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Chapter 26 Section 25

threesome 艾米 6204Words 2018-03-16
A few days later, Cui Ling came to tell An Jie that he had taken a photo of the "dog man and woman" tryst, of course it was not the most "quiet" kind, but for Chinese people who can't get along with each other. It is also quite "quiet". An Jie didn't believe it: "Stop joking, you don't even know the last name, name, or appearance of the 'dog man and woman', so where are you going to be a detective? Don't mistake the person——" Cui Ling said: "'Dog male and female', the surname must be 'dog', and the name is 'male and female'. They look like dogs, so keep an eye on those who look like dogs, isn't it enough?" Cui Ling pointed the camera to the computer. On the couplet, he joked, "My boyfriend's wife also called us 'dogs and men and women', hehe, I don't understand why men and women who cheat on each other are dogs and men and women? In fact, dogs are the most aboveboard, and they don't engage in cheating affairs at all. , The dog jumps over the wall when he is in a hurry, why steal it?"

Cui Ling connected the camera, "drag" the photos in it to the desktop of the computer, clicked on one, and asked: "See if this is the passionate classmate Zhong Xin——, his name It's too ironic, 'loyalty', what kind of loyalty is it? It's better to call it 'deception'." An Jie glanced at it, and almost cried out, it was indeed the amorous student Zhong, who was getting out of the car, her face was swollen, her eyes were puffy, her hair was crooked, she was as unmannered as she was, and she didn't know what the girl looked like. What happened to him.An Jie asked, "Where did you get this photo?"

"I took it myself, all rights reserved, reprints must be investigated." "You don't know his name, and you haven't seen him, how could you—" Cui Ling said inscrutably: "I can't tell you this, it's a top-secret technique, it's only passed on to family members, not apprentices—" Cui Ling clicked up one after another, and An Jie saw different pictures of Zhong classmate flashing on the computer screen.Cui Ling nodded and said: "I took some blind shots, anyway, it's digital, no need for film—" After a dozen shots, Zhong stopped singing the one-man show, and the little sister who sat at an acute angle with him in the restaurant also appeared It's in the picture.

An Jie couldn't help but said: "It seems that they are really a pair of 'dogs and men and women', I can't believe it—" Cui Ling said proudly: "How is it? I am qualified as a detective, right? Look at this picture, the little sister's hand is on the arm of classmate Zhong, how affectionate. You know, this was photographed on campus. I found out this little sister, Yan Xin, a doctoral student, is a student in Zhong's lab. I don't think this young sister Yan is very good-looking, and she is definitely not as good as Sister Mu when she was young. Our classmate Zhong is not aesthetically fatigued, but completely aesthetically shocked—”

Hearing Cui Ling's tone, An Jie must have found Mu Yahua's information.After much deliberation, she couldn't figure out how Cui Ling found out these things. The only possibility was that DR. CANG told Cui Ling about seeing Zhong Xin in the restaurant last time.No wonder he knew the market so well that time, he came out with her without asking anything. He must have known Zhong Xin a long time ago, and must have known him through his mother, because Mu Yahua said that his mother often goes to church, And Zhong Xin's mother also loves to go to church. If two people send their mother to church, wouldn't they know each other?

Cui Ling asked: "You said, should we use these photos to give the BLACKMAIL couple a hand, or just tell your classmate and forget it?" An Jie is now a little afraid of Cui Ling's supernatural powers. She wonders if Cui Ling will go to BLACKMAIL, the "dog man and woman" on his own. In her impression, people who engage in BLACKMAIL will end badly, not because they are I called the police, and the police arrested them. Those who were blackmailed jumped the wall and killed BLACKMAILER.She hurriedly said: "I don't think there should be any blackmail, don't make trouble—"

"I also think there is nothing good about BLACKMAIL. These two guys, one is a doctoral student and the other is a postdoctoral fellow. How much money can they have? They can't get much money if they are killed. If they are in a hurry, both of them will die in love. Give us Come on, "Whether you want money or if you have a life", it will be miserable, why do we want their lives? There is no place to put them." Cui Ling laughed and joked, and said, "I copy all these photos Here you go, tell your friend, what she wants to do with it is her business." An Jie was a little uneasy, so why don’t you tell Mu Yahua, firstly because you feel sorry for your friend, and secondly, because you are afraid that Cui Ling will go and talk nonsense by yourself; tell Mu Yahua, because you are afraid that Mu Yahua will be overwhelmed, and it will be bad if something happens .After hesitating for a long time, she decided to tell Mu Yahua about it.She didn't dare to show the photos to Mu Yahua, for fear that Mu Yahua would blame her for asking Cui Ling to take these photos. She only said that she saw Zhong Xin eating with a girl in the restaurant, as if—she especially emphasized these two words ——"It seems" a little affectionate.

She was afraid that Mu Yahua would burst into tears, or rush out of the car.She was regretting that she shouldn't have said this while Mu Yahua was driving, and she heard Mu Yahua say very calmly: "My attitude towards this kind of matter is very simple and clear: if there is no evidence, it should be nothing, and there is no need to catch rumors Come to torture yourself; if you have evidence, you can do something drastic, and you can do whatever you want." She was afraid that Mu Yahua would think she was pretentious, so she asked, "Do photos count as evidence?" "Did you take a picture of them together?"

She faltered and said: "Well - I didn't take the picture, it was taken by a friend, she - didn't take it on purpose, it was accidental - a coincidence -" "Whether it's a coincidence or a coincidence, as long as you have a photo, you can email it to me—" "What are you going to do with him?" Mu Yahua smiled and said: "Are you afraid that I will kill him? Don't worry, I won't, he is not worth it! My life must be worth more than his, and I still want to raise my child, absolutely not Will do stupid things, and my feelings for him have already passed the stage of doing stupid things, and may never have passed that stage."

An Jie sent Mu Yahua a few more "quiet" photos, and asked Mu Yahua to calm down, especially not to say that the photos came from her.Mu Yahua readily agreed, but An Jie was still worried because Mu Yahua's reaction seemed a little abnormal.Generally, when a woman finds out that her husband is having an affair, she will cry bitterly and throw herself into the river to hang herself. Mu Yahua seems to be too calm, is she too stimulated and her brain is burnt out? For a period of time later, whenever An Jie saw Mu Yahua in class, she felt that Mu Yahua was trying to maintain her composure, her smiles were all faked, and her tears were shed in her heart.She was a little worried about even riding in Mu Yahua's car, for fear that Mu Yahua would be in a trance and overturn the car.

During that time, because of SUJI's injury in the department, there was a lot of discussion.The department sent several emails, saying that SUJI unfortunately injured his cervical spine and may be paralyzed. He called on everyone to donate to SUJI, and bought a large flower basket and put it in the department office, asking everyone to take gifts for SUJI. Put it in that big flower basket.Even if you don't send gifts, I hope everyone can leave a message on the big postcard in the flower basket, sign your name, and show your concern. When An Jie saw these emails, she ran to the department to donate money, leave messages, and give gifts. Every time she went, she heard people talking about SUJI. Some said that SUJI had some kind of disease, which made her uncoordinated and prone to falls. I just broke my arm not long ago, and I seem to have broken my ankle last year, and this time it was the most serious, hurting my cervical spine.Some people say that SUJI's medical insurance can only cover 90%, and they don't know what to do with the remaining 10%.Others said that SUJI will be transferred to another hospital for treatment, and it is likely that he will be paralyzed for life. She sympathizes with SUJI in her heart, it is really unfortunate that such a disaster happened at such a young age.She didn't know how much to donate, and seeing that the person collecting the money was an old seal, she timidly stood aside, thinking that she would donate after asking someone she knew.Later, she saw a Chinese girl donating money. Although she didn't know her, she went over and asked the girl how to donate in Chinese. The girl said: "I don't know either. It depends on your own ability. Some donated 1,000 yuan, and some donated 10 yuan. I heard that the one who donated 1,000 yuan is us Chinese, but he is a professor, so we can afford it. The monthly scholarship for students is only about 1,000 yuan, so it is impossible to donate too much. I donated 20 yuan, which is much more than some Indians.” She thought, this girl may not know SUJI at all, so she donated 20. After all, she is still a student of "Vegetarian Chicken" TA, so she can't donate too little, right?She wrote a check for one hundred yuan and handed it to the Indian who received the money. The man seemed surprised and grateful. She guessed that she might have donated a lot among the students, so she felt good about herself. When she talked about this with Mu Yahua, Mu Yahua said: "The one who donated 1,000 must be Lao Kang. I know the other two Chinese professors, both of whom have wives by their side. How dare they do such a 'burning bag' What about it? My wife will scold them to death if she finds out?" An Jie thought of the dignified professor being scolded by his wife, and thought it was very funny, she laughed for a while, and said, "You call women so mean?" "It's not stingy. You'll know it after staying here for a long time. There are endless donations in the United States. Various individuals and organizations will ask you to donate. Have you seen the stickers on my car? A bunch of them , It’s all from donations, such as firefighter, police, paralyzedveteran, there are so many, you donate to them, they will send you a sticker and stick it on the car. As long as you donate once, they will not stop Some people called you to donate, some once every six months, some once a quarter, and then I got tired of donating, so I had to say that I was unemployed and had no money to donate.” "Then DR.CANG donated so much, isn't he afraid that his wife will scold him?" "Once again it proves that he is divorced and has no wife, so he can burn buns as he wants." Mu Yahua said, "But 'Suji' is his student and his TA, so it is understandable to donate more .” Seeing that Mu Yahua spoke in a tone that seemed like DR. CANG had made some mistake, but finally forgave him, An Jie couldn't help laughing: "If you were his wife, you must scold him, right?" "Of course you have to scold him—" Mu Yahua fought back, "If you were his wife, would you let him burn the buns?" She was suddenly placed in the position of DR.CANG's wife by Mu Yahua's words, as if she couldn't think about it anymore. After thinking for a long time, she couldn't figure out whether she would scold him if she were his wife. She thought she might Not daring to scold him, but also reluctant to scold him, she said, "But he is willing to help others, isn't that a good thing? Why do you say he burns buns?" Mu Yahua said: "Only you little girls who are not married will say such things. You are not his wife now, and his money has nothing to do with you. He can use it as he wants. You don't care. Once you become You will feel different after marrying his wife. If he spends money like this again, you will feel distressed. Maybe his wife divorced him because of these things. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are not getting along well, and Lao Kang is so lavish. This kind of man must be the kind who is lazy at home, when he is helping a friend, he runs fast, and when it is his turn, he just pushes and blocks—" An Jie felt that Mu Yahua was just making excuses, mainly because she was angry about her husband's extramarital affairs.She regretted exposing Zhong Xin's affairs to Mu Yahua, maybe nothing would happen if she didn't.But now I can't swallow back what I said, so I can only learn from the lesson and take less care of other people's housework in the future. A few weeks before the end of the semester, DR.CANG assigned the seventh homework, which is to improve an algorithm. He said that this homework is a bonus, which can replace the lowest score in the usual homework. Welcome to teamwork, anyone who is willing to do it You can go to him. When An Jie heard that she was going to do teamwork, she asked those who scored zero if they would do it. Wu Gang said that he would leave next semester and was too lazy to do it.Chen Hongping said that anyway, he was working as a sysadmin in the computer room of the chemistry department, and he was paid there, and he didn't care about the 3.5 stipulated in the department.Yang Fan said that his other courses are okay, and he can maintain a GPA of 3.5 without doing this homework, so he won't bother about it. An Jie knew that Mu Yahua didn't have the heart to do bonus homework recently, and Mu Yahua didn't get zero points, so she didn't need to do it at all, so she didn't even need to ask Mu Yahua, so she decided to do it alone.She ran to DR.CANG and said she wanted to do the seventh homework. DR. CANG seemed a little surprised, saying that I said that you can do teamwork?You don't form a team with Wugang and the others? She said, none of them want to do it, can I do it alone? DR.CANG quickly said, of course, I think it's easier for the two of you to do it together.He typed out a few papers from the printer in his office, and told her to read the papers first, and then discuss how to improve the algorithm in it. It took her a few days to read those papers carefully. For all the terms and terms that appeared in them, she went to the Internet to find out the truth and found some reference materials. DR.CANG can leave a good impression on him when discussing. It can be considered that hard work pays off, when it comes to discussing with DR. The expression on CANG's face seemed to be both admiration and surprise, and he kept praising her "goodjob" and "goodpoint". When she finished speaking, he said, "Good! You did your homework!" She was surprised and delighted, this is considered to be the completion of this homework?Didn't you say you want to improve the algorithm?She hasn't improved yet, why did he say that she has done her homework?Could it be that because she did the homework alone, he relaxed his requirements?She was a little uncertain, so she asked: "Youmean I——I—already finished the homework?" DR. CANG was taken aback for a moment, then laughed so happily that even his body trembled slightly.She found that when he smiled, he was very vivid and young, with black beard, red lips, white teeth, narrowed eyes, and upturned chin, so handsome that she was flustered.She stood there stupidly, not knowing what he was laughing at. He laughed for a while, and said: "Yougotme, kido—" Then he stopped laughing suddenly, and started rummaging around on the table, as if he was looking for something. She noticed that his expression was a bit strange, but she didn't have time to think about it, because she was eager to understand what he just said at the moment, she didn't know what to translate this sentence into, and she didn't know what KIDO meant, so she couldn't think about it. In the end, she had no choice but to give up, and moved out her magic weapon again: smiling and nodding as if understanding, expressing that she understood and appreciated his humor. She discovered this magic weapon as soon as she came to the United States. She has used it all the way and it is very effective. When someone says something humorous, she expects you to smile. Whether you understand it or not, give him a smile. As long as you smile, others will also If you are satisfied, you will never ask: "What are you laughing at? Do you know the humor in my words?" But her trick didn't seem to work on DR. CANG, he seemed a little unnatural.After a while, I got back to normal, and said to her in English, your idea is very good, so I will write a first draft according to your idea.Then he briefly explained the structure of the paper, saying that it is nothing more than such a routine, first write an introduction, introduce your article, and then write a related work, talk about the research that others have done in this area, and affirm them Then I changed my writing style and said, but these algorithms still have some deficiencies. This one has deficiencies here and there, that one has deficiencies there, and this paper of mine is to improve some of these deficiencies. When she saw him explaining how to write papers in such a tone, she couldn't help laughing, and asked in English, other people who do research are old-timers, and if I say that others are deficient here and there, will others say that I am proud? ? It's a pity that a "pride" stumped her. She changed "pride" and "proud" back and forth, and couldn't figure out which one to use here. Finally, she had to say "You know what I mean." This is also a magic weapon she learned after she came to the United States. She herself translated it into: "I mean, you understand." Whenever she couldn't explain clearly, she used this sentence, and the listeners generally stopped asking. , She didn't know if they understood, or if they were overwhelmed by her words, thinking that it was their own fault that they didn't understand. DR.CANG explained in English, it’s nothing, if their algorithm is perfect, then why are we still writing this paper?We wrote this paper, which itself shows that we think their algorithm has room for improvement.We are not saying that their algorithm is useless, but that in some cases, it is better to use our algorithm. When she got home, she looked up a few words she didn't understand at DR.CANG on the Internet today, and found that doone-shomework meant "fully prepared". CANG meant that she finished her homework. No wonder DR. CANG smiled so happily. It must be because she didn’t understand what he said. She wanted to rush to him to make amends: “Actually, I know the meaning of this word. You're kidding." Since he was making fun of her for not understanding his English, she guessed that KIDO must be some bad word, probably something like "fool" or "stupid".She only found KIDDO in the English dictionary on the Internet, which means "children" or "a familiar form of address".This confuses her again, she is neither a child nor an address, why would he say KIDDO to her?Is it possible to use "address" to swear in English? She thought of his embarrassment after saying the word, and felt that there must be something unusual about the word, and she had to figure it out.She called her sister and asked what KIDDO meant. My sister said: "Isn't it the meaning of 'child'? Child, kid." "No other meaning? Impossible? I'm not a child—it's what people use when they're addressing me—I read in the dictionary that it's a 'familiar address'—" My sister laughed for a while and said, "What's a 'familiar address'? How do you say it on the Internet?" "It is a familiar form of address." "Oh, that's not a 'familiar address', but a 'friendly and casual address'. Little sister, is this man a man? Is this what he used when he was in love with you?" "Impossible, he is my teacher, and he never said anything to me—in particular—" My sister said exaggeratedly: "Oh? It's the teacher? Oh, maybe he fell in love with you, and he called you that in his heart, and it popped up accidentally—"
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