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Chapter 16 Section 16

East Palace 匪我思存 18283Words 2018-03-16
The girl was waiting for him at home, waiting and waiting, after waiting for several years, the young master did not come back.The girl's family members all persuaded the girl to marry someone else as soon as possible. After all, her daughter's age, if she delays, it may not be easy to marry.The girl insisted on refusing, and kept waiting, but who knew that the border finally sent back a letter, and it turned out that the young master had already died in battle. "He stopped talking here, and I asked anxiously: "Then what about the girl?She knew that the son was dead, but what should she do? "The girl is very sad, but she is puzzled in her heart. The young master has superb martial arts skills, is also good at reading military books, and has been away all year round. After countless battles, large and small, how could he fall into the enemy's ambush and be killed by the enemy so easily?" Woolen cloth?The girl locked herself in the house and thought for ten days and ten nights, and finally made up her mind to find out the truth of the matter.But she is a girl with no power in her hands. Although her family members are officials, they don't have the ability to do such a thing.At this time, it happened that the king of Zixu Kingdom issued an edict to select concubines.The girl was born beautiful, so she voluntarily entered the palace and became the king's concubine.She has a gentle temperament and a quick mind. The king dotes on her very much, and her status in the harem is gradually prominent.So she made friends with officials and used the strength of other people to investigate the war a few years ago, and wanted to know what caused the son to die on the battlefield.Later, she gradually got some clues, knowing that the son was not ambushed by the enemy, but was framed and killed by his own people.She wanted to follow these clues, but found that the matter was related to the queen. "" It's not a day or two that the queen fears her, because the king loves her too much, and now the girl wants to find out the real cause of the son's death. If the king knows these things, the queen may not be a queen.

At this time, the girl happened to give birth to a prince for the king, and the queen ordered people to inject chronic poison into the nourishing decoction. ""The girl drank this poisonous decoction, and slowly died of weakness and illness. Before she died, she hoped to announce the cause of the son's death to the world, but it was too late.The queen sent someone to put her under house arrest, saying that she had tuberculosis, and no one was allowed to see her again, and took away the newborn little prince..." I was very nervous, and asked, "Does the queen even want to kill the little prince? But Gu Xiaowu looked normal and shook his head: "The queen will not kill the little prince. The queen herself has no children, so she raised the little prince and taught him skills. Therefore, the little prince regards the queen as his own mother. But the little prince never knew that his biological mother was killed by the queen.Later... the little prince finally knew the truth of the matter, but he couldn't help it. He was still young, and the queen was very powerful, so he couldn't fight her.At this time, the king also hesitated, because he was not only a son of the little prince, but also other princes.The king hesitated among several princes, not knowing who to pass the throne to in the future.The other princes were eager to try in secret. They all knew that the little prince was not the queen's biological son, and the queen also had a heart for the little prince... But the king finally made the little prince the heir apparent.Because in Zixu country, there are very few princes who can live past the age of 30. They were either assassinated or deposed by their father and died of claustrophobia.There are also princes who, in order to seize the opportunity, simply killed their fathers and plotted against them... Some people succeed and some fail. The successful people become kings and die in the end. A palace soaked in blood..." When Gu Xiaowu said this, he suddenly became dazed, and I also stared at him in a daze. This story is not funny at all, and it is not like the ones I have heard before. story. But I don’t know why, I didn’t interrupt Gu Xiaowu. After a while, he continued to tell me the story in that plain tone: “Although I became the crown prince, the life of the little prince is also It's hard.The queen was wary of him; and the king also posed a problem for the little prince.The king said, since you are the crown prince, you should set an example for all the subjects in the world.The king sent the little prince to a place and asked him to accomplish something that was almost impossible..." "This little prince is really pitiful. I chased him and asked, "What does the king want him to do?" "" Later, there were no more. "Gu Xiaowu patted the saddle, and lay down again, with a comfortable face, "Sleep. I was furious. How could I sleep with such a nonsensical story? I said, "I didn't ask why, why didn't you tell it?" "Gu Xiaowu said: "If it's gone, it's gone, so why talk about it?" "He turned over and turned his back to me. I only saw his shoulder blades, although they were covered with sheepskin, but the night wind was very cold, so he shrugged his shoulders, as if he had fallen asleep.

I pulled the leather mattress up to my chin, covered it warmly, and thought: This Gu Xiaowu looks heartless, and telling stories is even more annoying.But looking at him sleeping, it’s really pitiful—the little prince in the story he told has no aunt, and he doesn’t have a aunt either. Those who don’t have aunts are of course pitiful.I just think about it, and if I don't have A Niang, I'm going to cry right away. I fell asleep in a daze, probably because of the story I heard before going to bed. In my dream, I dreamed of the little prince.He was still very small, really small, about three or four years old, squatting there crying alone, his shoulder blades shrunk, like a wounded little animal.It was like seeing a wounded little fox in a trap dug by a hunter after it snowed once.That little fox was like this, huddled into a ball, looking at me with moist black eyes, full of vigilance, but vaguely timid.Its shoulder bones were retracted, and its abrupt, pointed beak was also hidden under its claws. The snow fell heavily, and I felt so sorry for it that I couldn't help but stretch out my hand, wanting to pull it.Unexpectedly, when it raised its head, it turned out to be Gu Xiaowu. I was shocked, and felt so weird in my heart, I woke up immediately.At this time, the sky was almost dawn, the slanting moon was setting in the west, the stars were dim, and even the bonfires were gradually extinguished, and the night seemed to be more intense.The two thousand riders on the grassland were sleeping soundly, only the patrolling sentries were still walking around.The grass blades beside my face were covered with cool dew, and those dew fell on my face, so I licked it with my tongue, it was sweet.I rolled over and fell asleep again.

At dawn the next day we broke out of the camp and walked eastward for another five or six days. Finally, we met the rangers sent by the Turks. Heshi was overjoyed when he heard that the king's tent of the Great Chanyu was nearby.I was also very happy in my heart, because I will see Ah Weng soon.It's just that the two thousand cavalry who escorted us from the Central Plains couldn't stay in the Turkic border, so they had to leave immediately and go back. He Shi admired this team of Central Plains troops very much, saying that they had strict military discipline, swift action, and bravery in battle, they were rare heroes.Heshi sent them far away again, and I followed Heshi and sent them west.

The afternoon sun was shining brightly, Gu Xiaowu lowered his eyes and lowered his eyebrows on the saddle, as if he was lazily dozing off, I said, "Hey, you are back, and take a message to my father, saying that I have arrived in Turkic safely." Gu Xiaowu said: "That depends on whether I will sell tea in Wangcheng again." I said: "If you don't go back to sell tea, where are you going?" He smiled, but didn't answer me.At this time, the people in the Central Plains had already gone far away, so he waved to me, and then galloped his horse to catch up with me.

I covered my forehead with my hand, and the grassland was endless. After a long time, I could still see him catching up with the team and waving to us.Gradually it goes far away, like mustard dust between the vast world, so fine that it can no longer be distinguished clearly.I looked at his back and thought of the story he told me yesterday, but felt lost. Suddenly someone behind me gave a "chuck" smile, I turned around, and it turned out to be He Shi.He reined in his horse and stood behind me, and I asked him angrily, "What are you laughing at?" He Shi nodded, but shook his head, still smiling and said to me, "Little princess, let's go back quickly." Seeing A Weng When I was there, I was so happy that I forgot all my troubles.We haven't seen each other for a year, and Ah Weng also favors me even more, so let me mess around.He Shi's arm was injured, and Ah Weng was worried that I would cause trouble, so he asked He Shi's younger sister to follow me all day.Heshi's younger sister is about my age, she has learned martial arts since she was a child, and she is very good at swordsmanship.I like to call her by her name: "A'Du! A'Du!" It's like calling a little bird, and she is really like a little bird. No matter where I am, as long as I call her, she will appear immediately In front of my eyes, it is as light and flexible as a bird flapping its wings.

What I didn't expect was that King Yueshi actually sent an envoy, wanting A Weng to speak to decide the marriage.A Weng did not allow the envoy to enter the account at all, so he sent someone to the envoy of King Yueshi and said: "Although the little princess is not our Turkic princess, her mother is the daughter of the Great Chanyu. The Great Chanyu regards the little princess as his own." Like your granddaughter, you are only willing to marry her to the hero of the world. If your king wants to marry the little princess, please ask him to come to the tent in person and fight with the Turkic warriors. Only the white-eyed wolf king, Da Shanyu married the little princess to him. This is the order of the Da Shanyu, even if it is the father of the little princess, the king of Xiliang, he is willing to obey the arrangement of the Da Shanyu." King Yuezhi said The messenger touched such a nail and left resentfully.

The decree of the Great Chanyu of Tiergada spread throughout the grasslands, and everyone knew that if they wanted to marry the little princess of Xiliang, they had to kill the white-eyed wolf king.Legend has it that there are tens of thousands of wolves in Tiangen Mountain, but only one white-eyed wolf is king.Wolves, like people, submit to the strongest king.The whole body of the white-eyed wolf king is black, except for the white hair around the left eye, which looks like it was painted with mare's milk, snow-white and snow-white.It is said that such wolves are not wolves at all, but almost monsters.Wolves are terrifying on the grassland, and the white-eyed wolf king is even more terrifying.For small groups of cavalry and shepherds, it is very dangerous to meet the white-eyed wolf king, because he will lead tens of thousands of wolves to fight against humans, and then eat up all the humans and horses.I once thought that the white-eyed wolf king was a legend, a story told by grandma. After all, no one had ever seen the white-eyed wolf king with their own eyes, but everyone swore that the wolf king was really on Tiangen Mountain, commanding hundreds of thousands of people. wolf.

King Yuezhi was provoked by the Great Chanyu, and it is said that he personally led people into Tiangen Mountain to look for the White-eyed Wolf King.What if he really killed the white-eyed wolf king?I don't want to marry that old man.But no one can kill the white-eyed wolf king, all the Turkic people think so, and all the people on the grassland also think the same way, although the Yuezhi king brought people into the mountains mightily, but it is not necessarily possible to meet the white-eyed wolf king The wolf king, because no one has really seen the white-eyed wolf king, it only lives in legends.When I think of this, I feel comforted. King Yuezhi is old and frail, Tiangen Mountain is hundreds of miles away, and there are many strange stones and beasts. Maybe he will fall off his horse and be unable to move. Then I don’t have to marry him.

My life in Turkic was more carefree and happy than in Xiliang. Every day with A'Du, I either went hunting or hunted birds.Turkic women married early, and A'Du was old enough to sing.Sometimes someone would sing all night outside her tent, making it so loud that I couldn't sleep.But no one came to sing to me. I think those people may also know that if they want to marry me, they have to kill the white-eyed wolf king.Even for the warriors of the steppe, this is a difficult problem. I don't think it's because I'm not pretty that no one sings to me. I was sleeping in the tent that day, when I suddenly heard a noise outside, as if the camp had been bombed.I got up as soon as I got up, and called "A'Du" loudly. She hurriedly opened the curtain of the tent and walked in. I asked her, "What's wrong? What happened?" I, too, don't know what's going on.At this time, Ah Weng sent someone over, bowed his waist and saluted us: "The Great Chanyu sent the little princess to the tent." "Are you going to fight?" I asked a little nervously, the envoy of King Yuezhi last time He went back disheartened, and with the temperament of King Yuezhi, it was difficult to let go.King Yuezhi was motivated to find the White-eyed Wolf King, but who can find the White-eyed Wolf King?This is clearly a trap set by the Great Chanyu—A Weng, who loves me the most, for King Yuezhi.If the Yuezhi king became angry and suddenly realized that he might go to war with the Turks, if the Yuezhi fought with the Turks, it would be a bad thing for the entire Western Regions.Although Turkic is the most powerful country in the Western Regions, dominating Mobei, and its territory extends all the way to the sea in the extreme east, Yuezhi is also one of the most powerful countries in the Western Regions. Even though it is not as powerful as Turkic, its national strength is not weak.Moreover, the short-lived peace of the Western Regions for more than ten years has allowed the trade routes to flow unimpeded, and the cities are gradually prosperous. Just like our Xiliang, if there were no trade routes, there would be no prosperity today.If there is another war, maybe all this will cease to exist.

I took A'Du to the outside of the king's tent in a hurry. The large tent of the great Chanyu is called the king's tent. It was made of countless cowhide covers, and it was covered with gorgeous flower decorations. On the snow-white forehead were written prayers. The auspicious sentence, the gold powder ticked off is illuminated by the sunlight after autumn, and the strokes are so bright that people hardly dare to look at them.Those golden shadows are reflected on the ground, and every sentence is praying for God's blessing.In that brilliant golden light, I squinted my eyes and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in front of the tent. Although he was wearing a robe common to Xiliang people, this person did not look like us Xiliang people at all.He turned his head and smiled at me. Sure enough, this person is not from Xiliang, but from the Central Plains. Gu Xiaowu, the tea merchant. I couldn't help asking him: "What are you here for?" He answered again, but slowly fiddled with the things on the ground with his toes. My jaw almost dropped when I saw something like that. It is a giant wolf with dark fur, almost twice the size of ordinary wild wolves, almost like a foal, even though it is dead and stiff, its eyes are still staring, as if it is ready to pounce and devour people at any time.It only has a circle of white hair on the left eye, as if painted with mare's milk, snow white.I rubbed my eyes and was stunned for a while, then squatted down again, and plucked out a hair on its left eye. The hair was white from head to tip, not painted, it was real white hair. At this time, Turkic nobles were already gathered in front of the king's tent. They looked at the strange and huge wolf corpse silently. A bold child rushed up, followed my example and plucked the hair from its eyes, and looked at it in the sun. , and then shout: "It's white! It's white!" The noisy voices of the children made me uneasy, but Ah Weng's voice came directly through the crowd: "Whether they are from our Turks or not, they are all warriors." One after another made way for Da Shanyu, Ah Weng walked out slowly, he glanced at the wolf carcass on the ground, nodded, then nodded to Gu Xiaowu, and said, "Okay!" Just a word of praise, it's even more difficult than melting all the snow on Tiangen Mountain.But Gu Xiaowu killed the White-eyed Wolf King, and Da Shanyu himself promised that whoever can kill the White-eyed Wolf King must be sure to marry. I didn't expect this person to be Gu Xiaowu.I followed behind him and kept asking him how he killed the white-eyed wolf king. He said lightly: "I was passing by with a trafficker carrying tea, and I happened to meet a pack of wolves, so I beat the wolf to death." I opened my mouth slightly, and couldn't believe it.It is said that King Yueshi brought 30,000 horses into Tiangen Mountain, but he didn't find a single hair of the White-eyed Wolf King, and Gu Xiaowu, a tea vendor passing by, could kill the White-eyed Wolf King? I can't even believe it! But the words of Da Shanyu must be counted on. At present, many people in Turkic are starting to talk about it. Seeing that this tea vendor in the Central Plains is really going to marry the princess of Xiliang.Gu Xiaowu is regarded as a hero, I still think he is bluffing, but that day Heshi got drunk and quarreled with him, and the two had a competition. Their competition was very boring. It was even better than shooting bats on the grassland at night. Whoever shot more bats would win. Only those who have shot a bat know how difficult it is to shoot. Although the Turkic people felt that He lost and won, they still made a bet.I also think that He Shi is sure to win. Although the bones in his right hand are not good, even if He Shi uses his left hand, no one in the entire Turkic region can match his magic arrow. This match only took half a day, and it was widely known.Others said that He Shi wanted to marry me, after all he was the most powerful warrior under the command of the Great Shan Yu, and he might be the most powerful general under the command of the Great Shan Yu in the future.And I, although I am the princess of Xiliang, everyone knows that Da Shanyu likes me the most. If he marries me, Da Shanyu will definitely trust him more. But I don't think Heshi would have so many strange thoughts, I think maybe A'Du told him that I don't want to marry Gu Xiaowu. Although I vaguely feel that Gu Xiaowu is not an ordinary tea dealer.But I still hope that I don't marry so early. The Turkic priests sang praises and poured the goat's blood into the wine bowl, and then handed the wine bowl to the two heroes who were about to compete, and they both drank it in one gulp.The two of them will have a showdown tonight.He Shi is a well-known hero among the Turkic people, and Gu Xiaowu, because of the white-eyed wolf king, is regarded as a hero by many Turkic people. The competition between these two people makes everyone eager to move.And I was very embarrassed, not knowing what to hope for the outcome. If Gu Xiaowu wins, do I really have to marry him? What if He lost?Am I going to marry Heshi? I was taken aback by this thought, Heshi just taught Gu Xiaowu a lesson for me, so that I would not be so arrogant, just like Heshi usually teaches those boys who sing outside A'Du's tent, if they make too much noise, He Shi would try to calm them down.I think it's the same, Gu Xiaowu killed the white-eyed wolf king, no matter who he is, he will not be convinced.He still didn't care, and openly told Ah Weng that he wanted to marry me. That's why He Shi wanted to teach him a lesson. Even Da Shanyu had heard about this competition, he was very interested and wanted to go and see for himself.I was uneasy, followed behind A Weng, along with the people watching the fun, rushed out, and walked to the river.The warrior in front of the tent brought arrows and piled them at the feet of the two.Heshi was holding his own bow, and seeing that Gu Xiaowu was empty-handed, he said to Gu Xiaowu, "I will lend you my bow." Gu Xiaowu nodded, but Da Shanyu smiled and said, "In our Turkic Can't you find a bow in the human camp?" Da Shanyu gave Gu Xiaowu an iron bow, and I can make trouble for Gu Xiaowu, this iron bow is heavier than ordinary bows, and he With that frail appearance, I'm afraid it would be difficult to draw the bow.Heshi probably thought of this too, he didn't want to take advantage of Gu Xiaowu, so he said to Da Shanyu: "Let him use my bow, Da Shanyu will give me this bow." Da Shanyu Yu shook his head and said, "You can't even draw a bow, do you still want to marry my granddaughter?" The onlookers all laughed, and many Turkic people didn't believe that the white-eyed wolf king was really killed by Gu Xiaowu. , so they still have a hint of contempt.Gu Xiaowu held the bow, as if playing a zither, and plucked the bowstring with his fingers.The bowstring clanged, and the onlookers laughed even louder. He was born clean and gentle, like those Central Plains musicians bought in the tents of Turkic aristocrats. It was getting dark, and the sky by the river was full of bats.Da Shanyu nodded and said, "Let's start." He Shi and Gu Xiaowu both had a hundred arrows piled up beside them, whoever shoots a hundred bats first will win.He Shi opened his bow first. Although he used his left hand, the arrows were able to shoot without misses. People were dazzled by the sight. In the blink of an eye, bats fell from the sky one after another.But Gu Xiaowu here took his time, drew five arrows, and slowly put on the bowstring. I called "Gu Xiaowu", although I don't know if he can shoot arrows, but he should know that arrows are shot one by one.Gu Xiaowu turned his head, smiled at me, and then drew his bow. To be honest, it never occurred to me that he drew that bow so easily.Not only did he draw the bow, but also fired five arrows in succession, as fast as a shooting star, almost connecting end to end, and the people beside him couldn't help but exclaim. "Lianzhu arrow! Lianzhu arrow!" Several Turkic nobles shouted in shock, and even Da Shanyu couldn't help but nodded.A general in the Central Plains was good at using lianzhu arrows. He once fought against the Turks, and with this lianzhu arrow method, he shot and killed King Zuo Tuqi of the Turks.But that is a legend after all, decades have passed, and the Turkic nobles have never seen Lianzhu arrows again.As for Gu Xiaowu, he did it in one go, firing five arrows in succession every time. Although the bats were flying randomly, he couldn't help him to shoot arrows in succession. Black bats fell by his feet one after another, like a messy torrential rain.Although He Shi shot fast, he was not as fast as him. Gu Xiao Wu finished shooting those one hundred arrows in a short while.The slaves picked up the bats and formed a black mass on the bank of the river. A hundred bats were like a hundred strange black flowers, stacked together to form a huge black hillock. Although He Shi also shot down a hundred bats, he was slower than Gu Xiaowu.He Shi looked calm and said: "I lost." Gu Xiaowu said: "I use a strong bow to shoot consecutive arrows. If I change your bow, I will definitely be slower than you. And your right hand is inconvenient. Use your left hand hard, if you want to say that I have won you, it is that I am invincible. Neither of us lost. You are a real warrior. If your hand is not injured, I must be inferior to you. "Gu Xiaowu's archery skills have already shocked everyone. Seeing him confessing so frankly, the crowd couldn't help shouting hello. Turkic people are easy-going, and they like to do things quickly. People like Gu Xiaowu can be greatly appreciated. Da Shanyu smiled cheerfully: "That's right, our Turkic warriors didn't lose either. He stared at Gu Xiaowu and said, "People from the Central Plains, tell me, what kind of reward do you want?" ""Da Chanyu, you have given me the most precious thing. Gu Xiaowu seemed to be smiling, "In this world, what is more precious than your little princess?" "Da Shanyu laughed, and the other Turkic nobles were also elated. This marriage has actually been settled like this. The priest has chosen an auspicious date, and taking advantage of the crisp autumn weather, he will hold a wedding for us.I hesitated a lot in my heart, and asked A'Du quietly: "Do you think it's better for me to marry this person, or not?" A'Du looked at me with her dark eyes, which were always filled with only one Calm and serene.I couldn't make up my mind, and finally I had the courage to ask Gu Xiaowu to meet by the river. I don't know what to say to him, but if I marry him in such a muddle, I always feel a little uneasy. On an autumn night, the night wind was already quite cool. I wrapped my fur robe tightly and wandered by the river, listening to the "squeak" of the river and the chirping of wild geese in the distance, I raised my head and looked around.A great bright star had risen in the west, and the sky was a deep purple, like grape jelly. The wind made the Achnatherum splendens rustle, and Gu Xiaowu stepped on the Achnatherum splendens and walked towards me. I suddenly felt a panic in my heart.He wore a Turkic robe, like all Turkic people, and he had a machete stuck in his waist.These days, Gu Xiaowu has been greatly liked by Da Shanyu. Not only is he good at archery, but he can also speak Turkic. The bow was given to him.And He Shi has almost become brothers with him since the competition that night.Gu Xiaowu taught He Shi how to use the Lianzhu arrow, and He Shi also taught him some things on the grassland.Every time Da Shanyu saw the two of them, he couldn't help nodding in relief.He Shi even exchanged waist knives with Gu Xiaowu—Turkic people exchanged knives, in fact, they became sworn brothers and went to battle to kill the enemy. Sworn brothers are closer than real brothers, and they are willing to die for each other.So Gu Xiaowu's belt was actually stuck with He Shi's scimitar. As soon as I saw the knife, I remembered that He Shi had handed it to me and urged me to go first. Gu Xiaowu also saw me, he smiled at me from a distance, and I smiled at him too.Seeing his smile, I suddenly calmed down. Although I didn't speak and neither did he, he must understand why I invited him here.Sure enough, he said to me: "I brought you something." My heart was pounding, couldn't it be a belt?If he wants to give me his girdle, how should I answer it?According to the customs of Turkic and Western Liang, men don’t give out their belts until they sing... He never sang to me.I felt very embarrassed in my heart, and my heart was beating fast and fast, but I heard him say in my ears: "You didn't eat enough tonight, did you? I brought you a big piece of grilled lamb chops!" I was suddenly angry He couldn't even speak, with puffed cheeks, it took him a long time to say: "You're not full!" Gu Xiaowu's face was inexplicable: "Of course I'm full... I see you are full tonight." I didn’t eat anything, so I brought you a lamb chop.” I was angry in silence, listening to unknown birds singing in the distance.There was a "squeak" sound in the river, and a fish jumped up in the water, splashing a splash of water.Gu Xiaowu put that big piece of fragrant lamb chops in front of me, I really didn't eat anything at night, because I was thinking about the date with Gu Xiaowu by the river, so I didn't know what to eat at night.Seeing this delicious lamb chops now, my stomach is rumbling.He laughed and handed me the knife and said, "Eat it!" The lamb chops are so delicious!My mouth was full of oil, and I asked him happily: "How do you know that I love lamb chops?" Gu Xiaowu said something in Central Plains dialect, but I didn't understand, and he said it to me again in Turkic dialect. : "There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart." I have never heard such a sentence, and I don't know why my heart is moved.A person with a heart, what kind of person is a person with a heart?Although I haven't known Gu Xiaowu for a long time, I always feel that I have known him for a long time.Maybe it's because we have gone through so many things, every time he helps me and protects me.Although every time he said something that always made me angry, but this sentence made me unable to get angry. The two of us sat silently by the river, and the Turkic singing came from afar. It was a subtle and low-key love song. Turkic warriors always sang outside the tent of their beloved girl, and sang to her what was in their hearts. listen. I have never felt that the singing is so beautiful, as ethereal as fairy music.The fireflies flying up from the grass by the river are like ethereal shooting stars, or like a handful of gold sand thrown by someone casually.I even think that those shining little bugs are the messengers of the gods. They carry exquisite lanterns and flicker little by little in the cool night.The camp on the other side of the river was also scattered with dots of fire, and the laughter and laughter seemed to be separated by a sky.I suddenly realized that if the gods looked down on the human world from the clouds in the ninth heaven, would it be the same feeling?So ethereal, so illusory, so distant and vague. I finally asked Gu Xiaowu: "Are you willing to marry me?" Gu Xiaowu looked at me as if surprised, and said, "Of course I do." "But I have a bad temper, and you I am from the Central Plains, and I am from Xiliang. You like to eat millet rice, and I like to eat mutton. You speak the Central Plains dialect, but I can’t understand you, and I don’t understand your Central Plains affairs. If you are asked to stay in Xiliang, here Thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, you will definitely miss home. If you are told not to stay in Xiliang, but go back to the Central Plains, where it is thousands of miles away from Xiliang, I will definitely miss home. Although you killed the white-eyed wolf king, you will not see me It must be because of me, as you said, you just passed by when selling tea...Although I am young, I also know that this kind of thing is not to be forced..." I talked a lot, from our I have talked about all the inconveniences since the two first met until now, and my mouth is dry.Gu Xiaowu didn't interrupt me. He didn't ask until he saw me put down the lamb chops to drink water, "I've said so much, but it's actually something outside of me. I just ask you, are you willing to marry?" Give it to me?" The water in my mouth almost spewed out, I stared at him for a long time, and suddenly my face became hot: "Would you like... um..." "Say it!" He urged me, "You Are you willing or not?" My heart was very confused, and the scenes these days were like phantoms and dreams.There are so many things happening so fast, I really never thought of getting married so soon before, but Gu Xiaowu, I thought he was quite annoying at first, but now I don't hate him anymore.I didn't know how to answer. Looking at the little autumn fireflies flying all over the sky, I suddenly felt overwhelmed and said: "Then catch me a hundred fireflies, and I will promise you." But stood up abruptly.I stared at him blankly, but like a naughty boy, he turned a big somersault with a raised hand.I saw him soaring into the sky like a star—no, no, shooting stars don't look like this, he almost fell into the river beach.Suddenly he waved his hand, and I saw that he grabbed several fireflies, and the elves flashed tiny lights between his fingers, I wrapped up the hem of my robe, and said hurriedly: "Quick! Quick! "He put those fireflies into the bag I made of clothes, and I watched him jump up again. The martial arts of the Central Plains are like a painting, a poem, freehand.His every move is like a dance, but there is no such heroic dance in the world.He rotated at an incredible angle in mid-air, chasing those ethereal fireflies.His sleeves picked up the breeze, and I pointed the direction for him: "Left! There are better ones on the left!" "Oh!" Far away from the river bank, there are more and more fireflies gathered in the hem of my clothes. They are shining together, like a bright moon, held in my arms.All the fireflies by the river disappeared, they were all caught by Gu Xiaowu and put into my arms. "Are there a hundred of them?" He leaned closer, put his head against mine, and lifted a corner of my clothes with his slender fingers, "Do you want to count them?" We just counted a dozen by heart, Gu Xiao Wu's body has a faint cool fragrance, which is not found in Turkic people and Xiliang people. I feel that this faint fragrance makes me uncomfortable, and my face seems to have a fever. He is really far away from me. is too close.Suddenly a gust of wind blew by, his hair brushed against my face, it was light, soft and itchy, I could not help but let go of the hem of my clothes, those fireflies scrambled to fly up, the bright moon scattered and turned into countless fine shooting stars For a moment, Gu Xiaowu and I were surrounded by these meteors, their shining light illuminated our mutual faces, and I saw his black eyes, staring at me.I thought of those people who sang outside A'Du's tent, they just looked at A'Du like this, their scorching eyes were like fire, it made people feel weak.But Gu Xiaowu's eyes were much gentler, my shadow was reflected in his eyes, I suddenly felt something soft in my heart, which made me feel uncomfortable and good.When he saw me looking at him, he suddenly felt embarrassed. He turned his face to look at the fireflies in the sky, and said, "They all ran away!" I couldn't help but say, "Like a shooting star!" He also laughed: "A shooting star!" Countless fireflies soar into the sky, like thousands of shooting stars passing by our fingertips. When the gods release shooting stars, it must be like this.This situation is like a dream.I don't think I will ever forget this night by the river, thousands of fireflies surrounded us, they flew lightly, and the little fluorescent lights scattered in all directions, like the golden light of shooting stars piercing the night.I think of the singing in the song, the god and the person he loves, standing in the galaxy, are as gorgeous and bright as this. Da Shanyu sent an envoy to tell my father that he had chosen a husband-in-law for me, namely Gu Xiaowu.My father was in a dilemma between the Yueshi and the Central Plains, so he immediately wrote some replies, asking Ah Weng to be my master and preside over the marriage.When the father's reply letter was delivered, the wedding had already begun halfway. Turkic marriage customs are solemn and simple. Countless fat sheep were slaughtered in Shili Company, and the fragrance of fine wine was everywhere.这些日子以来,顾小五已经和突厥的贵族都成了朋友,突厥风气最敬重英雄,他先射杀了白眼狼王,又在比试中赢了赫失,在突厥人心目中,已经是年少有为的英雄。祭司唱着喜气洋洋的赞歌,我们踏着红毡,慢慢走向祭祀天神的高台。 就在这个时候,却听到马蹄声急促,斥候连滚带爬地奔到了大单于坐下。 隔着热闹的人群,我看到大单于的眉毛皱了起来,顾不得祭司还拉长强调唱着赞歌,我回头奔到大单于面前:“阿翁!”大单于摸了摸我的头发,微笑着对我说:“没事,月氏王遣了些人来叫骂,我这便派兵去打发他们。”顾小五不知何时也已经走到我的身后,他依着突厥的礼仪向大单于躬身点肩:“大单于,让我去吧。”“你?”大单于抬起眼来看了他一眼,“月氏王有五万人。”而且月氏王是久经沙场的宿将,而顾小五虽然箭法精妙,但是面对成千上万的敌人,只怕箭法再精妙也没有用处吧。 “那么大单于以逸待劳,遣三万骑兵迎战。”顾小五说道,“如果大单于不放心,请派遣一位将军去,我替将军掠阵,如果能放冷箭射乱月氏的阵脚,也算是一件微功。”大单于还在犹豫,赫失却说道:“中原的兵法不错,在路上就是他们带人打败了月氏人。”大单于终于点了点头,对顾小五说道:“去吧,带回月氏将军的首级,作为你们婚礼祭祀天神的祭品。”顾小五依照中原的礼节跪了一跪,说道:“愿天佑大单于!”他站起来的时候,看了我一眼,说道:“我去去就回。”我心里十分担心,眼看着他转身朝外走去,连忙追上几步,将自己的腰带系在他的腰上。 按照婚礼的仪式,新人互换腰带,就已经是礼成。两个人就在天神的见证下,正式成为夫妻。我原本想叫他把自己的腰带解下来替我系上,可是奴隶已经将他的马牵过来了。我都来不及同他说话,他一边认镫上马,一边对我说:“我去去就回来。”我拉着他的衣袖,心中依依不舍。我想起很多事情,想起我在沙丘上等了三天三夜,就是为了等这个人;想起我从马上载下来,他救了我;想起那天晚上,他给我讲的故事;想起他杀了白眼狼王。还赢了赫失;我想起河边那些萤火虫,从那个时候,我就下定决心和他永不分离……但现在他要上阵杀敌,我不由得十分地牵挂起来。 他大约看见我眼中的神色,所以笑了笑,俯身摸了摸我的脸。他的手指微暖,不像是父王的手,更不像是阿翁的手,倒像是阿娘的手一般。我想他既然箭法这样精妙,为什么手上没有留下茧子呢? 我总是在莫名其妙的时候,想起这些微不足道的事情。他已经收回了手,三万人整队完毕,大单于遣出派兵的将军是我的大表兄,也就是大单于的孙子伊莫延。伊莫延笑着对我说:“妹妹,放心吧,我会照应好他。”突厥人惯于征战,将打仗看得如同吃饭一般简单。我很喜欢伊莫延这个哥哥,因为小时候他常常同我一起打猎,像疼爱自己的妹妹一样疼爱我。我大声道:“谁要你照应他了?你照应好你自己就行了,我还等着你回来喝酒呢!”众人尽皆放声大笑,纷纷说:“小公主放心,等烤羊熟了,我们就带着月氏人的首级回来了。”顾小五随在伊莫延的大纛之下,他也披上了突厥人的牛皮盔甲,头盔将他的脸遮去大半,看我在人丛里找寻他的脸,他朝我又笑了笑,然后对我举起手挥了挥。我看到他腰间系着的腰带,我的腰带叠在他的腰带上,刚刚我只匆忙地打了一个结,我不由得担心待会儿那腰带会不会散开,如果腰带散开,那也太不吉利了……可是不容我再多想,千军万马蹄声隆隆,大地腾起烟尘,大军开拔,就像潮水一般涌出连营,奔腾着朝着草原淌去,一会儿工夫,就奔驰到了天边尽头,起初还远远看得见一道长长的黑影,到了最后转过缓坡,终于什么都看不见了。 阿渡见我一脸怅然地站在那里,忍不住对我打了个手势。我懂得她的意思,她是安慰我,他们一会儿就回来了。我点了点头,虽然月氏王有五万人,但皆是远来的疲兵,突厥的精兵以一挡十,三万足以迎敌。况且王帐驻扎在这里,便有十万人马,立时也可以驰援。 烤羊在火山“滋滋”地响着,奴隶们献上马奶和美酒,到处都是欢声笑语。大家都知道,不过一会儿定然有战胜的消息传来,那时候突厥的儿郎们就会回转来了。我心中想起适才送别的事,脸上不由得一阵发烧,等到伊莫延回来,他还不知道会怎么样笑话我呢!他一定会说我舍不得顾小五,等到他回来,一定会领头取笑我。突厥的少年贵族隐隐以伊莫延为首,今天晚上的赛歌大会,那些人可有得嘲弄了。我心里一阵阵发愁,心想顾小五不会唱歌,等他回来之后,我一定得告诉他,以免赛歌的时候出丑。 我却不知道,他们永远不会回来了。 很多很多年后,我在中原的史书上,看到关于这一天的记载。寥寥数语,几近平淡:“七月,太子承鄞亲入西域,联月氏诸国,以四十万大军袭突厥,突厥铁尔格达单于凶悍不降,死于乱军。突厥阖族被屠二十余万,族灭。”关于那一天,我什么都已经不记得,只记得赫失临死之前,还紧紧攥着他的弓,他胸腹间受了无数刀伤,鲜血直流,眼见是活不成了。他拼尽全力将我和阿渡送上一匹马,最后一句话是:“阿渡,照应好公主!”我看着黑压压的羽箭射过来,就像密集的蝗雨,又像是成千上万颗流星,如果天神松开手,那么他手心里的星子全都砸落下来,也会是这样子吧……阿渡拼命地策着马,带着我一直跑一直跑。四面都是火,四面都是血,四面都是砍杀声。中原与月氏的数十万大军就像是从地上冒出来的,突厥人虽然顽强反抗,可是也敌不过这样的强攻……无数人就在我们身后倒下,无数血迹飞溅到我们身上,如果没有赫失,我们根本没有法子从数十万大军的包围圈中逃出去,可是最后赫失还是死了,我和阿渡在草原上逃了六天六夜,才被追兵追上。 我腿上受了伤,阿渡身上也有好几处轻伤,可是她仍旧拔出了刀子,将我护在了身后。我心中勃发的恨意仿佛是熊熊烈火,将我整个人都灼得口干舌燥,我在心里想:这些人,这些人杀了阿翁;这些人,这些人杀了顾小五;这些人,这些人杀了所有的突厥人。我虽然不是突厥人,可是血统里却有一半的突厥血液。现在就剩了我和阿渡,哪怕流尽最后一滴血,我也不会给阿翁丢脸,不会给突厥丢脸。 这时中原人马中有一骑逸出,阿渡挥着刀子就冲过去,可是那人只是轻轻巧巧地伸手一探,阿渡的刀子就“咣啷”一声掉在了地上。我目瞪口呆地看着那个人,这个人一定会妖术吧?不然怎么会使法术夺去阿渡的刀子,还令她在那里一动也不能动? 阿渡对那人怒目而视,阿渡很少生气,可是我知道她是真的生气了。我拾起阿渡的刀,就朝着那人砍去。我已经红了眼,不论是谁,不管是谁,我都要杀了他! 那人也只是伸出手来,在我身上轻轻一点,我眼前一黑,顿时什么都不知道了。 醒过来的时候我脸朝下被驮在马背上,就像是一袋黍米,马蹄溅起的泥土不断地打在我脸上,可是我动弹不得。四面八方都是马蹄,无数条马腿此起彼伏,就像无数芨芨草被风吹动,我一阵炫目,不得不闭上眼睛。也不知过了多久,马终于停了下来,我被从马背上拎下来,可是我腿上的穴道被封得太久,根本站不稳,顿时滚倒在了地上。 地上铺着厚毡,这里一定是中原将军的营帐,是那位都护大人吗?我抬起头来,却看到了顾小五,无数突厥的勇士都已经战死,尤其是事先迎敌的那三万突厥精兵,根本没有一个人活着回来,可是顾小五,他还好端端地活着。 他不仅活着,而且换了中原的衣衫,虽然并没有穿盔甲,文质彬彬得像是中原的书生一般,可是我知道,这样的帐篷绝不会是给书生住的。在他的周围有很多卫兵,而捉到我们的那个中原大将,竟然一进来就跪下来向顾小五行礼,中原将军身上的甲胄发出清脆的响声,这是中原最高的礼节,据说中原人只有见到最尊贵的人才会行这样的礼。我突然明白过来,顾小五,顾小五原来是中原的内应!是他,就是他引来了敌人的奇袭。我不知道从哪里来的力气,用尽全力向他啐去:“奸细!”左右的卫兵大声呵斥着,有人踢在我的腿上,我腿一软重新滚倒在地上。我看到了都护大人,他也躬身朝顾小五行礼,他们都说着中原话,我一句也听不懂。顾小五并没有看我,都护大人对顾小五说了很多话,我看顾小五沉着脸,最后所有的人都退出了帐篷,顾小五拿着匕首,朝着我走过来。 我原以为他会杀了我,可是他却挑断了绑着我手的牛筋,对我说道:“委屈你了。”我歪着头看着他,语气尽量平静:“顾小五,总有一天我会杀了你,替阿翁报仇。”“你这个叛徒,奸细。”我骂不出更难听的话,只得翻来覆去地这样骂他,他一点儿也不动怒生气,反倒对我笑了笑:“你要是觉得生气,便再骂上几句也好。”我看着他,就像看着一个陌生人。这个人从我们的婚礼上走掉,领着三万突厥子弟去迎战。却没想到与月氏人里应外合,不仅突厥的三万精锐被歼灭得干干净净,中原与月氏诸国的大军,更冲进了王帐所在。阿翁措手不及,被他们杀死,突厥是真的亡了!二十万人……那是怎么样一场屠杀,我和阿渡几乎是从修罗场中逃了出来,二十万人的血淌满了整个草原,而主持这场屠杀的人,却浑若无事地站在这里。 我终于骂得累了,蜷在那里只是想,他的心肠到底是什么样的铁石铸成。我筋疲力尽地看着他,说道:“你骗了我这么久,为什么现在不一刀杀了我呢?”他瞧着我,好久好久都没有说话,又过了许久,突然转过脸去,望着门帘外透进来的阳光。门帘原是雪白的布,现在已经被尘土染成了黑灰色,初秋的阳光却是极好,照在地上明晃晃的,映出我们的影子。他突然伸手扣住我的手腕,我腕上无力,刚刚给拔出的细小弯刀就落在地上。那还是他的刀,他原本和赫失换刀结义,这把刀赫失最后却塞给了我。一路上我和阿渡狼狈万分,我藏着这刀,一直想要在最后时刻,拿它来刺死自己,以免被敌人所辱。到了帐中他看着我,目光沉沉,说道:“你不要做这样的傻事。”傻事?我几乎想要放声大笑,这世上还有谁会比我更傻?我轻信了一个人,还差点嫁给他,这个人却是中原派来的奸细,我还一心以为他死在与月氏的交战之中,我还一心想要为他报仇。 就在这个时候,突然有人走进来,对顾小五说了句中原话。顾小五的脸色都变了,他抓起那柄细小的弯刀,撇下我快步走出帐外去。我筋疲力尽,伏在那里一动不动。也不知过了多久,有人轻轻地扯动我的衣衫,叫我的名字:“小枫!”我回头一看,竟然是师傅,不由得大喜过望,抓着他的手问:“你怎么会在这里?”师傅对我说:“这里不是说话的地方,我先带你走。”他拔剑将帐篷割了一道口子,我们从帐后溜了出去。那里系着好几匹马,我们两个都上了马,正待要冲出营去,我突然想起来:“阿渡!还有阿渡!”“什么阿渡?”我说:“赫失的妹妹阿渡,她一直护着我冲出来,我可不能抛下她。”师傅没有办法,只得带着我折返回去找寻阿渡。我们在关俘虏的营地里找着了阿渡。可是却惊动了看守。师傅虽然剑术高明,可是陷在十里连营里,这场厮杀却是纠缠不清,难以脱身。营地里早就已经哗然,四面涌出更多的人来,师傅见势不妙,且战且退,一直退到马厩边,他晃燃了火折子,就手将那火折扔进了草料中。 大营里的马厩,堆了无数干草作饲料,这一点起来,火势顿时熊熊难以收拾。军营中一片哗然大乱,所有人都赶着去救火,趁这一个机会,师傅终于将我的阿渡带着逃了出来。中原军纪甚是严明,不过短短片刻,营中的哗乱已经渐渐静下去,有人奔去救火,另一些人却骑上马朝着我们追过来。 这样且战且退,一直退到了天亘山脚下,追兵却越来越多了。我看着那些追兵打着杏黄的旗号,上面的中原字我并不认识,于是问师傅:“这些人都是安西都护府的?”中原在安西都护府屯有重兵,可是没想到他们打仗如此厉害。 师傅脸颊上溅了几滴血,他性好整洁,挥手拭去那血迹,却是连声冷笑:“安西都护府哪里有这样多的轻骑……这些人是东宫的羽林卫,就是中原所谓的羽林郎,皆是世家弟子,此番出塞,却是捞功名利禄来了。你看他们一个个奋勇争先,那都是想要大大地立一番功劳。”我问:“什么大功劳?”师傅说道:“活捉你,便是一场大功劳了。”我还从来不曾想过,自己会这样重要。那些羽林军对我们穷追不舍,不停叫骂,有人还学了怪腔怪调的西凉话,说我们只会夹起尾巴逃走。若要是平时,我早就被激得回身杀入阵中,但一连串的波折之后,我终于知道,万军之中一人犹如沧海一粟,就像是飓风之前的草叶,没有任何人能抵挡千军万马的攻势。阿翁不行,赫失不行,师傅也不行。 天黑的时候我们逃入了天亘山中,大军不便上山,就驻在山脚下。我们从山石后俯瞰,山下燃着点点篝火,不远处蜿蜒一条火龙,却是大营中仍在不断有驰援而来。我终于问师傅:“顾小五是什么人?”“他根本就不姓顾。”师傅的语气却像往常一样平静下来,“他是李承鄞,中原皇帝的第五个儿子,也是当今天朝的东宫太子。”我只猜到顾小五不是贩运茶叶的商贩,事变之后,我隐约觉得他应该是中原朝廷的将军,可是他又这样年轻。中原朝廷有名的将军不少,并没有听说过姓顾的将军。原来他根本不姓顾,不仅不姓顾,身份竟然如此显赫。 我不知道是想哭,还是想笑。 我想起中原派来的使节,那时候使节是来替中原太子求亲的。可是事情怎么会变成这样呢?那时候我虽然对中原没有什么好感,可是也不会像现在这样,恨之入骨。 “他为什么要说自己姓顾?”师傅犹豫了片刻,我还从来没有想过他也会犹豫,可是最后他还是告诉我实话:“因为他的母亲姓顾。”我看着师傅,黑暗中其实什么都看不到,他的声音又低又缓:“不错,你早就知道我也姓顾,他的母亲淑妃,原是我的亲姑姑。所以我其实也不是什么好人,陛下令他出塞西征,他却遣了我悄悄潜入西凉,替他作内应……”我脑子里乱成一锅粥,我想了许久,终于想起师傅的名字,我静静地叫出他的名字:“顾剑!”我问他,“那么,你打算什么时候杀了我,或者什么时候带着我,去向太子殿下交差?”顾剑并没有答话,虽然在黑暗里,我似乎也能看见他唇角凄凉的笑意。过了好久,他才说道:“你明明知道我不会。”我心中勃发的恨意像是一团熊熊燃烧的火焰,那火焰吞噬着我的心,我抓着手中的尖石,那些细碎的尖利的棱角一直深深地陷入我的掌心。我的声音犹带着痛恨:“你们中原人,还有什么不会?你们一直这样骗我!顾小五骗我,你更是一次又一次地骗我!你从一开始认识我,就是打定了这样的主意吧?你们还有什么不会!你骗了我一次又一次,枉费我父王那样相信你!枉费我叫你师傅……”我不知道自己在说什么,我滔滔不绝地咒骂着他,咒骂所有的中原人都是骗子。其实我心里明白,我恨的只是顾小五,他怎么可以这样待我。我从来没有这么强烈的痛恨,如果顾小五一剑杀了我倒好了,如果师傅不救我就好了,说不定我就早已经死了……我骂了很久,终于累了。我看着顾剑,冷嘲热讽: “你这次来救我,是不是什么擒什么纵……将来好到中原的皇帝那里去领赏?”师傅看着我,过了好一会儿,他才说道:”小枫,我确实是别有居心才认识你,从前我都是在骗你,可是……可是每次骗你的时候,我总觉得好生难过。 你根本就还是个小孩子,不管我怎么骗你,你总还是相信我,我越骗你,心中就越是内疚。我给李承鄞飞鸽传信,其实那时候,我真的盼望他永远都不要来……你在沙丘上等着,我其实就在不远处看着你,看着你在那儿一直等,一直等,一直等了三天三夜……那天晚上月亮的光照在你的脸上,我看着你脸上的神气,就像是你歌里唱的那只小狐狸……“他的声音慢慢低下去,”我知道我自己是着了魔……你明明还是个小孩子……可是那时候,我真的盼望李承鄞永远都不要出现,这样我说不定就可以带你走了……带着你走到别的地方去,离开西凉……可是后来他竟然还是来了,一切都按事先的计划行事,我只得暂时避开你……我不知道……本来我还抱着万一的希望,想着你或许不会喜欢他……可是……李承鄞要去杀白眼狼王的时候,我就知道,事情没有挽回的余地。 是我帮着他杀死了那头恶狼,他的腿都被狼咬伤了,我对他说:殿下,这又是何必?其实我心里更鄙视我自己,我做的这一切,又是何必……我知道他杀了狼王,就是为了去再见你。我帮着他,其实就是把你往他怀里推……“我不知道他在说什么,他的神色凄楚,最后只是说:“小枫,是我对不住你。”我没有说话,这世上没有任何人对不住我,只有我对不住别人。 我对不住阿翁,我引狼入室,令阿翁信任顾小五,结果突厥全军覆灭。 我对不住赫失,如果不是我,他就不会死。 我对不住阿渡,如果不是我,她也不会受伤。 我对不住所育突厥人,他们都是我的亲人,我却为他们引来了无情的杀戮。 这世上没有任何人对不住我,只除了顾小五……可是没有关系,我会杀了他,我总会有机会杀了他……我仰天看着头上的星星,以天神的名义起誓,我总有一天,会杀了他。 天明的时候我睡着了一小会儿,山下羯鼓的声音惊醒了我,我睁开眼睛,看到阿渡正跳起来。而顾剑脸色沉着,对阿渡说:“带公主走。”“我不走。”我倔强地说,“要死我们三个人死在一块儿。”“我去引开敌人,阿渡带着你走。”顾剑抽出剑来,语气平静,“李承鄞性情坚硬,你难道还指望他对你有真心?你如果落在他手里,不过是为他平定西凉再添一个筹码。”西凉! 我只差惊得跳起来,顾剑看着我,我张口结舌:“他还想要去攻打西凉?”顾剑笑了笑,说道:“对王者而言,这天下何时会有尽头?”我一句话也说不出来,羯鼓“嗵嗵嗵”响过三遍,底下的中原人已经开始冲锋。顾剑对我说:“走吧!”阿渡拉着我,她虽然受了轻伤,可是身手还十分灵活,她拉着我从山石上爬过去,我仓促地回过头,只看到顾剑站在山石的顶端,初晨的太阳正照在他的身上,他身上的白袍原本溅满了鲜血,经过了一夜,早凝成黑紫的血痂。他站在晨光的中央,就像是一尊神只,手执长剑,风吹起他的衣袂,我想起昨天晚上他对我说的那些话,简直宛如一场梦境。我想起当初刚刚遇见他的时候,那时候他从惊马下救出一个小儿,他的白袍滚落黄沙地,沾满了尘土,可是那时候他就是这般威风凛凛,像是能挡住这世上所育的天崩地裂。那时候的事情,也如同梦境一般。这么多日子以来发生的所有事情,对我来说,都像是一场噩梦。 我和阿渡在山间乱走,昼伏夜出。中原人虽然大军搜山,可是我们躲避得灵巧,他们一时也找不到我们。我们在山里躲了好多天,渴了喝雪水,饥了就挖沙鼠的洞,那里总存着草籽和干果,可以充饥。我们不知道顾剑是否还活着,也不知道一共在山间躲了多少天。 这时候已经到了八月间,因为开始下雪了。仿佛是一夜之间,天亘山就被铺天盖地的雪花笼罩,牧草枯黄,处处冰霜。一下雪山间便再也藏身不住,连羚羊也不再出来觅食。到了夜里,山风简直可以将人活活吹得冻死。中原的大军在下雪之前就应该撤走了,因为军队如果困在雪地里,粮草断绝的话将是十分可怕的事,领兵的将军不能不思量。我和阿渡又在山上藏了两天,不再见有任何搜山的痕迹,便决定冒险下山。 我们的运气很好,下山后往南走了一整天,就遇上放牧的牧人。牧人煮化雪水给我们洗手洗脸,还煮了羊肉给我们吃。我和阿渡两个都狼狈得像野人,我们在山间躲藏了太久,一直都吃不饱,雪后的山中更是难熬。在温暖的帐篷里喝到羊奶,我和阿渡都像是从地狱中重新回到人间。这个牧人虽然是月氏人,可是十分同情突厥的遭遇,他以为我们是从突厥逃出来的女人,所以待我们很好。他告诉我们说中原的大军已经往南撤了,还有几千突厥人也逃了出来,他们逃向了更西的地方。 我顾不得多想,温暖的羊奶融化了我一意复仇的坚志,我知道靠着我和阿渡是没办法跟那些中原人抵抗的,跟谈不上替阿翁报仇了。我决定带阿渡回西凉去,我想父王了,我更想阿娘。我急急地想要回到王城去,告诉父王突厥发生的事情,叫他千万要小心提防中原人。阿翁死了,阿娘一定伤心坏了,我急于见到她,安慰她。阿翁虽然不在了,可是阿娘还有我啊。 一路上,我忧心如焚,唯恐自己迟了一步,唯恐西凉也被李承鄞攻陷,就像他们杀戮突厥一样。我们风雪兼程,在路上历经辛苦,终于赶到了西凉王城之外。 看到巨大的王城安然无恙,我不由得微微松了口气。城门仍旧洞开着,冬天来了,商队少了,守城的卫士缩在门洞里,裹着羊皮袍子打盹。我和阿渡悄无声息地溜进了王城。 熟悉的宫殿在深秋的寒夜中显得格外庄严肃穆,我们没有惊动戎守王宫的卫士,而是直接从一道小门进入王宫。西凉的王宫其实也不过驻守了几千卫士,而且管得很松懈,毕竟西凉没有任何敌人,来往的皆是商旅。说是王宫,其实还比不上安西都护府戒备森严。过去我常常从这扇小门里溜出王宫,出城游玩之后,再从这里溜回去,没有一次被发现过。
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