Home Categories romance novel wait for the next sunny day

Chapter 17 first quarter

wait for the next sunny day 暖暖风轻 2681Words 2018-03-16
The 10th anniversary celebration came as scheduled, and there was an endless stream of people entering the Jingli Hotel. In order to arrange the venue for the banquet, the staff of Jingli Hotel put a lot of thought into it.The venue is not only large, but also decorated with style. The banquet officially started at seven o'clock, and most people arrived at the venue early. Jing Cheng, as the protagonist tonight, naturally arrived early. He was dressed up tonight, a well-tailored formal suit seemed tailor-made for him, making his figure even more slender with extraordinary temperament.

He has always been indifferent to others, but when he greeted the guests, he had a faint smile on his face, which was extremely charming, and under the bright lamp, he shone with brilliance. six thirty…… A lot of people have come to the venue, and all the guests have carefully dressed up, either in suits and leather shoes, or in small banquet dresses. In the space of welcoming guests, Jing Cheng subconsciously looked for that familiar figure, but he couldn't find it. The time never stopped for a moment, and the hour hand slid along the dial round and round, gradually pointing to the scale of 6:50.At this time, the entire venue was overcrowded.

When Jing Cheng shook hands with the guests and smiled, she seemed absent-minded, and her peripheral vision kept falling elsewhere, trying to find something, but she still didn't attend in the crowded crowd. "Mr. Jing, congratulations!" A guest who just arrived said politely. "Mr. Wan, welcome!" Jing Cheng said while extending his hand. The woman next to Mr. Wan was stained with some water, and Jing Cheng couldn't help asking, "Is it raining outside?" The woman smiled awkwardly: "Yes, you said it was sunny during the day, but now it's raining, and it's getting heavier and heavier."

Seven o'clock is approaching, and Jing Cheng is getting more and more anxious. His parents will come today. He told them earlier that he will bring his girlfriend with him.But he looked around, Tang Jing still did not appear in the crowd. He walked to the French window, and sure enough, it was raining outside, and the rain was beating on the glass window, and the sky and the earth were filled with mist, and the world outside the window became blurred. Maybe it's rainy, traffic is inconvenient, and there's a traffic jam on the road, and she's on her way here. While waiting, Jing Cheng's hope was wiped out little by little, leaving only a bean-sized star shining faintly.

"Jing Cheng, have you seen Shanshan?" Yang Shan's mother walked to Jing Cheng's side and interrupted his thoughts. "Shanshan?" Jing Cheng was taken aback, then looked around in the crowd, but couldn't find her, so he asked Mother Yang, "Auntie, didn't you ask her to come here, why hasn't she come yet?" "Didn't I come here to ask you, and told her to come with me and your uncle, but she didn't. It's all right now, it's raining outside. This child is really not worrying at all. " "Did you call her?" Jing Cheng said as he took out his cell phone.

"Stop calling, I just called, but the phone has been disconnected, and there is no answer there. She is spoiled by me, and she has no sense of time." "Auntie, the celebration is about to start, I have to go get ready. Don't worry, maybe she'll be here soon." "It can only be this way." As the founder and chairman of Jingli Hotel, father Jing naturally contributed a lot.At the beginning of the ceremony, he gave an impassioned speech. Even though he was sixty years old, he was still very energetic. His appearance looked at least ten years younger than his actual age.

Jing Cheng looked at the clothes and temples off the court, but he didn't find the face he was looking for. On Tang Jing's attendance sheet, Jing Cheng didn't see any record of her being late or leaving early, but this time, the time was up, but she didn't show up. She let him dove?Jing Cheng frowned slightly. It was Jing Cheng's turn to deliver a speech, and he, who had always spoken fluently and briskly, became a little slower.However, in terms of the strength of the words, it still has not changed, sonorous and powerful. Some reporters also came to the scene, and the cameras turned to Jing Cheng one after another, as if beams of light were shining on his handsome cheeks.

The moment he left the spotlight, Jing Cheng unconsciously looked at the dense crowd. Finally, he saw her. Tang Jing was blocked by the security guards, she stood quietly and looked at Jing Cheng with a complicated expression.She was drenched, like a drowned chicken.Looking at her from a distance, you can clearly see her wet hair, with water droplets that seem to have fallen. Complicated expressions were intertwined on her face, but her eyes were still so clear, like the most crystal clear crystals, extremely clear. Her clothes were a little messy, and the low-cut dress wrapped her cold body, and she couldn't help shivering slightly.Subconsciously, she folded the small waistcoat, but it was soaked in rainwater, and it was full of coolness.

Because the clothes were completely soaked, the little dress was tightly attached to her body, outlining the beautiful shape of her breasts.The collar was lower than when she tried it on, probably because it was soaked in rain and had a tendency to fall. Suddenly, she turned her gaze to the security guard and said something to him, presumably she wanted the security guard to let her in.However, with her attire, it was very unseemly, so the security guards naturally refused to let her go, and even pushed her to let her out. She cast a look at Jing Cheng for help, but Jing Cheng just looked at her indifferently.

It's fine that she was late, but she still appeared in his sight with this appearance.This makes Jing Cheng how to introduce her to everyone as his female companion. Could it be that she was late on purpose, made it like this on purpose, and made a fool of him?Jing Cheng frowned and thought. "Please let me in, I'm Jing Cheng's girlfriend." Tang Jing continued to argue with the security guard. "Are you Jing Cheng's female companion?" The security guard looked Tang Jing up and down, and sneered, "Then I'm still Jing Cheng's father." "I'm an employee here, don't you usually see me?" Since the words she said could no longer convince the security guard, she remembered this.

Tang Jing was like a drowned rat, her hair was a little disheveled, her face was wet from the rain, she didn't even wear shoes on her feet, and she held a high-heeled shoe in her right hand, looking particularly embarrassed.The security guard looked at her carefully several times, but still did not recognize her, and said in a cold tone: "Just make up your mind, get out of here quickly." Pushing her away while talking. "Let me go in." As the security guard pushed, Tang Jing remained where she was. "Change your clothes and come in." "What's wrong with my clothes?" Except for the water, Tang Jing's clothes had some stains on the hem, but it wasn't very obvious.She glared at the security guard angrily, "Don't take people by clothes." "You don't care what I use to pick someone up. Hurry up and get out." The security guard continued to push her, his hands getting stronger. "What are you doing? I want to go on my own. You don't need to do this." Tang Jing's voice raised several decibels. At this time, the voice in the front microphone just stopped, and her voice fell straight into the quiet hall, like a bomb, successfully waking up the silence. Everyone looked at Tang Jing in unison, and in an instant, she became the focus of everyone. She stood there at a loss, looking at so many gorgeous clothes, so many complicated eyes.For a moment, she felt that she was so redundant and an eyesore. Originally, she thought that Jing Cheng would come to greet her when he saw her pleading eyes, but what greeted her was only his ice-cold face.She didn't leave immediately, and continued to explain to the security guard that it was because she promised him that she would come to be his female companion. Even though she was in such a mess, she still came to the appointment, but he didn't want to see her. In order to ease the situation, the high-pitched voice of the host attracted everyone's attention. Tang Jing freed herself from those gazes, and the light of hope in her eyes gradually faded.Looking at Jing Cheng's expressionless face, she raised her lips, stopped arguing with the security guard, turned around and left quietly. And he, after all, didn't give her a gentle look, and didn't step forward to help her out. The moment he turned around to leave, his cold expression made her feel as if frost had penetrated her whole body, and the chill went to her bones. He could become so indifferent, as if they were strangers - strangers who had no intersection. Tang Jing left the lively hall with a heavy sense of loss, went to the secluded stairwell, and pressed the elevator. The elevator carried her down slowly, and she looked at herself on the metal surface of the elevator, looking very embarrassed, just now she ran over in a hurry, ignoring this, she smiled weakly. Because she was in such a mess, he could take it for granted not to help her out, and didn't want her to be his girlfriend?His face is more important than everything? In order to participate in this dinner, she dressed up carefully and put on a little makeup.But now, the lavender eye shadow has been smudged, winding to the corner of the eye.Fortunately, her eyelashes are naturally longer and thicker, so she didn't wear mascara, otherwise her eyes would be more spectacular than a panda's.
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