Home Categories romance novel Hibiscus flower Xiyue Jinxiu 2 Jin Ge's dream breaks the soul of the flower

Chapter 19 Chapter Nineteen Hua Chongjin Official City (2)

Duan Yuerong didn't even blush, she just got up slowly, put on her clothes slowly, and stared at Chuanbei Double Kill. "These two are the No. 1 kills in northern Sichuan under Prime Minister Dou's banner. Fortunately, Prime Minister Dou sent these two to rescue, so that the concubine will not be insulted by Hu Yong." Yang Lushui turned her back to him with a blushing face. Double kill put on clothes. Duan Yuerong said with a straight face: "I thought you were with Meng Zhao." Yang Lushui said: "I have lost contact with General Meng. Prime Minister Dou not only saved me, but also treated me very courteously. He is now looking for you to discuss my Yugang family's plan to restore the country."

Feng Suihu smiled and bowed his head to salute: "My lord invites Mr. Duan to go to Jinguan City for a gathering." Yun Cong bowed sideways to Long Wei, I quietly moved back, a tall black figure stood in front of my eyes: "Miss Hua, nice to meet you." I swallowed dryly, squeezed out a smile, and cupped my hands: "Hero Yun, it's a pleasure to meet you." Feng Suihu pretended to be surprised: "What a coincidence, we met again, Miss Hua, Xiaolong and I are really lucky." I smiled lightly on the surface, trying to calm down, crying in my heart, what a bad luck, I am really suffering from the enemy.

I swear, I will never bake that sweet potato again. We rested in the long-lost inn that night. I undressed and cleaned myself under Feng Suihu's strict surveillance. I was so hairy when I saw Feng Suihu staring at me, always straightening my proud legs for no reason. Feng, I was puzzled at first, but I realized later, vomit!This woman is clearly bullying my small breasts. Along the way, with the injection of funds from the Dou family, our traveling conditions have improved a lot. We took a ferry down the south of Jialing River, transferred to Fujiang River, and when we arrived in Suining, we hired a decent carriage and drove west to Chengdu. His face is stern and his movements are agile. He is a well-trained warrior. Yang Lushui, Duan Yuerong and Yun Conglong are sitting in the front carriage, and Feng Suihu and I are in the rear carriage, but it’s just us two girls. Still quite comfortable, Duan Yuerong with Yang Lushui seems to have completely forgotten his country's hatred and family hatred, and he seems to have forgotten me as a prisoner. At night, Yun Conglong and the two coachmen will take turns guarding outside the carriage. There will always be a groaning sound that can't be louder, Yun Conglong's face does not change, sitting by the fire, Feng Suihu always pouted his plump mouth, looking at Yun Conglong mournfully, Occasionally, the eyes meet and sparks fly, and even I, an outsider, feel that it is extremely inhumane to do their kind of work.

Finally, in the extremely boring environment of traveling, Feng Suihu chatted with me, and started the instinct of women from ancient times to the present: gossip.I talked with her about astronomy and geography, ancient and modern China and foreign countries, beauty and make-up. Later, Yun Conglong, who was on a shift break, joined the ranks of our gossip listeners, and immediately prevented Feng Suihu from leaking the killer's hand. What impressed me the most is that when we talked about the most proud and moving moment in a person's life, I frankly told you that it was the moment when I swore to Xiaowuyi when I was eight years old, and when it was the turn of Chuanbei Shuangsha, as a woman I naturally thought that for the loving couple, it might be the moment when Yun Conglong proposed to Feng Suihu.

However, Feng Suihu burst into tears and said that the moment was when she successfully inserted the knife into her and Yun Conglong's master's chest, and finally succeeded in inheriting the title of No. 1 Killer in Northern Sichuan. She described them in detail How to dig out Master's heart according to the rules of the master's school? . A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and we came to Chengdu, which is full of beautiful flowers. According to records, the name of Chengdu was borrowed from the history of the establishment of the capital in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Chengdu, because of which it is called Chengdu".

Since the Han Dynasty, the brocade weaving industry in Chengdu developed and became an important source of tribute to the imperial court. The imperial court set up brocade management and built "Jinguan City" in the southwest of the city. Therefore, later generations used Jinguan City as another name for Chengdu, referred to as "Jincheng" . Good rain knows the season, when spring is here.Sneaked into the night wind, moisten things silently. The wild trails are all dark, and the river boats are full of fire.Xiao sees the red wet place, and the flowers are heavy in the official city.

We changed horses and came to the prosperous Jinguan City. As soon as we approached the city gate, Chuanbei Shuangsha showed his token, and the city gate opened wide. I looked left and right, thinking hard about possible ways to escape. , Bright eyes turned: "Miss Hua, are you thinking of a way to break the city?" I smiled and said, "Since ancient times, Chengdu has been the capital of Yizhou. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. I, Hua Mujin, broke through the city alone. How easy is it?" Feng Suihu pursed his lips and smiled: "A normal person would have been scared out of his wits along the way, but Miss Hua chatted and laughed happily with me and Xiaolong. If you are not the person my lord wants, we can be friends."

Immediately, I smiled sincerely at Feng Suihu and said, "Thank you, Sister Feng for your love. If we meet again in the next life, Hua Mujin will definitely marry Sister Feng and Brother Yun as brothers and sisters of the opposite sex." Feng Suihu seemed a little surprised that I would say such words, stood there stunned, Yun Conglong, who was walking in front, also turned his head to look at me, then turned back with a cold face, and turned to the flirting Duan Yuerong Run with Yang Lushui. Feng Suihu looked at me silently for a while, and said: "Miss Hua, I think that Dou Yinghua, although he can't be compared with Young Master Dou Xue, is also an elegant person who loves fragrance and loves jade. Lord, one can save your life, and the other is that with Miss Hua's talent, she will definitely be favored and become a sister with me."

I looked at her and smiled lightly. Chuanbei Shuangsha rented sliding poles for everyone, walked for several miles, changed sedan chairs again, and came to a rich family. Smiling, I walked in front with my head down, passed the screen wall and passed through several hand-painted verandahs, and came to a garden full of hibiscus flowers of various colors. , what is blowing on the face is the warm spring breeze full of flowers, prosperity and peace. "But are you afraid?" Duan Yuerong suddenly whispered in my ear: "Your suzerain, Yuan Qingjiang, is his deadly enemy. Tell me how he will punish you?"

My ears were itchy, I resisted pushing him away, and said calmly: "Then are you ready to divide your country with him and kill your compatriots?" His evil smile disappeared immediately, and he stared at me with fascinated eyes for a while. When we came to the place where the hibiscus bloomed the most, a young man in his thirties was practicing archery with our backs behind his back. He was wearing a satin-colored Shu brocade home-made clothes, embroidered with big and rich hibiscus, and the workmanship was extremely exquisite. Exquisite, behind is a woman in Chinese clothes, although she has plain jade makeup, her face is moist and beautiful, she is dressed in a strong outfit, holding a quiver in both hands, and her expression is very respectful.

Chuanbei Double Kill respectfully knelt down: "Chuanbei Double Kill has brought Duan Shizi and Miss Hua here." The young man who practiced archery turned around, and gently handed the bow and arrow to the woman in fine clothes. At first glance, this man's appearance is only fair and upright, with a neatly trimmed beard, which may be barely related to a beautiful character, but there is a heroic spirit in his brows, a faint smile, a romantic looming, and his gestures are full of a kind The allure of the rich. He bowed to Duan Yuerong, Duan Yuerong smiled back and sat in the garden, Chuanbei Shuangsha and I were stopped outside, the distance was too much, I couldn't hear what they said, the two were talking and laughing happily, but Yang Lushui didn't stop The hands pouring the wine trembled slightly, and a trace of bitterness appeared on Meiyan's face, and finally became more and more miserable. "Miss Hua, don't be afraid." Feng Suihu comforted softly, and Yun Conglong immediately shouted in a low voice: "Be careful, Hu'er." Feng Suihu's words fell into my heart like a stone, and I immediately had an idea. At this time, a servant came to pass me in. I made up my mind and walked in with my head down. I intentionally trembled and walked in step by step. The servant led me to the back and retreated. I quietly Looking up, I saw Dou Yinghua sitting at the head, Duan Yuerong was deep in thought, Yang Lushui's pretty eyes were tearful. I stood there without saying a word, and the woman in the gorgeous dress said softly, "Why don't you kneel down when you see Mr. Dou?" "Xuan Jiang, don't frighten Mrs. Ru, Mrs. Treading Snow." Dou Yinghua's gentle voice came, unbelievable. This is the conspirator who forced the eldest princess to death and usurped the throne in history. Kneeling there with a plop, shaking into a ball, looking up in horror, only to hear Dou Yinghua smile at me: "I want to forgive you for disturbing Madam, please hurry up." I didn't dare to speak there, tears rolled in my eyes. Dou Yinghua motioned to the left and right to help me up, two maids came over and pulled me up, then frowned unconsciously, the woman in Chinese clothes Xuan Jiang pointed to my pants and said: "Master Hui, this woman is so scared that she defecates." body." Dou Yinghua also frowned, slightly disappointed and said: "Then take Mrs. Hua down first to change clothes." In history, someone once used the words "arbitrary authority" to describe Dou Yinghua. Yuan Feibai also talked with me at night while holding a candle, saying that this person is not only authoritarian but also insidious and repetitive. These characteristics are considered by later generations to be a sharp weapon for his political career, but they also became his fatal blow. At that time, in order to escape for my life, I pretended to be a useless and cowardly woman image, and I was so scared that I defecated on my body. I deceived Dou Yinghua. Such a nobleman naturally hated me so much that someone took me down, and he didn't even look at me again, so that after a few years I changed my outfit again, he didn't even recognize me. However, this incident has become another focus of debate among historians and officials in the future about Queen Zhenjing. My supporters warmly praised in the "Biography of Empress Zhenjing":...Hou Zhiyong calm, pretending to be a mediocre woman and fearing makeup, thieves hate her, confused and make people back, but asked left and right: "Is this woman really a stepping stone?" Concubine Xue Ai?" The left and right said yes, the thief reassuredly transferred the empress to Duan Wang, and when he saw the picture of the Shenglian duck play, he knew that the empress was very human, but the Duan family had fled three hundred miles away with the empress, and drove people to chase him It's too late, it's too late, Shizu attacked Jincheng eight years later, the thieves lost it, Gai Tanchu failed to stay and took hostage... But my political opponents cursed in "Dou Shi Zuo Zhuan": "The treacherous concubine is stern, cowardly and incompetent. She was taken captive to Jincheng. The thief wanted to see the concubine, so the concubine was terrified and inexplicable. Xue has eyes but no pearls and ears!', the concubine cried and offered a picture of Shenglian duck play, the thief sneered: "I have women who are like cow hair, there are many of them, there are many of them who have your talents, and there are many of them who are better than your appearance, you Only if you can serve the Duan family can you save your life.' The concubine is greedy for life, and if she allows it, the thief will send her to Duan Wang to humiliate the son..." Chuanbei Shuangsha was slightly surprised, and I was carried off by two maids to change clothes. On the fifth day of March in the third year of Yongye, Duan Yuerong and Dou Yinghua signed the "Jincheng Alliance" in the official residence of Dou Yinghua's Jinguan City. Dou Yinghua was willing to help Duan Yuerong reflect the righteous king. After the Yuan clan was destroyed, Yang Lushui stayed at Dou's house as a hostage. Dou Yinghua thought I was just a cowardly and useless woman. In order to insult Yuan Feibai and increase the hatred between Duan and Yuan, Duan Yuerong also had this unsolicited request. , so he readily gave me to Duan Yuerong. At that time, there were two women who were particularly famous. Zhang Zhiyan, the prefect of Eastern Wu, took the number one beauty in Gusu, Luo Yuhua. It is said that this lady had the gift of heaven and man, and she especially liked jewelry, especially Dongzhu. In order to dote on her, Yan searched for rare Dongzhu from the people and presented it to her to make her smile, so people called this lady Mrs. Huadong, or Dongzhu Beauty. And the other one is a woman who is famous all over the world because of a picture of a lotus and duck opera by Young Master Treading Snow. For Mrs. Huaxi, it was only at this moment that Mrs. Huaxi's whereabouts were spread all over the world. The next day, Dou Yinghua bid farewell to Duan Yuerong in front of the official residence, and sent fifty elite riders to escort Duan Yuerong to Bozhou in central Guizhou. Central Guizhou has been the birthplace of the Yugang family of the Bai nationality since ancient times. Meng Zhao stationed troops in Bozhou, waiting for Duan Yuerong's return with the old prince who had escaped death. I changed into a clean lake-colored skirt and sat on the horse silently. Duan Yuerong changed into a riding outfit made of Shu brocade, and her face was repaired. Pretending to be affectionate and leaning over my shoulder: "Yesterday you acted really well, and Dou Yinghua actually asked me that you pee on me every day." He laughed again there, and I carefully turned to my side, hiding He opened his breath, but he pulled my sleeve: "Guess what will happen to Mr. Treading Snow when he heard that Dou Yinghua transferred his concubine to me." Yang Lushui looked at us from the side of Dou Yinghua, his bright eyes were shining with anger, but when he walked over, they had turned into water-like gentleness, and said goodbye to Duan Yuerong with tears. I was silent, gnawing the fruit of regret in my heart again, if I had listened to Feibai's words and went to Wancheng, Henan obediently, why would I be so strong in dancing with wolves!
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