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Chapter 60 postscript

When I typed "Floating Creatures Gaiden·Seven Nights·End of the whole play" at the end of the document, I felt that another dream of mine had come true. The seven novellas included here were actually born at the same time as the Dryad.At the beginning, I was entertaining myself and hoped to write a series of "Telling Stories by Dryads", but due to various reasons, these novellas failed to become a series, and were published in magazines sporadically and intermittently, and then returned to silence, like a lonely ghost lying in my folder. I always feel that I owe these "lonely souls" a home, as I originally imagined, to make them a cohesive whole, but unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity.

Until the birth, after the proprietress's "non-stop" started, one day, I suddenly felt that what I had imagined might be realized. Grab these seven stories from the corners, arrange and revise them one by one, and improve them bit by bit according to my original idea, and use a legend of the desert and the seven nights to string them into an interesting whole as a "wedding gift" "Give it to the newly married proprietress. Hey, if you've watched it, you should still remember at the end, the proprietress and Ao Chi let everyone's pigeons go, secretly went on a trip and got married, and the last scene was fixed in the desert of Egypt.It was this run away that made the couple successfully out of the audience's sight for a whole year. There was a gap of one year between "Floating Life II", and the story that happened to the proprietress and Ao Chi in this year, it turned out that Already existed.The world is indeed wonderful.

This biography, between the first and second volumes, its final completion has added an important part to my Floating Life series.As an author, I am very gratified, and readers who have always supported me can also use this rumor to see more of my works from different periods at once.It really kills two birds with one stone, no wonder I have been cheering since I finished writing it. Like many readers, I really like the boss lady and Ao Chi very much. Of course, I am also full of deep feelings for the little shop called "Never Stop" and those perverted and cute monsters. All the good stories in the world are put on them.Although I know it's impossible, I will try my best.

Compared with Fusheng's "true story", this rumor has only seven stories, but the smell is still similar to the main story. After reading the whole story, it is placed in the middle of the two main stories. To my surprise, at this point, a stone in my heart fell to the ground. Of course, I hope readers will like the story of these seven nights. Read what strange things the proprietress encountered during the year of honeymoon in the novel, and also read In reality, what kind of stories did she write about the two trees of Suoyu in reality? I remember a few days ago, a friend who was a Chinese teacher told me that one of her students asked her: Teacher, what does floating life mean?She said: Floating life is life.The student said: Oh, I am reading a book called .After listening, I laughed out loud.This lovely child.

But my friend's words touched on the main point, floating life is life. Every story I write, be it monsters or humans, their prototypes are you, me and him who appear in life.I will not change this habit. After the non-stop dessert shop closed, the proprietress and his wife went on a honeymoon trip. The latest news is that they have now returned to Wangchuan and opened a hotel called "Bon-stop". Up to "Floating Life II", the story of the proprietress couple and their monster friends is still moving forward. Finally, I would like to thank all the readers again for their enthusiastic support all the time, and to all the heroes who contributed to the production of this book. By the way, I would also like to thank myself? (Don't throw your slippers, I'll run away!)

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