Home Categories romance novel Beautiful Jiangshan·White Tiger Roll

Chapter 28 Six, love

In early spring, the sparse sunlight shines into the room through the window, and the flying dust jumps in the golden light, like flying insects full of vitality. Everything looks so beautiful, the flowers outside the window are blooming, the grass is green, spring is full of vigor and vitality. The sunlight elongated my shadow, I sat quietly on the couch, silently watching the shadow below me, moving slowly from west to east.Liu Xiu stood opposite me, and I sat motionless all afternoon, watching the sun set and sunset, the sky gradually getting dark, and he also stood motionless all afternoon.

He doesn't speak, and I have no way to talk about it. I want to tell him a few words of truth, but I'm afraid that I won't be ruthless, and I will regret it in the end.So I could only lower my head silently, stare at my own shadow with straight eyes, move a little bit with the passing of the sunset, and finally... step on his feet. The shoes on my feet are a pair of rough flat hemp shoes, which I learned to make when I was recovering from injuries in Xindu. Because I can’t remember his shoe size, it turned out to be a little tight. I asked him to give it to other people to wear. , but he smiled and put it on his feet.

"Pa-ta!" A drop of tear splashed down on the back of my hand, and I shrank my hand, feeling more and more blocked in my heart. In the future, I'm afraid I won't need to spend so much time making shoes for him to wear. "You really want to make such a decision?" Suddenly, Liu Xiu asked. I trembled all over and opened my mouth, but I was speechless. After a while, he repeated the question without giving up: "Do you really want me to make a decision?" Putting my hands together in my sleeves, pinching my fingers into my palms, no amount of pain can beat my broken heart.

I nodded stiffly, paused for a moment, tears fell straight down, I bit my lip and nodded again...nodding. "Yin Lihua—" He suddenly raised his voice and called my name.Hearing the sound, I raised my head in shock, and in the eyes of my mother-in-law, Liu Xiu stared at me with a pale face, "You... really want me to take a concubine?" I suppressed the tears, stared at him with a piercing heart, and almost blurted out the word "no". He looked at me quietly, with surprise, anger, pity, and pain in his eyes... Finally, the complex expression that I will never forget for the rest of my life finally subsided, and he smiled wistfully: "In that case ...Xiu thanked Madam for her virtuous heart!" As she spoke, she gave me a deep bow.

I opened my mouth, but the shout was hoarse in my throat.After Liu Xiu finished her salute, she turned and left, leaving behind a distinguished figure from her back. I greedily kept this shadow in my eyes, engraved it in my heart, turned around and covered my face and sobbed. ――――――――――――― Listen to the wind, sit and wait for dawn. The empty and dark room seemed to be back on the wedding night, Liu Xiu embraced me and wept silently... "Xiuer..." Moaning weakly, I turned my stiff neck and slowly looked towards the open door. The east was getting whiter, and the shining morning light made my eyes hurt sharply. Yu Chijun stood at the door silently. I raised my hand and rubbed my aching and swollen forehead, and asked softly, "Are you all ready?"

"Yes." After a pause, he replied with a little hesitation, "At two o'clock, the chief minister will lead his team to Zhending, and then all the generals in the city will leave the city to see us off. It is the most difficult time for us to be found when we leave. " "Hmm. Now... what time is it?" "It's the end of Yin." My heart trembled, and I closed my eyes: "Got it, you go out first, it will be easier for me to go out of the city in a dress..." "No. It's just... girl, today is the time to take medicine again." "Really? I forgot..." If I take the medicine now, I'm afraid there will be some weird drug reaction again.But the efficacy of Cheng Yu's three doses of medicine is indeed obvious to all. Since he has repeatedly told him not to miss the time to take the medicine, it is better to follow the doctor's advice.

"Zi Shan, go and boil the medicine right now, and I'll leave after taking the medicine." Perhaps the medicine is amazingly effective, and after drinking this third medicine, my legs will recover immediately and I can walk on the ground. After Yu Chijun left, I began to slowly take off my military uniform.After changing into women's clothes, I still don't know how to wear a bun. Holding the half of the jade hairpin that Deng Yu gave me, I pondered for a moment, then pulled my black hair around the back of my head twice, and casually tied the long hair. After tying a knot, he inserted the jade hairpin into his temples, and combed a nondescript hairstyle.

At two o'clock in the morning, I heard a commotion outside the door. Although the distance was far, it was full of people's voices and it was very lively. I was still doing my makeup in front of the mirror, and then the comb in my hand fell to the ground with a slap, and my whole body trembled uncontrollably.I pushed down on the mirror with both hands, but I still couldn't force myself to be quiet. The mirror was shaken by me, and the bronze mirror on the mirror shifted. "girl……" "Is the medicine ready?" I turned my head and asked sharply. Yu Chijun frowned: "Mr. Cheng told me that it needs to be boiled gently, so don't rush it."

I suddenly relaxed, and slumped down on the mirror shelf, with my face buried in the crook of my arms, feeling as if my heart was dead. "Girl...there is still some time, you...don't go and meet..." "go out!" "Gu..." "Get out! If the medicine is not ready, you can boil the medicine! Don't step into my room again until you bring the medicine! Get out—" After almost roaring Yu Chijun out of the room, I remained motionless Lying on the mirror, tears silently slid down from the corner of his eyes again. At the first moment of time, the bowl of concoction so black that it could reflect my swollen eyes was finally handed over to me, and I drank it without even thinking about it.

"Zi Shan, no matter whether I am conscious for a while or not, we must leave Changcheng before noon!" I coldly returned the bowl to Yu Chijun, "This is an order!" "promise." Less than ten minutes after taking the medicine, I began to feel dry and hot all over, as if a fire was burning in my stomach, my temples were soaked with sweat, and bean-sized sweat slid down my cheeks into the skirt of my clothes. My mouth was dry and thirsty. After holding back for more than half an hour, I finally couldn't bear it and took off an outer garment, but my body was still on fire. At first, it was only my upper body that was hot, but my legs were hot. It was as cold as an ice cube, and then the breath circulated, but it seemed to be completely upside down, becoming cold in the upper body and hot in the lower body.I seem to be tormented and refined in ice and fire.

I was so thirsty that my throat hurt, I just wanted to ask Yu Chijun to pour water, who would have thought that as soon as I took a breath, a hot air rushed up from my chest, and a fishy sweetness rose from my throat. "Pfft—" A mouthful of blood mist suddenly spewed out of my mouth, and I fell to the sky and fainted amidst the bright red color. ――――――――――――― A pair of big hands wiped my face lingeringly. The rough finger calluses scratched my skin. I was dissatisfied and wanted to push it with my hands, but I couldn't lift my arms. Eyelids flung open, and my eyes widened. That elegant and fair face was right in front of my eyes, with sword eyebrows and curved eyes, and a gentle smile full of pity and distress.I blinked, and cautiously stretched out my hand to touch it. The tip of my index finger touched his nose. The feeling of the fingertip was dull. I moved my hand to the side again uncertainly, and gently stroked his cheek. The warmth and humidity make me shiver—this feeling is real, not hallucination. "You...didn't leave?" He leaned down and suddenly kissed my lips forcefully.When the soft lips touched, there was a bang in my head, and the last bit of reason was finally burned out. His lips slid along my jaw all the way to my neck, where the lips moved, it was like being electrocuted.I couldn't help letting out a dull groan, and put my arms around his head. The tall long crown hit my chin, I shuddered, and suddenly woke up from the loss, and forced out a sentence: "Why are you here?!" His lips have already slid to my chest, the skirt of his clothes is half open, his breasts are not exposed.Liu Xiu raised his head, his glass-colored pupils became extremely obscure, he stared at me for a long time, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and asked instead, "Why do you vomit blood?" I was taken aback.Could it be that he turned back halfway because I vomited blood?I inadvertently cast a glance out of the window, but saw that it was pitch black, and it didn't look like it was daytime. A pottery lamp in front of the bed illuminated his complexion like snow, he stretched out his hand to fix my face, preventing me from looking around: "What do you want me to do?" My nose was sour and I was about to cry again. I quickly bit my lip and chuckled: "Actually... vomiting blood is not a big deal, it's..." His lips tightened, and he tightly covered my mouth with trembling hands: "You always think you are strong, why don't you admit that you are actually weak?" I was surprised, and then thought that he might have misunderstood, the blood in the mouth was actually just caused by taking medicine, and it did not cause any harm to my body. Gently pulling his hand away, I choked up and chuckled: "Why aren't you yourself?" We two poor people are actually the kind of people who are bruised and bruised and refuse to say pain easily! I raised my hand to hold his face, my fingers reluctantly swept from his eyebrows, and slid to his eyes, his nose, and his mouth little by little: "Xiu'er, I want you to live! I can see You are alive, better than anything else!" "Is it all right as long as I live?" "Yeah." Continue to look at him reluctantly, and suddenly think very sadly, how nice it would be if you could look at him like this for the rest of your life?Watching him grow old like this... "Xiu'er..." I stared longingly at that clean face, "What would Xiu'er look like with a beard?" Standing at thirty, not confused at forty, middle-aged Liu Xiu... Fifty knows destiny, sixty sixties, old Liu Xiu... I laughed lightly twice, thinking about it, and thinking about it, and my heart hurts. My wish is that he can live well, and in the future he can lie on the bed and enjoy his life, and die, instead of dying in a chaotic world, with no bones left . Tears slipped into my mouth, with a salty taste, but I smiled unusually brightly: "Xiu'er! My Xiu'er..." I moved my upper lip and kissed him actively. The tip of the tongue slipped into his mouth, the lips and tongue intertwined, and there was a trace of sweetness in the bitter tears. Liu Xiu's breathing gradually increased, I half-closed my eyes, held his right hand with my left hand, and half-dragged it to cover my towering breasts. His hands were trembling slightly, I freed my right hand and took the initiative to untie the buckle of my skirt, his hand suddenly increased the force, I groaned, and suddenly pushed him away. Liu Xiu blushed, looked at me with a little surprise, and muttered, "Is that right..." I jumped up, pushed him onto the bed, put my hands on his chest, and straddled him with my legs apart. "Li...hua..." I lowered my head and didn't look at his face. I just felt that my whole body was burning hot. I bit my lip and reached out to untie his skirt without hesitation.It's just that he was too nervous, and he was not familiar with this set of clothes on him, so he dragged on for a long time without even taking off his coat. I scratched angrily, tearing up the official uniform that was more formal than usual, but even so, I still couldn't untie the annoying clothes, my heart felt sour, and I actually started to cry in a daze. Since Liu Xiu was pushed down on the bed by me, she didn't raise a single objection, even though I pulled the front of her clothes so that most of her chest was exposed, she didn't respond at all.I stopped shaking my hands, and the tears fell more and more fiercely. The despair seemed to surround me, suffocating. He didn't say anything, just slowly propped up his upper body, stretched out his hand and gently wiped away my tears.I felt very embarrassed, and covered my tearful eyes with the back of my hand, don't stop looking at him at first. He took my hand away, grabbed my wrist and dragged it under the lace of his skirt. I was stunned and didn't respond, I just choked up and sobbed, and my mind was so dull that I hadn't quite realized his intention. With a soft sigh, he deftly unbuttoned his clothes with his slender fingers, and took off the clothes on his upper body in two or three strokes.My eyes are straight, and the chest muscles exposed in front of my eyes are very strong, not at all as thin as his appearance. After a while, my face slowly turned red, and it was so hot that the roots of my ears were about to burn.Just when I was embarrassed, my half-open breasts were hot, and Liu Xiu leaned over her head, and put hot lips on my heart. "Hmm..." I snorted, my body trembled, and my limbs were so soft that I almost collapsed. He held my back in time, and took off all the clothes on my body with the other hand. "Xiu..." I weakly grabbed his shoulders, the body temperature under my fingertips was extremely hot. Liu Xiu kissed me tenderly on the forehead, and then the eyelashes, the tip of the nose, the corners of the lips... the kiss fell little by little, full of lingering sentimentality. I trembled violently, my arms wrapped around his neck, and the moment the obscene clothes were finally taken off, a layer of fine pimples appeared all over my body due to tension. "Xiu...Xiu'er..." I trembled slightly, drowning in his tenderness. "Well, I'm here!" He snorted softly, although his nasal voice was heavy, his voice was infinitely gentle. "Oh...xiu...er..." His kisses and touches made me lose my mind, and I could only stare at him in confusion with blurry teary eyes. He hugged me tightly, his naked skin pressed together, the tight feeling was amazing, I couldn't help but move my fingers irregularly on his back, which finally made him suddenly turn over, and turned back I'm under it. "Xiu..." I bent my knees emotionally, and I wrapped my legs around his waist like a python.If possible, I really want to cling to him for the rest of my life... Never let go! "Hmm..." I gasped softly. "Does it hurt?" He lowered his head and kissed away my tears. At such a critical moment, he can actually force himself to stop, and he can still ask me such questions with a tense face, sweating profusely, and a face full of lust. It's so damn tender! I cursed in my heart, hooked his neck hard, and kissed him tightly with my red lips. crazy!obsessed!sinking... He is my husband!It's the husband I've been looking for for two thousand years, I love him! Love him without hesitation...
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