Home Categories romance novel Beautiful Jiangshan·White Tiger Roll

Chapter 22 8. Deception

I gave the bean porridge to Liu Xiu, attributed all the credit to Feng Yi, and praised it greatly. "Have you eaten?" He didn't say much, the excessive blood loss made him very depressed, the corners of his lips were dry and chapped, and he was very tired, but his amber eyes were always clear and warm. "I've eaten it!" I didn't wait for Feng Yi to interrupt, and put the crock pot to his mouth with a smile, "Try it, Gongsun's craftsmanship is excellent." Liu Xiu smiled, and motioned Fu Jun to take another earthen pot, took out more than half of the bean porridge, and pouted at Deng Yu: "Zhong Hua has been lethargic and unable to eat meat, you force him to drink the porridge, Maybe it's better..."

Fu Jun agreed, took the pot and went. I licked the corners of my dry lips and urged him eagerly: "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold." Liu Xiu smiled softly: "Of order." Seeing that he honestly drank the rest of the porridge, I breathed a sigh of relief, only feeling sore and limp all over. I turned my back and tried to find a clean place to lie down for a while, but I received Feng Yi's worried eyes. "Going to eat some horse meat?" I shook my head, disgusted.It's not that I'm not hungry, it's just that I really can't eat, and if I try to swallow it, I'll spit it out with nausea: "I'll lie down for a while."

"Yin Ji!" Liu Xiu called me softly, and waved to me, "This is near the fire, you can lie here and rest for a while." I responded, and floated over under my feet, curled up beside him. The dry wood was crackling by the fire, I closed my eyes, my mind was awake for a while, and then I was confused for a while. In a daze, I muttered: "Xiu'er, is Zhonghua awake?" After that, I completely lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes again, it was already bright, and the dazzling glare made my eyes sore.I wanted to raise my hand to cover it, but my whole body was so weak that I couldn't even raise my arm.His throat was dry and tingling like a fire, his muscles were sore and sore, his head was more like he had just been run over by a big truck, and his cochlea was buzzing.

"Are you awake?" A soft voice sounded above my head, and a shadow drifted over, which happened to cover my eyes.I opened my eyes and saw that it was Liu Xiu who blocked the light for me with his left hand. "Hey..." My throat was hoarse, and I couldn't make a sound. I cleared my throat, but I still felt like something was stuck in my throat, which was painful and itchy. "Drink some water to moisten your throat." Liu Xiu helped me up, let me lean in his arms, and then freed his left hand to get the clay pot. The snow water was cold, and I drank half of the can in one breath. The chilly feeling seemed to suddenly dispel the depression and irritability in my chest.

"What's the matter with me?" The voice was as hoarse as a broken gong, although he vaguely understood what was going on, he still wanted to ask this one more question. "Wind and cold! It's fierce. Your illness is many times more dangerous than Zhonghua's." He looked down at me with distressed eyes, his brows tightened. "Zhonghua..." "Zhonghua woke up at dawn yesterday, but you slept all day and night as soon as you lay down, without a drop of water..." I rolled my eyes, and it was bright everywhere, but even doing such a small thing took a lot of energy: "Where is this...?"

"Rao Yang! Let's go into the city!" "Hey—why...go to the city?" Why do you want to go to Raoyang City suddenly?Didn't they say that they would no longer venture into the city at will? Liu Xiu didn't say a word, and after half a minute, he answered something different from the question and said, "Lihua, you haven't eaten for two days." He lowered his head, and there was a faint pain in his blurred eyes, "Gongsun said, you don't have anything to eat at all." I didn't eat that can of bean porridge..." I lowered my eyelids, my heart was sore and swollen, as if I was stuffed to the brim with something.

"Fool!" He seemed to be scolding me, his voice was slightly nasal, and the dullness was full of bitterness. There was a sudden chill on my forehead, and water droplets splashed down. I was startled, and when I looked up, Liu Xiu's eyes were slightly red, and the eye sockets were actually wet.He smiled and held my hand tightly, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb: "Where is the idiot, my idiot..." Following his murmur, I clearly heard the explosion of the thing filling my heart, and a warm current gushed out from the atrium and flowed to all the limbs.Crispy and numb, it's like drinking wine, making people slightly intoxicated and intoxicated.

Obviously, the amount of meat a horse can't last for too long. After only a few days, few of us in this group can still be regarded as normal people.All of them are sloppy, yellow and thin, and they are not much better than beggars. It was Liu Xiu's idea to enter the Raoyang Chuanshe. I couldn't figure out what he wanted to do at first, but when he took us into the posthouse and claimed that he was the envoy of Handan, he was not just a postman at the posthouse. Stupid, even Liu Xiu's generals were taken aback by his serious expression, and didn't react for a long time.

As expected, Raoyang already belonged to Liu Ziyu's territory. The post officials heard that we were the envoys from Handan. The food was served as a flattery. Liu Xiu's subordinates were so hungry that their eyes were blinded. When they saw food, they were like a group of hungry wolves seeing a lamb. "Let's drink some towel soup, this one is lighter." Liu Xiu thoughtfully poured out a bowl of soup, ready to feed me personally. I leaned against the wall, looked at him weakly and smiled, opened my mouth and said word by word: "Big liar!" He pretended he hadn't seen it, and squinted at me with a smile: "Open your mouth, be careful of burning."

I obediently took a sip of the soup. It was unprecedented for him to be so intimacy without avoiding the public. My heart warmed and I was happy to accept his ardent care. Just from the appearance, Liu Xiu is a handsome, gentle and elegant son. Although he is downcast, his temperament is superior to others. In addition, the charming smile is unabated, which makes the postman suspicious. Still deceived by his innocent smile, he obediently brought out a sumptuous meal. It's just that the way those subordinates eat is really unsightly.Except for Feng Yi and Deng Yu who could restrain themselves a little, everyone else seemed crazy, just grabbing food and stuffing it into their mouths desperately.

I drank a bowl of soup and ate some barley rice. I noticed that while Feng Yi was eating, he quietly put dry food such as jujube dumplings and steamed cakes on the table into a large blue cloth bag. I smiled knowingly, and grabbed a few pieces of sesame cakes, because there was no place to put them, so I put them in my arms.Liu Xiu kept watching from the sidelines, and I stuck out my tongue at him, and he smiled, full of helpless pity. Everyone was eating to their heart's content, when suddenly there was a loud drum beating outside the hall, and the sound of the drum shook the sky. Accompanied by the sound of the drum, the post staff shouted sharply: "General Handan has arrived— —” When clang-clank-a stone stirred up a thousand waves, all the generals pulled out their swords from their waists nervously and jumped up one after another. My heart was beating fast, and my palms were sweating. Everyone turned their eyes to Liu Xiu. Liu Xiu pondered for a moment, then suddenly waved her hand to signal everyone to sit down again.The generals were startled and suspicious, looking left and right uneasily, vigilant for the movement around them. I stretched out my hand to hold Liu Xiu's hand, he smiled at me, and shouted in a calm and unhurried voice: "General Handan and I are best friends, he came at just the right time... I invite General Handan to come in and talk!" My fingers trembled. The word has been spread for a long time, but there is still no movement outside the hall.After a while, the postman walked in timidly, with a guilty smile on his face: "It's my mistake, General Handan...has never been here..." Liu Xiu raised his eyebrows, and instead of being angry, he said in awe: "How dare you create something out of nothing and deceive my envoy, and why don't you get out of here!" The post official was so frightened that his legs trembled and he retreated in cold sweat. Only then did everyone recover a little sanity from the shock, and Deng Yu smiled and praised: "Duke Ming is so courageous! He is so courageous! He is not chaotic in the face of danger, and he can see through the little tricks played by that villain at a glance!" Liu Xiu smiled slightly, not boasting. Amidst the laughter and admiration of everyone, I let out a long sigh of relief.It was really frightening to death just now, the postman did something serious and made it seem real, if Liu Xiu hadn't been calm, it is estimated that a bunch of us would have capsized in the gutter today. "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Have you ever had enough to eat?" Liu Xiu looked around with a calm and heavy tone. Deng Yu continued: "Since the postman has become suspicious, our identities will be exposed sooner or later. It is better to leave Raoyang as soon as possible!" Everyone agreed, so they packed their bags and the group left the post house as quickly as possible. As the chariots and horses approached the city gate, they were about to leave the city when they suddenly heard someone shouting from far behind: "The visitor is not kind—don't let him go—" I turned my head and saw that man was chasing him all the way with a long skirt, panting like a cow, isn't it the post official of the post house? The soldiers guarding the city had already planned to let them go, but at this moment they heard the repeated warnings from the postman, they all surrounded them, and some even wanted to close the open city gate. I was anxious, and shouted: "Rush over!" Unfortunately, my voice was hoarse, and only I could hear the shouting. "Rush over—" The same three words resounded from behind me, but it came from Deng Yu's arms raised. I drew my sword out of its sheath, grabbed Che Shi with my left hand, stepped on the railing of the car with one foot, and stood facing the wind, ready for a final fight to the death. In fact, I was recovering from a serious illness at this time, my muscles were sore, and I was trembling non-stop while holding the long sword in my hand. If I really wanted to kill the enemy, I might cut myself first.Liu Xiu was obviously aware of my physical condition, and hugged me from behind: "Come down! Don't mess around again!" "But……" "I have everything!" Looking back suddenly, I couldn't help being stunned by the murderous aura exuding from Liu Xiu. "show……" "I am not only your husband, but also your reliance - you still have me, so there is no need to be brave!" With the long sword in his hand, he pulled me behind without any doubt. Seeing that a bloody battle was about to break out, someone shouted in the middle of the chaos: "You know the world, but shut up the elders? Let them go!" The man was obviously very convincing, and with an order, the half-closed gate was reopened, and our chariots and horses passed quickly. Surprised, I turned my head to look, and saw a green-clothed gatekeeper coming out of the crowd with a long sword in his hand, and pierced the body of the postman who was yelling for warning. The last scene that fell into my eyes was the afterimage of the postman slowly falling down.
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