Home Categories romance novel At that time the moon was

Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Ji Xiaofu

At that time the moon was 匪我思存 17569Words 2018-03-16
"To the east, or to the west?" Ji Xiaofu stared at the map indecisively. He had heard that Tokyo's subway system was the most developed in the world, but...it was like a maze. Looking at the cobweb-like map in her hand, she couldn't help sighing again. She didn't feel so sad on the subway in New York, but it didn't matter, even if she took the wrong direction, at worst, she would just sit back. It's all her own fault, she is so confused in Japanese, yet she came to Japan, before leaving, Ding Minjun said: "Be careful, you won't even know you were sold in Japan!"

It's not enough to be sold. Although her Japanese is only a three-legged cat, her French is just as bad. She still traveled around the beautiful France last year and traveled all over France. With three or four years of backpacking experience, her self-confidence is not blind. I got on an incoming subway and found a seat to sit down.In fact, the law and order in Tokyo is not as bad as reported by the outside world, and the politeness of the Japanese is also worthy of praise and learning.The speed of the train was also considerable, and it entered the station in a short while. She got off the train with the flow of people, took out the map again, and carefully searched for her current location.

Thankfully, so far, she's heading in the right direction. She changed several subway trains and finally arrived at her destination.After getting off the bus and taking a look, I realized that I had finally made a mistake—it wasn't the Tokyo TV Tower she wanted to go to, and I didn't know which train to take at the wrong stop! My stomach is already growling, forget it, let's go up and eat something first. When I took the elevator to the exit, there were Chinese characters everywhere, but unfortunately, I don’t know if it doesn’t match the Chinese meaning.At the sight of hiragana and katakana, she lost her head.In fact, the night is already very deep, and there are only sparse and bright cars roaring by on the street, and there are lonely street lights.

On the street late at night in a foreign country, she also felt a sense of loneliness spontaneously.He took a deep breath, forcing the feeling of vulnerability back. Looking around, there are dense buildings and alleys all around. This kind of alley is also the characteristic of all the world's metropolises. It is dark and bottomless, gloomy and hides all sins and ugliness. However, small restaurants that are generally open all night are also hidden in this kind of alley.She mustered up her courage. As the saying goes, there are three ghosts and four ghosts, so she chose the fourth alley on the left among the eight alleys. There are three alleys on the left and four on the right. This one should be the most auspicious.She walked in cautiously, the lights were blocked by the buildings on both sides, the alley was terribly dark, there were some sundries piled up on both sides, it looked like a scary ghost in the dark, she became frightened, it seemed that she had chosen the wrong one .

Get out early.She turned around very quickly, and suddenly she tripped over something, which made her lose her mind, screamed, and immediately turned on the emergency flashlight, there was nothing on the ground!She was even more scared, obviously something tripped her just now!She murmured comforting herself in Chinese: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" A groan came from the dark, and she screamed again in fright: "Who?" After asking, she remembered that she was in Tokyo, but she suddenly forgot how to ask in Japanese!Originally, she could only speak a few sentences in Japanese, but under panic, she even forgot all of them.

The voice groaned again, although it was very low, but she heard it, and quickly used the flashlight to shine a light on the place where the sound came from, only then did she see a pile of sundries by the side of the alley moving slightly, her courage made curiosity Getting stronger, she approached slowly, picked up a large cardboard box stacked on top, only to find a person buried under a pile of sundries. It turned out to be a homeless man, she was greatly relieved, as long as it is a human being, there is nothing to be afraid of, all big cities have such a homeless man who sleeps on the street, this person is dressed in rags, his face is covered with dirt, it seems that he is An ordinary tramp.

She was about to turn around and leave when the homeless man suddenly groaned again: "Little...Miss..." is Chinese! Hearing her mother tongue in a foreign land made her especially sensitive. She stopped in her tracks and asked hesitantly, "Are you Chinese?" The man didn't speak, she asked him again, but still couldn't hear the answer, she approached suspiciously, shone the flashlight on him, his eyes were closed, and he was sleeping softly on the cardboard box, she realized that There were brown stains all over his clothes. She said "Hello!" carefully, but she still couldn't hear his answer. After thinking about it, she stretched out her hand to test his breath. some.She was feeling relieved when she touched his face inadvertently, but she was startled, and quickly stretched out her hand to press his forehead, but it was terribly hot.

He was having a high fever, no wonder he was a little delirious and couldn't hear her.If such a high body temperature is not sent to the hospital, it will definitely be life-threatening. But…… She is in trouble, should she meddle in this matter?She is just a transit tourist and really has no extra time and money.But...he just said a sentence in Chinese, maybe he is his compatriots, blood is thicker than water. If she also falls ill on the street in a foreign country, no one cares about her life or death... She shivered, pity and sympathy prevailed, and there was an extra emergency fund of 100,000 yen in her bag, forget it, she Just do this good deed, as long as the 100,000 yuan can cure him, if he can't be cured, just treat him as unlucky.

After making up her mind, she helped him up, only to realize that he was a head taller than herself, and his body was so heavy that she gritted her teeth.She half-supported and half-dragged him out of the alley, already out of breath from exhaustion. She really didn't have the ability to drag him a step further. She sat on the brick edge of the sidewalk and panted for a long time before she recovered. She couldn't get him onto the subway platform. It's no wonder she wasn't exhausted. Besides, she only saw the city of Tokyo yesterday, and she couldn't help it. Know where the hospital is.She calculated her expenses and decided to take a taxi.

I hailed a taxi, stammered and gestured, and finally let the driver understand that she wanted to go to the hospital, and took them to a nearby hospital in a few minutes, costing her 6,000 yen in fare, and she couldn't care less I feel sorry for the fare, anyway, if it is included in the 100,000 yen, it should be well spent on him. It took her a lot of effort to get him out of the car and help him into the emergency department. The emergency doctor greeted him, saw the patient without asking her anything, and said a long string of Japanese to the nurse as soon as he saw it.She couldn't understand, so she anxiously asked in English, "Is this person okay?"

Fortunately, the doctor's English was good, and he replied, "Are you his family? Please register first." She had to go to register first, and she paid 80,000 yen as a deposit. She walked back to the emergency department with only 20,000 yen left. It depends on his luck. Anyway, she won't spend a penny more. The doctor had finished the examination and explained to her with difficulty: "He suffered multiple injuries, the wound on his leg was the largest and deepest, and the wound was very infected, which is why he had a high fever. His leg will not survive if there is no operation. gone." Operation?Doesn't that cost a lot of money?She blurted out, "How much?" The doctor glanced at her, probably blaming her for not caring about patients but about money. The doctor said, "About 800,000 yen." "Eight hundred thousand yen?" She was a little confused, where did she get so much money?"I don't have that much money," she said. The doctor said: "For the sake of the patient, you have to find a solution as soon as possible. The sooner the operation on his leg, the better, and it can't be too late." What can she do?She has helped him a lot, now she can't help him, his luck is really bad, why do he need any surgery?She thought he just had a common cold. He was sent from the emergency room to the observation room, she hesitated, and went in to see him.It is only under such bright light that it is possible to see that the dirt on his face is brown blood, and the trouser leg of his right leg has been cut open by the doctor, revealing a heavily bandaged wound. Judging from the area covered by the bandage, the wound is really Not small. He moved a little, is he going to wake up? She stared at him without blinking, and he opened his eyes, and his eyes stopped on her face blankly, and she asked in surprise, "Are you awake?" He murmured something in Japanese, she was taken aback for a moment, and continued to ask in Chinese: "Are you Chinese?" His gaze was still blank, and his voice was hoarse: "Who are you?" Although the three words were vague, they were indeed in Chinese. She was overjoyed and said quickly, "I think you are my compatriots." , I sent you to the hospital, the doctor said you must have an operation, but I don’t have enough money, do you have money?” "Money?" He was confused. "Yes, money." She looked at him expectantly, knowing that he would not have 800,000 yen, which should be a huge sum of money for a homeless man like him! His eyes closed again, and his hoarse voice lowered: "5927475481002" What does this string of numbers mean? She was stunned again, he had fallen into a coma again, what was that string of numbers he just said, a phone number?It doesn't look like it, ignore him, anyway, it's a clue, she quickly pulled out the ball pen hanging from her neck and wrote this string of numbers on the palm of her hand, suddenly she had an idea, thinking that there might be something valuable on him. Of course a tramp carries all the valuable things on his body, but a tramp, what is the most valuable thing to have.Never mind him, look for it first.Reaching into his arms, he found something hard in his shirt pocket, pulled it out and saw it was a wallet. The texture of the wallet is quite good, and there is a line of golden letters on the bag, which she doesn't recognize anyway, and it seems to be in French.Open it, although there is not a single banknote inside, but there are three or four credit cards, each of which is very beautiful gold, with the bank's logo printed on it, which she knows, Tokyo Bank, Imperial Bank, Kono Bank, Mitsui Bank, huh!Japan's largest several banks are all. Could it be that he stole it from someone else?Ordinary homeless people will also steal when they have no choice.She fell into a dilemma, and finally convinced herself that the person who was stolen was so rich that he must not lack the 800,000 yuan. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda! However, she suddenly remembered that all credit cards have PINs, and without PINs, they cannot withdraw money.She looked at the number in her hand, what he just said could not be the password, if it was, how would he know it, if he knew, why didn't he withdraw the money and spend it earlier?Besides, people who lost their credit cards may have reported the loss early in the morning. After thinking so much, the little joy when she just found the wallet is long gone. She looked at him in a coma—a dead horse as a live horse doctor, so she tried it. It really didn’t work, and it was his fate. No, she did her best. Across the road from the hospital gate was a convenience store, which was also closed at this time, and there was an ATM next to the store. The dark blue fluorescent screen seduced her in the night.She ran over, took out a credit card from her wallet, and entered the set of numbers in her hand. "wrong password!" Nothing! She changed another one and entered the password again. "Credit card not compatible!" Nothing! In the third picture, it seems that the homeless man has no luck in surgery. "Didi", the crisp sound is followed by a prompt: "Please enter the withdrawal amount." bingo! It works!That number turned out to be a password! She was so excited that she danced her fingers on the keyboard and pressed "8000000". How many zeros should 800,000 be?Oops!She pressed an extra zero, will she be overdrawn? ! The banknotes were sent out in the "swipe", eight million yen!She froze for a moment, didn't she overdraw?Maybe he will have other expenses. For example, the operation fee may exceed 800,000. Anyway, more money is always better. It is no big deal for her to withdraw a little more for him.As soon as she changed her mind, she put away all the eight million. She thought again, wondering what the maximum limit of this credit card is.When I think about it this way, I can't help but be curious, and once the curiosity comes up, I can no longer restrain it.She thought, I'll take out all the money in the credit card, see how much there is, and then deposit it for him. Thinking about it this way, she raised another three million, but there was no overdraft information yet, so she became cruel, and raised another five million, but there was still no overdraft.She was stunned, not knowing what kind of credit card she was holding, and with another three million withdrawals, the ATM still didn't show an overdraft, only a reminder that there were insufficient banknotes in the machine. Her teeth had been fighting with each other for a long time, and she quickly deposited all the money back, carefully put away the credit card, still put it in the wallet, and carefully put the wallet into her backpack, After thinking about it for a while, he took out his wallet and put it in his own pocket.Walking back to the hospital, I pressed my pocket every few minutes along the way to see if the money was still there.She had never carried so much money with her in her life, at least there were more than 10 million in this credit card, and she couldn't help feeling a little nervous when she thought of putting more than 10 million in her pocket. When I returned to the emergency department, I quickly told the doctor that I had raised money, and the doctor immediately notified the operating room.The homeless man was sent to the operating room. She sat on a chair in the corridor outside the operating room and began a long wait. Her thoughts fluctuated, and she began to see that things were not that simple.Is he really a bum?If yes, where did the huge amount of credit card come from, was it stolen?Then how did he have the password?If not, judging from this credit card with no overdraft limit, he should be a well-off person. How could he be lying in that dark alley, so sick? What a mystery he was, more confusing to her than a Tokyo subway map. She was tired and hungry, but the door of the operating room seemed like it would never open.She went out again, walked half the street, found a small shop that was open all night, and bought a pack of instant noodles.Without boiling water, I just walked all the way and gnawed dryly.Back at the hospital, the noodles were finished, but the door of the operating room was still closed.She sat back on the bench, she was very sleepy and tired, and finally, she fell asleep. It was the nurse who woke her up. The first thing she did when she woke up was to check if the purse was still there, and she was relieved.The nurse smiled and said a sentence in Japanese, but she couldn't understand. The nurse had to find a pen and paper and write Chinese characters on it. Finally, they could barely communicate. It turned out that the operation was successful and the homeless man had been sent to the ward. Now she understood, thanked her, and went up to the second floor to find Ward 213, where the homeless man (prohibited) was still in a coma.She sat down on a chair by the hospital bed.The dirt on his face has been washed off with alcohol, and the outline is clear under the light. He doesn't look ugly, but he still has a blood bag, medicine, and an oxygen tube in his nose.She was absent-minded for a while, and finally fell asleep again. This sleep was extremely heavy, and finally because the curtains were not closed, the morning sun shone on her face, and she felt a little uncomfortable, so she woke up. When she woke up, she touched her wallet again, and then she felt relieved.Seeing the morning sun outside the window, he stretched his waist, the chair made a soft "squeak", he moved on the hospital bed, and woke up. He slowly opened his eyes, and his gaze gradually shifted from the ceiling to her face. This gaze was no longer confused, but when he saw her, his gaze turned on her face, and her heart thumped. One jump, he has a pair of very sharp narrow eyes, and there is a kind of shrewdness in his eyes. Although she doesn't understand why, her heart keeps beating violently. He seemed to be fully awake, he said something in Japanese, but she still asked him in Chinese: "Are you Chinese or Japanese?" At first she thought he must be Chinese, so she was a little uncertain up. He also changed to Chinese. Although his voice was still low and hoarse, it was already calm and powerful: "You sent me here?" She smiled slightly: "Yes. What's your name? My name is Ji Xiaofu." Thinking of it, she returned the wallet to him: "I took it from you, sorry, but the doctor said you are going to have an operation, I I don’t have that much money, so I raised 8 million in cash for you, paid 570,000 as a hospital deposit for the hospital’s surgery fee, and there is another 7.43 million, which I will return to you now.” His face changed slightly: "Have you ever used a credit card to withdraw money?" "Yeah, the doctor says you can't lose a minute on your legs--hey! What are you going to do?" He pulled out the oxygen tube and drip tube, and was about to get out of bed. She was shocked: "You just finished the operation, you are dying?" Coming over, he suddenly hugged her, she screamed, and was caught off guard and dragged backwards, they rolled under the bed, at this moment, she heard a dense "thumping" sound He hit the bed, and some things fell to the ground clangingly. He dragged her back, and she caught a glimpse of the falling things on the ground as bullet casings, wait!cartridge case? Before she could react, they had retreated into the bathroom.There were three or four people shouting outside, and he pushed open the window.He lifted her waist and carried her to the window sill.She was already petrified: "What are you doing?" "Jump down." What?This is the second floor, she still wants to die! The people outside were shooting at the door lock, he raised his eyebrows and pushed her out of the window.Before she could cry out in surprise, he also jumped out, grabbed the water pipe by the window with one hand, and grabbed her hand with the other. She stopped in mid-air, and her scream was retracted into her throat. He put her down slowly, and now she only fell from a height of about one meter, and he also turned over and jumped down: "Go!" Pretty!The movements are clean and neat, and you can go to the Olympic gymnastics competition! "Are you an agent?" "Shut up! Girl!" Thanks to her imagination, they are running for their lives now!She is still standing here asking questions like a fool! "What did you call me?" She was angry, the chauvin pig of Yamato!Just as he was about to kick him away, the muffled gunfire sounded again, and the bullets whistled and flew past her temples. He grabbed her and hid behind a car. Before she could react, he stretched out his hand and The hairpin was removed from her head. "what you do?" "Shut up!" He inserted the hairpin into the lock hole of the car door, somehow he turned it a few times, and the door lock opened.She stared at him dumbfounded, is he really an agent? Stupid woman!Are you still in a daze when your life is at stake?Did she think those people were holding water guns? He pushed her into the car, got into the car himself, disassembled the dashboard, connected the wires in threes and fives, and it was done!The car started, he stepped on the accelerator, bullets clanged on the body, he turned the steering wheel sharply and turned around, the car made a sharp brake sound, turned 180 degrees, and flew away! Her heart had already jumped into her throat, and only then did she stare at him with big eyes: "Who the hell are you?" His gaze stayed on the rearview mirror: "They're catching up." She took a deep breath and looked back, sure enough, two black cars were following behind, chasing after her.She murmured, "Am I dreaming? Or is this a movie?" "idiot!" "What did you say?" She frowned angrily, it was too much!He called her a stupid woman just now, and she hasn't settled with him yet, and now he calls her an idiot, does he really think she is easy to bully? ! Her eyes fell on his legs inadvertently, and the hand that was originally clenched into a fist was loosened, and she lost her voice: "Your legs..." He glanced at his right leg which had just undergone surgery, the blood had already soaked into the gauze, after such a strenuous exercise, the heart-rending pain hit him one after another.Damn it!The numbness climbed up the ankle with pain, and he was a little out of control on the gas pedal.Those two cars are still biting them tightly. He must peel off the skin of these guys! "Come here, I'll drive." She also saw that his injury was not good, and the way she thought of death did not include being as miserable as Princess Diana. He squinted at her: "Can you drive?" unacceptable! It is tolerable or unbearable!She glared at him fiercely: "I will!" He has completely lost feeling in his right leg, and the little girl in front of him was so angry that he wanted to bite him. He smiled softly, handed the steering wheel to her, and still lifted her waist and turned her and Transpose yourself. After sitting in the driver's seat, she said: "Don't touch me from now on, don't hug me around like an object." He said, "Be careful, they're coming." She glanced in the rearview mirror, and sure enough! snort!She would never let the chauvin pig in front of her look down on her. Depressing the accelerator to the bottom, the speed increased in an instant, she turned sharply and got on the interchange.The two cars behind couldn't react for a while, and they had already turned into another road of the interchange. Get rid of it! She glanced at him, triumphantly.He leaned on the seat with a half-smile, and she asked, "Who are you? Why did those people kill you?" He said, "I am Yang Xiao." As if that sentence was all the explanation for the chaos.She frowned: "That name sounds familiar." His expression was a bit strange, but he didn't say anything. After seeing the rearview mirror, his eyes were cold again: "It's so annoying!" What?She glanced at the rearview mirror, and the two cars had already caught up, and followed closely behind. She asked: "Did you offend Mingjiao or Tianyingjiao, so many people want your life?" He laughed again: "You actually know Mingjiao and Tianyingjiao." What words? "I didn't come here to travel without knowing anything about Japan," she said. "I can see that," he said. She didn't have time to pay attention to the sarcasm in his words, because the two cars were catching up.She raced through the interchange and swerved several times without losing sight of them.Those two cars followed them closely like maggots attached to their bones. She gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do.She asked, "Hey, Yang what-" His expression was a little helpless, and he couldn't help but laugh: "Yang Xiao." She muttered: "It's not a big mistake not to remember your name, you think your name sounds good." After a pause, she asked: "Did you rob them of something, and they hunted you down like this." He laughed again, smiling, what's so funny?However, he is really pretty when he smiles, why didn't the director find him to act in an idol drama? "I thought -- I robbed -- robbed them of their money," he said. She suddenly realized: "Oh! Those credit cards?! You stole a lot of money from them." He said slowly, "It's quite a lot." exactly!She was so tired that she followed him to the end of the world.After such a ecstasy, a loud noise was suddenly heard, and then the car body suddenly rushed to one side and lost control! He takes the direction: "They hit the tire!" He moved so fast that he took all directions at once, but the car still crashed into the guardrail.The two of them slammed forward, fortunately wearing seat belts and inflating air bags. "get off!" His reflexes were always so quick, and he dragged her out in no time.Still lightly put her outside the guardrail like holding a doll. "don't want!" The slope is more than ten meters high, jumping off it will definitely kill you!He hugged her and slid down like a child on a slide. The sound of the wind blew past her ears. She was so frightened that she hugged his neck tightly, afraid that if he missed his hand, she would fall to pieces! What is it like to make an action movie, today she has tasted it all! They finally slid down to the road below safely, but a car braked suddenly and crossed them in front of them. The doors of the car were opened all at once, and four or five guns were aimed at the two of them. Those people shouted something in Japanese. , she glanced at him, he raised his hands helplessly, yes, what else can they do except surrender? Almost as soon as she blinked, he suddenly made a move, and slapped the wrist of the person closest to him with his palm. The man's gun fell to the ground with a "snap", and he took the momentum and threw a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw. The man fell to the ground, and before everyone could react, he flew up and kicked the other man's gun away.Just then, a man on the other side of the car raised a gun. She didn't know where the courage came from, screaming: "Be careful!" She rushed over and tried to push him away, but just as her hand touched him, a sudden external force hit her body, she lost her balance, and they Both fell to the ground, he grabbed the gun on the ground and raised his hand to shoot. The gunshots that were close at hand shocked her greatly, and only then did she realize that there was a burning sensation on her left shoulder. She stretched out her hand to touch it, and it was covered in blood!injured?She was half in pain, half in fright, and fell into his arms as soon as her body softened. He had already pointed his gun at the last standing person, who was trembling all over: "Mr. Yang..." His voice was chillingly cold, and he said something in Japanese softly that she couldn't understand, and then he fired. The man fell straight down, and she asked in panic, "Is he dead?" "Dead." He said simply, glanced coldly at the three moaning and struggling people on the ground, and carried her into the car, but those people didn't get up to stop her. He started the car, she held the wound with her hands, blood gushed out like a spring, and she burst into tears.He asked, "Does it hurt?" She sniffed, choked up and asked, "Am I going to die?" "Of course not." He drove the car very fast, and the wound on his leg was also bleeding, and she asked, "Your leg?" "It's okay." The corners of his mouth curved up, and she didn't know if he was smiling.But she whimpered and said, "You still laugh, we are both going to die, you can still laugh." He glanced in the rearview mirror: "Dead? It's still early." She looked back and found that there were two more cars following up, this time they could hardly fly even if they had wings!She couldn't help crying.He asked, "Why are you crying? You are about to become the happiest woman in the world." She glared at him, and he said, "I'm not joking, you saved me twice, and I was thinking about how to repay you. Now I've made up my mind, and I've decided to give my life to you." She took a deep breath, but accidentally touched the wound on her shoulder, causing tears to fall again from the pain.But she still gritted her teeth and cursed: "Shameless!" He proudly said: "The happiest woman in the world is my wife, Yang Xiao." Chauvin pig!It seemed that women all over the world were kneeling at his feet.Fortunately, he was just a thief who was hunted down, otherwise I really can't figure out what kind of face he is! "I don't want to be your madman's wife," she said, turning her head away to ignore him, only to notice that he was slowing down.The car behind is speeding up to catch up, is he really desperate?She yelled in horror, "Hey! What are you doing?" He said: "Since you don't want to be my wife, what's the point of my life?" He braked the car all of a sudden, and the car behind caught up immediately, clamping their car one after the other. She heard a sound of "Boom!" and "Boom!" when the car door was closed, and seven or eight men in black clothes who were the same as before surrounded him, and she grabbed his lapel in horror: "What should we do?" He laughed and kissed her on the forehead, and she couldn't care less to accuse him of being frivolous in her extreme panic. She stared at those people with a pair of round eyes. They were so close, and the weapons in their hands could not It can be seen that the leading man in black has already grabbed the car door, and she buried her head in his arms with a cry of surprise. She never thought that she would be shot to death in Tokyo! She couldn't accept the place and method of death, she didn't want to die like this! "Mr. Yang." There was unquestionable respect in the simple sentence, and there was no random shooting as she had imagined. She raised her head suspiciously, just in time to see the scene where everyone was bowing in unison. I was a little embarrassed before killing them, so I saluted and said goodbye to the remains first? He got out of the car with her in his arms, and immediately those people found his leg injury, and almost everyone was taken aback, and someone immediately wanted to reach out to pick her up. "No." He simply expressed his opinion, and she understood a little bit: "Aren't these people with those people just now?" "Yes, this is one of our own." He explained this sentence to her, and then turned his face to tell the leader a long sentence. She knew very little Japanese, and he spoke so long and so fluently. , she only understood one sentence, which was "go back", wait, where is he going? She calmed down a bit and raised her throat again: "Who are you? Where are you taking me?" He didn't answer, and carried her straight into the back seat of a big car belonging to those people.She got scared: "Hey! Put me down, I don't want to follow you anymore, I've had enough!" He still ignored her, and she became frightened. Seeing his airs of hugging and hugging, he must not be an ordinary person. So many people are his subordinates?He must be very powerful, she glared at him: "Are you a gangster?" He sat on the seat beside her, still smiled, and then answered slowly: "As you wish, Miss, I am." She flinched back desperately: "Where are you taking me?" He smiled wickedly: "Of course it won't be a good place!" She was so anxious that her shoulders hurt and she lost too much blood, and he was so frightened that his eyes darkened and he passed out. What is this place? She sat up from the tatami and looked at everything around her in a daze.This is a typical Japanese-style bedroom. She is lying on a tatami mat, with cushions on the other side, and a few.The Japanese flower arrangements on the table, the calligraphy and paintings on the wall, and the Japanese paper doors and windows painted with purple flowers, what kind of place is this? Her shoulders didn't hurt much anymore, her eyes fell on the kimono she was wearing, and she was shocked, where are her clothes?Who changed her clothes? ! The door slid open, and a beautiful woman in kimono appeared at the door, greeting in Chinese: "Are you awake?" She stared blankly at this beauty in kimono, everything was like a dream.She asked in a trance, "Am I dreaming?" The beauty in the kimono almost laughed, but immediately lowered her head: "I'm sorry." Looking up at her, she said, "This dress on you is a temporary order, but it fits you very well and is very beautiful." She looked at the kimono on her body, recalled her own experience not long ago, and asked, "Where is Yang Xiao? Where is he?" The beauty glanced at her in surprise, but immediately said respectfully: "The president is visiting." President? It seems that he is really not an ordinary person!She was anxious to leave this place of right and wrong, and asked, "Where are my clothes?" The beauty in the kimono smiled: "The president told me that I already told them to wait outside." After speaking, they stood up and clapped their hands, and the two of them walked in and bowed deeply to her. The Japanese are so polite, she had to bow back.But the two men came up, holding a soft ruler in their hands. do what? She watched these two people measure her body inexplicably, and wrote down some numbers from time to time. Finally, she finally understood that they were measuring clothes for herself. These two Japanese tailors were found by Yang Xiao's chauvinistic pig? What does he want to do?Although she has a good figure, she is not good enough to look like a model. Waiting patiently for the two Japanese tailors to measure the size, he quickly turned to the beauty in the kimono and said, "Please return my clothes to me. I really have to go. My time is precious." Indeed, temporarily The visa is only valid for 15 days, and she hasn't fully grasped the scenery of Tokyo yet. The beauty in kimono asked in surprise, "Where are you going?" Why did all the inexplicable things happen to her?She was a little discouraged, and she didn't know how to explain to this beautiful woman in kimono. At this moment, she heard a slight sound of pulling the door, and Yang Xiao walked in. When I saw him wearing a kimono, I thought he was a handsome man.He is tall and handsome, but the corners of his lips are slightly raised, as if he is extremely disdainful of everything in the world.snort!Chauvin pig! Ji Xiaofu curled her lips, but the beauty in kimono bowed respectfully: "President." He made a gesture, and the beauty in the kimono got up quickly, and stepped back in small steps.The hairs on Ji Xiaofu's back stood up one by one: lonely man and widow, what does he want to do? As he approached step by step, she was frightened: "What do you want to do?" She has retreated to the wall, there is no way to retreat, he approached her, "I think..." in an ambiguous tone, his warm breath brushed her face, blowing her temple hair, she was about to scream ! He suddenly smiled: "I want to see how your wound is doing." Gao Xuan's heart immediately let go, and suddenly jumped back into his throat - it hurt on his shoulder! ! "do not come." He laughed: "You are my woman, what can I not see?" "Shameless!" She was so angry that she was almost confused, and kicked him: "Get out!" Unbiased, as soon as he stretched out his hand to grab her slender ankle, it was like iron clamps, making her unable to move. She was extremely panicked, and tears welled up all at once.He was taken aback, and slowly let go of her feet.She sobbed and hid her feet back into her kimono, but he smiled: "I didn't touch you again, why are you crying?" Seeing that she was still crying bitterly on the ground, he couldn't help sighing, and asked, "Is the wound hurt?" She raised her tear-stained face in a twitching voice: "Who the hell are you?" He said lightly: "The ones who chase me are my enemies. They have seen you with me, and they will not let you go. In this world, only I can protect you." "Are they gangsters?" she asked. That ironic sneer hung on the corner of his mouth again, and he said: "They are the people who teach the sharp gold banner." She was blank, Mingjiao?The underworld organization that sells arms?It is said that it controls more than 80% of the black market arms trade in Asia.How could I get involved in such a random way.The underworld chased him down, so he was a good guy?She asked, "Who are you?" There was a chill in his long and narrow eyes: "I am the left envoy of Mingjiao." Her body shook, but she didn't faint.他说:"明教现在群龙无首,追杀我的是明教五行旗,他们绝对不会放过我,所以也不会放过你!只有永远在我身边,你才是安全的。普天之下只有我杨逍才能够保护你!"他伸出手,握住她冰冷纤长的十指:"你救了我两次,我要让你一辈子都平安幸福!" "不……"她几乎是尖叫着:"我不相信!我不想和黑社会有关系,我要回家去!" "我说过了,我要令你一辈子平安幸福。我不会让我的女人受到一丝一毫的伤害。所以我不会让你走的。" 她气得要命:"我不是你的女人。" 他微笑:"现在不是,将来一定是。" "放开我!你这个混蛋!你这个大骗子,我才不会相信你说的鬼话呢!根本不会有人伤害我,让我走!你这个无耻的混蛋。" 看着她张牙舞爪,他忽然懒洋洋的笑起来:"放心,我杨逍从来不会用抢的,终有一天你会向我自动投怀送抱。" 她啐:"你休想,我才不会像别的女人一样,明知你是黑社会大魔头也爱上你!" 他气定神闲的推开窗子,和式的庭院,精致的枯山水。檐头璀璨的星光繁繁闪烁,他微微一笑,低吟:"纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度。金风玉露一相逢,但胜却人间无数。柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路。两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!" 她呆了,完全呆了,没想到一个军火贩子会念诵秦观的鹊桥仙。他的声音真好听,这一刹那他的气质沉静含蓄,风度翩翩。 他回过头来自负的一笑:"丫头!我跟你打个赌,总有一天,你会很温柔的躺在我身边,和我一起看星星!" Do your Spring and Autumn Dream!这辈子休想。好在他只是嘴上讨便宜,不过见识过此番阵仗后,也明白了不能硬来。第二天就告诉那位亦步亦趋跟着自己的和服美人:"我要去买东西。" 和服美人微笑:"您需要什么,我可以叫人送来。" 她啼笑皆非的望着和服美人:"你叫什么名字?" "美智子。" 她点点头:"美智子,你究竟是不是女人?你难道不知道购物这种事情,非要亲自去才有趣味吗?东京最繁华的百货公司在哪里?我要去买东西。" 美智子还是彬彬有礼的应了声:"是。"又说:"我去叫他们准备车子,请您稍等。" yeah!It worked! --才怪! 真是要奄奄一息,没想到出门会这么夸张,以前在电视里看到有钱人出门前护后拥,还好生羡慕,万万没想到这么威风凛凛的场面会让自己扮主角。保镖……情不自禁又呻吟一声,十几个保镖,都是五大三粗虎背熊腰的汉子,再加上那个亦步亦趋的美智子,她真是插翅难飞。 店员小姐倒是热情周到,那只手提袋也确实漂亮,拎在手中格外顺眼。她扫了一眼价格标签,倒吸一口凉气。身后的美智子却已取出信用卡递给店员:"请刷这张卡。" ah?天上掉馅饼这种事情都有?有人买单?心痒难禁,迟疑了一秒钟就下定决心,买!机不可失失不再来,再说,试问章小惠谁敢收留,最好花钱花到吓得那杨逍退避三舍才是最佳方案。 兴高采烈,大血拼! 十几个人没有白白跟着,全做了提购物袋的劳力。回去时已是黄昏时分,沙文猪出现在餐厅里,看来是打算和她一起吃饭。果然,有正宗的日本料理吃,花花绿绿一大桌子。瓷器倒是很漂亮,日本菜却是一如既往的中看不中吃。早知道就在外面吃碗拉面解馋了。不过,她眉飞色舞的向他一一展示辉煌战果:"看我今天买了什么,Hermes Birkin包,Ferragamo鞋,Burberry风衣,Max Mara长大衣,YSL Haute Couture,Chanel NO"5香水,Prada红标运动鞋,Montblanc钢笔,LV拉杆旅行箱,CK棉内衣,Cartier三环戒,Missoni光谱花纹衬衫, D&G牛仔,Chanel鞋,Gucci竹节皮包,Versace印花雪纺礼服裙, Fendi Biga包,Loewe小羊皮拼接皮长裤,Dior钱夹。"呜……一口气说下来,差点喘不过来气憋死。 他倒是若无其事:"就这些,还有吗?" 看来他还真是超级有钱,现在黑社会都这么好混吗?哼,看来走私军火的利润高得吓人。不要紧,她眉开眼笑告诉他:"还有,我订了块Piaget镶粉钻的腕表,还订了部莲花Elise跑车,下月才能提车。对了,明天劳斯Ice Blue橱柜代理商会来测量厨房尺寸。啧,真是漂亮,虽然我不会做饭,但一看到那橱柜就想,这样的厨房真好看。"见他仍是一脸平静,不会吧,哪个男人听说花了他这么多钱还是波澜不惊?太令人失望了。终于忍不住使出最毒那招杀手锏:"听说东京最近要拍卖赛尚的静物画。" 他终于扬起眉:"你想要?" 她掷地有声的答:"我热爱艺术!"说完禁不住心虚,赛尚耶……除了从电视和画册上瞻仰过,她这辈子做梦也没想过要去买,专家估价两亿四千万,天!那钞票堆起来,这整间餐厅能不能堆满? 他说:"那我打电话给拍卖代理人。" 寿司一下子噎在喉中,差点晕过去,赛尚! 好容易咽下那块差点噎死她的寿司,又使劲掐自己一把,疼得差点叫出声来,不是做梦!见他唇边仍是那种微笑,阵脚大乱,胡乱又拈了片鱼生,在碟子里沾一沾调料塞进嘴里,一下子眼泪都涌出来。芥末!hot! 泪汪汪的看着他,好似受了天大委屈。他嗤笑:"丫头,我刚刚答应买赛尚送你,你能不能换含情脉脉的眼神?" 含情脉脉?她晕头转向,完全搞不清楚状况了。 他却凑近来:"你眼睛很美,眼睫毛很长,不要再乱眨了,不然我当你勾引我。" 勾引?少在这里自作多情,她恶声:"卑鄙无耻下流!" 他扬起眉头:"好,既然你已经识穿我的真面目,那我也不用在装什么正人君子,今天我一定要让你渡过一个毕生难忘的夜晚。"伸手竟然将她打横抱起,他要做什么?help!她尖叫着拼命挣扎,他的手臂像铁钳一样紧紧禁锢着她。他径直将她抱到卧室里榻榻米上:"别那么紧张,放轻松些,小美人,我们现在可以开始了。" 她歇斯底里:"姓杨的,我一定化成厉鬼找你算帐!" 他嗤笑,随手按了个开关,屋顶竟缓缓向一旁移去,露出玻璃的天花板:"你别想歪了,我只想你看看天空上的星星。"他微笑着在她身旁躺倒:"你看,多美的夜空。"她无语望向天际,深遂幽蓝的天幕上,星星像碎碎的银钉。他的声音梦幻一样:"牵牛,织女,每年七月的这个时候,就是两颗星最近的时候。" 无可否认,他这样静静的躺在那里,像块要命的磁石。 钓鱼……她从来不认为钓鱼是多好玩的事情,特别是和大魔头一起钓鱼。再好的湖光山色都是黑山恶水,闷都要闷死了,不过还好可以寻衅跟他吵架:"把我的护照还给我,我签证要过期了。" "女人还是要温柔一点比较好。" "我就是这样,你最好马上叫我滚蛋。" "我从来不叫女人滚蛋,何况你是我的女人。" 她真的要崩溃了:"姓杨的,我救了你,你却绑架我,你为什么要恩将仇报?" 他唇角上扬:"我曾经向自己发过誓,我要一辈子保护你,我不可以让你白白出去送死!" "你可以派人送我去机场,只要离开日本,我就安全了。" 他眉头微微皱起来:"丫头,你太天真了,明教在亚洲的势力是你无法想像的。你离开日本不会安全。" 她想家,她只想回家:"我不管,我要回家,我要回吉隆坡!" 他问:"难道你不怕死?在你心目中,做我杨逍的妻子是不是比死更可怕?" 是,是,她是有为青年,她有大好前程,她怎么能和一个军火贩子结婚?眼泪又要掉下来了:"求求你放过我吧。" 他叹了口气:"你不怕死,我怕!我不想你白白去送死,我会心痛,知道吗?将来你就会发现,做我杨逍的妻子,是你这辈子最大的福气!" 沙文猪!他以为他是什么人?F4还是申东贤?她差点歇斯底里:"我不要!我不要当你这个大魔头的妻子!" 他终于发怒了:"你这个不知好歹的臭丫头!" 他会怎么样?恼羞成怒一枪打死她?她嗫嚅:"杨……杨逍,我是不会嫁给任何人的,我念圣德女校,我发过誓要做修女,将一生奉献给主。" "做修女?"他嗤之以鼻:"做修女有什么好?" 她昂起头:"你不能侮辱我的信仰!" 他将手里的鱼竿掼在地上,名牌耶……她无限心痛的望着那鱼竿,一定是专门订做的,他向来只用最好的,这根鱼竿也一定贵得吓死人。 他的脸色暗沉得吓人,声音也是:"不行,我不能放你走。" 她忍无可忍破口大骂:"杨逍!你到底是不是男人?我愿意做修女,做修女是我这辈子最大的心愿,我救了你,你不报恩也就算了,为什么连我的心愿也要阻碍?" 他回过头来,恶狠狠的道:"闭嘴!" 吓得她心扑通扑通乱跳。他掉过头去望着远处的山,浅灰色的山峦,温柔的曲线逶逦动人。风吹乱他的发,他为什么突然意兴萧索? 她心乱如麻,忽然听他说:"你走吧。" 一刹那她难以置信,他说:"趁我还没改变主意,快走。我叫人送你去机场。" 轻咬着唇,朝思暮想,一旦真的听到,却恍若不信。转身离开,却听到他叫:"等一等。"这么快就出尔反尔?她加快步子,他追上来:"纪晓芙!"她怒目以视:"你自己说话都不算数?" 他却只是长长叹息一声,将一样东西递给她:"这是明教铁焰令,如果今后你遇上麻烦,拿它来找我,我就算粉身碎骨,赴汤蹈火,也会为你效劳。" 哇……这么神气的东西拿在手里,以后不就是号令天下,莫敢不从?可是为什么笑不出来?为什么自己一点也不觉得高兴?只勉强挤出一个微笑:"谢谢。" 一直走到草地那头,才回过头看他,夕阳将他的影子拉得好长,他立在那里望着远处的山,他整个人笼在金色的斜晖,再见了,杨逍……不,是永别了。他与她是两个世界,这些日子只是一个璀璨的美梦,从此,再无交集。 回到熟悉的城市,殷梨亭来接机。车窗外是熟悉的吉隆坡街景,她回来了,回到真正属于她的世界。尾指上还戴着Cartier的三环戒,并不是最贵,她现在只心痛赛尚,那幅赛尚他真的拍到送给她,看见画的那一刹那,她的呼吸都几乎停顿。这世上最昂贵的不是这画,而是自由,所以她想尽办法终于逃离。 现在,她自由了。 她下定决心,将杨逍将星星将鹊桥仙将赛尚将日本将明教将过去几日的一切统统从记忆中删除,永远永远。 殷梨亭替她洗尘,与她吃午饭,在间日本料理。看到满桌的姹紫嫣红,她突然有掉头就走的冲动:"我刚从日本回来,你又请我吃日本料理?" 殷梨亭手足无措:"晓芙,对不起。"她一直欣赏他的温文儒雅,可不知为什么,今天就觉得这温文儒雅简直是唯唯喏喏,又想发脾气了,他突然掏出一样东西,竟然是Tiffany Lucida的戒指,她张口结舌,只听他说:"晓芙,嫁给我吧。" 求婚……她又晕头转向了,只听殷梨亭说:"你说过,你最梦想是Tiffany Lucida的订婚戒指,我拿到奖金马上就买来。晓芙,答应我吧。" 她岔开话:"你拿到奖金?什么奖金这么高?" "我们刚刚破获一大宗军火走私案。" 军火走私,她的脸孔更白了:"殷梨亭,我要考虑一下。" 他笑逐颜开:"当然可以,我等你电话。" 她做了一晚上的噩梦,梦见杨逍。梦见他浑身是血,身上全是子弹,她尖叫惊醒,冷汗早已经濡湿了睡衣。sky!她一定是疯了,才会梦到那个大魔头。她得赶紧想办法忘掉他,忘得彻底,忘得一丝一毫都不再记得。她抓起电话拨号,久久才有人接,她叫:"殷梨亭!" 睡意惺松的声音:"晓芙,早。" "我答应你了。" 殷梨亭未睡醒一样,过了几秒钟才惊喜的叫:"晓芙!你答应我的求婚了?" "我答应。"她清楚的告诉他,也告诉自己:"我要和你结婚。" 结婚……到现在还是不真实的恍惚,拍婚纱照,任由摄影师将两个人摆布来摆布去,她全然像只木偶。又要换衣服,怎么要换这么多衣服?她叹口气,接过店员小姐递上的另一件礼服。走进更衣室,刚刚关上门,突然一只手伸上来用一方毛巾捂住她的口鼻,一股难闻的气味令她眩晕,她陷入无边无际的黑暗。 it hurts!全身的肌肉都痛。耳中只听到海浪声,海浪……她艰难的睁开眼,白花花的太阳毒辣的直射下来,又一阵眩晕。再次睁开眼,才看清自己在甲板上,四周都是茫茫大海。 游轮,自己怎么会在游轮上?挣扎着想站起来,才发现自己手被绳索捆得紧紧的。旁边一个满脸横肉的家伙一脸的笑:"不好意思,纪小姐,在杨先生赶到之前,只好委屈一下你了。" 杨先生?哪个杨先生,难道是杨逍? 一想到他的名字就脸色煞白,天空中传来直升机的声音,直升机打着旋,发出振耳欲聋的轰鸣,终于降落在游轮顶层的平台上。她仰脸看直升机,有人下来,她一眼认出来,真是他。 虽然相处日子不长,可是他化成灰她也认得出来。 他那样子,真像是出海来晒太阳的,她紧咬牙根,大魔头!居然能想出这招来劫持她! 身旁的满脸横肉却大声叫:"杨逍,站住!你再上前一步,我就宰了这臭丫头。" 他冷峻的扬起眉头:"你们要是敢动她一根头发,我就叫你们统统下海去喂鲨鱼!" 原来不是他劫持了她,原来他是赶来英雄救美的。她忍不住大骂:"杨逍你个大笨蛋!你这么单枪匹马的跑来,怎么救我?你不是明教左使吗?一人之下万人之上,起码也得带上浩浩荡荡的雇佣军才对,再不然,也应该带上什么核弹生化武器来跟他们换人啊!" 他笑了,竟然还笑得那样轻松:"他们倒是要求我拿导弹来换你,可是那样会威胁到世界和平。" "见鬼的世界和平!"她说:"给他们导弹,我只值一枚导弹?我以为我起码应该值一枚核弹呢!" 满脸横肉终于忍无可忍瞪向她:"闭嘴!"他回头的那一刹那,杨逍已经出手了。他的身影快得像鬼魅一样,他出手快得像闪电一样,一脚飞起就踢掉横肉手里的枪。再接着左手一伸就将她揽入怀中,右手中不知何时多出一把AK-47指着那横肉的太阳穴:"陪我们上直升机。" so handsome!她忍不住吹了声口哨。满游轮实枪荷弹的喽罗瞠目以对,眼睁睁看着他们三人上了直升机,扬长而去,半路还将那横肉扔下碧海,真是污染环境。 成功脱险,比邦德还邦德。直升机飞至小岛降落,她仍在回味适才的惊心动魄,他却毫不留情的将她手腕拽住,带进面前的别墅。她踩到自己裙角,差点跌倒。他脸色冷得像冰一样:"你穿着什么鬼衣服?" "婚纱啊。"她抱怨:"我正拍婚纱照,就让人绑架了。"话一出口,差点后悔得找个地洞钻进去。他怒不可抑:"纪晓芙!你骗我!我杨逍这辈子最痛恨人家欺骗我!你可以不爱我,但是你不可以欺骗我!" 她心虚的低下头:"我骗你什么?" "想当修女?全是屁话!你心中另有情人!我告诉你,我杨逍要的东西从来没有得不到的!当初我真的以为你要当修女才放你走,你要嫁人,只可以嫁给我杨逍一个人!" 她吼回去:"我死也不要嫁给你!我是殷梨亭的未婚妻,如有异心,天诛地灭!" 他的脸色更冷了:"好,我这就去杀了那个殷梨亭。"头也不回的往外走去,她阵脚大乱:"杨逍!你站住,你不准去!"看到那枝AK-47,随手端起,咬牙道:"杨逍!你再不站住我杀了你!" 他回过头来,轻蔑的扬起眉:"杀我?" "我……我杀了你这个大魔头,为社会除害。" 他轻轻一笑:"有志气,你行吗?"迅雷不及掩耳,已"啪"一声卸下弹匣。反手一扬,澄黄色的子弹叮叮当当落在地上。 她扔下枪,一字一顿:"我告诉你,你别指望把这个猫捉耗子的把戏玩下去!"扭头向海边冲去,悬崖高得令人头晕,他追过来:"不!"她毫不迟疑纵身跃下。 无边的蔚蓝包围上来,她窒息了,死亡竟然如此痛苦。 没死成……有杨逍在,想死原来都如此困难。醒来看到他的脸,仍是噩梦一样。眼泪终于情不自禁流下来:"你为什么要救我?" 他眼睛迅速的黯淡下去:"我送你回吉隆坡。" 她怔住了,他神色落寞:"如果我早知道你宁死也不肯嫁给我,我决不会逼你,我一直以为你不是那么讨厌我--看来,我太高估自己了。"他的声音又苦又涩:"对不起。" 眼角有眼泪滑落,为什么要哭,他已答应送自己回去,为什么还要哭? 偌大的游艇,无端端仍觉得空间逼仄。他将船设为自动驾驶,拎着酒上甲板来。她抱膝坐在船尾,他斟了酒,问:"你要不要?"她摇了摇头,他掉过头去一口气饮尽。她抬头仰望浩瀚的星河,哪一颗是牵牛,哪一颗是织女?可是唯一辩出的却是银河,天堑难逾的银河。 他说:"已经在印尼领海了,明天就可以见到你的情人了,你应该很高兴吧。" 她闷闷的低着头:"我当然高兴。" 他走过来仔细凝视她:"你并不高兴。" 夜风吹得人发冷,她自欺欺人的掉过头去,他却伸出手来,温柔的抚上她的脸:"傻丫头"。这三个字仿佛魔咒,她的目光接触到他的双眼,就再也移不开了。他的眼里有无尽的凄凉与痛楚,就像她自己的眼睛,清晰得令人害怕。她迅速低下头:"明天你就不要上岸了,马上回公海吧。你是通缉要犯,一旦行踪暴露会很麻烦。" "你为什么这么关心我?你和殷梨亭相爱是跟我认识前还是之后?" 她不要继续这样的谈话:"我要去睡了。" 他猛然抓住她的肩头:"你看着我!丫头,你看着我!我到底有没有猜对?" 眼泪夺眶而出:"不对,不对!我爱的是殷梨亭,喜欢的是殷梨亭,不是你!" 他捏得她肩头好痛:"你撒谎!你喜欢的人是我,你爱上我了!" 她挣扎起来:"你放手……"他不理,她挣不开,他呢喃一样:"晓芙,你是我的,是我的……"他吻上来,他的吻像灼热的火焰,他吻到哪里,她就像巧克力一样融到哪里。手足全都发软,天上所有的星像是全部坠落下来,坠成一片绚烂的火海。 清凉的晨风像温柔的手,拍在脸上咸咸的,眼泪干了,又流出来。她缩在床角,像陷井里的幼兽。 他想替她拭去眼泪,她却更畏缩的向后躲避。离开海岸越远,她就觉得绝望的感觉越清晰。他要带她回日本,他要带她去他的世界。 他低声说:"对不起,我
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