Home Categories romance novel East Palace

Chapter 19 Section 19

East Palace 匪我思存 6614Words 2018-03-16
I took a water ladle to water the rose flowers: "Look at these flowers, they were born in the soil well, but they were dug up by the roots. They were sold here again, but they still have to live and bloom beautiful flowers." They never worry about themselves, they are alive, why should they worry about these and those, they will do what they want, there is nothing to worry about." Besides, what's the use of worrying, Li Chengyin won't believe me anyway.I wish I had never thought of those things in the past.fortunately.Only I remembered, he didn't.Anyway, I have been waiting, waiting for an opportunity, I want to end everything.Then leave here, I don't want to see Li Chengyin again.

Yueniang couldn't laugh or cry at what I said, she had no choice but to go back to the palace. I don't think there's anything wrong with being in the cold palace, except for eating poorly, but it's better than being quiet. In the past, I obviously loved lively things. One day when I slept until midnight, A'Du suddenly woke me up, I rubbed my eyes and asked, "What's wrong?" A'Du looked very urgent, she pulled me under the east window.Pointing to the top of the wall. I saw thick smoke billowing.There was a lot of fire, and I couldn't help being stunned.How could there be a sudden fire? The fire came very fast.After a while it was raging, A'Du kicked open the window on the west side, we climbed out from the window, she dragged me to the back wall.Before we could stand firmly on the wall, suddenly a gust of wind rushed towards us, A'Du pushed me, and I fell headlong towards the wall.I saw A'Du slashing something with his knife. There was a "ding" sound. It turned out to be a steel arrow. A'Du leaned down and wanted to catch me. From nowhere, a second steel arrow shot like beads. The third steel arrow... A'Du chopped off several of them, but the arrows were as dense as locusts, smashing pieces of glazed tiles on the wall to pieces.I watched with my own eyes as an arrow shot into her shoulder with a "poof", blood splashed all over the place, and I yelled "A'Du", but she didn't care about her injuries, she struggled and flew down to catch her. Hold my hand.The wind whizzed past my ears, and I remembered that when we climbed over the wall that time, we also encountered arrow formations.A'Du failed to catch me, it was Pei Zhao who caught me.But now there will be no Pei Zhao, I know, and A'Du also knows.

In the dense rain of arrows, A'Du finally held my arm, her golden knife drew a long series of golden sparks on the wall, and the hard green bricks rustled with powder, but we were still fast She fell to the ground, her right shoulder was injured, she couldn't use her strength, the knife couldn't be inserted into the wall anyway, and the arrows shot more densely, I shouted anxiously: "A'Du, let go ! let go!" If she doesn't let go, only the two of us will fall to our death together.With such a high wall and a green brick floor underneath, we must be smashed to pieces.

A'Du's blood dripped on my face, I tried my best to break free from her hand, but she suddenly swung me upwards with all her strength, and I was thrown into the air by her, as if flying through the clouds, my hands instinctively scrambled Grabbing wildly, I even grabbed the glazed tiles on the wall. I climbed up the wall with my hands and feet, and watched A'Du being shot by several arrows again. The falling momentum stopped immediately, but her hands were weak, so she finally let go of her hands.He fell heavily to the ground.I burst into tears, and in such a dark night, feather arrows shot at the glazed tiles next to me.Those feather arrows pierced through the tiles, and the debris aroused by the repeated "bang bang" splashed on my face, which was painful. I cried and called A'Du's name, and the arrows fell from all directions like a torrential rain, covering the sky and covering the earth. I am enveloped in it.I have never felt so helpless and alone.

Someone stood in front of me. He just waved his sleeve, and the arrows scattered in all directions. After a while, he lost his aim and fell obliquely.Through blurry tears, I saw that he was wearing a white robe, as bright and eye-catching as the moonlight. Gu Jian! He waved away those random arrows, pulled me straight to the glazed tiles on the top of the hall, and I shouted anxiously: "There is still A'Du! Save A'Du!" Gu Jian pushed me behind the owl's tail, turned around and jumped down the wall. I saw his robe sleeves swelled by the wind in the night, and he slid down the wall like a big white bird.Suddenly there was a meteor-like fire arrow piercing the quiet night below, countless meteors were like a chaotic rain, those rockets shot towards Gu Jian densely, I heard countless feather arrows hitting the wall, "popping" Like countless moths bumping into a lamp covered with sheepskin in summer, a cluster of dotted fires ignited in the air, and then quickly extinguished.Gu Jian's figure was extremely fast, and he had already picked up A'Du.But those flaming arrows shot more densely, the air was full of burning smell, those arrows made a sharp howling sound, and shot at Gu Jian from all directions with their flaming tails.I poked my head out from behind the owl's tail, and saw layers of black armor. Step by step, those heavy armors clanged, densely packed up layer by layer, and I didn't know that there were tens of thousands in ambush. people.Yi Gu Jian hugged A'Du in one hand, and chopped off those random arrows with the sword in the other, a thick layer of remnant arrows piled up under his feet, still blazing.The fire light reflected on his white robe, very ethereal.His figure is like a ghost, moving forwards and backwards, those arrows fell in front of him one after another, but the arrows rained like locusts all around him, and it was difficult for him to break out of the arrows and surround him.His white robe was splattered with blood, it was not known whether it was his blood or the blood on A'Du's body.Although A'Du was hugged by him, his arms were hanging down, motionless, and he didn't know the extent of his injuries.If this continues, he and A'Du will definitely be shot to death by random arrows.I was very anxious, and I didn't know what was buried here. Although I was hugged by him, his arms were hanging down, motionless, and I didn't know the extent of the injury.If this continues, he and A'Du will definitely be shot to death by random arrows.I was very anxious, and I didn't know who the people who were buried here were.I suddenly thought that these people were all wearing heavy armor, and they were shooting arrows with open flames in the East Palace. Such a big movement must not be assassins.When I thought of this, I couldn't help standing up suddenly, but someone behind me lightly pressed my vest.Said: "Get down."

I turned around and saw that it was Pei Zhao. Behind him, on the glazed tiles on the roof of the hall, were densely packed with Habayashiro in light armor.They lay there silently, the bows and arrows in their hands were drawn halfway, aiming at the encirclement below, these people were condescending, even if Gu Jian could break out of the encirclement, they would definitely release their arrows together to force him back into the arrow circle . I was very anxious and said to Pei Zhao: "Tell them to stop!" Pei Zhao said in a low voice: "Crown Princess, His Royal Highness has ordered to destroy the assassins, please forgive me for not following orders."

I grabbed his arm: "He is not an assassin, and the person he is holding is A'Du, and A'Du is not an assassin either. Tell them to stop!" Pei Zhao looked very troubled, but bit by bit, he pulled his arm out from between my fingers.I cursed angrily: "Even if Gu Jian once assassinated the emperor, he didn't hurt a single hair of His Majesty. Besides, if you want to arrest Gu Jian, go and arrest him. A'Du is innocent, stop them quickly!" Pei Zhao said in a low voice, "Your Highness has an order. Once the assassin shows up, no matter what, immediately annihilate him under the arrows, and never allow him to escape. Please forgive me, the Crown Princess, I will not follow orders."

I was furious and said, "What if it was me? If Gu Jian grabbed me, would you shoot me and him to death with random arrows?" Pei Zhao raised his eyes to look at me, his eyes were dark, and the fire light from the arrows in the distance was reflected in his eyes, like sparks ignited one by one, but they were fleeting.I said, "Order them to stop, or I'll jump down and die with them." Pei Zhao suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "I'm being rude!" I just felt a numbness on the acupuncture point, and I sat down there, my limbs were stiff and I couldn't move any more, he actually touched my acupuncture point, making me unable to move .

I cursed loudly, but Pei Zhao ignored it and turned around and shouted: "Get up!" The three thousand light armors on the top of the temple stood up abruptly, in a half-kneeling posture, drawing the hard bow in their hands to a full circle, and pointing their arrows at the two people in the circle of fire below. I was so anxious that tears flowed out, and I screamed: "Pei Zhao! If you dare to shoot an arrow today, I will kill you!" Pei Zhao ignored me, turned around and shouted: "Let go!" I heard the chaotic sound of piercing through the sky, countless arrows flew over my head, and fell straight towards the people in the circle of fire.Gu Jian soared into the air, trying to force his way out, but was forced back by the dense rain of arrows.My eyes were blurred with tears, looking at the impenetrable arrows overwhelming the sky, Gu Jian suddenly waved his white robe and put A'Du on the ground.He must have wanted to create it alone, the arrows became denser and denser, and finally the arrows rained end to end, and even half a gap was not revealed, completely covering the figures of Gu Jian and A'Du.I was furious and kept yelling, but Pei Zhao seemed to turn a deaf ear.In the end, I started to cry. I had never cried so badly. I even begged him to stop shooting arrows, but Pei Zhao was indifferent.

I don't know how long it took before Pei Zhao finally called a stop. My tears were blurred, and all I could see was that the arrows piled up like a hill, and I couldn't even see half of a human figure.The first row of Habayashiro in heavy armor took a heavy step back, revealing the second row of Habayashiro. Those people held long spears and probed the long spears to the bottom of Arrow Mountain, and then worked together to almost topple the entire Arrow Mountain. Open it. I saw Gu Jian's white robe, soaked in blood, almost dyed red. I opened my mouth wide, but I couldn't cry out. Big tears slid down my cheeks and slid into my mouth, bitter and astringent.A'Du, my A'Du.

Adu who has been with me for the past three years, who has accompanied me thousands of miles away even without avenging his country's hatred and family vendetta, who has always risked his life to protect me... I have no choice but to watch Then she was shot dead by random arrows. I don't know when Pei Zhao put me down from the hall, he unlocked my acupuncture points, I grabbed the sword from his hand and pointed it at him.He looked at me and said quietly: "Crown Princess, if you want to kill, kill it, the king's order is hard to break, and the general will have to obey!" I stumbled to the outside of the encirclement, those people blocked me in the middle, I looked at Pei Zhao, he waved his hand, those Habayashiro opened a gap. There was blood all over A'Du's face, I burst into tears, tears fell on her face, her body was still warm, I stretched out my hand to feel her body, just want to know where her injury is and whether it can be healed .Miraculously, she was not hit by an arrow, but was hit by several arrows in her leg. While I was crying and calling her name, her eyeballs moved. Surprised and delighted, I called her name repeatedly with tears in my voice.At last she opened her eyes, but she could not speak.In the end, I just tried my best and pointed to Gu Jian at the side. I didn't understand what she meant, but her eyes were fixed on Gu Jian, and she was tightly clutching my lapel. "You want me to go and see him?" I finally guessed what she meant, and she nodded slightly. I don't know what A'Du means, but she is dying now, what she wants me to do, I will definitely do it. I walked to Gu Jian's side, his eyes were half open, but he was not dead yet. I was very surprised, his eyes flickered slightly, he obviously recognized me, there were tens of hundreds of arrows stuck in his back, densely packed like a hedgehog, not a single inch of intact skin.I was very sad, he had saved me time and time again.He was the one who saved me in Tian Gen Mountain, and he was the one who saved me in the midst of the arrows just now. I squatted down and called his name. I didn't know that Li Chengyin set up a trap here, I was the one who got him involved. The corners of his mouth fluttered, and I leaned closer, Pei Zhao stepped forward to stop me: "Your Majesty, be careful of the assassin violently injuring someone." I said angrily, "He is already like this, how can he still violently injure others? " I moved closer to Gu Jian's lips, and he actually murmured: "A'Du...how..." I never expected that he would miss A'Du, I said: "She's fine, she's just injured." The corner of his mouth moved, and it looked like a smile. All his injuries were on his back, while A'Du's arrow wounds were all on his legs, not even half of his vital parts were injured by arrows.I suddenly guessed somehow: "You hid her under yourself?" He didn't answer me. He just looked at me, looking at me stupidly. I suddenly felt a movement in my heart, he saved A'Du.Originally, he could escape, but he had already put A'Du down, as long as he left A'Du, maybe he could force his way out.But he refused, insisting on saving A'Du with his own life.Why did he save A'Du? I almost knowingly asked: "Why did you save A'Du..." "She... If she..." His voice was soft, as if he would be blown away by the night wind at any time, I had to get closer.I just heard him murmuring: "You will...will die of grief..." I was heartbroken, but he still seemed to be smiling: "I...can't...make you sad..." I said: "Why are you so stupid, I don't like you...how are you so stupid..." He looked straight at me: "It's me... I'm sorry..." I saw that his eyes were full of regret, and I felt very unbearable. He obviously couldn't survive, and my tears finally flowed out: "Master..." But his eyes were looking at the stars in the sky, and his breath gradually became short of breath: "That day...the stars are like today...like today...bright...you sit on the sand dunes...sing...sing...fox..." He spoke incomplete sentences intermittently, and I understood his meaning at this moment, and I said softly: "I know... I will sing... I will sing for you..." I lifted his head half up, and I didn't care what Pei Zhao thought, let alone what Habayashiro thought, I just felt very sad in my heart, I was so anxious about that song, the only song I could sing: "A fox...it's sitting on the sand dunes...it's sitting on the sand dunes, looking at the moon...hey, it's not looking at the moon...it's waiting for the girl who returns from herding sheep..." I sang intermittently.I used to sing this song very proficiently, but I don’t know what happened today. Almost every sentence would go away. I sang and sang, only to realize that my tears fell like rain, and my tears fell on Gu Jian’s face , but he kept looking at me.Looking at me with a smile.It wasn't until his whole body became cold, so cold... His hands fell to the ground.His white robe was riddled with holes and ragged by the arrows. I saw a corner of his robe was half exposed, and I pulled it out lightly. It turned out to be a pair of flowers.Already soaked in blood, I suddenly remembered, remembering that night in Shangyuan, he bought me a pair of Huasheng.I once got angry and threw it at his feet. It turned out that he was still hiding in his clothes.I throw away the things I don't want. He actually keeps them in his arms so much. I half-kneeled and half-sat there, with a distressed voice, like a severe wind blowing over the desert, whirling through my throat, unspeakably uncomfortable: "A fox... it is sitting on the sand dune... On the sand dunes, basking in the sun... Hey, it turned out that it wasn't basking in the sun... it was waiting for a girl passing by on a horse..." Pei Zhao stepped forward to help me: "Prince Princess..." I slapped his face back with my palm, he seemed to be taken aback, but he still pulled me up: "The last general will send the princess to see His Highness." "I don't see anyone!" I said sharply, looking at him closely, "you...you..." I repeated it twice, but I couldn't think of words to accuse him.He was just following Li Cheng Yin's orders, the culprit was still Li Cheng Yin. A'Du was dying, and Gu Jian was dead. All because of me and for me. They set up such a trap, Gu Jian could not have been fooled, it was only because of me. Gu Jian could have been immortal in the first place, it was only because of me. I want him to save A'Du. He tried his best to save A'Du. Time and time again, people around me died for me. They killed Ah Weng, they killed A Niang, they killed He Shi, and they killed Gu Jian... They killed the people around me, the people who loved me one by one... Pei Zhao said: "Miss A'Du's wounds are in urgent need of medical treatment. The Crown Princess, the general has ordered someone to call for the imperial physician..." I stared at him coldly, Pei Zhao didn't avoid my gaze, and he didn't argue. I don't want to say another word to him. But A'Du's injury is serious, I won't let them touch A'Du, I will hug A'Du myself.Every time it was A'Du who hugged me, this time I finally hugged her, her body is so light, last time she suffered such a serious injury, it was Gu Jian who saved her, can she survive this time? The lute bone in A'Du's right shoulder was fractured, and a rib was also broken.The imperial physician came to pull out the shaft of the arrow, straightened the broken bone, and then applied the wound medicine, and A'Du fell into a drowsy sleep. I curled up in front of her sick bed, no matter who came to persuade me, I didn't even lift my eyelids.I hugged myself with both arms, thinking wholeheartedly, as soon as A'Du recovers from her injuries, I will wait for her to go back to Xiliang. Li Cheng Yin came to see me, my clothes were covered in blood, my hair was disheveled and tangled, he frowned and said: "Change the clothes for the princess." Yong Niang was very embarrassed, just as I took a step forward, I pulled out the golden knife and stared at her coldly. Li Chengyin waved his hand, and everyone in the room retreated. He walked up to me, and I saw his boots through my loose hair, one step closer, one step closer... I was about to stab him, but he slowly bent down and sat down, looking at me. I looked straight at him. He whispered: "Xiaofeng, that person must be eliminated. He is so skilled in martial arts that he can coerce the king and escape from the army. I have to kill him..." I didn't even feel angry anymore, I just looked at him lightly. "It's my fault to use you as bait, but I have no other choice. Zhao Liangdi is the daughter of a family, and her father and brother are important ministers. I have to have a legitimate name to get rid of her. The Zhao family and Prime Minister Gao are colluding, and His Majesty is also holding back the Gao Party. , that's why I made up my mind to overturn the case for the Chen family. Once the Chen family's old case is reopened, Gao Ming will definitely be removed...Zhao Liangdi framed you again...I can only follow the plan first...Now don't worry, the matter is over..." What he said was so complicated that I couldn't understand it. He spoke a lot more, mostly about the court situation.Taking advantage of the grievances of Yueniang's family ten years ago, I traced it all the way, and now the Gao family has been ransacked and beheaded, the Zhao family has also been put to death, Zhao Liangdi poisoned Xu Baolin, but the fact that she framed me was also thoroughly exposed, and she was expelled. In the East Palace, they committed suicide in shame and indignation... The Gao family used to be a force that supported the queen. After the queen was abolished, these people tried to get Concubine Gao to fight for the queen again.The Zhao family is even more eager to move. These people have helped the queen to plot against his biological mother in the past.The harem repeats such intrigues and plots forever... He avenged his mother, and he tracked down the people and events of twenty years ago one by one. The most proud thing he did in his life was so? What Gao Xiang, what Zhao family, what Gu Jian, and even Yueniang. I do not understand. Especially when he talked about Zhao Liangdi, his tone was as understatement as if he had crushed an ant to death. The woman he had been in love with for three years, the woman he used to be as precious as jewels. It's all acting? Not even half of kindness? I used to hate Zhao Liangdi very much, especially when she framed me.But at this moment, I just feel that she is so pitiful, really pitiful. Li Chengyin's heart must be carved out of stone.Not to mention a person, even if it is a cat or a dog, after three years of raising it, I wouldn't have the heart to kill it... I thought things would change after three years, but the only thing that hasn't changed is him.Regardless of whether he has ever jumped into the river of oblivion, whether he has forgotten everything, he will never forget his power, his conspiracy.He always does not hesitate to use the people around him and his emotions to achieve his goals. He even stretched out his hand, wanting to touch my face. I feel disgusted: "Go away!" Li Chengyin said: "They won't hurt you, they are all sharp shooters among Habayashi Langzhong, Pei Zhao personally supervised, those arrows will all fall by your side, and none of them will hurt you by mistake. I shouldn't take you Taking risks, in fact, I really regret it..." "What about A'Du?" I looked at him coldly, "If A'Du died together with Gu Jian..." He was startled again, and said: "Xiaofeng, A'Du is just a slave..." I hit him on the face with a "slap", and he didn't dodge. I was so angry that I trembled: "She put her own life to protect me, and she followed me from Xiliang all the way... In your eyes, A'Du is just A slave, but in my heart she is my sister." I thought of Gu Jian, thought of him dying to save A'Du, thought of him saying, he said he couldn't make me sad anymore.Even Gu Jian knew that if A'Du died, I would die of grief too. Li Chengyin stretched out his hand, hugged me, and said: "Xiaofeng, I like you. I was sick that day, and you were held by me until it became numb. How can there be such a silly girl, but I never thought that I would like you, a silly girl. When you were captured by the assassin, I was really going crazy... At that time, I thought, if I can't save you, What should I do... I've never been afraid... But you came back, you said you like Gu Xiaowu, I know Gu Xiaowu is Gu Jian, I'm so jealous that I'm going crazy. Yes, I don't want to keep him Life, because he is not only an assassin, but also Gu Xiaowu. Now that Gu Xiaowu is dead, it is my fault, I should not kill him, but Xiaofeng, I have no choice, from now on no one can hurt you, I Assure you, you trust me once, okay?"
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