried, a little bit of accumulated evil. Trigger a punishment that is decisive and has no room for redemption. The horn of the angel, what is summoned is not the future.
In front of you, Las Vegas is in full swing. Luxurious people are still there. The prosperity that never falls and cannot be forgotten is still there. People enjoy it to their heart's content, thinking that it will last forever.
Ann coughed softly on the ground, and a large blood clot spurted from his throat. Brother Zhu squatted on the ground and asked him a few questions. When he stood up, his face was even uglier than before, as if the shit had thawed. Combined with the information brought by An, the key point that confused Brother Pig was finally clear. Chuan painstakingly set up the soul channel in order to incubate Xie Yuluo's primordial spirit and make it for his own use. But he had no idea of ​​the existence of the Wheel of Judgment. The result of activating the wheel of judgment is the end of the world. Chuan is not Dadan. He was powerless to stop it. Brother Zhu turned his head to look at the beautiful city in the night, and couldn't believe that someone was so stupid: "How did he know? How dare he believe it? How could he think of it?" In the end, he almost screamed, regretting it, how good it was to shoot Yilingchuan to death. An made a weak voice on the ground: "The copy of the Broken Soul Book he bought from Jinhu, I think, probably the key part was not given to him." Nan Mei jumped up immediately, her eyes staring into an equilateral hexagon: "Qin Li?" Based on her understanding of Qin Li, she figured it out in a flash: "Bastard, he used this method to destroy his business rivals? Fuck me , Jin Daqin, you have unfairly competed to such an extent, it is a disaster for the country and the people!" In Las Vegas, everyone has been severely slandered by fate. I never thought that the first time I mustered up the courage to revisit my old place, I would be punished again. Only Pichen didn't realize the importance of the matter. Seeing everyone crying and mourning, he said innocently: "Hey, is Xiao Po going back to seal Xie Yuluo now? Brother Zhu, can you find him fat? Let's go quickly, otherwise I can't see you anymore." Brother Zhu patted him sadly on the shoulder, and there was a cry in his voice: "Rhinoceros, don't cry. Let me tell you, when the broken wheel starts to attack, Xiao Po won't be able to seal it. Broken Soul Dadan and Xie Yu Luo Yiling has two bodies, he is going to be reincarnated." In order to emphasize his authority, he also raised the book of breaking the soul: "It says so in the book." Rhinoceros was shocked: "What? Reincarnated What? Turned into what? Do you still know me after the transfer?" Brother Zhu picked up his nose: "I didn't pay attention to this, let me see." The good news of the foot, he reached the last page in an instant, and he paused. The eyeballs stared intently at the three lines of gold characters. This kind of closing is too hateful, Rhinoceros and Nanmei trembled with anger, and were about to pounce on them, when Brother Zhu suddenly patted his clothes, stretched his arms into the air, took a deep breath, and coughed twice. Then he grabbed Jinglan and squeezed out two words between his teeth: "Lead the way." Just walked away without looking back. Walked two steps, stopped, and said softly: "Don't follow me." The two behind him are the closest people in his life, but they have never heard his tone like this. Gentle, quiet, but the most resolute. They really didn't catch up, Pichen, An, and the most disobedient South America. Standing there quietly, the people around him flowed like water, with a sense of illusion. Watching his figure disappear. It took a long time to realize that this was farewell. So much to say. Think about doing so many things together. That's too late. The sound of heavy thunder came from the distant sky. A great tragedy is about to begin.
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