Home Categories romance novel Hibiscus flower Xiyue Jinxiu 2 Jin Ge's dream breaks the soul of the flower

Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty-One

I was like thunder, with an indescribable chill in my heart, I murmured: "You usually like embroidery because you can calm down and think about it?" He snorted, and looked at me like a torch: "What's the matter, this Junjiazhai is extremely weakly defended, it's ridiculous that the patriarch and old man are still daydreaming, thinking that the iron hoof of the troubled times can't find it here, you must know that I am here!" Zhao's infantry is the best in the world, and his best is mountain guerrilla warfare, if I don't destroy the village today, if other clans come here in the future, the outcome will only be worse."

I said coldly: "Junjiazhai kindly took us two people in trouble, but if you have any humanity, you should know the words "Zhientu", but you still want to burn the village, kill people and rob money?" In that room, he snorted coldly: "It's better that I betray the world than the world betray me. They don't kill us now because they don't know how much our bounty is. If they knew, do you think they would spare us?" Well, they will kill them all, and exchange the heads of both of us for a bounty." I stood there in a daze, and said for a long time, "You came to the East Court not far away, and you only want to win the Central Plains. Do you have to do the murder, arson, kidnapping and looting?"

He sat down, turned his head, and his face was full of sarcasm and helplessness. I shook my head: "People are mortal, and they are either heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. Die for a great cause is heavier than Mount Tai; you are so dedicated that you only know Enslaving the weak and bullying the common people, even if one day they return to Nanzhao, restore their titles, and rule Nanzhao, how can they become a generation of overlords, and one day they will die, and they will still be lighter than a feather, and after death, they will be reduced to the way of animals and insects. accept punishment."

His head gradually lowered, and I was secretly happy. Could it be that my words touched this person's sense of shame, so I continued my ideological education class: "If you can learn the spirit of the ancient sages and gentlemen without selfishness, Starting from this point, one can become a person who is of great benefit to the people. A person's ability may be great or small, but as long as he has this spirit, he is a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, and a person who has broken away from A man of low taste, a man of benefit to the people." My blood was surging and my saliva was flying, huh? !No, why did you say this so slickly, so familiar, and then I remembered that this is a commemoration of Norman?Bethune's classic...

I coughed dryly, and turned around: "Anyway, this is a great opportunity for you to let go of Tu..." A slight snoring sound came from Duan Yuerong's mouth. It turned out that he was asleep. My veins throbbed violently. I waved the wicker and shouted: "Wake me up, you evildoer." Duan Yuerong's purple pupils opened wide, then hung up again, and murmured sleepily: "I'll talk about it tomorrow, I'm too sleepy." While talking, he stretched his waist, ignoring my fascinated eyes, and walked towards the bed. I couldn't bear it anymore, broke out all my anger, waved the wicker and pulled out a whip: "Look at you. What did I do, Xiyan couldn’t take it well. I worked hard outside for a long time, but you didn’t even cook food in the house, and didn’t clean up the house. I couldn’t even drink water when I got home. What are you doing, you bastard?"

A whip was hit on his left shoulder, and he turned around suddenly, his purple pupils stared at me coldly, full of hostility that he hadn't seen for a long time: "You try to swing the whip again." I swallowed, raised my eyebrows, and said with a sneer, "Monster, when have I been afraid of you?" He was brave enough to wave his whip again when someone knocked on the door and said, "Is Mr. Mo there?" I glared at him, held a willow stick in my hand, and opened the door. It turned out to be the three brothers Long Gen, Long Dao, and Long Yin. ..." Six pairs of eyes stared at Duan Yuerong's pretty face that was ready to cry, and then moved to his naked red-scarred left shoulder.

"Are you beating Mrs. Mo?" Long Gen yelled: "Mr. Mo, you are a scholar, how do you beat a woman?" "What's the matter?" I was stunned, still holding the wicker in my hand. "You bastard, a majestic seven-foot man, you don't even know how to plant land, and you only beat your wife and scold your children at home." The three brothers broke into my room suddenly and scolded me one after another. Where am I in a daze, I was beating my "wife", but I didn't scold the child, I was just about to argue, and then I remembered, why did I tell them this, this is my house, these three brothers are trespassing on private houses .

"Three little brothers, although I am a foreigner, this house was rented to us by your father, but it is still my house. What do you mean by breaking in in the middle of the night like this? Besides, this is my family business, and the three brothers take care of it." It's too wide." The three young boys were stunned for a moment, and the oldest one said excitedly: "I think you are gentle, and my father took you in. Unexpectedly, you borrowed money, but you are idle, beating your wife and scolding your daughter." "Where did I beat my wife and scold my daughter?"

"What did you hit in your hand? Look at how frightened your wife is, and your daughter is crying like this, and you still want to argue?" A few teenagers dragged me to the ancestral hall without further explanation. I looked back at Duan Yuerong, but he turned his back on the three boys and smiled at me. The ancestral hall was very lively that night. In the countryside, "knocking on the widow's door and digging out the family tattoo" is the most wicked thing, but these two wicked things happened unexpectedly in Junjiazhai today, so that people like me This kind of trivial matter of beating my wife seems very small, but before I saw the patriarch, I had no choice but to fold my sleeves and squat in the ancestral hall, where the three brothers of the Long family were just softly persuading my "wife" who was covering his face and weeping .

"Sister-in-law of the Mo family, don't cry anymore, we will definitely avenge you." Which eye of yours saw him cry? There was a smile in his eyes, not even a drop of tears, I stared blankly at Duan Yuerong, my eyes kept fascinated, and he kept sneaking eyes at me, with a deeper smile. Just laugh, anyway, when it is found out that you are a man, you are the one who is unlucky, so just laugh, I said to him with parted lips. At this moment, a few women under the torch helped a sobbing widow out of the ancestral hall. It was the one Duan Yuerong was usually asking for embroidery skills in the embroidery room. Her eyes were crying like walnuts, and she kept crying shake.

"Brother Niu and Sister-in-Law, don't feel bad, my father has to show those two dogs a little bit of color, and dare to watch a woman take a bath blatantly, it's against him," Yu Cuihua yelled loudly, waved her big palm, and watched Everyone stepped aside. When she saw her three younger brothers and us, she immediately ran over with a tiger's face: "You three haven't slept so late, what are you doing here?" The three brats were obviously frightened, and said timidly, "Didn't sister sleep too?" At this time, the patriarch asked us to go in, and the three boys immediately pulled me and Duan Yuerong into the ancestral hall, ignoring Jun Cuihua staring behind. We knelt under the hall and explained the reason, the eyebrows of the patriarch lord were even more furrowed, and he patted the armrest of the chair: "In the middle of the night, Mr. Mo Wen beat his wife, did he hit his wife inside or outside?" "It was beaten in the house." Long Dao said loudly, looking at me with contempt: "Father, what do you think he beat his wife like?" My frail wife kept sobbing sadly in the hall, twitching her slightly strong shoulders, revealing a red mark, the patriarch rubbed her temples, and said with a headache on her face: "Mr. Mo Wen, you are here today." Kneel in the ancestral hall overnight." Just as I was about to explain, the patriarch pointed at the three teenagers and added: "The three of you will just kneel with him for one night." "Why, Dad?" "Why? Don't you hear that trespassing on people's houses in the middle of the night, rape or robbery, even though our Junjia Village has the custom of not killing cattle and not beating wives, but Mr. Mo is a foreigner and doesn't understand the village rules. What did the matter have to do with the three of you? I also asked why, usually I don’t study hard, and I’m lazy in farming. I usually see your mother who died early, and you always scold me. Today, you want to do such a shameless act. The three are really too much, it has completely embarrassed me, Jun Shutao. I usually rely on your fathers. It’s just around the corner to pick up people’s graves like gongs and pots.” The patriarch blushed with anger, and the three boys stood there stupidly. Well, I am really selfless, but I still feel aggrieved. I beat this vicious, cruel, lazy monster, where did I go wrong? The crowd dispersed, and in the courtyard of the ancestral hall hung upside down the gongguozi Jun Aji who had been whipped fifteen times. He dug up the grave of his niece's house, and fell there humming and never dared again. I knelt there, and next to me was a humming Ergouzi. "What's so great about that widow, why don't you just take a look at it." I couldn't help but say: "Brother Ergou, you know, don't look at evil!" "You son of a bitch, you have been stealing the salted fish from my house since you were a child," said the loyal uncle who guarded us contemptuously, "Your son is destined to be a rotten cub who steals chickens and dogs." Er Gouzi snorted: "Anyway, you've been looking at me like this since you were a child. Even if you did something good, you wouldn't believe it. Then why, I still do things that harm others and benefit myself." My heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly remembered that Jinxiu had said in tears that she was born with purple pupils, that everyone was afraid of her, that she looked better than others, and that she was born as a disaster and a monster in the reincarnation of what others said. Duan Yuerong once said sarcastically that since everyone in the world knew that he was born as a monster, he would always do things that make people unhappy.And the merciless attacks of those children on him... Since the gods let everyone drink Mengpo soup before reincarnation, it is to let people forget all the grievances and grievances of the previous life, and live again with a clean soul. No matter which one is the real Zifu, Jinxiu or Duan Yuerong, they all There is a chance of rebirth, but because they are born with a pair of purple eyes, they look different from others, people look at them with colored eyes, so that they will be blinded all their lives, and they are not even given the chance to be a good person, so In a disguised form, they are forced to repeat the same mistakes and embark on the road of no return. It's a horrible vicious cycle! I woke up and remembered that I didn't call that part of Yuerong the usual evildoer?Now that he has lost all his skills, he has no hope of returning to the country, and he has to let go of all masculine dignity and pretend to be a woman. This is also caused by the evil fate of the first half of his life. Isn't he just being punished by heaven now? I preached sanctimoniously that now is his chance to reform himself and put down the butcher knife, but didn't I also call him a monster on the left and a monster on the right? Then am I helping him continue to twist his soul? I knelt there drenched in cold sweat, Jun Aji passed out, feces and urine flowed all over his body, and the yard was filled with a stench. Uncle Zhong, who guarded us, frowned and came over to let him down, and gave him medicine to clean up. up. I stood up involuntarily, looking at the sky full of clouds at night, blocking the bright moon and starry sky, I couldn't help but feel at a loss. "Hey! Mr. Mo, what are you looking at?" Er Gouzi saw me standing up, and followed me boldly: "Mr. Mo, I think you did the right thing. As the saying goes, the typed wife For the kneaded dough, my wife has to teach me a lesson in order to take good care of the family." "But then again," his mouse-like eyes were full of lust, "Your wife is really good at Xi Shi, I said, Mr. Mo, if you don't like it, I'll help you send her down the mountain to sell her." Come on, the money will be divided between me and I will help you get a black-eyed, small, young and obedient one. If you want a woman from the Han family, the Buzhong family, the Tu family, or the Miao family, all will be fine. Anyway, there are more men than women in Junjiazhai, I promise to find you a place that hasn't bloomed..." The saliva he said was flying around, I interrupted his somewhat unconscionable Jianyi, and said lightly: "Thank you Ergou brother for your kindness, my wife is very virtuous, I really did not do things properly tonight, Ergou brother Why don't you How about marrying a docile girl and making a good family?" "For a person like me, there is no decent girl who would marry me, but I just need to find a good friend to vent my anger." Er Gouzi sighed slightly. "Brother Ergou, in fact, you are intelligent by nature. Although you have made some mistakes, you don't have to worry about what the world says, just live according to your own wishes. If you really like that Niu brother and second sister-in-law, why don't you behave yourself?" Do two years of work, save some money, send a matchmaker to say goodbye, the prodigal son will not exchange money when he returns, the patriarch has been upright all his life, and he must be willing to help you, brother Niu and second sister-in-law will accept your sincerity, but fortunately, brother Niu did not stay. The next son and half daughter, the two of you will have a son and a half daughter within a year, and you will definitely be able to think about family happiness." Er Gouzi was stunned for a while when he heard it, and then said after a while: "Now I finally know why those girls like creamy boys who have read books. You can really say that, it's strange that you can marry your wife." What a beauty." I smiled, and was about to speak, when suddenly footsteps came from the vase door, and Er Gouzi and I immediately knelt down in a regular manner, and the two of them recovered with a look of regret. Yufang quietly poked his face out from the clouds, shining an infinite radiance on all living beings. At the entrance of the ancestral hall, the ivy stretches silently, trying to run to new high branches. The hanging wisteria flowers sway gently, the petals sprinkle lightly, and a figure flashes under the flower shelf. The beauty stood before my eyes.
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